Essay 1 The Interaction Between People and Companies

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The interaction between people and companies are inseparable elements of any

To introduce ourselves to the topic analysis, we are going to make a brief history about
organizations and their ways of relating to people. Over the course of the 20th century,
organizations have gone through three different stages: the era of classical
industrialization, which marks a period from 1900 to 1950. Its organizational structure is
characterized by a pyramidal and centralizing format, functional, bureaucratic, rigid and
Inflexible here, emphasis is placed on the areas, with the conception of industrial relations
and people are treated as providers of labor.

The era of neoclassical industrialization from 1900 to 1990. We find the era of human
resources administration where people are conceived as resources of the organization,
which was matrix and mixed, here emphasis was placed on departmentalization by
products and finally we have the information era from Since 1990, the organizational
structure became fluid and flexible, decentralized. Emphasis on networks of multifunctional
teams, it is in this era that people are considered as providers of knowledge and essential
skills for companies and a new approach to human talent management emerges with the
treatment of people with the new conception of talents. human, which is already being
included in our education company, we are talking precisely about regional 7 with the new
educational management.

The concept of Human Resources Management (HRM) is still relevant today due to the
global adoption of the term.

The company is the human activity that seeks to gather, integrate, human and non-human
resources in order to achieve self-sustaining and profit objectives through the production
and marketing of goods and services. People constitute a multidimensional phenomenon,
subject to an immense number of variables.

Here we have to take into account that an organization or a person only exists when there
are people capable of communicating, interacting, who are willing to contribute to joint
action, in order to achieve a common objective.

People spend most of their time in organizations and without them the production of goods
and services cannot be carried out. The more industrialized the society, the more complex
the organizations are. Whatever their objectives, organizations influence people, who
become increasingly dependent on organizational activity.

The context in which HRA is applied is represented by the organizations and the people
who participate in them. Organizations depend on people to achieve their objectives and
they depend on the organizations.

Human Resources Administration. It is based on the principle that people must be planned
and managed in the organization by a central ARH body. The trend is to manage with
people, who are seen as active and proactive agents, endowed with manual, physical or
artisanal skills and also intelligence, creativity and intellectual abilities. People constitute a
factor of competitiveness.

People and organizations are in a continuous and complex interaction.

Organizations can be studied according to the open system: they import, transform and
export energy through recurring cycles of activities.

Organizations can also be analyzed according to the socio-technical model: they are
composed of a technical system and a social system that intertwine and are managed by a
management system.

In conclusion we have:

If the interaction between people and organization is a process of reciprocity, then this can
be explained by the exchange of incentives and contributions that are provided between
the two for their benefit.

Organizational culture is the way in which people interact in the organization, therefore the
educational manager must take into account that this is a complex and dynamic issue that
must be given appropriate treatment.

If the trend is to manage with people, who are seen as active and proactive agents,
endowed with manual, physical or artisanal skills and also intelligence, creativity and
intellectual abilities. Therefore, it is very important to take into account motivation theories
to establish mechanisms to resolve possible difficulties that arise in the treatment of people
as a team.

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