#1-True Luna Rejected by Mi Mate..Tessa Lilly

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Tessa Lilly

Book I

table of
CHAPTER ONE – The day before (first part) CHAPTER TWO
– Day before (second part) CHAPTER THREE – The day
before (third part) CHAPTER FOUR – 18
CHAPTER FIVE – The first turn
CHAPTER TWELVE - I can feel you
CHAPTER SIXTEEN – Preparations (first part) CHAPTER
SEVENTEEN – Preparations (second part) CHAPTER
EIGHTEEN – Beautiful
CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE - Who she really is
THREE – The fever CHAPTER THIRTY-FOUR – The infection
her up CHAPTER THIRTY-EIGHT – I finally wake up
first visit
Disagreement CHAPTER FORTY-THREE - Struggling
true moon
rejected by my partner
The White Wolf Series Book 1

Tessa Lilly
"I, Logan Carter, Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack, reject you, Emma Parker of the Crescent Moon

I could feel my heart breaking. Leon was howling inside me and I could feel his pain.

He was looking directly at me and I could see the pain in his eyes, but he refused to show it. Most
wolves fall to their knees in pain. I wanted to fall to my knees and claw at my chest. But he didn't
do it. She was standing there with her head held high. He took a deep breath and closed his
wonderful eyes.

"I, Emma Parker of the Crescent Moon Pack, accept your rejection."

When Emma turns 18, she is surprised that her partner is the Alpha of her pack. But his happiness
at finding his partner did not last long. Her companion rejected her for a stronger wolf. That wolf
hates Emma and wants to get rid of her, but that's not the only thing Emma has to deal with. Emma
discovers that she is not just any wolf and that there are people who want to use her. They are
dangerous. They will do anything to get what they want.

What will Emma do? Will your partner regret having rejected you? Will her partner save her from
the people around them?

This is Book 1 of The White Wolf Series. The story is a trilogy.

CHAPTER ONE – The day before (first part)

I woke up early in the morning and got up right away. I was excited. Very, very excited. Tomorrow is
my birthday. Tomorrow I will turn eighteen and I will meet my wolf. I couldn't wait to change for
the first time. They say it's painful, but I didn't care about that part. It's just for a little while, and
then it gets easier. I can survive some pain.

I just wished my parents were here to see me change for the first time. It had been eight years since
they died, and it hadn't gotten any easier.

They were killed in a rebel attack.

Rogues are wolves that do not belong to a pack. They turn rogue as they are exiled from their packs
for committing various crimes. Some of them choose to leave their packs and live as rogues. That's
weird though. Wolves are pack animals. We don't like to be alone. When a wolf chooses to become a
rogue, it is mainly because something bad has happened to them in their pack or because they have
lost their mate, gone crazy, and left the pack.

Rogues live alone. They do not work with other wolves. But when they attacked our pack, they were
working together. It was very strange. Since that night, our Alpha learned that there is a rogue wolf
who has gathered other rogues to attack several packs. They call him the Rogue King. The attacks
have not stopped since then. They attacked our and other packs several times.

On the night of the attack, the rogues tried to kill our Alpha's son. We were celebrating his 18th
birthday and his first shift. He was supposed to begin his training to become a new Alpha and take
charge of the pack.

However, that night, the rogues killed his father, our former Alpha Luke. He was forced to become
Alpha immediately. And he did an incredible job. He finished his training early and made our pack
one of the strongest.

My father was Alpha Luke's Beta. He and my mother died protecting Alpha, Luna and their son. That
was his job.

After his death, my brother Andrew became a Beta. He and our Alpha were best friends since
childhood, and now they lead our pack together.

My brother is an amazing Beta, and an even better brother. He was 17 when our parents died, and
after that, he had to take care of our pack and me. He never complained. He took on those
responsibilities and did the best he could. And he did great. He always made sure I was safe and
cared for. He still does it.

I finished high school a few months ago, and all I have to do now is train. After the attacks, my
brother and our Alpha decided that all members of the pack should train to be able to defend

The rule in our pack is that we all have to go through high school. It's somewhat similar to a human
high school, but we learn the history of the werewolves and the pack, the laws of the pack, and
everything necessary to help the pack function properly. For example, if a wolf is interested in
working for Alpha, he will learn a little more about leading the pack. If a wolf is interested in
agriculture, they will learn about plants and our crops to help maintain our food supply. If a wolf is
interested in defending the pack, he will learn about defense techniques, attack formations, and will
have to spend more time training than the rest of us. I chose to help the Alpha manage our pack. It
was natural for me. My brother is the Beta and I wanted to help him as much as I could. So, I learned
all about the laws of the pack and everything else necessary to successfully manage our pack.

The alpha, beta, and pack healer are the only ones who leave the pack to go train for their positions.
They go to different packs where they learn everything necessary for their positions in a pack. The
training lasts approximately one year.

Considering our pack was attacked and our old Alpha was killed, our new Alpha and Beta finished
their training in just a couple of months. The pack needed them, and they had to do it faster than
usual. I missed my brother when he left, but I knew it was something I had to do.

We have to train every day, but tomorrow I have a day off because it's my birthday and my first
shift. It's a special occasion. The first turn is important because you can meet your wolf and your

Companions are important in wolf culture. A companion is someone special, chosen by our Moon
Goddess. It is the connection of two souls. Your partner becomes the most important thing to you.
You love them instantly. You want and need to be with them and protect them.

My brother hasn't found his partner yet. And neither does our Alfa. So until he does, his mother,
Gloria, still has the title of Luna and fulfills Luna's duties.

He had a hard time after his partner, our former Alpha, died. She almost didn't make it. He didn't eat,
sleep or do anything. That's what happens when you lose your partner. Your will to live disappears.
However, she recovered and is an incredible Luna. I love him so much. She helped me and my
brother after our parents died, and she and I have a special relationship. She is like a mother to me.
I asked him to be present for my first shift. She accepted and gave me a big hug. It's a big deal to be
present on a wolf's first turn. At least in our pack. Each pack has its own tradition, but in ours, only
the wolves you choose will be able to witness your first turn. And it was an honor to be chosen.

I chose my brother Luna Gloria and my friends Amy and Jacob. Everyone was honored and excited
for me.

I couldn't wait to change. It will be amazing. And maybe I'll be luckier than my brother and meet my
partner soon.

I had to go to training soon, so I brushed my teeth, took a quick shower, and got dressed. I put on my
black leggings, sports bra, gray sweatshirt, and my black Nike sneakers. I tied my long brown hair
into a ponytail and walked down the stairs.
CHAPTER TWO – Day before (second part)

I was unpleasantly surprised when I came down the stairs. Sienna was standing in my kitchen
looking at me like she wanted to kill me.

She is best friends with my brother and Alpha. He is 25 years old, just like my brother and Alpha,
and has been dating them since childhood. Now, she clings to them like they're a lifeboat. She was
devastated when she found out that neither my brother nor Alpha were her companions. That didn't
stop him from trying to become Luna. She is always around Alpha, proving herself and trying to
convince him to take her as his chosen mate.

Werewolves can do that. If their partner dies or they do not find their true partner, they can take a
chosen one. It is frowned upon, especially in our pack, because we take our companions very
seriously. Most packages do, actually. But some have a softer attitude towards their chosen

Sienna was tall, blonde and perfect. Her makeup was always on point. His hair was always combed
and coiffed to perfection. But she destroyed all that with the way she behaved. She was malicious,
mean and disrespectful. She hated me and treated me like I was trash. But only when we were alone.
When we were around my brother or Alpha, she was a totally different person. She was kind to me
and once told my brother that I was like a little sister to her. Gross. I tried to tell my brother about
her, but he didn't believe me. He told me he was jealous of her and how much time they spent

"Sienna." I said coldly and grabbed a cup from a cabinet.

"Good morning ugly". she said and smiled. "It must be nice to sleep as long as you do."

"Maybe you should try it." I said as I poured coffee into my cup. “You need as much beauty sleep as
you can get.”

I turned to her with a smile on my face. She was angry.

"Little bitch." he said between his teeth. "I'll turn into Luna soon and exile you so soon you won't be
able to blink."

She always did this. He threatened to exile me when he became Luna. He knew she really would, and
he could only hope she didn't turn into Luna.

I wanted to answer him something, but I heard the front door open. My brother and our Alpha
entered our kitchen. Sienna quickly put the biggest fake smile on her face.

I rolled my eyes. How come no one saw how fake it was?

"Good morning Little Girl." my brother said and kissed my forehead.

That was his favorite nickname for me. I was small, smaller than any wolf my age, and he liked to
point it out. Especially because it was huge. 6'4, and had muscles all over his body, just like Alpha.

We were very similar. We both had brown hair and bright blue eyes. However, he was tanner than
me. I inherited my mother's pale complexion. I went out in the sun all the time, but I couldn't seem
to get a tan.

“Good morning, Andrés. Good morning, Logan. I said and smiled.

I can call Alpha by his first name only in the privacy of our homes. At other times, I must refer to him
as Alpha. Or Alpha Logan.

Siena didn't like that. She gave me an 'I'll kill you' look over her shoulders.

“Good morning, Emma.” Logan said as he sat at our kitchen table.

"What are your plans for today, Em?" Andrew asked as he poured coffee for him and Logan.

"Bit." I answered. “I have a training session in an hour and then I'll hang out with Amy and Jacob.”

“Tomorrow is your first shift. You are excited?" Logan asked me and took his cup of coffee from my

"Yeah." I said and smiled brightly. “I can't wait to meet my wolf.”

"Maybe you'll find your match, Emma." Sienna said coldly. And maybe we'll lose you to him

He gave a fake sad look at my brother. Goddess, they were so blind if they didn't see through his act.

"Don't worry, Siena." said my brother. “She will always be our little sister. No teammate will take
that away from us.”

I wanted to scream and vomit. She wasn't my sister! She was a fake bitch who couldn't wait to get
rid of me! But I couldn't say anything, so I just gave him a fake smile.

“After your shift, you can start working in a packing house.” Logan said. “You went to high school to
work in the packaging office, right?”

"I did." I said and smiled. “I can't wait to get to work.”

"Good." Logan said and smiled.

He was handsome, even more so when he smiled. And that was strange. He was usually very serious
and focused only on his job as an Alpha. He always did what was best for his pack. That's why it was
so successful.

He was as tall and muscular as my brother. Maybe even more. The alpha and beta of the pack were
always the strongest wolves. And it always showed. You could always see who was alpha and beta.
He had dark blonde hair and green eyes. His jaw and nose were perfectly chiseled, and his lips
looked soft. It was hot. No wonder Sienna was all over him.

She also drooled over my brother, but being Beta's partner wasn't good enough for her. Although, if
my brother took her as his chosen mate, she would accept it too. She only sought the title and
power. Too bad they couldn't see that.

A doorbell interrupted my thoughts. Jacob was here.

CHAPTER THREE – The day before (third part)

“Is that Jacob?” my brother asked.

I nodded and put the mug in the dishwasher.

"I'll see you tonight. Goodbye, Logan. “Sienna,” I said and gave my brother a kiss on the cheek.

Logan smiled at me and Sienna looked at me coldly. Bitch.

I left the kitchen and opened the front door. My friend Jacob was standing there, smiling at me.

I was always in love with him. I still do. He is handsome, tall, muscular and has black hair. His dark
brown eyes look like a puddle of chocolate. And I love chocolate. Sometimes I wish he was my
partner. We'd be great together, and I know he likes me. He told me it himself.

We never went out or talked about it. We save ourselves for our companions. It is not forbidden to
have sex with others, but it is frowned upon, especially by the elders of our pack. The rest of the
pack agrees that we should wait for our mates, but they turn around when they see someone
stepping outside of a pair bond. However, not all of us reserve ourselves for our colleagues. I know
for a fact that my brother and Logan had their share of wolves. I think Logan even slept with Sienna,
which only increased his belief that she would be his Luna. Jake and I never talked about it, but I
think he slept with some wolves too.

Jacob is 22 years old, but he has not yet found his partner. So maybe he's mine and I'm his. I won't
be happy to know that he slept if he's my partner, but I don't want to have his past. in
his against.

"Good morning handsome." He said and kissed me on the cheek.

“Good morning, Jake.” I said and closed the front door.

"You are excited?" He asked and took my hand in his.

"Yes I am." I said with a big smile on my face. “I can't wait to change.”

"It will be amazing." he said. “You will be amazing. “I’m really honored that you asked me to be

"Of course I did." I said. “You and Amy are my best friends. I want you there.

"Maybe I'll be something else to you too." he said and winked.

I laughed. "Maybe you will."

We walked together towards the training fields.

Amy was already there, waiting for us. She is a year older than me and we met in high school. She
introduced me to Jacob. They are cousins.
She and Jacob look a lot alike. She has the same black hair as him. However, her eyes are a little
lighter than his.

"Well, if they aren't my two favorite wolves." she said and smiled brightly.

"Hi Amy". Jake said and kissed him on the cheek.

She gave me a big hug. “I can't wait to meet your wolf tomorrow, Emmy. Our wolves will be the best
of friends, I know it. Just as we are.

"Oh, I'm sure Alora will love my wolf." I said with a big smile.

Our wolves have their own names. Amy's wolf is named Alora and Jake's is named Jared. I can't wait
to learn my wolf's name.

“Enough talking, girls. Training time. I will see you later." Jake said and walked towards his training

Jacob works as a patrol wolf, so he trains harder and differently than us. Patrolling wolves train
separately from the rest of us. Amy works in a greenhouse. She is amazing with plants.

Jacob and I sometimes trained together. He taught me a little about what they do in their training
sessions. He said he wanted me to know as much as possible so I could defend myself. He wanted me

After an hour and a half, we were done with our daily training session. Jake still had an hour left, so
Amy and I went home to shower and change.

We would meet at a restaurant we always went to.

When I got home, Andrew wasn't there. He's out dealing with pack stuff. Being a Beta is not like
other jobs when you work nine to five. There is always something to do. Especially when your Alpha
is Logan.

I quickly showered and put on a pair of jeans, a white sweater, and my black Converse sneakers. I
dried my hair and let it fall to my waist.

When I arrived at the restaurant, Amy was already seated in our usual booth.

"Hey woman." she said. "You look amazing."

"Thank you." I smiled. "Not as amazing as you."

She is beautiful, tall, slim but curvy in all the right places and totally confident. All the boys love her.

"So, tomorrow is a big day." he said, sipping his chocolate milkshake.

"Yeah. I'm so excited."

“Maybe Jake will be your partner and we'll be family.” He said with a big smile on his face.

"I would love that." I said. “You know I love Jake. “He would be a great partner.”

And he is totally in love with you. she laughed. "Most guys are, actually."
"What are you talking about?" I said and frowned.

The waitress brought me my strawberry shake and I thanked her before taking a sip. It's amazing.

Come on, Emma. He said and rolled his eyes. “You are beautiful and hot. I can't believe you've never
noticed the looks you're getting. “Jake gets totally jealous.”

“I always thought they were watching you.” I said and smiled.

Amy laughed. “Well, they do. But I’m not the only one they’re looking at.”

I blushed and looked at my hands. "Well, I do not care. I'll wait for my partner.
“And here it comes.” Amy said and pointed to the door.

Jake was coming in. He gave us a big smile and walked towards our booth. He sat next to me and
kissed my cheek.

"Hey girls. What are we talking about?" he asked.

"Companions". Amy said with a big smile on her face.

“I can't wait to revisit that topic tomorrow.” Jake said and winked at me.

I laughed and blushed. "Okay, stop making me blush."

Jake laughed and pinched my cheek. "Because? There is no more beautiful view.”

“Okay, love birds. Enough." Amy said and laughed. “Emma, when can we see you tomorrow?”

“Well, I'll have lunch with my brother and spend the day with him, and we'll meet at the shift
location at 8 pm.” I said.

My brother and I have a tradition of spending our birthdays together. No other people. Only him and
me. We always have breakfast and lunch together. After that, we watch a movie and eat as much
cake as we can. I love our tradition.

"Excellent. “I can’t wait to see if your wolf will be as small as you.” Amy said and laughed.

Jake joined her as I watched them. "Bitches."

"Oh, come on, Emmy." Jake said laughing. “We love how small you are.”

I frowned but joined in their laughter.

We spent the rest of the day talking, laughing, and making plans for our first race together.

It was late when I got home, but Andrew was still gone. I quickly showered, put on my pajamas, and
got under the covers. I can't wait to see what's coming tomorrow.

'Good morning, Emma.'

I turned to the door to greet my brother, but no one was there. I am alone. But whose voice was

It's me, fool. Your wolf.

I shuddered. Of course, it's my birthday. I got my wolf today. It's strange to hear a voice inside my
head though.

You'll get used to it . Said a voice.

'It will take some time.' I answered.

We have all the time in the world . said my wolf.

'What is your name?' I asked her.

I like . I told.

I know you do, Emma. Now, get up and go spend the day with your brother. Asher has already sensed
my presence and can't wait to meet me. She said.

I woke up excited and full of energy. I can't wait to see Eliza.

I brushed my teeth, showered, and put on a tracksuit and hoodie.

Perfect for a lazy birthday day with my brother.

When I came down, Andrew had already made pancakes. It was our traditional birthday breakfast.

“Happy birthday, Emma!” He shouted and gave me a big hug. “Asher felt Eliza. “He is very excited to
finally meet his sister.”

“She can't wait to meet him too.” I said and gave him a big smile.

I love Asher. He is the best wolf there is.

"Come on, let's go eat." He said and pulled me towards the table.

After we were full, we went to the living room to start our first movie of the day. We always watched
the Avenger series. The humans did a great job in those movies.

Around 1 pm, Andrew and I went to the kitchen to start preparing lunch. On my birthday we have
my favorite food, lasagna. On his birthday, we have his favorite food, pizza.

I started making the lasagna while Andrew sat at the kitchen table.

"Maybe you'll find your match soon." he said.

"Maybe." I said, without looking at him.
I don't like talking to him about this. He's my brother, and talking about mating is weird. And I don't
want to leave him, ever. It will be very difficult for me to leave with my partner.

“Maybe it’s Jacob.” he said.

I looked at him. "Would you be okay with that?"

"Yeah." he said and shrugged. “He is one of our greatest warriors, so I know you would be safe with
him. And I know you already like it. It would be easier for you to go with him.

I walked over and sat next to him. “It won't be easy for me to leave. It doesn't matter who my
partner is. You are my family. I do not want to leave you.

"I know, Em." he said and smiled. I do not want you to go. But if you find your partner, you will. And
we will be fine.”

"Maybe I won't find it." I said and got back up. "You never did."

"Yeah." He nodded. “But I have a pretty good feeling that you will, and it will be Jacob.”

I smiled and rolled my eyes. "We will see."

He got up and helped me finish our lunch. After eating, we went back to the living room to watch
another movie.

Around 7pm, Andrew told me to go get ready. We had to walk about 20 minutes to get to the
changing place in the forest.

It's a small clearing in the middle of the forest where all the wolves go for their first shift. It is special
because it is the only place in the forest where the moon can illuminate you completely. Our forest is
so thick that the moon can barely shine through the trees. The clearing is the only place where it
shines freely.

I put on my white dress, chosen especially for tonight. It is tradition to wear white on the night of
our first shift. I put on my shoes and went back down.

Andrew was waiting for me at the door. He handed me my jacket and we left the house.
My heart was pounding in my chest. Andrew probably heard it because he took my hand and pulled
me closer to him.

“Don't be afraid, Emma.” he said quietly. "It will be incredible. And I will be there for you.”

"Thank you." I said. "I love you."

“I love you too, little one.” He said and gave me a side hug.

After about 20 minutes, we reached the clearing. My friends and Luna Gloria were already there
waiting for us.

Luna approached me first. "Happy Birthday Sweetheart. I can't wait to meet your wolf.
“Thank you, Aunt Gloria. She’s excited to meet you too.” I said with a big smile.

Amy and Jacob came towards me with big smiles on their faces.

“Happy birthday, Emmy.” Amy said and gave me a big hug.

"Happy birthday, Emma." Jake said and kissed my cheek. “Now, let's meet your wolf. It's cold and I
don't want you to get sick.

He is correct. It's December and the only thing I'm wearing is a dress. I have a jacket, but it doesn't
keep me warm. The only reason I'm not shaking is because of excitement.

You're right, Emma. Andrew said. “Give me your jacket and stand in the middle of the clearing.”

I did as he said and stood in the middle of the clearing. They all gave me an encouraging smile and
turned around to give me some privacy to take off my clothes.

I carefully took off my dress, underwear, and shoes and folded them neatly into a pile. I stood up and
looked up at the moon.

Are you ready, Emma? said my wolf.

'I am .' I answered. ' How I do this?'

'Let go. It will hurt. But don't fight it. It will soon be over. Let go and give me control.' She said.

I did what she said. I took a deep breath and let her take control of our mind and body. I started to
feel like my bones were breaking. I let out a small scream and fell to my knees.

“That's right, Em.” I heard my brother's voice. "It will be OK. Let go."

The pain was unbearable. It was like breaking all your bones at the same time.

I fought the urge to vomit and focused on letting go of my control.

CHAPTER FIVE – The first turn

A few moments later, I was standing on all fours, my white fur shining in the moonlight. I took a
deep breath and raised my head proudly.

My friends and family turned around and gasped.

"She is white." said Moon Glory.

I looked at her and cocked my wolf head. Is that something special?

'We are a pure white wolf, Emma. Nobody is a pure white wolf. Eliza said.

'What do you mean?' I asked her. 'There are white wolves. I've seen them before.

'Yeah. But none of them are pure white. She said proudly. 'They all have a spot in a different color, or
their paws are different. We are all white.

"What does that mean?" Amy asked quietly.

"I don't know." my brother said, without taking his eyes off my wolf. "But she is beautiful."

"She is." Jacob said quietly.

I looked at it and was immediately disappointed. No sparks. Without connection. He is not my


We are not yours. Eliza said. We belong to another person.

What do you mean, Eliza? I asked, surprised. 'Do you know who our partner is?'

'Yeah.' She said. You will soon know.

'Who is he?' I asked. 'How do you know?'

It is not common for a wolf to know who its mate is. They only know it when they see them. But not
before. What's going on?

'I'm not going to talk to you about that.' Eliza said. Now, stop thinking about this and focus on your
friends and family. Andrew is trying to mentally link you.

I turned my attention away from our conversation and focused on my brother's voice inside my
head. Now that I changed, I can mentally link the entire pack.

Emma? He called me. Emma, can you hear me?

Yeah. I answered. Sorry, I was talking to Eliza.
You are beautiful, Emma. He said proudly. Do you want to go running?
Yeah! I said with excitement in my voice.
My brother told the rest of the group to change and we all went for a run. Eliza met all the wolves,
and I realized that she loved them all. And they loved her. Especially Asher. He was attentive and
careful with Eliza, as Andrew was with me.

When I had enough, I mentally connected to Andrew to tell him to come back. All the excitement and
nervousness got to me and I was tired.

We returned to the clearing and put the clothes in our mouths. We all hid behind a tree to move and

Changing positions backwards also hurt, but not like the first time.

'Every time we do this, it will get easier.' Eliza said. 'After a while, it won't hurt at all.'

I returned to the clearing and my friends and family were already there. They hugged me and gave
me many kisses. They are proud of me and happy that I finally have my wolf. No one mentioned that
I'm pure white again, so I decided to forget about it. It's nothing special. I'm nothing special.

Luna Gloria came out first. We stayed in the clearing for a while, chatting and laughing. After a few
minutes, we started walking back.

Jacob walked next to me, and Andrew and Amy were in front of us.

"Then we are not companions." He said with sadness in his voice.

"I suppose not." I responded, without looking at him.

“That doesn’t mean we can’t be.” he said. “I would choose you as my partner. I love Emma".

I looked at him, surprised. But before I could say anything, my brother intervened.

"Jacob, no." he said strictly. "At least not yet. I know you love my sister, but she's only 18 and there's
a chance she'll meet her real partner. If she doesn't in a few years, and if you don't find your partner
by then, you can make her your chosen partner. If she wants to get a chosen mate. But not before he
has had the chance to find his true partner.”

I looked between Andrew and Jacob.

Jacob wanted to fight, but he knew my brother was right. I love Jake, but I deserve the chance to find
my true partner.

After a few seconds of Andrew and Jake staring at each other, Jacob nodded and lowered his head.

"You're right." he said quietly. “But I will wait for her.”

"I'm sorry, Jake." I said and took his hand in mine.

"You have nothing to regret." He said and gave me a small smile.

Amy was quiet the whole time, but I could tell she was sad. I really hoped Jake and I would be

We continued our walk through the forest, and soon we were back at our house.
Jake and Amy said goodbye and went home.

Andrew and I walked back into the house and I looked at my watch. It was 10 pm.

“Hey, do you want to watch another movie? "It's not too late." Andrew asked and took my jacket to
put it away.

“I would, but I’m so tired.” I said.

He smiled. "Yeah. The first shift will do that to you.”

"I'll go to bed". I said. "Thank you for today. I loved."

"I loved it too, little one." he said with a big smile. Asher and I love your wolf.

"We love you too." I said and smiled.

I went upstairs and Andrew went to the living room.

I got into the shower and put on my pajamas. I got under the covers and closed my eyes

I don't think I slept much when I was woken up by a loud knock on the front door.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was 11 pm. Who was here so late?

I pulled back the covers and headed towards my bedroom door. I opened them in time to hear my
brother's voice.

"Logan?" he said. "What are you doing here?"

"Where is she? Where is Emma? Logan asked nervously.

His voice was the most incredible sound I had ever heard. It was like music to my ears. What was
wrong with me? It never sounded like this before. It must have been because he was tired.

But it sounded cold, rushed. I didn't know why he was asking about me, but I had a feeling he was in
trouble. But I didn't do anything wrong.

“Emma?” my brother asked. "She is sleeping. Because?"

I could hear surprise and confusion in his voice.

I started walking towards the stairs and was instantly hit with the most incredible smell, pine
needles and snow. It smelled like a winter forest.

'Buddy!' Eliza screamed in my head.

'That?!' I asked and froze.
I'm Logan, Emma. He is our companion. Go with him. Eliza said, excited.

Logan? The alpha? Is he my partner? Am I Luna?

I had a million questions in my head. My feet began to move against my will. It was like something
was pushing me down. Well, not something. The couple bond.

"Wake her up." Logan growled. "Now."

He seemed angry. Why was he angry?

"I'm awake." I said and started to go down the stairs.

I stopped in the middle to look at Logan.

Everything changed when I looked into his eyes. He was now the center of my world. He was
everything. I felt this incredible need to touch him, to be in his arms.

I wanted to run towards him, but I stopped when I saw how cold his gaze was. What's going on?

"Logan?" my brother called him.

"She is my partner". Logan hissed.

My brother gasped and looked at me. I nodded and looked back at Logan. He was standing there
looking at me with a cold expression on his face. His fists were clenched and his posture was rigid.
He didn't love me. That's why I was so angry. I wasn't good enough to be his Luna.

"Ema." Andrew said my name. "Go to your room. Now."

He must have seen how angry Logan was and wanted to talk to him about this. I turned around and
walked up the stairs.

But there was no way I was going back to my room. I wanted to hear what Logan would say.
However, he had a feeling he knew.

I heard them walking towards the kitchen and I sat at the top of the stairs. I could hear them talking
and hopefully they would be focused on their conversation and couldn't hear or sense me. I just had
to be very quiet.

I hugged my knees and waited.

"Talk." my brother said coldly. "How did you know before you even saw her?"

"I don't know." Logan sighed. “I could feel her and smell her. It happened about an hour ago. At first,
I thought I was going crazy, but then I decided to follow that smell. I knew it for sure when I
approached your house. “Leó n started to go crazy.”

"That's weird." said my brother. “Matemates usually know when they see each other. They can’t feel
it before.”

"I know. But I did it." Logan growled.

My brother sighed. "Why are you angry?"

"She can't be my Luna, Andrew." Logan said.

My heart broke. I hugged my knees even tighter. I felt warm tears running down my cheeks. Nothing
hurts like rejection from your partner.

"That? Why?" my brother asked angrily.

"She is a girl." Logan said. “She's not strong enough to be a Luna. I need someone stronger.

"You are kidding, right?" my brother shouted. "Are you going to throw away the Goddess' gift
because you don't think it's strong enough?!"

"It's for the pack." Logan said calmly. “You know our pack needs strong leadership. Especially now
that rogues attack even more frequently.”

“Alpha is always stronger when he has his Moon by his side.” my brother growled.

"He is. And I will have my Moon.” Logan said. “I'm thinking about taking Sienna as my chosen

My heart stopped beating. He was choosing another wolf instead of me. And not just any wolf.
Sienna. She wanted to get rid of me. And she will do it. She will turn into Luna and exile me from my
pack. Maybe he'll even kill me when he finds out I'm Logan's real partner.

"Why didn't you do it already if you think it will be a great Moon?" my brother asked angrily.
"I wanted to wait for my true partner." Logan responded. “To see if she had the gift of a strong wolf.
But now that I see that this is not the case, I can freely choose someone else.”

"I can not believe this". my brother said quietly.

"You know I'm right, Andrew." Logan said. “You know that you, Sienna, and I will be great leaders,
and the pack will benefit greatly from our leadership. We can't do that with your sister. "She's only
18 years old."

My brother didn't say anything, and I think he agreed with Logan. He thought I wasn't strong. I
didn't think my heart could break even more.

I have heard enough. I got up and walked to my room.

My heart was breaking into a million little pieces. I didn't think I'd ever be able to put it back
together. And he hasn't officially rejected me yet. He didn't know how he would survive when he

Peers may reject each other. However, it does not break the bond. Nothing does. They are only
words. But it lets you know that your partner doesn't love you, and it's horrible. The link is live, but
you can't do anything about it.

Being exiled by Sienna and going rogue suddenly didn't sound so bad. It was better than staying
here, watching them together. It would kill me slowly.

'Eliza?' I called my wolf. ' Are you OK?'

—No, Emma. she moaned. 'I have pain.'

'I know.' I said. 'I'm sorry.'

His wolf loves us. she moaned. León loves us. It's Logan who's fighting the bond.

I didn't respond and felt her recede further into my mind. I didn't think I'd hear from her again
tonight. She needed to heal.

I couldn't stay here. I couldn't see my brother. I couldn't see it.

I quickly put on socks, a hoodie, and sneakers. I grabbed a jacket from my closet and opened my

My room was on the second floor, but there was a ceiling just below. I always ran away this way
when my brother forbade me to go out with Amy. It never caught me. I hoped tonight would be the

I carefully climbed onto the roof and climbed down. I had to be very careful not to make any noise.
He was in a house with an Alpha and Beta werewolf. His hearing is even better than other
werewolves. He just hoped they were still talking and focused on their conversation.

