Office 2 Solution

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health technologies,

services and recreation:




health technologies, services and recreation:..................................................................................1

Block I. Technology and its relationship with other areas of knowledge....................................4
P. 12 Individual activity....................................................................................................4
P. 13 Group activity...........................................................................................................5
P. 13 Group activity...........................................................................................................5
P. 14 Group activity...........................................................................................................6
In teams of four, investigate the history and evolution of paper production:...................6
HISTORY AND EVOLUTION OF PAPER PRODUCTION..........................................6
P. 15 Individual activity....................................................................................................7
How are they carried out today?........................................................................................7
Do they use office tools?...................................................................................................7
What was achieved with the use of these tools?...............................................................7
P. 15 Group activity...........................................................................................................7
P. 17 Group activity...........................................................................................................8
P. 20 Group activity...........................................................................................................8
P. 21 Individual activity....................................................................................................9

Office 2 Solution
P. 24 Group activity...........................................................................................................9
P. 26 Individual activity..................................................................................................10
P. 31 Individual activity..................................................................................................10
P. 32 Group activity.........................................................................................................10
P. 33 - 34.........................................................................................................................12
C. Alphabet soup. Answer the questions that follow, then look for the answers in the
word search......................................................................................................................12
D. In the following list, find the correct answer to complete the sentences:............13
Block II. Technical change and social change...........................................................................13
P. 39 Individual activity..................................................................................................13
For a service you use every day, describe what processes could be improved in terms of
time and cost....................................................................................................................13
P. 41 External Activity in Couples..................................................................................13
How many hierarchical levels are there?........................................................................14
Is there clarity in the line of command?..........................................................................14
It specifically establishes that greater hierarchy corresponds to greater responsibility.. 15
P. 43 Individual activity..................................................................................................15
P. 45 Individual activity..................................................................................................16
P. 46 Individual activity..................................................................................................16
P. 48 Individual activity..................................................................................................17
P. 49 Individual activity..................................................................................................18
P. 50 Individual activity..................................................................................................19
Was your home school close to you? Yeah.....................................................................19
Compare their experience with yours..............................................................................19
What materials do you use in the classrooms? Screens, projectors, computers..............20
What teaching materials do your teachers use? Projectors, educational programs.........20
Briefly explain how technical changes make work easier..............................................20
P. 52 Individual activity..................................................................................................20
R= Advantages. Some are:..............................................................................................20
Disadvantages. Among other:.........................................................................................20
P. 53 Individual activity..................................................................................................21
P. 54 Individual activity..................................................................................................21
P. 55 Individual activity..................................................................................................21
P. 58 Individual activity..................................................................................................21
P. 61 Group activity.........................................................................................................22
A. Answer and look for the answers in the following crossword puzzle..................22
P. 64.................................................................................................................................24
B. Search the Internet for another example of technical change (similar to ATMs).
Make a comparison of how it was done before and now:...............................................24
P. 64 - 67.........................................................................................................................24

Office 2 Solution
C. Answer the following questions:..........................................................................24
1. Mention the benefits that society obtains with the arrival of the Internet................24
2. Describe what a system is........................................................................................24
4. What do you understand by labor?..........................................................................24
5. Describe what technique you apply in your home to generate less pollution..........24
6. Mention an example of hardware used in office automation...................................24
7. Write the basic activities of an office system..........................................................24
8. Describe what you understand by WiFi and WiMAX.............................................24
9. Why is it important to innovate in technical changes?............................................24
10. Describe the function of the flowchart.................................................................25
Block III. The technique and its implications in Nature.........................................................26
P. 71 External Activity in Couples..................................................................................26
P. 71 External Activity in Couples..................................................................................26
1. What office automation technique would have an environmental impact?.............26
P. 72 Individual activity..................................................................................................26
Is it possible to see a trend in energy use? Do you think that equipment today is more
efficient than 50 years ago?.............................................................................................26
P. 73 Group activity.........................................................................................................27
1. Investigate if garbage is separated at your home and school in the following way:27
P. 76 Individual activity on the Internet..........................................................................30
P. 77 Individual activity..................................................................................................30
P. 77 Individual activity..................................................................................................30
What other changes do you think a dam produces in the environment?.........................30
Research on the Internet the production process of electrical energy and the
consequences it has on the environment.........................................................................30
Page 78 Group activity....................................................................................................31
Of the above, which do you think produce environmental impacts due to the service and
use of office automation..................................................................................................31
P. 81 Group activity.........................................................................................................31
P. 83 Individual activity..................................................................................................32
P. 83 Individual activity..................................................................................................32
P. 85 External Activity in Couples..................................................................................33
Could a composting project be done with the organic waste from your school?............33
P. 85 Individual activity..................................................................................................33
Investigate other bad practices that harm the environment and propose alternatives to
reduce the damage they cause.........................................................................................33
P. 87 Individual activity..................................................................................................33
P. 88 Group activity.........................................................................................................34
P. 89 Individual activity..................................................................................................34
1. According to the previous example, investigate what other processes can be carried
out in companies that involve the precautionary principle..............................................35

Office 2 Solution
TO. Answer the following questions:..............................................................................38
Block IV. Planning and technical organization......................................................................40
P. 100 External Activity in Couples................................................................................41
P. 101 External Activity in Couples................................................................................41
P. 101 Individual activity................................................................................................41
P. 102 External Activity in Couples................................................................................42
P. 105 Individual activity................................................................................................42
P. 106 Group activity.......................................................................................................43
P. 108 Group activity.......................................................................................................43
P. 109 Individual activity................................................................................................43
Student Responsibilities..................................................................................................44
P. 111 Group activity.......................................................................................................44
P. 111 Group activity.......................................................................................................45
in its:................................................................................................................................45
P. 113 Individual activity................................................................................................46
Block V. Industrial production project...................................................................................47
P. 119 Individual activity................................................................................................47
P. 119 Individual activity................................................................................................47
P. 122 Individual activity................................................................................................47
P. 123 External Activity in Couples................................................................................48
1. In your words, explain what differences there are between work design and
2. What aesthetic manifestations can you mention that are part of your life?.............48
3. Why do you think aesthetics are important at work?...............................................48
2. Exchange the information obtained with your group mates and suggest how they
could avoid them.............................................................................................................49
1. What do you understand by model?.........................................................................49
2. What is the difference between simulator and prototype?.......................................49

Block I. Technology and its relationship with other areas of


P. 12 Individual activity
What do you think science is? Answer this question without consulting any source and once
you have your definition, exchange points of view with your classmates. From the definitions you
have, create one that encompasses everyone's.
R= It is the set of knowledge obtained through observation and reasoning, systematically
structured and from which general principles and laws are deduced.

Office 2 Solution
P. 13 Group activity
Organize yourself into teams of three members who live close to each other. Identify which
techniques are most applied in the society in which you live. What economic activity
predominates in your community (livestock farming, agriculture, craft workshops, mechanical
workshops, printing presses, professional services, financial services, commerce, etc.)? What
kind of technologies are used to develop these activities (mechanical, computer, electronic,
manual technology)? What scientific knowledge is required to carry out this activity and how do
the technologies used apply it to obtain a practical benefit?
R= Economic activity is understood to be that which takes place to obtain products, goods or
services that cover the needs of society.

This activity aims for students to use their knowledge, skills and experiences together.

P. 13 Group activity
In teams of four, develop a definition of science and a definition of technology . Choose a
representative from each team to present their definitions to the rest of the group. Discuss the
main differences between both concepts and develop together, with the teacher's support, a
common definition for both.
R= Science: (from lat. scientia ) set of knowledge obtained through observation and reasoning,
systematically structured and from which general principles and laws are deduced.

Technology: is the set of perfected techniques to carry out processes.

Office 2 Solution
Main differences between both concepts: Science is associated with man's desire to know and
understand the world around him; while technology, with doing things to satisfy needs. In
short, we associate science with knowing and technology with doing. Technology can be seen as
the practical application of science, although science does not always give technological results.

P. 14 Group activity
In teams of four, investigate the history and evolution of paper production:
History The first papermaking process was developed by Cai Lun, advisor to
Emperor He of China, using the waste of silk, rice and hemp straw, as
well as cotton.
In Mexico, the manufacture of paper dates back to the year 500 AD by
the Mayans; Later, the Aztecs improved their process based on fig tree
bark, which they softened by beating and then treated with water and
lime to remove the sap; They formed sheets on flat boards and let
them dry in the air, then peeled them off and used them as paper.

