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CNR 2.01.





CNR 2.01.07-90



(For internal use only)

Ulaanbaatar 1990

CNR 2.01.07-90

1. Developed at Science and Production firm “Tsutgal”.

2. Approved by Resolution No. 13 of December 27of 1990 by the Construction

and Urban Development Commission.

3. SNiP II-6-74/M on Load and Effect is deemed invalid with the issue of this
Construction Norms and Regulations document.

4. The CNR (Construction Norms and Regulations) 2.01.07-90 on “Load and

effect” shall become effective as of January 01 of 1991 for construction
design and planning.

Developed by:

M. MAGMUT Doctor of Technical Science

N. DASH Consulting Engineer of Mongolia

G. BATBOLD Construction engineer

G. NAMHAIJANTSAN Ph.D. in Geography

L. NATSAGDORJ Ph.D. in Geography

Reviewed by:

S. SUKHBAATAR Consulting Engineer of Mongolia

It is prohibited to copy whole or in part, or distribute the standard

specifications document without prior approval of the Construction, Urban
Development and Public Utilities office-an implementing agency of the

CNR 2.01.07-90

Construction and Construction norms and regulations

Urban Development SNR 2.01.07-90
Commission Load and effect

This regulation shall apply to development of engineering design of construction base

and structures. Basic conditions and definition procedures of permanent and impermanent
load, effect, their combination and calculation shall be governed by the regulations set
forth here.

Load and effect of construction base and its structures may be defined by special
technical conditions if they differ from tradition.

Note: 1. “Effect” shall be referred to as the “Load” and “Construction Facilities” shall be referred to as
the “Building” thereafter.
2. When extending and/or renovating a building, the calculation value of the load shall be based
on review materials of the old structures.


1.1 The load shall be calculated during engineering design development, building
construction and its service, production of building structures, their storage and

1.2 Rated format value of the load is its main characteristic as defined by this
regulation. Specific type of load shall be defined by its rated format value.
Two values shall be defined: total and diminished for the load formed due to
effects of climate, temperature, snow, bridge and suspended hoist, animals, people
and equipment used to roof residences, public and agricultural buildings.

1.3 When determining calculation value of the load, the rated format value of the load
shall be multiplied by the load reliability factor suitable for current state limits
as shown below.

a) As defined in articles 2.2, 3.4, 3.7, 3.11, 4.8, 5.7, 6.11, 7.3, 8.7 for strength
and stability calculations.
b) Equal to 1 for fatigue calculations.
c) Equal to 1 for deformation calculations unless otherwise specified in the
regulations on foundation and structure design development.
d) For all other state limit calculations refer to regulations on foundation and
structure design development.

Approved by Resolution
No. 13 of December 27of
Developed at Science and Effective from January 01,
1990 by the Construction
Production Firm “Tsutgal” 1991
and Urban Development

CNR 2.01.07-90

Design load value may be determined directly according to the probability

increase if statistical data is available. The rated format value of the load due to
temperature and climate effects, snow, wind and glaciations shall be decreased by
20% when designing building foundation and its structures.
The reliability factor of all calculated loads shall equal to 1 when designing
building strength and stability in case a blast effect, fire or vehicle contacts some
part of a building.
Note: When determining design value pertinent to a load with two different rated format values,
the reliability factor shall be of the same value (according to the state limits).

Load classification

1.4 The load shall be classified as permanent and impermanent (long-term, short-
term, special) depending on its effect time.

1.5 The load created during structure production, storage and transportation, as well
as building construction, shall be classified as short-term load in the calculations.
The load to be formed during the building service shall be determined according
to articles 1.6-1.9.

1.6 Permanent load includes:

a) Weight of building parts, construction walls and load-bearing structures;
b) Soil weight and pressure (fill, embankment), mountain pressure;
c) Resultant force onto foundation and structures from reinforcements.

1.7 Long-term load includes:

a) Temporary dividing wall, concrete sleeper and casting under installations;
b) Weight of foundation installations: machine, instruments, engine, large-
capacity containers, reinforced pipeline with separator and shock-absorber,
conveyor, take-out guide, permanent hoisting machine with lifting ropes,
weight of solids and liquids to fill the large-capacity containers;
c) Additional pressure and air rarefaction formed due to mine ventilation, as well
as powder, liquid and air pressure in the pipelines and large-capacity
d) Load onto the floor construction due to materials stored and installations on
the shelves of the archives, libraries, grain barns, cooling towers, warehouses
and other similar facilities;
e) Temperature and technological effect created due to installed equipments;
f) Weight of water that collects on flat roofs;
g) Accumulated weight of production dust (if special measures are not taken to
eliminate dust accumulation);
h) Reduced value (shown in Table 3) load of rated format formed due to people,
animals and equipment onto the floor construction of residencies, public and
agricultural buildings;
i) Reduced value vertical load of bridge and suspended hoists. This load shall be
determined by multiplying the full rated value of a vertical load of a hoist

CNR 2.01.07-90

located at every construction span, by the following coefficients depending on

the working conditions category of the hoist:

4k-6k - in the operating schedule category of the crane 0.5

7k - in the operating schedule category of the crane 0.6
8k - in the operating schedule category of the crane 0.7

Working conditions of the hoist shall be obtained from the relevant standards.

j) Rated format, reduced value effect of temperature and climate to be defined as

follows in accordance with articles 8.2-8.6;
k) Effect created by permafrost thawing or deformation that does not formulate
major changes in the structure of the foundation soil;
l) Effect created by changes in the material creepage, shrinkage and moisture.

1.8 Short-term load includes:

a) Load generated during equipment start-up, stand-by, experimental and
intermediate routines as well during equipment’s location change and change
of equipment;
b) Weight of people and equipment (materials) performing service and
maintenance at equipment service and maintenance locations;
c) Full value load (except those defined in article 1.7a, b, c, d, e)of rated format
generated due to people, animals and equipment onto the floor construction of
residencies, public and agricultural buildings;
d) Load generated from lifting and transporting mobile equipment such as
loaders with regular or electric motor, stacking carriages and hoisting
mechanisms (rated format full value load of suspended and bridge crane);
e) Rated format full value load of snow;
f) Rated format full value of temperature and climate;
g) Wind load;
h) Ice load.

1.9 Special load includes:

a) Seismic effects;
b) Blast effects;
c) Load arising from equipment damage or temporary failure or complete
violation of technological procedures;
d) Effects arising from major changes in the soil structure (wetting of subsiding
soil) such as mine excavations and foundation deformation generated by
settling at the soil karst zone.

Load combinations

1.10 First and second design limit state calculations of soil base and structure shall be
made using most unfavorable combination of load or a force relevant to it. The

CNR 2.01.07-90

combination shall be chosen from many variations where various types of loads
simultaneously and realistically effect, taking into consideration situations where
load may effect work stages of the foundation or structure or where some
temporary types of loads may not effect.

1.11 The combination shall be differentiated as follows depending on the load

composition being calculated:

a) Main combination consisting of permanent loads;

b) Special combination consisting of one of the special loads, as well as
permanent, long-term and short-term loads.

When including specified format temporary load with two different values into a
It shall be assumed as long-term load when calculating specified format reduced
It shall be assumed as short-term load when calculating specified format full

Short-term loads defined in article 1.8 may be left out when load generated from a
vehicle touching part of a building or blast effects, is included in the special
combination of the load.

1.12 When calculating a combination consisting of permanent and two or more

temporary loads, the design value of the temporary load or relevant force shall be
multiplied by the following coefficients of the combination:
For long-term load of the main combination-
For short-term load-
For long-term load of special combination- for short-term load-
the above shall apply to all except those defined in the norms of
the engineering design development of construction buildings in a seismic
zone and engineering design development of foundations and structures.
In such case, the special load shall be calculated unreduced.

Coefficients and shall be excluded when calculating the main combination

consisting of permanent and one temporary (long or short-term) loads.

Note: The design value for the main combination consisting of three or more short-term loads may
be multiplied as follows: for the first short-term load by for the second- for
all others- .

1.13 When determining the load combination according to article 1.12, one short-term
load shall be assumed as follows:

CNR 2.01.07-90

a) Specific type of load of one origin (depression or pressure in large-capacity

containers, snow, wind and ice loads, temperature and climate effects, load
generated by a loader, electric carriage, and suspension or bridge cranes).

b) Load of several origins, if their combined effects were accounted for in the
design and specified format values of the load (load generated by equipment,
people and materials stored at one or more floor constructions with
coefficients and , which were defined in articles 2.8 and 2.9, taken into
calculation, load generated by several suspension and bridge cranes with
coefficient , defined in article 4.17, taken into calculation, ice and wind
loads defined in article 7.4).


2.1 The determination of specified format value of the weight of a structure prepared
at a factory must be based on passport data of the supplying factory, working
drawings and MNS. Design weights for other structures of construction and soil
should be determined according to their condition of humidity at operation.

2.2 The reliability coefficient of the load for construction structures and soil weight
shall be assumed according to Table 1.

Table 1

Facility structures Reliability coefficient

and soil types of the load,
Steel structures: 1.05
Concrete (with avg. density above 1600
kg/m3), reinforced concrete, brickwork, 1.1
reinforced masonry and wood structures;
Concrete (with avg. density below 1600
kg/m3) insulation, leveling, decorative
courses (slab, roll materials, filling,
leveling course, etc.):
If made at factory 1.2
If made at construction site 1.3
In natural conditions 1.1
If earth-filled 1.15

Note: 1. The shall equal to 0.9 in calculations for the weight of structure or some of its parts when
testing the structure stability against overturning or in situations where the weight reduction of the
structure or soil deteriorates service conditions of the structure.
2. The load transferring from materials, equipment and vehicles onto the soil must be taken into
account when determining soil load.

CNR 2.01.07-90

3. The shall equal to 1.1 for steel structures where force coming from specific weight exceeds
50% of the total force.



3.1 Articles in this chapter apply to load generated from intermediate floor
constructions of the construction, people, animals, equipment, products, materials
and temporary partitions effecting onto the soil floor.
Predetermined conditions of construction building and building service stages
must be accounted for when selecting a load type to effect on intermediate floor
constructions from the versions mentioned above. If data for the above conditions
is insufficient at the engineering design development stage, then the following
versions to load on special interfloor covers shall be considered when developing
structure and foundation calculations:
- To apply the selected load entirely;
- To load the scheme when designing soil and structures sensitive to
partially applied unfavorable loading scheme;
- Temporary load unaffecting;
The total temporary load applied on interfloor constructions of a multifloor
building shall not exceed the total load applied entirely on the floor constructions
accounted for the combination coefficient (its value shall be determined by
equations 3 and 4) during partially applied unfavorable loading.