I got down and started walking towards the forest. There was a cave nearby where Amy, Jake and I
always went to hang out when we wanted to be alone. I needed to go there and think.

logan point of view

He wanted to reject her on the spot.

But when I saw her standing there on the stairs, I couldn't do it. I couldn't say those words.

I saw that he was happy when he looked at me. She wanted to go to me. But he saw my cold look and

Goddess, she is beautiful. I always thought she was pretty and sexy, but now that she is my partner,
she is even more beautiful than before. It smelled like strawberries and watermelon. Her long
brown hair fell freely down her back and her blue eyes were an ocean I want to swim in. Her lips
were perfect. Her small body was perfect. Every curve was made for me. I just wanted to touch her.

I clenched my fists to stop myself. I excluded Leon completely because he would kill me for what he
was about to do. I was so happy when we smelled it. I don't want him to see this. I'll deal with it

I was relieved when Andrew told him to come up. I'll be able to think clearly now that she's not

I could tell that Andrew was not happy with my explanation. But he knows I'm right. He knows that
the pack always comes first. And his sister is a girl. She just changed today. He cannot control his
wolf properly and cannot fight in wolf form. The rogues would use it against me, and that would
ruin the pack. I needed a strong Moon. Sienna would be a great Luna. She is strong and kind. Our
pack would benefit from having her as Luna.

"Andrew." I called him after he didn't answer.

"Shit." he murmured. "You're right. Sienna is strong and would make a great Luna. But that doesn’t
mean my sister can’t get stronger.”

"It is not like this". I agreed. “But we don't have time to train her, to make her stronger. The rogues
would use her as a liability against me, and the pack would suffer. You know I'm right.

He nodded and ran his hand through his hair.

"Do you want to tell him now?" he asked me.

I nodded. "Yeah. “There is no point in waiting.”

"Good." he said. "I'll go look for her."

I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. I couldn't get distracted by the link. For her. I needed to
do this, for my father and for my pack.

It will not break the bond. Nothing does. I will still feel her, she will still be my companion, but I will
be free to make Sienna my Moon.
"Shit!" I heard Andrew scream and immediately ran upstairs.

His smell was so intoxicating up here. I couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"What happened?" I asked Andrés.

He left his room, but she was not with him.

"She left." he growled.

I froze and my heart began to beat painfully. She left. He probably heard us and left. What if
something happened to him? I couldn't let that happen. I could not live without her.

'Lion?' I called my wolf. 'Can you feel our partner's wolf? Is she okay?'

'No.' He growled at me. 'Your wolf is suffering. She retreated far back in her companion's mind. I can't
feel it.


You're a total bastard, Logan. Leon growled. The matte is perfect and strong. You will regret what you

I didn't respond, and pushed it to the back of my mind. I didn't need that now. He is an animal. He
reacts purely by instinct. And his instinct is to get his partner. I have to be the one who thinks
rationally and thinks about our pack.

Andrew ran past me and down the stairs. He grabbed his jacket and ran out the front door. I
followed him in a daze.

Come on, Logan. he growled. “Follow his scent. Where was he?"

I focused on him and did what he told me to do. His scent was strongest beneath his bedroom
window, and continued toward the forest.

"Shit." Andrew murmured.

We ran into the woods and I told him where to go based on the intensity of his scent. It wasn't
difficult to follow her, so it couldn't have been long since she walked this path.

Suddenly, his scent stopped. I couldn't smell her anymore. It was like she just disappeared. My heart
stopped beating.

"What happen?" Andrew asked.

“I can't smell it anymore.” I said quietly. "The smell is completely gone."

"Shit!" the Scream. “He used masking spray.”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath to calm myself. She is fine. I would have been sorry if
something had happened to her.

"Emma?" Andrew shouted.

'Lion?' I called my wolf. I know you're mad at me, but I need you to try talking to his wolf. Tell him to
come back.

'I will do that.' He growled. But not for you. I want my partner to be safe.

Leon will try to talk to his wolf. I told Andrés.

“If anything happens to her, I will kill you. Alpha or not. he growled at me.

He was the only one who could tell me something like that. If he wasn't my best friend, he would be
dead by now.

"She's fine, Andrew." I said. “I would be sorry if something happened to her.”

"What if she decided to leave the pack, huh?" he growled. "Turning into a rogue because she
overheard her partner, the only person who should love her unconditionally, say that she's not
strong enough to be his partner and Luna?!"

"I didnot do that. Not yet, anyway." said a voice from the forest.

Andrew and I turned toward the sound. Emma leaned against the tree. I let out a breath I had been
holding. She is fine.

I was wearing stockings that let me see my legs perfectly. His face was even more beautiful than at
home. How is it possible for someone to become even more beautiful in a matter of minutes? I had
to use all my strength not to go to her and make her mine. If I were a normal wolf and not an Alpha, I
don't think I could do that.

Andrew ran to her and hugged her. I got jealous. I wanted to do it. But I knew I couldn't. I had to be

Goddess, Emma. Andrew shouted. “Never do that again!”

She didn't hug him back. She turned away from him and looked at me.
"You are here to reject me, right?" he said quietly. "Come on! Do it. Let's get this over with."

Andrew and I shared a confused look. How is she so calm? So strong? I looked back at her, and she
was looking at me with her head held high.

I took a deep breath and approached her. "You know why I have to do this."

"Yeah." she nodded. "I heard everything."

I nodded and ran my hand through my hair. Every part of me was screaming at me not to do this.
Leon pushed his way to the front of my mind to see his partner, and he was grunting and moaning. I
didn't want to do this. I loved her but I had to do it. For my package.

I took a deep breath and looked directly into his wonderful eyes.

“I, Logan Carter, Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack, reject you, Emma Parker of the Crescent Moon
I could feel my heart breaking. Leon was howling inside me and I could feel his pain.

He was looking directly at me and I could see the pain in his eyes, but he refused to show it. Most
wolves fall to their knees in pain. I wanted to fall to my knees and claw at my chest. But he didn't do
it. She was standing there with her head held high. He took a deep breath and closed his wonderful

“I, Emma Parker of the Crescent Moon Pack, accept your rejection.”

I closed my eyes and felt tears running down my cheek. When I opened them, she was gone.

The link was still here. Nothing has changed. I felt the same towards her. I still loved her. But I just
opened the door for me to mate with another wolf.

emma point of view

I never thought I could feel so much pain and survive. My whole body trembles and my soul is in
pieces. There's a big hole in my heart, and I don't think I'll ever be able to fix it.

My partner doesn't love me.

I'm not good enough.

My brother thinks I'm weak.

My partner rejected me. There will be a new Moon, and I will have to look at them every day.

I don't know how I got home. I don't remember the way. Pain clouded my vision.

I left Logan and Andrew in the woods and started to run away.

I couldn't go back to the cave. He didn't want them to find him. It would mean that he would no
longer be safe there.

We always used masking spray before entering the cave. But Andrew and Logan came close to
finding him. I guess it was because of the bond between the couple. Logan could smell me better.

I started walking towards my room. I closed the door and locked it. I didn't want to see my brother. I
did not want to talk to him. I wanted to be alone.

I lay down on my bed and looked at the ceiling. I just wished I could feel numb. Not happy. I didn't
think I would ever be happy again. The best I could have hoped for was numbness. Maybe he would
be able to achieve that. Maybe pain would rip through my body tonight, and in the morning there
would be nothing left but numbness. like poison it burns, destroys and leaves.

I heard my brother open the back door and run up the stairs. He tried to open my bedroom door.

“Emma?” he called me. "Emma, open the door, please."

I stayed silent. I did not want to talk to him.

“Emma, please.” he said. "Let me explain."

There was nothing to explain. I was a small, weak wolf, who could never be good enough to be a
Luna. Or Logan's partner.

Andrew tried to talk to me a few more times, but gave up when I refused to answer.

I heard him sigh and walk away.

I kept looking at the ceiling. What a way to end a birthday. My day started out full of excitement,
love, and new beginnings, only to end in pain and misery. I never thought it would happen like this.

I stayed up all night staring at the ceiling and wishing the pain would go away. Somehow it worked.
By the time I was supposed to get up and go to breakfast, the pain was better, bearable. Maybe I
realized that a small part of me was numb. That was a start.

I heard my brother wake up. He went downstairs to the kitchen and started making breakfast. Half
an hour later, I heard Sienna coming. A while later, Logan also arrived.

For them it was tradition. They always met at our house, had breakfast and then went and did their
Alpha and Beta homework. Sienna went around being a bitch to everyone. But soon she would have
Luna's duties.

I looked at my watch and saw that I had to be at training camp in an hour. I decided to prepare and
arrive early. I couldn't stand being in the same house as them.

I got up and got into the shower. I quickly got dressed and tied my hair in a ponytail. I looked in the
mirror and my lack of sleep was clearly visible on my face. I sighed and opened the door to my

I decided to leave through the back door, so I wouldn't have to see anyone.

But my brother listened to me.

“Emma?” He called me and came running from the kitchen.

I looked at him without understanding.

"Where are you going?" he asked me.

"Training camps." I said quietly.

"It's early." he said. “And Jacob is not here yet.”

There was a loud growl in the kitchen. Logan.

I ignored him and focused back on my brother. “I want to get there early today.”

"Oh. "Well," my brother said nervously. "But you didn't eat anything."

"I'm not hungry." I said and walked through the door.

I closed them before he could say anything.

I walked towards the training fields and saw that Jake was already there.

He saw me and looked at me confused.

“Emma? What are you doing here? I was just about to go look for you. told me.

Before I could say anything, he noticed how tired I looked.

“Emma?” he asked, worried. "What happened?"

"I'm fine." I said quietly. "I could not sleep".

"Because beautiful?" He asked and wrapped me in his arms.

Goddess, why couldn't he be my partner?

"I found my partner." I whispered into his arms.

I felt him tense and he pulled away from me to look me in the eyes. He left his hands on my
shoulders, hugging me tightly.

"Who is it?" he asked me. “And why are you so sad?”

I couldn't answer him. Those words didn't want to come out of my mouth. I looked down at my feet.

"He..." he started to speak, but stopped.

I looked at him again and nodded.

His eyes widened. "Oh, my God. I'm so sorry, beautiful. You don't deserve that. Nobody deserves

I smiled slightly and sighed. "Well, I guess it had to happen that way."

"Who is he?" he asked me.

Not now, Jake. I said. “We'll talk after training.”

He nodded and wrapped me in a hug again. He kissed my forehead and walked towards his training

My entire training session sucked. I was so tired and distracted that they gave me a whopping good
ass. By the end, he was covered in bruises and cuts.

Amy approached me with a frown. “Emmy, you sucked today. What happened? Why were you so

I'll tell you at the restaurant, Amy. I said. “I need to go home and take a hot shower.”

"Well." He said, looking me up and down. "Are you sure you're okay?"

I nodded and walked away.

I just hoped my brother wasn't home. I didn't want him to see me like that. It would only increase
his belief that I was weak.

I was lucky. I was outside But a monster was waiting for me in my house. Sienna.

She was leaning on the kitchen counter when I entered. He looked me up and down and smiled

"Well, if it's not the rejected little fellow." she said, smiling. "You know, I always wanted to see the
face of a little bitch that I would take the title of Luna from, but the fact that it's you just makes it

I rolled my eyes and started walking up the stairs. He ran after me and grabbed my hand, spinning
me around.

"Listen here, you little bitch." He spat in my face. "I'm your Luna, and you won't roll your eyes at
“My Moon is Glory. You’re a really bad replacement.” I spat back.

He slapped me hard and I fell to the ground. I should have seen it coming.

He stepped on my arm with his heel. It hurt like hell, but I didn't want to give him the pleasure of
screaming. I looked at her with a murderous look on my face.

I can't wait for Logan to mark me as his. “I’ll kill you and make it look like you ran away to be a
rogue.” He said quietly and walked away.

I slowly got up and walked upstairs to my room.

My life would be a living hell until Sienna finally finished me off. I was sure that he would make sure
to torture and torment me every chance he got.

Even though Logan rejected me, he still saw me as a gift.


logan point of view

Who the hell is this Jacob guy? It's been bothering me since this morning. I mean, I know he's one of
my greatest warriors and he's Emma's friend. But why is he so attentive to my partner?

It's not yours anymore. Leon growled. You rejected her, remember?

I ignored it. He's been doing that all morning. It's been reminding me of what I did and pushing me

I called my patrol chief in my office. I'll find out everything I can about this Jacob guy.

It was fast. He arrived at my office in a matter of minutes.

"Alpha." He addressed me. "Did you want to see me?"

"Yeah." I said and sat down at my desk. "Thank you for coming here on such short notice, Lewis."

“It wasn't a problem.” he said and smiled. "What can I do for you, Alpha?"

“What can you tell me about a warrior named Jacob?” I asked.

"Jacob Walters?" asked.

I nodded and waited for him to continue.

"Well, he's an amazing young man." he said. “One of our best warriors. He is strong, he learns very
quickly and the other wolves love him. Because? Is there a problem?"

"No." I said and shook my head. “No problem, Lewis. I noticed it in training and saw potential in

"Oh yeah." he smiled brightly. “There is a lot of potential in him. "He's one of my best."

I could tell Lewis was proud of him.

"Do you have a partner?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

"No." he said, shaking his head. “But there is a rumor that he would like to take one chosen. He's
been in love with this girl forever. Most of my guys are, to tell you the truth.

He laughed and I clenched my fists. If I was talking about Emma, I'd kill someone.

"Who's that Girl?"

“Emma Parker.” he said. "Your Beta's sister."

I saw red. I clenched my fists and growled.


Lewis looked at me with a shocked expression on his face.

I tried to compose myself.

“Thank you, Lewis. You can go." I said under my breath.

He stood up quickly, clearly scared of me, and left my office in a hurry. As soon as I heard him leave
the packing house, I put my fist through the wall.

Why are you angry, Logan? Leon scoffed. 'You rejected her. Did you really think no other wolf would
want her? She is beautiful and perfect. Of course, they love her. And now you can watch another wolf
have it while you suffer with that bitch Sienna.

Shut your mouth, Leon. I growled at my wolf. 'You're smiling like you wouldn't see her be with someone
else, like me.'

'Yeah. But I can leave you out and hurt you like you did me. He growled back. 'I won't see that bitch
Sienna be our partner and Luna. That place belongs to Emma.

Sienna is my friend. I spat at him.

'She's the worst person in the world.' He said. Asher thinks so too. You and Andrew are the only ones
who are blind.

Our fight was interrupted when Andrew walked into my office.

"What the hell happened?" He asked, looking at the hole in my wall.

“Did you know that Jacob wants your sister to be his chosen mate?” I asked angrily.

He sighed and sat down on the couch. "Yes, I do. We've alredy talk about that."

I growled. "What did you say to him?"

“I told him to give him a chance to meet his real partner.” he said calmly. "Now that she's done it,
and you turned her down, I have no problem with him asking her."

I growled loudly and approached him. “He won’t do that.”

"I don't think you have a choice, Logan." he said, looking at me. You didn't want her. "It does."
I groaned and ran my hand through my hair.

I couldn't do anything about it. He had chosen a different partner. She should have the opportunity
to do the same. But it would kill me. Watching another man touching what's mine...

It would definitely kill me.

“There was another rebel attack.” Andrew said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"That? Where?" I turned to him.

“Southern border.” he said. “Our patrol took care of that pretty quickly.”

"Good." I sighed. “It’s been happening more often.”

"Any news on other Alphas?" asked.

I shook my head. "No, but Alpha Drake said he'd call soon."

We have been in contact with other Alphas whose packs are frequently attacked by rogues. We've
been trying to figure out what the Rogue King wants. Unfortunately, we didn't make any progress.
Any rebel wolf that was captured refused to speak, even when tortured. We couldn't get them to

But I hope Alpha Drake gives me good news soon.

“We have to get to the bottom of this, soon.” Andrew sighed. “We can't fight them if we don't know
what they want.”

"We will do it." I said and sat back down at my desk.

"Do you want to go get something to eat?" Andrés asked me. “We could go to that restaurant that has
those amazing burgers.”

I nodded. I needed to eat something. I haven't slept much and my whole body hurts like someone
gave me a good beating. A few minutes ago, my hand began to throb. I guess hitting a wall hurts
more than I thought. But it was fine. It would stop soon. We werewolves heal very quickly.

As we left the packing house, we ran into Sienna. She gave us a warm smile and kissed me on the

"Hello mate." He said and winked at me.

"Hello, Siena." I smiled. “Let's go to the restaurant to eat something. Do you want to come with us?"

"Sure." she said and smiled brightly.

Sienna would be a good companion. She was smart, pretty and kind. And she was a good fuck, he
had to admit. She would be a great Luna.

As we approached the restaurant, I was hit with an incredible smell. Strawberries and watermelon.

Emma. she was inside

As soon as I entered, my eyes searched for her. I found her sitting at a table with her friends, Amy
and Jacob. And he had his arm around her.

I let go of Sienna and clenched my fists. I growled softly.

Sienna pulled my hand and I looked at her, irritated.

"She's not your partner anymore, Logan." she said angrily. "Am."

Before I could respond, I heard Andrew gasp. I followed his gaze and saw that he was looking
to Emma.

Why did he gasp? I looked closer and saw that she was covered in bruises and scrapes.

I ran towards her and grabbed her arm. That son of a bitch Jacob let go of her immediately.

A tingling spread through my body. That was the first time I touched her since we found out we
were mates. It was the most pleasant feeling in the world. He could only imagine what it would feel
like to kiss her. Or be inside it.

Fuck, Logan. Stop thinking about this. Focus.

"What happened to you?" I growled.

I heard Andrew next to me. “Emma, what happened to your hand?”

I looked at his hand and saw that it was severely bruised, as if someone had stepped on it.

He looked up at Sienna and I could swear I saw fear in his eyes. Why was he afraid of Sienna?
He looked back at us and released his arm from my grip.

I immediately felt cold and empty.

“I had a tough training session.” He said quietly and looked down.

This is what I thought when I said I wasn't strong enough. If she were attacked by a rogue, she
would not be able to defend herself.

But that didn't mean I didn't want to kill the son of a bitch who touched and hurt what belonged to

"You have to be more careful." Andrew said quietly.

"You mean louder?" He asked and looked at us.

When we didn't respond, she sighed and looked down.

"I'm with my friends." she said. I'll see you at home, Andrew.

Andrew reluctantly nodded and led me to our booth. I didn't want to leave her. But I had to do it.

I couldn't take my eyes off her the entire time we were there. I could see that Sienna was angry, but I
couldn't care less. My partner was with another male. I had to keep an eye on her.

You rejected her. Leon growled. And you are with another female.
I ignored it completely and continued looking at her. Goddess, she was beautiful.

emma point of view

I felt Logan's eyes on me all night. I didn't look at it even once. Every time Jacob touched me, there
was a low, menacing growl coming from his direction.

What the hell was his problem? He was the one who rejected me. He was the one sitting there with
his new partner and future Luna.

Before they came to the restaurant, I told Amy and Jacob about Logan and me.

They were surprised to hear that he had rejected me and had chosen Sienna as his partner. They
knew everything about her and were the only ones who believed me. She was a bitch to them too, so
it wasn't hard for them to believe she was telling the truth about her.

“I want to kill her for doing that to your hand, beautiful.” Jacob said quietly.

"It's okay, Jake." I said. "Curare".

"No, it's not okay, Emmy." Amy complained. “She hurt you. Until now she only used her words, but I
am afraid of how far she is willing to go now.”

Amy is right. Jake nodded. “She hates the fact that you're Logan's partner. I'm afraid of what she
might do. Maybe I could talk to Alpha and Beta.

“No, Jacob.” I said and grabbed his hand. Promise me you won't do that. They won't believe you.
Trust me. I've tried to tell my brother about her more than once. He just doesn't want to believe that
his friend is a bitch. Just let it go. It will be OK. I'll be fine. She'll forget about me once Logan marks
her. I will no longer be a threat to her when that happens.”

Amy and Jake exchanged worried glances.

"Good." Jacob sighed and put his arm around my shoulders.

A louder growl came from Logan's cabin. He immediately let go of me.

"Why did you have to be mated with an Alpha?" he asked, irritated. “Your energy alone makes it
impossible for me to touch you. I have to submit, even to their growls. "I don't want to lose an
I laughed. “I'm sorry, Jacob. It will get better. When I mark Sienna, she'll forget about me.

"I hope so." He said and gave me a warm smile.

I smiled back and sighed. "Well, I should go home."

"You didn't eat anything." Amy said.

"I'll eat at home." I said and smiled.

That was a lie. I had no appetite. If I ate anything, I'd throw it all up anyway.
The three of us left the restaurant followed by an intense look. I sighed and rolled my eyes. For
someone who didn't want me as his partner, he sure looked at me a lot.

Amy and Jacob hugged me goodbye and I walked home.

When I entered, I immediately started walking up the stairs. I was stopped abruptly when two large
hands grabbed my waist and pulled me back.

“You will never lock yourself in your room again.” Andrew growled in my ear.

I was so lost in thought that I didn't even hear him walk behind me.

"I do not want to talk to you". I said and tried to get out of his grip.

It was useless. He just tightened his grip and lifted me up. He walked over to the couch and pulled
me to my feet. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to sit on the couch. He sat next to me and tilted
my chin so I was looking at him.

"You are my sister. The only family I have. he growled at me. “I'm not going to let another day go by
without talking to you.”

"I have nothing to say". I said quietly.

"I'm sorry, Emma." He said cupping my face. "Very sorry."

"You think I'm weak." I said quietly, and a tear rolled down my face.

He looked down, embarrassed. “I told him you could get stronger. I think you are more than worthy
of being Luna. But he only sees the physical aspect of things. "He doesn't see how strong you are in
other aspects of life."

I stayed silent. They didn't know that he had been training with Jacob. I was stronger than they
thought I was. But being covered in bruises and scratches after today's training didn't help my case.
But it only happened because I didn't sleep. I was so tired. I still am.

But it shouldn't matter. I should love myself as I am, physically weak or physically strong. It
shouldn't matter. I knew it would be a great Moon. Too bad they didn't see it that way.

"I love Emma." He said when I didn't respond. “You are the most important thing in my world.
Please forgive me. I was thinking like a Beta, not like a brother. But when it comes to package issues,
I have to think like this. Very sorry."

He knew he and Logan had to think about the pack first. It was his job, his duty. My father would be
proud of Andrew. But I think they should have at least given me a chance to prove myself. Especially
Logan. He immediately assumed that I wouldn't be good enough.

But I couldn't stay mad at my brother forever. It was the only family he had.

“I love you too, Andrés.” I said. “And I understand that you have to think about the pack. Dad would
be proud of you.

He wrapped me in a tight hug and kissed my cheek.

"Does that mean you won't lock yourself in your room anymore?" He asked, still holding me tight.

I laughed and nodded. "I won't do it".

"Good." He said and let me go. "Dinner and a movie?"

I shook my head. "I'm really tired. And I already ate.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "Are you?"

"Yeah." I lied. In the dining room.

"Well." he said, still suspicious. "Tomorrow night then."

I smiled and nodded.

We got up and I walked towards the stairs. Andrew kissed my forehead before going to the kitchen
to make himself something to eat. I was always surprised by how much food I could eat. He literally
just ate at the restaurant and was making himself something to eat again. I laughed softly and shook
my head.

I walked into my bathroom and got into the shower. The bruises and cuts were already healed, but
my hand was still bruised. That bitch, Sienna, nailed it pretty good.

I finished showering and put on my pajamas. I got under the covers and closed my eyes. I was
hoping to get some sleep tonight.

emma point of view

My wish did not come true.

I kept tossing and turning, and I couldn't sleep. The pain burned me and I couldn't stop it.

I looked in the mirror and sighed. I look even paler than usual. My eyes are red and swollen from

I sighed and put on my sneakers. I had to hurry or I would be late for my training session. Today
was the day I would train with Jake too. But I didn't think I'd be able to do that. I'd have to make up
an excuse.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water before heading to the training ground.

Sienna was sitting at the table. Only.


She looked at me with a murderous look on her face. Why does he hate me so much?

"If you think you're going to take Logan away from me, you're wrong." she growled.

I sighed and walked towards the kitchen cabinet. I took a glass and filled it with water.

"Did you hear me, bitch?" she asked.

I turned around and took a sip of my water. "I did."

"What did I tell you about disrespecting your Luna?" He asked and stood up.

"I already told you." I said, looking her directly in the eyes. "You are not my Moon."

She walked towards me. I was furious. She grabbed my wrist, digging her nails into my skin.

"Listen to me, you little bitch." he said quietly. “Logan is mine. You won't take it away from me. Do
you understand? I'll kill you. And that is a promise.”

I forcefully pulled my arm out of his grasp and made deep scratches with his nails. I took a few steps
away from her. I was furious. She has been nothing but mean to me my entire life. And now she has
started to be physically abusive, threatening to kill me. I have already done it.

You're a fucking bitch, Sienna. I said out loud.

At that moment, I heard the front door open and my name was called.
"Emma?" my brother shouted.
Sienna gave me an evil smile and made the saddest face she could.
My brother and Logan walked into the kitchen. They were both looking at me. They were both
“Emma?” my brother said strictly. "What's going on?"

She was looking at him with wide eyes. I did not know what to say. I knew they wouldn't believe me.
They obviously didn't hear what Sienna said. They would be looking at her with that expression, not
me. At least I hoped they would.

“I was just trying to talk to her about this whole partner thing.” Sienna said with a tearful voice.
"Apologize. Make sure there's no bad blood between us. We are sisters. "I guess he's taking it very

She was so good at lying. In fact, I was impressed.

I looked at her without saying a word. I didn't even know what to say.

“Emma, I know this is hard for you.” Logan said. "But you can't talk to your future Luna like that."

I shifted my gaze to him. When my eyes met his, I couldn't contain myself any longer. I felt the tears
coming and I wasn't giving them the satisfaction of seeing me break down in front of them.

I immediately turned around and ran out the back door.

"Ema!" my brother shouted after me.

“It's okay, Andrew. Let her go." Sienna said, feigning sadness. “She just needs a minute to calm

My tears were streaming down my cheeks and I didn't even try to stop them. Little by little it was
taking everything away from me. My brother, my partner, my life. And nobody saw it. Nobody
believed me. I suddenly wished she would keep her promise to kill me. That would be easier than
living with this pain.

I arrived at the training ground just in time for my session. He was not in a position to train. I
haven't slept and I haven't eaten anything since my birthday two days ago. But I needed it. I needed
the physical pain.

After half an hour of training, my ribs were broken during a fight with another wolf, Katie.

I took a deep breath and fell to my knees.

“Oh my Goddess, Emma!” Katie screamed and fell to her knees next to me. "Are you OK? I'm sorry!"

"It's okay, Katie." I said, taking a few deep breaths. "It's my fault. I got distracted."

Amy and Jake came running towards me.

"Emmy!" Amy shouted. "What happened?"

“I think his ribs are broken.” Katie said as she helped Amy stand up.

I winced in pain and before I knew it, two strong arms lifted me bridal style.

“Jake, I'm fine. You don't have to take me. I protested.

"Stop it, Emma." he growled. “I’m not going to let you walk around with broken ribs.”
I calmed down and let him take me to the pack doctor's office. Amy and Katie walked behind us,
both looking at me with concern.

When we arrived, Jake placed me on the bed as gently as he could.

The nurse told us that the doctor would come soon and left. She gave me a warm smile as she left.

“Katie, would you mind waiting outside?” Jake asked him. There's something Amy and I need to talk
to Emma about.

"Of course." she said and smiled.

He went out and closed the door.

I looked at Jake. He looked at me like a father looks at his child when a child makes a lot of mistakes.

"What the hell happened out there, Emma?" he growled.

I sighed and shuddered. "I was tired. “I lost my focus.”

"You never lose focus on a battlefield, Emma." he growled again. "Never!"

"Jake, calm down." Amy intervened. Let her explain to you.

She looked at me with a questioning look on her face. They weren't going to let this go, were they?

I sighed. “I haven't slept since my birthday, okay? “I was tired and she caught me off guard.”

Jake growled loudly. “You should have never set foot on that training ground today! This could have
ended much worse!”

"I'm sorry, Jake." I said quietly, looking at my hands.

He began pacing the room, running his hand through his hair. He was angry with me. But it was
touching to see how much he cared about me.

Amy ignored his outburst and took my hand in hers.

"How about you come to my house tonight?" Amy asked, smiling at me. “We could order a pizza,
watch a movie, maybe even sleep.”

She winked at me, and I laughed before grimacing. Shit. Laughter hurts. Well, everything hurts when
you break your ribs.

I really wanted to go. I needed a break from everything going on at home. I didn't want to wake up
tomorrow and see Sienna. Especially now that I was a much slower target. And maybe I could get
some sleep after a relaxing night with my friend.

Before I could respond, the door opened and my brother and Logan ran in.
CHAPTER TWELVE - I can feel you

logan point of view

When Emma escaped from the kitchen, I felt my heart clench painfully.

Go after her, you son of a bitch! —Leon growled—. 'Go after my partner!'
'She insulted our future Luna.' I growled back.
'Sienna will never be my Luna!' He screamed and retreated to the back of my mind, severing our
I could feel how angry he was, but I ignored it.

Andrew and Sienna went back inside and sat at the table. I joined them and looked at Andrew.
He was worried. His eyebrows were furrowed and he was looking at his hands.

“Don't worry, Andrés.” Sienna said and placed her hand on his shoulder. "She will be alright. “He just
needs time to process all of this.”

Sienna was so kind and understanding. She would be a great Luna. I was sure of that. I gave him a
warm smile.

"I'm sorry, Siena." Andrew sighed. “You didn't deserve that. I'll talk to her."

She squeezed his shoulder and smiled warmly at him.

Andrew looked at me and his face became serious. It was in beta mode now. It was time to work.

"So, Alpha Drake is coming the day after tomorrow?" he asked me.

I nodded. “Yes, and we will have a formal dinner. “I want you to feel welcome in our pack and make
your stay as pleasant as possible.”

"Who will join him?" Siena asked.

“Your Beta Josh and five warriors. "They don't want any problems on their trip." I said.

"Not Moon?" Andrew asked.

I shook my head. "No. “He has not yet found his partner and refuses to make a choice.”

He was a year older than me and didn't have a partner yet. It was unusual for an alpha wolf to not
have a mate at our age, but we both wanted to wait for our true mate.

We spent the next half hour arranging his stay and talking about the formal dinner. Everything had
to be done perfectly. My pack has a reputation, and I would uphold it.

"When will the meeting take place?" Andrew asked.