Evolution China had the knowledge of production for 500 years; The first country
where it was introduced was Japan in 610, and around 750 in Central
Asia; It was transmitted to the Arabs who in turn took it to Spain and

Sicily in the 10TH century ; Papermaking spread to France, which

produced it using linen since the 12TH century .

Methods used by Various acids and chemicals (sulfates, chlorine and their derivatives)
science to are used to make it more durable, as well as different colors.
improve it

Technology used A modern factory uses large machines to produce pulp for making
for paper paper from tree trunks, including the bark; They are placed on a belt
improvement which sends them to vats to crush them, large and small impurities are
separated. The pasta is prepared in a device called a pulper (similar to
a large mixer) and is transported along belts to integrate chemicals
that make it malleable; It is sent to rollers on which a sieve is made.

Office 2 Solution
The pressed paper web is passed through a series of hollow rollers
through which steam circulates at high temperatures. To do this, it is
accompanied by a felt blanket that prevents the sheet from moving
away from the cylinder, helping to dry and guiding the sheet.
Characteristics Laser paper, on the other hand, is softer and thicker to avoid
of paper designed may warp due to the intense heat of the printer.
for laser printer

Characteristics Inkjet paper tends to be more absorbent, dries

of paper designed quickly remove small drops of ink before an image or text becomes
for inkjet printers smudged.


P. 15 Individual activity
Investigate in your family environment the work activities carried out by your grandparents or
elderly people, as well as the instruments or equipment they used for it.
A= In general the products were made manually, with few tools, using local raw materials and
transformation and production processes transmitted from generation to generation.

How are they carried out today?

Various machines and tools appeared that help improve and operate an office.

Do they use office tools?

Yes, computers, calculators, computer programs, staplers, nails (to remove staples), scissors,
pencils, pencil sharpeners, among others, are used.

What was achieved with the use of these tools?

The simplification of tasks and the reduction of times in their execution.

P. 15 Group activity
In this activity they will hold a round table to comment on the personal, social and cultural
value that office automation services have to satisfy the needs of daily life. To start the activity,
a rain of

ideas on the topics we mentioned. Then, have your teacher define discussion points and divide
the group into teams that defend a position.
R= Office automation services have a presence in the personal, social and cultural spheres. It is
common that a spreadsheet is used to make a shopping list or email works to communicate with

Office 2 Solution
family, friends, etc.; They also give access to books, magazines, dictionaries, even virtual visits
to museums.

P. 17 Group activity
In teams of three members, carry out documentary research about the traditional techniques
used for warehouse registration and control (FIFO, UEPS, Kárdex, etc.); reproduce some of them
and describe how others have been incorporated today to achieve the same purposes. Identify
what changes and what remains.
R= Documentary research is that technique where important information is searched, selected,
and collected; logical procedures are used for said activity. There are various types of
documentary research: historical, descriptive and experimental.

Registration techniques:
The FIFO method is based on the fact that the first units to enter the warehouse or production
will be the first to leave.

UEPS. Method based on the fact that the last units to enter the warehouse or production will be
the first to leave.

The KÁRDEX is the organized record of all the merchandise held in a warehouse. The count is
carried out, a measurement value is given, and the unit price; This information would become
the initial inventory. Afterwards with which you part. The products are then classified by their
common characteristics and then the cards that can be found in stationery stores or in any
accounting program are filled out.

P. 20 Group activity
In this activity they will hold a round table where they will discuss the relationship between
technology and the social and natural sciences, as well as its influence on the development of
technology. Before carrying out the activity, each one writes a brainstorm about the topics we
mentioned. Then, define the points you are going to discuss and divide them according to the
position you defend.
R= Science and technology are closely related, they affect each other and share knowledge
construction processes. The natural sciences follow the rigor of the scientific method and their
postulates are accepted only when they have been

Office 2 Solution
proven or a certain theory is corroborated. This is why technology plays a fundamental role in its
development, because it allows experiments and observations to be carried out that far exceed
the physical capabilities of the human body.

The social sciences study the origin and development of society. Among them are anthropology,
history, geography, etc., and they have been modified by the use of technology.

P. 21 Individual activity
In the following table, relate the main office techniques with the field of knowledge to which they
belong, the improvement in processes and how it helps to achieve plans. Follow the example:
Technique Knowledge field Improvement Achievement of

Archive Historical The resolution of previous Less time is spent

problems is available, as well making decisions,
as the results obtained. and errors are

Correspondence Language Programs with document Facilitate

models. communication with
clients, suppliers, etc.

P. 24 Group activity
Form teams of four people and make a diagram indicating the benefits of ICT when developing a
technique. Do it simply and clearly; At the end, they will come to the front of the group and
present their scheme.


Information Success in the tasks Generation of technological

organization carried out innovation

Office 2 Solution
P. 26 Individual activity
In your area, identify a service where you consider there is a planning or organization problem.
Present the case to your group and try to find possible solutions.
A= For example in the installation of the telephone network, they drill the ground, cover it and
then those from another service arrive and drill and cover it again; If planning existed, the same
thing would not have to be done twice, which would save human and material resources.

P. 31 Individual activity
Choose a technical office procedure that is used in a company, identify and describe the phases
that were followed when it was carried out. Discuss with your colleagues how they can improve
the process or one of its phases.
R= Change in the preparation of invoices from mechanical to automated:
F. 1 Implementation of software linked to the cash register machine.
F. 2 Training of staff on the use of the software.
F. 3 Individual printing and data communication tests.
F. 4 Interaction of the system since it involves Accounting, Warehouse, Sales and Cash
F. 5 Tests that involve all departments.
F. 6 Launch.

P. 32 Group activity
The project will consist of teams of four members developing a survey to apply to the office staff
of their school in order to detect a technical problem in the administrative process. Create a table
with the resources available, as well as possible solutions, and discuss it as a group.
R= This activity requires students to use their knowledge, skills and experiences together.

They will include questions such as:

1. Do you have a department to control and review communications with educational
authorities, with parents, with students?
2. Do they have an annual calendar of academic activities, such as interscholastic
competitions, production of wall newspapers, etc.?

P. 33
TO. Column relationship. Place the corresponding number inside the parentheses.
1. It has the function of applying scientific procedures to practical ( 3 ) Extractive

2. Seeks to systematize work in the offices to improve the process. ( 7 ) Manufacturing

Office 2 Solution
3. They are dedicated to the exploitation of natural resources, ( 1 ) Technology
renewable or non-renewable, such as fishing, etc.
4. It is the systematic application of scientific knowledge. ( 8 ) Scientist
5. Try to expand and deepen your knowledge of reality. ( 6 ) Industrial

6. Its primary activity is the production of goods. ( 4 ) Techniques

7. They transform raw materials into finished products. ( 5 ) Science
8. Method that science uses to explain and understand the ( 2 ) Office
phenomena that surround us.

P. 33
8. Fill in the empty spaces, giving shape and coherence to the text.
1. Planning consists of making a work plan to achieve a result.
2. Planning establishes objectives to define a program of actions.
3. Strategy formulation is the stage that establishes the mission of a company .

Office 2 Solution
4. The evaluation of strategies is the stage that reviews the validity of the factors
internal and external .

