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Integrate to Massify

Activity 3.
Disruptive Technologies

Luis Alberto Rocha Berrones
Ivan Arroyo Perez
Fatima Jaqueline Gonzalez Aranda
Diana Ernestina Paredes Tobie
Benjamin Pena Bass

Diana Canales Sanchez

3 applications that could be disruptive are identified

• 3d print
• Artificial intelligence and machine learning
• Metaverse

The disruption in the selected technology is explained in detail

3d print

It promises a revolution in different fields, currently there are different types since bioprinting arrives, with the
technology of Dr. Gabor Forgacs, who uses a 3D bioprinter to print the first blood vessel. At the same time,
there is a great advance in printed prostheses with 3D printing.

It is a disruptive and innovative technology since things that could hardly be generated or manufactured in the
past now have a new form of creation that allows us to more efficiently copy complex objects that in the past
would have been impossible, in turn allowing us to have greater access to them.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

The manufacturing area is the one that is having revolutionary changes in this area since developing a smart
factory is a reality in which quality and safety will be highly enhanced. The manufacturing industry requires
extensive logistics capabilities to execute the production process. Machine learning is a solution that allows
you to automate various logistics tasks, increasing efficiency and reducing costs.

Changes have arrived and with them artificial intelligence comes to contemplate ways to more efficiently
produce countless products that today have a high cost, companies are increasingly betting on automating
their production lines.


In addition to supporting games and social networks, the metaverse will combine economies, digital identity,
decentralized governance, and other applications. Even today, creating users and owning valuable items and
coins helps develop a unique and united metaverse. All of these features give blockchain the potential to drive
this future technology.

A very promising idea in the way we interact, the digital economy is something that also has to be taken into
account, it is increasingly recurrent and useful. The creation of a wallet is open to anyone around the world on
blockchain public. Unlike a bank account, you don't have to pay money or provide any information. This makes
it one of the most accessible ways to manage finances and a digital identity online.

How will the selected technology be disruptive?

• 3d print.

3D printing in the industrial field has to do with the customization of products. Offering each customer a
product that precisely adapts to their needs and preferences. And this is precisely what this technology allows.
3D printing significantly increases the productivity of companies. In addition, prototypes of different types of
products can be created easily, which represents a significant improvement in design.

• Artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is already part of reality and is here to stay. This important technology is key to the
current development of many companies and is already used to optimize and improve work in the industry
and beyond.

It is difficult to think today why artificial intelligence is not present. Any digital device, from a phone, computer
or tablet, to household appliances, has artificial intelligence that makes tasks easier. That is why it comes to be
able to generate more new products every day.

• Metaveso.

The metaverse, for the moment, is still an idea that, although increasingly palpable given the advancement of
technology, is still far from being part of our daily lives. And I come into our lives to make the vision or focus of
what is seen differently.

What products or services do you think will be at risk of becoming obsolete once the disruption happens?

I believe that for everything we are seeing or saying, everything is already digitalized as they say, since
everything is going to be by machine or technology, simply controlling everything via machine. Since what we
are putting is connected, although I feel that 3D printing is going to become obsolete too or it is going to

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