Mac OS Operating System

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Mac OS (Macintosh Operating System) is the name of the operating system created by
Apple for its line of Macintosh computers. It is known for having been the first system
aimed at the general public to have a graphical interface composed of mouse interaction
with windows, icons and menus.

The Mac OS Operating System was not the first graphical interface, but it was the first
with great success due to its price accessibility. For those years in the market what
existed was The Xerox Alto with a cost of 32,000 dollars, the Xerox Star cost 16,600
dollars and the Apple Lisa with a price of 10,000 dollars. The name of this Apple was a
whim of Steve Jobs for his daughter. This System 1 was included in the first Macintosh,
which was priced at $2,500.


On January 24, 1984, Apple Computer Inc. (now Apple Inc.) introduced the Macintosh
personal computer, the Macintosh 128K, which included the Mac OS operating system,
known at the time as System Software. .

The Macintosh is often credited with popularizing graphical user interfaces. Mac OS has
been pre-installed on almost all Macintosh computers sold. The operating system is also
sold separately in Apple stores and online. The original Mac OS was partially based on
the Lisa OS, previously marketed by Apple for the Lisa computer in 1983, and, as part of
a deal that allowed Xerox to buy Apple stock at a favorable price, also used concepts
from the Xerox PARC Xerox Alto , which Steve Jobs and other members of the
Macintosh team had seen.

The first version of the Mac OS (called simply System) is easily distinguishable from
other operating systems of the same period because it does not use a command line
interface; It was one of the first operating systems to use a completely graphical user
interface. In addition to the core of the system is the Finder, an application used to
manage files, which also displayed the desktop. The two files were contained in a folder
labeled System Folder, which contained other necessary files, such as the printer driver,
needed to interact with the System.

OPERATING SYSTEM 1: System 1 had a desktop, windows, icons, mouse, menus and
scrollbars. The “Trash” dump worked like a garbage chute, everything disappeared after
restarting the computer, you could not work on two applications at the same time, only
one, since virtual memory did not exist. In System 1 it was impossible to create a folder
within another folder, in fact all the files were saved at the same address on the disk, a
note was created in the file table so that each file was in its respective folder and thus the
Finder It might look like the file was in your folder. Then System 1.1 added the dialog
prompt box, also the command to clean your Mac and some speed tools.

SYSTEM 2: 1985 System 2 was notable in improvements. Increased the speed of the
Finder making it twenty percent faster, the return and close commands were eliminated.
More options were added such as: create new folders, turn off, the desktop printer and
the items were listed vertically with a small icon . Disks or drives could be dragged to the
trash icon and removed.

OPERATING SYSTEM 3: In System 3 the Finder was improved and faster, the order of
the HFS (Hierarchical File System) files was replaced by the new Macintosh MFS
(Macintosh File System) system of Systems 1 and 2. The folders were real and you could
create folders within folders. Zoom icons were added to the bottom right of the
Dashboard window, clicking on these could resize to fit the folder contents if possible.
Clicking again could return the window to its normal size. The trash can icon stood out
when something was placed on it and the dotted lines in the opposite direction.

 System 3.2, thirty bugs were fixed, the calculator was updated so that the on-screen
numeric keypad looked like the numeric keypad on the keyboard.
 System 3.3 was added by AppleShare to the former Macintosh file sharer.

OPERATING SYSTEM 4: System 4 was introduced as Macintosh SE and Macintosh II.

Multiple monitor support was added to this system.

 System 4.1, supported 32+ MB disks, the Multiple Finder was implemented, users
could switch between the Finder, which only supported one program, and the Multiple
Finder, which supported multiple programs at the same time. Now the Finder showed
how much memory it used. each program, a configurable Control Panel was also added.
 System 4.3 was an updated system, some errors and printer drivers were fixed.

SYSTEM 6: 1988 In System 6 colors were added, yet the Finder did not have color,
although the machines were already capable. A button was added to the “Erase Disk”
option to cancel this action, and the option to show the file version number was also
added. A notification was also added to the monitor allowing programs to notify the user
through the menu bar if they needed to connect it.