P. 33 - 34
C. Alphabet soup. Answer the questions that follow, then look for the answers in
the word search.
1. Science that studies the physical aspects of the world outside of man. Natural
2. Science that studies the origin and development of society. Social
3. Service that requires good technologies for its good presentation. Personal
4. Mention three essential services in a home. Water , electricity and gas
5. Communication method that allows us to exchange information in seconds. Internet
6. Manual that serves as a support instrument, which defines and establishes the organic
and functional structure. Organization
7. What is the purpose of each company? Revenue
8. Information technology and communication. TIC

Q AND R Yes EIT N TO l AND Yes d Yes AND d c AND g AND N EIT
T Yo g Ñ K M c Q R Ñ Q Yo N c Yes c Yo g EIT AND
N l J. M Yes h h x TO OR x l Yo AND M R l Yes g OR
TO W b b g N Q V Yes Yo d AND Q R N Yo Q Yes R EIT
c AND c V d AND W g AND OR F Yes W TO h c Q R TO R
J. OR W d d TO AND h d h g Q F Yes AND Yo TO AND Q g
TO g OR TO Yes b R J. c Q AND R g h OR d Z N T TO
N b b c x TO T OR g TO R T Q OR AND TO x EIT T N
l c N N TO T OR R TO l AND Yes J. T Q R Q Yo J. TO
EIT J. F W T l x W T b EIT g OR EIT W TO OR c M c
OR Yo AND Q AND J. c AND AND h l g h l T d AND N Yo Yo
T Yo c d AND F V T OR AND M F b l b AND Q TO K EIT
TO b TO AND TO d b b Yo OR d TO N TO h AND AND N Q N

P. 35

Office 2 Solution
D. In the following list, find the correct answer to complete the sentences:

Industrial Maintenance

Facilities Problem
Planning Object
System Cousins

Subject General

Organization Supplies
Productive Manufacture

Supervision Components
Job Characteristics
Strategies Goals

1. The production process is one that consists of transforming inputs into goods or
2. The production process, also called industrial process , manufacturing , etc., is the set of
operations necessary to modify the characteristics of raw materials .
3. Problem delimitation consists of discarding all possibilities that are not related to the
problem being analyzed.
4. System is a composite object , whose components are related to at least one other.
5. The process encompasses workload planning , employee supervision , and facility
maintenance or improvement.
6. The organization of a service requires establishing general objectives, selecting
strategies for said objectives; set objectives and prepare a financial plan.

Block II. Technical change and social change

P. 39 Individual activity
For a service you use every day, describe what processes could be improved in terms
of time and cost.
A= Electricity is a daily use service whose cost has risen over time. Regardless of the
recommended savings, solar cells can contribute: they are placed outside to charge in the light
and heat of the Sun and the energy can be used in heaters, light bulbs and even electrical

P. 41 External Activity in Couples

Investigate the organization of the school you attend and prepare the organizational chart
according to the departments into which it is divided. Analyze the interrelationship between
coordination positions or supervise with the rest of the functions.
R= To prepare the organization chart, the teacher will direct the activity. From there the answers
to the following questions are derived. What is noted are only examples:

Office 2 Solution
How many hierarchical levels are there?
Four hierarchical levels are managed.

Is there clarity in the line of command?

Yes, your organization is linear, where each boss receives and transmits what happens in his
area. Your objectives: development, stability or interaction.

Office 2 Solution
It specifically establishes that greater hierarchy corresponds to greater responsibility.

P. 43 Individual activity
Relate with lines the concepts in column A with those in column B :
TO b

Suppliers Look for customers to place the produced goods.

Sales Plan, organize, direct and control the company's


Employee It is responsible for recruiting and retaining the right

person to do a specific job.

Human Resources Natural person who offers their services in exchange

for financial remuneration.

Administration They are part of the company's external relations, they

offer inputs that are required to produce a good or

P. 44 Individual activity
Investigate the practices of the departments of a company in your community and

Office 2 Solution
compare your work with that of your colleagues.
A= The purpose of this activity is for students to identify and explain the needs and interests of a

P. 45 Individual activity
Identify the different technical changes that a company implements or uses (automotive, soft
drinks or electronic devices) and classify them into one of these three categories: hand tools that
reproduce human actions, machinery with control actions or machines with regulation
mechanisms and control.
R= Technical changes are applied to solve some problem, which may be specific to the
production process, some improvement that allows increasing the quantity of goods produced in
a certain period or increasing the quality of the products.

P. 46 Individual activity
Invent your own company in the field you prefer. Then, according to the goals you have, create
an organizational chart and identify the way in which the departments will relate to make it work.
R= Example of a fictitious company.

The answers vary according to the students' choice.

Office 2 Solution
P. 48 Individual activity
Prepare a table with the different office automation techniques used in a public institution such as
a hospital and compare them with the techniques to provide financial services. Then, present
your conclusions to the group.
office technique Hospital Bank

Switch/phones Yeah Yeah

Printers Yeah Yeah

Computers Yeah Yeah

Copiers Yeah Yeah

Fax Yeah Yeah

Word processor Yeah Yeah

Spreadsheet Yeah Yeah

Presentation program Yeah Yeah

Databases Yeah Yeah

Collection and payment boxes Yeah Yeah

Machines to receive payment by credit card Yeah Yeah

ATM Yeah Yeah

Electronic medical equipment (X-ray, CT scanner, Yeah No


Audiovisual equipment Yeah Yeah

Systems with national network Yeah Yeah

Office 2 Solution
Conclusions: The techniques and technical means are similar, the purpose is the same, only the
direction and the people to whom the result is directed change.

P. 49 Individual activity
For this activity, you need to make a list of 10 types of services that your community offers, so
that you can then identify their products, as well as the need they satisfy and the elements they
require. Of the services you chose, mention in at least one the conditions that are required to
achieve user satisfaction.

PHARMACY Medicines Of health. Database with stocks of


BANK Services Care and management of Multimedia devices, interactive

financial money; for payments of technologies, etc.
services, transfers, deposits,

AIRLINE Journey Transfer. Database with available flights as

well as schedules
communication technology

RESTAURANT Food, variety of Of physical necessity, eat. Cash registers

dishes, attention and Communication,

service. Terminals to receive payments

TELEPHONY Telephones, Communication. Local and cellular telephone

telephone lines network, communications
systems, telephone devices

HOTEL Rooms and service. Rest, work, entertainment. Databases, telephony, reservation

ELECTRICITY Light and energy for Lighting, heat, movements, Energy distribution networks,
provision in offices, signals. cables, meters, technology to
homes, hospitals, verify consumption, light bulbs,
everything. etc.
WASHING Cleaning. Comfort, hygiene. Hoses, water pumps, vacuum
CARS cleaners.

CINEMA Films/ Entertainment, culture. Projector, movie theaters,

Candy store ticketing.

Office 2 Solution
Conditions required to achieve user satisfaction in the case of a cinema:

• Well connected room.

• Good visibility.
• Good sound.
• Air-conditioning.
• Affordable prices.

P. 50 Individual activity
Discuss with your parents or an older person what your experience was as a student in your
R= How was it transported? Tram, crocodiles (taxis), trucks, trolleybus, walking, etc.

What supplies did you have in your backpack? Pencil, eraser, notebooks, pencil sharpener,

What was your backpack like? Leather similar to a suitcase, with buckles to close them.

What materials were used in the classrooms? Chalk, blackboard, eraser, world map, globe,

What teaching materials did the teachers use? Globe, sheets, puzzles, blackboard, etc.

How did you do your homework? By hand on a notebook with pencil or ink.

Where were you looking for information? Libraries, textbooks, encyclopedias and asking

Was your home school close to you? Yeah.

Compare their experience with yours

How do you get around? Car, metro, metrobus, truck.

What supplies do you carry in your backpack? Notebooks, textbooks, pen, pencil, colors,
eraser, markers, calculator, iPads, etc.

What is your backpack like? Made of various materials such as canvas, leather, plastic, with
wheels, without wheels, closures, snaps, etc.

Office 2 Solution
What materials do you use in the classrooms? Screens, projectors, computers.

What teaching materials do your teachers use? Projectors, educational programs.

How do you do your tasks? On the computer and in notebooks at hand.

Where do you look for information? textbooks, Internet, rarely in libraries.

Briefly explain how technical changes make work easier.

These changes make work easier, since it is not necessary to go to libraries to look for
information; Internet on the computer the work can be done, which can be corrected, saved and

P. 52 Individual activity
Identify five activities carried out in your home for which one of the office automation
applications could be useful. How did these activities develop when your parents were
R= Search for information to carry out a school task, shopping list, calculate expenses, bill
online; buy online. Before it was done by hand and the information was obtained in libraries.

P. 52 Group activity
Through a brainstorming session, discuss in your classroom the advantages and disadvantages of
using information technology in the provision of services, as well as what the needs and
knowledge that production systems demand from society will be.
R= Advantages. Some are:
Increase in production.
Facilitates animated performances.
Allows you to simulate complex processes.
Facilitates interdisciplinarity and multidisciplinarity.
Users become more productive with less effort.

Disadvantages. Among other:

Lack of privacy.

