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í University / of Santander
b -------------------YOU ARE










Technology is present in everything that surrounds us, from our work, our home, community,
family, everything that is related to our daily lives, and it has helped us make great advances in
our development and growth, not only at work, but also socially. not also formative.

Digital tools form a very important part of the learning methods used in education in our country.
Tools such as computers/laptops with Internet access are very important to allow children to be at
the forefront and be able to access millions of sites to obtain information that helps them
complement the knowledge they acquire at school.
But our educational system has many deficiencies in the application of new technologies and new
educational proposals, making this a digital divide in the most remote sectors, not allowing
everyone to have access to the multiple existing tools that allow the teaching processes to be
enhanced. and learning, however, teachers have found ways that allow them to adapt the
application of digital resources to their contexts and link them to their pedagogical models,
seeking that their students have better possibilities, access to knowledge and a better quality of
education, since With proper use, technology helps students acquire the necessary skills to be
able to lead their lives in a society focused on technological knowledge.

In this sense, the constructivist model as a teaching method used in our institution allows the
student to know the phenomena or expressions of things, and to start from the knowledge that he
initially has and to be able to investigate, experiment and complement previous knowledge. with
those taught by the teacher in the classroom. The fact of using technological resources in
education allows young people and teachers to develop different skills and abilities for work in
class, so that it is more profitable, helping to enrich the content of the work that is developed and
thus students can investigate more about the topics, seeking more information thanks to the

digital tools.

According to Kant (1724-1804) cited by Araya (2007), allowing human beings to construct their

knowledge, currently this constructivist learning model applies technological tools, helping the
student to connect in a dynamic and creative way, strengthening the teaching processes. -
learning, from different spaces and educational scenarios that help strengthen the knowledge
taught in the classroom and can apply it in their daily lives.

Taking into account the above, the following report aims to present the analysis of a specific
situation that is observed in our educational context precisely with grade 8 and where we intend
to put into practice the ADDIE construction model for the creation of our resource. digital
educational, allowing students of that degree to work on the shortcoming that they are
experiencing, to provide a solution in a practical and didactic way, seeking to highlight the most
important characteristics of the situation analyzed and possible options to address it and provide a
solution. starting from technological solutions.
It is important to highlight that within the pedagogical process, planning must be done in
advance, researching new strategies and tools that allow applying the most appropriate solution
and improving the cognitive development of students, in addition to strengthening autonomous
learning, supported by didactics, creativity. and the constant interaction between teacher and

Instructional design supported by new information and communication technologies plays an

important role in educational processes since teachers must continually seek tools and strategies
to achieve a more understood and motivating learning environment for the student. (DUFFY

ICT should not remain only at the level of effective teaching tools in the sense of physical
devices that help students acquire and practice curricular content more efficiently, especially if
their teaching-learning environment is not explored and transformed. , towards a vision of
meaningful construction of knowledge. ICT must be at the efficient service of transitive and
receptive teaching models in learning centers. This is how these instructional models place ICT in
the management of projects or computer packages that provide teachers with technological tools
with which they can venture into their work. classroom.

According to (REIGELUTH-2000) “The current teaching paradigm must be based on

standardization and there must be an important change towards the training of people where they
take the initiative” this is where the teacher as the main actor in the educational processes must
seek diversity, approaches and strategists that help the substantial construction of curricula,
aiming at designs of learning environments that are more flexible and enjoyable so that the
student reaches more significant knowledge.

According to (DIAS BARRIGA 2003-2005) “People act and construct meanings within their
communities of practice and all learning thoughts.” This is how we seek to create learning
environments that are flexible, oriented towards the empowerment and participation of societies
so that they seek learning environments and can be applied not only in the school context, but
also in the sociocultural context. For this reason, the teacher plays a very important role not only
in the school but also in his community where he has knowledge and skills about instructional
models that guide good educational, informative and acquisition of new knowledge processes.

There are several instructional design models, among which we can name: Gagne and Briggs
Model, Dick and Corey Model, Heinich Assure Model and Col Jonnasen Model. But one of the
most recognized is the ADDIE Model, which is a recursive and iterative model that consists of
five phases, which are analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation, the latter is
present in each of the previous stages, and It must be kept in mind that each previous phase is a
prerequisite for the next phase.
The ADDIE Model has a cognitive approach, however, it is one of the most generic because it
can be coupled to different intentions and learning theories.
(DOMINGUEZ, MEDINA AND SANCHEZ 20011)Pg. 26 “They present innovation as an
essential activity for improving the teaching-learning process and constitutes a basis for
curricular design and development, leading to teacher innovation in the classroom.” It is then
where we talk about the instructional designs that to innovate in the classroom requires being
responsible with the pedagogical processes, where each decision is argued from the thematic,
technological and pedagogical point of view as a constant and collaborative exchange to achieve
to knowledge where the classroom is seen as an exchange system.

