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NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the


and expectations of customers and theBEHAVIOR OF
company's objectives
for Administrative FORand
Business Strengthening










NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

FILE: 1133647

1. Background.............................................................................................................................................7
2.1 Problematic Situation.......................................................................................................................12
2.2 Problem Statement...........................................................................................................................13
3. Objectives..............................................................................................................................................13
3.1 General Objective............................................................................................................................13
3.2 Specific Objective............................................................................................................................13
4. Methodology.........................................................................................................................................14
4.1 Collection Techniques:....................................................................................................................14
Field work.........................................................................................................................................16
5. Justification...........................................................................................................................................16
6. Theoretical Framework..........................................................................................................................17
6.1 Consumer Behavior.........................................................................................................................17
6.2 Characteristics of consumer behavior..............................................................................................18
6.3 Aspects to consider in the Study of consumer behavior...................................................................19
6.6 Perception........................................................................................................................................28
6.7 Learning..........................................................................................................................................29

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

6.8 Types of consumer purchasing decisions.........................................................................................30

6.9 Study of consumer behavior:...........................................................................................................31
7. Identification of Variables.....................................................................................................................35
8. Definition and operationalization of variables.......................................................................................36
9. Consumer profile...................................................................................................................................39

Table of contents graphics

Graph 1 Do you like cookies? (If your answer is yes, answer)

Graph 2 What type of cookie do you frequently consume?

Graph 3 Are you willing to eat cookies made from fruits from the Department of Boyacá?

Graph 4 What is the main reason for eating cookies?

Graph 5 How often do you consume cookies?

Graph 6 What is the brand you consume the most?

Chart 7 What flavor do you prefer your cookie?

Graph 8 Where do you usually buy cookies?

Graph 9 When would you be willing to pay for a package of cookies based on Boyacá fruits?

Graph 10 What type of fruit would you like the Cookie to have?

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

Table of contents tables

Table 1 Do you like cookies? (If your answer is yes, answer)

Table 2 What type of cookie do you frequently consume?

Table 3 Are you willing to eat cookies made from fruits from the Department of Boyacá?

Table 4 What is the main reason for eating cookies?

Table 5 How often do you consume cookies?

Table 6 What is the brand you consume the most?

Table 7 What flavor do you prefer your cookie?

Table 8 Where do you usually buy cookies?

Table 9 When would you be willing to pay for a package of cookies based on Boyacá fruits?

Table 10 What type of fruit would you like the Cookie to have?

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening


The bakery sector in 2016 is experiencing continued growth, due to the new styles and lifestyles

of the population. There is a great diversity of national cookies in our country, as well as the

main bakeries and cookie factories. This study focuses on the consumption of cookies based on

Boyaca fruits for the apprentices of file 1133647, taking into account that this consumer is

National , the aim is to analyze the profile of the consumer of cookies based on Boyacá fruits of

people between 16 and 40 years old, in order to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction.

Keywords : Consumer of Cookies based on Boyacense fruits, Behavior.

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening


The bakery sector in 2016 is experiencing continued growth, due to the new styles and habits of

life of the population. There is a great diversity of national biscuits in our country, as well as the

main bakeries and biscuit factories, this study focuses on the consumption of biscuits based on

boyacenses fruits for the trainees of the chip 1133647 taking into account that this consumer is

National, It is intended to analyze the profile of the consumer of cookies made from boyacense

fruits of people between 16 and 40 years, in order to achieve the highest customer satisfaction .

Key words : Consumer of Fruit Crackers Boyacenses, Behavior.

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening


The bakery sector in 2016 is experiencing continued growth, due to the new styles and lifestyles

of the population. There is a great diversity of national cookies in our country, as well as the

main bakeries and cookie factories. This study focuses on the consumption of cookies based on

Boyaca fruits for the apprentices of file 1133647, taking into account that this consumer is

National , the aim is to analyze the profile of the consumer of cookies based on Boyacá fruits of

people between 16 and 40 years old, in order to achieve the greatest customer satisfaction.

The objective of the Research will be to determine the Consumer Profile of cookies based on

Boyacense fruits for the trainees of file 1133647, by Identifying who are the frequent consumers

of cookies, determining their needs, motivations, attitudes, perceptions and expectations.

