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ANu ul1lNC cON1kAc1 lN 1n 5lklNC Ol 2011 lN wA5nlNC1ON uc

1exL for ASAL appllcaLlon for webslLe [udglng
ro[ecL Coals/Cb[ecLlves 230 words (247)
1he prlmary goal for Lhe new deslgn of Lhe SocleLy for neurosclence (Sfn) Web slLe (wwwsfnorg) ln
2010 was Lo provlde readers mulLlple easy enLry polnLs Lo Sfn's conLenL 1here were Lhree maln
ob[ecLlves for reachlng Lhls goal manage Lhe flow of sLorles Lo Lhe slLe's home page and creaLe a sLory
archlve effecLlvely hlghllghL key feaLures of Lhe prevlous slLe and deslgn a look and feel lnformed by
web usablllLy guldellnes
1he maln challenge for Lhe redeslgn was Lo accompllsh Lhese goals wlLhouL alLerlng Lhe slLe's
archlLecLure or Laxonomy AnoLher challenge was deLermlnlng how Lo glve more responslblllLy Lo
conLenL conLrlbuLors when submlLLlng news sLorles a process prevlously conLrolled only by Lhe Web
Cn Lhe old slLe news sLorles were posLed by hand" Lo Lhe slLe's home page and were noL saved afLer
explrlng as Lop news" Lhls prompLed Lhe deslgn of an archlve Lo save old news sLorles on Lhe slLe
ueslgners also had Lo come up wlLh a vlsually pleaslng way Lo feaLure Lhe slLe's mosL lmporLanL news
headllnes whlle asslgnlng secondary headllnes Lhelr own subsecLlons
AnoLher ob[ecLlve for Lhe redeslgn was Lo glve Lhe slLe's users access Lo Lhe mosL lmporLanL elemenLs of
Sfn's prevlous slLe wlLhouL overwhelmlng Lhe new layouL 1hose elemenLs were 1be Iootool of
Neotoscleoce Annual MeeLlng Sfn ubllcaLlons and Lhe heavlly used Sfn Member ulrecLory
llnally Lhe slLe's layouL had Lo be sLandardlzed so lL would dlsplay ln a conslsLenL fashlon across a
varleLy of Web browsers and monlLor slzes
SLraLegy/1acLlcs 230 words (230)
1o manage Lhe flow of sLaffsubmlLLed conLenL Lo Lhe slLe's home page a cusLomlzable asseL Lype for
home page news was creaLed ln Lhe CMS WlLhln each news asseL users now choose a serles of opLlons
LhaL deslgnaLe where conLenL appears and how long lL sLays acLlve ueslgnlng Lhe news sysLem ln Lhls
manner also easlly enabled 8SS feeds for Sfn news
Lach Llme a sLory ls posLed lL ls fed Lo Lhree places lLs correspondlng lnformaLlonal caLegory's space on
Lhe homepage and wlLhln Lhe slLe and Lhe news archlve lor example a rofesslonal uevelopmenL (u)
news lLem ls fed Lo Lhe u secLlon of Lhe homepage Lhe u landlng page and Lhe archlve CpLlonally a
news sLory can be feaLured ln Lhe Peadllnes" secLlon of Lhe homepage accompanled by a phoLo or as a
LexLonly headllne
ey conLenL blocks promoLlng Sfn's 1be Iootool of Neotoscleoce lLs annual meeLlng and lLs publlcaLlons
recelved dedlcaLed space on Lhe new layouL whlle a search box for Lhe member dlrecLory was
redeslgned wlLh added funcLlonallLy
llnally Lhe wldLh of Lhe slLe was sLandardlzed so no maLLer whaL browser or monlLor resoluLlon a reader
was uslng Lhe slLe would have a flxed horlzonLal dlmenslon ln Lhe pasL Lhe slLe adapLed Lo Lhe wldLh of
Lhe screen forclng deslgners Lo LesL new pages on mulLlple plaLforms and monlLors addlng Llme Lo each

Success MeLrlcs/8esulLs 230 words (223)
8y placlng more responslblllLy ln Lhe hands of CMS users Sfn's prlmary Web edlLor ls able Lo dedlcaLe a
greaLer percenLage of Llme Lo key longerLerm pro[ecLs lnsLead of [usL focuslng on Lhe dayLoday
malnLenance of wwwsfnorg Whlle sLlll playlng an lmporLanL role ln assurlng Lhe quallLy of Lhe conLenL
on Lhe slLe Lhe Web edlLor can devoLe resources Lo oLher areas
8y caLegorlzlng news sLorles and separaLlng Lhem on Lhe homepage Sfn ls now able Lo use Coogle
AnalyLlcs Lo gaLher more speclflc daLa regardlng Lhe behavlor of webslLe vlslLors and how Lhey lnLeracL
wlLh Sfn news nowlng whlch sLorles aLLracL readers allows Lhe socleLy Lo more accuraLely Lallor lLs
newsgaLherlng Loward Lhe lnLeresLs of lLs consLlLuency lL also helps Lhe Sfn board accuraLely monlLor
whlch new Web lnlLlaLlves are paylng off and whlch ones need Lo be revlslLed
1he oLher success sLemmlng from Lhls slLe redeslgn ls LhaL accordlng Lo Sfn's Web edlLors Lhe enLlre
slLe ls sLarLlng Lo look beLLer" 8efore allowlng conLenL conLrlbuLors Lo submlL Lhelr own news Sfn
conducLed a Lralnlng program on modern WebwrlLlng Lechnlques for sLaff members As a resulL Lhe
wrlLlng ls sharper Lhe headllnes are clearer and Sfn's slLe ls now prepared Lo launch Web 20 lnlLlaLlves
whlch mlghL lnclude embeddlng a soclal medla presence ln Lhe slLe

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