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C 26-MAY-2022 Issue for Approval L.D.Minh L.D.Minh N.N.Hoan

B 02-MAY-2022 Issue for Approval L.D.Minh L.D.Minh N.N.Hoan

A 31-MAR-2022 Issue for Approval L.D.Minh L.D.Minh N.N.Hoan













N.N.HOAN 26-MAY-2022 EVNA02.ND1M.19002 QT1-0-Z-050-62-01005 C

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement

Revision History

A 1 31-MAR-2022 - For Approval or Information

B 2 02-MAY-2022 - Revise as per Owner’s comments

C 3 26-MAY-2022 - Revise as per Owner’s comments

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement


A- CONSTRUCTION METHOD STATMENT ................................................................................................... 1

I. SITE PREPARATION WORK: ....................................................................................................... 1
1 - Scope of work: .............................................................................................................................1
2 - Primary preparation work: ..........................................................................................................1
3 - Plan preparation work: ................................................................................................................1
4 - Technical work: ............................................................................................................................1
5 - Machinery, equipment, supplies and materials preparation work: ............................................2
6 - Installation of construction systems:...........................................................................................6
7 - Construction progress : ( Attach 3. Pipling Work Schedule) .......................................................8
II. MANPOWER PREPARATION WORK: ......................................................................................... 9
III. DETAILED CONSTRUCTION ORGANIZATION METHOD: ............................................................ 12
8 - Surveying work: .........................................................................................................................12
9 - Overall bored pile construction procedure: ..............................................................................13
10 - Drilling fluids: .............................................................................................................................17
11 - Pile axis setting out work: ..........................................................................................................26
12 - Drilling to create boreholes: ......................................................................................................28
13 - Checking the vertical direction: .................................................................................................29
14 - 1st cleaning the borehole walls ..................................................................................................30
15 - Reinforcement work: .................................................................................................................31
16 - 2nd cleaning the bottom of boreholes: ......................................................................................34
17 - Casting concrete: .......................................................................................................................34
18 - Withdrawing the Casing and Backfilling the top of boreholes ..................................................36

B- LABOR SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE ............................................................................43

IV. RESSPNSIBILITY OF SAFETY SUPERVISOR ................................................................................ 43
V. RESPONSIBILITY OF SAFETY STAFF .......................................................................................... 44
VI. RESPONSIBILITY OF LIFTING EQUIPMENT STAFF...................................................................... 44
VII. RESPONSIBILITY OF LABOR ..................................................................................................... 44
VIII. SAFETY PROCESS OF CONSTRUCTION ..................................................................................... 44
1 - Labor safety: ..............................................................................................................................44
2 - Safety principle for crane: .........................................................................................................45
3 - Safety principle for bored pile ...................................................................................................45
4 - Safety principle for drilling bucket: ...........................................................................................46
IX. ELECTRICAL SAFETY ................................................................................................................ 46
X. WELDING SAFETY ................................................................................................................... 46
XI. PROCEDURES OF ENTRY CONSTRUCTION SITE ........................................................................ 47
XII. GENERAL RULES: .................................................................................................................... 48

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement

XIII. EQUIPMENTS AND HAND TOOLS ............................................................................................ 48

XIV. TRAFFIC SAFETY ..................................................................................................................... 48
XV. FIRE PROTECTION................................................................................................................... 49
Storage: ...............................................................................................................................................49
Traffic, water supply:...........................................................................................................................49
Communticate equipments: ...............................................................................................................49
XVI. PREVENT ELECTRICAL ACCIDENTS ........................................................................................... 49
XVII. DUST, NOISE AND VIBRATION ................................................................................................ 50
XVIII. ENVIRONMENTAL HYGIENE .................................................................................................... 50
XIX. BOREHOLE SAFETY ................................................................................................................. 50
XX. RISK ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................................. 51

C- PROCEDURE OF BORED PILE QUALITY MANAGEMENT:.................................................................51

I - QUALITY OF RESOURCES: ............................................................................................................ 51
1 - Manpower: ................................................................................................................................51
2 - Machinery-Equipment: ..............................................................................................................51
3 - Supplies and materials:..............................................................................................................51
II – QUALITY OF CONSTRUCTION WORKS ON THE SITE:.................................................................... 51
4 - Basis of inspection, acceptance of construction works:............................................................51
5 - Content and sequence of checking, inspection and acceptance: .............................................51
III - DOCUMENTS OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT: ................................................................................ 52
1 - Material documents: .................................................................................................................52
2 - Construction diary: ....................................................................................................................52
3 - Documents of inspection of bored piles: ..................................................................................53
4 - As-built documents: ...................................................................................................................53
5 - Test documents: ........................................................................................................................53
6 - Vietnamese standards for reference: ........................................................................................53

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement


1 - Scope of work:
 Project: Quang Trach I Thermal Power Plant
 This Method statement is for mass bored pipe.
 Details are as follows:

Number Content D(mm) Amount

Total 1.447
1 Turbine House unit 1 D800 210
2 Turbine House Unit 2 D800 211
3 Boiler House Foundation Unit 1 D1000 343
4 Boiler House Foundation Unit 2 D1000 343
5 Turbine Generator Foundation Unit 1 D1000 66
6 Turbine Generator Foundation Unit 2 D1000 66
7 Stack D1000 208
D800 421
D1000 1.026

2 - Primary preparation work:

 Receive a handover of plan;
 Receive a handover of design documents, technical documents;
 Submit forms to Owner and Consultant for approval;
 Receive a handover of coordinates, benchmarks;
 Coordinate with Owner to work with local relevant authorities, governments;
3 - Plan preparation work:
 Clean, make a ground leveling the plan;
 Position coordinates, benchmark and level;
 Install construction power, lighting systems;
 Install construction water supply system, temporary drainage system;
 Construct temporary roads;
 Arrange, layout facilities to serve the construction as chart shown in the construction method
statement: mixing station, office, storage area, construction areas, restrooms ... etc.
4 - Technical work:
 Prepare and submit the detailed construction method statement for approval;
 Prepare detailed construction drawings;
 Prepare detailed plan: plan of machinery of equipment, supplies, materials mobilization,
construction schedule ...etc.;
 Prepare and submit material samples;
 Test materials;