3.2 Inclusion of loads produced by equipment (as well as pipelines and vehicles),
storage materials and products in the design task shall be based on the following
factors and technological conceptions:
a) Location of equipments must consider possibility of getting close during
change of construction service and planning, size of storage sections that
house materials and products, size and location of equipment supports located
on each flooring and each floor on soil;
b) Specified value load determined in accordance with provisions of this code,
load reliability coefficient, specified value of inertia force for dynamic load
machine, load reliability coefficient of inertia force, as well as other necessary

When changing actual load on the flooring with uniformly distributed load of
equal value, the latter shall be determined by calculations differentiating for each
different type of structure (slab, secondary beam, bracing beam, column,
foundation, etc.). The chosen value for the load of equal value must provide for
the structure’s bearing capacity and rigidity required by actual load applying
conditions. For industrial and warehouse areas, uniformly distributed, specified
full value load of equal value shall not be less than the following: for slab and
secondary beam-3.0 kPa (300kg/cm2), for bracing beam, column and foundation-
2.0 kPa (200kg/cm2).

CNR 2.01.07-90

A long-term planning is recommended to be able to raise the load size due to

equipment and storage materials when feasible conditions exist.

3.3 Specified value of the equipment and pipelines weight shall be determined by
their standards or catalogs, as for non-standard equipment, it shall be determined
based on passport data or working drawings of the producing factory.

The following shall be included in the composition of loads due to equipment

weight: specific gravity of machines and equipment (driving roller, permanent
instruments, support devices, concrete sole, concrete sleeper, etc), weight of
insulator or filler that may exist during equipment service, the heaviest weight of
processing parts, mentioned load and weight of transporting load taking into
account the loading capacity

The load produced due to equipment weight located on flooring or a soil floor
shall be determined depending on its location and virtual displacement conditions
during the service process.

However, measures must be planned in advance to prevent need for reinforcement

and support of bearing structures in connection with technological equipment
transfer during building construction or service.

When designing various structures, quantity and location of accumulator cars and
loaders, simultaneously effecting onto the flooring, shall be based on
technological conception in accordance with the construction task.

When determining dynamic effects of the vertical load of the loaders and
accumulator cars, the specified static load value may be multiplied by dynamic
coefficient equal to 1.2.

3.4 The reliability coefficient of the equipment weight load shall be taken from
Table 2.

Table 2
Weight Reliability coefficient of loading

Stationary equipment 1.05

Insulator of stationary equipment 1.2
Equipment (includes vessels and pipelines) fillers:
liquid mortar humus 1.0
powder substance 1.1
Loaded truck and accumulator car (loaded) 1.2

Uniformly distributed load

CNR 2.01.07-90

3.5 The specified value of uniformly distributed temporary load to apply on slab stairs
of an intermediate floor or floor on the ground shall be determined in accordance
with Table 3.

3.6 Specified value of the load produced onto a roof slab from the weight of a
temporarily built partition shall be determined depending on its structural
conception, location, floor, and how it is based and propped on a wall. This load
shall be assumed as an additional uniformly distributed load; its specified value
shall not be less than 0.5 kPa (50kg/cm2) based on the calculation taking into
consideration the partition location scheme.

3.7 The reliability coefficient of the load for uniformly distributed load shall equal
to 1.3 when the specified full value is less than 2.0kPa (200kg/cm 2) and 1.2 when
the value is equal to or exceeds 2.0kPa (200kg/cm2).
The reliability coefficient of a temporary partition weight shall be determined
according to Provision 2.2.

3.8 When designing a foundation, columns, slabs, a bracing beam and a beam to
receive load from one floor, the specified full value of the load, shown in Table 3,
shall be reduced by multiplying by the combination coefficient as shown
below depending on the structure’s load area A2.

a) For rooms defined in Provisions 1, 2, 12a (when A>A1=9m2)


b) For rooms defined in Provisions 4, 11, 12b (when A>A1=36m2)


Note: When designing a wall to receive loading from one floor, the load value shall be reduced
depending on the load area “A” if the structure (beam, slab, etc.) is designed to rest on the wall.

CNR 2.01.07-90

Specified value of the load

# Buildings and rooms P, kPa (kgc/m2)
full reduced
0 1 2 3
1. Rooms of a residential building, kindergarten,
childcare place, bedrooms of a dormitory, rest-house,
1.5 (150) 0.3 (30)
sanatorium, public places, hotel rooms, hospital,
sanatorium rooms, tented balcony
2 Administration of an establishment, offices of
engineering, technical and research workers,
classrooms of an educational organization, subsidiary 2.0 (200) 0.7 (70)
rooms of public and industrial buildings and facilities
(cloakroom, shower, washroom, toilet)
3 Labs and halls of medical buildings; labs of research
and educational organizations; computer rooms;
at least 2.0 (200) at least 1.0 (100)
kitchens of public buildings; technical floors; cellar
4 Halls:
a) reading 2.0 (200) 0.7 (70)
b) dining (café, diners, restaurant) 3.0 (300) 1.0 (100)
c) meeting, waiting, show and concert, physical 4.0 (400) 1.4 (140)
education (PE)
d) trade, show and exhibition at least 4.0 (400) at least 1.4 (140)
5 Book storage, archive rooms at least 5.0 (500) at least 5.0 (500)
6 Performance stage at least 5.0 (500) at least 1.8 (180)
7 Lecturer’s stand:
a) with restrained seating 4.0 (400) 1.4 (140)
b) with audience standing 5.0 (500) 1.8 (180)
8 Attic rooms 0.7 (70) -
9 On the strip after the roof deck:
a) people are able to exit production rooms and halls, 4.0 (400) 1.4 (140)
and gather in masses
b) used for resting purposes 1.5 (150) 0.5 (50)
c) used for other purposes 0.5 (50) -
10 Including balcony load defined below:
a) uniformly distributed strip load at 0.8m wide section 4.0 (400) 1.4 (140)
along the balcony banisters
b) uniformly distributed on the balcony area,
unfavorably applied load compared to the load defined 2.0 (200) 0.7 (700)
in Provision ‘a’.
11 Equipment service and maintenance sections at
at least 1.5 (150) -
production departments
12 Lobby, stairs, basements connected to rooms defined in
articles below:
a) 1, 2 and 3 3.0 (300) 1.0 (100)
b) 4, 5, 6 and 11 4.0 (400) 1.4 (140)
c) 7 5.0 (500) 1.8 (180)
13 Platform of a railway station and auto conveyance stop 4.0 (400) 1.4 (140)
14 Cattle pen:
a) small cattle at least 2.0 (200) at least 0.7 (70)
b) large cattle at least 5.0 (500) at least 1.8 (180)
Note: 1. The load defined in Article 8 shall be applied on area with no equipment or materials placed.
2. The snow load shall be excluded for the load defined in Article 9.
3. The load defined in Article 10 shall be taken into account when designing balcony’s load- bearing

CNR 2.01.07-90

structure and a wall section where the structure is to be seated. When designing a wall section located
below the structure, as well as foundation and ground calculations, the load to apply on the balcony shall
equal to the load relevant to construction’s main room, and reduced in accordance with Articles 3.8 and 3.9.
4. The load specified value of rooms and buildings defined in Articles 3, 4d, 5, 6, 1 and 14, shall be based
on technological conception and assumed according to the building task.

3.9 When determining longitudinal force during design of columns, walls and
foundations to receive load from two or more floor constructions, the specified
full value of the load defined in Table 3 shall be reduced by multiplying by
combination coefficient below:

a) For rooms defined in 1, 2, 12a of Table 3:


b) For rooms defined in 4, 11, 12b of Table 3:


Here: and shall be determined according to Article 3.8;

n - total number of the floor constructions (for rooms defined in 1, 2, 4, 11,, 12a
and b of Table 3), the floor constructions load on columns, walls, and foundation
shall be accounted for in the cross-section calculations.

Note: When determining bending moment to form in columns and walls, the load of the beam and
bracing beams to connect to them, shall be reduced according to Article 3.8.

Concentrated load and load on railings

3.10 The load-bearing structures of inter-floor construction, roofing, stairs, and

balcony shall be tested against concentrated vertical load (when other temporary
loads do not apply) to apply in unfavorable position on a square area with sides
not more than 10cm.
If the specified higher value of the concentrated load has not been reflected in
advance in the building task based on the technological conception, it shall be
determined as follows:
a. For floor and stairs: 1.5 kH (150kgs);
b. For attic floor, roof, platform and balcony: 1.0 kH (100kgs);
c. For roofs that require assistance of carrying poles and ladders for walking: 0.5
kH (50kgs).
If the structures have been tested against load due to equipment and vehicles
during building service, the testing against the concentrated load may be left out.

CNR 2.01.07-90

3.11 The specified value of horizontal load to apply on stairs and balcony railings shall
be determined as follows:
a. For residential buildings, kindergartens, childcare buildings, rest houses,
sanatoriums, hospitals and other medical treatment buildings: 0.3kH/m
b. For sports halls and buildings with podium seating: 1.5kH/m (150kgs/m);
c. Other rooms and buildings with no special requirements: 0.8kH/m (80kgs/m).
If higher value load is unnecessary for service areas where people stay
temporarily, bridges and roof railings according to the building task based on the
technological conception, the specified value of horizontal concentrated load to
apply on railings shall equal to 0.3kH/m (30kgs) at any point along the length of
the railing.

The reliability coefficient shall equal to 1.2 for loads defined in Articles 3.10
and 3.11.



4.1 The load of the overhead traveling crane and the overhead conveyor shall be
determined depending on their load transferring technique, hoisting methods and
work regime category defined by standards. Service conditions of the overhead
traveling crane and the overhead conveyor with work regimes of various
categories shall be determined according to Attachment 1.