According to (DIAZ BARRIGA 2005,) p.5 In reference to the computer and ICT in general, he
says that, “its potential as a mediational instrument of cognitive functioning, as a system for
constructing meaning or transforming and creating cultural content is less exploited.” in the
design of educational experiences in comparison to its attribute as an efficient technical tool. The
novelty that ICT offers to teachers and students is not the isolated semiotic resources they include
(oral and written language, audiovisual, graphic or numerical languages), but rather, from the
integration of said classic symbolic systems, it is possible to eventually create a new learning
environment, with unprecedented conditions to operate information and transform it.”

Continuing with the position of (DIAS-BARRIGA-2005) pg.40 “synthesizes some principles for
the design of learning situations supported by ICT, where learning is a process of knowledge
construction and teaching with measurement.” It is like then that knowledge depends on the
context where learning must be immersed by tools and signs that lead to meta-cognitive
knowledge where the student becomes aware and develops learning strategies.

To conclude, we can then conclude that the instructional models that occur in educational
contexts seek transformation by including technological innovations, where sets of socio-cultural,
collective, relevant, and authentic experiences can occur where collaborative, cooperative work is
emphasized to the construction of knowledge, understanding knowledge as that set of experiences
based on the situations that arise in the context, whether socio-cultural or educational.


Specialization in Application of ICT for Teaching


Production date: OCTOBER 12, 2022



The El Junco Rural Educational Institution is located in the El Junco village of the
municipality of Sabanalarga-Antioquia, which is 5 hours from the city of Medellín, along a
road that has some paved sections and others unpaved. This institution has 5 alternate
locations that are located nearby, others more distant, its modality is mixed, calendar A is
used, it offers the educational levels of preschool, basic education and secondary education,
on a full-time basis and grants the bachelor's degree. pedagogical.
The main school is located on the El Junco sidewalk and has two blocks, one for primary
school and the administrative offices and the other for high school. It is a small institution
that has a total of 282 students, including those from the 5 campuses.
It has an institutional horizon such as:
MISSION: We are a rural educational institution committed to the comprehensive training
of our students, guiding pedagogical processes and practices in accordance with cultural
and ethnic diversity, providing elements that facilitate their development in the field to
contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of our society. .
VISION: In the year 2025, the El Junco rural educational institution will be recognized at
the municipal level as a leader in the different academic, sports and cultural fields, with a
human team, committed to the practice of values, human rights and a sense of belonging for
the field.
INSTITUTIONAL VALUES: As in any institution, it is guided by values that seek for
students to be a person rich in values, know how to interact with others and have respect for
the diversity of thoughts that exist in society, among which more emphasis is placed. in the
following: Respect, perseverance, discipline, resilience, autonomy, coexistence, self-
esteem, belonging and responsibility.

THE FLAG OF THE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION: It has three stripes: Green goes
vertically meaning harmony. White goes horizontally means tolerance. Red goes
horizontally means dynamism.
that means wisdom, in the center the symbol of Science: Research, an Owl: Wisdom, Balls:
Strong in sports, Open Hands: Integration and a Toga: Triumph.
The pedagogical model that the institution manages is constructivism because it seeks
experience , facilitating learning as it relates to thinking. This model is based on genetic
psychology; where the evolutionary development of the child is studied, which will be a
key point for the development of thinking and creativity.
The school promotes development to the extent that it promotes the constructive mental
activity of the student, understanding that he is a unique, unrepeatable person, but
belonging to a context and a specific social group that influence him. Education is the
driving force for development globally understood, which necessarily includes the
capacities for personal balance, belonging to a society, interpersonal relationships and
motor development. In this model, teachers must keep these questions in mind:
1- What type of subject do I want to form?
2- What type of school is required?
3- for what society?
The EMITA headquarters is one of the alternative headquarters to this institution, it is 15
minutes by car and an hour on foot, exactly 5 kilometers from the urban center, its
population is a bit floating so sometimes there are too many students within the institution
or sometimes the opposite happens very few.
Within the headquarters we have three teachers, 2 from primary school and my person who
is in post-primary, (high school modality) this has three classrooms, a small corridor in the
front and back, the bathroom area, the school housing , a school restaurant but does not
have a large space for children's recreation.
The community where it is located, the headquarters is a very united community, its
economy is based on coffee, the raising of free-range animals, and the production of panela
with 2 mills where it is made in an artisanal way, it is a community that seeks daily

progress to get ahead, they greatly support the educational processes, and they like to
actively participate in the activities programmed by the institution's teachers, thus helping
their development and growth.