OPERATING SYSTEM 7: System 7 was the big software change for this time, the Finder
and Multiple Finder were eliminated. System 7 only had the Multiple Finder allowing you
to do many tasks simultaneously. Memory also had a big change to 32Mb, this allowed
Macs to use more than 8MB of Ram , in the operating system , this was also
implemented in System 7. Networking through Apple Talk and file sharing through
AppleShare were added to the operating system, as an additional option. QuickTime
multimedia software was also worked on this system, but was available as extra
software. System 7 added many features that were going to be built into the new Mac OS
X system. A menu was added to the bottom right of the Dashboard, which displayed the
list of programs that were currently being used and allowed users to switch between
them. After the menu application the “Help” menu was added, the “trashcan” was
changed to a real folder allowing files to be deleted until the “Empty” trashcan option was
selected. The drag option was implemented that allowed text to be taken from one
program to another without the need to copy and paste. In System 7 the browser finally
took advantage of color objects, making elements in the interface look like 3D .

MAC OS 8 : Operating System 8

Mac OS 8 included another revamp to the Finder that could do more things at the same
time, giving the option to control multiple applications at the same time with better
performance on computers with a processor. The appearance of the Finder was
revamped to have a better 3D look, it could also be customized. Web Sharing allowed
users to host pages on their computers.

 Mac OS 8.1, was most notable for HFS+ (This improvised version of the Hierarchical
File System that was introduced in System 3) freed up a large amount of space
(Hundreds of Megabytes) on the hard drive , clearing more than 1 GB. Mac OS 8.1. It
was also the last version to support 68K Macs, all previous versions were PowerPC only.
 Mac OS 8.5 introduced Sherlock, an advanced search program that works on local
disk, network services, and the Internet .
 Mac OS 8.6 added a content option to Sherlock, increasing its management style and
adding USB and FireWire support.

Mac OS 9 : Operating System 9

The option to have multiple users on one Mac was added in this version, allowing users
to log in and have their own settings. AppleTalk over TCP/IP was also implemented.
Software Update allowed users to have software updates offline , and could inform users
of new updates when they came out.



It is based heavily on OpenStep 's PowerPC-port. That's why Mac OS Mac OS

Mac OS X 10.0 “Cheetah” :

Mac OS X Cheetah Operating System

Mac OS Mac OS if they were necessary. Mac OS There were some pending issues,
such as the original Mac OS. Mac OS The Classic environment in 10.0 was also better
than the Public Beta, it still had strange compatibility issues and capricious behavior. The
interface of Mac OS

Mac OS X 10.1 “Puma” :

Mac OS 10.1 was released after a year of 10.0, and featured better performance
especially on G3 Macs. Versions 10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.1.3, 10.1.4, and 10.1.5 all had bug
improvements and component updates. Most open source UNIX utilities were included in
Mac OS X and additional drivers were included to support more devices.

Mac OS X 10.2 “Jaguar” :

Mac OS X Jaguar Operating System

On August 25, 2002 , this version was released and Apple continued with the
development of its operating system with the launch of Mac OS and more than 150
improvements, among these were increased support for Microsoft Windows networks,
Quartz Extreme for graphics compositing to be processed directly by the video card , and
a spam filter. Apple Address Book to store contact information, also added the
Rendezvous network system. iChat , which consisted of a chat program with support for
AOL Instant Messenger, thus included a renewed Finder with searches integrated into
each window.

Mac OS X 10.3 “Panther” :

Mac OS X Panther Operating System

Mac OS X v10.3 “Panther” was released on October 24, 2003 . In addition to having
much greater performance, it featured the biggest update to the user interface, and many
improvements than Jaguar the previous year. This version was no longer supported on
older G3 models. Some of the improvements in this version are that the Finder was
updated and incorporates a metallic interface and quick search. Exposé allowed a new
way of manipulating windows, it also incorporated Quick User Switching, which allows
you to have sessions with different users open at the same time and switch from one to
another quickly. Now this new version included integrated fax support. FileVault was a
real-time encryption system for each user's private directory. Increased speed throughout
the system with greater support for the G5.

