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The Arabs revolutionized paper manufacturing processes and made the following advances:

□ industry
From Spain, the first factories were established that replaced those of parchment and papyrus.

□ The manufacture of paper was done with flax fibers and pieces of discarded clothing fabric, which were immersed in lime, then milled and allowed to dry in a thin layer until obtaining the material for
writing, called paper. .

□ Paper allowed the dissemination and democratization of education, since it was possible to write books and thus preserve knowledge.

‫جوناثان ويلسون‬
□ In some Middle Eastern schools in the 9th century, paper distribution was free.

‫تشافيز ساالزار‬

Guide made by:

Jonathan Wilson
Chavez Salazar

With scientific contributions to geography,
through inscriptions of territories, route
connections on the maps developed by
the Arabs, new trading activities emerged
throughout the Mediterranean.

□ Industry in Fabrics, silks, cotton and

□ Marketing of all kinds of metals
Implementation of the credit tasting
□ system.

Technical Center Fact:

In the 50s and 70s Muslim women dressed

(G) differently than today.

ART ISLAM TO HUMANITY Arab intellectuals, such as Al-Khazni, Al-Biruni, among
Muslim art adopted artistic elements from other others, evolved abstract theories into experimental theories,
cultures. Painting and sculpture are little Math thus consolidating a pillar of the physical sciences. Some
developed, the Koran prohibits using the human examples of their discoveries are:
figure as an object of worship. Mathematics has been the universal language for a
thousand years. With the Hindu civilization, before the Acoustics, density, gravity, dynamics, the scale to weigh
objects in air and water, the barometer.
Architecture and minor arts were developed. 8th century, Muslims spread the concept of zero as an
THE ARCHITECTURE independent number. To represent the million, the
letter M was written (it represented eighty times).
Zero was applied as an indicator of vacuum. Position It comes from the Chemistry
Arebe word alchemiah where al means
value. Then 0 becomes the necessary position indicator. “the” and quimiah means “chemistry”. It arose from
Mathematics is not only part of addition, subtraction, experiments carried out with the intention of transmuting
Importance of the mosque in Islam . The multiplication equations, etc., it is elements that help lead into gold. The Arabic linguistic influence is shown in the
word mosque derives from the Arabic us identify calculations. chemical terms we use, frequently such as camphor, alcohol,
masjid, which means "place where arsenic, syrup, etc.
17ñ/7A100) kneel or be prostrate", which
perfectly reflects the attitude
' ^1^1 of
numericalanddelos HE Mechanics
Muslim when he prays of "submission" the
। Babylon
T TT TTT TT HJ rtf f 11 rir The Arab discoveries called them “the science of tricks”,
1 pg lotto mT ill 111 III „ 1111 1 111 11 1 A they called it that way because they discovered that physical
iii ii iii III 11 11 III effort, both human and animal, could be saved. To save this
1 Greece AEF
ABT z H ei effort they built machines that produced movement and
Name given in Arab culture to any 1 Rome III III IV V VI VII VIIIIX force. For this they applied physics, mathematics, algebra
type of school, whether religious or 1 Ancient China
and geometry, which gave rise to what we know today as
secular. The specific use in the West —== kn E j* + engineering.
generally refers to a
’ .... — 2
1 Maya
...................... *—
scho religi Islami The
1 Indian MU 98.c ge?no
ol ous c. I rabics
1 Sig1025 f23& 96 8 9 /o or Aristotle's planned geography
studies allowed the Arabs to investigate
PALACE natural phenomena, rocks, mountains and minerals. The
1 Current 1234 567 89100
multiple voyages and nautical journeys allowed the arbes to
The expansion of Islam meant the perfect: The Chinese compass, the Greek astrolabe, the
construction of new political spaces in a Trigonometry quadrant, the Latin sail, and nautical charts. With these
wide swath of the Old World, between inventions they enhanced land and maritime trade between
the Atlantic and the Indian Ocean. Based on the field of plane geometry and analytical Asia, Africa and the entire Mediterranean to Portugal.
Islamic Palaces or Muslim palaces are not geometry, its etymological meaning was the measurement of
limited to Arab palaces triangles. It has developed the functions of sine, cosine,
tangent, cotangent, secant and cosecant. Currently they
allow us to make calculations of precision measurements for


the construction and construction of houses, temples, etc.
Civil Engineering.
In the minor arts, miniatures stood out, Geometry and Algebra -
drawings that served as a complement
to calligraphy, to decorate the Koran.
The word algebra comes from the term al- abr which v(65*
means “reintegration, recomposition.” Algebra is a
There is practically no art of sculpture
but the realizations of objects
discipline that seeks to reduce and solve traditional
metal, ivory or ceramic often achieve
high technical perfection. There is also Geometry, like algebra, is a branch of mathematics. Its
- to
a painting and an illumination in the meaning comes from the Greek geo, “earth” and metry, &
sacred and profane books. “measurement”. And studies the properties of figures in Yea
the plane or in space. h

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