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 1

 Submit legal documents, records relating to the construction contract: organization chart,
decision of appointment…etc.;
 Survey, make status quo record of neighboring structures;
 Expected disposal site: Land mine Tan Son Dam, Quang Tien commune, Quang Trach
district, Quang Binh province, about 16 km from the project, with an area of 5,972 hectares;
The estimated dumped reserve is about 250,000 m3 managed and exploited by COSEVCO 1.5
Joint Stock Company (according to the mining license No. 767/GP-UBND issued by the
People's Committee of Quang Binh province on April 3, 2013). demand to make use of the
project's excess soil and rock to make construction materials and compensate for the
environment after mining.
(Or) The afforestation land of Dang Ngoc Thon household in Minh Son village, Quang Dong
commune, Quang Trach district, Quang Binh province has an area of 5.6 hectares, about 3 km
from the project; The estimated dumped reserve is about 150 thousand m3 (according to the
land allocation map of the 151st century, section 2, lot K2 1-1A/5.6 together with the land
allocation decision No. 174/QD-UB signed by the People's Committee of Quang Trach district
signed by the People's Committee of Quang Trach district. On March 1, 1997) there is a need
to make use of the excess soil and rock of the project to make roads to the site and enhance
nutrient silt to plant trees, to add soil to the eroded area.
5 - Machinery, equipment, supplies and materials preparation work:
a- Mobilization of machinery-equipment:
 Machinery-equipment will be gathered to the site under the plan of equipment has been
mobilization submitted in bids or in registration documents to the Owner.
 The Owner or its representative - Project Management Consultant will check, inspect all
machinery, equipment of Contractor before approving to use for the project. Standard for
check, inspection and acceptance will base on: specifications of the project approved by the
Owner and safety requirements as prescribed by the State.
 Machinery - equipment gathered at the site shall have full necessary documents as prescribed:
accreditation document, insurance, operation license ... etc.
 Machinery- equipment gathered at the site shall be arranged as the chart shown on the
construction organization method. In case of absence in the construction organization method,
Site Management Board shall prepare an additional equipment gathering document before
they are transported to the site.
List of main equipment:

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 2

Số Năm sản
Stt Tên máy thiết bị Công suất Xuất xứ
Lượng xuất
No. Name Capacity Origin
Quantity YOM
01- Máy khoan
Drilling Rig
Máy khoan BG42 hoặc
tương đương Hmax=105m Đức
1 1 2012
BG42 Rotary Drilling Dmax=2,8m Germany
Rig or epuivalent
Máy khoan BG36 hoặc
tương đương Hmax=68,8m Đức
2 1 2005
BG36 Rotary Drilling Dmax=2,0m Germany
Rig or epuivalent
Máy khoan Suny
SR285R hoặc tương
Hmax=94m Trung Quốc
3 đương 2 2021
Dmax=2,3m China
SR285R Rotary Drilling
Rig or epuivalent
02- Máy cẩu
hoặc tương đương Nhật Bản
1 1 Pmax=100T 1996
KH500 Crawler Crane Japan
or epuivalent
hoặc tương đương Nhật Bản
2 1 Pmax=50T 1988
KH180 Crawler Crane Japan
or epuivalent
Cẩu SCC550A hoặc
tương đương Trung Quốc
3 2 Pmax=55T 2020
SCC550A Crawler China
Crane or epuivalent
03- Máy đào
Máy đào Sunward
SWE210 hoặc tương
Trung Quốc
1 đương 4 Vmax=0,95m3 2016
Sunward SWE210
Excavator or epuivalent
(Attach the device's profile)

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 3

Gathering the construction machinery

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 4

Gathering the construction equipment

b- Preparation of supplies, materials:
 All materials and supplies used in the construction shall be show the origin and ensured to
meet specifications of the package. The materials mobilized to the site shall be attached
necessary documents including: certificate of origin or equivalent; note of delivery, etc.
 Supplies and materials area shall be neat and clean, elevated and covered by tarpaulin in case
of unused.
 The supplies and materials are also arranged under the chart shown in the construction
organization method. In case of absence in the construction organization method, the Site
Management Board shall prepare the additional equipment gathering document before they
are transported to the site.

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 5

Gathering yard of reinforcement

c- Preparation of construction water:

 The water source will be taken from the Dong Muoi lake near the project after testing the
water source to meet the standards for construction or mobilize tap water can be used by the
dedicated water tanker trucks.
6 - Installation of construction systems:
a- Installation of power system:
 The construction power system on the site shall be designed and submitted with the
construction method statement in the bids. The construction power system shall be designed
in compliance with the construction method and meet maximum consumption at the time of
construction using most electrical equipment in construction organization plan.
 The electric equipment transported to the site is under the request and will be installed by
electrical staffs immediately according to defined construction method statement.
 Depending on conditions of each project, used power supply can be from the national grid or
direct generator on the site. However, to ensure the continuous and safe construction, the
Contractor always reserves at least 01 generator with 150KVA capacity in case of power
failure of power grid.
 The electrical panels shall meet the safety standards, leakage protection, and shall be equipped
appropriate anti-shock. The electrical panels shall be arranged as design diagram and always
ensure minimum 30cm distance from ground floor.
 Wires used in the construction are 2-coating wires, near fence around the site and hung
overhead at least 1 meter above the ground floor. At positions of hanging wires, the wires will
wrapped more a plastic layer to avoid from eroding wire coat due to rubbing which lead to the
leakage. The connection position is used by cos, safe plugs; specifically it is prohibited to
connect the wires directly to the socket..