4.2 The specified full value of vertical load to be transmitted from crane wheels to the
beam of a crane rail, and other data necessary for calculations shall be defined by
state standard specifications of other jacks; and by producing factory’s passport
data for non-standard jacks.
Note: The meaning of jack rail consists of two beams capable of sustaining an overhead traveling
crane and all (two beams when one span is present, when two spans are present – three beams,
etc.) beams capable of sustaining an overhead conveyor.

4.3 The specified full value of horizontal load due to bridge breaking of an electric
jack positioned along the jack rail shall equal to 0.1 of the specified full value of
the vertical load on the breaking wheel at the jack side.

4.4 The specified value of horizontal load due to breaking of an electric carriage,
positioned horizontally on the jack rail shall be determined as shown below:
For freight elevator with elastic hooks-equal to 0.5 of sum of the carriage weight
and its lifting capacity.
For freight elevator with rigid hooks – equal to 0.1 of the same sum.
The above load shall be defined when determining designs building’s transverse
frame and jack rail beam. The load shall be positioned to transfer on one side of
the jack rail (the beam) and to be uniformly distributed between the wheels
supported by the rail; it shall be directed inward or outward of the span.

CNR 2.01.07-90

4.5 The specified value of the horizontal load due to tilting of an electric overhead
traveling crane or non-parallel (under side force effects) position to form in the
horizontal direction of the jack rail, shall equal to 0.1 of the specified full value of
the vertical load to apply on wheels, for each jack wheel.
The above load must be considered when developing strength and stability
designs of column supports in a building with an elevator of work regimes 7K and
8K and a jack rail beam. During this time, the load shall transfer from all wheels
of one side of the jack to the beam of the jack rail and it may be directed inward
or outward of the building span. The load defined in Article 4.4 shall not be
considered together with the side force.

4.6 The horizontal load and the side force due to elevator bridge or carriage breaking
shall be assumed to apply on jack wheels and the section where it connects to the

4.7 The specified value of the horizontal load to form on blunt supports in the
longitudinal direction of the jack rail due to hoist impact shall be determined in
accordance with Attachment 2 articles. The above load shall only be considered in
the calculations of the supports and braces to attach the supports to the jack rail

4.8 The reliability coefficient of the load shall equal to 1.1 for the elevator load.
Note: When determining dynamic effects as well as effects of concentrated vertical load on a
small area due to an elevator wheel, the specified full value of the above load shall be multiplied
by an additional coefficient as shown below when calculating the beam strength of the jack
1.6 - for 8K working regime category elevator with rigid freight hooks;
1.4 – for 8K working regime category elevator with elastic freight hooks;
1.3 – for 7K working regime category elevator;
1.1 – for all other working category elevators.
When testing stability of a small area of a vertical rib in the beam cross-section,
the shall equal to 1.1.

4.9 When determining stability and strength of the elevator rail beam or
reinforcements to be attached to load-bearing structures, the design value of the
elevator’s vertical load shall be multiplied by dynamic coefficients below:
a) When column span does not exceed 12m:
1.2 – for overhead traveling crane of 8K working conditions category;
1.1 – for 6K and 7K work conditions category overhead traveling cranes or
overhead conveyors of all work conditions categories.
b) When column span is more than 12m:
1.1 – for overhead traveling crane of 8K working conditions category;
The design value of the horizontal load due to the overhead traveling crane of 8K
work conditions category shall equal to the dynamic coefficient 1.1.
At all other times the dynamic coefficient shall equal to 1.0.

CNR 2.01.07-90

The dynamic coefficient shall not be considered when designing fatigue strength
of a structure, when testing column displacement and girder deflection of an
elevator rail and when designing effects of small area due to concentrated vertical
load produced by a wheel of an elevator.

4.10 When designing girder strength and stability of the elevator rail, the vertical load
shall be determined by not more than two most unfavorable effects of an overhead
traveling crane or conveyor.

4.11 The vertical load for each road shall be defined by two or less elevators with most
unfavorably applied effects when developing strength and stability designs of the
building frame with an overhead crane, columns, foundation and base for few
spans (for each layer of the span). However, when considering elevator location
with various spans on the range, number of elevators with most unfavorable
effects to be used in the calculations shall not exceed four.

4.12 The vertical load for each elevator road shall be defined by not more than two
elevators with most unfavorable effects when developing strength and stability
designs of the building frame with an overhead conveyor on one or more rails,
columns, rafter beam, lower structure of the rafter beam, foundation and base. The
vertical shall be distributed as follows when considering an overhead conveyor
working on various rails positioned on one range:
The load due to not more than two elevators shall be distributed at the base,
foundation, the lower structure of the rafter beam, the column at the guiding row
when two elevator rails are present in the span;
The load due to not more than four elevators:
- the column of the middle row, the lower structure of the rafter beam,
foundation and base;
- the column of the guiding row, the lower structure of the rafter beam,
foundation and the base when three elevator rails are present in the span;
- the rafter beam structure when the span has two or three rails.

4.13 The horizontal load shall be designed to be produced by not more than two
elevators with the most unfavorable effects positioned on one range or few
various rails when developing strength and stability designs of the elevator rail
beam, columns, frame, rafter beam, lower structure of the rafter beam, foundation
and the base.
Only one horizontal load (horizontal or longitudinal) shall be considered for each

4.14 The number of the elevators necessary for the strength and stability design shall
be defined by the building task based on the technological conception when
determining vertical and horizontal loads of the overhead crane with two or three
vertical rows in the span, when overhead crane and conveyor are simultaneously
located in one span and during service of the overhead conveyor used for
transferring load from one crane to another by the girder.

CNR 2.01.07-90

4.15 The load shall be designed from one elevator with most unfavorable effects when
determining horizontal displacement of columns as well as vertical and lateral
deflection of the elevator rail beam.

4.16 Only one elevator load shall be considered for the given rail if secondary elevator
is not to be placed on the rail during building service.

4.17 When considering simultaneously two and four elevators their load shall be
multiplied by the following combination coefficients:
a. When considering two elevators:
=0.85 for 1K-6K working conditions category elevator;
=0.95 for 7K, 8K working conditions category elevator;
b. When considering four elevators:
=0.7 for 1K-6K working conditions category elevator;
=0.8 for 7K, 8K working conditions category elevator;

When considering only one elevator, unreduced values of vertical and horizontal
loads shall be used.

4.18 The specified reduced value of the load shall be taken into account according to
Article 1.7 for fatigue strength design of the rail beam of an electric overhead
crane and supports to attach it to the load-bearing structures. In this case, in order
to test the endurance of a rib wall of a beam cross-section at an area affected by
concentrated vertical load due to one wheel of the elevator, the specified reduced
value of the vertical wheel load shall be multiplied by the coefficient used in
girder strength design of the elevator rail according to Article 4.8. The working
conditions category of the elevator requires fatigue strength design shall be
governed by structure design development regulations.


5.1 The specified full value of the snow load one horizontal projection of the roof
shall be determined by the following formula:


Here: - specified value of the snow weight to apply on 1m 2 of horizontal

surface of the ground, determinable by Article 5.2.
- determinable by a coefficient to transfer ground surface snow weight into roof
snow load in accordance with Articles 5.3-5.6.

5.2 The specified value of the weight of a snow blanket to apply on 1m 2 of the
horizontal ground surface shall be determined by CNR 2.01.01-93, defined by a
relevant institute of the Ministry of Environment and accepted as reflected in the
design development order.

CNR 2.01.07-90

5.3 The value of the coefficient and the snow load distributing scheme shall be
determined by linearity shown in the Attachment 3.

In case of partial loading, if parts of a structure are to work under most

unfavorable conditions, a snow load scheme to apply on ¼ or ½ (at “c” width of
the roof with skylights) of the span shall be taken into account.

Note: If necessary, the snow load shall be determined further taking into account extension
conditions of the building.

5.4 The snow load version to largely affect a small area shown in the Attachment 3
shall be included in the calculations that determine cross-section size of a slab,
main ridge of a roof and parts of load-bearing structures (truss, girder, column,
Note: An abbreviated snow scheme of the same value as the effects scheme of the load shown in
the Attachment 3 of the structure design may be used. An increased snow load must be included in
the column and frame design of a factory building. For other structures not including sections with
roof level variance, only uniformly distributed snow load shall be taken into calculations.

5.5 The coefficient determined based on data shown in schemes 1, 2, 5 and 6 of the
Attachment 3 shall be multiplied by coefficient K=1.2-0.1 thereby reducing it,
for small slope roofs (the slope is up to 12% or ) of one or more span
buildings without skylights to be built in a zone where the average wind speed in
the coldest three months is 2m/s.
The coefficient determined based on data shown in schemes 1 and 5 of the
Attachment 3 shall be multiplied by coefficient 0.85 thereby reducing it, for 12-
20% slope roofs of one or more span buildings without skylights to be built in a
zone where the average wind speed is 4 m/s.
The average wind speed in the coldest three months shall be determined in
accordance with CNR 2.01.01-93. In the above case, if the building width is up to
90m, height h>10m, then the coefficient K shall be reduced by multiplying by the
coefficient K1, however K 0.7.

Reducing the snow load shall not apply to the following situations:
a) For a building roof protected from direct effect of the wind by tall buildings
positioned adjacent to each other at a distance less than 10 h 1. Here: h1-height
difference of adjacent and projected buildings.
b) Height of buildings and fencings for length sections B, B1, B2 of stepped roofs
(See schemes 8-11 of the Attachment 3)

5.6 If melted snow turned into water is efficiently eliminated from un-insulated, more
than 3% steep slope roofs of a workshop which emits a lot of heat, then the
coefficient shall be reduced by 20% disregarding specifications in Article 5.5.

CNR 2.01.07-90

5.7 The reliability coefficient of the load shall equal to 1.4 for snow load. The shall
equal to 1.6 in structure design if the comparison ratio of the specified value of
uniformly distributed load of the roof weight (including weight of permanent
equipment) compared to the specified value of the snow blanket weight S0.