It reduces jobs.
Internet addiction.
General decrease in physical activity.
Abuse or inappropriate use.

Office 2 Solution
P. 53 Individual activity
Investigate what influence state policies, cultural aspects, economic and social policy can have on
the technological development of our country and prepare a summary.
A= For now, state policies, cultural aspects, etc. have had a negative influence on the
technological development of the country. We note:

1. Lack of understanding of the importance of technological development.

2. General disarticulation between universities, industry and government.
3. High vulnerability of research and development centers to the crisis.
4. Limited resources and oriented to short-term needs.
5. Excessive and slow bureaucratic procedures.

P. 54 Individual activity
For a company you choose, identify the functions it performs in the production of goods or
services and with what resources.
R= For the production of a certain product or service, a multitude of operations is necessary,
from the extraction of the necessary natural resources to the sale of the product.

Management functions:
They are solely the responsibility of the company's management, such as strategic planning and
continuous improvement (infrastructure, financial management, equipment acquisition, etc.)

Operational functions:
Definition of product lines.
The stages in manufacturing (flow chart).
Distribution and marketing.

Human, natural and technical means.

P. 55 Individual activity
Investigate what the functions of an office are and how they are performed. Then, with your
classmates, discuss the needs of managing the computers according to the service needs.
A= The functions of an office vary according to the department to which it belongs: some of its
activities are: answering the telephone, keeping the boss's agenda, writing correspondence,
filing, etc. All of them were carried out with the equipment that the office had: typewriter or
computer, photocopier, fax, etc.

P. 58 Individual activity
Interview an office worker you know. Guide your questions towards the type of profile necessary
to work there, as well as what knowledge of new techniques you need to do your job.
A= The teacher will guide the students about the questions they will ask the people they will

Office 2 Solution
interview, and the way to approach the interviewees.

P. 61 Group activity
In teams of three members, identify a technical problem that exists in your school. Analyze the
available resources and develop a productive project to solve it.
R= A technical problem exists when there is a set of circumstances that make it difficult to
achieve a goal. The teacher will guide the students in developing the productive project to solve
the identified problem.

P. 62 and 63

A. Answer and look for the answers in the following crossword puzzle.
1. It generates progress and new challenges in all fields of human activity. Industrial
2. Procedure or set of procedures intended to obtain a result such as manufacturing goods
or providing services. Technique
3. Technique that is responsible for providing the means to move cargo or people from one
place to another. Transport
4. This process occurs in places where a specific product is developed and marketed in
other sites, entities or countries. Productive
5. It is a consequence of the interests of society. Technical development
6. In this department, goods and merchandise are created and processed. Production
7. It indicates what the company's global strategy is. Address

Office 2 Solution
8. Aligns the company's internal policies with the organization's global strategy. Human
9. It is the promotion of the goods or services offered by the company. Advertising
10. Its purpose is to maximize profits for the owners. Finance
11. Plan, organize, direct and control the company's resources. Administration
12. Applies computer technology to the development, storage and distribution of
information, using hardware and software . Computing
13. Look for clients to place the product. Sales
14. It is that relationship that is established between work and capital. Internal and
AN V h OR Yo N V d Yes c V b T OR J. Q Yo M b F N b T g c d F AN R AN
V d AN Yes TO R R EIT l l EIT T AN c N Yo c EIT M Q Yes Q V b N J. OR Z x b
Ñ l Ye c V b N J. Yo g d TO N AN g T TO d M Yo N Yo Yes T R TO c Yo EIT N
s D HE
V b N V b AN x
AN R T N TO Yes b T AN R AN d F b N J.Yo EIT Q Ñ l TO Yes
c Yo b N M Q W AN R b g h AN OR Yo M Yo K l Q W AN TO Q M N c F R AN
V N c F R AN c Yes Q W AN R EIT b h OR Yes l W AN R g T R c F R T h N
AN T V g T AN OR M K Yo EIT V b g T AN TO c V b N M x d AN d T V b N
M AN V b g T AN h N J. Yo M K Yo EIT x Z c V F R T b OR Q TO R Z x AN
b R b h AN c d AN F T d c V b N M N F AN R N TO N c EIT AN TO TO x c
V N b g T c N EIT c AN N R Yo AN R g TO b g T TO W Yes c c V N b h AN
c TO AN OR J. M c OR x Yes W R F V g h N AN T R c F V Yo N h Yes AN h K
b Yes V g T b d b T AN g T N J. Yo K Yo TO c d b b d EIT AN R Q b g T
c TO d EIT V EIT N h AN J. R N V F R T F b g T AN J. M N c V EIT b g T
AN Z h M R M J. OR TO W AN T M J. K W AN R c V g b N h Q W R V b g
c V b Q g AN N EIT AN TO V AN c TO l l AN F R T AN h d AN l V T R Yo EIT
c AN R T AN OR J. M EIT Q Q OR b l Yo c Yo d TO d M N b g T c
Yo EIT Q b g T AN OR J. M Yes W x c V b g T AN OR J. N g F d W AN V F b
V F R T Z x c d AN R T N h J. OR Yo EIT l M l Ñ Q b h AN OR Yo TO Z c
Yes R AN V EIT l OR c Yo EIT N Yo N d OR Yes T R Yo TO l c V Yo N h OR Yo K l
V b g T AN h N M J. OR b h Yo M K l AN Yes AN d c V F N Q W AN R g h
b h AN c d AN F Q W AN d AN R g N h c M J. Yo K TO Yes F c V b h AN N
N h Q TO Z x V AN N T TO Yes c V g T N b N h AN OR Yo EIT M J. OR Yo TO Z
Q W AN R T AN g b N h AN M J. OR Q F Yo N h OR Yo EIT l R x c F R b b
l W AN R g T c V F T b N h M J. OR c g T b N h OR M M F TO N J. OR
c V b N M x c N F M K l EIT Q Q TO TO V b N M K Yo TO EIT Q Yes N c d
c V F R T b c F R AN c Yes Q W AN R EIT Q Ñ l TO Yes V T Q W AN d c b
F AN R N TO N V b g T AN h N M J. OR b h Yo M M K Yo Yo Q d R V g OR
c V R AN c OR R Yes EIT Yes h OR M TO N EIT Yes M K Yo EIT Q W c V F Q V b N
c F R T AN OR Yo EIT N J. K l Ñ Q x Yes W AN d c V F b TO c Z M V M AN
b h d Yo R AN c c Yo EIT N M J. N h AN OR J. M K Yo EIT Q Ñ AN V AN AN d c

P. 64
B. Search the Internet for another example of technical change (similar to ATMs).
Make a comparison of how it was done before and now:
R= Open.

Office 2 Solution
P. 64 - 67
C. Answer the following questions:
1. Mention the benefits that society obtains with the arrival of the Internet.
R= Allows rapid communication between people who are in different places in the world; easy
access of all kinds freely, etc.

2. Describe what a system is.

R= It is the set of activities related to financial planning, billing, filing and human resources, as
well as the physical distribution and logistics of the organization.

3. How important do you consider natural resources to be and why? R= The

importance of natural resources is that they provide us with food and raw materials and the
quality of life of society depends on their adequate and rational use.

4. What do you understand by labor?

R= It is the physical and mental effort that is applied in the production of a good.

5. Describe what technique you apply in your home to generate less pollution.
R= The three Rs: reduce, recycle, reuse.

6. Mention an example of hardware used in office automation.

A= The hardware used in office automation ranges from the computer to the scanner, printer,
cameras, etc.

7. Write the basic activities of an office system.

R= They include the storage of raw data, their electronic transfer and the management of
information related to the business.

8. Describe what you understand by WiFi and WiMAX.

R= WiFi: system for connecting electronic devices that uses radio waves instead of cables.

Wimax: allows data reception by microwave and retransmission by radio waves.

9. Why is it important to innovate in technical changes?

A= To improve the practice of office automation and the relationship with the client by presenting
new benefits, as well as cutting-edge services.

10. Describe the function of the flowchart.

It allows you to analyze the steps that make up a production process and find areas susceptible
to improvement.

Office 2 Solution
Block III. The technique and its implications in Nature

P. 71 External Activity in Couples

Research statistics on the Internet about the change in behavior of people who spend a lot of
time in front of a computer or other media and describe how they react to direct and indirect
relationships: are they good or bad? Compare your results.
A= This activity allows students to strengthen their skills in using computers, they will learn to
interpret statistics displayed on the search pages. The teacher will guide you in this activity.