The survey will be used as a data collection instrument that will be applied to the apprentices of

the file 1133647 of cookies based on Boyacá fruits. Likewise, the results of the survey will be

processed in the Excel program and tabulated, giving the necessary results to contrast them with

the theoretical framework and the proposed objectives, ending with a summary, along with the

conclusions of the research carried out. All information collected and processed is the result of a

serious and reasonable documentary investigation.

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

1. Background

The cookie market in Colombia is divided into three categories: traditional national industry,

innovative multinationals, and specialized or artisanal companies. Each one faces the challenge

of satisfying conscious consumers who, in addition to good nutrition, seek innovation in flavors,

excellent product presentation and fair prices.

The leading companies in the biscuit sector know their consumers and do not doubt the

importance of maintaining traditional values, ingenuity and variety. For their part, distributors of

personalized and Premium products are betting on quality and difference, while new competitors

in the sector offer innovation and interesting flavor alternatives.

Noel. National tradition

Mauricio Serrano Marketing Manager of the most traditional cookie brand on the market in

Colombia, assures that the current cookie consumer trend is based on health and well-being. “In

cookies, the healthy segment already weighs 7% and is growing positively in a sustained manner

above any other segment.” According to Serrano, Noel strongly leads this segment with 58%

participation. Its TOSH brand has been the avant-garde, the one that brings new developments

and the one that invites, through its value proposition, to enjoy food without having to make

sacrifices. Lately, he was the one who very successfully introduced oatmeal cookies to the

market, with all the benefits of the whole grain, a breakthrough for a market like the Colombian

one. “This segment is so dynamic that it has given room for new

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

incoming brands, some with very well-valued proposals, and which simply makes the challenge

of continuing to lead the development of this segment more challenging for TOSH.”

Noel is the leading company in Colombia with a 57% total share, a leadership that has been

stable over time, even considering the strong competitive scenario that has occurred recently in

the cookie market. Leadership that is had with each of its strategic brands in their respective

segments, without exception. According to Serrano, “looking at this business from a regional

perspective, Noel is the second company in participation in the aggregate region between

Andean-Central America-Caribbean with 21% participation, very close to who occupies that first

place, Kraft.”

For the remainder of 2009 and during 2010, Noel has reinforced its investment in marketing and

innovation. The company has consolidated the healthy trend and maintains a significant offer of

good price, variety, recognition and quality from Saltín Noel, Ducales, Tosh, Minichips and


Nestle. Innovation leader

Nestlé cookies have a positioning in the Colombian market based on offering Nutrition, Health

and Well-being. According to María Paula Cano, Cookies Brand Manager at Nestlé Colombia,

“the product portfolio is specially designed to satisfy specific nutritional needs at all times of the

day and at all stages of life, with products for the family, young people , adults, older adults and

children.” In general, Nestlé has been innovating in the formulation of its products in order to

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

offer a nutritional profile that is more in line with the needs of different consumers. That is, each

product offers a differentiating benefit that becomes additional value. Among the adjustments

that have been made to the formulation, is the case of the Saltinas Originales line, which is

characterized by having low levels of fat along with Saltinas Mantequilla and Doré, which do not

contain Trans fats and do not provide cholesterol. For its part, the Saltinas Plus product line,

which was launched in 2009, offers specific functional benefits for the specific needs of adults

and older adults.

Within this portfolio are the Saltinas Plus Linaza line, which offers all the benefits of this seed;

Saltinas Plus Cereales, which provides fiber and helps regulate intestinal function; and Saltinas

Plus without Added Salt, especially for people with hypertension, who control their daily diet,

because it has a low sodium content. The cookie consumer has become more specialized. Market

trends show that the segments with the highest added value have grown in recent years, such as

the healthy or specialty segment, and for that reason Nestlé has other, much more elaborate lines.

For children there is Passatempo, a brand that was launched two years ago in Colombia and

contains KLIM milk as an additional ingredient, which makes the cookie softer than what is

generally found in similar products on the market; and also has the addition of calcium, a

fundamental nutrient in children's diets.

As stated by María Paula Cano, through the 27 Nestlé Research, Development and Technology

Centers in the world, the company is constantly dedicated to generating knowledge and

promoting product innovation to offer consumers Nutrition, Health and Welfare. “We consider

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

that consumer interest in the relationship between food and health, added to the interest in

achieving well-being, have been motivators for the increase in demand for healthy foods. The

trend is that functional products continue to gain space in the group of healthy products, and

consumers are likely to have greater awareness of the type of benefits that these products

contribute to their Nutrition, Health and Well-being.