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 6

b- Installation of water system:

 The construction water system includes:
 The water for drilling fluids mixing station is taken from the water source and stored in
temporary storage tanks. The water storage tanks are also used to provide the water for
ultrasound tube, washing pipes ...etc..
 Designed vehicle washing system has fixed water supply pipe system which takes the water
source from the temporary tank and is pumped by pressure pumps. Number of pumps and
pipeline for washing the vehicles will depend on the size and requirements of each specific
c- Installation of chain for drilling fluids treating station:
 The drilling fluids mixing and treating station is the most important part throughout the
construction process, therefore, the installation of drilling fluids mixing and treating station is
top priority in the preparation work.
 The drilling fluids mixing and treating station is located in the area where there are not any
construction items (if possible) or minimum presence. This station shall not affect to
movement and operation of machinery and is most favorable to serve for all piles on the
construction site.
 Components of drilling fluids mixing and treating station: (see diagram of drilling fluids
mixing and treating station on "drilling fluids" section)
 The drilling fluids mixing and treating station is designed in module including silos and tanks
at the same size connected each other by fittings with link flange. Depending on the project
size, use the module of 2 silos, 4 silos or 8 silos, 4 tanks, 6 tanks or 8 tanks.
 The installation under the module along the detailed connection such as fittings, valves,
flanges which are made according to standard sizes at the workshop will shorten the
installation time and ensure the quality of reliable, safe and aesthetic installation.
 The plan for installing the drilling fluids mixing and treating station shall be flat, non-sunken,
non- flooding. Depending on requirements of the project or construction conditions and plan
for the drilling fluids mixing and treating station can be poured thick concrete floor to bring
the flat and stable ground (especially for silos).
 The drilling fluids mixing and treating station which is installed on flat, stable ground shall be
straight, follow to the design, space and equipped safety handrails at the required location.
 Power line system connected to the station (station control) shall be underground (if the
station is placed middle of site) or can be overhead (if the station is adjacent to the fence) and
electrical lines will not affect the construction. In both two way, take measures to protect the
power lines, anti- leakage.
 The power panels controlling the mixing station shall be located in safe locations, free from
the water. Wires shall be covered by safety casings and gel tubes. The power panels shall have
CB for leakage protection.
 After the complete installation, safety department shall check the safety before being put into
use. The check and its results shall be reported in writing to submit to the Site Management
Board for approval and save in the project safety documents.

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 7

Tanks and silos

Master site plan

7 - Construction progress : ( Attach 3. Pipling Work Schedule)

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 8


 Based on the size, nature and quantity of each project, manpower plan will be prepared in
details during bidding process. Upon receipt of decision to implement the project, the
departments will mobilize personnel in compliance with previously prepared plan.
 The manpower plan can also be adjusted to match the actual situation at implementation.
However, always make sure to meet the requirements of project.
 The manpower mobilization shall match each step of the process of project implementation.
However, basically, follow to appropriate process with project management principles and
other principles in State regulations:.
 Establish the site management board and put into operation
 Establish the safety board, security staffs and put into operation
 Mobilize permanent workers, technical workers to serve the site preparation
 Mobilize professional teams to serve the construction
 All employees mobilized to the site will be spent the safety training course of safety board and
meet fully the legal requirements relating to safety regulations before performing the duties.
 The Site Management Board shall regularly check the progress of manpower mobilization to
adjust as needed.

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 9



Site Manager
Nguyen Nhu Hoan
Tel: +84. 904.649.868

Deputy Site Manager

Pham Duc Ngoc
Tel: +84.904.866.454

Temporary Facility Site QA /QC Manager QS Manager HSE Manager Techinical Leader
manager Doan Ngoc Duc Le The Luan Nguyen Xuan Vu Nguyen Minh Giang
Le Dang Minh Tel: +84.975.843.317 Tel: +84.984.605.051 Tel: +84.988.579.100 Tel: +84.912.663.769
Tel: +84. 985.121.633

Engineer QC Engineer QS Engineer

Le Van Ngoc Nguyen Trong Hoan Phan Xuan Thien
Tel: +84.973.415.886 Tel: +84.975.843.317 Tel: +84.972.845.472

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 10



Project Manager
Han Quyet Thang
Tel: 0978826555

Site Manager
Cao Ngọc Thu
Tel: 0983262680

Deputy site manager QC Manager Site engineer Safety manager

Ho Sy Huy Bui Tri Cuong Do Minh Chinh Nguyen Van Duc Nguyen Huu Thanh
Tel: 0906041085 Tel: 0366270658 Tel: 0913011983 Tel: 0973928586 Tel: 0976380020
QC Pham Viet Trung Tran Van Tuynh Nguyen Ba Nguyen
Nguyen Thanh Hai Tel: 0988319256 Tel: 0342611661 Tel: 0966843545
Tel: 0936386468 Tran Tuan Dung Nguyen Thanh Quan
Bui Duc Thinh Tel: 0967456336 Tel: 0869100762
Tel: 0369796526

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 11


8 - Surveying work:
 System of coordinates, benchmarks, level is directed from TG-01/TG-02/TG-03/TG-04 the
National benchmark system into the scope of construction, they are securely fixed by solid
concrete pillars.
 Based on design drawings in combination with standard coordinates (according to the national
available coordinate system), position of piles as design will be determined with absolute
coordinates and made into coordinates table as the basis of positioning and inspection and
acceptance of piles during the construction.
 The benchmarks shall be installed at a convenient locations, non-obstructed sight, high
stability and protected carefully, certainly during the construction.

Surveying work

Coordinates and level

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 12
9 - Overall bored pile construction procedure:












QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 13



- Use total station to take the pile - Drill holes which depth is shorter 0.5m - Supply drilling fluids and drill the holes to
coordinates. than Casing length (depending on geological 50% depth;
- Take 4 marks in 2 mutually - Check slope and correct if necessary;
- Use crane to place Casing;
perpendicular directions. - Supply drilling fluids and drill to 100%
- Use total station to check pile axis;
- Backfilling to compact around Casing; depth;
- Install ditch (or coffa) to prevent drilling - Stop drilling when taking the design depth.
fluids from spilling out.