P. 71 External Activity in Couples

Meet with your partner and answer.
1. What office automation technique would have an environmental impact?
R= Printing documents. This technique discards toxic materials from the ink used for printing;
The excessive use of paper (when it is not necessary) causes the excessive felling of trees.

2. How do you think paper, printer cartridges, toner or batteries for a recorder are
produced? Split up and choose a production process; State your case and the implications it
has on nature.
R= The teacher will guide the student in this activity, directing them to follow the basic steps of
the investigation. It will indicate the different options where they can investigate, search
strategies, preparation of worksheets and finally, the way to organize and present the

P. 72 Individual activity
Investigate the consumption in watts of the equipment produced in the following decades:

Equipment 1960 1980 2000 2010

Radio 100W 80W 20W 20W
Television 200W 150W 80W 80W
Regulator 60W 60W 60W 60W
desktop PC 0 200W 200W 120W
Laptop 0 0 36W 36W
Printer 120W 120W 60W 60W

Is it possible to see a trend in energy use? Do you think that equipment today is more
efficient than 50 years ago?
A= Yes, the trend is towards energy saving; Hence, the teams are now more efficient,
especially in this sense, than years ago.

P. 73 Group activity
In teams of three members, locate the two most important industries in your community.
Establish the impact that the activities you carry out have on nature, and make a proposal with

Office 2 Solution
which said impact could be reduced.
R= This activity allows students to search, collect and analyze information.

P. 75 Individual activity
1. Investigate if garbage is separated at your home and school in the following

Food waste such as: Garden waste such as:

Bread and tortilla grass pruning
Bones Leaf litter
meat remains Branches
egg shells
Fruit and legume peels
Fruits and vegetables


Bags, packaging and containers of: special waste

Plastic Batteries and batteries Printer cartridges
Glass Aerosol containers
Others like:
Clothing and textiles Kitchen utensils Office
Sanitary waste such as:
Disposable diapers
Toilet paper
Sanitary towels

A= There is also a delegation program for the collection of garbage divided into organic and
inorganic and PET bottles have a special container.

2. How do you think the use of paper has changed with the appearance of the
word processor? Make a table where you compare the advantages and disadvantages
that the word processor has compared to paper.
A= We can consider that a person who spends a lot of time in front of a computer or other
media is addicted when they are habitually unable to control the time they are connected to the
Internet, relegating family, social and academic/professional obligations. Many times, in
addition, it steals hours of sleep and even reduces meal times; Fatigue and irritability become
chronic, as does the weakness of the immune system and often creates a certain tendency
towards social isolation.

Office 2 Solution
Addiction to social networks is not yet known as a disease, but there are already clinics in the
world specialized in the control of this disorder, which is considered a social problem and affects
around 40% of "internet users", users of the main virtual networks.

Analysis of data
Do you have an account on any social network?

The two most used accounts

Office 2 Solution
Time spent on social networks

Entries to social media accounts (per week)

Use given to the most used accounts

Do you consider that you are addicted to social


Office 2 Solution
P. 76 Individual activity on the Internet
Research on the Internet the environmental standards that a factory must meet in order to
operate and write them down below.
R= The exercise is oriented so that the student investigates and knows the environmental
regulations of a factory, the teacher will guide them in this activity.
In this link you will find information about the environmental impact of the DF.

P. 77 Individual activity
Investigate on the Internet other alterations produced in ecosystems by the operation of
technical systems. Share your research with your group mates.
R= Ecosystems can resist alterations and recover, but when the damage is great, it can be
These are some examples:
- Greenhouse effect/climate change/drought
- Deforestation/fires/erosion
- Extinction of animal and plant species/destruction of habitats
- Pollution of land, water and air

P. 77 Individual activity
What other changes do you think a dam produces in the environment?
A= Some problems that arise when building a dam are due to the direct environmental effects
that come from the water container, from the alteration of the flow that acts directly on the
soil, vegetation, fauna and wild lands.
Likewise, the effects that the environment produces on the dam are distinguished, related to
the use of land, water and other resources in the catchment area, which causes accumulation
of silt and change in the quality of the river and the water in the reservoir. reservoir.

Research on the Internet the production process of electrical energy and the
consequences it has on the environment.
R= In Mexico (CFE), electrical energy is generated through thermoelectric plants (43%),
hydroelectric plants (11%), coal plants (7%), nuclear plants (Laguna Verde, 3%),
geothermoelectric plants (3%) and wind electric (0.07%). Independent producers generate
33% of the national total, of which 83% comes from sources that pollute the atmosphere in
the following way:
By emissions. From electric power generating plants and machines, transportation, mining,
construction, etc. Emissions can be combustion gases, aerosols, liquid effluents, radiation, etc.

Office 2 Solution
For waste. The type, quantity and toxicity of waste produced throughout the cycle, the way
they are handled and isolated from the environment.

Page 78 Group activity

In teams of four people, evaluate what type of impacts correspond to the following actions:
R= a) A tourist cruise ship runs aground on a coral reef in the Caribbean.
Ø Negative: impacts the environment

Ø Direct because it is caused directly by the action of the cruise ship running aground

Ø Residual, persists since a coral takes many years to recover

Ø Permanent loss of marine life and coral

Ø Reversible in the very long term

b) An oil tanker suffers damage to its structure and spills four hundred thousand liters of
crude oil into the high seas.
Ø Negative: impacts the environment

Ø Direct because it is caused directly by the action of the spill

Ø Residual, persists since it is not easy to recover the oil

Ø Permanent.

Ø Irreversible.

c) The installation of a hydroelectric dam destroys the habitat of a frog endemic to that
Ø Negative: impacts the environment

Ø Indirect because a habitat was destroyed due to its activity

Ø Synergistic, trees are cut down for the installation, the habitat in the area completely

disappears, entire ecosystems are destroyed

Ø Permanent.

Ø Continuous.

d) Construction of a highway through a forested area.

Ø Negative: impacts the environment

Ø Direct.

Ø Temporary.

Ø Reversible in the very long term

P. 80 Individual activity
Of the above, which do you think produce environmental impacts due to the service
and use of office automation.
R= Industry, mini hydroelectric energy, public facilities (hospitals, homes, schools, etc.). On a
smaller scale, all of them.

Office 2 Solution
P. 81 Group activity
In teams of three members, identify an example of an industry near your community that can
be placed in one of the World Bank categories (A, B, C and D). Get an interview with one of
the directors of the companies that fall into categories A or B and investigate what actions
they take to reduce their environmental impact. Discuss the results of your interviews with
your teacher and analyze the possibility of a visit by the school to the facilities of said
R= This activity allows the student to use their knowledge, skills and experiences together.

P. 83 Individual activity
Identify an administrative service in your community. How many phases does it go through as
it develops? Mention what impacts each phase produces on society and nature.
A= Example: the function of a receptionist in the hotel area could be divided into four phases:
reservations, counter, billing and cashier. Its impact on society can be negative or positive,
according to customer satisfaction. In Nature, it is what generates the use of office automation
(energy, paper, inks).

P. 83 Individual activity
Identify the provision of an administrative service in the community and distinguish the phases
in which it is developed. Make a flow chart ( Office 1 ) where the different stages of the
process and its impact on society and nature are visualized. R= organizations to be able to
efficiently meet established goals. For example, scheduling, organizing and controlling human,
financial and material resources, as well as the general services that the Management needs to
carry out its functions.
Flowchart example:

P. 85 Individual activity
Propose at least five alternatives to reduce the negative impacts of Office automation on
R= 1. Use of less toxic and recyclable materials, 2. Turn off devices that are not in use, 3.
Minimize the use of paper, 4. Recycle recyclable sheets and 5. Create collection and recycling

Office 2 Solution
centers for electronic material.