Cookie Jar. Quality and difference

Gourmet preparation cookies require, as explained by Patricia Mejia Uribe, Cookie Jar Manager,

high quality ingredients that guarantee a difference compared to industrially manufactured

cookies. Fresh, natural and enriched eggs, as well as flour and sugar with unmatched properties,

are responsible for positioning the product among consumers as an alternative option that

generates well-being.

The secret, says Mejia, “is in the use of natural raw materials away from chemicals and artificial

flavors.” Cookie Jar believes that health, rather than being the result of modifications in

ingredients, should come from the perfect mix between quality ingredients and the traditional

experience of artisanal manufacturers. “The best way to sell cookies is to position the product in

the minds of consumers and that can only be achieved with quality.”

Bauducco. Novelty and flavor

The Brazilian company has been in the Colombian market for 5 years and among its categories it

combines pleasure, indulgence and taste. According to Paulo Cardamomo, Marketing Director,

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

"in Colombia it was possible to identify some flavors that are preferred, such as guava and

arequipe, and together with the health issue, a stage of positioning of these products has begun."

Bauducco offers cookies with fewer calories and filled with natural fruit pulp that are new on the

market today. Cardamomo assures that the trend in production and consumer demand is wellness

and Bauducco in this topic includes simple but very important things: “a line of fillings with less

trans fats and a more balanced recipe with more grains, whole fiber and fruits ”.

2. Problem
NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

2.1 Problematic Situation

Currently, the apprentices on file 1133647 are used to consuming unhealthy foods typical of the

region. The existing relationship with the current proposal for the production and distribution of

cookies based on Boyacá fruits is given from an idea provided in a market investigation by the

Competition to plan marketing activities that respond to the needs and expectations of customers.

and to the objectives of the company, within which as a requirement we suggest presenting a

proposal about an innovative product that did not exist as such in the market, with its respective

market research to verify its viability.

The analysis of the Consumer Profile and behavior on which this study is based shows great

feasibility, since there is acceptance for cookies based on Boyaca fruits, by a high percentage of

respondents from file 1133647 of the city of Tunja, for which important aspects were taken into

account to determine viability such as: the habit of purchasing whole food products, based on

fruits from the region, purchasing capacity, opinion regarding the taste and appearance of the

product, among other variables. of great relevance, through product tests that determined its


2.2 Problem Statement

What is the profile of the consumer of cookies based on Boyacá fruits of the apprentices of file

1133647 between 16 and 40 years old from the City of Tunja?

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

3. Objectives

3.1 General Objective

Analyze the profile of the consumer of cookies based on Boyacá fruits of the apprentices of file

1133647 between 16 and 40 years old from the City of Tunja.

3.2 Specific Objective

• Identify who are the frequent consumers of cookies based on Boyacá fruits

• Establish the frequency of consumer purchases of cookies based on Boyacá fruits.

• Determine and analyze the needs, motivations and attitudes of frequent consumers of cookies

based on Boyacá fruits.

• Check the perceptions and expectations of customers towards the consumption of cookies

based on Boyacá fruits.

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

4. Methodology

The method used in this research will be Descriptive, because it aims to identify who are the

consumers of cookies based on Boyaca fruits in the city of Tunja, in order to know their

consumption behavior and the segment to which they are directed.

4.1 Collection Techniques:

The collection methods and techniques that will be used for this study are:

Primary Techniques

• The survey: Which will be carried out by the population, which will allow them to have access

to the information necessary to know the behavior of the consumer of cookies based on Boyaca

fruits from the city of Tunja.


• Definition of the Population: The study population will be all the apprentices of the file

1133647 who consume cookies from the City of Tunja, which, because they are people from the

business management technologist, is a certain number.


Statistical techniques will be used to know the number of consumers that should be surveyed. To

define our sampling, those trainees on file 1133647 who consume cookies in General will be

taken as a sample.

• Sample size:

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

Apprentices on file 1133647 between 16 and 40 years old correspond to 26 apprentices, thus the

sample size for a survey design is based on judgment sampling, resulting in 26 surveys.

• Data processing:

The data processing will be carried out through a computer, the results of the surveys will be

processed with the Microsoft Office Excel 2010 program.