Mac OS X 10.4 “ Tiger ” : 2005 Mac OS some older machines could not support it, in
particular, any Apple equipment that did not have a FireWire connection could not be
supported on Tiger . This version includes new features such as Spotlight, a search
system based on content and metadata, as well as Dashboard widgets, mini-applications
that allow you to perform common tasks and offer instant access to information.
QuickTime 7 was the new version that included support for H.264 and a completely
redesigned interface. Safari as a new version of the system's default browser
incorporates support for RSS, greater speed and security, etc. This version had 64-bit
memory support for the new G5, using the LP64 system.

Mac OS X 10.5 “Leopard” :

Mac OS X Leopard Operating System

Mac OS X v10.5 “Leopard” is released on October 26, 2007 . This version is compatible
with PowerPCs and new Intel technology. Among the features of the new version we find:

 Time Machine: gives the possibility of going back in time to a

specific version of the contents of a folder, the entire hard drive , a single file, a roll of
photos in iPhoto , etc.
 Mail 3: is the third version of this Apple email program, now includes
Notes and To-Dos as well as various Templates for sending HTML email.
 iChat : gives the possibility of chatting with tabs or having animated
icons, now there are also many additional functions for video chats. From presenting
videos, sharing the desktop, etc.
 The Dashboard: brings a tool called Dashcode to easily create
Widgets. Additionally, Safari has a “Webclip” button that allows you to take any fragment
of a page you are viewing and turn it into a Widget. Accessibility, improvements were
made to accessibility features so that “everyone can use a Mac.”
 The Finder: now with CoverFlow similar to that of iTunes , it has a
function called QuickLook which allows you to open several files at the same time with
different extensions and there is no need to open the program, users will even be able to
search on other Macs connected to the network.
 The Dock: it looks like a glass tray that receives reflections, it has a
stack that allows you to stack a series of elements and when you click on it they are
displayed in a range of options.

The biggest of these being a breakthrough in text-to-speech capabilities with a new

synthesized voice called Alex, who can even speak clearly at high speeds. In addition, it
comes with support for Braille displays.

Mac OS

 New exposé integrated into the Dock.

 It is possible to use the touchpad to insert Chinese characters.
 The time zone is set automatically.
 Provides support for connecting to Microsoft Exchange 2007 servers.
 Lower consumption of hard drive space and (theoretical) support for a maximum of
16TB of RAM.

The following innovations should also be highlighted:

 Grand Central is a programming technology that allows you to use multi-core

processors and optimize performance.
 Quicktime X will have optimized support for current codecs.
 OpenCL (Open Computing Language) will allow programming applications that use
the graphics processing unit for non-graphics uses.


Before the introduction of the latest microprocessor-based systems it is worth mentioning

that Josel Belaunzaran Fiorentini, Steve Jobs ' best friend in the fraternity, was
responsible for making him drop out of college; Meanwhile, and the PowerPC G3 already
clarified this, significant parts of the system were stored in the physical read-only memory
of the motherboard. The initial purpose of this was to avoid using the limited storage
capacity of system support floppy disks, since early Macintosh computers did not have a
hard drive. Only the 1991 Macintosh Classic model could be booted from ROM. This
architecture also allowed for a fully graphical operating system interface at the lowest
level, without the need for a text-only console or command-line mode. Boot-time errors,
such as searching for non-functioning drives, were communicated to the user graphically,
usually with an icon or messages with Chicago font and a Death Ringer or series of
beeps. . This was in contrast to PCs of the time, which displayed such messages in
monospaced font on a black background, and which required the use of a keyboard, not
a mouse, for input. To provide such details at a low level, the Mac OS relied on core
system software burned into the motherboard's ROM, which later helped ensure that only
Apple computers or licensed clones (with the ROM memory contents protected by Apple
copyright, could run the Mac OS).
Mac OS can be divided into two families:
 The Mac OS Classic family, based on Apple Computer 's own code.
 The Mac OS X Operating System , developed from the Mac OS Classic family and
NeXTSTEP , which was based on UNIX .