- Pile coordinates follow to the design - Follow to the coordinates of the total - Check standing position before drilling;
(X-Y) station: - Drilling speech follows to standard;
- Tolerance under X-Y directions: <5.0 cm; - Diameter: ± 2.0cm;
- Follow to determined axe coordinates on - Depth: + 10cm compared with the design.
the field using ruler measurements;

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 14


- Check the depth of piles; - Ensure quantity and quality; - Check the depth of piles;
- Prepare, install the Koden machine; - Store re-bars (raw material and finished - Replace all fluids.
- Check the vertical direction of products);
boreholes by Koden machine. - Fabricate steel cages in compliance with
shop drawings;
- make steel cage hooks.

- The vertical direction of piles is - Check detailed structure (on Specification); - Depth: measured at 2÷4 positions at drilled
≤1%; - Check cleanness; hole edges, equivalent the depth after
- Check stiffness and stability when loading
to install;
- Check steel cage hooks.

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 15


- Place the cages into the drilled holes; - Change the drilling fluids (if necessary) - Install the pipes for casting the concrete;
- Position and reinforce the steel cages - Check the depth; - Cast the concrete and cut the pipes;
to fix to the drilled hole; - Check quality of drilling fluids. - Stop casting the concrete when achieving
- Pump the water and weld to seal the design level;
ultrasonic pipe ends; - Clean the concreting equipment.
- Position the steel cages to fixe to the

- Check the concrete quality;

- Check cage connections; - Depth: measured at 2÷4 positions at - Check the length of concrete pipes before
- Check length of connections; drilled hole edges, equivalent the depth discharging the concrete on 1st truck and 20 ÷ 30
- Connect the steel cages with bolts; after dredging; cm distance from the bottom;
-Cover with nut at connected - Check the quality of fluids protecting - Check concrete surge of each concrete mixer
positions; borehole sides, walls trucks;
- Weld ultrasonic pipes; - Check the minimum concrete pipe length of
- Check ultrasonic water level. 1.5m;
- Check level for stopping the concrete;

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 16

10 - Drilling fluids:
a- Drilling fluids:
 Basic effect of drilling fluids is to create pressure column to borehole walls and against to soil
pressure on borehole wall and pressure of groundwater and causes leading to landslide the
 Because the drilling fluids keep the borehole walls stability during the construction, they
should be constantly maintained in entire length of boreholes and during the bored pile
 Drilling fluids can be used such as bentonite or polymer depending on geologic requirements
of each project. The use of bentonite or polymer can also be based on the local requirements
on environmental protection where the project is located.
b- Working principle of drilling fluids:
 Density of drilling fluids is greater than or equal to water density (1> 1.15). Therefore, they
can create pressure equilibrium column and fight from infiltration of groundwater, landslide
due to pressure of groundwater.
 Drilling fluids have high viscosity (18> 45 s), with a lower density to concrete. Therefore,
they bring the flexibility of fluids which help casting concrete by surge mortar method.
 Coating member which is created from the drilling fluids will form a thin member to link the
surface of drilled hole walls and contribute to against the landslide of hole walls.
 Gel degree of fluids brings the consistency throughout the construction process and prevent
from the groundwater infiltration causing the damage to link of fluid components and loss of
drilling fluid effects. Depending on the use of bentonite or polymer, the gel degree can change
leading to change of features appropriately to different construction conditions and methods.
 PH of fluids in a range of 7> 12 will make sure the chemistry of fluids and does not affect to
the quality or concrete or rebar as well as nature of the fluids in the construction process .
c- Selection of bentonite and polymer:
 Density and gel degree of bentonite is larger than polymer. Therefore, it can be used for
different geology types. Especially for some weak geology such as loose mud or crude sand
particles, the bentonite is necessary selection.
 However, besides above mentioned advantages, the bentonite fluid has several limitations:
 Due to big density and gel, it is more complex to treat in both the construction and discharge
to the environment and make unsanitary site.
 Bentonite often causes sediment at pile bottom. Without treating carefully, sediment and solid
bentonite can affect the quality of concrete.
 Due to above factors, construction phases also will be longer.
 Polymer fluid has lighter density, not keep the sand and can be self-disintegrated in natural
environment, hence:
 Sand and solids will immediately sink to the bottom of pile during drilling and just use
buckets to clean the pile bottom after drilling without blowing, washing the fluid. The
construction phase will be shorter.
 Polymer is light and clean. So it does not affect to the quality of concrete when casting.
 It does not affect to the environment.

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 17

 The plan is neat and clean.

 However, due to density limitation, the polymer is suitable only for projects with good or
relatively good geology such as clay, hard clay, sandy clay, etc.
 In some cases, the polymer can be used in combination with bentonite to promote advantages
of polymer; simultaneously reduce its weakness.
d- Procedure of using bentonite as drilling fluid:

- Supplycấpthe
nước vào into
- Bentonite(dạng
(dried bột khô,package)
powder, đóng bao) DRILLING FLUIDS MIXING mixingtrộn;
TRẠM TRỘN - Give a small Bentonite
-Phụ giaadditive
CMC (tùy(depend on vào
thuộc geology)
địa -Rắc lượng nhỏ vật liệu
DUNG DỊCH KHOAN into the water;
chất) Mix Bentonite into the water Bentonite
- Mixing vào nước;
time: 15-20
Stir well by the mixing machine -Thời
minutesgian trộn: 15 20
NƯỚC Trộn bột Bentonite vào nước; phút.
- Water(nước
được thí nghiệm )
components Khuấy đều dung dịch bằng máy trộn
thành phần tạp chất)


The dịch
fluids được
will bơm
pumped fromtrộn lên hệ
the mixing
TRẠM CHỨA container
Quality of drilling fluids
DUNG DỊCH KHOAN thống bểtochứa.
storeage tank
Standard of lượng
fluidsdịch khoan Store the drilling fluids in Silos or tanks system;
Chất -Dung dịch sau khi trộn
- Density; - Viscosity or sinks - The mixed fluids wait
Tiêu chuẩn dung dịch khoan: Chứa dung dịch khoan trong hệ thống chờ a trong
in time thời gian
for full
- Sand content; - pH
-Dung trọng ; -Độ nhớt; Silo hoặc bể chứa hoặc Tank chứa trương nởbefore
expansion hoànusing
-Hàm lượng cát ; -Nồng độ PH. (for 6h) khi sử dụng
(khoảng 6h)