For the consequent interpretation of the data we will use descriptive statistics, we will use tables

and graphs, which will be interpreted according to the objectives in this work of analysis of the

Consumer Profile and behavior.

Field work

• A survey will be carried out on the Apprentices of the cookie file 1133647 in the city of Tunja,

with 26 apprentices as a sample, which will help determine the profile of the consumer of

cookies based on Boyaca fruits in the city of Tunja.

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

5. Justification

The reason why I was inclined to carry out this research work was to know the needs,

motivations and attitudes of consumers, their perceptions and expectations that motivate the

consumption of cookies based on Boyacá fruits.

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

6. Theoretical Framework

6.1 Consumer Behavior


Consumer behavior is defined as the activities that people carry out when obtaining, consuming

and disposing of products and services. Simply put, consumer behavior has traditionally been

thought of as the study of “why people buy”; with the premise that it is easier to develop

strategies to influence consumers once the marketer knows the reasons that drive them to

purchase certain products or brands. (Blackwell, 2002)

For the authors Walter & Bergiel (1989), “Those decisions and activities of people, specifically

involved in the purchase, use, evaluation and disposal of products, services or ideas that they

hope will satisfy their needs.”

According to Schiffman (2001), it is the behavior that consumers show when searching for,

purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of the products, services and ideas that they expect

will satisfy their needs.

It is the set of activities carried out by a person or an organization from the moment a need is

triggered until the moment the purchase is made and the product is subsequently used, states

Engel, James (1973).

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

6.2 Characteristics of consumer behavior

The study of consumer behavior is not simple, since it has some peculiarities that make it


• It is complex: there are a large number of internal and external variables that influence

behavior. Furthermore, the market response to stimuli tends to be non-linear, to have delayed

effects, threshold effects ((minimum levels of stimulus necessary to produce a response) and to

decrease over time if new stimuli do not intervene.

• It changes with the product life cycle: the product life cycle, similar to that of living organisms,

constitutes a sequence of stages through which the product goes from its launch to the market

until its disappearance. The theory of the product life cycle suggests the use of different

marketing strategies throughout the different stages through which it passes. As the product

establishes itself in the market and reaches maturity, consumers carry out a learning process and

gain greater experience about the features and benefits of the product.

• They vary depending on the type of product: Not all products have the same interest for the

consumer nor does their purchase present the same risk. If the purchase is important for the

consumer (even if the price is not high) or the risk associated with it is high due to the

consequences of a wrong purchase, it will be a high-involvement purchase. In this case, the

decision process will generally be long and complex, unless there is brand loyalty, states Sole

Maria (2003).

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

6.3 Aspects to consider in the Study of consumer behavior

Factors and influences of a very diverse nature interact in the act of purchase:

• The characteristics of the product (Quality, design...) and the mix policies adopted by the

manufacturing company.

• The characteristics of the seller (quality of the information provided, kindness and empathy,

degree of trust conveyed).

• The characteristics of the purchasing situation (time available to the consumer to make the

purchase, time of year, weather...)

• The characteristics of the buyer (external and internal).

What do you buy?

Answering that question means determining:

The distribution of demand for the products offered.

The products that have an increasing demand and those in which it decreases.

The hierarchy established between the desired products.

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

Who buys?

It is necessary to previously define the different roles that they can assume:

Initiator, Influencer, Decider, buyer, User, Payer.

For each of them, their demographic, socioeconomic, and psychological (lifestyle) profile must

be known. Within the family, as we will see later, there is usually a distribution of the different

possible roles.

Why is it purchased?

With this question we try to find out the motives or reasons why the product is purchased. To do

this, it is necessary to know what benefits we are trying to achieve. The consumer has needs that

he tries to satisfy through the purchased product. These benefits can be determined based on the

characteristics of the good or service.

How to buy?

Answering this question implies knowing several aspects related to the purchasing process.

Is the purchase made in a reasoned or emotional way?

With interest and enthusiasm or routinely?

How do I request the product?

What level of information is available about the products?

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

How does the consumer respond to promotions?

When is it purchased?

This dimension of purchasing behavior also includes various aspects:

The occasions or moments in which it is purchased.

The frequency with which you go to the point of sale (daily, weekly, once a month...)