The main reason for Alpha Drake's visit was to tell me what he had discovered about the rebel
attacks. He was planning to have the meeting with them the day after his arrival.
I was about to answer Andrew's question when a sharp pain hit my left side. I gasped and leaned

"Logan?" Andrew screamed and came running towards me.

Sienna stood up and came to my other side with a worried expression on her face.

I looked down, expecting to see some kind of sharp object lunging at me, but there was nothing.

And then I realized.

It wasn't my pain.

"Emma." I said quietly.

"That?" Andrés asked, confused.

"It's Emma." I said louder. “It's Emma's pain. Something is wrong!"

Andrew immediately stood up and ran out the back door, me following right behind him. He was
running towards the training fields. She must have been in a session.

It only took us a few minutes to get there. Being Alpha and Beta meant we were faster and stronger
than other wolves.

I looked frantically for her, but couldn't find her anywhere. One of my warriors saw us and

"Alpha Beta." he said. "Can I help you?"

"Yeah." Andrew said quickly. “My sister, Emma, where is she?”

He looked between us. "They took her to the hospital. She broke her ribs while fighting another wolf.

He was running towards the pack doctor's office before the man finished speaking. I heard Andrew
right behind me.

I saw red. My partner was injured. She was in pain. My partner needed me. Leon was howling and
growling inside my head, and it wasn't helping one bit. I was shaking and I needed to see her. I
needed to know she would be okay.

Before I knew it, Andrew and I burst through the door.

She was lying on the bed. Her friend Amy was holding her hand and Jacob was pacing around the
room. The three of them looked at us with wide eyes.

Both Andrew and I walked towards it, and as I got closer, I could smell Jacob on it.

He probably brought her here. That was my job! I was supposed to be the one who brought her
here! I was supposed to be the one taking care of her!

I clenched my fists and growled loudly. I had to use all my strength to control myself from killing the
son of a bitch. He touched my partner. I should be dying right now.
"What happened, Em?" Andrew asked her and took her other hand in his.

“She hadn't slept since her birthday, but she still decided it was a good idea to fight.” Jake responded
before she could.

Andrew and I looked at him with shocked expressions on our faces. Haven't you been sleeping?

Before we could say anything to him, our pack doctor, Wren Adams, walked in.

"Alpha Logan, Beta Andrew." He said and smiled at us.

Both Andrew and I nodded briefly and looked at Emma with frowns. Oh, he was going to hear from
me after the checkup. And from the look on Andrew's face, she was in for a double lecture.

"Well, if it's not my favorite little wolf." The doctor said with a big smile on his face. "What
happened, Emma?"

"Saving accident." he said quietly.

"Oh, I see a lot of those." The doctor said and lifted his shirt.

A grunt escaped me. I was touching my partner.

The doctor completely ignored me and proceeded to take off Emma's shirt to look at her ribs. He had
a big bruise from his stomach to his back, and my heart hurt looking at it. I heard Andrew gasp at the

The doctor touched her and she winced in pain.

I growled out loud. I wanted to rip his arms off.

"There's no need for that, buddy." the doctor said, without looking at me. “I’m just doing my job.”

Shit. He knew.

I tensed and could see Andrew looking at me from the corner of my eye.

Well, you're not being very subtle, man. Andrew connected me mentally.
I ignored him and continued to watch while the doctor examined my partner.

“Well, Emma, it looks like you have two broken ribs.” He said and carefully pulled down her shirt.
"You need to rest. Now that you have your wolf, it should heal in a day or two. But I want you to rest.
“No activities of any kind.”

"You can be sure of that, doctor." Andrew said, still frowning.

The doctor gave Emma some painkillers and said goodbye to all of us.

As soon as he left the room, I looked at my partner with a strict expression on my face.

"What the hell were you thinking, Emma?" I growled.


logan point of view

He looked at his hands and didn't answer me. It was driving me crazy

You could have been seriously hurt. Andrew said, frowning. Why didn't you tell me you hadn't been

"I'm fine." he said quietly.

I growled out loud. "Two broken ribs is okay?"

She looked at me and frowned.

“Beta Andrew.” Amy said, and I turned to look at her. “I asked Emma to come to my house tonight. I
will take care of her.

"No." Andrew and I said at the same time.

"She's coming home with me." Andrew said. “When he's better, he can stay with you, Amy.”

Amy nodded and looked at her feet.

"Because?" Emma asked, looking at her brother. "I'll be fine, Andrew."

"I said no." he said strictly. "You're hurt, and I'm not letting you out of my sight."

He opened his mouth to argue, but Andrew beat him to it.

"Don't even try." he said. “I’m not going to change my mind.”

She sighed and started to get up. She winced and lay down.

“I’ll take you home, Emmy.” Jacob said and started walking towards his bed.

I growled loudly, surprising everyone.

Do not touch her. I said, throwing daggers at Jacob.

“Logan…” Andrew started to speak, but I raised my hand, stopping him.

I'll take it. I said in my Alpha tone.

They all lowered their heads in submission. You can't go against my Alpha command.

I walked over to the bed and took Emma into my arms. Goddess, she fit the bill perfectly. The tingles
and sparks I felt were addictive. I never wanted to stop feeling this way. Goddess, I wanted this

But he couldn't have her. I needed to think about my backpack.

His scent mixed with Jacob's, and Leon was going crazy inside my head. I wasn't doing well either. I
wanted to rub myself on her. I wanted my scent to be the only one on her. I wanted to let them know
who it belonged to.

I left the doctor's office, everyone else following me.

I kept looking at Emma, but she didn't look at me once. He kept his gaze on his hands.

Goodbye, Amy. Jacob said as we left. "I will call you later."

I growled.
Goodbye, Jake. he said with a big smile.

I wanted him to smile at me like that.

You've wasted that opportunity. Leon growled at me.

I ignored him and waited for Amy to say goodbye to Emma. When he did, I started walking towards
his house.

Andrew was by my side the entire time. He kept looking at Emma, but she didn't look at either of us
the entire time.

As I walked, I couldn't help but notice how light Emma was. Are you eating enough?

A few minutes later, we arrived at his house. We should have taken the car, but both Andrew and I
ran towards the training ground without thinking.

Sienna was inside, waiting for us. As soon as we entered, she ran towards me.

“Oh my Goddess, Emma!” he said with tears in his eyes. "What happened?"

Emma didn't respond. He didn't even look at her. He kept his eyes on his hands, but I saw that he
was grinding his teeth.

"He had an accident while practicing." Andrew responded instead of her. “He has two broken ribs.”

Oh, Em!" Siena said. "Don't worry. We will take care of you."
"No." Emma said and raised her head to look at Sienna. You won't take care of me, Sienna. "I can take
care of myself."

“Emma…” I started to speak, but she interrupted me.

Take me upstairs, Logan. she said, without looking at me.

I clenched my jaw but did as I was told.

I went upstairs to her room and put her on the bed. His smell here was incredible. I could breathe it
forever and it wouldn't be enough.

When Andrew entered the room, she began to get up.

"What are you doing?" I asked and grabbed it.

"I want to take a shower." He said, walking away from me.

Oh please, baby, don't walk away from me.

I needed to calm down.

I nodded and Andrew walked to his closet to grab some things for him.

"Take a shower and I'll make you something to eat." he said, looking at her strictly. "I know you've
been lying about eating too."

"When was the last time you ate?" I asked.

No wonder it was so light. She hadn't been eating.

He looked at us and sighed. "My birthday."

That happened two days ago! I hadn't slept or eaten in two damn days! And he decided it was a good
idea to train. Goddess, this woman!

“I'll bring you something to eat and watch you until you finish everything.” Andrew growled at him.

She did not say anything. She took her clothes from Andrew and walked slowly towards her

Andrew and I went back downstairs. I inhaled his scent as much as I could. I'll never get enough of

Sienna was waiting for us downstairs. She seemed sad and angry.

"What happen?" I asked him as soon as we entered the kitchen.

Andrew began to prepare lunch for Emma. He looked at Sienna but didn't say a word.

“I am very sad about what happened to Emma.” she said. But I'm mad at you, Logan.

I raised my eyebrows. "Because?"

"She is no longer your companion." she said angrily. You rejected her and chose me. You left me here
and ran towards her. And then you came back here with her in your arms. How do you think I feel?"

"She is hurt!" I growled at him. "What was I supposed to do?"

"She has a brother!" he shouted and pointed at Andrew. You could have let him go with her! Let him
take her!

I clenched my fists. I wasn't going to let another man hold my partner when she was hurt. Brother or
not, it wasn't happening.

Sienna wouldn't understand. She was jealous of Emma. I loved her, but the fact that Emma was my
partner and so close to me made Sienna feel insecure. What could you say to make it better? Could
you say it was just the couple bonding?

Sienna, I chose you. I said under my breath. “But she is hurt. And the bond of the couple made me go
with her.”

Andrew tensed at my words, but he didn't turn around or say anything.

She sighed and sat down. I can't wait for you to mark me, Logan. Then you won't feel the attraction
towards her.

I tensed. I did not want that. Goddess, this was the hardest thing I have ever had to do and will ever
have to do. Leon was grunting and moaning inside my head. My heart hurts. My whole body was in
pain. I just wanted that girl upstairs.

But I had to do what was best for my pack. Then, I smiled tightly at Sienna and gave her a small nod.

emma point of view

When I got out of the shower, I could hear Sienna yelling at Logan. She was telling him that he
should have left Andrew to take care of me. I couldn't hear what he said to him, but I didn't even
want to. I closed them completely.

It was confusing me like hell. First he rejected me, and then he was jealous and growling at Jake.
What was his plan, anyway? Did he want to take Sienna as his mate and leave me alone forever
because he couldn't stand to see another man around me?

The scariest thing was that he could actually do that. No one could go against Alpha command. He
could order all the male wolves to stay away from me and they would have to obey him.

I dressed as carefully as I could. The pain was consuming my entire body. I didn't even know if it
was physical or emotional anymore.

I sat on my bed and leaned on the headboard.

I heard the front door open and close, and I prayed to the Goddess that Logan and Sienna would

A few minutes later, I heard Andrew come up the stairs and walk towards my room.

He opened the door and I saw that he was carrying the tray of food. He brought me soup, steak and
vegetables. My stomach twisted inside me. I could not eat

Andrew placed the tray on my lap and looked at me sternly.

"Eat." He said and sat down next to me.

I slowly picked up a spoon and started eating the soup. My belly did not immediately agree.

I frowned and stopped eating.

"What are you doing?" Andrew growled.

"I'm sick." I said quietly.

"Of course you are." The sigh. You haven't eaten anything since your birthday. Your belly is
surprised that you are finally eating.”

"Well, let's not shock my belly even more." I said and moved the tray of food away.
Andrew growled loudly and pushed the tray back. You will eat, Emma. Do not push me. “You have to
take a painkiller, and I’m not going to give it to you on an empty stomach.”

I sighed and picked up the spoon again.

I ate about half of what Andrew brought me, and after convincing him that I was full and would
explode if he made me eat more, he finally pushed the tray of food away.
He gave me a painkiller and a glass of water.

"Why didn't you tell me you were having trouble sleeping?" he asked me, taking the cup and placing
it on my nightstand.

I shrugged. "I don't know."

"You should tell me." he said.

I looked at him and sighed. I didn't see how it could have helped me.

“Emma, you are all I have in this world.” he said seriously. “No matter what is going on between us,
you can always come to me with any problem you have. “You are my sister, and it is my job and my
privilege to take care of you.”

"Why don't you believe me about Sienna?" I asked him and looked at my hands.

I didn't care if he got angry. I didn't care if he yelled at me. she had to know She had to know why
she was so important that he always dismissed what she told him about her. It couldn't just be
because he thought I was jealous of his relationship. I was his sister. His family. I should go first,
right? I know she was his childhood friend, and he was having a hard time believing it could be like
that, but shouldn't he believe me a little?

Again, Emma? He asked with annoyance in his voice.

"How do you expect me to come to you with my problems, when you don't listen to me when I tell
you about her?" I asked and looked at him.

He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

"I just can't believe what you told me about her is true." he said. I've known her all my life. I would
have noticed something, Emma.

"She's very good at hiding it." I said quietly.

"Look, I know I spend a lot of time with her." He said and took my hand in his. But she can never
take your place. Just because I spend more time with her doesn't mean she's more important to me.
It’s because we grew up together and she’s closer to my age.”

Here we go with jealousy again. I knew he would say that. I wasn't worried about her taking my
place. I was worried she would take my life.

I removed my hand from his and crossed my arms over my chest.

He sighed and put his hand on my thigh. “She loves you very much, Em. Give him an oportunity. I
know this whole Logan thing complicates things even more, but it's not her fault. Logan made his
decision. It will be a great Moon and you can always count on it. We all will.

She's getting careless, Andrew. I said, looking directly at him. "You will soon see that I am right."

I just hoped I wouldn't have to pay with my life before him.

He sighed and shook his head. "You are tired. Let's go to sleep, okay?
He got up and left my room. I rested my head on the headboard and sighed. No matter what I said,
he would never believe me. He would always choose her. Logan already did it.

Andrew came back into my room wearing a short tracksuit. He closed the door and climbed in next
to me.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm sleeping here." he said. “Just like when mom and dad died, and you couldn't sleep without
He was right. I had nightmares after they died. I couldn't and didn't want to sleep without him here.
It lasted about a year. The difference was that before I wanted him here, now I don't.

"You don't have to do that." I said.

Get under the covers, Emma. He said and turned off the bedside lamp.

It really wasn't that late. It was only 7 at night. But it being December, it was already dark outside
and as soon as he turned off the lamp, my room was completely dark.

"Don't you have Beta business to do?" I asked. "It is still early."

Logan gave me a day off to take care of you. he answered. Get under the covers and sleep.

I sighed and did as he told me. I carefully covered my body with the sheets and tried to make myself
comfortable. The painkiller I took was starting to make me drowsy and it helped.

Andrew took my hand in his and walked over to me. I always used to do that when I was little. I
couldn't sleep without his hand in mine.

“I love you, Em.” he said.

"I love you too." I whispered and let sleep take me.

emma point of view

I woke up around 8am. He had to be very tired if he slept more than 12 hours.

The space next to me was empty. Andrew has probably already gone to the packing house.

My ribs hurt less now. Being a wolf sure was cool. It would be as good as new tomorrow.

I sat up carefully and noticed a note on my nightstand.

Link me when you wake up.

I always forgot about mental linking. I still wasn't used to it. But it was very useful.

Andrew? I opened our mental link.

em? How are you? He responded immediately.

Good, better now. Where are you?

western border. He said. Pack things.
Are they rogues again? I asked, a little worried.
Yeah. He said. But do not worry. Is under control.
Well. Be careful.
I will, Em. Eat something. We'll be home soon. He said and closed our link.
I sighed and carefully got out of bed. I walked to my bathroom and did my morning work. I brushed
my teeth and took a quick shower.

When I returned to my room, Sienna was leaning against my desk with an evil smile on her face.


"How does it feel to be helpless, little mouse?" she asked.

What do you want, Siena? I asked angrily.

"I want you to stay away from Logan, bitch." He said and walked towards me.

I walked away from her until I hit a wall.

"He's the one who came to me yesterday." I said. “I didn’t call him.”

"I don't mind." he said, growling. "Stay away."

Why don't you tell him to stay away from me? I asked and instantly regretted it.
He ran the rest of the distance towards me and grabbed the left side of my torso. He squeezed me
and I screamed in pain.

"I told you not to disrespect your Luna." she growled. You never listen.

She grabbed my hair with her other hand and lifted my face so I could look at her. I felt tears
running down my cheeks. My ribs are screaming in pain and my breathing is uneven and rapid.

"You won't be in my way for long, Emma." he said quietly. “I have a perfect plan for you. And I can't
wait for it to happen."

He let go of me and I collapsed to the ground.

I sobbed quietly and tried to breathe deeply to make the pain go away.

He was going to kill me soon. That I have to do? Who should I tell?

Jake and Amy.

But I didn't want him to hurt them. Jake would go after her and she could hurt him. No. I couldn't
risk that. I couldn't be responsible for that.

My mind was a total mess and I didn't even realize that someone was screaming my name inside my

I tried to focus on the voice, and I realized that Andrew and Logan were trying to mentally link me.

I focused on my brother.

Emma! The Scream. Goddess, Emma, what the hell happened? Logan can feel your
I was screaming and my head hurt a lot.

Alright. I slipped and hit the desk in my room. It hurts, but I'll be fine. I said, trying to
sound calm.
I was scared shitless. Why didn't you reply to our link right away?
He growled.
The fall surprised me. And I'm still getting used to the mental linking. I didn't even
realize you were trying to talk to me. I said.
It's okay, I'll be home soon. Stay in the bed. And talk to Logan. Just to tell him you're
okay. It's driving me crazy. He said and closed our link.
I sighed and opened my link with Logan.

Alpha? I said.

Goddess, Emma! The Scream. That fucking hurt. Are you OK? Andrés told me what
happened. And why do you call me Alpha?
Goddess, her voice was like a melody. As soon as I heard his voice, my ribs started to hurt less.

I'm fine. Thanks for keeping an eye on me, Alpha. I said, trying to keep it formal.
To you, Emma, I am and always will be Logan. He said.
I severed our mental link. I couldn't stand hearing his voice in my head anymore. My heart hurt too

I got up from the ground slowly. My ribs felt better this morning, but now they hurt even more than
yesterday. Maybe she broke them again.

I walked to my desk, where Andrew had left my painkillers, and took two pills from the bottle. I
grabbed a cup from my nightstand and went to the bathroom to fill it with water.

After taking the pills, I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes. Maybe I could sleep again. There
was no way I was going to go down. That bitch was probably still here, and I didn't need her to
attack me again.

A few minutes later, I heard the front door open and close. Two sets of heavy footsteps walked up
the stairs and into my room.

I opened my eyes and saw a worried Andrew and Logan standing in front of me.

Andrew came over and sat next to me.

"Let me see." He said and pulled my shirt up.

Logan growled as he touched me. Actually? Even my brother?

I didn't even look at him, and Andrew ignored his growl.

"Shit. I’m getting bruises again.” he said. “When I checked on you this morning, you had almost no

"We should take her to the clinic." Logan said.

I looked at him. "No. I'm fine. will heal again.”

"Why did you get up?" Andrew asked me and pulled down my shirt. "You should have waited for

“I had to go to the bathroom.” I said. "It was an accident. It will not happen again.

Andrew and Logan frowned at me.

"Do you think you'll be able to attend a formal dinner tomorrow night?" Logan changed the subject.

"Yeah. It should be fine by then. I nodded. "Who is coming?"

"Alpha Drake of the Blood Moon Pack." Logan said. “As Beta's sister, you should be there. But maybe
you should rest.

"No." I shook my head. "I'm going. I'll be fine."

Logan nodded and turned to Andrew.

"Stay today." he said. "Take care of her. If I need you, I will connect you mentally.

"Are you sure?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah." Logan nodded. “She is more important than work right now. If something comes up and I
need your help, I'll link to it. Don't worry."

"Thanks man." Andrew said.

Logan started walking towards the door. He turned to look at me before leaving.

"If you need me, connect me mentally, please, Emma." he said. "See you tomorrow."

I nodded. "Goodbye, Alpha."

He looked at me with a sad expression. "It's Logan."

I didn't answer. He sighed and left my room.

Andrew followed him out and I heard them talking about dinner with Alpha Drake before Logan left
our house.

I sighed and closed my eyes.

CHAPTER SIXTEEN – Preparations (first part)

logan point of view

"Is everything ready?" I asked Andrew as I looked at my calendar on my phone.

Alpha Drake should be here in a few hours.

"Yeah." he said. "The servants are setting the table as we speak."

Patrols? I asked, without looking up.

“I have increased patrols at all borders.” Andrew said. “I have spoken with Lewis, and our best
warriors are standing by in case something happens.”

"If the Rebel King finds out the purpose of Drake's visit, he will attack." I growled and looked at

"I thought of that". Andrew said calmly. “That's why we won't have the meeting here. I was thinking
about the interrogation room in the basement. It is soundproofed. It is the safest room in the
packing house to discuss such a delicate matter. By the way, we should really soundproof our

This was why Andrew was a great Beta. He always thought ahead, and I could always be sure that he
would find a great solution to any problem.

I laughed and nodded. “I’ll put it on the calendar.”

I stood up and walked towards the window. The packing house workers came and went, carrying
everything needed for tonight's dinner.

“Great thought about the interrogation room, Andrew.” I said and turned around. “No one can hear
us. “We cannot risk information being leaked.”

He nodded with a serious expression on his face. "I know. We can't risk anything. We have to find
out what that son of a bitch wants. I want to stop him and rip out his throat.

When it came to the rogue problem, no wolf was more interested than Andrew. He had been
searching for information and coming up with ideas to deal with rebel attacks better than any other
member of the pack. The rogues killed his mother and father. He wanted revenge. I wanted him to
do it. My father died too. But I think Andrew was so involved because of Emma. He hated the rogues
because they took Emma's parents away. He was practically an adult when they died, but she was a
child and lost two of the most important people in her world. Andrew did a great job raising her, but
he knew she missed her parents. I couldn't replace them completely.

“We’ll find out and end it for good, man.” I said and sat back down.

He smiled and nodded.

How is Emma? I asked the question I've wanted to ask him since I saw him this morning.

It was killing me not being able to be with her. I haven't seen her since yesterday, and I already
missed her a lot. I knew I shouldn't. But I did it. And I really couldn't help it.

"She is fine." he said and sighed. “His ribs are still a little tender, but he's doing much better. “Amy is
with her right now, helping her get ready.”

"Good. I'm glad he's better." I said.

We talked about Sienna again. Andrew said.

I knew Emma had a problem with Sienna. And it wasn't just because I had chosen her to be my Luna.
I had a problem with her long before that. Andrew told me that Emma complained to him that
Sienna was being mean to her and calling her names. But Andrew and I never saw Sienna being
mean to Emma. On the contrary, Sienna loved her. She always took care of her and showed nothing
but love towards her. She really didn't know why Emma hated her so much.

"What happened now?" Asked.

"As before." The sigh. "I guess it's worse now that you chose her as your Luna."

“It makes me sad that Emma doesn’t like it.” I said. “Not only because she will be my Luna, but
because she is our friend.”

"I know." he said. "I agree completely. “I love Sienna and I just wish Emma would give her a chance.”

"Maybe we should talk to her about it." I suggested. “I don't want other pack members to hear her
say something like the other day. Especially after Sienna becomes our Moon. I'll have to punish her.
The law of the pack is clear on this matter. And I won't be able to do that. She is my partner.
We will talk to her. Andrew said. But give it a few days. “She has a lot on her plate right now, and I
want to give her some time to come to terms with it all.”

I nodded. "Sure. “We’ll do it when it calms down a bit.”

Andrew smiled and stood up. “I'm going home to change. I'll be back in an hour.

I nodded. "Do not be late. We have to welcome Alpha Drake together.”

"I won't do it". he said. "See you later."
He left my office and I went back to finish some things related to the packaging business before I had
to go get dressed.

Time flew by and a knock on my office door took me away from my work.

Andrew looked inside.

"Are you still not dressed?" he frowned. "Alpha Drake will be here in an hour."

"Shit." I murmured. "I lost the notion of time."

"Well hurry up." Andrew said and walked towards my desk. "Do you need me to finish something
for you?"
"No, man, thanks." I said and stood up. “Go downstairs and make sure everything is ready. I'll be
down in half an hour.

He nodded and we left my office together. He was walking down the stairs when I stopped him.

"Andrew." I called him. "Is Emma here?"

"Not yet." He responded, looking at me. "But she will be here soon."

I nodded and walked towards my room.

I took a quick shower and went into my dressing room to get dressed. I put on my black dress pants,
black shoes, and a white button-down shirt. I left the last two buttons open and rolled up my
sleeves. I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair. I looked good.

I went downstairs and made sure everything was ready for Alpha Drake's arrival.
CHAPTER SEVENTEEN – Preparations (second part)

emma point of view

I was sitting in my room waiting for Amy to come and help me get ready for dinner tonight.

My ribs felt much better. I still needed to be careful when I moved, but it didn't hurt as much as it
did the first day.

Fortunately, I haven't had any more encounters with Sienna since the day she broke my ribs again. I
hadn't been back home since, and I had never felt more at peace. Somehow, I knew it wouldn't last

I was brought out of my thoughts by the knock on the front door. I looked at my watch and saw that
it was only 2 in the afternoon. Amy would come at 4 pm. Who could it be?

I went down the stairs and opened the door. Jake was standing there smiling at me.

"Jake." I said with a big smile on my face. "Forward. I missed you".

“I missed you too, beautiful.” He said and walked past me to enter our living room.

He sat on the couch and looked at me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and closed the front door.

He told me to sit on the couch. I walked over and sat next to him.

“Emma, I need to talk to you about something very important.” he said seriously.

I stood up straight and nodded.

"I want to take you as my chosen companion." He said and took my hands in his.

I couldn't say I was surprised. We've talked about this before. But as soon as he said those words, I
felt nervous and sad. Eliza moaned inside me, telling me that he was not our mate and that we did
not belong to him. I wasn't wrong, but our real partner didn't love us. And not so long ago, I wanted
Jake to be my partner. I liked him. But I couldn't get rid of this feeling that I didn't belong to him.
Maybe it was too soon. Maybe he needed more time.

"Jake." I spoke softly. “You know I like you, right? I wanted you to be my partner, and I was
devastated when we found out we weren't partners. I want you as my chosen companion, but it's
too soon for me. I need more time, Jake.

Why, Emma? He asked with sadness in his voice. I've talked to your brother about this. He said to
wait and see if he would find his real partner. You did it, and he did the stupidest thing and rejected
you. What's stopping you now, beautiful?

I sighed and looked at my hands in his. “I'm not sure, Jake. I just know that now is not the right time.
I like you and I want to do this right. I do not want to hurt you. And I would be hurting you if I wasn't
100 percent committed to you. And right now, I know I won’t be.”
"I understand." he said quietly. "I love Emma. Take all the time you need. I'll be here, waiting.

I looked at him and smiled. I hugged him and he pulled my body towards his.

"Thank you, Jake." I whispered into his shoulder.

He let go of me and stood up. "I better go. Amy tells me you're going to Alpha Drake's formal dinner

I nodded. "Yeah. As Beta's sister, I am expected to attend. “Amy is coming to help me get ready.”

Goddess, Emma. he said, stunned. “I was so nervous to talk to you about being my chosen partner
that I completely forgot about your ribs. How are you?"

He asked as I stood up and touched my left side gently.

I laughed. “It's okay, Jake. I'm fine. “I’m still a little sore, but nothing like that first day.”

"I was so mad at you." he frowned. “I don't like seeing you hurt, and it makes me angry that you put
yourself at risk.”

"I know. I could tell by the stern look you were giving me the whole time. I said and laughed .

"Don't ever do that again." He said quietly, and pulled me towards him.

I won't do it. I promise." I said.

He kissed my forehead and let me go.

"I'll see you tomorrow, beautiful." He said and let me go.

He walked to the front door and gave me a big smile before leaving.

I ran upstairs to shower before Amy came over.

I didn't bother picking out my clothes because I knew Amy wanted to do that for me. She loved
when I let her dress me and I found it fun. She got all girly and excited and I loved it.

I was sitting on my bed, checking my phone, when I heard Andrew enter the house.

He approached my bedroom and opened the door.

"Hey, little one." he smiled. "When is Amy coming?"

"Soon." I said and smiled back. "When should I get there?"

“Around 6 pm.” he said. “I'm going to get dressed and come back. I need to be there early.

"Well." I said, just as the doorbell rang.

I'll let Amy in. Andrew said and left my room.

A few moments later, a very excited Amy came into my room.

"Emmy!" He screamed and ran to hug me. "I'm so excited. Let us begin."

I laughed and let her do her magic.

After about half an hour, I heard Andrew shout goodbye and left the house.

Amy and I talked all the time and I ended up telling her what happened with Sienna.

“Oh, Goddess, Emma!” she screamed and stopped applying the eyeliner. “You should tell someone.
“I’m afraid of what she will do to you!”

"No, Amy." I shook my head. "I tried. Andrew just doesn't want to believe me. I just hope Logan
marks her soon so she stops feeling threatened by me.”

“I don't know, Emma.” she said. “She’s a crazy bitch.”

I laughed. "You are not wrong. But do not worry. I'll tell you or Jake if I can't handle her.

She looked at me with concern, but nodded and went back to applying my makeup.

Half an hour later, it was over. Amy hugged me and kissed my cheek. He repeatedly told me how hot
and beautiful I looked before he had to go home.

I looked in the mirror and smiled.

She had chosen a strapless black dress with a sweetheart neckline. It fell just above my knee. It was
very tight, and felt like a second skin. She was wearing black heels and a small black bag. She curled
my hair into soft waves that fell to the middle of my back. My makeup was minimal. Thin eyeliner,
mascara, and a soft pink lipstick completed the look. He put a small amount of perfume on my neck
and wrists.

I looked incredible. I had never felt more beautiful than in that moment.

I put on my coat, took a deep breath, and headed toward the packing house.

logan point of view

Everything was going well until now.

Alpha Drake, his Beta Josh and his five warriors arrived half an hour ago.

I introduced them to my mother, Andrew, Sienna, and my patrol leader, Lewis.

We were standing in the living room with drinks in our hands, waiting for dinner to be served.

He was with Andrew, Alpha Drake and his Beta Josh. We were drinking my best whiskey and
chatting about everything.

"Your chosen companion is very pretty, Logan." Drake said.

I looked at Sienna, who was standing with my mother and chatting. She was wearing a red dress and
red heels. She was smiling brightly, and he couldn't deny that she really was a beautiful wolf.

I turned to Drake and nodded. "She is. She is very kind. “It will be a great Moon.”

"I have no doubt." he said politely. "I wish I was as brave as you to take a chosen mate."

"Well, I had to do what was best for my pack." I said quietly.

He smiled and nodded. I noticed he suddenly looked behind me and gasped, eyes wide.

"Goddess, have mercy." he said quietly. "Who the hell is he?"

I turned and looked behind me.

What I saw almost made me cum right then and there.


She was wearing a black dress that let me see each and every curve of her small body. Her hair
looked like silk, and it was gently touching her lower back. Her face was shining and I couldn't stop
looking at her.

I could see her soft skin and wondered what it tasted like. Was it like his smell? Strawberries and

My heart was pounding in my chest, and I just wanted to hold her and taste her.

Andrew's voice made me step back. "This is my sister, Alpha Drake."

