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Stop relaxing: How DNA damage-induced chromatin compaction may affect

epigenetic integrity and disease

Article in Molecular & Cellular Oncology · December 2014

DOI: 10.4161/23723548.2014.970952


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Philipp Oberdoerffer
Johns Hopkins Medicine


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Stop relaxing: How DNA damage-induced chromatin
compaction may affect epigenetic integrity and disease
Philipp Oberdoerffer
Laboratory of Receptor Biology and Gene Expression. National Cancer Institute; NIH;
Bethesda, MD USA
Accepted author version posted online: 01 Dec 2014.

To cite this article: Philipp Oberdoerffer (2015) Stop relaxing: How DNA damage-induced chromatin compaction may affect
epigenetic integrity and disease, Molecular & Cellular Oncology, 2:1, e970952, DOI: 10.4161/23723548.2014.970952

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.4161/23723548.2014.970952


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Stop relaxing: How DNA damage-induced

chromatin compaction may affect epigenetic
integrity and disease
Philipp Oberdoerffer*
Laboratory of Receptor Biology and Gene Expression. National Cancer Institute; NIH; Bethesda, MD USA

Keywords: DNA repair, chromatin, macroH2A1, senescence, replication stress

DNA damage is widely recognized for its potential to impair epigenetic integrity. Epigenetic defects are closely
associated with a variety of diseases. We have recently uncovered DNA double-strand break-induced chromatin
condensation as a critical modulator of repair outcome. Here, we discuss the possible implications for cell functions
beyond repair.
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The tightly regulated organization of reorganization of the surrounding chro- dependent modulation of DSB-proximal
genomic DNA in nuclear space is essential matin structure to render damaged DNA chromatin results in condensation of
for the control of gene expression, DNA accessible for repair factors.4 We recently nucleosomes that can be detected up to
replication, and genome stability. To showed that this process is followed by an several hundred kilobases from the DSB
achieve this level of organization, eukaryotic unexpected phase of prolonged chromatin site.5 Both macroH2A1 and H3K9me2
DNA is packaged into chromatin, a higher re-condensation, which is initiated well persist for hours after DNA damage, a
order ribonucleic acid-protein complex before recruitment of repair factors is time frame that is sufficient to cause
comprised of a DNA/histone core and a completed and is in fact essential for effi- potentially harmful changes in chromatin
plethora of accessory proteins, RNAs, and cient accumulation of the tumor suppres- structure and/or gene expression. Notably,
modifying enzymes. Recent comparative sor and DSB repair mediator BRCA1.5 DSBs were found to promote transcrip-
genome-wide analyses highlight the diverse, DSB-induced chromatin condensation tional silencing in cis to the site of dam-
and often evolutionarily conserved, ele- involves the coordinated, DNA damage age,4 and it will be interesting to
ments that contribute to metazoan chroma- signaling-dependent recruitment of the determine whether macroH2A1/
tin organization.1 It is therefore not macro-histone variant macroH2A1 PRDM2-dependent chromatin compac-
surprising that aberrant cellular function, (encoded by H2AFY) and the histone tion is required for this process (Fig. 1A).
disease, and malignant transformation are methyltransferase PRDM2, which in turn In addition, DNA repair was found to
associated with profound alterations in the promote dimethylation of lysine 9 on his- promote the redistribution of repair-rele-
epigenetic landscape.2,3 tone H3 (H3K9me2) flanking the DSB. vant chromatin modifiers from undam-
Over the past decade it has become Although the importance of this process aged to damaged chromatin, thus
apparent that DNA damage poses a signif- for accurate genome maintenance has accounting for epigenetic gene deregula-
icant threat to the integrity of our epige- been discussed previously,5 its implica- tion beyond the sites of damage.6 Both
nomes. DNA damage results in a range of tions for the epigenetic integrity of the cell macroH2A1 and PRDM2 were reported
chromatin alterations at the sites of DNA remain unclear. Several intriguing possi- to act as tumor suppressors and their
lesions that involve changes in histone bilities are considered below. recruitment to DSBs may perturb these
modifications, nucleosome remodeling, Both macro-histones and H3K9 meth- functions by depleting macroH2A1 and/
and histone (variant) exchange.4 The dra- ylation have long been associated with cel- or PRDM2 from the genomic loci or pro-
matic impact of DNA damage on chroma- lular processes that involve the formation tein complexes they normally associate
tin is perhaps best exemplified at DNA of repressive chromatin, such as gene with. Consistent with this notion, a reduc-
double-strand breaks (DSBs), which pro- silencing and X chromosome inactivation. tion in macroH2A1 was recently found to
mote an immediate and expansive By analogy, the macroH2A1/PRDM2- promote melanoma progression by