Fail đạt

- The fluids berfore being

-Dung dịchinto
supplied trước the
CHECK TRA cấp xuống will
boreholes hố khoanbe
QUA SỬ DỤNG checked the quality:
The drilling fluids after passing over FLUIDS được kiểm tra chất
sedimentation tank system will be lượng:
Dung dịchtokhoan
transferred sau khi
screeening qua hệ to
machine Check the quality of drilling 1.05:1.15g/cm3
+ Tỷ trọng dung<6 dịch:
refine chờ lắngand
sandđưa qua hệ Kiểm
fluids tra chấtdrilling
before lượng dung +Sand contend: zoor
1.05 1.15g/cm
+Viscosity:18:45 seconds
thống máy sàng để tinh lọc phần trước khi khoan
+ Hàm700/500cc)
(funnel lượng cát:<6%;
tạp chất và cát +pH:7-9
+ Độ nhớt: 18 45 giây
(phễu 700/500cc);
Đạt + Độ PH: 7 9.

The drilling fluidsđược
dịch khoan will
DUNG DỊCH TRONG hồi về trong quá trình
cleaning the hole and
The used drilling fluids are transferred HỐ fluids
KHOAN are supplied làm sạch
casting đáy hố khoan
the concrete
to the sedimentation tank system will constantly into the boreholes during the và trong quá trình đổ
Dung dịch khoan
be transferred qua sử dụng
for deposition được
of coarse construction
Dung dịch khoan được cấp liên tục bê tông.
đưa qua
grained hệ thống bể chờ lắng để
components vào hố khoan trong suốt quá trình thi
lắng đọng thành phần cát hạt thộ

 Mix the bentonite:

 Bentonite 25kg bag are gathered and stored in a dry warehouse covered with tarpaulin.
 Bentonite is mixed in the mixer by circulating pump method combined with paddle. Mixing
time is 30 minutes for each mixing. Mixing ratio depends upon the bentonite type.

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 18

 After mixing, the bentonite fluid is pumped into the tank or silo and incubated for 6 to 12
hours to ensure composition of bentonite to swell up.
 Tests of bentonite quality are conducted after the swell and the fluid is used to achieve the
mechanical and physical indicators according to rules: (Bentonite shall be used and have to
satisfy the requirements in sub-clause and table 1 in TCVN 9395-2012)

Test Criteria Method

Hydrometer or baume
1. Density of fluid 1.05 ÷1.15 g/cm3
2. Viscosity 18÷45 seconds Marsh funnel 700/500cc
3. PH 7 ÷9 Litmus paper
Sand content measuring
4. Sand content ≤6%
5. Gel ratio 100% Measuring cup
1000ml cylindrical
6. Stability 0.01g/cm3
measuring tube

 Treat bentonite fluid and reuse:

Used Bentonite fluid which is pumped from pile ditch being poured concrete into sedimentation
tank comprise sands, impurities, solids that are not components of bentonite fluid does not ensure
the technical features to use. So, to re-use, this mixture shall be given a treatment process as
 Be kept in the tank and wait for sedimentation of all kinds of high density solids such as soil,
coarse-grained sand and garbage.
 Upper liquid bentonite fluid part is pumped up and separated the remaining sand by sand
screening machine.
 Fluid after sand separation process by screening machine will have satisfactory quality for
reuse. This fluid will be pumped back into the silos and ready for the next use.
 The used bentonite fluid often is affected by solid objects, contaminants in soil reducing the
viscosity. So, when treating the used bentonite for re-use, it is necessary to add new bentonite
powder to offset the lost viscosity.
e- Procedure of using polymer as drilling fluid :
 The procedure of using the polymer fluid is basically similar to the bentonite one. However,
because the polymer is light and does not keep the sand, the reuse of polymer is simpler. In
addition to, the polymer must also complement the new powder into used polymer fluid to
offset the viscosity then reuse fluid does not need to pass sand separation line.

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 Polymer used as drilling fluid shall often be added Soda additive to increase the viscosity.

Supply nước vàointo
- Polymer (driedbột khô,package)
powder, đóng bao) TRẠM TRỘN
STATION thùng trộn;
mixing container;
- Soda
-Phụ giaadditive
Soda (depend on geology) --Trộn phụ into
Mix Soda gia Soda tan
the water
Mix Soda and Polymer into the water -đều
Give a small
trong nước;Polymer
Stir well by the mixing machine into
vật liệu
Trộn bột phụ gia Soda và Polymer - Mixing time: 15-20
WATER trong nước; Polymer vào dung dịch
- Water(nước
(testedđã được thí
impurity nghiệm )
components Khuấy đều dung dịch bằng máy trộn Soda và nước;
thành phần tạp chất) -Thời gian trộn: 10 15

The dịch
will bơm
từ thùngfromtrộn
the mixing
lên hệ
STATION container to storeage tank
DUNG DỊCH KHOAN thống bể chứa.
Quality of drilling fluids system;
Standard drillingdung
fluidsdịch khoan --Dung dịch sau
The mixed khiwait
fluids trộn
Store the drilling fluids in Silos or
Tiêu -chuẩn
- Density; dung dịch khoan:
Viscosity tanksdung
Chứa or sinks
dịch khoan trong hệ thống chờ a trong
in time thờifor gian
- Sand trọng- pH
content; ; -Độ nhớt; Silo hoặc bể chứa hoặc Tank chứa trương nởbefore
expansion hoàn using
-Hàm lượng cát ; -Nồng độ PH. (for 2h) khi sử dụng
(khoảng 2h)

Fail đạt

- The fluids
-Dung dịchberfore
supplied into the
TRA cấp xuống hố
boreholes will khoanbe
checkedkiểm tra chất
the quality:
quality of drilling +1.01:1.15g/cm3
Tỷ trọng dung dịch:
Kiểm lượng dung +Sand contend: <63;zoor
fluids before drilling 1.01 1.05g/cm
trước khi khoan +Viscosity:18:45 seconds
+ Hàm lượng cát: ≤2%;
(funnel 1500/946cc)
Độ nhớt: 37 48 giây
(phễu 1500/946cc);
Đạt + Độ PH: 8.5 11.5.