"Well, Beta Andrew, I don't think I've ever seen a wolf as beautiful as your sister." Drake said

I turned around and narrowed my eyes at him. Leon was growling inside my head, and if I didn't
stop looking at her, I was going to kill him. He hadn't taken his eyes off her since he entered.
Take it easy man. Andrew connected me mentally. You don't want to start a war.
I want to tear out his eyes. I growled back.
I won't let him touch her. He said. But you need to calm down.
I looked over my shoulder and saw that my mom was hugging Emma and smiling happily at her.
They started talking and my mom took Emma to the bar to get her a drink.

"Does she have a partner?" Drake asked Andrew.

I growled softly. If Drake wasn't busy staring at my partner and drooling, he definitely would have
heard me growl. I wanted to kill him.

"No, she doesn't have a partner, Alpha Drake." Andrew said calmly. “But he turned 18 just a few days
ago, so he didn't have much time to find it.”

'She has a partner! We are!' Leon was screaming inside my head.

I ignored him to listen to their conversation.

“I have to say I'm disappointed she's not mine.” Drake said, still looking at her. “But she is the first
girl who made me think about taking a chosen partner. Who wouldn't want it?

I was going to kill him! I clenched my fists and started to shake.

LOGAN! TAKE IT EASY! Andrew screamed inside my head.

"With all due respect, Alpha Drake, but she should be given the opportunity to try to find her true
mate." Andrew said calmly. “If he doesn't do it in a few years, I won't have any problem with him
taking a chosen partner. But until then, I must tell you no.

Drake smiled and looked at him. “I understand Beta Andrew. She is young and should have a chance
to find him. His real partner is one lucky son of a bitch. I would give anything to have your sister by
my side. And I'm not just saying that because she's beautiful. I can feel how powerful it is. “It would
be an honor to have her as my Moon.”

After his little speech, I was stunned and breathless. Hearing another man say it would be an honor
to have her by his side made me feel like the biggest idiot on this planet.

"Thank you, Alpha Drake." Andrew said. "It's nice to hear you say that about my sister."

I turned to look at her again and she was smiling brightly. She was so beautiful it hurt. I needed to
touch her. Leon was going to leave if he didn't.

I turned to Andrew and Drake. They were both looking at my partner. Drake with lust, Andrew with

“I need to talk to Emma for a second. Excuse me? I said and walked away, without waiting for his

I walked towards her and my mom. “Emma, can I talk to you?”

She looked at me a little confused, but nodded.

I went out to the back deck and mentally connected to Andrew to tell him not to let anyone bother

Don't do anything stupid, Logan. He growled.

I ignored it and closed our link.

As soon as we were alone and out of sight, I grabbed her and pushed her against the wall. I put my
hands on either side of her head, trapping her. I crouched down so I could be face to face with her.

She looked at me, eyes wide. I could hear his rapid breathing and his body unconsciously moved
closer to mine. Shit.

"What the hell are you wearing?" I growled at him.

"A dress". he said softly.

Goddess, even her voice turned me on.

"I'm the only one who should see you like this." I said sternly.

"Because?" he asked me, frowning. You're not my partner anymore, Logan. “There will be another
man in my life who will see even more of me.”

No way!

I lost it. I grabbed her and pulled her towards me. She gasped silently, and I could see her eyes
widening even more. I leaned in and started kissing her.

Goddess, it tasted so much better than I ever thought it would.

She moaned and I took the opportunity to enter her mouth. My tongue touched hers and, Goddess, it
was a sensation like no other. She was sweet, addictive and mine. It tasted like strawberries and
watermelon, my two favorite flavors. He didn't know how he would stop kissing her.

My cock was rock hard, and I kept moving my hips on her to show her what she did to me. I could
smell her arousal and it was driving me crazy.

She wrapped her hands around my neck and I moved my hand up and down her body, feeling each
and every curve. Damn, she was amazing.

Leon was jumping up and down. He has never been happier than now.

Everything felt good. She belonged here in my arms. She was mine.

The dinner is ready. I heard my mom's voice in my head.

Shit. I didn't want to go back. I didn't want to let her go. I wanted to stay here with her forever.

He stopped kissing me and pulled away. We were both panting hard. He was looking at my chest and
I tilted his head slowly so I could see his incredible eyes.
"You're mine". I said softly. “No man in this world will ever see or touch what is mine.”

She didn't respond, but I could see the pain in her eyes.

"The dinner is ready." He said quietly and walked away from me.

I followed her into the dining room, and we both sat in our assigned places.

emma point of view

I was still shaking. I could still feel his lips on mine and his hands on my body. Goddess, I never
wanted him to stop kissing me and touching me. Nothing will ever feel so good.

When I sat down at the table, I could see Andrew looking at me suspiciously, and I gave him a small

I looked around the table and saw that Sienna was giving me a death glare. I kept thinking that
everyone knew what we were doing outside.

I took a deep breath to calm myself. Nobody knew. I was being ridiculous.

My gaze stopped on a pair of brown eyes I hadn't seen before. They belonged to a huge man, and I
instantly knew it was Alpha Drake. He looked at me with a small smile on his lips.

"What's your name, beautiful?" asks me

"It's Emma, Alpha Drake." I said and bowed my head in respect.

“Well, Emma, I was telling your brother earlier that I would gladly take you as my chosen partner.
You are amazing. he said.

All the wolves in the room turned to look at him. Everyone was surprised that he would publicly
claim something like that. The matter of companion, and especially the matter of chosen companion,
was a private and family matter. It was discussed behind closed doors and announced publicly when
the bond was forged.

I looked at my brother. He agreed? I was terrified.

Calm down, little one. I won't let him get close to you. I made it very clear to him. It
connected me mentally and I immediately relaxed.
I turned to look at Alpha Drake, who was smiling happily at me. Logan was looking at him, and he
was pretty sure he would kill him if he kept talking about making me his.

"Don't worry, little wolf." Alpha Drake said when no one else said a word. “Your brother told me that
you haven't found your true partner yet, and he wants to give you the chance to find him. But if you
don't, please come find me. “It would be a great honor to have a Moon as beautiful and powerful as

Logan was going to lose his temper. He was shaking, and he was pretty sure he was seconds away
from changing. For God's sake, a war would start.

Luckily, Alpha Drake was watching me and hadn't realized that Logan was ready to kill him.

Sienna was looking between me and Alpha Drake, and didn't know who she would like to kill first. It
hurt his ego when he called me beautiful and powerful. Not that it was, though.

He needed to calm Logan down before he did something stupid.

Logan, please calm down. I mentally connected it. I will never be yours.
His eyes locked on me and I could see him relax. Thank you Goddess. I didn't want him to ruin an
alliance because of me. And it wasn't Alpha Drake's fault. I was a single wolf. I was fair game.

I shifted my gaze to Alpha Drake. “Thank you, Alpha. You're very kind."

He smiled brightly at me and thankfully changed the subject.

I looked at my plate and started eating.

From then on, the conversation focused mainly on the package business. Alpha Drake was interested
in the way Logan was handling things here.

I could feel Alpha Drake watching me all night. Logan was looking at him like he was ready to kill
him at any second.

We had just finished eating dessert, when Luna Gloria called my name.

“Emma, honey, can you help me with something, please?” she asked me.

I smiled and nodded. “Of course, Luna.”

I stood up and could feel Logan's eyes roaming all over my body. Even his gaze left tingles and
sparks everywhere.

I walked behind Luna Gloria, wondering why she needed my help. He took me to the bathroom and
closed the door behind me.

I looked at her confused. Why were we here, in the bathroom of all places?

She smiled at me and moved closer. "Are you my son's partner?"

I froze and looked at her. What should I say?

"It's okay sweetheart. I know. "I can tell." he said and took my hands in his.

"As?" I asked quietly.

“He's looking at you like you're everything in his world.” she smiled.
But then his face scrunched up and he sighed. "But I don't understand why he took a chosen mate if
he found you."

I sighed and told him everything that had happened since my birthday. When I finished, she was
completely angry.

"That idiot." she growled. “He's my son and I love him, but he's a complete and utter idiot if he
rejected you.”

I smiled and she continued growling.

"He thinks you're weak?!" he said between his teeth. “And Sienna is stronger?! She will ruin it. Ruin
this package. "She's going to be the worst Luna ever."

I narrowed my eyes at her, confused. "You don't like Sienna?"

"Oh, honey, no." he said, looking at me. “I can see how fake it is. She only seeks power. “I tried to talk
to Logan, but he just didn’t want to listen.”

I sighed. Thank you Goddess. I wasn't the only one who saw Sienna for what she really was.

“I also tried to talk to Andrew about her.” I told. "Unlucky."

She shook her head and wrapped me in a hug. “They are stubborn as hell. But you will see the
reason. Logan will come to his senses. He will realize that you are what he needs. Not that bitch,

I laughed at Luna Gloria calling Sienna a bitch. She was always so calm and collected. It was
necessary. She was a Moon. Calling someone a bitch wasn't Luna's thing. But it was good to know
that she agreed with me. Sienna really was a bitch.

“You made your decision, Aunt Gloria.” I said, still wrapped in his embrace. “He chose her and there
is nothing I or anyone else can do about it.”

He let go of me and took my face in his hands. He looked into my eyes and smiled.

“He will realize his mistake. Trust me." she said.

I didn't know what to say to him, so I stayed silent. I didn't think that would happen. The pack
always came first for Logan, and he thought she was better for his pack than me.

Emma, we're going home. I heard Andrew's voice in my head. Where are you?
I'm in the bathroom. I linked it again. I'll be out.
"I have to go." I told Aunt Gloria. “Andrew is looking for me.”

She nodded and took my hand in hers.

We walk to the front door. Logan, Alpha Drake and Sienna were saying goodbye to my brother.

As we approached them, Sienna gave me a dirty look. Alpha Drake smiled at me, and Logan was
undressing me with his eyes.

I walked towards my brother and he took my hand in his.

We grabbed our jackets and my purse and headed to our car.

I fell asleep on the way home. The last thing I remembered was two strong hands carrying me to my
bed. My brother kissed my forehead and covered me. I fell into a deep sleep.

emma point of view

I woke up feeling very uncomfortable.

I groaned and rolled onto my back, removing the sheets from my body.

I looked down and saw I was still in my dress. Shit. Andrew didn't wake me up to put on my

I got up and headed to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and removed my makeup. I took off my
dress and jumped in the shower. The warm water calmed me and I didn't want to leave.

Memories of Logan's kiss came rushing back. I felt a tingling spread through my body and the area
between my legs began to throb. Shit, Logan. Why did you do that? Why did you show me how good
it can be when I know I'll never have it again?

I sighed and turned off the shower.

I went out, dried my body with a towel and put lotion on. I went back to my room and got dressed.

I can't train yet, but I decided to go to training camp, watch Amy and Jake train, and hang out with
them afterwards. As we always do. I need it. I need a sense of normality.

I put on black tights, my favorite gray hoodie, and sneakers. I let my hair fall freely and put some lip
gloss on my lips.

I couldn't hear Andrew. He's probably already gone to his meeting.

I decided to have a cup of coffee before I left. I do not want to eat anything. My appetite is not big

I walked down the stairs to my kitchen and froze as soon as I entered.

Sienna was there with an evil smile on her face. He looked behind me and nodded.

Before I could turn around, I felt something cold wrap around my wrists. Silver handcuffs. I instantly
lost my connection with Eliza. He couldn't use the mental link anymore. Before I could scream, a
large hand was roughly placed over my mouth.

He is a rebellious wolf. I could smell it. They have a unique smell.

I looked at Sienna, my eyes wide, my heart pounding painfully in my chest.

"Well, hello, little Emma." she said, smiling. "It's time to get rid of you."

The rogue wolf chuckled behind me, and I could feel his nose in my hair.

“Goddess, Sienna, do we really need to kill her? Can I stay with her? It smells fantastic. he growled.

My stomach twisted and I felt bile rising.

You can't have her until Logan marks me. he said calmly. “He will feel it if you touch her or kill her.
After he makes me his Luna, you can do whatever you want to him. After that, kill the little brat.”

I sobbed and tears began to fall on my cheeks and rogue hands.

Sienna reached into her purse, pulled out the duct tape, and handed it to the rogue.

He tore off a piece and stuck it over my mouth. It was so fast that I couldn't say anything. I couldn't
even breathe. Sobs wracked my body, but were muffled by the tape covering my mouth.

Rogue knocked me to the ground and I fell to my knees. I looked at Siena.

"I know you're probably thinking that your brother and Logan are going to look for you." he said
with a smile. But you are wrong. You see, every time you complained about me or insulted me, you
dug your own grave. Rolf here will hit me. He'll take you, and after a few hours, I'll mentally connect
to Logan, telling him that you attacked me and ran away, telling him that you'd rather be a rogue
than have me as your Luna. After your apparent hatred for me, they will have no reason to doubt my

She is right. A panicked sob ripped through my body. They will never look for me. They think I hate
Sienna and they will believe them. I will die. I will never see my brother again. He'll think I've
become the only thing he hates. A rogue. He'll think I became what killed our parents.

My heart is breaking in my chest, and I can't breathe. My vision is blurry with my tears.

"You should be happy." Siena said. “Your brother and Logan will be free of you. You're just a burden
to Andrew. He was so young, and he stayed with you. He hates that. You ruined his life. He told me
he never wanted to take care of you. He only did it because that bitch Luna Gloria told him he had to.
He’ll be happy you’re gone, believe me.”

I sobbed silently and hung my head. I don't want to believe him. My brother loves me. I know it does.
She is lying. But it still hurts like hell. What if she is right? Did I really ruin his life? He was very
young when he started taking care of me. He couldn't live like a young wolf should. I had a
responsibility. Me.

“And Logan will be delighted.” Siena continued. “He thinks you're weak, but he can't fight the bond
and it's making him furious. Now he will think that you betrayed him and his pack, and he will hate
you. Finally it will be mine and you will be gone.

I didn't even look at her. I will die and everyone I care about will hate me. I will leave this life being
hated by the people I love the most. They will never know the truth.

Dying doesn't scare me. But being hated by my brother, my only family in this world, yes. I wish I
could tell him I love him one last time. I wish I could tell you the truth. I wish he didn't hate me.

But I know it will.

I just hope Logan marks her soon. I don't want to be in the presence of this rogue wolf. I don't want
to live with this pain for a long time. I want it to end

Goodbye, Emma. Sienna said coldly. "I'll take care of your brother and Logan for you."
I felt a needle stick into my neck and I fell into darkness.

logan point of view

He was sitting in the interrogation room in the basement. Andrew was next to me, and we waited
for Alpha Drake and his Beta Josh to arrive.

I was nervous about what he had to tell me. I just hoped that whatever it was, I would have a
solution for it.

The door opened and Alpha Drake and Beta Josh entered.

They sat down in front of us and I walked over to close the door.

“Don't bother us unless it's an emergency.” I told my guard who was standing outside the door. "Call
twice if you need us."

"Yes, Alpha." he said and nodded.

I closed the door and locked it. I returned to the table and sat down.

"Okay, Alpha Drake." I said seriously. "I'm listening."

"Well, as you know, we managed to capture a rogue who attacked my pack." He started to speak.
“We got him to talk to us and what he said scared the hell out of me.”

I swallowed and looked at Andrew. Alpha saying he was afraid was considered weak and we all
avoided him. An Alpha must be strong, dominant and calm in dangerous situations. Drake admitting
he was scared, especially in front of another Alpha, was making me nervous. Whatever the reason
behind the attacks, it had to be bad when Drake was scared and admitted it to me.

I looked at him again and nodded. "Continue please."

"We've all noticed that rogues are attacking packs that have young, unmated alphas." he said,
looking directly at me. “Your pack and mine are one of these packs.”

I nodded and he continued.

"Rogue King believes that one of us has a true companion who is very powerful." he continued. “The
Dark Witch told him that there will be a wolf mated with an Alpha, and that they will be the most
powerful mated pair. She will strengthen her pack and together they will create a new line of
stronger and more powerful wolves.”

Does she have magic?" I asked, confused.

"No." he said and shook his head. “She will be the most charismatic leader in history. People will
love her, like they never loved a Moon before. All the traits that a Moon has are more dominant in
that wolf than in any other. She cares more, understands more, and is willing to give of herself to her
pack more than any other Luna. Her power will come from the love her people will have for her.
“She is a true Luna.”
I swallowed and looked at Andrew. He was looking at Drake, not breathing.

"What is your plan?" I asked and looked back at Drake.

He loves that wolf. he answered. “His plan is to take her and make her his Moon. He wants to mate
with her and produce offspring that will be more powerful, and he thinks he can take over our

I was shaking and couldn't breathe. What if that wolf was Emma? Could she be strong and powerful?
I never felt any power coming from her. He didn't think she was strong. That was the main reason I
rejected her and chose Sienna to be my Luna.

"Neither you nor I have found our true partners." Drake continued. “But I'm terrified that she's in
danger, whoever she is. I don't even know her yet, and my blood boils that maybe my partner is the
one and that son of a bitch wants her for himself. I don't even know what I would do if I knew who
she was. “I would probably try to lock her inside my body where I know she would be safe.”

My hands were shaking and I couldn't even look at Drake. He could feel how tense Andrew was. If
there was any chance it was Emma, I would tear them all apart. I already hated rogues so much.

I completely agree with Drake. I wanted to get out of this room and find Emma. He needed her safe
before he lost his mind.

Do you know anything about that wolf? Andrew asked, his voice shaking. "How will the Rogue King
know she's the one?"

Drake nodded. "The rogue we captured said that he was instructed to look for a pure white wolf."

Andrew stood up, growling so loudly we had to cover our ears. He grabbed the chair he was sitting
on and threw it against the wall.

I looked at him, surprised. What the hell is going on? His reaction could only mean one thing...

No. Hell no!

He was growling, pulling his hair and punching every surface his fists could reach. It was only a
matter of time before it started hitting us.

Drake, Josh and I stood up and grabbed Andrew. Drake was standing behind him, wrapping his
hands around his chest.

Andrew's eyes were completely black and his fangs were visible.

“Andrés, calm down.” I tell him. "What's going on?"

Please tell me I was wrong.

He was breathing heavily and continued to growl.

Josh picked up the chair Andrew knocked over and put it back. Drake forced him to sit, placing his
hands on Andrew's shoulders, keeping him seated.

"Andrew." I called him. "Tell me."

"It's Emma." he growled. "She is a pure white wolf."

My world stopped spinning.


Not her.

Please, Goddess, not her. If something happened to her...

"But how?" Beta Josh asked, confused. “She is not your partner. Yesterday you told us that you chose
a partner because you couldn't find the real one.

Before I could answer him, two knocks on the door interrupted us.

“Alpha, I'm sorry. It's an emergency. said my guard.

I growled and walked towards the door, opening it.

"That?" I asked, annoyed.

“Alpha, your friend Sienna just got attacked.” he said.

I gasped and turned to look at Andrew. He got up and walked towards us.

"That?" he growled.

"I don't know any details, Alpha and Beta." said the guard. “She tried to mentally link the two of
them, but since they were here, she couldn't. He linked Luna and told her what happened. Luna
went to help her. “They are in the packing house now.”

I turned to look at Drake and Josh.

"We will continue this later." I said.

They both nodded.

Go take care of your Luna. Drake said.

Andrew and I quickly walked away.


logan point of view

I walked into the living room and saw Sienna sitting on the couch. My mom was sitting on the couch

"What the hell happened?" I groaned and sat down next to Sienna.

I took his face in my hands and saw that he had a huge wound on his head. It slowly began to heal,
but it continued to bleed.

Andrew sat on the other couch and looked at Sienna worriedly.

"Who did this?" Andrew asked him.

Sienna sobbed silently. "I'm sorry, Andrew."

"Why are you sorry, Sienna?" asked. "What happened?"

"It was Emma." he said quietly, looking at his hands.

I was frozen.

That? Did Emma do this? Because?

Andrew growled loudly. "That?! Why do that?!"

I looked at my mom and she was scowling at Sienna. Why was he looking at her like that?

I went to your house to try to talk to her. Siena began to speak. “He was leaving to go somewhere
and he got really angry when he saw me. He yelled at me for taking Logan away from him. I tried to
talk to her, letting her know that I didn't mean to do that, but she refused to listen. He insulted me a
couple of times and I got angry too. I told him he shouldn't talk to his future Luna like that. She lost
him then. “He hit me and said that he would rather be a rogue than have me as his Luna.”

Both Andrew and I looked at her with a shocked expression on our faces. Emma was not a violent
person. I couldn't believe she would do that.

My mother growled softly, her gaze fixed on Sienna.

"Where is she?" Andrew growled.

He ran away into the woods, Andrew. Sienna said sobbing. “I think he crossed the border. I think
she's a rogue now.

I gasped loudly. No!

Andrés was frozen. I was looking at Sienna and I didn't think she was breathing.
“She wouldn't do that.” I said. “She wouldn't become a rogue. She knows what that would do to
Andrew. We have to find her. “She couldn’t have crossed the border.”

I rambled. I didn't think anyone was listening to me.

"She is lost?" a voice interrupted me.

I turned around and saw Drake and Josh standing behind us. They were furious.

“She is not missing.” Siena said angrily. “She attacked me, her future Luna, and ran away to become a

Andrew growled loudly and stood up. He started pacing the room and pulling his hair.

"That doesn't sound like Emma." Drake said.

"You met her yesterday." Sienna said, annoyed. "You don't even know her!"

"Maybe I don't." he growled at her. “But I'm a great judge of character, and Emma is good and kind,
and she would never attack you! “I don’t believe a word you say!”

I stood up and growled at Drake. "Be careful. Don't talk to my future Luna like that.”

"With all due respect, Alpha Drake, but Emma isn't as nice as you think." Siena said softly. “He
recently insulted me. Ask Andrew and Logan. They heard it.

She was right. Emma yelled at Sienna.

"I wonder what you told him to deserve it." Drake spat at him.

I growled at him, but he cut me off when Lewis walked through the door.

"Beta Andrew, you called me." he said.

"Yes, Lewis." Andrew said quickly. "I need you to take all the men in our pack and search the entire
forest for my sister."

“Emma?” he asked, surprised. "What happened to her?"

"We'll explain later." I said. “I need you to leave now. I need you to find her and bring her back. Go
outside the territory too.”

He paled slightly. She understood immediately that she might be a rogue now. Leaving pack
territory without a valid reason and Alpha's approval meant you chose to be a rogue.

He nodded and quickly left the house.

Drake growled and turned to his Beta. Get our warriors. Let's go after her.
Josh nodded and left. I could see his eyes cloud over. He was using a mental link to talk to his

Drake turned to me. “She's your partner, isn't she? Your true companion?

I nodded and he frowned. "Did you reject her?"

I nodded again. He couldn't even speak now. My heart squeezed painfully. I couldn't even contact
Leon. I didn't want to look at my mom. I could feel his eyes digging a hole in my head. I was furious.

"Because?" he growled.
"Because she is a weak wolf." Sienna answered for me. "Logan knew she wouldn't be a good, strong
Luna, and he chose me."

Drake's eyes widened in shock. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah." Finally I spoke. “I thought it wouldn't be a strong Moon. I had to think about my pack and I
decided to reject it.”

Drake turned to Andrew. His face was a mix of shock and anger. "And you let it happen?"

Andrew was quiet, but I could see his pain. I never thought I'd seen him so distraught. He was
clenching his fists, shaking and breathing hard. If something happened to her, she didn't know how
he would react. I didn't know how he would react. I could not live without her. She was my world. I
needed her here.

When Andrew didn't respond, Drake laughed darkly. “You two are amazing. I met her yesterday and
saw what is better than you. You had the purest, kindest soul right in front of you and you both took
it for granted. “I just hope she’s okay.”

He stormed out and slammed the door.

What he said hit me hard. Andrés too. I could see a tear falling down her cheek.

I'm sorry you ran away, Logan. Sienna said, looking at me sadly. “But should we really look for her?
She decided to become a rogue.

Andrew growled. “We will find her. She is not and will not become a rogue. Over my dead body. We
will find her and she will be punished for attacking you. But I won't let her become a rogue. “That is
not the punishment I want for her.”

You should go home, Sienna. my mom said coldly. “Go get some rest. Do you really need it.

“Thank you, Luna Gloria.” Sienna smiled at my mom. “Logan, will you assign me a guard? In case
Emma comes back.

My mom growled and scowled at Sienna. I looked at her confused. What was wrong with her? Why
was he growling and scowling at Sienna?

Of course, Siena. I said. “But you don't have to worry. Emma won't hurt you again.

She smiled and kissed me on the cheek. He approached Andrew and gave him a hug before leaving
the packing house.
CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE - Who she really is

Andres POV

A few hours had passed since we began our search for her. We do not find anything. Not a damn

It was going to get dark soon, and it was cold outside, and I didn't want her to be here alone.

It was driving me crazy Asher was moaning and grunting and couldn't calm down. His sister, his
puppy, was missing. I couldn't control him or talk to him. He failed to form a meaningful sentence.

I continued wandering around Sienna. Everything Emma ever said about her was coming back to
me. Was Emma telling the truth? Was Sienna lying about what happened today?

I hoped not. Because that would mean that I let her bully my sister for years and I never realized it, I
never believed her. That would make me a terrible brother, and I didn't know how I would live with
myself if that were true.

Logan couldn't feel his wolf, but he knew she was alive. That was the only thing that kept me sane.

He didn't know why Leon couldn't feel Eliza. Maybe because of the distance? Their bond was not
complete and the distance made it difficult for Leon to find Eliza. The distance shouldn't matter, but
it was the only thing that made sense.

Logan and I walked side by side. We couldn't become our wolves because we were afraid we
couldn't control them right now. They were both hurt and aggressive, a deadly combination. I felt
like I could kill someone just by looking at them right now. Asher could do so much more. It was
better that I had control.

Beta Andres? I heard a voice in my head.

It was the guard who stayed at the packing house.

Yes, Marcos? I linked it again.

Amy Johnson is here looking for you. He says it's urgent and he needs to talk to you
right now. He said.
Do you know anything about Emma? I asked, my heart rate quickening.
They were best friends. Emma could have told him something. Amy might know where she was. I
couldn't believe we haven't already talked to her or Jacob. We completely forgot about that. All I
wanted to do was run into the woods and follow his scent.

When we searched the house, we found Emma's phone and all the important things. He didn't take
any money or his credit card. He escaped with the clothes he had on him. He didn't even have a
jacket. I knew this because I counted all his jackets. She was out here somewhere, and she was cold.
She says yes, Beta. Marcos responded.
I grabbed Logan's arm, surprising him.

“Mark linked me.” I said, excited. “Emma's friend Amy is at the packing house. She wants to talk to
me. She knows something about Emma.

His eyes widened, and we both started running back to the packing house.

It felt like we had been running for hours, but it had only been about 15 minutes. We weren't that far
into the forest.

We both ran inside.

Amy was sitting on a couch, talking to Aunt Gloria.

They looked at us and I saw sadness in their eyes.

Sit down, guys. Aunt Gloria said quietly.

Logan and I exchanged glances and did as she said.

I was shaking and I could see Logan clenching his fists.

"What do you know, Amy?" Logan asked. "Where is Emma?"

"I do not know where it is". he said quietly. But I know who took her.

Logan and I look at each other, confused.

"They didn't take her, Amy." I said. "She escaped."

Amy shook her head. "No. She would never do that. She would never do that to you, Andrew. Even if
he had hit Sienna, he would have stayed and received his punishment. But she didn’t hit her, and she
didn’t run away.”

Did the Rogue King find out about her? Did he take it?

I looked at Logan and knew he was thinking the same thing.

It was Siena. Amy said after neither Logan nor I spoke.

I narrowed my eyes at her. Logan growled.

"Be careful, Amy." Logan said. "You're accusing a future Moon."

"I know, Alpha." he said calmly. “And I still stand by what I said. Sienna is a terrible person. He's
been stalking Emma for a long time. It started with insults and hurtful words. But after finding out
that Emma was Alpha Logan's partner, he took it to another level.”

I started to shake. Asher was growling. My heart was beating a mile a minute.

"What do you mean, Amy?" Logan asked, his voice shaking.

“Do you remember that day when we were at the restaurant, and you walked in, and Emma was
covered in bruises and scratches? They were from a training session. But he also had a big bruise on
his hand. Do you remember?" she asked.

Logan and I nodded.

“She didn't understand that in the session,” Amy said. “Sienna slapped her that day, and when Emma
fell, Sienna stepped on her hand with her heel.”

Logan and I started growling so loudly that Amy and Aunt Gloria had to cover their ears.

I saw red. I would kill Sienna.

"Thats not all." Amy said.

We focused on her again, but continued to growl under our breath. What else did that bitch do to

“She threatened to kill her if she didn't get away from Alpha Logan.” Amy said, tears falling down her
face. “The day after she broke her ribs, Sienna went to her room and attacked her. She lied. She
didn't come into her desk. “Sienna grabbed his left side, breaking his ribs again.”

I couldn't breathe.

I couldn't think

He tried to tell me and I didn't believe him.

If Sienna really did something to him, it was completely my fault.

"Alpha Logan, Beta Andrew, please don't believe Sienna." Amy said, sobbing. “She did something to
him and if we don't find her, he will kill her. I know."


logan point of view

I didn't want to believe that what Amy was telling us could be true.

Siena was a good person. She would never do these things.

I looked at Andres. He was looking at Amy with a pained expression on his face.

I knew he didn't want to believe it either.

We didn't want to believe that our friend was a bad person.

I couldn't let myself believe it. That would mean I put my partner in danger. And I didn't do that. I
could never do that.

Amy was wrong. She had to be wrong.

"Logan, honey, look at me." my mom spoke.

I looked up at her. She was crying.

“Honey, I know you don’t want to believe it.” she said. “I know you'll blame yourself for not seeing it
sooner. But it's not your fault. “He fooled us all.”

He turned to Andres. “Andrew, honey, it's not your fault either. You have been the best big brother.
Your parents would be very proud of you. You made Emma the amazing person she is today. Sienna
cheated on you. She did her part perfectly. You couldn't have known.

I didn't think my brain was working. I could hear my mom. I could see her. I could hear Amy
sobbing. I could see Andrew shaking. But I felt like I was looking at them all through thick glass.

I couldn't clear my mind.

"Amy!" I heard a man's voice behind me.

I turned around and saw Jacob.

Amy ran to him and he hugged her tightly.

His cold and angry gaze went from me to Andrew. He walked towards us, clenching his fists.

“If something happens to her, I want you to know it's your fault.” he growled, looking at us both.
“How many times did he try to talk to you about that bitch? You didn't believe him once. If she is
dead, her blood is on your hands!”

I stared at him, frozen, speechless. He should be punished. I was his Alpha. He couldn't talk to me
like that.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Andrew get up. He walked up to Jacob and punched him in the
nose. I heard bones breaking.