The primary grades are divided as follows: preschool, first and second with one teacher and
third, fourth and fifth with the other, working with the new school modality, where students
work through modules guided by the teacher and supported for the crashes that become
those support spaces to search for material and develop the activities that the students need
to carry out and that are proposed in the guide. Within the ERMITA headquarters, high
school is offered up to grade 9 under the post-primary modality, which is a pedagogical
proposal of the model through guides, which is developed through a didactic route that
allows students to analyze and interpret various problem situations, to approach everyday
life, build knowledge and convert each content present in the guides into meaningful
learning for your life.

To achieve this objective, a set of learning materials was designed that address the
mandatory areas in which updated content is developed that incorporates the quality
references of the MEN, especially the Basic competency standards. The rural post-primary
program has an implementation manual that presents a pedagogical approach and didactic
alternatives that can be applied in each curricular area. These are a support tool for the
teacher because it allows them, with the help of their creativity and personal initiative, to
promote relevant education for students in rural areas. (Ministry of Education)


Trainee profile
The target population to design the digital resource is made up of 8th grade students from
the El Junco Rural Educational Institution at the Ermita campus, which has 3 students under
the post-primary methodology.
The area where the greatest difficulty occurs is in Spanish, specifically in the topic of
reading interpretation.
The students of this grade are between the ages of 13 and 14, it is a very even group, very
willing and attentive to changes, they really like the use of technological means and carry
out the processes in them clearly and quickly following directions. which makes it easier
for me as a teacher to incorporate new pedagogical strategies with them that lead to
working and making good use of these spaces to work on the shortcomings that arise in
their reading interpretation, it is a group which can work individually or in groups in the
moment and according to the activities proposed.
Students in this grade have electronic devices such as cell phones or
table which facilitate the research processes, also counting on the institution's computers
and the internet at the headquarters that makes their work much easier.



Description of the educational problem

Within the educational context, I have been able to perceive that 8th grade students in the
language area show shortcomings in their reading comprehension, and it can also be
evident that when reading the texts in the guides or any other type of reading The students
do not retain it and it causes them some difficulty to express what they have read in their
words, or to answer simple questions about the texts addressed. Sometimes how they speak
they express themselves because they do not have the habit of reading and lack a good
vocabulary when it comes to expressing themselves. This is why there is a need to create
the RED to counteract this observed lack of reading comprehension, in the 8th grade
students of the rural educational institution El Junco, headquarters of the ERMITA, which
is intended with this incorporation of the RED, is that students read in a more didactic way,
they can better assimilate the texts read and find the activities that are carried out in the
classroom more attractive, referring to reading comprehension and they can achieve not
only good analysis, compression and interpretation reader, but also good verbal fluency and
better vocabulary when expressing what has been read.

Currently, the institution's laptops (compumax) are being used, where they work flexibly
with the students, since it is not a large grade and where work has already been done with
them addressing different types of texts. , which are sought from the Internet, incorporating
different ICT tools in order to make them feel attracted to reading, because we must start
from this point, where students feel attracted to reading texts, as well as, it is coming
implementing reading time, where the interpretation and analysis of a literary work is being
carried out, all of this in order to make the student have an approach to reading and thus be
able to counteract the difficulty in their reading comprehension.

Student-teacher collaborative work spaces have also been created, trying to make better use
of it in the classroom, because at home there is not much support from parents, since many
are illiterate or have to dedicate themselves to to the daily tasks of their chores and at home,
the student does not carry out the habit of reading on his own, this is how the use of cell
phones has also been taken advantage of since the majority have one to carry out activities
that help to consolidate such as consultations within the classroom.
It is a long process, but I have noticed that, by using these ICT tools, students have felt
more attracted, because they want to read, they have responded positively to this entire
process to strengthen their reading, I hope to continue generating many more spaces Help
me, so that at the end of the school year very good results are obtained and that this
shortcoming becomes a strength in this grade.