The drilling fluids được
dịch khoan will
SEDIMENTATION TANK SYSTEM be recoverd dutting the
DUNG DỊCH TRONG hồi về trong
cleaning quá trình
the hole and
The used drilling fluids are transferred HỐ fluids
KHOAN are supplied làm sạch
casting đáy hố khoan
the concrete
constantly into the boreholes during the
to thedịch
sedimentation và trong quá trình đổ
Dung khoan quatank
sử system will
dụng được construction
be transferred for deposition of coarse Dung dịch khoan được cấp liên tục bê tông.
đưa qua hệ thống bể chờ lắng để
grained components vào hố khoan trong suốt quá trình thi
lắng đọng thành phần cát hạt thộ

 Criteria of Polymer fluid:

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 20

Test Criteria Method

Hydrometer or baume
1. Density of fluid 1.01÷1.05 g/cm3
2. Viscosity 18÷45 seconds Marsh funnel 1500/946cc
3. PH 8.5÷11.5 Litmus paper
4. Sand content ≤2% Sand content measuring device
5. Gel ratio 100% Measuring cup
1000ml cylindrical measuring
6. Stability 0.01g/cm3

Drilling fluids treating and mixing station system

Sand mixing and screening station system

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 21

Drilling fluids mixer

Process of using drilling fluids

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Test of drilling fluids

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2.4m wide square base; cylindrical silo with a diameter of 2200mm; The height is 6000mm. Before erection, the ground will be reinforced with a
layer of smooth bricks and compacted by an excavator. The steel plate is placed on the reinforced ground before placing the Silos on it.

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 25

11 - Pile axis setting out work:

a- Setting out pile axes and sending focal points:
Before drilling holes to place Casing, it is necessary to accurately position axes and mark on the
construction plan by marker posts (steel nails, paint ...) Coordinates of piles are corrected to 4
focal points under 2 perpendicular direction to check and adjust during the casing down to the
ground (see figure).

R+1000 500
Tim cọc

Focal points 1-2


Focal points 3-4


Layout of sending focal points

b- Casing place work:
- Casing is 15÷20 mm thick steel pipe with larger inside diameter of 50 to 100 mm pile
diameter; its ‘length is usually 6m with hard strengthening belts. Casing is to help to direct, keep
the top geology from landslide under slip arch, prevent the surface layer of mud dropping into the
- After positioning the axes and send focal points, drill holes by drilling machine, diameter of
drilling bucket is extended to blade so that the diameter of drilled is larger 50 ÷ 100mm than
outside diameter of Casing.
- Typically, the bottom of boreholes to place casing down will be shorter than casing bottom
about 50cm. Then, use Crane and drilling machine to low the casing down to 50cm depth up to
required level. Casing base will be solid, unshakable to prevent drilling fluid level from moving up
and down causing the erosion at the base of casing.

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Drill boreholes to place Casing

- During placing the Casing into the prepared boreholes, workers will check the distance from
the point sent to casing wall to ensure the casing is placed down exactly. Plumb and nivo ruler are
also utilized during placing the casing to test the vertical during the placing the casing. Casing pipe
shall be checked carefully before installation.
- After placing the casing, check once again coordinates by total stations under absolute
coordinates of piles. In case of incorrectness, adjust them or even take casing out of to repeat. The
maximum allowed error is 5cm or separately depending on the requirements of each project.
- When coordinates of casing are determined as required, workers will conduct tight backfill the
gaps between the casing body and ground floor, while making earth embankments around the
mouth of casing to prevent drilling fluids from overflowing out of site. The earth embankments
can also be replaced by a prefabricated steel frame with size 2mx2m, height> 0.3 m.

Placing the Casing

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 27

12 - Drilling to create boreholes:

a- Preparation before drilling:
- Backfilling to create smooth and clean surface; ensure drilling machines on balanced, stable
and surely positions during drilling;
- Prepare the drilling fluids with good quality, quantity;
- Prepare all systems to contain drilled slugs, prevent from spilling around.
b- Drilling to create the boreholes:
- Drill to create the boreholes by drilling machines with rotable bucket; speed of drilling
depends on the geology and capacity of machines. However, operators should monitor and ensure
drilling tower is always in a vertical state and drillìn lever is in the middle of casing.
- Drilling fluids are continuously supplied during drilling to ensure the drilling fluid level in the
boreholes is lower than casing mouth 2m in maximum and higher than underground level 1.5m in
- Geological stratum layers will vary under the depth. Speed, methods and drilling tools
(bucket, bucket teeth) will change to match. Also, the change of each pile strata should be recorded
in the log attached with the corresponding geological sample. When the drill encounters the
bearing rock layer, the rock sample is taken and compared with the rock sample of the geological
survey drill. And drill to the designed depth.
- In addition to the monitoring of operators driving machine, technicial workers also monitor,
test and monitor vertical direction of drilling lever by plumb in the perpendicular direction to the
direction of the drilling stand.
- The drilled muds are contained in tanks and transported out of the site with dedicated truck.
- Field Engineer monitors and records the technical parameters achieved during the drilling in
construction diary of each pile.
-Conditions for stopping drilling: drilling through rock layer 7 = 1m

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Drilling work
13 - Checking the vertical direction:
- The vertical direction of drilled piles will be checked by check the koden machine. Maximum
permitted deviation of pile compared to depth in any levels is <= 1%.
- Completed holes with too big deviation as prescribed 1%, their bore hole wall shall be
adjusted by widening in the opposite direction of deviation. Pile body will be expanded but overall
deviation will decrease to the required level.