My mom and Amy gasped loudly. Jacob was grunting, blood coming from his nose.

"Take that back!" Andrés is screaming. "She's not dead!"

I ran towards him and grabbed him from behind, closing my arms around him.

"She's not dead." I tell him. “I would feel it. She's alive, Andrew.

He was breathing hard and trembling. He grunted and his whole body vibrated. I let go of him and
he walked away from Jacob.

"What the hell is happening here?" Alpha Drake asked as he entered.

His Beta and his five warriors were right behind him.

"Sienna kidnapped Emma, Alpha Drake." my mom said, her voice shaking.

Drake clenched his fists and I could see his jaw clench.

"I knew it. She’s a lying bitch!” he growled loudly.

Do you believe them, Andrés? I mentally plugged in my Beta.

I don't want to, but I want to, Logan. He answered.
He told me that Sienna would make a mistake and slip up. She knew something like
this was going to happen. She knew and I didn't listen. He continued.
I froze on the spot. I let Sienna manipulate me. I was an Alpha and I didn't see a threat that was right
in front of me. And my partner was in danger because of that.

My shock and denial were quickly replaced by pure rage.

He was going to kill Sienna. I was going to destroy her.

"I'll kill that bitch!" I growled loudly, surprising everyone.

"Alpha Logan, I know you're in shock." Drake said, walking towards me. “But we have to be calm and
collected. You are a great Alpha. Remember that. I know this is about your partner, but we can't let
Sienna know we're following her.

"Alpha Drake is right." Andrew said, taking a deep breath. “I've been trying to think like a Beta. He
couldn't kill Emma because you would know right away and his story about Emma running away
wouldn't be believable. “He’s keeping it somewhere.”

“And he probably has help.” Drake added. Someone is with Emma. You can't feel her wolf and that
means she's being dosed with wolfsbane. They are waiting for Sienna's orders. “He’s planning to kill
her, but he’s waiting for something.”

“She's waiting for Logan to mark her.” my mom said. “He wouldn't be able to sense Emma dying if he
marked another wolf.”

My heart began to beat painfully. my emma my partner. I will find you, love. I will do anything to
find you.

“We need to capture her and get her to tell us where Emma is.” I said.

I forced my head out of my ass and started thinking like the damn Alpha I was. My partner was in
danger and needed me.

“But we have to make sure she doesn't tip off the son of a bitch who's helping her.” I added. I need to
get her here and take her to the interrogation room. She won’t be able to connect mentally from

"Do you think his accomplice is a pack member?" Andrew asked, raising his eyebrows.

We could only mentally bond with the pack members.

"I don't know. He could be a rogue. But I'm not taking any shit. She's going down. I growled.
“Andrew, Drake and I will interrogate her. Jacob, search Sienna's house. There has to be something
there that tells us where Emma is. He takes his parents to the wineries. Question them too. Cover
them with silver. I don’t want them to mentally link anyone if they’re into it.”

“Josh will help him.” Drake said, and his Beta nodded.

My mom and Amy were sitting on the couch, holding hands. They were both wiping tears from their

"Good." I said. "Come on. “We are bringing her home.”


logan point of view

How the hell do I get that bitch in here without her suspecting a thing?

"What do I tell them?" I asked, turning to Andrew.

Josh and Jacob left to go home. They will hide and wait nearby. When she got here and entered the
interrogation room, we would link them together to begin searching the house.

Drake, Andrew and I were sitting in my living room.

Mom and Amy went to the kitchen to make some tea. They needed to calm down a little. We didn't
want Sienna to see them here together and suspect something.

“Tell her you need her after a long, hard day.” Drake said. She's desperate to be yours. She will
believe it because she wants to hear it. "She'll think her plan to get Emma out of your life is finally

I nodded and sighed. “I feel sick doing it. I want to kill her, not have her here.

"I know man." Andrew said. “Remember that you are doing this for Emma.”

I took a deep breath and opened my bond with Sienna.

Sienna? I linked it.

Logan, baby, I'm so glad to hear your voice. She said.
My stomach twisted at the sound of his voice in my head. Leon was growling. He hasn't stopped
doing that since Amy told us about Sienna. He refused to talk to me. He was just growling, and I
could feel how fucking angry he was.

Would you like to come in? I asked. I just came back from the forest and I could use
your company.
Of course! She said, excited. I'll be there in 15 minutes.
Excellent. I answered. I am in the living room. Let yourself in.
I cut our link and nodded to Andrew and Drake.

“She will be here in 15 minutes.” I said.

"How are you going to get her there?" Drake asked.

“I decided to keep it simple.” I sighed. “I’ll tell him I left my phone down there and ask him to come
with me to get it.”

"That should be fine." Andrew said quietly.

“You guys should go there. In case you arrive early. I said.

They both nodded and stood up. They left the living room, I turned on the TV and pretended to
Those 15 minutes it took Sienna to cum were the longest of my life. I couldn't stop thinking about
Emma. Where was she? I was cold? Who was with her? Were they hurting her? I would feel if I was
hurt, right?

The more I thought about it, the more my heart hurt.

I heard the front door open and Sienna's smell hit me. He walked into the living room with a big
smile on his face.

I felt pure rage coming on. I wanted to kill her. I needed to kill her.

I took a deep breath to control myself and smiled at him.

He sat next to me and kissed my cheek.

I felt bile rising.

"Did you find Emma?" He asked with fake sadness in his voice and on his face.

How did I not realize how fake it was?

"No, we didn't." I sighed. "I guess she really crossed the border."

“I feel so sorry for Andrew.” she said. “She became the only thing he hates.”

I nodded and watched TV to calm myself down. I couldn't look at his lying face.

She sighed and settled back on the couch. "What are you doing?"

"I was watching television." I said. “But right before you came in, I noticed my phone was missing. I
think I left it in the interrogation room. I left the meeting in a hurry when I was notified that you
were injured. I have to go look for it. Come with me? I feel at peace when you are around.”

Come on, Siena. Take the bait.

She smiled brightly and nodded. Thank you, Goddess.

I stood up and took his hand in mine. I pulled her behind me and left the living room.

we're getting there I linked to Andrew.

My heart was pounding in my chest and I hoped Sienna couldn't hear it. We were right outside the
interrogation room. I didn't want him to suspect anything and try to mentally link anyone.

I opened the door and pushed Sienna inside. I closed the door behind us and locked it. I turned
around to see a surprised Sienna looking at Andrew and Drake.

Andrew looked so angry that even I was afraid of him at this point.

"Andrew? Logan? What's going on?" Sienna asked, turning to me.

"Sit the fuck down." I said and walked towards her.

I pushed her to sit down and sat next to her. Drake and Andrew took the chairs across from us.

"Where is Emma?" Drake asked.

He opened his eyes wider. “Emma? I told you, he ran away.

"Cut the bullshit, bitch." Andrew growled. We know every damn thing you did to him. We know you
wanted to get rid of her so you could have Logan all to yourself. Where the hell is she?

Sienna looked surprised and scared. "I...I don't...I don't know what you're talking about."

She was fucking lying. One could say. I looked at the boys and saw that they were thinking the same
thing as me.

“Sienna, your house is being searched as we speak.” I told. Your parents are down here being
handcuffed with money and interrogated. It's only a matter of time before we find something. “It
would be better if you cooperate.”

"Let my parents go!" she screamed. "I did nothing! That bitch attacked me and left the pack, and you
take her side! She's a rogue! She is a traitor!

The three of us growled loudly. I grabbed her by the neck.

"You talk like that about my partner again, and I will make you suffer." I said in a voice so cold that I
could see her tremble in fear.

I let her go and sat back down. “I'll give you a chance to clear everything up and tell us where Emma
is. If you don't, I will order you to do it. And I will make it long and painful.

Alpha's orders can be painful. Especially if you tried to go against it. But we could make it painful by
simply increasing the intensity of the command. Even if the wolf didn't fight him, he hurt them.

I didn't like using my Alpha command on my wolves. When I did, the intensity was minimal, just to
remind them who the dominant wolf was. But with this bitch, he would use her as a weapon and
enjoy every moment.

“I’m not telling you shit.” she growled. “I hope she doesn't listen to me and kill her tonight. He said
he would make her his before he did. I hope you feel everything, Logan. I hope you feel like your
partner is raped and murdered tonight.”

I saw red. Leon was going crazy. She would get out and the Goddess would help Sienna when she

But before I could do anything, I heard Andrew's terrifying growl and a fist flew towards Sienna's

He fell off his chair and groaned. Andrew stood up and walked towards her, but Drake stopped him.

"You can't kill her yet!" shouted him. “We need her to tell us everything.”

I got up and grabbed her. I put her back on the chair.

“If I feel a hair hurt on Emma's head, you will suffer a lot. That's a promise. I growled.

She looked at me with fear in her eyes.

“I gave you a chance. You didn't take it. I said. “Sienna Jones, I order you to tell me everything you
know about Emma Parker's disappearance, and I order you to tell me where she is.”

My order was so intense that even Andrew and Drake bowed their heads slightly, although my order
was not directed at them and Drake was an Alpha and it should not have affected him. But that's
how strong my order was. Sienna groaned in pain, but stayed talking. I had no choice.

Andres POV

Under the influence of Logan's order, Sienna had to tell us everything. Every word he said to Emma,
everything he did. I felt like I was standing there, watching.

With every word that came out of her mouth, my desire to kill her grew.

When he told us that he had told Emma that I think she is a burden, I lost it.

"You. Saying. THAT?" I growled under my breath.

'LET ME OUT, ANDRÉS!' Asher screamed in my head, clawing to get out.

'I'M GOING TO KILL HER!' Asher growled.

—Not yet, Asher! I yelled. First you have to tell us where Emma is.

I approached Sienna. She was fighting Logan's order, and it was only making it more painful for her.
She was wincing in pain, and I was enjoying it.

I knelt in front of her and got in her face. It took all my strength not to sink my fangs into her throat
and tear her out.

"If she believed what you said, I will kill you so slowly that you will beg me to die." I said slowly.

She grimaced, but a moment later I saw her smile.

"If she believed me, it's your fault." she said. “You were a terrible brother. She tried to tell you about
me so many times. You never believed him and everything he said was true.

I growled and went to grab his neck, but before I could, Drake pulled me back.

"Not yet, Andrew." he said, holding me back.

I ran my hand through my hair.

She was right. I was a terrible brother. I chose to believe Sienna over my own sister. I didn't want to
believe that my friend, the person I grew up with, could do that. I always thought Emma was jealous.
Logan, Sienna and I were always together. We were older than Emma and had different interests
and topics. And when Logan and I took over the pack, we became even closer and busier, always
doing what the pack needed. Sienna was always there to support us and always understood
everything. I just thought Emma wanted to spend more time with me and was mad because she
couldn't. I just thought the fact that Sienna was around all the time made her jealous. It made sense
at the time.

Now I see how wrong I was.

And my mistake hurt my sister. my puppy

Logan escalated the order and Sienna screamed.

"Keep talking, bitch." Logan growled.

She hasn't said a word since Sienna started talking, but I could see she was on edge. Asher told me
that Leon was completely upset. He had no idea how Logan managed to control it.

Sienna continued talking. She told us how she told Emma that Logan hated her and how she would
think she betrayed the pack by going rogue.

Logan started to shake, but he didn't lose it like I did. Once she did, the Goddess helped Sienna. He
would destroy her.

And I would help him.

She proceeded to tell us how that disgusting rogue wolf stuck a needle full of wolfsbane into Emma's
neck and she passed out.

After that rascal hit Sienna so she could sell her lie about Emma hitting her and running away.

He took Emma away and Sienna waited three hours before trying to mentally link to Logan.

"Where is Emma?" Logan growled and increased the intensity of his command.

"I don't know." Siena groaned.


I was frozen.

She did not know?

Logan, Drake and I exchanged worried glances.

Sienna, don't make me torture you. Logan growled, turning to her. "Where is she?"

"I swear I don't know." she screamed. “Rogue said he would hide her well. He told me that there was
a well-hidden cave on the north side of the forest. But I don't know where it is exactly.”

"How the hell were you two supposed to exchange information?" Logan growled, clenching his fists.

“He said he would come and get me.” she said.

"When?" I asked.

"I don't know." she said. “We didn't set a date on purpose. I thought it would be better not to know.
If I ever got caught, like now, I didn't want to make it easy for you.

She smiled, and the three of us got lost.

We growled so loudly that the entire room shook.

Sienna covered her ears and groaned.

Shit. How the hell were we going to find her? That area was huge.

"How the hell did a rogue get into my territory?" Logan asked Sienna.
"Oh please." She rolled her eyes. “I know everything about patrols and shifts. It was easy to sneak it
in here without them noticing. That's how I've been getting out of the territory too. I had to find a
wolf willing to help me. And Rolf was more than willing to do it after seeing Emma.”

Asher growled loudly.

You're a bitch, Sienna. Drake said.

"Why did you do all that?" I asked. What has Emma ever done to you?

She narrowed her eyes at me and growled.

"Are you kidding me?" he said between his teeth. “Little Miss Perfect had it all. You two always
protected her and loved her. You never protected me or loved me like you did her. And after it
turned out that Logan wasn't my partner, my gut told me it would be hers. I thought I would be okay
with it if you, Andrew, turned out to be my partner. You would finally love me more than her. But it
turned out you weren't my partner, Andrew. And when I found out that Logan and Emma were
actually partners, I lost it. She had to go. "I realized that as long as she's in our lives, you'll never love
me like you're supposed to."

Goddess. I had no idea what to say to him. She was completely crazy.

Logan was just staring at her, and I realized he was as speechless as I was.

“I did it for us.” Siena said seriously. “I did it for our love. I'm better than her for you. You’ll see that
now that she’s out of our lives.”

"You completely lost it." I whispered in disbelief.

"I'm done listening to you." Logan growled. “I'm going to find her and after I do, I'll kill you. I won't
do it now because I want you to see her get home. Safe and secure. Then you will die.

Logan walked towards the door, and Drake and I started to follow him.

Sienna growled. "No! I'm better than her! She will never come back! Never! She will die!"

We left the room and Logan told the guard to chain Sienna to the chair.

The guard quickly left to follow his Alpha's order.

After he returned, Logan closed the door and placed the key inside his pocket.

“No one comes in here but me.” Logan ordered the guard.

We quickly left the basement and headed to Logan's office to plan our search.

logan point of view

It had been four damn days since Emma disappeared.

We've been searching the area where Sienna said the rogue took her. We do not find anything.

I was going crazy. I haven't slept since he disappeared. He was angry and irritable. My pack was
leaving me alone, and the only time anyone spoke to me was when they had news about the search.

I attacked one of my warriors the day after she disappeared. It was an accident, of course. He was
fine. A couple of broken ribs that healed quickly. But it was enough for everyone to keep their
distance now. Everyone except Drake and Andrew.

Andrew was as pissed as I was. He hadn't been sleeping that well. We were in the forest, searching,
and we came home once a day just to eat something.

Leon hadn't been talking to me at all. He was grunting or moaning, but he refused to talk to me. I
knew he would love to sink his claws into my ass. He blamed me for Emma's disappearance, and I
didn't think he'd talk to me until he found her.

"We haven't looked here yet, I think." Drake muttered and pointed to a location on a map.

Drake, Andrew and I were in my office, looking at a map of the area and trying to find a place we
hadn't already searched.

“This would be so much easier if we could catch just a whiff of their scent.” Andrew growled.

“Sienna said he is giving her doses of aconite and is probably using a masking spray on himself.”
Drake said. We won't be able to smell it.

"I know." Andrew sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

I approached Drake and looked at the location on a map he was pointing to.

"We searched that area yesterday." I frowned.

"Shit." He said and sat down. We have to find her.

I narrowed my eyes at him. I was grateful that he was helping us, but his concern for my partner was
making me nervous.

"Why are you so worried about her?" I snapped. "She is mine."

He looked at me and frowned. "Since when? Last time I checked, you rejected her.

I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. I would kill him

"Enough." Andrew intervened. “Logan, we're lucky you're here. It helped a lot. Drake, you know very
well that rejection does not erase the bond. So unless you want Logan to lose his temper, don’t
challenge his claim on her.”
Drake and I looked at each other.

I knew Andrew was right. Drake's presence here was really helpful. He had great ideas and was the
only one with a clear head.

I'm sorry, Logan. Drake sighed. “Andrés is right. I just protect her. I don't know her well, but I can
say that she is an incredible wolf. She captured my heart as soon as I met her. If it really is a white
wolf, it will be Luna to all of us. And that means she will also be my Moon. And I will protect her,

She's amazing, isn't she? I wanted to tear myself apart. How did I not see it before? How could he
think that she wasn't strong enough?

"I'm an idiot." I murmured.

"Yes you are." Drake said. You better hope I forgive you.

"She will do it." Andrew said quietly. “She will forgive you and she will forgive me. If he doesn't, I
don't know how I'll continue.”

"She'll forgive you, man." Drake told him. "You are his brother."

Andrew closed his eyes and leaned back in the chair he was sitting on.

Would you ever forgive me? I could always choose someone else. She might reject me. He could
accept Jake's proposal. Or Drakes. He was sure he wasn't joking when he said he would take her as
his chosen mate.

Just thinking about other men touching what was mine made my blood boil. I would do everything I
could to make sure he forgives me. She was mine. Some other man will have it on my dead body. I
won't let that happen.

Loud knocks interrupted my thoughts.

"Forward." I growled.

One of my warriors ran in. He was out of breath and looked at me with wide eyes.

"That?" I snapped.

"Alpha, Beta, Alpha Draco." He greeted us, breathing heavily. “Our trackers spotted a rogue wolf in
the woods while searching. They said he disappeared underground. They believe there could be an
underground hiding place. They are there, waiting for your orders, Alpha.

Andrew and Drake shot out of their seats. My heart started beating faster. Leon began to pace
nervously. That had to be him.

"Where are they?" Andrew growled.

The warrior walked towards the map and pointed to the location.

We had been searching there for days and she was right under our feet. Shit.

The three of us ran out of my office, my warrior following behind us.

We changed immediately and started running.

We had a long distance to cover, but at the rate we were running, we should get there in half the
time it would take normal wolves.

As I ran, all I could think about was having her in my arms. It's been five damn days since I last saw
her, smelled her, last touched her. I couldn't take it anymore. I needed her. I needed to see her. I
needed to touch her.

I'm going to destroy that rascal for keeping her away from me. I will kill Sienna for taking her from
me. They will regret the day they decided to hurt him.

After an hour of running, we arrived at the place. We quickly changed into the shorts my warriors
gave us.

"Alpha, Beta, Alpha Draco." one of my warriors addressed us.

Sam. I nodded. Show us where he disappeared.

Sam walked further away, pointing to the forest floor. At first glance, there was nothing. But when I
looked closer, I saw a handle made of rope. It was well hidden. Leaves and branches covered it,
making it seem like there was nothing there.

I turned to look at Andrew. I was nervous and I could tell Asher wanted to take charge.

"We entered in silence." I told everyone. “Don't kill the rogue. I want him alive and taken to the
dungeons. Andrew and I will take care of Emma. Nobody else touches it. Understood?"

I heard a bunch of "yeahs, Alpha" before I turned around and pulled the rope handle. The door
opened, revealing nothing but darkness. I crouched inside and let my eyes adjust to the darkness.

emma point of view

He didn't know how long he had been here.

He was constantly surrounded by darkness.

I woke up a few times only to be hit. His fists came into contact with every part of my body. He told
me I deserved it because I almost took what was Sienna's.

He was injecting me with aconite, so I knew it wasn't curing me. If he didn't kill me soon, I would die
from blood loss.

I hoped he would kill me soon. I didn't want to be here anymore. I didn't want him to touch me

I liked the darkness. He didn't hit me when I was in the dark. He wasn't yelling at me when I was in
the dark. His hands didn't touch me when I was in the dark. There was no physical pain when I was
in the dark.

But my thoughts were deafening. I couldn't stop thinking about my brother. She wished she could
tell him she loved him just one more time. I wanted him to know that I didn't become a rogue. I
wished he didn't hate me. But at the same time, he was angry. He didn't believe me. He chose Sienna,
as did Logan.

'Andrew and Asher love us.' Eliza complained.

I was so happy to be able to talk to her. I shouldn't have been able to. The aconite should have kept
her locked away in the depths of my mind. I didn't feel her, I didn't see her, but sometimes I could
talk to her. He said it was because we were strong. He broke the wolfsbane barrier when he felt he
needed it. I didn't know how. Maybe she wasn't even here. Maybe it was just my mind playing tricks
on me, making it easier for me to lie here in the dark, waiting for death.

I know they do. I told Eliza. It just hurts, Eliza. Andrés didn't believe me. He chose her.

'He made a mistake.' She said. We all make mistakes.

'We make.' I sighed. 'And I will forgive him. I am sad that he will never know what really happened.

'You have to stay strong, Emma.' Eliza complained. They will come for us.

They think I ran away and became a rogue. I growled. 'They're not looking for me. And even if they
are, they are looking to kill me for betraying my pack and attacking a future Luna.' Asher and
Leon won't believe Sienna. Eliza said sternly. 'They hate her. They'll talk some sense into Andrew
and Logan.
I closed my eyes and felt a tear roll down my face. I wished I could believe that. I wish that were
true. He wished Eliza could go on living. She didn't deserve this.
I'm sorry, Eliza. I said with a tearful voice.

'Why are you apologizing?' she moaned. 'You don't have to apologize for anything.'

'Yeah.' I said. 'You don't deserve this. You should keep living, not die here with me. Your partner
shouldn't have rejected you. You should have a better and stronger human counterpart. I don't. I have
caused you nothing but pain. I'm sorry. I love you, Eliza.

'For!' She growled. We are not dying here! You are the only human being I want. You are the strongest
human. Just hold on a little longer. We'll get out of here.

I didn't respond. I continued looking into the darkness.

"I can't take much longer, Emma." she moaned. Be strong. I love you.'

I felt her walk away and a silent sob escaped me. I was alone again.

Maybe that was for the better. I was glad she couldn't feel or see what she was doing to me. She
didn't deserve that.

Suddenly, I felt myself being pulled away from the darkness. I was waking up again.

"Well, hello, little wolf." He could hear the rogue's voice. "Welcome back."

I blinked a few times and looked around. We were still in a cave. I was lying on a cold floor and my
dried blood was all around me. The rogue was sitting in front of me, leaning against the wall.

I looked at him and he was smiling.

His beard was long and curly. His cold black eyes stared at me. It was covered in dirt and had that
unique rogue smell.

"It's been four days, if you're wondering." he said. “Your brother is not looking for you. They are
preparing a Moon ceremony. That means Sienna will be marked soon and I will finally have you to
myself before I kill you.

I felt tears falling down my face and into my hair.

They weren't looking for me. They believed her. They thought I became a rogue. Andrés hated me.
My heart was breaking. A silent sob escaped me.

I didn't know why it hurt so much. I already knew this. I already knew they chose Sienna. I already
knew that my brother hated me. Why did it hurt so much?

"Don't cry, little wolf." the rogue laughed. "It will soon be over. A few more days and you will no
longer be a burden. Not your brother, not your partner, not Sienna.

His words were like a knife stabbing my heart, but I knew he was right. I have been nothing but a
burden. Andrew was finally free. Logan was free to mate with whomever he wanted. Soon I too
would be free. I would see my mom and dad. I would be at peace.

I closed my eyes and let the tears roll down my face.

I heard the rogue get up. He walked towards me and knelt down next to me. I opened my eyes and
saw a needle in his hand.

"You've been up too long, little wolf." he said quietly. “It's time to go back to sleep.”

I felt a needle pierce my skin and a burning sensation of aconite spread through me.

The rogue leaned in and took a deep breath. “You smell amazing. “I can’t wait to make you mine.”

I felt his hand go under my sweatshirt. His claws cut my skin and I felt the blood rush down my

Darkness was near again. I couldn't wait for it to get dark. There was no pain there. Maybe Eliza
would talk to me again.

Before I was completely dark again, I heard blood-curdling growls. I tried to open my eyes to see
who was growling, but the darkness was stronger.

Andres POV

I was walking behind Logan and Drake was right next to me. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I
could see the walls of the cave around us. The smell is horrible. I can smell the rogues, the dirt and
the blood.

My whole body was shaking. He hadn't slept for days. I needed my sister by my side. He didn't know
what he would do if she wasn't here. But he knew he would never stop looking for her. I would find

The further we walked, the stronger the smell of blood. I could also smell like wolfsbane. My nose
was burning.

I could hear whispers. There was definitely someone here.

“Your skin is so soft.” I heard a voice say. “Maybe I could keep you. I could lie and tell Sienna that I
killed you, but have you all to myself.

As soon as we heard that bitch's name, Logan, Drake and I started running, and seconds later we
came to an opening. There was a fire burning in the corner, and the space had that soft orange glow.

What I saw there made me see red. Logan and I growled loudly. The sound bounced off the walls of
the cave, making our grunts even louder.

There was a small body lying on the ground, surrounded by fresh, dried blood.


Rolf was leaning over her, his hand was under her shirt and his eyes were on us.

Before she could blink, Logan and I ran into him and pulled him away from her. Drake grabbed him
and pinned him against the wall.

I knew my warriors were behind us, but I couldn't hear anything except our grunting and our fists
hitting that son of a bitch.

I saw red and I wanted Ed to kill him.

The expression on Logan's face was terrifying. I had never seen him so angry.

It was hitting him and he never wanted to stop. He touched my sister. He took my sister from me. I
would make him pay. It would make him suffer.

"Alpha Beta!" I heard someone calling me with a trembling voice.

I stopped hitting the son of a bitch and turned around.
I met the worried eyes of one of our warriors. He was telling me something, but I couldn't
concentrate. I could only hear the blood pumping inside my veins.
I looked behind the warrior and saw Jacob slumped next to Emma, holding her face in his hands.
Tears were rolling down his cheeks, and he was telling her something.

I was snapped out of my trance and ran towards her.

"Ema!" I screamed and pulled her towards me.

She was beaten and bloodied. His skin was pale and he was very cold. His eyes were closed and he
didn't respond to me. Blood was running down his belly and his hoodie was soaked.

Why didn't he answer me?

"Andrew, he's barely breathing." I heard Jacob's trembling voice.

I looked at him and he approached her. I pulled her closer to me. He wasn't going to take her.

"He's barely breathing and his pulse is weak, Andrew!" Jacob screamed. "We have to move her,

Drake came to stand next to Andrew. He gasped when he saw the state she was in.

My whole body was shaking. I looked at her and noticed that her chest was barely moving. She was
dying. She was dying in my arms.


I took her in my arms and stood up. I started to run outside, but Logan pushed me back.

"Give it to me!" he growled loudly.

His chest rose and fell rapidly. His hands were reaching for her and his eyes were fixed on me.

I didn't want to give it to him, but I knew Leon would kill me if I didn't. Logan looked more like a
wolf than a man right now, and he was dangerous. Another man was touching his partner. A
companion I hadn't seen or heard in four days. A colleague who was dying. It didn't matter that I
was his brother. Leon didn't care.

And she knew that the bond of a couple would help her heal. Pair bonding might be the only way she
could stay alive until we got her to the pack hospital.

I put her in his arms and he pulled her close, breathing in her scent.

I saw a tear rolling down her cheek.

"Do not leave me Love." He whispered as he began to run with her. "Please do not leave me".

I turned around and saw our warriors handcuffing Rolf with silver chains. He was beaten and
covered in blood, but the bastard was still breathing. But not for long.

Take him to the basements. I asked. Give him a dose of wolfsbane. “I don’t want it to heal.”

"I'll stay and take care of him." Drake said, looking angry. I'll see you at the pack hospital.

I nodded at him, turned around and ran. Logan had already moved and our warriors were securing
Emma to his back. He would get to the pack hospital faster if he were in his wolf form.
I moved quickly and started running to Logan's side. I continued to watch Emma, making sure she
didn't fall off Leon's back.

I didn't think we could run any faster than when we were running to find her, but somehow we
managed to get to the pack hospital in less than 45 minutes.

Emma was barely breathing when we arrived. His pulse was even weaker. He was sure the only
reason she wasn't dead was mate bonding.

Dr. Adams came running toward us. He gasped when he saw the state Emma was in.

“Oh my Goddess, Emma!” he screamed and pulled her off Leon's back.

Leon started to growl, but the doctor ignored him. She took Emma in her arms and ran inside.

A nurse came and handed each of us a pair of shorts.

Logan and I changed, got dressed and ran inside.

Emma was lying on a bed. Dr. Adams was cutting her sweatshirt with scissors. He was giving orders
to the nurses that I couldn't even hear. I could only focus on his pale face. Her pink lips were now
white, her eyes were squeezed shut. He needed her to open them. I needed to see how blue they are.

The nurse came to stand in front of us. She was talking, but I couldn't hear her.

"Beta Andrew?" his voice finally broke through.

"Beta Andrew, we need you and Alpha to wait outside." she said. “We will take good care of Emma.
But it's hard to concentrate when Alpha is growling at us. The doctor needs to touch her.”

Was Logan growling?

I looked at him and he was shaking. It was about to change. Deep, menacing growls came from him
and he stared at Dr. Adams.

I grabbed his arm. “Logan, you need to calm down. He needs to touch her. He is helping her. Let's go

"I am staying." he growled at me.

"Alpha, please." the doctor said. “I need to focus, and it's hard to do so with your Alpha aura in the
room. I won't hurt her.

Logan growled, but let me take him out to the waiting room.

We sat on the chairs and I put my head in my hands.

She couldn't leave me. She couldn't die. What would I do without her?

logan point of view

I was sitting in the damn waiting room, staring at a white wall.

I don't think I've ever felt so much pain.

I don't think I've ever been so angry.

I want Ed to kill. I could taste Rolf and Sienna's blood on my tongue. They would suffer.

When I saw Emma lying there, all beaten up and covered in blood, with that son of a bitch touching
her, I felt a wave of anger like never before. Leon became a monster. He was no longer a wolf. He will
destroy Rolf and Sienna when he leaves him.

"Logan!" My mom's panicked voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I got up and hugged her. I need to edit it. I needed my mom to tell me that everything was going to
be okay.

"How is she?" Amy asked with a shaky voice, looking at Andrew.

"I don't know." He sighed, leaning against the wall. “She was barely breathing when we found her.”

Amy sobbed and my mom gasped loudly.

"She will be alright". I said with a trembling voice. "She has to be okay."

"She will be." I heard a voice behind me say. “She is the strongest person I know.”

It was Jacob.

As soon as I saw him, a wave of jealousy hit me like a damn train. What the hell was he doing here? I
narrowed my eyes at him and clenched my fists.

He walked over to Amy and hugged her. She was sobbing into his chest.

