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MA112: CALCULUS II Assignment 2

Semester 1, 2024 TOTAL: 90 marks

DUE DATE: WEEK 11 Friday 11.55 pm (FJT) 17 / 05 / 2024
NOTE: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Show all relevant working. 3. Give exact answers.
1. This assignment is due on Friday, 17th May 2024, at 11.55:00 PM Fiji Time. Upload it on Moodle.
2. There are TWO questions. Answer all of them. Your solutions must be in the same chronological order as the given
3. To obtain full marks on a question, you have to show all your working, even when the question does not say so.
4. Verify EACH question using Mathematica. Snapshot the codes and paste it below the question.
5. You are to type your solutions and submit them as a PDF document (single document) on Moodle.
6. This is a group assignment with 3 people in a group! Individual submissions will also be accepted.
7. You are not allowed to copy from others, or let others copy from you. If copying has been detected, everyone involved
will forfeit all marks. Plagiarism of any form is not accepted. I strongly advise you to read through the part of
the Course Outline which clearly states the University policy on plagiarism. Any case of plagiarism will be
dealt with severely. You are allowed to discuss the questions with your fellow students but what you submit
must be your own work expressed in your own words.
8. The lecturer reserves the right to question any student submitting a solution about any portion of the
solution. Inability to respond adequately will automatically result in loss of points.
Question 1
A). Consider the error function E ( x ) =
 
−t 2
e dt.

i). Use Simpson’s Rule with n = 10 to estimate E (1) .

ii). In  0,1 ,
dt 4
( )
d 4 −t 2
e  12. Give an upper bound for the magnitude of the error of the estimate in part (i).

[Verify using Mathematica] [5 + 5 = 10 marks]

B). Use n = 6 subdivisions to approximate the value of  2sin 2 xdx by the:
i). Trapezoidal Rule.
ii). Simpson’s Rule.
[Verify using Mathematica] [5 + 5 = 10 marks]

C). For what values of p does the integral x
dx converge? When the integral converges, what is the value?

[Verify using Mathematica] [5 marks]

D). Solve the initial value problem
y '+ y tan x = sin 2 x, y ( 0) = 1.
[Verify using Mathematica] [5 marks]
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E). Evaluate the following integrals:
i).  sin  cos 2  d .

tan x
ii).  tan x + sec x dx.
2x2 − x + 4
iii).  3 dx.
x + 4x
iv). e
sin xdx.

sin 
v).  cos 2
 + cos  − 2
d .

[Verify using Mathematica] [ 5 x 5 = 25 marks]

Question 2
A). Determine whether the following series is convergent or divergent. You must use the indicated test.

i). 1+ 3
k =1
(Use Comparison Test).

ii). k
k =1
(Use Ratio Test).

iii).  2k + 9
k =1
(Use Integral Test)

[Verify using Mathematica] [5 + 5 + 5 = 15 marks]

4k + 2
B). Determine whether the series 
k =1 7
k −1
converges, if so find its sum.

[Verify using Mathematica] [ 5 marks]

𝑛 +∞
C). Determine whether the sequence {n2 +1} is increasing/decreasing, monotonic/non-monotonic,
bounded below/ bounded above or is bounded.
[Verify using Mathematica] [5 marks]
D). Consider f ( x ) = e .

i). Find the Maclaurin series for f and write the series using sigma notation.
ii). Apply Taylor’s Theorem to find an upper bound for the 5th remainder R5 ( x ) of f on the interval
1 3
− x .
2 2
[Verify using Mathematica] [5+ 5 = 10 marks]

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