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14 - 1st cleaning the borehole walls

c- Treating crude sediments:
After finishing drilling the boreholes, a lot of muds and solids with high proportion fall into to the
sediment layer at the bottom. Buckets often cannot move this sediment layer, use bucket with
sealed tap to dredge all types of sediments out of the holes. It is about 30 minutes after the end of
drilling so that the entire sediment stops to the bottom of holes and then to dredge.
d- Treating fine sediments:
- Although the bottom sediments are cleaned by dredging bucket, however, bentonite is high gel
fluid, fine land and dust (lower density) components are remained suspending in fluid that not
settle to the bottom. These components will be not suspended in fluids that will subside gradually
in the process of steel frame and concrete placement causing a negative impact on the quality of
the pile.
- The drilling fluids in this case are dirty and under quality. Therefore, it is necessary to blow,
wash to replace all these drilling fluids in boreholes by new fluids to ensure the quality before
coming next items.
- Blowing, replacing the fluids can be conducted by 2 methods:
+ Use air compressors with pressure of 7-15mpa to compress all fluids from the bottom of
boreholes (together with deposited muds) and supply clean bentonite from the mouth of
+ Use suction pumps with capacity of 15kw to 36kw to pump all drilling fluids from the
bottom of boreholes (together with deposited muds) and supply the clean bentonite from
the mouth of boreholes.
+ Always make sure that supplied new drilling fluids is equal to dirty drilling liquids
pumped out to avoid the liquid level to fall down under allowed level causing collapse of
borehole wall.
+ The dirty drilling fluids are returned into sedimentation tank to treat and reuse for other

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 30

Circulation of fluids by suction pump

- Blowing, replacing the fluids ends when entire dirty drilling fluids are replaced by new and
quality fluids.
Using a 1 Kg plumb, tied to the end of a tape measure to measure the depth of the borehole at
the times after dredging and before placing concrete; The difference in borehole depth at these two
measurement times is the sedimentation.
15 - Reinforcement work:
a- Fabrication yard of reinforcement and material gathering work:
- Steel bars to the site shall be right type, attached certificate of origin, satisfactory test of
results before storing.
- Gathering yard and storage area of steels shall be dry area and higher from the ground in
minimum 20cm. Between the steel bundles shall be placed stell or wood purlins with minimum
8cm height. Do not mix rebars with different diameter but to separate into individual kinds.
- Rebar storage area shall be equiped steel barrier of or warning tapes to distinguish rebar
fabricating area and other functional areas.

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- Rebar fabricating yard is next gathering yard and storage area; the surface shall be flat, dry
and well drained when necessary. Area of fabricating yard depends on quantity and progress of
each specific project.
- Stored reinforcements and finished steel cages but not be used shall be covered by tapurlin
when it rains or it does not rain but the rebar fabricating is not conducted.
b- Fabricating the bored pile steel cages:
- The steel cages will be fabricated as approved shopdrawings and in compliance with norms of
reinforcement work as defined in Vietnamese Standard.
- he steel cages will be fabricated on steel or wood frames which are higher 30 cm in minimum
from the ground to avoid flooding.
- The steel cages can be fabricated each cage under length of standard rebar (11,7m) or longer
cages (2x11,7m; 3x11,7m or option) to save time. The selection depends on the construction
conditions of each specific project.
- Steel bars will be linked together according to the fastening method according to the design
- The ultrasound tubes are placed into the steel cages in right position and fixxed by zinc wires
and hooks under the tube botttom to avoid falling tubes when loading by cranes.

Fabricating the steel cages

c- Installing the steel cages:
- The complete steel cages are placed into the boreholes (Cleanly blown and washed) by the
cranes with sufficient load crane corresponding to the entire weight of piles.
- Before loading the steel cages from fabricating yard, field engineer shall check carefully and
make sure that the steel cages are processed, connected surely and free from obstacles around and
hooks are linked. During loading the steel cages, assign staff to observe the safety to avoid
- The steel cages can be placed into the boreholes with each separate cage (11,7m) or more
depending on the construction conditions and detailed methods. The first placed steel cages are
hung on the casing mouth by horizontal bars with enough intensity. The Contractor proposes to
use a bolt joint (U Bold) to connect the steel cages, the joint length is 40d (d: Diameter of steel
bar). Each joint uses 02 U Bold. Joints are used 50% of the steel bars, the remaining 50% use

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 32

fastening joints, steel bars connecting with alternating steel bars and longitudinal steel bars are
made on the same 01 section cross-section.

- The ultrasound tubes between cages are connected by welding after the main reinforcement
between the two cages is connected fixedly. During placing the steel cages, the ultrasonic pipes
will be fixed into the steel cages by zinc wires with a minimum distance of 4m/connection.
- It is necessary to fulfill the ultrasonic tubes with the water to prevent uplift and during
checking water level in the ultrasound tubes to detect leakage due to non-ensured welding
connection. In case of leakage, pull up the cages to repeat welding. The ultrasonic tubes are
covered with taps after placing the cages.
- All steel cages are placed to design level and fixed by hanging into the mount of casing. Bar
used to hang the cages shall be calculated with length to suit the level of designed hanging.

Placing the steel cages and fixing.