"It's okay, Amy." he said. "She will be alright. “She is my strong girl.”

I'm red.

"Your strong girl?" I growled out loud.

"With all due respect, Alpha, she is mine." he said calmly. “You had your chance and you blew it. “I
asked her to be my chosen partner and I hope she says yes.”

He was shaking and was about to change. What the fuck was he talking about? He wasn't taking it
away from me. She was MINE.

I growled loudly and lunged at him.

I was stopped by two strong hands. Andrew stopped me.

"Arrest!" Andrew growled. "Jacob go away."

“Beta Andrew, no.” Jacob said. “My partner is inside, and I won't leave.”

He was growling and Leon was in complete control now. I would change and tear him to pieces if he
didn't leave.

"Jacob, the bond between Logan and Emma is not broken." Andrew said, squeezing me tighter. “Until
Emma accepts you and you mark her, she is not your partner. She's from Logan. And if you continue,
I won't be able to stop it. You know how possessive wolves are of their mates. And Logan is an
Alpha. “You are digging a very deep grave for yourself by being here right now.”

I was taking deep breaths. He hadn't stopped growling.

'I'm going to kill that son of a bitch!' Leon shouted. He won't take my partner! She is mine!'
“Jacob, honey, I know you love her.” my mom said and stood in front of Jacob. “But you have to go.
Emma wouldn't want to hear the two of them fighting when she wakes up. “Amy will let you know
when you can see her again.”

"He's not going to go near her!" I screamed.

"Logan, he's your friend." My mom said and turned her head to give me a stern look. She'll want to
see it. "You can't prohibit them from seeing each other."

"Good." Jacob said. "I will go. But I'll come back.

I growled, and he gave me an annoyed look.

This puppy had balls. I was his Alpha. I could kill him for looking at me like that.

He hugged Amy and kissed her on the cheek.

“Plug me in when he wakes up.” He said before leaving.

Andrew let go of me and I ran my hand through my hair.

“This puppy has balls.” I growled.

He loves her, Logan. My mom said, walking over to sit next to Andrew. "She is her friend. I'm happy
she has someone like him to protect her. He faced an Alpha for her. He must really love her.

I growled and narrowed my eyes at her, but before I could tell her what I thought about her love, the
door to Emma's room burst open.

The nurse ran out, her eyes roaming over all of us before stopping on Andrew.

"Beta, we need your blood!" he said out loud.

Andrew jumped up and ran into the room. The nurse ran after him, but I stopped her.

"Wait!" I screamed. "What's going on?"

“He lost a lot of blood.” he said, turning to me. “She couldn't be cured of all the aconite. I have to go
back, Alpha.
I nodded and she ran back inside.

I sat down again, leaned against the wall and closed my eyes.

There were no words to describe how I felt.

I was afraid of losing her. I was angry. I was jealous. I needed my partner. I needed to feel her. I
needed to breathe in its delicious aroma. She was the only one who could calm me down right now.

I felt someone sit next to me. I opened my eyes and looked to my left.

"Everything will be okay, honey." My mom said and took my hand in hers.

“I don't know what I'll do if she rejects me, Mom.” I said quietly.

"She won't reject you." he said confidently. “You are his partner. She loves You."

“I haven't been a very good teammate.” I said.

"No, you haven't." she said seriously. But you will talk to her. You will apologize. You will do
everything possible to get her back. And you will wait as long as you have to regain their trust. And
most importantly, you will respect their decision. Even if she decides not to be with you.

My heart was breaking just thinking about not having Emma. My blood boiled at the thought of
another man touching her. My mom was right. I had to do everything I could to get her back.

She was mine.


Andres POV

I left the room and saw that Drake had arrived at the pack hospital.

"How is she?" Logan jumped up and walked towards me as soon as he saw me.

“They didn't let me see her.” I said. “They took my blood and told me to wait outside.”

"Shit." Logan sighed and ran his hand through his hair.

Where is Rolf? I asked Drake.

In the basements. he answered. "We filled it with wolfsbane."

"Good." I growled.
The door opened and the doctor came out. They all jumped up and ran towards him. Logan almost
knocked him down.

"Alpha Logan, Beta Andrew." The doctor said and took a step back from Logan.

"How is she?" Logan and I asked at the same time.

“We managed to stabilize it.” the doctor said. “He is still in critical condition. He pumped so much
aconite into her that I was very surprised to see her alive. I should be dead.

Logan and I growled loudly. My heart was beating painfully. I was so close to losing her forever. My
hands were shaking and Asher was moaning constantly.

“He lost a lot of blood.” the doctor continued, ignoring our grunts. “He cut her deeply several times.
He broke two ribs and has bruises all over his body. Because he had so much wolfsbane on his body,
he couldn't heal himself and won't be able to for a while. We need to remove all the aconite from his
body for it to heal. I don't think he'll wake up until we do.

I did not know what to say. My heart was breaking. This was my fault. She was there because of me.

Logan was shaking. His mother and Amy cried silently. Drake had an angry look on his face.

“There is one more test I would like to take.” the doctor said when none of us spoke. “We could wait
for him to wake up and ask him about it, but I'm afraid we risk a lot if we don't do it now and if we
don't take the necessary measures.”

"What exam?" Logan asked.

"I need your permission, Beta Andrew." he said, looking at me.

"Of course." I said. "What to do?"

The doctor looked between Logan and me, suddenly nervous.

“A rape kit.” he said quietly.

I was frozen.

My heart stopped beating and I couldn't breathe.

She knew there was a chance he would touch her. I just didn't want to think about it.

Logan growled and hair began to grow on his arms. Shit.

Drake ran towards him and put his hands behind his back.

"Calm down, Logan." Drake said. "You can't change here."

“Shouldn't Logan be able to sense if someone other than him…” Logan's mom asked, stopping before
finishing her question.

He never felt anything like that. he would have told me. He would have gone crazy if he felt like I was
doing something like that to him.

"He should." The doctor said, looking at Logan nervously. "But she had so much wolfsbane on her
body that I'm afraid he wouldn't feel even if he killed her."

Oh, my God.

I had to give him a lot more aconite than I thought. Companions can sense if the other is killed, even
if they are on the other side of the world, even if they rejected each other. In some cases, even if they
choose another partner.
How the hell was she alive?

"Take the exam, doctor." I said, growling. "Where do I sign?"

“Thank you, Beta.” the doctor said. “Nurse Rose will take you to the front desk so you can sign the

“When will we know the results?” Logan's mom asked.

“I'll get one of the nurses to do the test right away and I'll let you know as soon as we get the
results.” The doctor said and re-entered the room.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

“If that son of a bitch touched her…” Logan growled loudly.

"No man". Drake stopped him. "Do not go there".

The nurse came out and told me to follow her.

He gave me a stack of papers to sign and told me I could come back to the waiting room when I
finished signing them.

I came back and sat next to Amy.

"Are you okay, Beta?" He asked me with a trembling voice.

I'm Andrew, Amy. I told him, looking at the wall. “And no, I'm not fine. I won't be until he wakes up
and tells me he forgives me.

"It will, Andrew." Amy said. "She loves you so much."

"She's all I have." I said quietly. "I can't lose her."

Not only could I lose her to death, but I could also lose her to my own stupidity. What if he woke up
and told me he didn't want anything to do with me anymore?

Asher moaned and growled inside my head. Just the thought of losing his sister was hurting him a
lot. I could feel that he was angry with me too. He blamed me for this.

And he should have blamed me.

What are you thinking? I received a link from Logan. Leon told me Asher is
Not only could I lose her to death, Logan. I linked it again. I could lose her because I
was stupid who didn't believe her. What if he wakes up and tells me he doesn't want
anything to do with me?
I know _ He sighed. I'm afraid of the same thing. But we are not losing it. No to death,
not to it rejecting us. We don't give up. She is your sister and my partner. She will
always be by our side.
I wanted to respond, but the sound of the door opening interrupted me.
We jumped out of our seats and saw the doctor walking towards us.

I couldn't ask him. I couldn't pronounce the words.

“He did not rape her.” the doctor said.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Logan sighed and clenched his fists.

“Thank you Goddess.” Logan's mom said and hugged Amy.

"When can we see her?" Logan asked.
“The nurses are finishing up in their room.” the doctor said. “You can come in in a few minutes. But
only Alpha and Beta. “We can’t risk infection while she is in critical condition.”

We all nodded and the doctor continued. "I don't think I have to say this, but Alpha, the pair bond
will help her heal, so I recommend that you spend as much time with her as possible."

"Of course." Logan said. “My mom can handle the package business until she wakes up.”

Luna Gloria nodded and smiled at her son.

"I can help too." Drake added. “I'm not going back to my pack until I know she'll be okay.”

"Thank you, Drake." Logan said.

“Beta Andrew, I recommend that you spend as much time with her as possible.” the doctor said.
"You are her brother, and your presence will help her."

“I wasn’t planning on being anywhere else.” I said.

"Good." the doctor nodded. “Nurse Rose will come get you so you can come in and see her.”

I sighed and Luna Gloria gave me a hug.

"She'll be fine, honey." she said. "Just take care of her like you always do."

His words were like knives to my heart. I didn't take care of her when she needed me most. That's
why he was fighting for his life.
CHAPTER THIRTY TWO – In the hospital

logan point of view

I started pacing nervously. My gaze was on the door the entire time. I needed that nurse to come out
and take me to my partner.

"I'll take care of the pack, darling." my mother told me. "I won't bother you unless it's an

I nodded absently. Nothing was important right now. I just wanted my partner in my arms. I just
wanted Emma.

The door finally opened and Nurse Rose came out.

"Alpha, Beta, please follow me." she said and walked back inside.

Andrew and I ran inside. I could hear my mom telling me to link them when she wakes up, but I
didn't have time to respond. I ran in and headed straight to Emma's room.

"Alpha, wait!" The nurse called me.

I stopped and turned to look at her with a menacing growl coming from my chest.
Andrew was right next to me. He was as upset as I was.

"You have to shower first." The nurse said as she looked down. “We can’t risk infection.”

"Shower?" Andrew asked.

"Yeah." she nodded. "Didn't the doctor tell you?"

Andrew and I shook our heads.

"Sorry, I did not know". she said. “You'll have to shower and I'll give you a robe to change into. “If
Emma gets an infection, it could kill her.”

I flinched at his words and looked towards Emma's door. My hotheaded behavior almost killed her.

"No, Rose, I'm sorry." I said and looked back at her. I shouldn't have growled at you. "I'm at the
"Can you please take us to the bathroom?" Andrew asked as calmly as he could.
"It's okay Alpha, I understand." He said with a small smile and turned around. "Follow me." We
started walking away from Emma's room, and my heart squeezed painfully in my chest. I needed to
see her. I took a deep breath and tried to calm down. First I needed to shower. He couldn't put her in
Rose took us to the bathroom and handed us a dark blue robe and a new pair of slippers to change
"Do not rush". she said. “You have to make sure you are as clean as possible. The towels are already
waiting for you. I'll be outside to take you to Emma when you're done.

Andrew and I nodded and ran inside.

I made sure to thoroughly clean every part of my body. My hands shook with my partner's need, but
I tried to ignore it. I needed to get this right. He couldn't put her in danger. No again.

After I finished showering, I put on the clothes Rose gave me and left the bathroom.

Rose was sitting alone. Andrew was still in the bathroom.

"Alpha." Rose said. "Should we wait for Beta Andrew?"

I nodded and sat next to him.

A few minutes later, Andrew came out and I got up immediately.

Rose took us back to Emma's room. He grabbed the doorknob, but before turning it, he turned to
look at us.

“Don't be scared when you see her.” he said softly. “She is pale and covered in scratches and bruises.
There are many needles and tubes attached to it. There is a machine to help her breathe and another
to monitor her heart and blood pressure. Because of the blood transfusion, you will probably smell
different for a while. Your normal smell will return soon.”

Andrew clenched his fists and nodded. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

“I tell you this so you can prepare your wolves.” she added. “They will be protective and want to rip
those things away from her because they will think it is hurting her. Control them. Additionally, the
state it is in will be hard on both you and your wolf. So please do everything you can to stay in

Andrew and I nodded and she slowly opened the door.

What I saw inside broke me.

My Emma was lying in bed completely covered in bruises and cuts. There were different tubes
attached to her small body. Her long brown hair was spread around her. She didn't smell like
herself. It smelled like wolfsbane, medicine, and Andrew.

Leon and I hated that. We hated the smell of another male on our pair, even if it was his brother.

I didn't even hear Rose leave the room. My attention was on Emma and Emma alone. But I couldn't
move. Seeing her in this state completely froze me.

I did this.

Andrew moved first.

"Oh, Emma." he said, his voice shaking.

He approached her and carefully took her small hand in his. He caressed her cheek with his thumb
and placed a small kiss on her forehead.

"I'm so sorry, Em." He said, resting his forehead on hers.

His whole body was shaking, and he knew it was hard for him not to change. Asher wanted to see
her and make sure she was okay. He was probably losing his mind and whining right now, just like

"She's so cold." he said quietly.

I forced my legs to work and walked to the other side of Emma's bed. I looked at the love of my life
and my breath caught in my throat. He seemed so fragile.

I placed my hand over hers and felt an addictive tingle spread through my body.

"Hi babe." I said quietly and leaned closer to her. "I'm here. I will never leave you again. Please come
back to me."

I pulled up a chair and sat next to him. I put his hand in mine and rubbed small circles on his palm.

"I will kill them." Andrew growled. “They will suffer.”

"Yeah." I nodded, without taking my eyes off her. “We will make them pay for what they did to him.”

The door opened and the doctor entered.

“The nurses will bring one more bed here.” He told us. “Unfortunately, there's no more room to fit in,
so one of you will have to sleep on the couch.”

"It is not a problem." Andrew said. “As long as I can stay here with her, I will sleep on the floor.”

Doctor Adams gave her a small smile and walked over to the bed to check on Emma. He checked the
monitors around him and noted something in his chart.

“She is a fighter.” he smiled.

"She is." I said quietly, looking at her.

"To talk with her." the doctor said. "She can probably hear you."

Andrew and I looked at him and nodded.

He gave us a small smile and left the room.

I looked back at Emma and sighed. I just wanted him to open his eyes. I wanted to see them again. I
needed to see them again.

Andres POV

"She smells like you." Logan muttered.

"She does." I smiled, running my fingers through his hair.

"I don't like". he frowned. “But I would make her smell like you forever if it meant she would live.”

"She will do it." I said quietly. “She's not dying.”

I caressed her cheek and kissed her hand.

The doctor says you can hear us, Emma. I said. “I need you to know how sorry I am. I was a complete
idiot. I didn't believe you, and you were telling me the truth. It's my fault this happened to you. I
hope you can forgive me. You are all I have in this world and I don't know what I would do if you left
me. I love you Em. Please do not leave me.

I never looked away from his face. Oh, Goddess, how I wished he would open his eyes. But there was
nothing. He was completely still.

I put his hand on my cheek, needing to feel his touch.

“I was a terrible teammate.” Logan sighed. “I rejected you without giving you a chance. And I was
wrong, Emma. I was so wrong. I can't begin to explain how sorry I am. I should have stopped her. I
should have protected you. But I'm not going anywhere, my love. I won't leave you again. You are
mine and I hope you can forgive me. I hope you let me be the partner you deserve.”

Logan closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

“I, Logan Carter, Alpha of the Crescent Moon Pack, accept you, Emma Parker of the Crescent Moon
Pack as my mate and Luna.” Logan said as he opened his eyes.

The machine monitoring his heart beeped. His heart rate increased slightly.

"She heard you." I muttered under my breath, looking at the monitor.

A big smile spread across Logan's face. "Did you hear me, love?"

My gaze returned to Emma. Nothing on her face showed that she had heard him, but he knew she

Goddess, Emma. I said and leaned closer to her. “You can hear us, right? Please come back. Struggle.
Do not leave us. We need you."

We continued talking to her, telling her how sorry we were and begging her to come back to us.

After a while, we were both exhausted and ready to sleep. We hadn't been sleeping or eating
properly since Emma disappeared. I was hoping to sleep a little better now that she was here with
The nurses brought us dinner and we went to sleep after eating. Logan got the bed and I slept on the

I woke up in the middle of the night. I looked around the room, confused. Why the hell did I wake
up? The room had a soft orange glow. It was coming from the night lamp next to Emma's bed.

I looked at my sister and saw that nothing had changed. I slowly got up and approached his bed. I
took his hand in mine and gasped.

She was so hot.

My hand immediately went to his forehead and I froze.

"Nurse!" I screamed and ran towards the door.

I heard Logan growling behind me. "What the fuck?!"

Nurse Rose ran into the room.

"It is burning!" I said as soon as she walked in.

Logan jumped out of bed and took Emma's hand in his. He gasped loudly.

"What is wrong with her?" he asked frantically.

"I don't know, Alpha." the nurse said as she took his temperature. "Probably an infection."

My heart began to beat painfully. An infection?

"105". the nurse muttered to herself.


"I'll go find the doctor." He said and ran out of the room.

I ran to Emma and took her hand in mine. His cheeks were pink from the temperature and there
were small beads of sweat on his forehead. I used my hand to clean them.

Logan was kissing her hand and looking at her. I saw fear in his eyes.

The doctor ran in.

"Alpha Beta." he said. "Can you move so I can examine her?"

Logan and I growled, but moved out of the way.

The doctor began examining her, checking her vital signs and taking her temperature again.

"What's wrong, doctor?" Logan asked, his voice shaking.

He turned to look at us and sighed. "I don't know. An infection, probably. She has been lying on the
dirty floor with open wounds. We'll have to test his blood to be sure. In the meantime, I'll give him a
broad-spectrum antibiotic. We have to get his fever down.

Nurse Rose approached Emma to take her blood. As soon as he pierced Emma's skin with the
needle, Logan growled.
"We have to do this, Alpha." the doctor said.

"I know." Logan sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "I'm sorry."

"Alright." Nurse Rose said as she finished. “It is normal for colleagues to behave like this. "I see it all
the time."

Logan gave her a small smile and she left the room.

“We will have the results in the morning.” Doc said and walked towards the door. "I'll go get the
medicine for her."

Logan and I nodded and went back to hold Emma's hands.

The doctor quickly returned and gave Emma the medicine.

"Try to get some sleep." He said as he walked out. “I’ll wake you up when we get the results.”

Logan and I nodded, not taking our eyes off her.

"You can sleep in the bed." Logan muttered.

I raised my eyebrows. "What about you?"

"I'm sleeping with her." He said and started moving wires and tubes away.

I grabbed his hand, stopping him. “I don't think it's a good idea. What happens if you ruin

"I won't do it". he said. I'll stay perfectly still and you'll help me with the cables. I need to hug her.
And the bond of the couple will help her heal.”

I sighed and let go of his hand. He was right.

We carefully moved the tubes and wires connected to her so Logan could lie down next to her.

He carefully got into bed next to her and I sat on the other bed.

"Wake me up if something happens." I said as I lay down.

"Mhm." He murmured, nuzzling his nose into her neck.

I sighed and looked away. I knew being around Logan would help her, but I didn't have to watch him
touch my sister.

logan point of view

I kept nuzzling my nose into her neck and hair, hoping to get just a little bit of her delicious scent.
But there was nothing. He still smelled of wolfsbane, medicine, and Andrew.

I sighed. I would have to wait

I ran my fingers through her long, silky hair and leaned my cheek on top of her head.

I just wanted him to open his eyes. I wanted her to talk to me. I needed to hear his voice. I needed to
tell her that I loved her.

I kissed his forehead and closed my eyes.

I woke up when the doctor came into the room.

"Good morning, Alpha." The doctor said, holding Emma's chart in his hands.

"Good morning Doctor". I yawned. "Are those the results?"

"Yeah." The doctor nodded and looked at Andrew.

He was still asleep, so I carefully got out of bed and walked towards him. I shook him and he opened
his eyes. He jumped right away.

"What happen?" asked. "Where is Emma?"

"Right here." I pointed it out. "She is fine. The doctor is here with her results.

He looked at the doctor and straightened. “I'm sorry, doctor. I haven't been sleeping well. “This is
the first night I managed to get some sleep.”

“I understand, Beta.” the doctor said with a small smile. "No need to be sorry."

“What did the results say?” I asked and walked towards Emma.

“We have confirmed that it is an infection.” The doctor said as he approached Emma to check her
temperature. “We will continue with the antibiotics.”

"It will be OK?" Andrew asked and stood up.

"Wait." the doctor sighed. “There is still woflsbane in her and it is preventing her from healing. It
also reduces the effect of the antibiotics we are giving, so we will have to increase the dose.”

My heart began to beat painfully. I wanted to ask him a question, but I was afraid of the answer.

"Can she..." Andrew began to speak before taking a deep breath. "Can she die?"

My breath caught in my throat.

The doctor raised his head and looked nervously at Andrew and me.
"She can." he said quietly.

Andrew and I growled loudly.


She wasn't dying! She couldn't die!

Asher complained, and Andrew jumped out of bed and went to Emma.

"No." he said sternly. “You're not dying, Emma. Can you hear me? You will not die. You won't leave
me alone.

"I will do everything I can". the doctor said quietly.

I was frozen. I kept looking at her beautiful face. I couldn't lose her.

"Can we do something?" I asked the doctor, without taking my eyes off her.

"Stay with her." he said. “The ties she has to you will help her.”

Andrew and I nodded, and the doctor turned to leave the room. Andrés stopped him.

"Doctor, I want to change." Andrew murmured, stroking Emma's hair. Asher wants to see her. It is

The doctor turned around and scratched his neck. "It should be OK. Just be careful and call me if
anything happens.

Andrew nodded and the doctor gave him a small smile. He left the room and closed the door.

As soon as the doctor closed the door, Andrew stood up and walked to the far corner of the room to
change. I sat next to Emma and took her hand in mine.

"I'm here baby." I whispered to him. You will be fine.

I was interrupted by a moan. I turned my head to look at Asher. He was standing in the corner of the
room, his tail between his legs. I was looking at Emma and I swear I saw tears rolling down her furry

"It's okay, Asher." I said quietly. “She's here, your puppy is here.”

Asher approached her and licked her face gently. He rested his head on her belly and closed his eyes.
He never stopped whining. I raised his other hand and placed it on Asher's head. He sent me a look
of gratitude.

I gave her a small smile and looked back at Emma. His cheeks were slightly flushed with fever. His
eyes were closed tightly. It was killing me. I just wanted to see his eyes. I wanted him to look at me. I
wanted to tell him that he was stupid, that he couldn't be more wrong. I wanted to tell her how
much I loved her.

'I want to be with my partner.' Leon complained. Let me out, Logan.

—I will, Leon. I told. Let Asher spend some time with her. You know how much I missed her.
Leon moaned loudly, but stopped pushing me to change. 'Well. I'll wait. But as soon as I get back, you'll
let me out.

"I will do that.' I promised him

I looked at Asher, who was still moaning quietly. I felt so bad for Andrew and him. I was devastated
when she disappeared. He loved her so much and often saw her as his daughter, rather than his
sister. Which made sense. He wasn't much older than her, but he raised her. Even when his parents
were still alive, Andrew was raising Emma. Their parents were often absent and busy with the pack.
His father, being Beta, traveled a lot with mine, and his mother helped my mother at the packing
house. Andrew had been taking care of Emma since she was a baby.

Asher's big head suddenly rose. She looked at Emma and let out a loud moan.

"What happened?" I jumped, looking from Asher to Emma.

He jumped back to the corner of the room and moved back. Andrew grabbed the uniform off the
floor and put it back on.

She ran back to the bed and looked at Emma. He grabbed her face in his hands and kissed her

“Emma?” she called. “Emma, love, can you hear me? I'm here. Your older brother is here.

I stared at him, confused. Andrew, what the hell is going on?

"She moved her hand, Logan." He murmured, not taking his eyes off her face. “She squeezed my fur

I gasped and my eyes locked on his face.

Please wake up, baby!

“Emma?” Andrew called her again. “Please, love, open your eyes.”

I held my breath and took his hand in mine. Sparks hit my skin and I held on tight. I would never let
her go.

"Please baby, wake up." I said quietly.

Emma's eyes widened. Andrew and I let out small sobs.

She was awake. Thank you, Goddess.


Andres POV

"Little guy, look at me." I managed to say through my sobs.

His eyes slowly met mine and I felt tears fall onto my cheeks. I wanted to see his eyes for so long.

"Hey, love." I said quietly. "You're okay, you're safe."

She was still confused and disoriented. He blinked a few times. He couldn't open his eyes

I turned to look at Logan. "Go to the doctor".

He managed to look away from Emma and ran towards the door. He opened them and I heard him
shout for the doctor to come immediately.

I looked back at Emma, who was looking at me confused through her half-closed eyes. I never let go
of his face.

“You're in the hospital, little one.” I told him slowly. "You're sure. She can't hurt you anymore.

Before he could say anything else, the doctor ran into the room.

"Beta, I need to check her." told me. "Please take a step back."

I looked at her again and reluctantly let her go. I stood next to Logan, not taking my eyes off her.
Logan was shaking slightly, his eyes never leaving her either.

"Ema." the doctor called out to her. “Emma, it's Dr. Wren. Can you hear me, baby?

She didn't answer him. His eyes began to scan the room, as if he were searching for something or
someone. His breathing began to quicken, his chest rising and falling rapidly.

I clenched my fists in fear and Logan growled.

"Emma, honey." The doctor tried again. "Alright. You're sure. You're in the pack hospital.

She finally managed to look at him.

"Hi Emma". he said softly. "Do you know who I am?"

He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"It's okay, Emma." the doctor said. "You can nod for now, okay?"

She shook her head slightly and tried again. She was so quiet I couldn't hear her even with my wolf

"Andrew?" The doctor repeated what she had said. "He's right there, Emma."

My heart started beating faster. Was he asking about me? I quickly ran towards her and took her
hand in mine.
"Can you tell him I'm not a scoundrel..." I heard her say quietly.

She was struggling to get the words out of her mouth. If he hadn't been standing next to her, he
probably wouldn't have even heard her.

“I don't want him to hate me…” he added.

Logan gasped behind me.

My heart clenched painfully. She thought I hated her. She thought I believed Sienna. I squeezed his
hand tighter, hoping to get his attention. I wanted to speak, but the lump in my throat was too big.

"You can tell him yourself, Emma." the doctor said softly. “Look to your left, honey. Your brother is

But he didn't do it.

His eyes closed again, his head falling to the side. The machines around him began to beep.

"Emma!" Logan and I screamed.

Logan moved and pushed me, grabbing his face in his hands.

“Emma, honey, no!” The Scream. "Go back!"

I didn't even hear the doctor move. He was checking the monitors and yelling at the nurses to come
into the room.

I couldn't hear what he was saying. My eyes were on my sister. Her beautiful eyes were once again

The doctor's face appeared in my view. I could see him talking to me, but I couldn't hear what he
was saying. I knew it must be important, so I tried to focus and listen.

"...move so we can help her." I heard him say.

I blinked and focused more.

"Beta." the Scream. “Beta, you have to move. You and Alpha need to move so we can work.

I snapped out of my daze and grabbed Logan's shoulders. I started to push him away and he started
destroying my hold. He was growling loudly, and canines flew out of his mouth. He turned around
and dug his canines deep into my arm. I didn't even flinch. My focus was on Emma, and only Emma.

"Logan, they're helping her." I said firmly. "You need to calm down."

He was breathing hard. My blood dripped down his chin. His eyes were completely black and
focused on Emma.

I kept my arms firmly around their shoulders and watched them work. They were running around,
looking at the machines, sticking Emma with different needles.

It felt like an eternity before the doctor finally turned to look at us. Logan's growling never subsided.
“His blood pressure dropped dangerously.” the doctor said. “We managed to stabilize him, but he
needs to rest. She's not going to wake up for a while. I'm surprised he woke up when he did. There is
still a lot of aconite in it.”

I swallowed a sob and nodded. "Thank you Doctor."

"Please, Beta, call me Wren." He said with a small smile, walking towards the door. “Call me if
anything changes.”

I nodded and turned to look at my sister. I still had my arms wrapped around Logan. He stopped
growling, but his breathing still hadn't calmed down. He hit my arms gently and I let him go.

He approached Emma, took her hand in his and kissed her forehead.

"Come back to me, baby." He murmured, resting his forehead on hers.

I walked to the other side of his bed and sat down. I took her other hand in mine and started playing
with her fingers.

Logan looked at me and sighed. His eyes darted to my arm, and I saw him tense.

"Shit." he murmured. "Did I do that?"

I nodded. "Don't worry. It's already cured.

“Fuck, man. "I'm so sorry." he sighed, running his hand through his hair.

"Alright." I said. "I'd probably do the same thing if you were holding me back."

Logan looked back at Emma. “She thinks we hate her.”

I nodded, swallowing a large lump in my throat. Logan kissed her hand and placed it on his cheek,
leaning into her touch.

I approached her, brushing a strand of her hair out of her face. I already missed his eyes.

"I know you can hear me, love." I told her. “You are not a rogue. I don't hate you. I could never hate
you. You are the most important thing in my world. “You are my puppy. I love you and I will be here
when you open your eyes again.”

emma point of view

This was the longest time he had spent in the dark. Or at least I thought it was. I made? Usually I
would wake up now.

I couldn't hear Eliza, but I could hear my brother and Logan talking to me. They were telling me
things I really wanted to hear, but I knew it couldn't be true. I knew I was dreaming. They weren't
looking for me. They thought I was a rogue and moved on. Siena was right. I was just a burden. They
would finally be free when I die.

I also dreamed about Dr. Wren. I was wondering why? I mean, I always liked him. We became good
friends when I started volunteering at the hospital. But I really didn't understand why I had
dreamed about him. I remembered him talking to me, telling me something I couldn't understand. I
took the opportunity to tell him that I was not a rogue. I asked him to tell Andrew not to hate me. I
knew it was a dream, but somehow it made me feel better.

I had dreamed about Asher too. Oh, Goddess, how I missed him. He was the best wolf there was. He
was the best brother there was. I dreamed that I was touching his soft fur and it was the happiest
dream I had had in a long time. It hurt me a lot to know that Asher hated me. I just wished I could
tell him the truth. I wished I could feel his body wrapped around mine just one more time. He
always used to do that when I was cold. It wrapped itself around me to keep me warm. He licked my
face while I moaned and protested. He would ignore my protests and smile playfully at me. I missed
him a lot.

I could hear Andrew's voice telling me that I was no rogue. He told me he would be by my side when
I woke up.

My mind was playing with me.

He won't be by my side. He was back home, planning a Luna ceremony for Sienna.

When I woke up, Rolf would be with me. He told me how much my brother and my partner hated
me. He told me that Sienna was now a new Moon. She would tell me that Logan marked her. He
would finally be able to kill me.