It is essential to link ICT tools that allow improving learning processes, strengthening
didactics, dynamics and interactivity that in turn integrates work in the classroom and in the
students' homes. With these ICT tools, the aim is to improve the assimilation of the topic of
comprehension, with more attractive content and interactive resources, which develop all
the students' skills in their different types of text interpretation.
The subtopics addressed in this thematic unit of reading comprehension are the following:
-Select an appropriate reading.
-Answer questions.
-Make a summary.
-Text mapping.
-Read the following text and choose the correct answers.
-Correct answers.

Context constraints and resources

The ERMITA headquarters of the El Junco rural educational institution is a public rural
educational institution, its main purpose is to implement its pedagogical model of
constructivist learning framed in its pedagogical practices with strategies and
methodologies that are didactic for the learner.

The headquarters has Internet that is paid for by the national ministry of ICT and has a
current contract with clear who the service provider is, which has made it easier for us to
implement educational content with better quality since we can rely on many pedagogical
tools. that are immersed in the Internet, improving the teaching-learning processes, since
through this the students have been able to work on different pedagogical tools to reinforce
knowledge and investigate more deeply, about the different contents addressed by the
teacher in class, it also has with 20 new laptop computers (COMPUMAX) that were
donated by the Ministry of Education and the ICT minis, a plasma television and an
overhead projector which serve as support for the different educational processes taught
within the institution.

The computers are used for technology and computer science classes or other subjects that
require it, where students from the entire primary and secondary institution make use of
them, with a duly established schedule that allows the orderly use of these technological
equipment, within the advantages that can be perceived are portability and broad access to
many educational applications, on mid- and high-range devices, excellent processing and
storage capacity, and constant communication with the teacher by having data or Wi-Fi
from the institution. But some disadvantages also become visible with the use of ICT,
among which it is worth mentioning distractions since they can be dedicated to playing in
other applications, they can be distracted on social networks, or syndromes of the so-called
2.0 diseases can be generated when doing excessive use of the telephone.

The television is used to access the Internet from the computer, social networks, and also as
a screen to project content from the computer, serving as a useful tool to present videos on
YouTube. To support classes, take notes and put their knowledge into practice with
presentations, materials such as markers or billboard paper are also saved.

By using Google's Gmail, you can access the email service, provided by Google since 2004
and which is very useful and a basic tool for registering and being able to use and access
different online educational applications and platforms.

The technologies to be incorporated to develop the didactic sequence (RED) that would
help counteract the lack of reading comprehension in 8th grade would be the following.
-cell phones
-Colombia learns
-Educa play
-Click area - YouTube.
Some of the restrictions to carry out the activities is that there would not be a constant
internet connection, since it is very intermittent in the institution and in the students' homes
there is a lack of this service, for the work proposed and assigned to develop At home and
on their devices, they do not frequently have data either, so not everyone will advance at
the same pace in their learning activities. On the other hand, the illiteracy of some parents
would mean that students would not have support to carry out work. Therefore, the spaces
opened to them within the institution must be taken advantage of so that they can advance
significantly in their learning training process and counteract the shortcomings that have
been occurring in terms of reading comprehension.

Proposed solution

The proposal that was chosen to work on is a didactic sequence or class plan with the
incorporation of ICT, it includes the design of using technological tools.
To search for activities, the following tools will be used, which with their repositories will
serve as pedagogical and didactic tools such as: Colombia learns, clip zone since with their
didactic strategies they can help a lot as support tools to work on reading comprehension
Padlet will be used, which is an interactive wall where students will be able to observe the
text classes, some analysis of readings that will serve as support and direction for the work
to be developed in the didactic sequence, as well as build class material and present it.
Educa play will be used where teaching material will be created for students according to
the topics addressed in the class and that serve as a complement to evaluate how far they
have advanced in terms of reading comprehension.
We will rely on YouTube to search for videos that help us work on reading comprehension,
look for tutorials that guide the student on how to achieve better reading comprehension
and develop activities according to projected videos.
These applications must have the ability to be executed on different electronic devices
such as computers, tablets and smartphones. Below, each of the tools to be incorporated
into the didactic sequence is described to work on the interpretation of reading in grade 8.