P. 85 External Activity in Couples

Make a list of five actions that will reduce the amount of waste generated in your
R= 1. Use Make recyclable sheets for homework. 2. Carry water or juice in thermoses and
avoid buying plastic bottles, 3. Reuse plastic bottles. 4. Use stoneware in the cafeteria. 5. Pull
Could a composting project be done with the organic waste from your school?
Compost is the mixture of organic waste such as: fruit peels, vegetables, food scraps,
sawdust, etc.
Yes, you could do a composting project and use it in pots or school gardens; Below is a link
showing step by step how to do it:

P. 85 Individual activity
Investigate other bad practices that harm the environment and propose alternatives
to reduce the damage they cause.
R= Bad practices:
Uncontrolled emission of waste and discharges.
Unjustified consumption of water, paper and energy.
Not using the different waste containers properly.

Waste reduction
Responsible use of water
Energy savings and promotion of the use of alternative energies.

Alternatives: Educate people who have pets to go out with bags to collect the animals' waste.

P. 87 Individual activity
Investigate what type of pollution is caused by making and using a computer.
Regarding the possible damages that are generated in these processes, propose solutions that
you consider can be carried out.
A= In the manufacturing of semiconductor chips and the assembly of components, evidence of
environmental contamination from a wide variety of chemicals was found, many known for
their use in the electronics industry. These include both chemicals found in the products, as
well as those used during the manufacturing process, known for their toxicity in humans and
other possible impacts on the environment. Some chemicals were found in waste streams from
more than one sector, including some groups of toxic and environmentally persistent

Office 2 Solution

- Polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBDEs), widely used as brominated flame retardants. -

Phthalates, used as softeners in plastics (plasticizers).
- Some chlorinated solvents.
- High levels of heavy metals.

Possible solutions:
Ø Use recyclable and non-hazardous material.
Ø That there be a collection center for this type of waste in each delegation so that they
are managed properly.

P. 88 Group activity
In teams of five members, investigate the security mechanisms that are applied in your school
to safeguard their integrity in biology, physics and chemistry laboratories. Is there signage
indicating risk areas or materials? Do you consider that more security mechanisms and
provisions are needed?
R= Security mechanisms are those rules that are managed in institutions, schools and offices
to avoid risks within them. Some examples are:
Ø In a laboratory, work with a gown and even gloves when necessary.
Ø Receive instructions before handling devices, substances or machines within the
laboratory to avoid accidents.
Ø Cleanliness and order in the laboratory are essential.
Ø All containers with reagents must be labeled, indicating their contents.
Ø Students must become familiar with the symbols used to indicate the danger of
chemical reagents.

Ø The teacher must supervise all experiments, especially those that involve some risk.
Ø Dangerous reagents must be handled only by the teacher.
Ø Never heat flammable products directly in the flame.
There must be signs where there are materials that students should not touch without
permission and show why, for example:

Office 2 Solution
P. 89 Individual activity
As you can see, safety and health are precautions of organizations that plan for your benefit.
Mention other ways in which companies could seek the safety and health of their
R= Some examples are mentioned:
Ø That the buildings or constructions where they are working are certified by the
authorities as safe in case of earthquakes.
Ø That the offices have constant maintenance, verification of ceilings, floors without
holes, etc.
Ø That there are signs such as: emergency exits, fire extinguishers with the current
chemical product, etc.
Ø Maintenance of work equipment, machinery, etc.
Ø Emergency telephone numbers at hand.
Ø Security and emergency brigades.
Ø Place stations where staff can drink water, eat, etc.
Ø Appropriate furniture to carry out the activities, such as ergonomic chairs, anti-
reflective screens, good lighting.
Ø Talks with doctors to prevent different diseases, such as obesity, hypertension,
diabetes, etc.
Ø Good ventilation and lighting.

P. 90 Individual activity
1. According to the previous example, investigate what other processes can be
carried out in companies that involve the precautionary principle.
R= The precautionary principle is understood as the obligation to suspend or cancel activities
that threaten the environment, despite the fact that there is insufficient scientific evidence
linking such activities with its deterioration. The precautionary principle is not opposed to
progress, but to environmental damage that can be avoided.

Office 2 Solution
Modern technology involves risks and zero risk cannot be achieved. The preventive approach
answers them in a new way, asking: "how much damage can be avoided?" and not “how much
damage is acceptable?”

Transportation, manufacturing, agriculture and energy systems all have to be reinvented,

based on cooperating with Nature rather than dominating it. By developing advanced
technologies compatible with Nature, entrepreneurs will find (and create) wonderful
opportunities for themselves and humanity.

2. Investigate the production process of a company; With the information you

obtain, make a diagram of the inputs, the process and its outputs. Consider
the materials and energy used in each step. Present your results to the group.
R= Beer brewing process

Materials and energy used:

Boilers, diesel engines, pumps, compressors, fans, transportation, conveyors, forklifts, dosing
pumps, filters.

On the production line, a color code is used to distinguish the different energy sources. The
most important are: blue, which represents water; the green color represents the pure water
vapor used in the kitchen building; The orange color is ammonia gas, which is used to cool
cold rooms and process beer fermentation; royal blue is the carbon dioxide that is released
during fermentation and is used in packaging; the gray color is electricity; and yellow is
compressed air used to run some machines.

Office 2 Solution
P. 92 Individual activity
Regarding office automation, what technical controls do you think could be used to
solve problems in the office?
A= According to the Office 2 book:
Ø Location: Facilities that involve the risk of structural collapse, rupture, fire, or
explosion will have to be located in geotechnically stable sites.
Ø Access control. Allows access only to personnel who have been specifically trained for
the working conditions that exist within the dangerous area, using identification cards.

P. 92 Individual activity
Investigates paper production processes and their environmental implications such
as atmospheric pollution, effluent systems and solid waste.

Office 2 Solution
R= The use of secondary and/or alternative fibers as raw materials for the paper industry,
although it presents numerous environmental and economic advantages, also has serious
drawbacks, due to the wide variety of contaminants that these raw materials introduce into the
process. These problems are aggravated as a consequence of the closure of water circuits
(recirculation of aqueous effluents once conditioned), which in turn has as an immediate
consequence the accumulation in the system of dissolved and colloidal matter and suspended
The paper industry is among the most polluting industries in the world.
The high toxicity of its industrial methods is fundamentally due to the chlorine bleaching
process, which is the true nightmare of the paper industry.

P. 93
TO. Answer the following questions:
In this block we study the consequences that the technique has on nature.
1. Make a list of the local, regional and global implications generated by technical systems
in nature.
local Regional Global
When technology is used to When the effects reach an When the impact affects the
extract or transform certain entire country or continent, entire world, it is considered
natural resources and it they are considered a a global problem.
impacts a community, it is regional problem.
said to be a problem with Climate change is a global

local implications. The overexploitation of effect.

Air pollution is an example: natural resources such as

excess carbon dioxide in the deforestation is an example
atmosphere, in addition to of this effect.
other harmful elements, such
as sulfur and chlorine.

2. How will ecosystems have been altered due to technical systems?

R= Technical systems allow societies to develop to the extent that they can satisfy their
needs. Ideally, this process would not have negative impacts on nature, but it usually

does. It is believed that global warming of the planet is man's fault, and therefore, 35

Office 2 Solution
of their activities. An example of this is the greenhouse effect, energized by the
production of gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, as a result of the activities
that man carries out.

3. In your classroom, hold a round table where you discuss: what role technology should
have in the conservation and care of nature. Write your conclusions.
R= With the use of the technique, different maneuvers have to be carried out to care
for the environment, which implies conserving, rehabilitating or restoring an ecosystem
in its natural state, preserving it and preventing all problems that may arise. It can
start from not throwing garbage in the street, parks or gardens, separating the garbage
and recycling it to reducing energy consumption, emissions of pollutants from water,
land, air as well as hearing or lighting, and also improving the agricultural, livestock and
forestry production techniques to reduce the impact on the environment caused by this
type of use, otherwise generate alternatives, both energy, productive and management
of solid and liquid waste, this prevents the deterioration that develops gradually on our

4. In this discussion, try to address how: the risk partner, precautionary principle and
problem resolution. Write what conclusions you reached with each topic. R = Risk
society: defines the chaotic social phenomena of the late 20th century to date, as a
consequence of the excesses of industrialization. Among the main concepts formulated
by this theory are deindustrialization and the microelectric revolution.

The precautionary principle or precautionary principle is a concept that supports the

adoption of protective measures in the event of well-founded suspicions that certain
products or technologies create a serious risk to public health or the environment, but
without scientific proof yet. definitive of such risk.