But why didn't I wake up? I should have been awake by now, right?

This time, the darkness was different. Was he already dead?

But if I was, why couldn't I see my parents? Why couldn't I move? Was this what death was? Was I
going to spend eternity in darkness? What did I do to deserve this? Was I such a horrible person?

I felt my heart break into a million little pieces. I thought she was crying, but I couldn't be sure. I
couldn't feel my body. I couldn't move my arms or legs.

I was trapped in the darkness and didn't think I would ever get out.

He would spend eternity here, thinking about all the things he had done wrong.
Like when I was seven years old and I hid in the treehouse. Mom and Dad were on a trip with Alpha
and Luna. Andrew was fourteen at the time, and Mom and Dad thought he was old enough to leave
us alone for a couple of days. I thought it would be fun to hide from him. He was so angry when he
finally found me. I guess that was one of the reasons I was here.

I guess I earned a place in this darkness by sneaking out of the house with Amy and Jacob. I would
lie to Andrew. I would pretend to be asleep and then climb out my bedroom window to hang out
with Amy and Jacob in our hidden cave.

I was here for each and every time I was angry with Andrew. He gave his life to raise me. I should
have been more grateful. I should never have been mad at him because he didn't believe me about

Did the rejected wolves come here? I wasn't a good enough partner. I wasn't a good enough wolf.
This was my punishment for that. He couldn't give Logan what he needed. He had to throw away the
Goddess's gift because of me. He was surely being punished for that. It was my fault he had to do it.
If I were stronger, he wouldn't have to reject me.

He was being punished for rejecting Jake. I hurt his feelings and I deserved it. He wanted to take me
as his chosen companion, and I refused. He was hurt because of me.

I was being punished for each and every time I put myself first. There were times when I couldn't
volunteer at the hospital because I had a training session or had to study for exams. I shouldn't have
done that. I should have gone to the hospital and helped.

How could I forget all the horrible things I said about Sienna? I called her a bitch many times. I spoke
badly of her. I tried to ruin her relationship with my brother and Logan. I shouldn't have done that.

He had done many more things that deserved to be punished for. I ate snacks before dinner, even
though I knew it was forbidden. I pretended to be sick a couple of times so I didn't have to go to
school. I once tried alcohol at a party. I drove Andrew's car without permission once. I kissed Logan
even though he had already chosen Sienna as his partner.

The list went on and on.

The more I thought about it, the more tears fell from my eyes. Or at least that's what I thought.

I still couldn't move or feel my body. I felt like I was crying because my soul was being torn apart.

I had hoped to see my mom and dad once I died, but I figured that wouldn't happen. He had a lot to
pay and would be trapped in darkness forever. I would be alone here forever.

If I could find my voice, I would cry and scream. But, like my body, my voice was also gone.

logan point of view

It had been a few hours since Emma woke up and fell back asleep.

I was sitting in a chair next to his bed, holding his hand in mine, letting the sparks and tingles soothe
me. Andrew was asleep with his head on his belly.

I couldn't sleep. I couldn't take my eyes off his face, hoping he would open his eyes again. I
memorized everything about her. I memorized how her eyelashes were so long that they lightly
touched her cheek, how her lips were full and perfectly shaped, how her cheeks were tinted pink
and soft. I just needed him to open his eyes so he could memorize them too. I wanted to know each
and every one of the colors and spots that his eyes had. It's not that I didn't already know, but I
wanted to be reminded. I wanted to see her again.

I was playing with his fingers and I must have gotten distracted because when I focused back on his
face, there was something new, something that wasn't there before.


My breath caught in my throat and my heart lurched painfully in my chest. She was crying. My baby
was crying.

I moved so fast that the room was nothing but a blur. I held her face in my hands and wiped away
her tears with my thumbs.

“Emma, honey, please wake up.” I told him, my voice shaking.

My movements woke Andrew up. He raised his head and looked at me, confused.

"She won't be waking up for a while, Logan." he murmured. "You heard what the doctor said."

“She's crying, Andrew.” I said quietly, not looking away from his face.

He could feel Andrew tense. He gasped and was up in a second. Tears continued to fall down her
cheeks faster than she could wipe them away. Whatever she was dreaming about was hurting her.

"Emma." Andrés called her. "Wake up, please."

I caressed his cheeks with my thumbs, sending pleasurable shivers through my body.

“Little one, please,” Andrew spoke again. "Wake up. I'm here. I will never leave you."

He was squeezing her hand a little too hard. She was afraid he was going to hurt her. I tried to
remove his grip on his hand, but he growled at me. If he wasn't my best friend, I would have killed
him for growling at his Alpha.

"You're hurting her, Andrew." I said angrily.

He looked down and immediately let go of her hand.

"Shit." He murmured, taking her hand in his again. "Sorry, Em."

I looked at her again. Her tears haven't stopped yet. My heart skipped a painful beat and Leon let out
a loud moan.

“Emma, honey, please wake up.” I moaned, placing a kiss on his forehead. "You're dreaming, baby."

I looked at Andres. I was distraught. Her eyes were wide and filled with unshed tears. He was
kissing Emma's hand repeatedly. His eyes never left her face.

“Emma, please wake up.” Andrew murmured as he closed his eyes, placing his hand on his cheek.
“You're dreaming, little one. You're sure. Please wake up."

I looked back at her and gasped. His eyebrows were drawn together. He closed his eyes even tighter
before trying to open them.

"Ema!" I screamed, grabbing his face.

Andrew opened his eyes and gasped.

Emma finally managed to open her eyes. She looked at me confused. My heart was beating
incredibly fast, and I sobbed out loud.

“Emma, honey, you’re okay.” I managed to say. “You're safe, baby. I'm here. Andrés is here.

She moved her gaze from me to Andrew. She frowned and blinked a few times.

"Little." Andrew called her by her nickname as he moved my hands away from her face. "I'm here.
You're sure."

He cupped her cheeks and kissed the top of her head, breathing deeply.

I heard the door open. Dr. Wren entered. He was surprised when he saw Emma awake. He walked
over to the bed and looked over Andrew's shoulder.

“Beta, can you move please?” Wren asked.

Andrew growled. I carefully pulled him back, grabbing his arms.
"Andrew, he will help her." I said as calmly as I could. "I'll let you get back to her soon, okay?"

Andrew let me push him away. Emma's eyes never left him. He was breathing hard. When I was sure
he wouldn't come running back to her, I let go of his arms.

“Emma?” Wren called out to her.

She turned her head to look at him, her eyebrows furrowed.

"Hi Emma." Wren smiled. "Do you know who I am? Do you know where you are?"

She looked at him, confused. His eyes darted back to Andrew.

"Do you know who he is?" Wren asked, looking at the machines around him.

Emma nodded, not looking away from Andrew. A silent sob escaped him.
Can you talk, Emma? Wren asked, looking at her again. "Do you want some water?"

She nodded again, not looking away from Andrew, who began to tremble slightly. He was
swallowing constantly and his fists were clenched.

Wren took the glass, filled it with water, and slowly brought it to Emma's lips. He looked away and
looked at the glass.

"Take small sips, okay?" Wren instructed.

She did what she said. When he finished drinking, he rested his head on the pillow. Closed the eyes
and deep breathed.

“Can you answer some questions for me, Emma?” Wren asked him.

She nodded and opened her eyes to look at him.

"Do you know who I am?" Wren asked, smiling.

"Yeah." he said quietly. "Doctor Wren."

His voice sent shivers down my spine. Goddess, how I missed hearing his voice.

“Okay, Emma.” he smiled brightly. "You're doing great. Do you know where you are?"

She frowned and looked around the room. His eyes stopped on Andrew and me. She shook her head.

You're in the pack hospital, Emma. Wren said, looking over her shoulder at Andrew and me.

I'm not dead?" Emma murmured, looking back at Wren.

Andrew and I growled loudly, causing him to turn his gaze towards us. My heart was beating a mile
a minute. Andrew was shaking uncontrollably.

"You're not dead, Emma." Wren said calmly, shifting her focus from us to him. “You were asleep for a
long time. I didn't expect you to wake up yet.

She looked at the machines around her. Wren smiled at him, taking a seat in the chair next to his bed.

“I would tell you your vital signs, but I know you can already read them yourself.” he smiled at her.

She nodded and I was confused. What did he mean by that? How did he know how to read those
machines? I looked at Andrew, waiting for an explanation from him. I tried to mentally link it, but it
was blocking everyone. His only focus was on Emma.

"Do you know what happened to you, Emma?" Wren asked him carefully.

His eyes widened in fear, and I didn't need the machine to tell me that his heart rate quickened. I
could hear it clearly.

Andres POV

My heart clenched painfully when I saw the fear in his eyes. My legs moved on their own and before
I knew it, I was standing next to his bed, caressing his face.

You're safe, Emma. I said, looking at his wide eyes. "She can't hurt you anymore."

The fear in his eyes turned to confusion. I frowned. Why was she confused?

"You didn't believe him?" He asked quietly as he removed my hands from his face.

My heart broke when she rejected my touch. She hated me. My sister hated me. I swallowed and
blinked away the tears.

"I'll let you talk." Wren said, making me look at him. “I'll come back later to do some tests. Call me if
anything happens.

I nodded and turned to look at Emma. She was still looking at me, confused. Hesitantly, I took his
hand in mine. I was so fucking scared that she would pull away. But he didn't do it. I relaxed a little.

As soon as Wren left the room, Logan stood on the other side of her bed. She looked at him,

"Hi love." Logan said as he sat in a chair next to his bed. "I miss you a lot".

He took her other hand in his and kissed it. She shuddered at the touch.

"I'm so sorry, Emma." I started to talk. “I'm a terrible brother. You told me about her all the time and
I never believed you. “It’s my fault this happened to you.”

I buried my face in my hands, letting out a silent sob. He really was a terrible brother. He almost
died because I was stubborn.

I felt Emma tugging at my hands, pulling them away from my face. I looked at her and saw tears in
her eyes.

"It wasn't your fault, Andrew." He said, taking my hand in his. "Please don't blame yourself."

I sobbed and gently pulled her to me. I wrapped my arms around her small body and buried my
nose in her hair.

"I love Emma." I said. "I love you a lot. I will never let anything or anyone hurt you. “You are my
puppy and I will be the brother you deserve.”

"I love you too." he murmured into my chest.

Reluctantly I let her go. She looked at me and gave me a small smile. Her cheeks were wet from
crying, so I used my thumbs to gently wipe them.

I looked at Logan. He looked at Emma with love and adoration.

"Baby." He said quietly, making Emma look at him.

"I'm sorry, Emma." he continued. "I'm an idiot. I should never have rejected you. You are the
strongest person I know. I'm lucky to have you as my partner and Luna. I hope you can forgive me
and accept me.”

She looked down and removed her hand from his. I could see the pain shining in his eyes.

I'll need some time, Logan. he murmured softly.

He swallowed and clenched his fists. "Of course baby. I understand. I just want you to know that I
won't give up. "I'm going to show you how much I love you."

She looked at him. “Thank you for giving me time.”

"Anything you need, baby." He smiled and took her hand.

She nodded and looked at me. "Can I be alone for a while?"

My heart clenched painfully. Logan growled.

"Because?" I asked quietly. "I don't think it's a good idea."

"I need to think." she murmured. "And I'll be fine."

I was reluctant to leave her alone. Something could happen. Your blood pressure could drop again.
Your fever could return again. What would happen if someone came into the room and took it away
from me again? The Rogue King was still around. Did he already know about her?

“I don't know, Emma.” I said after a few moments of silence. "Something could happen."

"Please, Andrew." she said. "Nothing will happen. I'll be fine."

I looked at Logan and could see he was completely against it. His arms were crossed over his chest
and he was tense.

"Good." I snorted.

Logan's eyes turned to me. "You're crazy?"

"Maybe." I sighed. “But I'll be back, Emma. I'll take a quick shower and eat something. “I’ll be back in
30 minutes at most.”

Emma nodded immediately. Logan growled. I looked at him and motioned for him to follow me.

"I will not leave". he growled at me.

"Logan, please." Emma said quietly. I need some time alone. Go with Andrés. Take a shower, eat
something. I'll be fine."

He looked at her and growled again. He was fighting with himself. He wanted to give Emma some
space, but his mate instinct was to stay with her. His jaw kept shaking and he clenched and
unclenched his fists repeatedly.
"Logan, come on." I said. “She will be fine and we will be back soon.”

He looked at me and nodded stiffly. “30 minutes and we're back.”

"Yeah." I nodded. Not one more minute.

"Thank you." Emma said as she lay down on the bed.

Logan and I started walking towards the door. We were both very reluctant to leave her alone. I
kept looking at her, and my heart was beating a mile an hour. What if I was making a mistake? What
would happen if something happened?

I grabbed the doorknob with a trembling hand. I opened the door and took one last look at Emma.
She smiled to me. I tried to smile back, but my face was stuck. He was too worried to give her even a
fake smile. I closed the door behind us and took a deep breath.

Logan sat in the hallway chair. He put his head in his hands and moaned.

"She hates me." he murmured, his voice breaking.

"She doesn't hate you, Logan." I said, sitting next to him. “She needs time. It's understandable. You
did something stupid and I'd be surprised if he forgave you right away.

He lifted his head and looked at me. "You're right. But my heart is breaking, man.”

“She’ll recover, man.” I smiled. “You are his partner. She just needs time.

Logan nodded and looked back at his lap. “I'm not moving from here. I hope you know."

I laughed. “I wasn't planning on leaving here. Don't worry."

“I want to go back inside.” He murmured, looking towards the door to his room.

"Me too." I sighed. “But we said 30 minutes. “We will be back in 30 minutes.”

Logan sighed and leaned his head against the wall.

I kept my gaze on the door. My whole life was inside that room. There was no way I was moving an
inch from here.

emma point of view

What the hell is going on? Was he really awake? Was this really happening?

This can't be real, right?

I was imagining it

Yeah. I was still dreaming or I was dead and my mind created this world where I was safe with my
brother. Because it didn't make any sense that all of this was true. Why would my brother suddenly
believe me? Why would Logan accept me now? It wasn't like I had gotten stronger. On the contrary,
actually. I was even weaker now. I had lost weight and my whole body ached. I couldn't feel Eliza. I
was useless

But why did I imagine myself in a hospital and not at home in my bed? It definitely would have been

I was staring at the door, barely breathing.

What should I do? I can leave? Could I even move?

I really wanted to find my parents. Would I be able to see them here? I should, right? If my mind
created this place, I should be able to see my mom and dad.

But before I could move, the door to my room opened and Dr. Wren entered.

His smile disappeared from his face as soon as he saw me. He ran to my bed and looked at the
machines around me. He looked at them for a while before checking my IVs. Finally he looked at me.

"What's wrong, Emma?" He asked, sitting in the chair next to my bed. "You looked like you were
going to faint when I came in."

Could you tell him? Could I ask you about my parents? If I imagined him and created this place in my
mind, he could help me, right? I was looking at him, nibbling on my bottom lip, trying to decide if I
should say something. Would you think I was crazy?

“Emma?” He called, taking my hand in his.

"Could..." I began to speak, pausing to take a deep breath. “Could I see my parents?”

The doctor's eyes widened and he stared at me, speechless. I frowned. Why was he looking at me
like that? Didn't he know them?

“Emma, honey…” the doctor spoke after a few minutes of silence. “Your parents are gone. They died
in a rebel attack about 8 years ago.”

I felt tears falling down my cheeks. I really thought I'd be able to see them here. A silent sob escaped
me and I buried my head in my hands.
I heard the door to my room open and two pairs of footsteps ran towards me.

"Ema!" I heard Andrew's panicked voice.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his lap. I buried my face in his chest as he
rubbed my back soothingly.

Logan's hand rested on my thigh, sending shivers up and down my body.

"What happened baby?" Logan asked, his voice shaking.

I didn't respond I couldn't I pressed closer to my brother. His arms around me tightened, and he
continued to kiss the top of my head.

"Wren?" I heard Logan's voice. "What the hell happened?"

Dr. Wren cleared his throat before answering. “She asked if she could see her parents.”

I felt Andrew tense beneath me. I could hear his heartbeat speed up.

“Emma, honey, don’t you remember what happened?” Logan asked me, rubbing my thigh gently.

"Memory." I said quietly. “I thought I might see you here.”

I could feel Andrew taking a deep breath. I couldn't see his face. I kept my head buried in his chest.

"Where do you think you are, Emma?" I heard Dr. Wren's voice after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't know." I shrugged. “But I know I'm dead.”

The gasps and grunts that followed startled me. I shivered and looked up. Logan was furious. Andrés
had tears in his eyes. Dr. Wren looked at me worried.

Andrew placed a finger under my chin, turning my head so I could look at him.
"You're not dead, Emma." Andrew said softly, cupping my cheeks. “You are alive and you are home.”

I frowned. How the hell was that possible? Sienna's story was very believable. I insulted her. I never
liked it. Logan and Andrew had to believe him. Andrew had to believe I had gone rogue. There was
no way he was looking for me. I hated rogues, and I would hate me if I became one. Why would he
look for me? Why would he save me?

"Why do you think you're dead, baby?" Logan asked me, his voice breaking.

“Because you saved me.” I muttered so quietly I'd be surprised if they heard me.

Judging by the grunts that followed, they heard me.

Andrew began to tremble beneath me. Logan started running his hands through his hair, pulling it
hard. Doctor Wren looked down at his lap, sighing silently.

"Why wouldn't we save you, Emma?" Andrew asked me, his voice shaking.

I looked at him confused. "Why would you do it? Sienna told me I was a burden. She told you that I
had become a rogue. You hate rogues. Why would you look for me? Why would you save me? Has no

Logan's growl was so loud I had to cover my ears. Andrew pulled me into his chest and wrapped his
arms around me tightly. He was sobbing and mumbling something I couldn't understand.

"I will kill her!" Logan growled loudly. "I'll tear her to pieces!"

My eyes widened. Was he talking about Sienna?

Andrew cupped my cheeks and lifted my head so I could look at him. He had tears streaming down
his face, and it broke my heart.

“Emma, we know you lied.” he said, his voice shaking. We know what he did to you. “We know the
truth and she will be punished.”

Logan approached me, but Andrew stopped him from moving me. Logan sighed and wrapped his
arms around my upper body.

"You're alive, baby." Logan said, burying his nose in my neck. "You're sure. She can't hurt you

My entire body shivered from the tingles and sparks created by the pair bond. Every pain in my
body disappeared. I felt calm and at peace in his arms.

But I couldn't allow myself to feel that way. He rejected me. He didn't love me.

I leaned back and he let go of me. My body burned with pain as soon as his skin left mine.

"I love Emma." Andrew said, pulling me into his arms. “Even if you became a rogue, I would never
stop looking for you. I could never hate you.

I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes. I was exhausted.

CHAPTER FORTY – The first visit

Andres POV

My heart was beating like crazy. It felt like I was going to jump out of my body at any moment.

In fact he thought she was dead. I didn't think it was possible for us to look for her. She thought we
hated her.

I looked at my pup and tightened my grip on her. I felt her relax into my embrace.

"Sleep, little one." I murmured as I kissed the top of his head. "I love you."

I leaned back against the headboard and placed Emma on my chest. I rubbed small circles on her
back, hoping it would put her to sleep. It always worked when I was little.

“I would like to give her something to help her sleep and another dose of antibiotics.” Wren said. He
still has wolfsbane on his body and the infection has not cleared up yet. She needs to rest. She will be
less confused when she wakes up.”

I nodded, without looking away from my sister. I could feel her even breathing on my chest,
indicating that she had fallen asleep.

I looked at Logan. He was looking at Emma. I could see the pain and anger clearly written on his
face. His fists were clenched tightly and his nostrils flared.

"I am going to kill her". he growled. “I will break it into pieces!”

I covered Emma's other ear, the one that wasn't pressed against my chest. She was afraid his
growling would wake her up.

"Logan." I said sternly. "You'll wake her up."

His eyes snapped to Emma and immediately softened. He opened his fists and took her hand in his.

"I'm so sorry, honey." he murmured softly.

I looked at her and she looked so calm. I wish she was always like this. I wish I could take away all
the pain. I wish it was me that Sienna hurt. My Emma should never have gone through that.

"Alpha, Beta, you can leave for a while." Wren told us. “I gave her something to help her sleep, so she
won't wake up for a few hours.”

"I will not leave". Logan and I growled at the same time.

"I know it's hard." Wren sighed. But it will do you good. Go take a shower, eat something, change
your clothes. She'll never know you were gone.

I looked at Logan. He was looking at Emma, kissing her hand repeatedly.

“I wouldn't mind visiting Sienna.” I murmured softly as I kissed the top of Emma's head.
Logan looked at me and smiled. "That sounds a lot better than taking a shower."

Dr. Wren looked up from the chart he was reading. "You'll still have to shower before you come

"Of course, Wren." Logan looked at him. "We'll have to take a shower after we're done."

Wren smiled and looked at the chart again. "Throw a couple punches for me."

"Will he be safe here?" I asked nervously. “I'm afraid to leave her alone.”

“Don't worry, Beta.” Wren looked at me and smiled. "She's safe here."

I mentally connected four of our best men. Logan said. “Two of them will be parked in front of your
door and the other two at the entrance to the pack hospital.”

I nodded and looked back at Emma. She was sleeping peacefully.

"I'll be right back, little one." I murmured and ran my hand through his hair.

Logan kissed her hand again and stood up.

I carefully lifted Emma and placed her on the bed. I covered her and kissed her forehead.

I turned to Logan. "Come on."

“If anything happens, please contact us immediately.” Logan told Wren.

"Don't worry, Alpha." Wren nodded as she followed us out of the room. "She'll be fine, but if
anything changes, you and Beta will be the first to know."

Logan and I nodded and ran out of the hospital.

Our pack members kept looking at us with concern. I'm sure everyone knew what happened to
Emma. However, no one dared to ask us a question. I'm sure the angry look on our faces kept them
from talking to us.

The first person we saw once we got to the packing house was Drake.

"How is she?" he asked, hurrying towards us.

Not now, Drake. Logan growled. “We’re here to see Sienna.”

Logan continued walking towards the entrance to the warehouses.

Drake looked at me. "Is she okay?"

I sighed. "She will be. She is sleeping."

I wasn't in the mood to talk. I was in the mood to beat up Sienna.

Drake and I follow Logan. He opened the cellar door with such force that it broke the hinges.

"Fix it up." I ordered the guard who was standing at the entrance, looking at us with wide eyes.
He swallowed and nodded. I ran after Logan, who was standing in front of the door to the
interrogation room. He was rummaging through his pockets, looking for the room key.

The guard standing in front of the door looked at him nervously.

"Did anyone come into the room?" Asked.

“No, Beta.” the guard shook his head. "Alpha ordered us not to do it."

I nodded and looked at Logan. He found the key and was opening the door.

The smell inside the room was horrible. I could smell dried blood and urine. It almost made me

Sienna was tied to the chair with her head on the table. When he heard the door open, he looked at
us. His eyes were swollen and red. His hair was a mess and there was dried blood smeared all over
his face.

I smiled. It was a very nice sight to see.

"Is the dog dead?" he asked, smiling at us.

I growled, and Logan laughed darkly. He walked towards her slowly, leaning down to look into her

“She is alive and safe.” he said slowly. "Your plan failed."

Sienna's eyes widened and a growl escaped her. He looked frantically from Logan to me, trying to
see if we were lying to him.

"No!" she screamed. "You are lying!"

“We are telling you the truth.” I said, feigning calm. “He's back home where he belongs, and we're
here to begin the first of many torture sessions you'll have to endure before I let you die.”

Logan laughed darkly. "We're going to have a lot of fun."

Sienna's breathing quickened. He kept looking from Logan to me. I could see the fear in his eyes, and
that only made me happier.

"You can not do that!" she screamed. "I'm your friend! I'm your chosen partner, Logan!

"Are you fucking with me right now, Sienna?" Logan laughed darkly. “I couldn't have been more
wrong when I chose you over Emma. I was a complete idiot. But I'm about to make up for that.
Starting by torturing the shit out of you.

Sienna's fearful eyes looked at me. “Andrés, please help me! I'm your best friend! We grew up
together! Think of all the happy memories we have together!”

I laughed out loud. "You took away all those memories the moment you decided to hurt my sister."

Sienna swallowed loudly and a satisfied smile spread across my face. I was ready to enjoy her
screams for the next two hours.

logan point of view

I had never felt more relieved in my life than the moment I walked out of the interrogation room
soaked in Sienna's blood.

Their screams were music to my ears. Her tears made me happier than ever.

He really was a sick son of a bitch.

But I would be whatever I needed to be to avenge my partner.

“You need to give her some food and water if you want to keep her alive.” Drake said as he closed
the door to the room.

I took the key out of my pocket and closed the door.

“Give him something to eat and drink.” I said, turning to the guard. “If he refuses, shove a tube down
his fucking throat.”

I turned around, without waiting for the guard's response.

"Are you going back to the hospital?" Drake asked.

"As soon as we shower." Andrew responded.

My friend was a sick son of a bitch. He enjoyed torturing Sienna even more than I did. The way he
carved the words into his skin was brutal to watch. He was smiling the entire time. If I didn't know
him like I did, I would be terrified of him at that point. He looked wild. There wasn't a place on his
body that wasn't covered in blood. His blood even entered his mouth, making it look like he bit her.
It was crazy to see. But it made me happy because I knew he would do absolutely anything for my
partner. He knew that she would always be protected by him, and that is the most important thing.

"I need to talk to you two before you leave." Drake said.

"No." Andrew growled. “I'll be back as soon as I can.”

"It's important, Andrés." Drake sighed. "It's about the Rogue King."

I clenched my fists and growled. "What about him?"

"Does he know about her?" Andrew asked frantically.

"Take a shower and then we'll meet you in Logan's office." Drake said, walking away from us.

"Duck!" Andrew yelled at him.

Drake ignored him and continued walking.
"Shit!" Andrew screamed and ran his hand through his hair.
"Andrew, it's okay." I said, trying to sound calm. “Go take a shower and meet me in my office.”
"Well?!" The Scream. “It's not fucking right, Logan! She is in danger! Someone is trying to take her
away from me again!”

I grabbed him by the shoulders and looked him in the eyes. I was going crazy.

"No one will take her, Andrew." I said.

His eyes darkened. Asher broke the surface and growled.

"No one will take your puppy, Asher." I told. She is safe. “We won’t let anyone hurt her ever again.”

His eyes flickered back to blue. I let go of his shoulders and Andrew sighed.

"How the hell did this happen?" he murmured. “Just a few days ago, she was fine. She was a young
wolf without a care in the world. "Now she's been kidnapped and she's got a psychotic son of a bitch
after her."

"She had a concern." I sighed. Sienna has been torturing her for God knows how long.

Andrew grunted and looked towards the basement doors.

We've done enough damage for today, Andrew. I said, putting my hand on his shoulder and guiding
him away. "If we continue, she could die, and we can't make her die yet."

"I know." Andrew sighed.

“Go take a shower and meet me in my office.” I said.

Andrew nodded and walked towards one of the guest rooms.

Wren? I mentally connected to the doctor as I walked to my room.

Yes, Alpha? He responded immediately.

Is Emma okay? I asked.

She's still sleeping, Alpha. He said. Everything's fine.
Thank you. I linked it again. Andrew and I will be there soon.
Well. Wren said. I'll see you soon, Alpha.
I jumped in the shower and washed off that bitch Sienna's blood. Showering felt so good, and I
wished I could stay longer, but my partner's neediness made me go out and get dressed as quickly as
I could.

I couldn't wait to see it. I needed to hug her. I needed to feel his body next to mine. I needed to feel
his lips on mine. I needed to try it again. I wondered how I would feel when I was finally inside her. I
wondered what my name would sound like coming from his lips while he orgasmed on me.

I took a deep breath and clenched my fists. My penis was hard as a rock.


I didn't need this now.

I settled into my pants with a groan.

She was the only woman who could do this to me. I didn't even have to see her to be fucking hard
and ready.

I ran my hand through my hair and walked to my office.

Andrew and Drake were already inside. Andrew was sitting in one of the chairs, nervously moving
his left leg up and down.

Drake was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest.

They both looked at me when I entered.

"Talk." I said coldly.

I walked over to my chair and sat down, looking at Drake.

You better hurry. My partner was waiting for me.

"I think the Rogue King suspects that the White Wolf is in your pack." Drake said, looking at me with
a serious expression on his face.

He walked over to the other chair in front of my desk and sat down.

"Shit." Andrew murmured, grabbing a fistful of her hair.

"Why do you think that?" I asked.

He has been attacking your pack more frequently than the others. Drake said. "I called other Alphas
and they say he's been firing them for the past few days."

"Motherfucker." I growled. “How the hell do you know?! Who the hell saw his wolf?

“Your mom, Amy, Jacob and I were there for her birthday.” Andrew sighed. “But we went running
through the woods. Any one of our pack could have seen her.

"What about Jacob?" I asked, jealousy burning in my veins. "Could he be a traitor?"

"No." Andrew said, shaking his head. “He loves her too much.”

I growled out loud. "She is mine!"

I never said she was his, Logan. Andrew sighed tiredly. “I'm just saying he loves her. You already
know that.

I took a deep breath and ran my hand through my hair. "I know. I'm sorry."

"Either you have a traitor in your pack, or the Rogue King has some other source." Drake said.

"What other source?" Andrew asked, turning his head to look at Drake.

"Perhaps the Dark Witch who told him about the White Wolf discovered something else." Drake
“We can worry about how he found out another day.” I said. “I think the biggest issue right now is
what are we going to do?”

“Emma can’t change.” Andrew said immediately. “She has to keep Eliza hidden.”

“Their borders are extremely well protected.” Drake said. “Your patrol is handling the attacks
without any major problems. That’s why your mom didn’t even need to tell you about the attacks
while you were with Emma.”

“We need to be ready for a bigger attack.” I murmured. “If he knows she is here, he will bring an
army. “We need to prepare.”

I have to talk to Emma. Andrew said. “She has to know the truth.”

"I don't think we should tell him." I sighed, my heart clenching with pain just thinking about how
scared I would be.

I'm not lying to you, Logan. Andrew growled. “We are already on thin ice with her. How do you think
he'll react when he finds out that we knew and didn't tell him? Are you ready to say goodbye to your
partner and watch them leave with Jacob or Drake?

He was on his feet, growling in a second. I slammed my fist on the table. How do you dare?!


CHAPTER FORTY-TWO - Disagreement

Andres POV

Logan's eyes changed color. They were completely black.

But I don't give a damn. I wasn't lying to my sister again. I wasn't going to risk losing her. No again.

"How dare you?!" Logan yelled. "I'm your alpha!"