The time of day when you go to this point of sale (morning, afternoon, time).

Where is it purchased?

This dimension of purchasing behavior is fundamentally associated with the distribution of the

product, so the following issues will be taken into account:

The points of sale where purchases are preferably made.

The reasons why people buy at certain points of sale or why they leave them. The consumer does

not buy only for the intrinsic benefits of the product, but also for the service (good or bad) they

receive at the point of sale and the image they perceive.

How much do you buy?

According to Sole Moro (2003), the last dimension of behavior involves the measurement of the

quantity purchased. This issue is fundamentally related to repetitive purchases. Thus, when

purchasing newspapers, it is necessary to know which ones are purchased daily or weekly, and

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

when using banking services, the average amounts of cash that are withdrawn each time ATMs

are used.

6.4 Behavior Model and Segmentation

Engel–Blackwell–Kollat model

This model aims to give a general description of consumer behavior when making a purchase

and clarifies the relationships between the variables that intervene in it. The model is integrated

into four well-defined areas or parts:

• The individual psychological field.

• Information processing.

• The decision process.

• The purchasing process

It is a series of processes in which products are sought and evaluated based on the consumer's

objectives and in which future purchases are influenced by previous experience.

There is interaction of past experience and stored information with the consumer's general

predispositions, such as personality variables. This interaction leads to the formulation of values

and attitudes that are defined as “organizations of particular concepts, beliefs, habits and

associated motives.”

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

All these variables are contained in a central control unit. This unit produces blocks of answers

that play a very important role throughout the decision process.

After the purchase act, a series of processes occur.


Segmentation is the process of dividing the heterogeneous market into parts that must be

homogeneous inside (individuals belonging to the same segment must have similar behaviors),

but heterogeneous with respect to other groups (with characteristics that identify and differentiate

their members. from other segments)

Purchase Decision Process:

The motivation:

To act, the individual must expend a certain amount of energy in a certain direction. The cause of

the action lies in the needs, in the physical and psychological deficiencies of the subject. The

intensity of the energy used in said action will depend on the deficiency according to Engel


We can define motivation as the driving force of individuals that leads them to action. In general,

in all purchasing decisions subjective motivations (personal, emotional, etc.) and objective

motivations (rational analysis of convenience, usefulness, comparative advantages) are


NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

Classification of Needs:

Of the multiple classifications that have been made about needs, the clearest and most well-

known is the one made by Abraham Maslow.

According to Maslow, he sought to explain why certain needs drive human beings at a certain

moment. To do this, it establishes a hierarchy between the needs of a human being.

Needs, according to Maslow, appear successively, starting with the most basic or lowest,

physiological needs. As they are satisfied to a certain degree, others of a higher rank, of a more

psychological nature, appear.

People's access to higher level needs depends on their level of well-being. All people have basic

needs, but this does not mean that they have self-actualization needs.

On the other hand, the order in which Maslow classified needs is not completely rigorous, since

there may be the case of individuals who prefer to sacrifice the satisfaction of basic needs for

others of a higher order.

Maslow distinguishes a total of five types of needs:

a) Physiological needs

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

They are the first needs that appear in human beings. Their satisfaction is essential for the

survival of the individual.

Many of them are ignored because they are so everyday, however, they are the basis of many

economic activities, and if they cannot be satisfied, they endanger the life of the individual.

They correspond to the deficiencies, and are:

• Need for movement: It is basic for life, both in its unconscious dimension (functioning of the

body's organs) and in its conscious dimension (for example, the extremities).

• Need for clean air: Satisfying the need to breathe is done unconsciously, but that does not make

it any less important.

• Need for food: It is one of the most obvious needs, and it is divided into the need for both solid

and liquid nutrients. It goes without saying the importance of this need in the business world.

• Need for evacuation: It has a less social dimension, and its function is the elimination of

nutritional waste and toxins.

• Need for adequate temperature: It is the need for shelter for certain colder areas, or ventilation

for other warmer areas.

• Need for rest: This function allows the body to recover the energy it has expended during the

day and rest both physically and mentally.