Problem resolution: When we seek to solve a problem, we first turn to traditional

knowledge, which is what we absorb from our environment. We can say that it is the
accumulation and application of knowledge that has allowed man, from prehistory to
the present, to solve problems and, thereby, advance technologically.

Office 2 Solution
Block IV. Planning and technical organization

P. 99 External Activity in Couples

Prepare a plan to wash a car (exterior and interior). What materials and elements do they
require? Do they have them? Which ones are needed? Do you have the resources to
purchase materials that you do not have in stock? Is it possible to replace any of the
missing items with one that is in stock? Will the replacement item perform the
function satisfactorily?

Plan the actions you will take, in what order, as well as the elements you need. Are there
activities that can be carried out simultaneously? Below, we show an example of simple
planning in which you can see the action on the left side, and the necessary elements and
resources on the right. Carry out yours according to the planning you proposed.


• Necessary elements. Enough space, secure, roofed near the

water source and adequate drainage.

• Existence review. Is there adequate space? Can another space be adapted? Can
the necessary resources be transported?

Step 1 • Gathering of the existing necessary elements, obtaining or

Area selection
washing replacing the missing ones and arranging them in the order of

• Water, buckets, sponges, jars, soap, brushes, brooms or vacuum

cleaners, etc.

Step 2
Collection and • What actions will be carried out and in what order?
accommodation of
necessary elements

Before submitting your exercise, check if you could skip any action or if you
carried out any faster way. How could they improve the process? Did
they use the appropriate clothing for this activity?
R= Steps:
Step 3 Ø Customer service: offer other services, such as waxing, engine
Washing start
washing, etc.

Ø Place the vehicle in the corresponding place according to its type (car, truck, etc.)

Office 2 Solution
Ø The person who washes is dressed appropriately and has the necessary implements.

Ø Execute the requested service(s).

Ø When finished, deliver the payment slip to the client.

Ø At closing, take inventory to fill any shortages, if necessary, stock of materials.

Ø The cashier will deliver the day's cut to the person in charge (manager, owner).

P. 100 External Activity in Couples

Investigate what type of service your community needs. It is necessary that they do field
research and prepare a questionnaire in which they investigate the type of needs.
R= Field research. The teacher will guide them and indicate the elements that the invention will

P. 101 External Activity in Couples

Visit a company to find out its organization, type, function and objectives. Then, identify the
different phases of its organization and management.
R= The objective of this activity is for the student to use their knowledge, skills and
experiences together.

P. 101 Individual activity

Next you are going to investigate three types of organizations with different lines or services.
To compare their differences and establish their needs, these can be Public Limited Company,
Civil Society, Cooperative. With your research, make a diagram where the types of company
organization are displayed.
R= Public Limited Company. It is one that exists under a name and is made up exclusively of
partners whose obligation is limited to the payment of their shares. Its name will be free, but
always different from the name of those already existing at the time of constitution. This
company name will always be followed by the words “Sociedad Anónima” or its abbreviation

The administration of the company will be in charge of one or more temporary and revocable
representatives, who may be partners or people outside the company.

Civil society . It is a group of natural and/or legal persons that come together to create a legal
entity and achieve a common goal and generate profits, but without carrying out commercial
acts; These people are called partners. It is regulated by the Civil Code. The company name is
generally formed with the names of the partners and is accompanied by the words Sociedad
Civil or its acronym SC.

Cooperative Society. It represents a form of social organization made up of natural persons

based on common interests and the principles of solidarity, self-effort and mutual help, with the
purpose of satisfying individual and collective needs, through the carrying out of economic

Office 2 Solution
activities of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.

Cooperative societies in their operation will be adjusted to several guidelines, such as freedom
of association and voluntary withdrawal of members; democratic administration; limitation of
interest to some contributions of the partners if so agreed; distribution of returns in proportion
to the participation of the partners; promotion of cooperative education and education in the
solidarity economy; participation in cooperative integration; respect for the individual right of
members to belong to any political party or religious association, and promotion of ecological

Their range of action in terms of their activity is total, since they can dedicate themselves to
carrying out any legal economic activity.

P. 102 External Activity in Couples

Visit an office where services are provided. When you see that you make a request, write down
the steps to follow to obtain the service and the process to be attended to. Finally, propose an
improvement in some or all phases of customer service R= The answer varies according to the
type of office in question. Example:
Office where file printing, photocopying, binding, and pasting services are provided.
1. A folio of attention is taken.
2. The employee calls by folio.
3. Information about price and delivery time is requested.
4. The employee provides the information.
5. The material is delivered.

6. The employee calls to deliver the completed work and waits for customer verification.
7. You pay at the cashier.
8. With the payment receipt the work is collected at the delivery location.

P. 105 Individual activity

1. Why do you think customer service is important? Discuss this concept in the
classroom and write down the ideas that you consider most important.
A= Because customers support the company.

2. Investigate the formats or documents that a company uses in the warehouse

area (exit and entry vouchers, etc.) for optimal planning of the area.
R= Warehouse card that contains data, such as Product, Inputs, Outputs, Minimum stock, etc.


Product output vouchers for advertising and gifts.

Office 2 Solution
3. Identifies the planning and organization of a file based on the selection of
documents for a specific purpose. Search for the phases and processing of the
document, transfers, conservation and purification.
A= The file is organized according to the type of documentation handled in the company. There
are several systems for this purpose: alphabetical, numerical, chronological, by subject,
decimal and combined such as alphabetical-numeric, chronological-alphabetical. The treatment
given to the document is in accordance with the adopted system. Today, many companies
maintain their archive digitally, if not in its entirety, then in large part.

P. 106 Group activity

In teams of four members, think about a service or product that you consider necessary in your
community. Define their characteristics, what needs they satisfy, as well as the target
audience. Prepare a survey of 10 questions maximum, following the established bases for
questionnaires, to verify if, in fact, your product or service project would be attractive to the
target market.
R= This activity will help students identify characteristics and needs of their community through
the questionnaire-survey that they will apply to the

inhabitants of that same community and who know the problem. It is recommended that the
teacher guide them on the fundamental aspects to carry out this activity.

P. 108 Group activity

In a team of three members, according to the results of the surveys that you applied in the
previous activity, identify the type of industry to which your company corresponds and answer.
Why do you think it falls into that category? Identify five industries that are in your community
and mention what type each one corresponds to. What benefits do these companies leave in
your community? What energy and material resources do they consume? How do they dispose
of waste?

P. 109 Individual activity

In this activity you will carry out the internal hygiene and safety regulations of the office
technology laboratory; If it already exists, review and analyze the possibility of modifying it.
R= Example of standards:
General safety conditions in the Technology laboratory
• Sufficient existence of safety devices, such as fire extinguishers.
• Transit places with enough space for the fluid circulation of people and materials.
• Machines and equipment will be protected and will be as far from each other as is necessary
for users to carry out their work freely.
• Electrical installations and power outlets will be equipped with differential and grounding
• Ventilation and lighting must be adequate.

Office 2 Solution
Student Responsibilities
• Do not undertake tasks without the teacher's prior knowledge.
• Activate safety devices in emergency cases.
• If equipment is in poor or inadequate condition, notify us immediately.
• Do not introduce food and drinks.

P. 111 Group activity

In this activity, you will work in teams of four people. Analyze the internal regulations of a
company, differentiate between the aspects that correspond to hygiene and safety. Then make
the regulations of a company where these aspects are considered.

Office 2 Solution
R= The regulations of a company are the set of mandatory provisions for workers and
employers in the development of work in a company or establishment. The regulation contains
entry and exit times for workers, time allocated for meals and rest periods, places of payment,
unhealthy and dangerous work that should not be performed by minors and pregnant women,

P. 111 Group activity

Now they are going to identify in the Federal Labor Law the necessary hygiene and safety rules
in a company.
A= Below is the link to the FEDERAL LABOR LAW; current text, last reform published DOF 11-


Art. 156°.- “The internal regulations and their modifications must be made known to the workers thirty
days before the date on which they come into effect, and posted, at least, in two visible places at the site
of the work with the same advance notice. . A copy must also be given to the unions, the staff
representative and the Joint Committees existing in the company.
In addition, the employer must provide workers with a free printed copy that contains in text the
company's internal regulations and the regulations referred to in Law 16,744."