PADLET Padlet is a wall where our DISADVANTAGES
students write, upload their
work, assignments and files
in general. It is also a very
powerful tool for working Advantages:
collaboratively. A very -It is free and easy to use.
simple and visually very -We can use it from any
comfortable interface, which browser and even download it
allows us to create a learning to our cell phone.
space in just a few minutes. -You can share content
through a link, a QR code,
insert a blog or website,
Gmail, Facebook, Twitter and
Google Classroom.
-Can be saved as: Image, pdf,
and can also be printed.
-You can invite other
members or add them. can
keep your Padlet private.
-You can modify and change
the format You can record
videos and voice notes

-You can only make 6 posts.
-By posting everything
together at the same time we
cannot read the content
perfectly, so we must
establish rules before

COLOMBIA LEARNS Colombia Learn is a portal

aimed at the entire
Colombian educational
community. In this, all Advantages:
people involved in education -It is made up of a group of
processes can find quality portals that seek to support
and interesting material for the different processes
their processes in this field. educational, in addition to
strengthening the
competencies and
skills of
teachers, students, parents
and managers through
digital educational content
of their interest. -Can be
accessed free, to
all the contents that the
-Each user will be able to
network with their peers,

discuss, to debate,
share, consult and exchange
topics of interest, through
participation in forums,
dialogues and sending
messages electronically.
-It is a tool that allows the
management of the
digital educational, in some
areas of knowledge and for
all degrees of the
Basic primary,
secondary and middle
-It is a tool that allows
teachers to relate to families
and students, as well as being
able to create,
share and
manage knowledge.
-Adapts to different mobile
-Within each NETWORK
find 7
components that
They help direct activities
and themes of the
content to work on.
-Account with a
display of
images using good color,
animation and explanation.
-The themes
addressed in the RED, are
clear and easy to navigate
for people who want to
explore them.
-It makes it easier for the
teacher to print, the

activities to take to the

classroom more
-The objects of
learning are one of the most
important sections of
Colombia Learn.
In this place there are
lodgers Thousandsof
content objects to apply in
-The student has an active role
that is not limited to receiving
information but is part of their
own training.

-To access the platform you

only need to register, with
one of the profiles offered
by a teacher, student or
parent. of family,
After registering you will be
able to browse easy
interactive in the
-Always in each
didactic unit, the learning
object that is intended to be
achieved will appear, with
the content and
proposed activities in
-To access the learning object
HE can
choose the level, grade and
subject so that the different
contents appear and you can
select the one that

you want to work

-The teaching units offered
are for some areas of
knowledge such as:
language, mathematics and
natural sciences.
-If you want to use it in
social sciences, you need to
redesign the natural sciences
educational resource, as is
the case with other LOs.
-Only the RED is for basic
primary, basic secondary
and middle school and
excludes preschool. - These
digital Educational
Resources are only
accessible to those people
who have technology
equipment, a computer, cell
phone or tablet. For these
reasons, those with limited
economic resources cannot
access and are excluded and
discriminated against.
-We must highlight the
limitation that exists in
public educational
institutions where the
internet signal is not the best
and to use the RED a good
internet plant is necessary.
-Educational policies within
public institutions are
mainly in some cases an
obstacle in the
use of repositories and
banks of educational
resources since they are not
promoted by them.

EDUCA PLAY It is a web platform that Advantages:

allows teachers to create -It is an intuitive and easy-to-
different types of multimedia use platform.
educational activities, -It is free and does not require
through different scenarios or installation software.
activities such as crossword -Allows downloading of
puzzles, word searches, resources.
riddles, dictations, among -Generate resources
others. I am inclined to use immediately.
this technological tool due to -The resources are available to
its comfort and ease. for the the general public.
management not only of the -The generated resources can
teacher but of the students. be printed and played in any
browser or locally from
different storage media.

- Once downloaded, the
resources cannot be modified.
-Does not allow punctuation
on LMS platforms.
-Some activities are limited in
their use.


Set of free software

applications, developed on Advantages:
the Java platform, that allow
you to create various types of -The package contains
multimedia educational explanatory activities,
activities (puzzles, association of choice of
associations, text exercises, options, puzzles, word
crossword puzzles, word searches, matching, multiple
searches, etc. ). The activity selection, completing text,
library is gone union and selection of
forming thanks to the
collaboration of educators
from different countries and
communities, who have
wanted to share, thus
forming a bank of activities,
which facilitate good,
meaningful learning, and the
understanding of content in a
didactic and pleasant way for terms etc.
students. For all levels, - It makes educational
subjects and including work possible since it is
several languages. easily accessible in which
the activities can be
downloaded in standard Zip
files with images and
multimedia files, to be taken
to the classroom and worked
on practically.
- It can be installed as a
Java package.