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

• Need for sex: Although it is not a need that, if not satisfied, endangers the individual, at a social

level it determines the survival of the species. It has great importance as a driving force for

individuals, which has been used as the background of many advertising campaigns.

b) Security needs

These needs appear once the previous ones are relatively satisfied. They do not seek immediate

satisfaction as much as they focus on satisfaction in the future.

c) Needs for belonging and love

Once the physiological and security needs are covered to a certain extent, those for love,

affection or possession appear. These needs lead the individual to relate to other members of

society, to seek their affection and to associate or affiliate with others.

d) Esteem needs

As Maslow states, all normal people have a need or desire for a stable, firmly based, and high

evaluation of their personality; They need self-respect and the appreciation of others. These

needs lead, on the one hand, to a desire for strength, achievement, sufficiency, dominance,

competence, confidence, independence and freedom, and, on the other, to a desire for reputation,

prestige, domination, recognition, importance or appreciation.

e) Need for self-realization

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needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

They involve the integral realization of one's potential. That is, to become what you can be, to be

at peace with yourself. It manifests itself in aspects of physical, psychological or social


6.5 Motivation of purchasing behavior

The needs that a person has, both biological and psychological, can become motivation when

they reach a sufficient level of intensity to drive the person to satisfy them.

According to Kotler (1996) “a motivation is a need that is exerting enough pressure to induce the

person to act. Satisfying the need mitigates the feeling of tension."

There are several theories about human motivation, including Freud's Theory of Motivation and

Maslow's Theory of Motivation.

According to Kotler (1996) "Freud assumes that the real psychological forces that shape human

behavior belong largely to the unconscious."

This is why people often cannot fully understand their own motivations, because although they

purchase a product to satisfy a motive, they may also be purchasing it to impress others or to feel

smarter or superior.

Motivation researchers gather comprehensive information on small samples of consumers to

uncover the deeper reasons for their choice of certain products.

NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

products. Motivation analysis is a useful instrument for marketers who are interested in deeply

understanding consumer behavior.

6.6 Perception

Once the person is motivated, they are ready to act. Although two people have the same

motivations and are in the same situation, this does not mean that they will act in the same way;

This is because they perceive the situation in a different way. All people know a stimulus

through the flow of information that comes through the five senses, which are sight, hearing,

smell, touch and taste. However, each one organizes and interprets the information individually.

According to Kotler (1991) "perception is the process by which a person selects, organizes and

interprets information to form a meaningful image of the world. People perceive the same

stimulus differently because of three perceptual processes: selective exposure, selective

distortion, and selective retention.”

Regarding selective exposure, it can be mentioned that people are constantly exposed to a large

amount of stimuli. This perception process means that marketers have to work hard to attract the

consumer's attention. Your message will be lost to most of those who are not part of the product

market. Even those in that market might not register the message unless it stands out from the


NATIONAL SERVICE Competency: Plan marketing activities that respond to the
needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

6.7 Learning

How individuals learn is a topic of great importance to marketers, who want consumers to learn

about goods and services and new forms of behavior that will satisfy not only the needs of the

consumer but the objectives of the marketer.

According to Shiffman (1991) "consumer learning is the process by which individuals acquire

purchasing and consumption knowledge and experience that they apply to related future

behavior. Although some learning is intentional, a great deal of learning appears to be


Kotter (1991) defines learning as "changes in individual behavior derived from experience.

Learning takes place thanks to the interaction between impulses, stimuli, cues, responses and


In other words, learning describes the changes that experience causes in an individual's behavior.

An impulse is an internal stimulus that demands action. It becomes a motive when it is directed

at a particular stimulus object. Cues are the minor stimuli that determine when, where, and how a

person responds.

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needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

6.8 Types of consumer purchasing decisions

According to Shiffman (1991), the process through which consumers make their purchasing

decisions must be compromised to develop strategic applications. Consumer decision making is

not a single process

The first dimension represents a continuous series of decisions that are made until a habit is

formed. Consumers can base their decisions on a cognitive (thinking) process of searching and

evaluating information about brand options. On the other hand, sometimes a decision does not

need to be made since the consumer is satisfied with a particular brand and buys it consistently.

The second dimension describes a continuum from high-involvement to low-involvement


Habitual decision making and low level of involvement produce four types of consumer

purchasing processes:

Complex decision making: It occurs when involvement is high and decision making occurs; For

example, the purchase of a computer, or car, or clothing; Therefore, consumers have time to

search for relevant information and process it in more detail.