In cases not defined in the Attachment 4, it is permitted to base the air friction coefficient
on reference materials, test results or results of a structure model tested by
blowing in the air friction pipe.
Explanation: When determining wind load impacting onto surfaces of internal and dividing walls of a
building with no outside wall constructed yet, the outside pressure coefficient C e of air friction or front
resistance coefficient Cx shall be used.
6.7 The specified format value Wp of the wind load pulsation composition at height Z
shall be determined in the following manner:
a. The following formula shall be used in constructions or its structures where
the first frequency of specific vibration f1, Gts (Гц) is more than the limit value
of the specific vibration fe (see article 6.8):

Here: Wm – determined in accordance with article 6.3;
- pulsation coefficient of the wind load at height Z taken from Table 5;
ν – spatial correlation coefficient of the wind load pulsation (see article

Table 5

Height Z, in m Pulsation coefficient ξ of the wind load in the following region

<5 0.85 1.22 1.78
10 0.76 1.06 1.78
20 0.69 0.92 1.50
40 0.62 0.80 1.26
60 0.58 0.74 1.14
80 0.56 0.70 1.06
100 0.54 0.67 1.00
150 0.51 0.62 0.90
200 0.49 0.58 0.84
250 0.47 0.56 0.80
300 0.46 0.54 0.76
350 0.46 0.52 0.73
> 480 0.46 0.50 0.68

CNR 2.01.07-90

Picture 2. Dynamic coefficients

1. In a reinforced concrete or masonry construction, also a construction with framed

steel structures and walls (δ=0.3).
2. Steel tower, post, chimney, pillar type constructions (includes top of the reinforced
concrete porch); (δ=0.15).
b. The following formula shall be used in a construction (and its structures) that
may be assumed as one degree system (horizontal frames of a single industrial
building, water pressure tower, etc.) when f1<fe:

Here: ξ – dynamic coefficient to be defined by Picture 2 depending on probability of

and decrement δ (see article 6.8) of vibration logarithm;

rf - reliability coefficient of the load (see article 6.11);

W0 – specified format value of the wind pressure, Pa (Па) (see article 6.4).
c. The following formula shall be used in symmetrically constructed buildings
where f1<fe is true and all constructions where f 1<fe<f2 is true (here: f2 –
second frequency of the building’s specific vibration):

Here: m – building mass at level Z dependent on surface area impacted by wind load;
ε – dynamic coefficient (see article 6.7b);
Y – horizontal displacement of specific vibration of the building (first form) at
level Z (Y may be used as a displacement, created by static load impacting in
transversal direction, uniformly disbursed in symmetrically constructed building
with constant height);
 - coefficient determined by dividing the building into sections r where the wind
load impacts consistently, shall use the following formula:


CNR 2.01.07-90

Here: Mk – mass of Kth section of a building;

yk – transversal displacement of Kth section center;
Wpk – impacting force equal to pulsation composition of the wind load
determinable by Formula 8 of the building’s Kth section;

Specified format value of the wind load pulsation composition at level Z for a multifloor
building where windward surface width, rigidity and mass remain constant along the
height, may be determined by the following formula:


Here: Wph – specified format value of wind load pulsation composition at height h at the
top of the building, determined by formula 8.

6.8 Value limit of specific vibration frequency (fi, Gz) that allows to discount inertia
force to form from specific form vibration, shall be determined by Table 6:

Table 6

Wind regions of Mongolia fi, Gz

(apply Picture 37 of CNR
δ=0.3 δ=0.15
I 0.95 2.9
II 1.1 3.4
III 1.2 3.8
IV 1.4 4.3
V 1.6 5.0

Additional design of vibration under wind whirl impact needs to be carried out for
a cylindrical shaped facility where f1<fi is true. Value of “δ”, the vibration
logarithm decrement shall be determined as follows:
a) δ=0.3 for reinforced concrete and masonry structured facility and steel
skeleton structured construction with walls.
b) δ=0.15 for steel towers, posts, chimneys, pillar type facilities (includes top of
the reinforced concrete porch).
6.9 The spatial correlation coefficient γ of pressure pulsation shall be defined by the
surface that determines the pulsation correlation of the facility.
Design surface shall include walls, roof and other similar structures’ surfaces
positioned windward, leeward and on sides that transfer wind pressure at design
structure of the building.
If the design surface is similar to a rectangular shape and its sides are parallel to
the main axis (Picture 3), the coefficient ν shall be taken from Table 7 depending
on probability of P and X which shall be taken from Table 8.

CNR 2.01.07-90

When designing the facility in whole, the design surface measurements shall be
determined according to Attachment 4. Here, the size of the design surface for a
grid facility shall be determined by its outer borders.

Picture 3. Main coordinate system to determine the correlation coefficient ν.

Table 7
P, m Coefficient ν at the following value of χ meter
5 10 20 40 80 160 350
0.1 0.95 0.92 0.88 0.80 0.76 0.67 0.56
5 0.89 0.87 0.84 0.80 0.73 0.65 0.54
10 0.85 0.84 0.81 0.77 0.71 0.64 0.53
20 0.80 0.78 0.76 0.73 0.68 0.61 0.51
40 0.72 0.72 0.70 0.67 0.63 0.57 0.48
80 0.63 0.63 0.61 0.59 0.56 0.51 0.44
160 0.53 0.53 0.52 0.50 0.47 0.44 0.38

Table 8
Main coordination plane positioned P χ
parallel to design surface
ZOУ b h
ZOX 0.4a h
XOУ b a

6.10 The dynamic design shall be carried out taking into account first form “S” of
specific vibration for a facility where f2<fi is true. Number “S” shall be
determined based on fs<fi<fs+1 condition.
6.11 Reliability coefficient of the wind load shall be =1.4.


CNR 2.01.07-90

7.1 The ice load shall be accounted for when developing designs of power lines,
aerial communications lines, powered network of transport communications,
antenna towers and other similar facilities.

7.2 The specified value i of the ice load on structures with circular cross-sections of
up to 70mm in diameter and its parts (land line, cables, brace, mast, etc.) shall be
defined by the following formula in n/m units:


The specified value i of the ice load of all other structure surfaces shall be
determined by the following formula in Pa units:


b - thickness of ice in mm (exceeds once in 5 years)

This index shall be obtained by specially approved technological conditions or the
Hydrology and Meteorology Office of Mongolia.
k – the coefficient to determine the ice wall thickness dependent on height shall
be obtained from Table 9.
d – diameter of cables and ropes in mm.
- the coefficient to determine the ice wall thickness dependent on circular
section structures and diameter of its parts shall be obtained from Table 10.
- the coefficient to determine the comparison ratio that compares surface area
of glaciated structure and its parts to total surface area of the structure and its
parts, shall equal to 0.6.
p – ice density equal to 0.9 g/cm3.
g – free fall velocity in m/cm2.

Table 9
Height above ground
5 10 20 30 50 70 100
surface, m
Coefficient K 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0

Table 10
Diameter of landline, 5 10 20 30 50 70
cable or rope, mm
Coefficient 1.1 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6
Note: (in connection with Tables 9 and 10):
1. The ice wall thickness in mountainous and understudied zones, as well as highly uneven areas
(tops of mountains and hills, mountain passes, tall embankments, screened off mountain valleys,
recesses, deep excavations, etc.) shall be determined based on observation, analysis and test
2. Intermediate value shall be determined by linearity.
3. The glaciation thickness of horizontally positioned hanging structure with circular cross-section
and its parts (cables and ropes) may be assumed at same height as its center of gravity.

CNR 2.01.07-90

4. The glaciation wall thickness of horizontally positioned, circular cylindrically shaped structure
of up to 70 m in diameter and its parts shall be assumed reduced by 10% when determining the ice

7.3 The reliability coefficient of the ice load shall be =1.3 unless otherwise stated in
other measurement specifications.

7.4 The wind load of glaciated surface structure and its parts shall equal to 25% of the
wind load specified value W0 to be determined in accordance with Article 6.4.

Note: 1. The glaciation thickness, density and wind load shall be defined by actual data in areas
where combination of considerable wind speed and extreme glaciation thickness have been
2. When determining the wind load on a structure and its parts of a building positioned 100 m
above the ground surface, the diameter of glaciated ropes and cables dependent on the glaciation
thickness shall be multiplied by coefficient equal to 1.5.

7.5 The air temperature during glaciation period shall be obtained from a relevant
institute of the Ministry of Environment disregarding the building height.

Note: An actual temperature shall be assumed in areas where temperature less than 15°C is
observed during glaciation period.


8.1 Temperature changes and temperature drops dependent on period of time along
the cross-section of a structure and its parts shall be taken into account if so
defined in the structural design development regulations.

8.2 The specified value of an average temperature change along the section of the
structure and its parts shall be determined by the following formula depending on
warm ( ) or cold ( ) season:


Here: tw, tc – specified value of an average temperature along the section of a

structure and its parts in warm or cold season, to be defined in accordance with
Article 8.3.
tow, toc – first temperature of a warm or cold season, to be obtained in accordance
with Article 8.6.

8.3 The specified values tw and tc of average temperature and temperature drops
and along the section of a single-layer structure in warm or cold seasons shall
be defined by Table 11.

CNR 2.01.07-90

Note: tw, tc, , shall be determined by calculations for multi-layer structures.

May be assumed same as in multi-layer structure manufactured with a similar
material by thermal modular equipment.

8.4 Daily, average, outside air temperatures , in warm or cold seasons shall be
determined by the following formula:


Here: tI, tVII – average air temperature of many years in January and July, to be
defined in accordance with CNR 2.01.01-93.
- departure of daily average temperature from monthly average
temperature ( shall be obtained by specially approved technical conditions or
from the Hydrology and Meteorology Office. shall equal to 6°C).

Note: 1. may be left out in a structure protected from solar radiation effects
when using a factory-insulated building.
2. tec and tew shall be determined by the following formula in mountainous and
little-studied areas:

; (19)
Here: tI, min, tVII, max – average of absolute values of lowest temperature in
January and highest temperature in July;
AI, AVII – average amplitude of daily air temperature in January and July when
skies are clear;
tI, min, tVII, max, AI, AVII – shall be obtained by specially approved technical
conditions or from the Hydrology and Meteorology Office.

CNR 2.01.07-90

Table 11
Various service conditions of construction buildings during service
Building buildings (do not Buildings with artificial
structure emit Insulated climate or source that
technological buildings constantly emits technological
heat) and outdoor heat
from solar  w  0.8t ew  t iw    3   5
radiation effects
(as well outside
wall structure)
protected from
solar radiation
effects (as well
internal wall
tew, tec – average, daily, outside air temperature during warm and cold seasons, to be determined in
accordance with Article 8.4.
tiw, tic – inside air temperature during warm and cold seasons, shall be determined in accordance with MNS
or construction task based on technological conception.
- temperature drop due to variance in daily outside air temperature; change in average
temperature along the section of a structure and its parts, to be determined according to Table 12.
- temperature drop due to solar radiation, change in average temperature along the section of a
structure and its parts, to be defined in accordance with Article 8.58.