-It can also be shared on any

social network; which
makes it possible to access
restricted areas where there
is no connectivity service,
and it can be taken home as
a complementary task, a
good option for learning to
be strengthened from home.
-It has a theme that induces
the student to achieve their
objectives, in addition, each
activity has simple
instructions so that the
student follows the step by
step and can have
meaningful learning.
-These activities are
designed in several

- It has a series of icons

that make it possible to use
the RED, in addition

It has a timer, you can

verify the results, move
forward and backward, it
tells you the successes and
failures and it has a good
presentation of its activities.
-It has a series of sections
such as: Activities Library,
JClic, Clic 3.0, community,
documents, supports, tools,
search and language change.
-It has good images that
clearly illustrate each of the
activities to be carried out by
the student.

-The suggested activities are
not flexible; That is,
modification of these is not
-There are topics that are not
found for the grade being
sought, which sometimes
makes it difficult to find
teaching material for the class.

YOUTUBE Google's free video storage

and viewing service Advantages:
-Allows you to upload videos
and publish them on Other
-You can upload your own
Video tutorials.
-Channels can be created
according to the interest of a
group or theme.
-Videos can be viewed on any
electronic device.
-Videos can be viewed
-It has large storage capacity.
-You cannot filter the content
of comments.
-The fact that everyone has
Access to videos can be a
disadvantage in the sense that
they can be viewed by people
without interest in the content
and comment offensive things.
-Users can also block videos if
they do not like the content.
-Students may be distracted by
accessing entertainment
videos other than those in

> Teachers must necessarily have training knowledge in instructional design mediated by ICT
and its application in teaching, only in this way can classes be designed where ICT is not only
a means of transmitting information but a tool that develops cognitive skills, contributing to
improving education where the student and teacher have constant interaction with these tools
to be able to enrich the training processes that occur within the classroom, but that can
contribute and be applied in the daily life of the student.

> ICT must be implemented in pedagogical processes, in order to have better support within the
classroom, so that the educational processes and the knowledge imparted therein can be
supported or evaluated with the use of ICT. But for this to happen, it must start with good
implementation and correct instructional design, adopting one of the models that exist and
that adjust according to the needs or knowledge of the same, taking into account the
characteristics and principles of instructional design, that involve ICT so that when
implemented by the teacher very good results are obtained.

> The ADDIE model is recommended in the instructional design process, since it can be
adjusted to any methodology or learning theory and to various pedagogical intentions, since
being interactive and recursive can help the teacher make better adjustments in the design. of
interactive material to be applied in the classroom and to be developed according to the needs
of the school context in which it needs to be implemented.

> It can be said that currently instructional designs are being incorporated in both face-to-face
and virtual environments and that these have increasingly been related to ICT, incorporating
different technological tools seeking a constructivist perspective, especially in the school
environment as a socio-cultural environment. and where upon joining, they seek to focus on
the creation of learning environments that encourage good interactive participation of student
and teacher.
> (ARENDS- 2004) “Teachers can support and use the growing interaction and popularity
that has been achieved with the use and implementation of ICT.” All this in order to look
at the achievements that have been made with young people to achieve the most
traditional educational goals such as with the use of the computer and the rest of the ICT
since they are clear examples of medicinal instruments, which share aspects such as
physical tools that help make knowledge more dynamic and attractive for the student.

> It is a big challenge that remains for teachers, since the majority do not know the world
and use of ICT very well, and sometimes due to fear of change they do not dare to
innovate and bring new things to the classroom. staying with traditional methods that are
also effective and that have served for many years in the formation of learning in the
student, but that in the environment in which we are in the digital age that we are facing
requires changes or a combination of the traditional and the technological, which is why
it is pointed towards a future, is to make students digital citizens and that the knowledge
taught by the teacher in the classroom is given in a more dynamic and recursive way,
supported by the use of ICT.


Advantages and disadvantages of educa play . (October 2015). Obtained from Advantages and
disadvantages of educa play:

(JANUARY 29, 2016). Obtained from Instructional Design of Online Courses:

Online instructional design . (January 29, 2016). Obtained from Instructional Design online:

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