"Classic Mac OS" is characterized by its complete lack of a command line ; It is an
Operating System completely made of extensions. Mac OS could be a long process of
trial and error.
The original Macintosh used the Macintosh File System (MFS), a flat file system with a
single level of folders or directories. This system was quickly replaced in 2007 by the
HFS , which had a true directory tree system. Both file systems are supported.
Most file systems used with DOS , Unix, or other operating systems treat a file as a
simple sequence of bytes, requiring an application to know which bytes represent which
type of information. In contrast, MFS and HFS give files two forks . Branching data
contains the same type of information as other file systems, such as the text in a
document or the bitmaps in an image file.
PowerPC platform versions of Mac OS X up to and including Mac OS This environment
runs a complete copy of Mac OS, version 9.1 or later, in a Mac OS Macintoshes based
on the PowerPC platform had Mac OS 9.2 preinstalled as well as Mac OS X. Mac OS 9.2
had to be installed by the user, since it was not installed, by default, in the hardware
revisions introduced after the release of Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger . Most well-written "classic"
applications work correctly in this environment, but compatibility is only ensured if the
software was written without regard to the current hardware, and to interact only with the
operating system. The Classic Environment is not available on Macintosh systems based
on Intel platforms, due to the incompatibility of Mac OS 9 with x86 hardware.


It is Apple's newest operating system. Although it is officially designated as "version 10"

of the Mac OS, it has a largely independent history from previous versions of Mac OS. As
well as the client versions, Mac OS X has also had six significant releases, such as a
server version, called Mac OS X Server . The first of these, Mac OS X Server 1.0 , was
released in beta in 1999. The server versions are, in architecture, identical to the client
versions, with the difference in the inclusion of tools for administration of
servers, including tools for managing Mac OS X-based systems such as workgroup
servers, mail servers, and web servers, among other tools. It is currently the default
operating system for Xserve server hardware, and as an optional feature on the Mac Mini
, as well as installable on most other Macs. Unlike the client version, Mac OS X Server
can be run in a virtual machine using emulation software such as Parallels Desktop .
Mac OS


It has a kernel from the Unix family, more specifically from nexstep, which was an
operating system whose kernel had code from the Mach kernel and the BSD with which
Apple developed an interface called aqua.
Mac Pro desktop systems suggest that using a computer can be uncomplicated, even
easy. Mac OS X offers the same promise. Although Apple and Windows operating
systems generally allow you to do the same things, the Mac interface is less capable.
Separates user and system files for maximum security against virus-infected programs;
Includes disk encryption. Apple doesn't allow OS to run on non-Mac hardware, so the
Mac is the only way to run all three operating systems on the same
Files can be located on other Macs on the network; an Esposé-style virtual desktop
feature called Spaces
Apple still won't allow the OS to run on non-Mac systems, making Apple hardware the
only way to run all of these operating systems on one machine. And with cheap or free
virtualization software, your Mac can run these operating systems simultaneously.


 Compatibility. When you connect a peripheral (Printer, digital camera, etc.) to the
Mac, the OS automatically detects it and you can use it without any problem, I mean
there is no need to install the drivers from a CD.
 The interface is intuitive . I mean you can do everything with just a few clicks of the
 All your files are organized in your “Home” folder, it is much easier to organize and
locate them.
 The installation and uninstallation of programs is very simple, you open the file
with the “dmg” extension, copy the app to the folder where you want, preferably
applications and that's it, to uninstall you just delete the app file and that's it.
 It is much cheaper than Windows and there is only one version, I mean you don't
have to choose between premium version, home basic, home premium etc.
 It is less vulnerable to viruses and malware.
 All drivers are provided by Apple, so there will not be any compatibility problems
between OS and hardware.
 Contains latest generation hardware.


 There is not a lot of software for Mac, compared to the amount that exists for others,
although that is changing little by little.

 It is not made to run the latest games, since they were created so that they can run
on another more commercial OS (such as Windows).

 It is difficult to find someone who can provide support.

 You can only configure the hardware at the time of purchasing the device.

 Expensive hardware.

 Replacing parts is expensive and cannot be done by just anyone .

Marco Technical
Aurelio Soto
Laura Argentina Juárez
Biology areas
Presented by:
Sahi Benjamín Turcios
I-1 BTP in Accounting and Finance
Place and date:
Goascorán, Valle. February 20, 2018
are Bi
as olo

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