Table 12
Temperature change in °C
Building structure
Metal structures 8 6 4
For thicknesses shown below of concrete,
strengthened reinforced concrete brickwork
or stone structures:
up to 15cm 8 6 4
from 15 to 39cm 6 4 6
above 40cm 2 2 4

Note: 1. If temperature to form in the structure due to technological heat emission during
construction service is definite, then values of t w, tc, Vw, Vc shall be determined based on their
respective definite indexes.
2. Values of tw, tc, Vw, Vc during building construction shall be determined same as in service
period of a building without heating system.

CNR 2.01.07-90

8.5 Temperature change shall be measured in °C by the following formula:

θ4=0.05 S max K K1; (21)

θ5=0.05 S max K(1- K1); (22)

Here: - coefficient of solar radiation absorption of material of the structure’s

outside surface.
S max – highest value of global direct and scattered solar radiation, to be obtained
from CNR 2.01.01-93.
K – coefficient to be obtained from Table 13.
K1 – coefficient to be obtained from Table 14.

Table 13
Surface type and position direction Coefficient K
Horizontal surface 1.0
Lower position of vertical surface:
If facing south 1.0
If facing west 0.9
If facing east 0.7

Table 14
Building structure Coefficient K1
Steel 0.7
For thicknesses shown below of concrete, strengthened
reinforced concrete brickwork or stone structures:
up to 15cm 0.6
from 15 to 39cm 0.4
above 35cm 0.3

8.6 First temperature tow, toc of a finished building structure in warm or cold season
shall be determined by the following formula:

tow = 0.8 tvii + 0.2 ti; (23)

toc = 0.2 tvii + 0.8 tl; (24)

Note: The first temperature may be defined considering data such as calendar period that marks
completion of a building structure, or sequence of production processes.

8.7 The reliability coefficient of the load shall equal to 1.1 for temperature and
climate effects and .


Other types of loads (special technological load, humidity and shrinkage effects,
unstable vibration of air friction due to wind load) that are not specified in these
norms or other standard specifications, or that are to be determined depending on

CNR 2.01.07-90

service and construction conditions of buildings shall be accounted for according

to requirements.


Articles in this chapter define deflection and displacement limitations of load-

bearing structures and building fencings when determining second category of
state limitations, independent of construction material used.
Articles in this chapter shall not apply to hydro equipment, transportation, nuclear
power station, aerial electric line, open-type switchgear and antenna-facilities of

General terms

10.1 The following condition must be met before determining deflection, bending and
displacement of the building structure:

f<f и (25)
Here: f – deflection (bending) and displacement of a part of a structure (or whole
structure) shall be determined taking into consideration factors specified in
Articles 1-3 of the Attachment 5.
fи – deflection and displacement limitations defined by these norms.

The calculations must meet the following requirements:

a) Technological requirements (must provide for normal service condition of

technological, lifting and transporting equipment, measuring and testing
b) Design requirements (must meet slope specifications, integrity (entireness) of
connecting or touching parts of structure and their joints)
c) Hygienic requirements (must eliminate poisonous effects, uncomfortable
feeling due to shaking)
d) Aesthetical and psychological requirements (the structure must appear safe,

The above requirements must be approved by the calculations independent of

each other.
Shake limitation shall be determined in accordance with Article 4 of the
Attachment 5.

10.2 Design method to determine defelction and displacement, various loads and
requirements pertinent to camber bearing construction shall be defined by Article
5 of the Attachment 5.

10.3 Deflection limit of structural elements of roofs and interfloor constructions, that is
restricted by technological, design and hygienic requirements shall be specified

CNR 2.01.07-90

from the bent axis that is adjusted to the state of the structure and its elements
during load application moment. However, limit deflection shall be specified from
the straight axis that connects supports of the structure and its elements, based on
aesthetical and psychological requirements. (Please refer to Article 7 of the
Attachment 5)

10.4 Structure deflection shall not be limited for rooms where people do not stay for
prolonged periods of time (for example: electric voltage and converter room, attic
floor, roof, etc.) and structural elements that are hidden from view or that do not
interfere with appearance (for example: membrane roof covering, inclined
canopy, elevated or suspended structure with lower belt) of the structure and its
elements depending on aesthetical and psychological requirements.

Note: Completeness and integrity of roof mats for all types of roofs shall be provided for with
design measures, rather than adding to rigidity of load-bearing structures and its elements (for
example: use of an expansion piece, provide for continuity of floor structures and its elements).

10.5 The reliability coefficient of all design loads as well as the dynamic coefficient of
the load due to loaders, electric carriages, overhead traveling crane and overhead
conveyors shall both equal to 1.

The reliability coefficient of buildings and constructions shall be assumed as

shown in the Attachment 6 and multiplied by specified value of the load.

10.6 The limitations of vertical and horizontal deflection and displacement due to
permanent, long and short-term loads not specified in these regulations of
construction structures and its elements as well as other specifications, shall not
exceed 1/150 of a span or 1/75 of a cantilever projection.

Vertical deflection limit of a structure and its elements

10.7 The vertical deflection limit of a structure and its elements and the load due to the
delfection is shown in Table 15.

Gap requirements between adjoining elements is shown in Article 6 of the

Attachment 5.

CNR 2.01.07-90

No Structural elements Requirements Vertical deflection Load to determine

limit vertical deflection
0 1 2 3 4
1. Rail beam of overhead traveling crane and overhead
conveyor with the following controls:
- floor control (includes lifting instruments) Technological L/250 Assume load from one
- The following categories of work conditions controlled Hygienic and
from a cabine technological
1K – 6K L/400 Assume load from one
7K L/500 Assume load from one
8K L/800 Assume load from one
2. Girder, truss, bracing beam, purlin, slab, surface (including
slab and surface ribs):
a. When the following spans exist for in-view roof and Aesthetical and
interfloor constructions: phsycological
L 1m L/120 Assume permanent and
long-term temporary loads
L = 3m L/150 Assume permanent and
long-term temporary loads
L = 6m L/200 Assume permanent and
long-term temporary loads
L = 24 (12) m L/250 Assume permanent and
long-term temporary loads
L 36 (24) m L/300 Assume permanent and
long-term temporary loads
b. Roof and interfloor constructions with lower partition Design To be determined Assume load that reduces
according to Article 6 gap between load-bearing
of the Attachment 5. structural elements and
partition located lower of

CNR 2.01.07-90

the structure.
c. Leveling course with a structure that is susceptible to cracks Design L/150 Assume load that applies
at the top; floor, partition, roof and interfloor constructions. after parition, floor and
leveling course are
d. Overhead conveyors, lifting instruments that are equipped Technological L/300 or a/150 Assume load due to one
with roof and interfloor constructions with the following (whichever is less) elevator or lifting
controls: equipment on one rail.
- floor control
- cabin control Hygienic L/400 or a/200 Assume load due to one
(whichever is less) elevator or lifting
equipment on one rail.
e. Floor under the following effects: Hygienic and L/350 Assume whichever is most
Freight, materials, equipment parts and other moving loads technological unfavorable of 0.7 of the
(includes vehicles that use floor, not railtracks) specified full value of the
temporary load or load due
to one loader.
- Transportation load with railtracks: L/400 Assume load on one
- Narrow railtracks railtrack due to one railway
- Wide railtracks L/500 car composite (or one
vehicle on a floor)
3. Stairs (steps, landing, inclined beam), balcony, structures Aesthetical and Same as shown in 2a of
and elements of loggia (box) phsycological this Table.
Hygienic To be determined in
accordance with Article
4. Floor slab, stair steps and staircase landing where adjoining Hygienic 0.7mm Assume 1kn (kgs)
elements do not interfere with deflection concentrated load to apply
in the middle of a span
5. Lintel and suspended wall slab above window opening and Design L/200 Assume load that leads to
door opening (frame beam of glazing and bracing beam) reducing distance between
load-bearing structures and
windows or doors located

CNR 2.01.07-90

lower of the structure

6. Lintel and suspended wall slab above window opening and Design L/200 Assume load that leads to
door opening (frame beam of glazing and bracing beam) reducing distance between
load-bearing structures and
windows or doors located
lower of the structure
In this Table: Aesthetical and Same as shown in 2a of
L = design span of structure and its elements phsycological this Table
a = span of girder or truss attached to overhead conveyor’s

Note: 1. For cantilever, its length shall be multiplied by two instead of assuming span L.
2. Deflection limit for intermediate value of L shown in 2a shal be determined by linearity taking into consideration requirements specified in Article 7
of the Attachment 5. The number in the brackets shall only be assumed when the room length does not exceed 6m.
3. Features of deflection design to be carried out in accordance with 2d are shown in Article 8 of the Attachment 5.
4. The span L may equal distance between internal surfaces of load-bearing walls (or columns) when deflection is to be limited by aesthetical and
phsychological requirements.

CNR 2.01.07-90

10.8 A distance (gap) from the uppermost point of the overhead crane carriage to the
lowermost point of deflected roof structure (or an element attached to it) shall be
at least 100 mm.

10.9 Roofing structures must provide for conditions for the roof slope to be at least
1/200 when they are deflected in one direction. (Unless otherwise specified in
other norms specifications documents).

10.10 The deflection limit of loggia, balcony, staircase, surfacing structures (girder,
bracing beam, slab) of utility rooms in insdustrial buildings, as well as rooms in
civil and residential buildings shall be determined in by the following formula
depending on hygienic requirements:


Here: g – free fall velocity

p – specified value of the load due to people creating vibrations; to be assumed in
accordance with Table 16.
p1 – reduced specified value of the load applying on the floor, to be assumed in
accordance with Tables 3 and 16.
q – specified value of the load due to the structure in design and weight of the
structure that lies on it.
n – load frequency due to people walking, to be assumed in accordance with
Table 16.
b – coefficient to be assumed from Table 16.

Deflection is to be determined from the sum of following loads:

Here: - coefficient to be determined by formula (1).

