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515 gr. whole wheat flour

350 cc of warm water
2 teaspoons dry yeast (or 20 grams fresh yeast)
2 teaspoons of fine salt
1 tablespoon of sugar (agave, mascabo sugar, etc.)
2 tablespoons of oil (olive, coconut, corn, etc.)
4 tablespoons of seed mix

1Integrate all the ingredients in a suitable container.
2I don't have a mixer or bread machine.
If you do not have a kitchen robot, knead by hand for 10 or 15 minutes. Let rise at room
temperature for 45 minutes. Then knead for about 5 more minutes and let it rise for another
45 minutes before putting it in the oven.

Yes I have a stand mixer with a kneading attachment:

Integrate all the ingredients using the hook and low speed. Leave it kneading for 8 to 10
minutes. Let rise at room temperature for 45 minutes. Then knead for about 3 more minutes
and let it rise for another 45 minutes before putting it in the oven.
3 If you do not have a bread machine, place the dough on an oven-safe plate. You can
sprinkle a little flour or vegetable oil on the base to prevent sticking.
4 Preheat an oven to 200 degrees Celsius (390 degrees Fahrenheit) and cook the bread for
35 to 45 minutes or until golden brown. The method to test for doneness is to tap it and it
should sound hollow. You can also insert a toothpick or knife and it does not have to come out
with raw dough.

Whenever I make dough, I use either the stand mixer with the dough attachment, or the
automatic bread maker directly. If you use the machine, select the “Pan Integral” or “Whole
Wheat Bread” program if it is in English. The proportions in this recipe work for all brands of
bread machines.
You can replace the same amount of oil with tahini, sesame or even peanut oil. This will give
the bread a more intense and original flavor.
To not get tired of this bread, what I do is maintain the flour proportions but replace it with
whole wheat flour, or rye flour, or even instant oats. In this way we will obtain a whole wheat
bread but with different flours and flavors and densities.
Needless to say, we can add oregano, onion or dehydrated garlic to this recipe
(approximately 2 tablespoons) and thus we will have a flavored bread. Did someone say
olives? Rosemary? Yeah!
When making the dough, try not to let the yeast directly touch the salt. Try to put them
separately or at different times when integrating.
The "whole-grain" or "rye" or "bran" breads that we are offered in bakeries and that the
recipes generally propose are all based on common wheat flour and only a certain percentage
of the respective flour: usually no more 40% whole wheat or rye flour and no more than 20%
bran, for example; The argument is that otherwise the "unleavened" bread becomes very
compact. And although it is true that it develops less, in this recipe I use 100% fine whole
wheat flour and the bread comes out very tender, tasty and very light, it is a matter of helping
the yeast to develop better. For a medium loaf:

- 500 g fine wholemeal flour

- 325 cc of water
- 15 g fresh yeast
- 10 to 12 g of salt (1 heaping teaspoon)
- 1 tablespoon of honey
- 2 tablespoons of margarine or butter

We first make a sponge with the water, yeast, honey and half of the flour.
We place it in a bowl brushed with oil and wait for it to begin to foam, between 15' and 30'.
Add the rest of the ingredients, mix, turn out onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 10' to
15' until you obtain a soft and silky dough.
We roll and let it rise in a greased and covered bowl until it doubles in volume, from 60' to 90',
depending on the room temperature and the quality of the kneading. We turn it onto the
lightly floured work surface, degas it and let it rise again for 60'. We turn on the oven.
We gently degas again, give the desired shape, place on a floured or greased baking sheet,
cover with a towel and let it rise in a warm to warm environment for about 45, it should not
double its volume this time.
With a cutter or sharp knife we make some cuts to our liking and bake at 180* in a previously
humidified oven (by throwing water on the floor or with a sprayer) for about 35' until it has
taken on a good color. We let it cool on a rack.
It turns out a relatively light, tender and tasty bread. The guys in the union are completely
wrong when they say that with 100% whole wheat flour, good bread does not come out...


whole wheat flour - 300 g
water - 200 g at 35ºC
fresh yeast - 2 g
opara - all
whole wheat flour - 200 g
water - 150g - 230g
salt - 7 g

