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Alejandra Baquero ENG 6

The history of english literature could tell in a few period, because it is very long and complex but lets
start from a clear base. It begins with text written in english modern, accient, middle ages, as well
written text in english by non-modern authors.This is something important, because since the writers
of other nationalities have also had anpurpose in the periods of english literature. Many different
stages in the english history have the important writers influenced to in each of the stages.
Everything begins with a very old period, that something very obvious was the possibility of writing, it
was more reserved for example people with great nobles who had the access to learning the
language. Basically the rest of the people had not education and being uncultured.
Another fact is that in the english literature have a influences from Norwegian and Icelandic
language, a mixture of both. Although, as a result of a huge group based out by different people from
the middle ages.
Premodern or medieval period
Medieval english literature was very huge and very old english, quite different from the english we
know today, Although in this century collected all the works that was available in Europe in the middle
ages. The happen in period from the fall of the called Western Roman Empire, circa 500 until the
Renaissance of the 15th century.
In this time the literature was dominated by religious writings, which inclued the theology, the lives of
saints. Also poetry for example Beowulf, the text is about a scandinavian warrior called like that and
he fighters was with dragons and monters.As well as text like scientific text, so it was most of all
types of text, from totally sacred, to the completely profane.
For example the best know author from medieval england was Geoffrey Chaucer at the 14th century,
or another famous tale was ‘’Le Morte d’Arthur’’ written in the 15th century by Sir Thomas Malory
while he serving time in the prison.
Early modern era or Renaissance
It was the English Renaissance, the nickname was used to describe the century artistic and cultural
that was existed in England from the 16th century until the middle of the XVII. One of the most
known of literature in this era was a genre called for metaphysical poem, and it wa bases on very
advanced, witty and far fetched literary divices though like metaphors and similes.
In addition, the era in English cutural history is also known as ‘’The age of shakesspeare’’ or also
called like ‘’The Elizabethan age’’ and it is acording to the author and also the most important
monarch of the time, but these name could make misstakes because Shakespeare was not as a very
well-known or famous author in the time, even that his comedy anddtragedies plays was popular in
England like ‘’the sonnet’’. In the case of Elizabeth, because the Renaissance covers was a broader
area than her time in reign.
Enlightenment or Restoration
To summarise about the century literature of the restoration was about the theaters who give the
opportunity to perform satirical, the nobility and the growing bourgeoisie. In this time the most
significant change in the history of literature happens with the rise of the novel and the was often
stories of adventure, romance or social interaction.
As well as the mobility of society, followed the social difficult change of the before generation. Also
give the ideas for the creation of the costumbrista comedy. Although something important to mention
is the case of Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift, which was different from a children's book, it was
more like a satire about, contemporary English and Ireland.
Romantic age
The romantic influence affected America in the early 19th century, there inspired a lot of authors like
Edgar Allan Poe, which his text was about of horror and mystery.
The poetry in this century was more about melancholic, romantic and supernatural themes.
When the Britian lost they rule over America, the french took a huge place during this period which
point for the industrial revolution
The influenced by romantic ideas, like for exampel the gothic novel who was about tale of ghost,
horror, darkness, mystery, and haunted castles. Or another genre was about the fairy tale and it was
storys about battle between good and evil.
Many of the authors poets brought to English literature and sense of sentimentality and introspection.
Victorian Literature
In this era in America, the literature was so much influenced by romanticism until the late 19th
century, when slowly it was replaced by realism in works by Mark Twain, The advestures of Tom
Sawyer. When the Queen Victoria ascented the English throne, novel was the most important literary
form of Victorian literature. Most ofr the authors were more focused on knowing the tastes of the
middle class who read, than to satisfy the aristocrats. Victorian Britain was characterized by
industrialism, imperialism and great progress in various sciences.
The many of the works in this century was for exampel Charles Dickens, on of the greatest authors
who in many cases wrote about the poetry and misery of the underclass.
Modern Ages
The modern century history was about divided into the pre-war period between 1901-1919 and the
post-was period 1945-to today. A movement with ideas of truth, realism, criticism and also inspired by
those new theories of evolution, psychoanalysis. For example authors in this modernist movement
was Joseph Conrad or Virgina Woolf, the last member of the bloomsbury group. Although those was
the most famous novelist of the interwar. Arundhati Roy, from India ‘’ The god of small things’’ was
also get population, gained streanched in the library and artistic movements. Maybe not so famous
and less influence like others. Many during in this period it was new genre of English literature
emerged and also gained popularity for exempel like: social realiasm, feminism and other genres.
The Western canon or post literature
To summury today's library history is more at the traditional canon, this idea of ​a canon also gived
many questions to think like ‘’who says what is a good art?’’ or ‘’what is art?’’. Although the traditional
canon was who created by a Western cultural elite, so it is therefore more somewhat ethnocentric.
Authors that the following in this movement was called them like ''classic'' who was white middle
class men, at the fact who challenged the validity of the canon.
* = Means i’m already have a idea about the word and know what the means.

Shape*: form (forma)

Validity: giltighet (validez)
Borgeeoisssie: medelklass (burguesía)
Intropection (reflection): självbespegling (observación de uno mismo)
Remain(continue to be): kvarstå (sobrar,tener de resto)
Mainly: huvudsakligen (pincipalmente)
Letter*: boktav/brev (letra/carta)
Considerable*: betydande (considerable)
Progress*: framåtskridande(desarallo, avanza)
Ancient: urgammal (antiguo)
Evident: uppenbar (evidente)
Device: apparat (dispositivo)
Common*: vanlig (común)
Consist of*: bestå av (consistir en)
Increase: öka på (aumentar)
Significant*: meningssfull (significativo)
Available*: tillgängligt (disponible)
Consider*: betänka (considerar)
Furthermore*:Dessutom (además,es más)
Aware of: medveten om (consciente de)
Replace*: ställa tillbaka (volver a poner)
Gradually*: gradvis (gradualmente)
Challenge*: utmaning (reto, desafio)
Strict*: sträng (estricto)
Quiz Block C Words
- I have already done this, and had a few incorrects answers. I send you this
in the homework BLOCK B.5

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