Table 16

Rooms specified in Table 3 p, kPa p1, kPa n, Hz b

(kgs/m2) (kgs/m2)
Halls and utility rooms not specified 0.25 (25) To be assumed 1.5
in Articles 1, 2 of Table 3; from Table 3
rooms defined in 3, 4a, 9b, 10b;
Halls and utility rooms specified in 0.5 (50) To be assumed 1.5
Article 2 of Table 3; from Table 3
rooms defined in 9a, 10a, 12, 13 as
well as 4b except dance halls
Dance halls defined in Article 4 and 1.5 (150) 0.2 (20) 2.0 50
rooms defined in Articles 6 and 7.

CNR 2.01.07-90

In Table 16:
Q – weight of one person, shall equal to 0.8 kH (80kgs).
- coefficient equal to 1 for structures to be determined by girder scheme, and equal to 0.5 in all other
cases (for example: when the slab is to lie on its three or four sides).
a – step of a girder or bracing beam, width of a roof slab in m.
L – design span of a structural element in m.

Horizontal deflection limit of column

and break structures due to elevator load

10.11 The horizontal deflection limit of breaking structures (girder or truss), elevator
track beam, elevator trestle and columns in a construction equipped with an
overhead elevator shall be determined according to Table 17. In such case, it shall
not be less than 6mm.

The deflection shall be tested at the railhead level, disregarding foundation

heeling, from breaking force of an elevator carriage, horizontally positioned to the
elevator track.

Table 17

Deflection limit fи
Work conditions Column Elevator trestle
category of elevator (open or closed),
Building and closed Open trestle of construction and
trestle of elevator elevator breaking structures,
elevator track beam
1K-3K h/500 h/1500 L/500
4K-6K h/1000 h/2000 L/1000
7K-8K h/2000 h/2500 L/2000

In Table 17:

h – height from upper part of a foundation to the elevator railhead (for a single-floor
building or open or closed trestle of an elevator), or distance between bracing
beam axis of a roof and elevator railtrack head (for top floors of a multifloor
L – design span of a structural element (girder).

10.12 Horizontal clearance limit of an open trestle elevator to be limited by

technological requirements, and to form due to horizontal and vertical ecentric
loads (disregarding foundation heeling) from one elevator shall equal to 20 mm.

Horizontal displacement and ultimate deflection to form

in skeleton structured building, gallery pillars of a carrier,
and some elements of a structure due to wind load,
foundation heeling, climate and temperature effects.

CNR 2.01.07-90

10.13 Horizontal displacement limit, bounded by structural requirements of a skeleton

structured construction, is shown in Table 18. The displacement shall be
determined in accordance with article 9 of Attachment 5.

Table 18

Construction, walls and partitions Constraint conception Displacement

of walls and partitions limit fи
in skeleton structured
1. Multi-floor building Various h/500
2. First floor of multi-floor building: Elastic hs/300
a) Reinforced concrete panel, gypsum
concrete, brick wall and partition Rigid hs/500
b) Sculptural block, glass wall faced with Rigid hs/700
natural stone
3. For floor height underneath of a single- Elastic
floor building with self-supporting walls:
hs 6m hs/150
hs=15m hs/200
hs 30m hs/300

In Table 18:
h – height of a multi-floor building, shall equal to distance from upper part of the
foundation to the bracing beam axis of the roof.
hs – floor height of a single-floor building, shall equal to distance from upper portion of
the foundation to lower portion of the rafter structures;
For lower floors of the multifloor building, shall equal to distance from upper portion of
the foundation to the bracing beam axis of interfloor constructions; for other
floors, distance between adjoining bracing beams .

Note: 1. Horizontal displacement limit for intermediate values of h s defined in article 3

of Table 18 shall be determined by linearity.
2. Horizontal displacement limit of a multi-floor building designed to use roof
structure of a single-floor building, shall be determined sma e as in single-floor
building. In such case, the upper floor height hs shall equal to distance from
bracing beam axis of interfloor constructions to lower portion of the rafter
3. If attachment of walls and partitions does not interfere with the movement of a
skeleton –strucutured building, then it shall be regarded as elastic (does not
transfer forces that mgiht damage structural elements to walls and partitions); if it
does interfere with mutual movement of a skeleton structure, walls an dpartitions,
then it is identified as rigid timbering.

CNR 2.01.07-90

4. The displacement limit may be raised by 30% (but shall not exceed h/150) for
multi-floor buildings and single-floor buildings with suspended walls (also, if
rigid roof structure is missing).

10.14 The foundation heeling (rotation) shall be accounted for when determining
horizontal displacement of a skeleton-structured building.

In such case, the load due to equipment, household appliances, people, storage
materials and products shall only be accounted for if it is uniformly distributed on
all floors of a multi-floor building. Other loads by regular service conditions do
not apply here.

Determination of foundation heeling shall include wind load equal to 30% of the
specified format value. The foundation heeling that may form due to the wind
load in a construction up to 40m tall (as well as gallery pillars of a carrier with
any height) located in I-III region of the wind compression may be left out.

10.15 The horizontal displacement shall not be limited for buildings without skeleton
structures where its walls, partitions and bracing structures are designed to be
strong and crack-resistant.

10.16 The limit of horizontal deflection (to be limited by technological requirements) of

props, bracing beam and suspended wall panels, to form due to wind load, shall
equal to L/200.
Here: L – design span of props and panels.

10.17 The ultimate horizontal deflection (to be limited by technological requirements)

of the galley pillars of a carrier to form due to the wind load shall equal h/250.
Here, h – support height from the foundation top to the bottom of a girder or truss.

10.18 The limit of the horizontal deflection of props of a skeleton-structured building

due to temperature, climate and shrinkage effects shall equal to the following

hs/150 – for suspended panels, bricks, gypsum concrete, reinforced concrete walls
and partitions;
hs/200 – for natural stone facing, sculptural blocks, glass walls; here: hs – floor
height (height from top of the foundation to bottom of the elevator track girder in
a single-floor building with overhead elevator).

In this case, the temperature effects shall not include temperature drops dependent
on solar radiation and daily outside air temperature variations.

When determining horizontal deflection due to temperature, climate and

shrinkage effects its value shall not equal to a sum of wind load and deflection
due to foundation heeling.

CNR 2.01.07-90

Limit of bending to form due to pre-compression force

in inter-floor structures

10.19 The bending limit (fи) of inter-floor structures to be restricted by design

requirements shall equal to 15mm when L 3m, and 40mm when L<12m (the
bending limit for nitermediate values of L shall be determined by linearity).

The bending f shall be determined by pre-compressoin force, gravity weight of

roof structure and floor weight.

CNR 2.01.07-90

Attachment 1



Hoists Work Service conditions

All types of manual hoists. Hoists with 1K-3K Any conditions. For limited intensive
suspended conveyor ropes or hanging repairing and loading work.
dragline buckets. For limited intensive assembling and
Hoists with hanging dragline buckets or loading work in machinery hall of
load trolley with rotation power station.
Hoist with load trolley with rotation or 4K-6K For loading work of medium
hanging dragline bucket intensity; technological work of
mechanic shops, industrial finished
products warehouse of construction
materials, metal trade warehouse,
Grab bucket hoist with two braces, ropes For work with various shape load, in
and magnetic grab bucket hoist mixed-goods warehouses

Magnetic hoist Semi-finished products warehouses,

for work with various shape load.
Shop hoist for drying, riveting, bending 7K Industrial metal shops
and casting

Grab bucket hoist with two braces, ropes Metal scraps warehouse that stores
and magnetic grab bucket hoist loose materials and homogenous
load (during single or double work

Hoist with load trolley with rotation or Technological hoists that are
hanging dragline bucket operational 24 hours.
Hoist with lever regulator, grab bucket, 8K Industrial metal shops
designed to strip embankments, hammer,
valve and well hoists

Magnetic hoists
Industrial metal warehouses and
shops, large steel bases of
homogenous load
Grab bucket hoist with two braces, ropes
and magnetic grab bucket hoist Metal scraps warehouse that stores
loose materials and homogenous
load (during single or double work

CNR 2.01.07-90

Attachment 2


The specified value F of the load to form on the blind support due to elevator impact
directed alongside its tracks shall be measured in “kH” and defined by the following

- impact moment’s speed of elevator motion, shall equal half of the actual speed, m/s;

- virtual maximal settling of shock absorber (buffer), shall not exceed 50 when using
1K-7K work conditions category, equals to 0.1 for an elevator with elastic hooks and
lifting capacity of 1 tonne, for all other cases – 0.2;

- transferred weight of an elevator to be determined by the following formula:


- bridge weight of an elevator, t;

- carriage weight, t;
- elevator’s bearing capacity, t;
- coefficient, for elastic hooks, for rigid hooks.
- elevator span, m;
- carriage nearing distance, m;

The design value of the load shall not exceed the limitation values shown in the following
Table taking into consideration the reliability coefficient of the load (see article 4.8).

Cranes Load limitation value F, kH (ts)

Hanging overhead (manual and electric) 10 (1)
and manual traveling cranes
Electric traveling cranes: 1K-3K work 50 (5)
conditions category, for general purpose
General or special purpose, also casting 150 (15)
shops, 4K-7K work conditons category
8K work conditons category, special
purpose, with the following load hooks;
-elastic 250 (25)
-rigid 500 (50)
Attachment 3

CNR 2.01.07-90


Scheme Roof shape and snow load scheme Coefficient and scope of the
number versions scheme usage
1 2 3

1 Building with one and two slope-roof If then

If then

Versions 2 and 3 shall be applied to

type ‘b’ buildings with double slope
roofs. If version 2 is ,
and version 3 is , then
they shall only apply to ventilation
installations along the ridge, or when
crossing bridge for people is

2 Building with vaulted and similarly

but shall not exceed 1 and
shaped roofs
shall not be less than 0.4. The 2nd
version shall be considered when
is true.
1.6 2.0 2.2

=1.4 for roofs with reinforced

concrete covering.

Attachment 3 continued

CNR 2.01.07-90

1 2 3

2 Gothic (high-crowned) arched roof If then l=1, and scheme 1b

shall be used.

If then scheme 2 shall be used.