In a container, sift 300 g of flour. We sift it to oxygenate it. Pour the bran that remains in the
sieve into a container along with flour.
Dilute 2 g of yeast in 200 g of water. The water must be at 35ºC.
Pour the diluted yeast over the flour and stir very well, until you can no longer see the loose
flour particles.
Cover the container and let the opara rise until it triples in size and begins to go down. At
28ºC the opara takes about 3 - 4 hours to rise. At 18ºC - 21ºC, which is the current
temperature in my house, the opara takes about 9 - 10 hours to rise. I put it on at night and
the next day, when I get up, the opara is ready.
Properly fermented opara deflates when touched and smells like whiskey.
Put 150 g of water at 25ºC in the glass and add salt. Stir until the salt is diluted.
Pour the salt solution into the container with opara.
Sift the flour.
Stir with the help of a spoon.
Finish making the dough by hand.
Pour the dough onto a clean, dry table and knead it for about 15 - 20 minutes. The dough
must have a soft consistency. If it is too dense, add water to the dough until it is soft. Add
water 20 grams at a time, so as not to overdo it.
After kneading the dough will be smooth and shiny.
Put it in the container, cover it and let it rise in 1.5 - 2 times. Mine, at 21ºC, takes 1 hour to
Knead it and let it double its size again.
Mine took 1 hour to rise again.
Pour the dough onto a clean, dry table and knead it for a few minutes.
Grease the mold with olive oil. My mold size is 20.5x11x11.
Grease your hands with oil, take the dough and put it in the mold. Remember that the
dough has to fill only a third of the mold.
Cover the mold with a plastic bag and let the dough rise to the edges of the mold. Mine at
21ºC took about 2 hours to rise. When there are 20 minutes left until the dough finishes rising,
turn on the oven at 240ºC with heat only from below, so that it warms up.
Place a tray in the bottom of the oven.
Sprinkle the bread with flax seeds and spray with water.
Put the bread in the oven.
Pour 200 ml of boiling water into the bottom tray.
Bake the bread for about 35-40 minutes or until it is the way you like it. The last 2 - 3
minutes add heat from above and below so that the bread browns on top and the seeds toast.
Take the bread out of the oven. Cool on a rack for about 40 minutes.
Quantity: 1 piece / Preparation time: 3 hours / Complexity level: medium
• Organic whole wheat flour, 1 kilo
• Salt, 1 tablespoon
• Water, 750 cc
• Powdered milk, 60 grams
• Flour 000, 100 grams
• Yeast, 25 grams
• Sugar, ½ teaspoon

1. In a container, mix a tablespoon of flour with the yeast, half a teaspoon of sugar and a
splash of water, enough to achieve a creamy mixture. Cover and let rise for 20 minutes.

2. Form a crown with the flour, arrange the ingredients in the center and the salt on the
outside. Knead for a few minutes and let it rest for 1 hour.
3. Knead once more to remove the gas from inside the dough; let rest another 1 hour.
4. Shape the bread; Cover it with a cloth and let it rest for 1 hour.
5. Bake at 210°C, between 45 minutes and 1 hour.
Homemade whole wheat bread. Recipe and necessary ingredients:

500 grams of whole wheat spelled flour.

1 sachet of 7 grams of baker's yeast.
1 tablespoon (dessert type) of salt.
250 ml of warm water.
2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO).
Flax seeds (optional).

What utensils are we going to use?

Electronic weight or scale.