• Limited decision making: occurs when the consumer makes a decision under conditions of low

level of involvement. Consumers sometimes go through a purchasing decision process, even

when their level of involvement is not very high, due to little experience with a product; example

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when new products are launched on the market. The search for information is limited and few

brands are evaluated.

• Brand loyalty: is the result of repeated satisfaction and a strong commitment to a particular

brand. Complex or even limited decision making does not occur every time a consumer

purchases a brand. If the choice is repetitive, the consumer learns from past experience and, with

little or no decision, buys the brand that is most satisfactory.

• Inertia: or low level of involvement with the product, as well as no decision making. Inertia

means that the consumer buys the same brand not out of loyalty, but because it is not worth the

time and hassle of searching for an alternative brand; For example, purchasing canned vegetables

or paper towels, etc.

Organization of Consumer Behavior Models

6.9 Study of consumer behavior:

The author Arellano (2002) mentions that to deal with complexity, models of consumer behavior

have been designed. Models serve to organize our ideas about consumers into a coherent whole

by identifying the relevant variables, discovering their fundamental characteristics, and

specifying how the variables relate to each other. A model consists of three large sections:

• External environmental variables that affect behavior.

• Individual determinants of behavior.

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• Buyer decision process.

a) External variables: The external environment is made up of six specific factors: Culture,

subculture, social class, social group, family and personal factors.

Culture: It covers knowledge, beliefs, art, moral norms, laws, customs and any other abilities and

habits acquired by man as a member of a society. It is the foundation of many consumer values,

beliefs and actions.

Subculture: It highlights the segments of a certain culture that have values, customs and other

forms of behavior that are their own and that distinguish them from other segments that share the

same cultural legacy.

Social Stratification: Refers to the process by which the members of a society are classified with

each other in various social positions. The result of this is a hierarchy that is often called a set of

social classes. Those who fall into a certain social class tend to share beliefs, values and patterns

of behavior.

Social Group: It can be conceived as a set of people who have a sense of affinity resulting from a

mode of interaction with each other.

Family: It is a special form of social groups that is characterized by the numerous and strong

personal interactions of its members.

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Personal Factors: Personal influence influences the amount and type of information buyers

obtain regarding products. It is also considered an important factor that impacts values, attitudes,

brand evaluations and interest in a product.

Other factors: This is a general category that covers the variables that influence the consumer.

An example may be the effect of mass media that is not incorporated into any of the other

categories, with the designation of situational variables. Many of these factors are summarized,

including the physical environment, the interpersonal environment, national events, and the cash

available to the buyer.

b) Individual determinants: These are variables that affect the way the consumer goes through

the decision process related to products and services. The external environment is directed

towards individual determinants, demonstrating that individual stimuli do not directly influence


Personality and self-concept: They offer the consumer a central aspect, they offer a structure so

that they can display a constant pattern of behavior.

Motivation: They are internal factors that drive behavior, giving the orientation that directs the

activated behavior. Participation designates the relevance or importance that the consumer

perceives in a certain purchasing situation.

Information Processing: Designates the activities that consumers carry out when they acquire,

integrate and evaluate information.

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Learning and Memory: Try to understand what consumers learn, how they learn, and what

factors govern the retention of learned material in the consumer's mind.

Attitudes: They govern the basic orientation towards objects, people, events and our activities.

Activities: They profoundly influence how consumers will act and their reaction to products and

services, as well as their response to the communication that marketers prepare to convince them

to purchase their products.

Purchase Decision Process:

The process begins when a consumer recognizes the existence of the problem that occurs when

the notable difference between their real situation and their concept of the ideal situation is

activated in their consciousness. This can be done through the internal activation of a motive

such as hunger or due to other variables such as social or situational factors.

And the consumer feels driven to act and enters the stage of beginning to search for information.

Generally this begins with an internal search, that is, a rapid and unconscious review of memory

in search of stored information and experiences that relate to the problem. This information is

made up of the beliefs and attitudes that have influenced consumer preferences for certain

brands. Often with the search it is possible to recognize a strong preference for the brand, then

producing an ordinary purchase.

If the internal search does not provide sufficient information about the products or how to

evaluate them, the consumer will continue to carry out a more determined external search.

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Every stimulus of an informative nature is subject to information processing activities, which the

consumer uses to obtain the meaning of the stimuli. This process involves paying attention to

available stimuli, deducing their meaning, and then storing it in what is known as short-term

memory, where it can be held briefly for internal processing to take place.