3 Buildings with longitudinal skylights

; however shall not

exceed cases shown below:
- When the specified value of the roof
weight is 1.5 kPa or less, it shall
equal to 4.0 for truss and girder;
- When the specified value of the roof
weight is 1.5 kPa or more, it shall
equal to 2.5 for truss and girder;
- 2.0 for shaped steel deck or
reinforced concrete slab of a roof
with 6m or less span;
-2.5 for girder independent of the
span, and reinforced concrete slab
with span over 6m;
- but not more than b. When
determining zone load at the end of
the skylights, the coefficient shall
equal to 1 in both versions.

1. Schemes of the 2 and 3 versions shall be
applied to buildings with skylights in the
middle and double slope or vaulted roofs
with 2-3 spans.
2. Barrier effects to reduce wind force shall
not be taken into account for snow load
distribution in the skylights area.
3. Additional load in the skylights area shall
be considered same as in a building with
height variations (see scheme 8) for a flat
slope roof where b>48m.
Attachment 3 continued

CNR 2.01.07-90

1 2 3
4 Roof shaped as shown in the scheme The scheme shall also be applied to
below vaulted roofs with sloped glazing,
related to the above roof

5 Building with double slope roof and If then second version shall
two or more spans be adopted.

Attachment 3 continued

CNR 2.01.07-90

1 2 3
6 Building with two or more spans and If then second version shall
vaulted or similar type roofs. be adopted.

The coefficient shall not exceed 1.4

for reinforced cocrete slab of hte roof.

7 Building with two or multiple spans, The coefficient shall be defined by

vaulted or double slope roof and versions 1 and 2 of the scheme 3 for
skylights positioned along the length building with skylights; and by
versions 1 and 2 of the schemes 5 and
6 for building without skylights.

When , an additional load on

small area shall be determined same
as in buildings with height variations
(see scheme 8) for double slope (
) flat roofs or vaulted (
) roofs.

Attachment 3 continued

CNR 2.01.07-90

1 2 3
8 Building with height variations Snow load shall be defined by most
unfavorable condition of schemes 1-7 for roofs
at high-level, and by scheme 8 for roofs at
lower levels.
The coefficient shall be defined by the
following formula:
, however shall not
exceed definitions below:
(here: h is expressed in meters, and s 0 is in
4 – for building (shape ‘a’)
6 – for canopy (shape ‘b’).
Values of shall be defined as follows
for upper (lower) roofs depending on the
building’s roof shape.
Flat roofs where ,
0.5 for vaulted roofs where ;
For flat roofs where ,
0.3 for roofs with horizontally positioned
skylights and vaulted roofs where ;
Value of for wide, low roofs
(shape ‘c’) shall be defined by the following
, but not less than 0.1.
Here: ; ; ; but
not less than 0.3 ( is expressed in meters and
and are expressed in degrees).
Height decrease (h) shall be determined
starting from the point where cornice of lower
roofs intersects with the wall.
Value of shall be defined as follows
depending on the position of the skylights.
a. For longitudinal skylights:

b. For horizontally positioned skylights or

without longitudinal skylights:
Here: and shall ot be less than 0. Lenght

CNR 2.01.07-90

of the area shall be defined as follows:

If then , but shall not exceed

If then , but shall not

exceed 5h and 15m.

1. If , the skylights effects of lower
(upper) level roofs shall not be taken into account when
determining value of for sections with level
2. If roof shapes at upper (lower) level are different,
then shall be defined for every span depending on
within limits of .

3. If level flactuation of the roof height is less than ,

then load on a small section within flactuation area may

not be accounted for (here .is expressed in kPa units).
Building with two heigth variations Snow load of upper and lower roofs shall be
determined by scheme 8.
Values of , , , shall determined
regardless of each change. Specifically:
For left side:

For right side:

If then

but shall not exceed .

Attachment 3 continued
1 2 3

10 Roof with parapet The scheme shall be ised in the following

CNR 2.01.07-90

(h is exressed in meters, - in

kPa), but shall not exceed 3.

Roof sections that meet with This scheme applies to installations
ventialtion shaft (chimney) that rises whose base diameter does not exceed
above a roof; and other devices. 15m. Depending on the structure being
designed (roof slab, girder), excess load
shall be assumed in most unfavorable
condition (at free angle ). The
coefficient shall be defined constant
within specified zone limits as follows:
If m then 1.0;
If m then , but not less than
1 and not more than the following:
If 1.5 < d < 5m then 1.5;
If 5 < d < 10m then 2.0;
10 < d < 15m then 2.5;
but shall not exceed .

12 Cylinder-shaped suspended roof


CNR 2.01.07-90

Attachment 4


Scheme Wind load, construction building, structure Air friction coefficient C Notes
number scheme
1 2 3 4

1 Isolated, two-dimensional, solid structure.

Vertical surface and surface inclined not
more than 15° from the vertical axis: -

Construction with double-slope roof Coefficie Tempera Values of Ce1, Ce2 under 1. Ce=-0.7 at all
2 nt ture α following relations of h1/l surfaces of the roof
0 0.5 1 >2 when wind is
Ce1 0 0 -0.6 -0.7 -0.8 blowing directly onto
the end cross wall.
20 +0.2 -0.4 -0.7 -0.8
40 +0.4 +0.3 -0.2 -0.4 2. h=h1+0.21tgα
60 +0.8 +0.8 +0.8 +0.8 when determining
Ce2 <60 -0.4 -0.4 -0.5 -0.8 coefficient ν in
accordance with
article 6.9.
b/l Value of Ce3 in relation of h1/l
<0.5 1 >2
<1 -0.4 -0.5 -0.6
>2 -0.5 -0.6 -0.6

CNR 2.01.07-90

Attachment 4 continued
1 2 3 4

3 Building with a vaulted and similarly shaped Coeffi Values of and in 1. See Notes 1 of the scheme 2.
roof cient relation to the following values 2. when determining
of coefficient in accordance with
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 provision 6.9.
0 +0.1 +0.2 +0.4 +0.6 +0.7
0.2 -0.2 -0.1 +0.2 +0.5 +0.7
>1 -0.8 -0.7 -0.3 +0.3 +0.7
Ce2 free -0.8 -0.9 -1 -1.1 -1.2
Value of shall be obtained from scheme 2.

4 Building with longitudinal skylights Coefficients shall be determined in 1. Total frontal resistance
accordance with scheme 2 provisions. coefficient of ‘skylights-barrier’
system shall equal to 1.4 for
horizontal frame design of a
building with skylights and wind
force reducing barrier.
2. when determining the
coefficient in accordance with
provision 6.9.

5 Building with longitudinal skylights Coefficient of section AB of the building roof 1. Pressure coefficient for side,
shall be obtained from scheme 4. windward and leeward walls of a
when in the BC section of the building shall be determined by
provisions of scheme 2.
skylights; for each skylight structure if
2. when determining the
; if then ; Here coefficient in accordance with
. For other sections of the roof: provision 6.9.

Attachment 4 continued

CNR 2.01.07-90

1 2 3 4
Scheme temperature Value of coefficients 1. Coefficients Ce1, Ce2, Ce3 and Ce4
11 Shed type α Ce1 Ce2 Ce3 Ce4 depend on composite pressure of
I 10 +0.5 -1.3 -1.1 0 top and bottom surfaces of the
shed. At negative values of
20 +1.1 0 0 -0.4
coefficients Ce1, Ce2, Ce3 and Ce4
30 +2.1 +0.9 +0.6 0 shown in the scheme, the wind
II 10 0 -1.1 -1.5 0 pressure direction shall change to
20 +1.5 +0.5 0 0 opposite.
30 +2 +0.8 +0.4 +0.4 2. Cf=0.04 for a wavy roofed shed.
III 10 +1.4 +0.4 - -
20 +1.8 +0.5 - -
30 +2.2 +0.6 - -
IY 10 +1.3 +0.2 - -
20 +1.4 +0.3 - -
30 +1.6 +0.4 - -

12.a Dome , 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 1. The coefficient shall

degree coincide with the moment of
+0.1 +0.8 +0.4 -0.2 -0.8 -1.2 -1.25 .
2. when
Continued determining the coefficient in
, 105 120 135 150 175 180 accordance with provision 6.9.
-1.0 -0.6 -0.2 +0.2 +0.3 +0.4

If <105 then ;
If then
If then .
Attachment 4 continued
1 2 3 4

CNR 2.01.07-90

Here: - Reynolds number

d – dome diameter, m;
W0 – to be determined according to provision 6.4, Pa;
k(z) - to be determined according to provision 6.5;
z – distance from ground surface to the center of the dome, m;
- to be determined according to provision 6.11.

12.b Construction with circular cylinder 1. The Re shall be

surface Here: if > 0 then k1=1; determined by 12.a
h1/d 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 25 scheme formula. Here:
If 0.8 0.9 0.95 1.0 1.1 1.5 1.2 z=h1.
Cß<0 2. b=0.7d; h=h1+0.7f
then when determining the
k1 coefficient v in
When Rc>4 , the Cß shall be determined from the accordance with
following relation. provision 6.9.
3. The coefficient C1
shall be determined for
both corniced and un-
corniced roofs.

Attachment 4 continued
1 2 3 4

CNR 2.01.07-90

Value of Ce2 dependent on h1/d

1/6 1/3 >1
Flat and
when α<5; -0.5 -0.6 -0.8
dome when

h1/d 1/6 1/4 1/2 1 2 >5

C1 -0.5 -0.55 -0.7 -0.8 -0.9 -1.05

13 Honeycomb (cellular) structure ; 1. Cf=0.1 for loggia wall with

parallel with wind direction;
Table 1 Cf=0.004 for a corrugated roof.
5 10 20 35 50 100 2. for rectangularly
k 0.6 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.9 0.95 1 constructed buildings where
l/b=0.1-0.5m and ß=40-50°;
shall be determined by Table 2. eccentric position e=0.15b
when resultant force of the
wind load is applied on point
3. z=h1 and Re shall be
determined by scheme 12.a
formula. Here α is a circle
4. When determining
coefficient v according to
provision 6.9; h is a
construction height, b is a
dimension of construction of
axis ‘y’.
1 2 3 4

CNR 2.01.07-90

Table 2

in Table 2. Here: l and b are the most and

least dimensions of a construction or its structures
in the wind direction on steep slope.
Table 3
Section scheme and ß,
wind direction l/b
Rectangular <1.5 2.1
>3 1.6
<0.2 2.0

>0.5 1.7

1 2 3 4

CNR 2.01.07-90

Oblique square <0.5 1.9

1 1.6

>2 1.1

Regular triangle 0 - 2

180 - 1.2

Table 4
Section scheme ß, (number
and wind direction
degree of
Regular polygon 5 1.8
6-8 1.5
10 1.2
12 1.0

Attachment 4 continued

CNR 2.01.07-90

1 2 3 4
1. z=h when determining Re by
14 Construction and its structures formula in scheme 12.a. d –
with round cylindrical surface diameter of the structure, value
(vessel, cooling facility, tower, Here k shall be determined by Table 1 of scheme 13. of for wooden strucures shall
chimney), ropes and cables, as shall be determined by the following corelation. equal to 0.005m, for brickwork
well as mass concrete and round masonry – 0.01m, for concrete
pipe-like structures of latticed and reinforced concrete
constructions structures – 0.005m, for steel
structures – 0.001m, for ropes
and cables with d diameter –
0.01d, and =b for ribbed
surfaces with rib height “b”.