© Philipp Oberdoerffer
*Correspondence to: Philipp Oberdoerffer; Email: Philipp.Oberdoerffer@nih.gov
Submitted: 09/11/2014; Revised: 09/12/2014; Accepted: 09/13/2014
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
by-nc/3.0/), which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. The
moral rights of the named author(s) have been asserted.

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Figure 1. Epigenetic consequences of DNA double-strand break (DSB)-induced chromatin compaction. (A) DSBs promote concomitant macroH2A1 accu-
mulation, chromatin condensation, and BRCA1 accumulation. DSBs may thereby cause transient or persistent changes in nuclear chromatin organization
and the expression of break-proximal genes. (B) Stalled replication forks trigger recruitment of BRCA1 to promote fork rescue; macroH2A1 may be
recruited to facilitate BRCA1 accumulation. Continued replication stress can trigger cellular senescence and the accumulation of macroH2A1-containing,
senescence-associated heterochromatin foci (SAHFs). MacroH2A1 may provide a link between stalled replication forks and SAHF formation. A schematic
of nuclear changes in response to DSBs (lightning bolt) or replication stress (burst) is shown. Gray ovals, repressive chromatin domains; green oval,

causing direct transcriptional upregulation so-called senescence-associated hetero- genomic aberrations including common
of the colorectal cancer oncogene cyclin- chromatin foci (SAHFs), which are fragile site instability and DSB formation,
dependent kinase 8 (CDK8).7 Given that enriched in heterochromatin protein 1 thereby adding to the continued activation
cells are continuously exposed to both and K9-methylated histone H3.8 SAHFs of the DNA damage response that appears
exogenous and endogenous sources of reflect an extensive transformation of tran- to drive senescence.9 Notably, BRCA1
DSBs, it seems plausible that even tran- scriptionally active euchromatin into a less was recently reported to play an important
sient macroH2A1/PRDM2-dependent accessible heterochromatic state. This pro- role in the resolution of stalled replication
chromatin changes may result in chronic cess has been linked to silencing of retino- forks, a main source of replication stress.10
epigenetic defects. This could be particu- blastoma (RB)/E2F transcription factor- Given the newly identified role of mac-
larly relevant during aging, which displays regulated genes and may thereby contrib- roH2A1 in BRCA1-dependent genome
a continuous increase in DNA damage ute to senescence-associated cell cycle maintenance following DSB formation, it
across the genome. arrest.9 Although the molecular basis for is tempting to speculate that macroH2A1
Macro-histones and H3K9 methyla- SAHF formation remains elusive, DNA may be equally involved in preventing
tion have also been implicated in cellular replication stress and the concomitant aberrant fork stalling. By extension, mac-
senescence, an irreversible proliferative activation of the DNA damage sensor roH2A1 may thus provide a mechanistic
arrest that is thought to contribute to ATR kinase have been positively corre- link between replication stress and the for-
tumor suppression and possibly aging. lated with this process. Moreover, pro- mation of SAHFs (Fig. 1B). However,
Specifically, macroH2A1 accumulates at longed replication stress can result in more work is needed to dissect the impact

e970952-2 Molecular & Cellular Oncology Volume 2 Issue 1

of macroH2A1 and/or PRDM2 on cellu- heterochromatin to the aberrant activation Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
lar senescence in the context of DNA of oncogenes, depending on the genomic No potential conflicts of interest were
damage signaling. context of the DNA lesion as well as the disclosed.
Taken together, these findings suggest cell or tissue type. Irrespective of the spe-
that DNA damage-associated formation cific molecular outcome, both mac-
of repressive chromatin is likely to have roH2A1 and PRDM2 can be expected to
significant implications for the epigenetic impinge on cellular senescence, tumor Funding
integrity of eukaryotic cells. Its functional suppression, and possibly aging through This work was supported by the Intra-
consequences may range from the their roles in DSB repair. mural Research Program of the National
formation of senescence-associated Cancer Institute, NIH.
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