Market Research Timeline

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Marketing research as a science was born in the second half of the 19th century when
questionnaires began to be applied. In 1911 Charles Carlin of Curtis Publishing Group
founded the first marketing research department.


 The use of surveys to find out consumer preferences became popular; after the Second
World War, marketing people incorporated the newly developed statistical sampling
techniques into market research. At the same time, a group of psychologists
experiments with groups of people under a series of stimuli to obtain information on
habits, expectations, etc.


 Qualitative research is born. The post-war economic boom that favors market research,
parallel to the growth of production and sale of goods

80'S AND 90'S

 In the 80's, the orientation towards production and sales gave way to consumer
orientation, which gained strength in qualitative research without displacing
quantitative research.


 The intensification of competition that generates a variety of brands, products and the
massification of the Internet converge. Challenges and opportunities arise for
marketing people.

 The challenge : Know the consumer better and anticipate their decisions with less error.
 Opportunity: In the collection, transmission and analysis of data


 Change of Market Research focus : It goes from being a data collection tool to a
problem-solving instrument.

 Evolution from descriptive to predictive approaches : The use of analytical tools

allows developing the ability to predict consumers.

 Importance of data quality : The quality of the information collected is taken into
account because without true information the research is useless.

 Tendency towards the integrated use of different approaches and different

techniques : Measurement techniques are combined for greater optimization of

 Integration of Market Research into the company's global planning processes:

The organizational culture is implemented focused on research and/or market
knowledge for decision making and organizational development.


 Intensified competition: Many industries are affected by competition, particularly from

China, which threatens business profitability. The fundamental principle of marketing
that will be applied is: knowing and serving the consumer better to anticipate their
expectations by offering products and services that exceed them. Companies that
produce goods and services must permanently know consumers, which will require
more initiative and speed from marking investigators when it comes to unmasking the

 Advances in data collection, transmission and organization technologies:

The advance that today allows us to do in-house and in-store data scanning to have
real-time reports comparing the behavior of products, brands and categories. This will
require researchers to collect high volumes of consumer behavior information in the
shortest possible time.


 Studies through censuses.

First  1890: Hollerith invents the punch token.
Industrial statistics.  1919, Duncan, first commercial research book.
 1921: White, first widely distributed marketing research book.

 The US government creates statistical offices to regularly collect

economic and trade data.
Second Random  The activities of G researchers begin. Gallup and AC Nielsen.
Sampling (1930-  1936: First AMA marketing research publication (Wheeler).
40)  1937: Brown publishes “Market Research and Analysis”
 Market researchers determine how to sample and evaluate human

 Great importance of social researchers like P. Lazarsfeld, E. Wilson

Third (who creates International Research Associates) and R. Likert
Interest in direction (which creates Survey Research Center).
(1940-1950)  Concept of market research as support for marketing decision

 Importance is given to the methodology of causal

Fourth experimentation.
Experimentation  1956: Publication of Marketing Research: Text and Cases by Boyd
(1950-1960) and Westall.
 The experimental design and analysis of variance emerge.
Fifth  The marketing of computers becomes a fundamental piece of
Computer and market research.
quantitative  Use of the first multivariable methods and simulation methods.
methods (1960-  Emergence of the Journal of Marketing Research and the Journal
1970) of Advertising Research.

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