A purchasing process normally comes after a strong purchase intention. This process consists of

a series of options, including the type of store and the brand or service to use. Afterwards, the

purchase gives rise to several results. One of them is the satisfaction that the experience of using

the brand produces. Satisfaction will impact the individual's beliefs related to the brand. Other

results are dissatisfaction and doubt after the purchase. Both can generate a more intense desire

to obtain more information and influence the subsequent recognition of problems, says Arellano


7. Identification of Variables

• Age

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• Sex

• Frequency of consumption

• Price

• Place of Consumption

• Quality / Product

• Perception

• Motivation

• Type of service

• Expectations

8. Definition and operationalization of variables

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Variables Indicators

He likes cookies Yeah


Type of cookie you eat frequently Wheat



I would eat cookies made from fruits from the department of Boyacá Yeah


Main reason for eating cookies Price

Variety of flavors

How often do you consume cookies? Diary




Brand that consumes the most Airing

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What flavor do you prefer your cookie? Strawberry




Where do you usually buy cookies? Store



Special establishment

How much would you pay for a package? Boyacense fruit cookies $200- $300

$400- $600

$700- $800

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needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
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$900- $1200

Type of fruit that your cookie will contain Plum








cape gooseberry

9. Consumer profile

Frequency of consumption

1. Do you like cookies? (If your answer is yes, answer)


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b) no

2. What type of cookie do you frequently eat?

a) Wheat

b) Oats

c) Other

3. Are you willing to eat cookies made from fruits from the Department of Boyacá?


b) No

4. What is the main reason for eating cookies?

a) Price

b) Variety of flavors

c) Taste

d) Size

e) Others

5. How often do you consume cookies?


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b) Weekly

c) Biweekly

d) Monthly

6. What is the brand you consume the most?

a) Oreos

b) Chokis

c) Festival

d) Wafer

e) Mooo

7. What flavor do you prefer your cookie?

a) Strawberry

b) chocolate

c) vanilla

d) orange

8. Where do you usually buy cookies?

a) Store

b) Supermarket

c) Bakery
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d) Specialized establishment

9. When would you be willing to pay for a package of cookies based on Boyacá fruits?

a) 200 – 300

b) 400 – 600

c) 700 – 800

d) 900 – 1200

10. What type of fruit would you like the Cookie to have?

a) Plum

b) Peach

c) Strawberry

d) Soursop

e) Lulo

f) Handle

g) Apple

h) Mora

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i) Gooseberry

10. Results of the analysis of the profile and consumption behavior of cookies based on

Boyacá fruits

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Figure 1.

Table 1.

Analysis : Based on the information collected, through the applied instrument it was evident that

81% of the learners on file 1133647 like cookies.

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Graph 2

Table 2

Analysis: With the data shown in this graph, we show that the learners consume wheat cookies

more frequently.

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Graph 3

Table 3

Analysis: 96% of those surveyed stated that they would be willing to consume cookies based on

Boyacá fruits.

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needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
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Graph 4

Table 4

Analysis: Something important to mention from the information collected in this table is that

54% of the learners in file 1133647 are motivated mainly to buy cookies for pleasure.

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needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
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Graph 5

Table 5

Analysis: With the data shown in this graph, together with the information in the table, we can

deduce that 54% of the trainees consume cookies weekly.

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needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

Graph 6

Table 6

Analysis: According to the data, it is evident that 35% of the trainees prefer the chokis brand for

its flavor and 31% prefer it for its price and flavor.

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Graph 7

Table 7

Analysis: 46% of learners prefer to buy cookies with chocolate flavor and only 12% with orange


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needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

Graph 8

Table 8

Analysis : With the data shown in this graph, the majority of learners usually buy cookies in a

store since it is the easiest place to purchase them.

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needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

Graph 9

Table 9

Analysis : 46% of the apprentices on file 1133647 would be willing to pay between $700 and

$800 for a package of cookies based on Boyacá fruits.

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needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
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Graph 10

Table 10

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needs and expectations of customers and the company's objectives
Center for Administrative Management and Business Strengthening

Analysis: According to the data, 31% of the trainees would like to purchase cookies based on

Boyaca fruits with a strawberry flavor, and it is also evident that they would buy this product

with a peach flavor 15% and a cape gooseberry 15%.


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