Section one of Art. 156° means that within the indicated period, the personnel delegate, the Union, the
Joint Committee or the workers, as appropriate, may make any observations they may require regarding
the regulations. The accepted observations will be incorporated into the text, which will be deemed
modified in the pertinent part.

5. Employer's obligations
5.1 Maintain work center facilities in safe conditions, so that they do not represent risks.

5.2 Carry out visual inspections every twelve months at the workplace, which can be done by area, to
identify unsafe conditions and repair any damage found. The results of the verifications must be recorded
through logs, magnetic media or in the verification minutes of the safety and hygiene commission, which
must be kept for one year and contain at least the dates on which the verifications were carried out, the
name of the area of the work center 42 that was reviewed and, if applicable, the type of unsafe condition
found, as well as the type of repair performed.
Office 2 Solution

5.3 Carry out visual inspections after the occurrence of an event that could cause damage to the work
center and, where appropriate, make adjustments, modifications or repairs that guarantee the safety of its
occupants. Record the results of such actions in logs or magnetic media. Records must be retained for one
year and contain at least the date of verification, type of event, results of verifications, and corrective
actions taken.

5.4 Have clean and safe toilets (toilets, urinals, sinks, among others) for the service of workers and,
where appropriate, with places reserved for the consumption of food.

5.5 Have, where appropriate, showers and changing rooms, according to the activity carried out in the
workplace or when decontamination of the worker is required. It is the employer's responsibility to
establish the type, characteristics and quantity of the services.

5.6 Provide information to all workers for the use and conservation of the areas where they carry out
their activities in the workplace, including those intended for the service of workers.

P. 113 Individual activity

Imagine a contingency in an office; Now propose a work plan to face it, suggest forms of
organization and actions to follow.
R= A contingency refers to an event that can occur at any time, and can cause problems,
requiring postponable action or immediate action.

As an example, an earthquake:
1. Keep calm.
2. Stay away from glass windows and doors.
3. Address, in accordance with the established procedure; to the internal areas of lower risk
4. Dont waste time finding personal objects.
5. Follow the instructions of the brigade members, facilitating their work.
6. Go to the nearest meeting point, if you are in open areas.
7. Help people who need it, if possible, if not, withdraw and allow the brigade members to act.

P. 114
TO. To develop this activity you will work as a team.
1. Investigate how a company in your community organizes its administrative management;
Present your work to your colleagues.
R= This concept consists of carrying out the necessary steps to achieve an objective; It is made
up of four basic functions:

• Planning: consists of choosing and setting the organization's objectives; determines the
policies, projects, programs, procedures, methods, budgets, standards and strategies
required to make decisions.

• Organization: determines the tasks that must be performed, who will execute them, how
they will be grouped, etc.

• Execution: consists of each individual carrying out the action or actions that correspond
to him or her according to his or her function, in accordance with the organization and
with the procedures indicated in the planning.

• Control: measures and corrects individual and organizational performance so that the
course of action corresponds to what was planned.

Office 2 Solution
Community to which they Administrative
Company name belong management

R= OPEN according to the company investigated.

2. Draw a conclusion from the previous activity: do you think it is efficient or does it require

R= OPEN; is derived from the previous one.

3. If modified, prepare a series of recommendations.

R= OPEN; is derived from the previous one.

4. How is the planning and organization of the investigated company built?

R= OPEN; is derived from the previous one.

5. What safety and hygiene processes do you carry out?

R= OPEN; It is derived from the previous one .

6. If it causes a problem in your community, come up with a possible solution and present it in
your classroom.

R= OPEN; is derived from the previous one.

Block V. Industrial production project

P. 119 Individual activity
Investigate and list at least five factors that intervene in the automobile production process,
that is, what resources are needed to make a car. R= 1. Human factor. All staff, employees,
workers, executives. 2. Financial factor, represented by money. 3. Machinery and equipment
necessary for the
manufacturing. 4. Raw materials and 5. Physical factor, represented by real estate.

P. 119 Individual activity

Research and list at least five factors that are required to produce a car wash service. Then
compare these factors with those from the previous activity and answer how they are different?
What similarities do you find in both?
R= 1. Roofed premises with electrical and hydraulic installations. 2. Machinery and equipment.
Air compressors, vacuum cleaners, polishers, hoses. 3. Human Resources. Supervisors, car
washers, assistants. 4. Cleaning material. Detergents, shampoo, waxes, flannels, sponges,
brushes. 5. Financial.

They are basically the same; They differed in the amount of resources needed.

P. 122 Individual activity

Make a list of how many functions a man delegates in the use of a car. Discuss your results as
a group.
R= The delegation of functions refers to the transmission of body functions to different media in
order to make an action more efficient, such as the body's locomotion capacity, the reach of

Office 2 Solution
hands and feet, the acuity of the senses, the precision of motor control, as well as memory and
information processing.

In the case of the use of the automobile, the functions that we transfer are the body's capacity
for locomotion and the transfer of people and goods from one place to another.

P. 123 External Activity in Couples

Investigate three machines or industries that operate with the machine-product system.
Describe the process in each one.
A= The process described in this activity will not be the same, students will have free choice to
choose their process, some examples that can be indicated are: making soft drinks, making
notebooks, among others.

The description of the processes will depend on the student's choice.

The machine-product system incorporates automated machines of various kinds in technical

processes. Thus we have the automotive, soft drink bottling, cement, etc. industries.

P. 124 Individual activity

1. In your words, explain what differences there are between work design and
R= Design, analyzes the way in which tasks are organized and the entire work process in
relation to what tasks are done, how they are done, how to organize them and in what order.
Consider aspects such as work rotation, the pace of the task or machine, breaks, and work

Ergonomics studies from the environment in which work is carried out, that is, the place and
those who carry it out. It is a discipline that deals with determining the most appropriate
conditions for the worker's performance in order to avoid health problems and increase their

2. What aesthetic manifestations can you mention that are part of your life?
R= Pleasant atmosphere, cleanliness, good lighting, comfortable furniture, free space to carry
out different activities.

3. Why do you think aesthetics are important at work?

A= Because it creates a pleasant environment that stimulates workers and makes them feel
good in the execution of their tasks. In this way they increase their productivity.

P. 127 Individual activity

1. Think about an activity in which you would like to work and investigate what
its risk factors may be.
Activity Risk factor's

Office 2 Solution
Radiology, laboratory technician, Infections, contact with material or fluids
medicine, nursing. dangerous, radioactivity, etc.

2. Exchange the information obtained with your group mates and suggest how
they could avoid them.
R= In general, respect and observe safety measures, know perfectly how to handle dangerous
materials, avoid activities that put our health and life at risk, among other measures.

Page 132 Individual activity

1. What do you understand by model?
R= A model is a two-dimensional or three-dimensional tool that records ideas, verifications or
validations of the design process and can be classified into: two-dimensional models, three-
dimensional representations, study models, simulators, virtual models and prototype.

2. What is the difference between simulator and prototype?

The simulator (or functional model) is a three-dimensional model used in verification processes
that the adapted alternatives work as a solution and are prior to the final proposal. They are
carried out according to the type and objectives of the check and taking into account the
demands of the target user. You can also make a simulation of only the part of the object to be
Prototype. It is the first model of the product or service of real size and with definitive materials
proposed for its manufacture and its objective is the technical-constructive, functional,
ergonomic, distribution and/or market validation of the proposal.

3. Find three different types of virtual modeling software and make a table with
their characteristics and differences.
Type of virtual modeling Use Characteristics Differences
VRML Designed particularly for Language for describing It is not useful in architecture
Virtual reality modeling use on the Web through scenes, which changes like Autocad. Nor to modify
language commands in English, appearance and texture or cartography or buildings.
which add and determine transforms them.
features. Use of backgrounds,
wallpaper and introduction of
texts, animation and sounds.
autocad Computer-aided design It is a drawing table, which
program for 2D and 3D uses a specialized platform
drawing. on which buildings are
He works in architecture and
designed, so its greatest use
other disciplines such as
is in architecture,
geophysics. It is technical
construction, electricity,
and very precise.
landscaping, structural
design, among others.

Office 2 Solution
DigiCad3D Architecture, Cartography Versatile for city modeling
Photogrammetry work, creation, modification Its use is rather artistic.
of images, drawings,

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