"Right now, you are a man who wants to lie to my sister." I gritted my teeth. “Right now, you are a
man who loves my sister. And I don't give a damn if you're an Alpha!

Logan growled and Drake shot me a warning look.

“Andrés, calm down.” Drake said. "You don't want to go there."

He knew what he said was dangerous. He was shooting an Alpha's ego and he might end up hurt.

But, like I said, I didn't give a damn. My sister meant more to me than a thousand alphas combined.
He wasn't lying to her. He wasn't putting me through the fear of losing her again.

Logan was shooting daggers at me and growling. His canines flew out of his mouth and skin began to
grow on his chest.

"Carry. He. Back up." he growled, emphasizing each word.

"Recover what?" I growled back.

"She is mine!" Logan yelled, slamming his fist on the table again. “She won't walk away from me with
anyone, especially not that son of a bitch Jacob!”

I smiled. He didn't even hear me say that I didn't give a shit that he was an Alpha. He was still stuck
on what she had told him about Emma leaving him.

I was probably wrong, but I swear I could hear Drake laughing. I figured my sister was more
important to Logan than his Alpha status. Well, it looked like someone finally pulled their head out
of their ass. Of course, she was more important. She was more important than anything else in this

Andrew, take it back!" Logan growled again.

"I won't back down until you agree to tell him!" I growled back. "You know I'm right. You know you
could lose her if you decide to lie to her.

Logan's jaw clenched. His eyes blinked. I knew he was discussing what he had said with Leon. He
knew his wolf was smarter than Logan sometimes. I just hoped that Leon would agree with me and
that I could convince Logan.

Leon agrees with us. I heard Asher say. And we're always smarter than you two.
'Is not true.' I told him.

'TRUE.' he growled. Look what happened to Sienna. Leon and I knew she was a bitch.

I ignored it. It was a sensitive topic for me. My own wolf made a better judgment than I did. What did
that say about me as a brother, Beta, and man? I let my childhood friend make fun of me and my
sister almost died because of it. I was a terrible brother, a terrible Beta, and a complete coward of a

"Good." Logan growled as he buried his head in his hands, breaking me out of my thoughts. "We'll
tell him."

"You made the right decision, Logan." Drake said. “Andrés is right. Hiding this from her is not right.
She would be angry.

“You'd love that, wouldn't you?” Logan growled and looked at Drake. "It would be a perfect
opportunity for you to jump in and take it."

Drake smiled. “I'm not going to lie to you, Logan. I would give everything to have her. She is beautiful
and kind. But she is not my true companion, she is yours. And I won't come between you two. But
that being said, if you mess up again and she needs a new partner, I would be more than happy to
make her mine.”

Logan growled and claws flew from his hands. Drake didn't even flinch.

"Relax, Logan." Drake said. “I'm not a threat. Your biggest problem right now is that handsome
young warrior of yours. Jacob, right?

Goddess, Drake, shut up. I murmured. “He’s going to tear down the whole house.”

It wasn't far. Logan looked murderous. He was probably thinking of ways he could get rid of Jacob
without breaking the pack laws.

"Logan." I called out to him, and his black eyes looked at me. “Drake is playing with you. Jacob is not
a threat. Please calm down." “He is a threat.” Logan growled, his voice mixing with Leon's. “We will
kill him.”

"Did you see what you did?" I looked at Drake before looking back at Logan. —You can't kill him,
Leon. You know it. Keep calm Please. No one will take your partner away from you, okay?

Logan let out a growl so loud and powerful I could feel the house vibrate. Try to stay calm. She
needed to be alert if he decided to go on a murderous rampage. At this moment, he looked like a
coiled spring, ready to burst at any moment.

Not long after Logan's terrifying growl, his mother burst into his office.

"What happened?" she asked, frantic. "Is it Emma?"

"No, Emma's fine." I said with a small smile. "Logan and Drake had a disagreement."

Aunt Gloria looked at Logan with a worried expression on her face. "Are you okay, honey?"
"Good." Logan gritted his teeth.

Logan continued talking, but I ignored him because Wren mentally connected to me.

Beta Andrés. He said. Emma is awake and asking about you.

My body tensed. She was awake and I wasn't there! Shit!

I will be there! I mentally plugged it back in.

I jumped up and ran towards the door.

"Andrew!" Logan's voice stopped me. "What happen?"

"Emma's awake." I said, opening the door. She asked about me.

Logan immediately stood up and wanted to follow me, but his mom stopped him.

"Logan, honey, can you stay a while?" She asked him. "There are some pack matters we need to

"Emma's awake." Logan growled lowly. "I'm going to see my partner."

"Logan, honey, please." said his mother. “It won't take long. I know you want to go with her, but you
are the Alpha and your pack needs you too.

Logan clenched his fists and took a deep breath. I realized I was struggling.

"It's okay, Logan." I said. “I'll stay with her. She won't be alone. Come back when you and your mom
are done.”

Logan stared at me. I could see the pain in his eyes. A few moments later, he reluctantly nodded and
returned to his seat.

Tell him I'll be back soon. Logan muttered, his voice breaking.

"I will do that." I nodded and closed the door behind me.

I ran down the stairs and through the packing house doors. A few minutes later, I was running
towards the hospital and towards my sister's room.

emma point of view

I woke up feeling terrible. My whole body hurt and my brain felt like it had been put through a

I remembered everything. I remembered waking up, being sure I was dead, and Andrew and Logan
convincing me I was alive.

I believed them now because there was no way she was dead and in so much pain, right?

I groaned and opened my eyes.

"Ema." I heard someone say. "How do you feel?"

I turned my head and saw Dr. Wren standing next to my bed, checking the machines around me.

“As if I had been hit by a train.” I murmured.

"Understandable." said Dr. Wren. “I'm going to give you something to help with the pain.”

I nodded and looked around the room. Where was my brother? Where was Logan? My breathing
quickened and I felt fear creep up my spine.

“Emma?” Dr. Wren called me. "What happen dear?"

"Where is my brother?" I asked, my voice shaking.

“He went home to shower and change his clothes.” He said, taking my hand in his. “I'll tell him you
woke up. It will be here in a few minutes.

I nodded and tried to calm my breathing. He would be here soon. Maybe Logan would come too?
Maybe you would be willing to hug me? It helped with the pain. Nothing hurt when I was in his

Suddenly, a pang of guilt hit me so hard I almost gasped. How could I expect help from him when I
was the one who told him to give me some time? He probably wouldn't even come. He was being
incredibly selfish right now. I would deal with the pain myself.

“Would it be okay to talk when your brother comes, Emma?” Dr. Wren's voice brought me out of my

"About what happened?" I asked, feeling very nervous.

The doctor nodded. “I would like to update you on your health status, tell you what has been
happening while you were sleeping, and I would like to ask you some questions.”

"Well." I nodded, fiddling with my fingers.

"Would you like to talk to me alone?" Dr. Wren asked me. “Your brother doesn't have to be here. I
suggested it because I thought it would be easier for you with it here.
I took a moment to think about what Dr. Wren said. Did I want my brother here? I knew it would be
easier for me if he was with me. It made me feel safe. But that word Sienna said kept echoing in the
back of my mind.


I didn't want to be a burden. Maybe I didn't want to hear what Dr. Wren had to say about my health.
Maybe he didn't even want to come. He probably had parcel business. Oh, Goddess, I shouldn't have
told Dr. Wren to call him.

“Emma…” Dr. Wren called my name just as the door to the room opened.

Andrew ran inside. His eyes widened when he saw my panicked face. He ran towards me and
hugged me.

"What's wrong, Em?" he asked, panicking. "I'm here my love. I'm so sorry I wasn't here when you
woke up. I went home to change clothes. I thought I'd be back before you woke up. Very sorry."

I tried to calm my breathing, but it was difficult. Everything Sienna said was repeating in my mind
and I couldn't stop it.

“Emma, love, what's wrong?” Andrew asked, cupping my face. “Come on, take a deep breath, Em.
You can do it. Do what I do, come on.

I tried to breathe like Andrew did. It was difficult at first, but I managed to calm down and copy
what he was doing. However, the thoughts did not disappear.

"It's okay, little one." Andrew said softly after I managed to calm down. "Are you OK."

He sat next to me on the bed and took me in his arms.

"What happened, Wren?" Andrés asked the doctor.

“I asked him if he wanted to talk to me about his injuries alone or if he wanted you to be here.” Wren

"Of course I'll be here." Andrew said, looking at me. "Is there any reason I shouldn't be here, Em?"

Because I was a burden.

"No." I said quietly.

"Well." Andrew said and looked back at Dr. Wren. But I'm pretty sure Logan will want to hear it all
too. Can we wait for it to arrive?

“Of course, Beta.” The doctor nodded. "Is that okay with you, Emma?"

I nodded.

"Well." said Dr. Wren. "I'll be back when Alpha arrives."

Andrew nodded and I gave him a small smile. He smiled back at me and left the room.

"Do you want to tell me why you panicked when Wren asked if you wanted me in the room when I
was going to tell you about your injuries?" Andrew asked as soon as the door behind Doctor Wren

"I don't know." I murmured.

"Yes, you do, Em." Andrew said as he sat down.

He looked at me and took my hands in his. “Does it have anything to do with what Sienna told you?”

"No." I lied.

Andrew frowned. “I know when you lie, Emma. I raised you.

I sighed and looked away. “I just can't get it out of my head, Andrew. The things he said…”

They were lies. Andrés interrupted me. “I know what she told you. All the bullshit about you being a
burden and me not living the life I wanted, that was all a lie. He did it to hurt you. She did it because
she was sick, Emma.

"How do you know what he told me?" I asked, confused.

"Logan used alpha command on her." Andrew explained. “She had no choice but to tell us

I nodded and Andrew took my face in his hands. “I know I made a big mistake when I didn't believe
you about her. There is no excuse for that. I was an idiot and I didn't want to believe that my friend
would do something like that. I figured that as a Beta, I couldn't make a mistake in selecting people I
trusted. But I was wrong. I was very wrong, and I need to work on that. But, Emma, everything he
said was a lie. You are not a burden. I am very lucky to have such an amazing person in my life. I am
very proud of you and everything you are. It has been my honor to watch you grow, and it has been
an even greater honor to care for you over the past eight years. Do you know why, love?

I shook my head. Tears were streaming down my face and Andrew had to constantly wipe them

"Because I can brag to you." Andrés said, smiling. "I can point to you and say, 'I did that.' “People will
be jealous of me and I will be the proudest big brother on this whole damn planet.”

I laughed through my tears and Andrew smiled at me, kissing my forehead.

“No, but seriously, Emma.” Andrew continued. "I love you a lot. You are the most important thing in
the world to me. I wouldn't trade a moment with you for a damn party or whatever Sienna said I
missed because of you. I didn't miss anything, not a single damn thing, okay?

"Language." I scolded him playfully, just like he did when I cursed.

"I'm sorry." he smiled.

I laughed and sighed. Andrew continued to rub my cheeks with his thumbs. I put my hands on his
and looked at him.

"I believe everything you said." I said quietly. “I love you very much and I am very lucky to have you
in my life. I want you to know that what she did was not your fault. She was a very good actress. She
did everything perfectly. I know, because I saw both sides of her. And I'm sure that when I was
away, she really was a friend to you. She loved you in her own twisted way. I'm sure he didn't fake it,
Andrew. But I'll need some time to put everything he did and said behind me. It's difficult, you know.
I don't know how long I was gone, but all that time I kept repeating his words. That rascal told me
the same thing over and over again. A big part of me knows it's not true, but there's still that little
voice that keeps reminding me of what they said. The voice will go away, but it will take some time.”

"I know sweetheart". Andrew said, pulling me into his chest. “I will be here every step of the way,
showing them how wrong their words were. I love you Em.”

"I love you too." I said and relaxed into my brother's embrace.

emma point of view

For the next 45 minutes, Andrew and I talked and laughed.

The pain in my body lessened after Dr. Wren gave me something for it, but it still hurt. What I really
needed was my partner. But I couldn't ask about him.

The door to my room burst open and Logan ran in. My skin tingled at the sight. He was wearing
black sweatpants and a tight black t-shirt that looked a size too small thanks to all his muscles. His
hair was messy and his beard only made him look sexier. Normally, he would shave. I wondered
why he grew a beard.

My lower belly tingled, and if I could feel Eliza, I knew I'd be drooling.

"Hello, honey, I'm so sorry I'm late." Logan said as he ran towards me. “My mom wanted to talk to
me about the package.”

Logan grabbed my hand in his and sat in the chair next to my bed. The pain in my body almost
disappeared with his touch.

I frowned. "What's wrong with the package?"

“She's been in charge for the past few days, so I wanted to catch up on everything that's been going
on.” Logan explained.

In charge? Why was she in charge? Where was Logan?

Andrew saw my confused face and gave me a small smile.

Logan was here with you the whole time. Andrew said. “Aunt Gloria took charge of the pack.”

My eyes widened as I looked at Logan. "You were here?"

"Of course baby." Logan said, placing a kiss on the back of my hand. "You're mine. I will always be by
your side."

His words made my body react in a really interesting way. My heart swelled with happiness, but my
belly twisted with anxiety. Did he really love me? Because? What changed? Could I trust him? I really
wanted to trust him. But I was afraid. What happens if I get hurt again? He was probably just doing
this out of fear. When she left this hospital, she would realize that she was still that weak little wolf
that she rejected recently. He still wouldn't want me to be his partner and Luna.

He was still going to replace me.

I looked down at my lap, trying with all my might not to lose control of my breathing. I felt panic rise
in my chest and I didn't want to be seen like this.

"Well." Andrew murmured after I fell silent. “I mentally connected to Wren. He wants to talk to us
about his condition. It will be here in a minute.
I played with the blanket. Logan rubbed small circles on the back of my hand, sending tingles and
chills through my body. Andrew twirled the lock of my hair around his fingers.

The silence in the room was maddening.

Fortunately, a few minutes later, Dr. Wren entered the room.

“How's the pain, Emma?” He asked me as he closed the door.

"Pain?" Logan growled, his eyes darting between Dr. Wren and me.

“He was in pain when he woke up, so I gave him something for that.” the doctor explained.

"Why did not you tell me?" Logan frowned and stood up.

I frowned at him. What was he doing?

He motioned for Andrew to move from my bed. Andrew stood up with a sigh and sat in the chair.
Logan pressed himself onto the bed, wrapping me in his arms. The pain was completely gone.

My body relaxed and I was able to focus on something else instead of the pain. Logan's scent calmed
me and I was ready to go back to sleep.

Logan nuzzled my neck and gave me a small kiss behind my ear. Sparks erupted throughout my
body and I heard Logan sigh contently.

“Your smell is coming back.” he said. “I missed him a lot.”

I frowned. What was he talking about?

"Yes, Wolfsbane is finally getting out of his system." the doctor smiled.

Doctor Wren sat in the chair and gave me a small smile. "Shall we begin?"

I nodded and smiled back. Andrew grabbed my hand and leaned closer to me. Logan kissed the top
of my head, wrapping his arms around me even tighter.

"It's okay, Emma." Dr. Wren smiled. I'll tell you everything we've done since they found you. After
I'm done, I'll ask you some questions, okay? If you need to stop at any time, just tell me. I don't want
to overwhelm you.

I nodded.

"You've been away for four days." the doctor continued. “They found you a few days ago in an
underground cave in the forest. Logan and Andrew brought you. When you came in, you had a
couple of broken ribs, cuts and bruises all over your body, and there was a large amount of aconite
in your system. Some of the cuts were very deep. You couldn't heal because of the aconite and you
lost a lot of blood, so we had to do a blood transfusion. We stitched your wounds, Andrew donated
his blood and we managed to stabilize you.”

I looked at my brother. "Did you donate your blood to me?"

"Of course, love." He said, kissing my hand.

"Thank you." I said, walking away from Logan and hugging my brother.
“There is nothing to thank me for.” He said as he placed a kiss on the top of my head. “I would give
you my heart if you needed it.”

I laughed. "Who would I bother then?"

"You're right." He said and let me go. “I have to be with you so you can bother me. I'd be jealous if
you found someone else to bother.

Logan pulled me into his arms and I smiled at my brother. He winked at me and took my hand in his

"I'm sorry, doctor." I said. "Continue please."

"Alright." He smiled at me. “After we managed to stabilize you, we put you in this room and
monitored your vital signs. Unfortunately, you have a fever and we find out that you have an
infection. It is probably due to the dirt on the cave floor. You've been lying there with open wounds.
We have given you the antibiotics and we have been monitoring you. It looks good so far. You have
to continue taking the antibiotics and the infection should completely disappear in a couple of days.”

I nodded. "That's all?"

Doctor Wren looked at Andrew and Logan before looking back at me. I felt Logan tense. Andrew let
out a silent growl.

"We did another exam while you were unconscious." Dr. Wren said slowly.
“We wanted to wait until you woke up, but that would have been a big risk.”
"What exam?" I asked breathlessly.

Was there something wrong with me?

“A rape kit.” the doctor said.

I gasped and tightened my grip on Andrew's hand.

Goddess. Did? My breathing quickened and my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest.

"Hey, honey, it's okay." Logan said, placing his hand on my cheek and turning my head so I could
look at him. "He didn't do it, baby."

I swallowed hard, trying to stop the tears from falling. "Actually?"

"Really, Baby." Logan said softly, resting his forehead on mine. "Are you OK."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, letting my partner's scent calm me down. I knew I
shouldn't let myself be with Logan so much. She wasn't even sure she wanted to accept it. I was sure
he would leave me again, and I knew I would suffer a lot once that happened, but I decided to deal
with it at that moment. She needed him right now, no matter how hard she tried to fight him.

"Are you okay, little one?" Andrew asked.

I turned my head and looked at him. I nodded and gave him a small smile. He caressed my cheek
with his thumb and I rested my head in his palm.
“What do you remember, Emma?” Dr. Wren asked. "Did he do anything else that we should know

I looked at Dr. Wren and took a deep breath. Andrew and Logan tensed.

What should I tell them? I didn't really remember much. He could have done all kinds of things to
me in my sleep.

logan point of view

Emma tensed in my arms and I looked at her with concern.

Something happened? Did he do something to her?

I would destroy it. I would put it back together and destroy it again.

"I do not remember much". Emma said quietly. “I was asleep most of the time.”

"Well." Wren nodded. "What did he do when you were awake?"

"Talk about everything." she sighed.

"About?" Andrew asked him.

About Sienna, Logan and you. he said quietly.

I tightened my grip around her. What did the bastard tell him?

"What about us, baby?" I asked as I nuzzled my nose into his neck.

His scent was slowly returning. He could smell a little strawberry on her skin. It was enough to drive
me crazy. She fit perfectly in my arms. I never wanted to let her go. I wanted to taste her lips again,
cover every inch of her skin with my mouth and discover what it was like to be inside her.

Shit, Logan. Stop thinking about that.

My penis was rock hard, but luckily, she wasn't sitting on my lap, so I couldn't feel it.

'The partner is perfect.' Leon sighed.

'Shut up.' I growled at him. I need to calm down, and you're not helping.
I ran my nose up and down her neck and felt her shiver. He made me smile.

Goddess, I loved her. Why did I reject it? It was the stupidest thing I have ever done, or will do, in my
life. How could I have thought she was weak? How could I have thought she was anything less than
perfect for me?

She was mine and I would never let her go.

“He talked about how they moved on with their lives.” Emma said, looking down at her lap. He kept
telling me that you weren't looking for me. The last thing he said was that you were preparing for
the Sienna Moon ceremony.

Andrew and I growled loudly.

Oh, he was going to pay. I was going to suffer. I couldn't wait to get my hands on it.

"You know that's not true, right?" Andrew asked, taking her hands in his. “We have never stopped
looking for you. I would never stop looking for you. Even if you were a rogue, I wouldn't give a
damn. You are my sister, my puppy, and I would always look for you.”

"I know, Andrew." she said. "I'm glad you found me."

“Oh, little one, I couldn’t be happier.” Andrés smiled. “I will never let something like that happen to
you again.”

"Yeah." I murmured. “No one will take you away from me anymore. You're mine, Emma.

She stiffened and I immediately cursed myself.

Why I say that? I mean, it was the truth. But, as much as it killed me because I wanted her now, I
promised to give her time.

"Well." Wren broke the awkward silence. "Just one more question, and I'll let you rest."

Emma nodded. "Well."

"We know he didn't rape you, but did he ever touch you inappropriately?" Wren asked.

Andrew and I growled loudly.

My heart began to beat painfully. Andrew and I caught him with our hands under his hoodie. Did he
do more?

I would cut off his hands. Slowly and painfully. I would fill it with wolfsbane and take my sweet time.
He would burn them before him.

"No." Emma shook her head. “At least not when I was awake. "I don't know if he did it when he was

Andrew growled. "I will kill him".

"I'm fine, Andrew." Emma said with a small smile.

"I will still kill him." Andrew growled.

"Not before we have some fun with him." I said, running my hand through Emma's hair.

"I don't need to know about that." Emma said, frowning.

"I'm sorry baby." I laughed silently.

Wren smiled at us and stood up.

"Doctor?" Emma called out to him.

“Yes, Emma?” he smiled at her as he checked the machines around him.

“Could my friends come visit me?” She asked him.

My heart started beating impossibly fast. I wanted to see Jacob.


No fucking way. He wasn't approaching her.


I was about to order Wren to tell him they couldn't come, when Andrew grabbed my arm.

Logan, no. He connected me mentally.

No what? I growled.
Don't ask him for anything. Andrew growled back.
I do not know what you're talking about. I said, frowning.
If you can. Andrew growled again. I know you, Logan. Stay away from that. He is his
friend. If you forbid him from seeing it, he will only resent you.
I can't let him in here. I said, desperate. He will convince her to choose him. He loves
her, Andrew.
She wouldn't do that, Logan. Andrew sighed. She will forgive you. Give her time and
don't do anything that could hurt her. And forbidding her from seeing her friend will
hurt her.
While Andrew and I were talking, Wren was reviewing his history and thinking. He didn't answer
her right away. That had to be a good sign, right? I wouldn't let them in.

"Can you feel Eliza yet, Emma?" Wren asked him instead of answering him.

"No." he said sadly.

Wren nodded. “Yeah, well, you still have wolfsbane in your blood. Eliza will not return until
Wolfsbane leaves your body. I'm afraid the infection won't go away until then too. Therefore, I
wouldn't risk your health by bringing them in just yet. You can visit me in a few days.

I almost jumped for joy. I wanted to get up and kiss Wren.

Thank you, Goddess, I wouldn't have to die of jealousy for a few days.

“You can talk to them on the phone until then.” Wren continued with a smile and my anger
Emma smiled. "Okay, thank you, doctor."

"It's Wren, Emma, come on." he said, smiling. “We have been working together for a long time. You
can call me by my name.

Working together? That?

"Working together?" I voiced my question, my eyebrows furrowed.

“Emma has been volunteering at the pack hospital for two years.” Wren said proudly.

"Actually?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah." Wren smiled. "She is amazing. “It will be a great Moon.”

I was so proud, so damn proud of my girl. How the hell did I not find out about this?

“I’m so proud of you, darling.” I said, wrapping my arms around her and kissing her cheek.

She blushed and smiled. "Thank you."

"Well." Wren said. “I'll leave you now. Emma, you need to sleep and rest, okay? Let me know as soon
as you sense Eliza returning. “I’ll give you another dose of antibiotic and the nurse will bring you
something to eat.”

"Well." Emma nodded with a small smile.

Wren smiled at us and left the room.

I put my nose close to his neck and ran my fingers through his hair. His smell, his body, his presence
calmed me instantly.

emma point of view

Finally I was back in my room.

It's been a week since they found me. My infection cleared up and the aconite leached out of my
system. He could hear and feel Eliza again. I was so happy when I heard his voice for the first time. I
missed her terribly.

—I missed you too, Emma. Eliza said.

I smiled, enjoying the sound of his voice in my head.

I told you Andrew and Logan would find us. She said proudly.

'You did it.' I laughed.

I sat abruptly.

She did?!


I had aconite in my system. I couldn't talk to her for days. How could I talk to her in the cave?!

We are special, Emma. Eliza said quietly. I pushed through the barrier to talk to you. But when I felt
Andrew and Logan take you home, I backed out. I needed to rest. Crossing the aconite barrier is

'But how could you even do that, Eliza?' I asked, confused. Wolves can't do that.

'Can.' Eliza chuckled.

'As?' I asked, even more confused than before.

Eliza laughed and retreated into my mind, ending our conversation.

I frowned. Why didn't you answer me? What did she mean by that?

“Emma?” I heard Andrew shout my name.

"Yeah?" I shouted back.

Lunch!" he shouted again.

I stood up with a huff. I wasn't very hungry, but I knew Andrew would make me eat. It has been
unbearable in the hospital. I couldn't skip a meal.

I walked into the kitchen and my eyes immediately went to the spot where Rolf knocked me out. It
was the first time I'd come in here since it happened, and it made my stomach twist painfully.
It all came back to me like a tidal wave. Rolf's touches, Sienna's words, my helpless pleas. It felt like
it was happening again.

“Emma?” I heard Andrew's voice calling me, but I couldn't look at him.

My eyes were fixed on the place where Sienna made me kneel. It was getting difficult to breathe. My
heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. My palms started to sweat. A chill ran through
my body.

"Shit." I heard Andrew mutter.

I still couldn't look up.

A moment later, the spot on the floor was covered by Andrew's body as he stood in front of me. He
gently grabbed my face and lifted my head so I was looking at him. He had a worried look on his face
as he looked me up and down.

"Um?" He called me again. “Do you want to eat in the dining room?”

I nodded, taking a deep breath.

"Well, love." Andrew said as he kissed my forehead. "Sit down. I'll bring our plates.

I nodded again, turned around and left the kitchen. I had the horrible feeling that Rolf was right
behind me and that he was going to grab me at any moment.

I ran to the dining room and sat down.

A few moments later, I heard Andrew enter. He put my plate in front of me and sat down.

He made lasagna. My favorite.

I gave him a grateful smile and picked up the fork.

I wasn't really hungry, especially after what happened in the kitchen, but I knew I had to eat.
Andrew didn't let me go back to my room until I had eaten enough.

Sadly, his 'enough' was not the same as my 'enough'.

"Are you okay, love?" Andrew asked as we started eating.

"I'm fine." I said and gave him a small smile. "I'm sorry for what happened."

Andrew stopped eating and took my hand in his.

"Do not apologize". he said sternly. "You have nothing to apologize for."

I nodded and looked back at my plate. Andrew picked up his fork and continued eating.

We ate in silence before I heard the back door open and the familiar smell of my companion filled
my nostrils.

My skin tingled and my lower abdomen became hot.

"Andrew?" I heard his deep voice call out to my brother.

That definitely didn't help the desire welling up inside me.

It was torture, really. My body wanted to forgive him. My body craved my partner's touch. But my
mind screamed at me not to give up. He rejected me. He didn't love me.

"Dining room." Andrew shouted back.

Logan walked in a few moments later, and I could feel his heated gaze on me, making the burning
inside my belly worse.

"Hi babe." Logan smiled and walked towards me.

He kissed the top of my head and sat next to me. Sparks flew across my skin and I had to stop a
moan from escaping my lips.

"Why are you eating here?" Logan asked, looking at Andrew.

Andrew and I never ate in the dining room. It was too big and it just didn't make sense. Plus, it
reminded us of our parents. But I had a feeling we'd be eating here from now on. At least I would.

“Emma was uncomfortable in the kitchen.” Andrew responded, looking at me.

Logan growled softly and placed a hand on my back, rubbing small circles.

"Are you okay, baby?" He asked me, leaning down and breathing in my scent.

"I'm fine." I muttered, not looking at him.

Logan kissed my shoulder and sat back down.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." Logan told Andrew.

"Talk." Andrew said, taking a sip of his beer.

“I want you and Emma to move into the packing house.” Logan said. “I want her closer to me.”

My heartbeat accelerated and my body tensed.

No. I didn't want to move. I did not want to leave. This was my home. Plus, it would be a lot harder to
ignore the pair bond if Logan was around me all the time.

I felt Logan and Andrew's eyes on me and looked up.

"I don't want to move." I said quietly, looking at Andrew.

He looked at Logan before looking back at me. Why, Emma?

"This is our house." I said. "I do not want to go".

"Maybe that would be a good thing, baby." Logan said, running a hand through my hair. “I don't want
you to be afraid in your own home.”

"It will get better." I said, looking at him. "I do not want to go".

Logan looked at me worriedly before looking at Andrew. I realized that they were mentally linking
to each other, and that made me uncomfortable.
"Well, love." Andrés finally spoke. "We will not go".

“But I’m moving.” Logan finished, making me gasp.

My eyes widened and my heart raced. Was he moving? Because? I didn't want him to do it. It would
be hard to stay away from him if he was here all the time.

I just wanted to get back to normal. Back to when he wasn't Logan's partner. I wanted to be a normal
wolf, live with my brother and hang out with Jacob and Amy after training. I wanted to enjoy being
18 years old and meeting my wolf. I wanted to escape from the house and go to our cave. I wanted to
go to parties. I just wanted to be normal. I didn't want to be broken and in pain. I didn't want to have
a panic attack every time I walked into my own kitchen. I didn't want to be supervised by my
brother and my partner all the time.

"Baby?" Logan's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"Because?" I asked, my voice shaking. "Why are you moving?"

"I do not want to be far away from you". Logan said sternly. “I want to be here and make sure you're

I wanted to scream and tell him that I wasn't his responsibility. He rejected me. He didn't love me.
He didn't have to be the one to keep me safe.

But I could not. I could only stare at him, speechless.

"Are you okay, Emma?" Andrew asked, putting his hand on my back.

I nodded and put my fork down. I've finished eating. Can I go to my room?

"It's okay, Em." Andrés smiled. “When are Amy and Jacob coming?”

Logan growled and his eyes darkened. "Why do you come here?"

"Enough, Logan." Andrew said sternly. "We've talked about this."

Logan placed his hand on my waist and pulled me closer. He buried his head in my neck, taking a
deep breath. I felt him relax a little, but his grip on me was still strong.

"I'm sorry baby." he murmured. "I don't like seeing him around you."

I remained silent, waiting for him to let me go. I really didn't want him to do it. His touch sent
pleasant shivers up and down my body. The only thing I could think about was his hands on me. I
never wanted to leave.

But the voice inside my head screamed at me. He didn't love me. He would never want me. He would
change his mind once he remembered how weak he was. He would reject me again. I couldn't let
him do that. I couldn't let him hurt me like that again.

This is the end of the first book. What will happen to Emma? Will he forgive Logan? Will The Rogue
King find her? Find out in book two! Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed the story.

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