Medium-large size bowl.
1 dessert size spoon.
1 large size spoon.
Aluminum foil or baking paper.
First, we will mix the dry ingredients. To do this, we will place the whole wheat spelled flour in
the bowl, along with the baker's yeast envelope and the salt. Next, we will integrate these
three ingredients well, stirring with a spoon.
Second step, add the wet ingredients. In order to mix these well, we are going to use our
hands. To the previous mixture, we will add the warm water in small quantities; we must add
this while mixing the dough well. I usually divide the entire amount of water into three equal
parts to spray the dough three times. It should be uniform, that is, without areas where there
is excess flour and with a sticky texture. To prevent all the dough from sticking to our hands,
we will use oil. This will be our last ingredient and the one that has to help us so that the
texture of the dough is perfect. After mixing all the ingredients, the dough can be molded
easily, without sticking to our hands, and with a bright color due to the oil.
The kneading
The initial kneading should be the longest. Before starting, we cover our hands with flour and
also apply it to the surface where we are going to knead the bread. We begin by pressing the
dough with the palm of our hand until it is more or less uniform and begins to open.
We continue, folding the dough towards the center, to form a ball. We will repeat this
procedures for at least 10 minutes. Afterwards, we will place the bread dough ball in the bowl
and cover it with a kitchen towel. The time we will let this rest depends on the room
temperature. Normally, we should let it rest for 45 minutes; it is important that the bread has
doubled in size during the resting time.
Let's go with the second kneading, we will do it using the same procedure. Press on the dough
with your hands or with your fist, and then fold it towards the center. In this case, we will do
this for 5 minutes, and then let the dough rest in the bowl again, also covering it with a kitchen
towel. It is in this kneading where we can add different seeds to our bread dough. The last rest
time will be 30 minutes. Here the dough will double in size again.

In both cases, when you pick up the dough after resting, it should have a porous texture in the
area that is in contact with the bowl, and also be softer. We will notice that it becomes harder
as we knead it again.

I hope it seems simple to you because we only have the last step left. About 5 minutes before
placing the bread in the oven, we will preheat it to 150º temperature. Likewise, we must make
use of the two air outlets of the oven. Then, we place the baking paper or aluminum on the
tray and at the same time, we add a little flour to the base of our bread. We shape it to our
liking, make some cuts in the upper area (using a smooth knife) and to finish we sprinkle flour
on top of the bread.

With the oven already hot, we will place the tray with the bread in the central area of the oven
and let it cook for 40 minutes at 150º. Once the bread is done, I like to let it rest for 5 minutes
in the oven, with it already turned off and leaving the door ajar so that the heat can escape.
100% WHOLE WHITE SPELLED BREAD | Easy, without

500 g whole wheat spelled flour

15g salt
20 g extra virgin olive oil
10 g fresh yeast or (3 g dry yeast)
350 ml of warm water


We dissolve 10 g of fresh yeast in 350 ml of warm water. Mix with the help of a fork until it has
dissolved. We let it rest for 5 minutes. In a large bowl we have 500 g of whole wheat spelled
flour. Add 15 g of salt and mix with your hands. We added 20 g of extra virgin olive oil to the
water that we had reserved along with the yeast. With the help of a fork we add the liquids to
the flour. We do it little by little while mixing. Once we see that we are not making any
progress with the fork, it is time to put our hands in and continue mixing until all the flour has
been integrated. No need to knead, just mix. We will be left with a sticky and very inelastic
dough. It will knead itself thanks to the rest. We cover and let the dough rest for 15 minutes.
After 15 minutes, we uncover and make 5 or 6 folds, just enough to fold all sides of the dough.
We cover again and let it rest for another 15 minutes. We uncover it again and fold it again.
The dough will now be more malleable, less sticky and more elastic. We cover again, it is the
third time that it rests for 15 minutes. The dough can be tamed without any difficulty. We fold
again and cover for another 15 minutes. It will be the fourth and last time.

We flour the work surface to prevent the dough from sticking to the table and pour the dough
onto it. We flatten it slightly with our hands and flour it. With the help of a roller we are going
to stretch it. We have to make a rectangle of the same length as the mold where we are going
to bake the bread. We roll the dough and place it inside the mold (previously painted with oil)
with the closure of the roll facing down. Cover and let it rest for a couple of hours or until its
volume has exceeded the mold.

Our bread has already risen. We paint it with oil. Preheated oven to 200 ºC, we introduce the
bread and immediately lower the temperature to 180 ºC. We bake for 40 minutes. After the
time has passed, we take it out of the oven, let it cool for 5 minutes and unmold it. It is
important to unmold it so that it does not get wet inside the mold. We remove it from the
mold with the help of a nail tip and let it cool completely on a rack.

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