2. Cf=0.04 for corrugated roofs.

3. Value of Cx shall be reduced

Cx=1.2 for ropes and cables (as well as for glaciated by 10% for ropes and cables
ropes). with d>20mm diameter with no
possibility of glaciation.

Attachment 4 continued

CNR 2.01.07-90

1 2 3 4
1. The air coefficients shown in
15 Slabs and latticed structures that schemes 15-17 belong to
work independently latticed structures with free-
Here: Cxi – air friction coefficient at i section of the shape outline (edge) and
structure; Cx for pipe-like structures shall be
determined by the correlation in scheme 14 above and .
(see table 2 of scheme 13);
A1 – projection area at i section plane of the structure; 2. The wind load shall pertain
Ai – area restricted by outline (edge) of the structure. to areas restricted by outline Ak.
3. “x” axis direction shall be
steep (straight) to the area of
hte structure and coincide with
the wind direction.

16 Number of flat latticed structures The coefficient Cx1 for windward structures shall be 1. See notes 1-3 of scheme 15.
positioned in parallel rows determined by scheme 15. For the second and
following structures . 2. Re shall be determined by the
for a truss (girder) prepared by pipes where formula in scheme 12. Here:
. the average diameter z of the
structure prepared by pipes d,
may equal distance from the
ground surface to the upper belt
of the girder.

CNR 2.01.07-90

Attachment 5


1. When determining deflection and displacement, all factors that may influence its value
shall be taken into consideration (account for non-plastic deformation of materials,
formation of cracks and fractures and deformation scheme, consider adjoining strucutres,
account for foundation and joints, consider elasticity of braces, etc.). In some cases where
adequate strong base has been used, one or two factors may be left out or calculated using
similar methods.

2. Deflection increase dependent on time passage shall be accounted for in structures made
of creeping material. When limiting deflection depending on hygienic requirements, only
short-term creep to form as soon as load effect is applied, shall be accounted for.
However, when restricted by technological, design (excluding wind load design),
aesthetical and phsychological requirements, full creep shall be calculated.

3. When determining column deflection of a single-floor building or a trestle formed due to

horizontal load of an elevator, the design scheme of the column shall be assumed taking
into consideration the following securing conditions:

- Columns of buildings and closed trestles shall not have horizontal displacement at the
upper supports level (if the floor cannot be assumed as “rigid” for horizontal planes,
then horizontal elasticity of the supports shall be considered).

- Cantilever method shall be adopted for open-type trestles.

4. Value limitations of vibration speed, velocity and displacement shall be defined by

applied standards based on hygienic requirements when technological or transportation
equipment or other vibration sources are present or fluctuation has occured in building
strucures inside constructions.

Value limitations of vibration speed, velocity and displacement shall be defined in

accordance with special technical requirements in the presence of high-precision
equipment and instruments sensitive to structural vibrations.

5. Design conditions to necessarily determine deflection, displacement and relevant loads

shall be chosen based on the type of requirements sufficed.

If technological requirements are to be met, the design conditions shall be adapted to load
effects to apply on operations of the technological equipment.

If design requirements are to be met, the design conditions shall be adapted to load
effects that may cause damage to the adjoining structures and its elements due to
substantial deflection and displacement.

CNR 2.01.07-90

If hygienic requirements are to be met, the design conditions shall be adapted to

situations relevant to structural vibrations; when developing the design, load that may
affect the structural vibraton and restricted by document requirements of the regulations
specified in provision 4 and the current specifications, shall be accounted for.

If aesthetical and phsychological requirements are to be met, the design conditions shall
be adapted to permanent,long-term load effects.

Horizontal deflection shall be reduced by the camber method for roofs and inter-floor
construction structures designed with structural elevation when the deflection is restricted
by aesthetical and phsychological requirements.

6. The deflection of roofs and inter-floor contruction structures to be restricted by design

requirements shall not exceed the distance between lower surface of the above structures
and door, window frames, vitrify wall and upper parts of partitions, located under load-
bearing structures.

Distance between lower surface of roofs and inter-floor contruction structures and upper
parts of partitions located under these structures shall not exceed 40mm; if
accomplishment of the above provision conflicts with situations where rigidity of roofs
and inter-floor constructions needs to be increased, then the increase should be avoided
by taking appropriate design measures (for example: position the partition next to the
bending girder instead of under it).

7. In cases where base partitions with similar height as the walls are positioned in-between
the walls, the value of l specified in provision “2a” of Table 15 shall be determined by
pure distance between a load-bearing wall (column) and the partition; and if more than
one base partition exists, then by pure distance between the partitions (Figure 4).

Figure 4. Scheme to determine value of l

(l1, l2,, l3) if base partition is located
between the walls.

a) If one base partition exists in a span;

b) If two base partitions exist in a span;

1-load-bearing wall (column); 2-base

partition; 3-coating unloaded; 4-coating
after load is applied; 5-deflection
determination line; 6-gap.

CNR 2.01.07-90

8. Deflection of rafter beam structures (see provision “2d” of table 15) shall be determined
by the difference of deflections (f1 and f2) of adjoining rafter beam structures (Figure 5)
when there are overhead elevated tracks for an elevator.

Figure 5. Scheme to determine structural deflection of the rafter beam when there are overhead elevated tracks for
an elevator.
1-rafter beam structure; 2-girder of overhead elevated tracks of an elevator; 3-hanging elevator; 4-initial position of
the rafter beam structure;
f1-deflection of the most loaded rafter beam structure;
f2-deflection of the rafter beam structure adjoining the most loaded rafter beam structure.

Horizontal displacement of skeleton structures shall be determined in alongside direction with

planes of the walls and partitions which were designed to provide for their entirety.
Deformation of a braced skeleton structure at a section where it meets with rigid diaphragm of

floors in a multi-storey building with height of 40m and above shall be determined by

(Figure 6) and shall not exceed the following values (see Table 18): for provision 2 – 1/300; for
provision “2a” – 1/500; for provision “2b” – 1/700.

Figure 6. Scheme of deformation of

a braced skeleton structure in a
construction at a section where it
meets with rigid diaphragm of a

1-rigid diaphragm; 2-deformation

line of floor section; 3-initial
position of a skeleton structure

CNR 2.01.07-90

Attachment 6



1. These regulations shall apply to structural design development of industrial, agricultural,

energy, transportation, communications, water management, and residential constructions
as well as buildings and facilities other than objects whose liability ranks have been
define by relevant regulations.

2. When developing the structural design, liability ranks of buildings and constructions shall
be determined by designated reliability coefficient in accordance with the standards. The
liability rank of buildings and constructions shall be determined by the amount of
material and social damages that may occur when a structure reaches its state limitations.

3. When developing engineering design, value limits of load-bearing capacity, resistance

design value, deformation and formation of cracks and fractures shall be divided by
designated reliability coefficient ( ); design value of various loads, forces, and other
effects shall be multiplied by ( ).

4. Value of the designated reliability coefficient ( ) shall be determined in accordance with

the following table depending on liability ranks of buildings and constructions.

Classification Building classification Designated reliability coefficient (

rank )
1 2 3
I Buildings and constructions that are of 1.0
significant importance to the national
economy and society: main building of the
thermal power station, nuclear power station,
main king-post joint of the blast furnace,
chimneys higher than 200m, television
tower, primary network of main lines of
ЕАСС?, oil and petroleum products storage
reservoirs of capacity more than 10,000 m 3,
sports buildings and facilities with surfacing
and public seating, theaters, cinemas,
circuses, coated markets, schools, child care
places (kindergartens), hospitals, maternity
places, entertainment places, state archive,
II Buildings and constructions that are of 0.95
significant importance to the national
economy and society that have not been
included in classifications I and III
(industrial, agricultural, residential, civil,
postal, etc.)

CNR 2.01.07-90

III Buildings and constructions that are of 0.9

limited significance to the national economy
and society (agricultural products that do not
require sorting, numbering or packaging,
warehouses that store fertilizers, chemical
preparations, coal, peat, etc., greenhouses,
lighted cabins, single-storey houses, wire
communications line poles, urban electricity
and lighting line columns, fences, temporary
constructions and buildings, etc.)

1. 1. may equal 0.8 for temporary constructions and buildings with service life of up to 5 years.
2. Value of shown in the table above shall be re-multiplied by 0.95 for non-bearing brick walls,
non-bearing panels, partitions, lintels to be placed on wall openings made of fibrous material,
foundation girders, filler material of window gaps, frames of light and ventilation skylights, door
structures, structures with air vents, floors on the ground, prefabricated structures of transporting
and assembling stages and assembly designs including all the structures.

CNR 2.01.07-90



1. General terms 3
Load classifications 4
Load combinations 5

2. Structures and soil weight 7

3. Load generated due to equipment, people, storage materials and products 8

Uniformly distributed load 10
Concentrated load and load on railings 12

4. Load due to overhead traveling crane and overhead conveyor 13

5. Snow load 16

6. Wind load

7. Ice load 22

8. Temperature and climate effects 23

9. Other loads 26

10. Deflection and displacement 27

Attachment 1. Overhead traveling cranes and overhead conveyors of various work 37

conditions categories

Attachment 2. Blind support load due to crane impact 38

Attachment 3. Snow load scheme and coefficient 39

Attachment 4. Wind load scheme and air friction coefficient C 46

Attachment 5. Guidance on determining deflection and displacement 55

Attachment 6. Rules to determine building classification ranks during structural design 58



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