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16 - 2nd cleaning the bottom of boreholes:

- Time of placing the steel cages into the boreholes can last for hours. During that time, eroded
sand from the borehole walls can settle to the bottom of boreholes to form muds and suspension in
the drilling fluids can also settle to the bottom which makes the drilling fluids are thicker at the
pile cap (most of bentonite fluid). in case if the sedimentation exceeds the regulation then it is
necessity to 2nd blow wash in the boreholes to ensure the clean drilling fluids not to affect the
quality of concrete.
- Blowing, washing method is similar to above mentioned blowing, washing method.
17 - Casting concrete:
a- Preparation:
- Construction site plan for casting concrete shall be calculated to avoid interaction with other
construction items and ensure the safety during casting concrete:
+ Location of cranes, vision of operators
+ Road for moving of concrete mixer trucks, ruggedness of the road bed
+ Location of workers casting concrete, visibility, signal
- The necessary auxiliary things:
+ Pump to recovery drilling fluids with enough capacity
+ Standby generators
+ Tremie pipe washing water sources
- Installing tremie pipes:
+Prior to installation, tremie pipe shall be checked to ensure clean, watertight throughout the
+ Install casting pour frame in middle of pile axes and fix surely.
+ Install the tremie pipes along the depth of boreholes; the site engineer records exactly
number of pipes and length of each pipe at each position. Most of pipes are 3m. In
addition to, 2m and 1m pipes are installed above to adjust the length of entire with
length of pile body.
+ Before installing funnels, drop all installed tresime pipes to catch the bottom of pile holes
make sure that pipes are sufficient to pile length.
+ Bottom of tresime pipes is spaced 40cm maximum from ditch bottom.
+ Tremie pipes have 219mm diameter or 273mm depending on the size of bored pile
b- Checking the concrete quality:
- In principle, the concrete quality shall follow to the design, State technical standards and
ensured by suppliers through the quality control tests.
- However, to ensure proper technical execution, on the site, the concrete shall meet some
visual requirements including:
+ Slump is in allowed range to bored pile concrete

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+ Plasticity of concrete is shown through the ability to keep the frame after slump test
+ Aggregates of concrete stones are not too big or small
+ Certificate of origin of concrete mixer trucks to demonstrate that concrete is right type
and does not exceed concrete setting time

Test of concrete on the site

c- Casting concrete:
- For the first batch of concrete, use a foam ball to separate the concrete and the drilling fluid in
the pour pipe.
- Prior to installation, tremie pipe shall be checked to ensure clean, watertight throughout the
- Casting concrete directly from concrete mixer trucks into the funnels to use concrete pressure
to push the drilling fluids from the tremie pipes and push entire drilling fluids, muds at bottom
upward to leave the space for concrete at the bottom of piles. When the concrete leaves from
tremie pipes and spills out from the bottom of piles, its spilling out speed will decrease due to
pressure of drilling fluid Colum. Therefore, reduce the speed of casing concrete from mixer trunks
to the funnels to avoid spilling out.
- The surge level of concrete is checked for each concrete trunk and recorded on diary. The
surge level also decides to cut tremie pipes during casting. Tremie pipes shall always be immersed
in the concrete with minimum 6m to prevent in case of problem which requires taking out or cut,
they are also sufficient with minimum submersion of 1.5 meters. Tremie pipes shall not be
immersed over 12m in the concrete as this may cause loss or occlusion of pipes. In many cases, the
tremie pipes can be stuck.
- Withdraw of tremie pipes after casting the concrete or when cutting the pipes during the
casting shall be conducted with slow speed to avoid impact to the steel cages and avoid bentonite
muds to infiltrate into clean concrete at withdrawn pipes.
- The drilling fluids will spill out during casting concrete and this amount of fluids will be
recovered to treat and reuse. However, quantity of drilling fluids at final phase (about 6 meters)
near the concrete is often exposed cement and not able to re-use. This quantity will not be returned

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 35

to the station but it will be pumped to waste storage tanks to treat before transporting out of the
- The first concrete amount poured into the piles will be surge concrete quantity on pile top
after finishing casting concrete. This concrete amount is in direct contact with drilling fluids and
often becomes contaminated, it should be removed. Removed quantity is usually 1m from the
- For the test pile, the top of the pile is horizontal to the ground level, the clean concrete is
allowed to reach the height of the pipe mouth, the process of withdrawing the wall pipe, the
concrete is still added to ensure the quality of the concrete. . (In some cases, an excavator or pump
truck can be used to add clean concrete during the removal of the bulkhead.)
- All figures during casting concrete include: time, quantity of concrete, surge level, depth of
tresime pipe, cut pipe length, slump ... etc. They shall be recorded accurately in compliance with
defined forms to form the documents of pile quality assessment in the future.

Casting concrete

18 - Withdrawing the Casing and Backfilling the top of boreholes

a- Withdrawing the Casing:
- It is necessary to withdraw casing immediately after completing the concrete

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- Use the cranes to withdraw the casing in vertical direction. The crane shall have large lifting
capacity; operation stand is near and face the withdrawal of casing position. Tilt angle of the crane
while drawing the casing is 70 degrees, withdraw the casing by the cable 4 with slow speed. Never
use the crane to shake casing during cable pull of casing.
- Cut all beards for hanging the steel cages and ensure free from obstructions before removing
the casing.
- Use excavators to support during removing casing but to ensure the impact of excavators and
cranes are completely independent on the casing body.

Withdrawing Casing and cleaning pile cap

b- Backfilling the top of boreholes:
- Pile pits will be done backfilling by sand or available materials in four hours after casting
concrete. Besides backfilling, waste fluids in pile pits shall be pumped to take outside to ensure the
pile pits will be done backfilling fully and do not affect the safety. Cover to warning when pits are
not done backfilling yet.

Backfilling the top of boreholes

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 37


During the construction process, the risks always exist but these risks are derived from foreseen actual potentials. As a professional contractor, with
experience, the objective and subjective situations which potentially lead to risks shall be clearly aware from the start. Here are common problems
encountered during the construction of bored piles which should be early warned and remedies in case of occurrence:
No Description Cause Prevention Treatment

A Surveying work
1 Wrong coordinates - Wrong entering of benchmarks - Check the determined coordinates - Re-determine the coordinates
of piles - Check and compare with coordinate
system in fact
- Fail total station - Test machine periodically, clean - Bring the total station to accreditation
regularly, store under the guidance of center for repair and recalibration
manufacturer - Replace by other total stations.
- Re-check 3rd benchmark after installing
coordinate system with 2 initial
B Drilling to give the holes
1 Wrong drilling Mistake on shop drawings - Re-check the shop drawings before - In case of wrong drilling, fill the pits
position of pile performing by crushed stones and re-drill correctly
center the pile position.
Wrong surveying work - Re-check the surveying work
Casing is oblique during drilling - Limit to hit bucker on Casing falsifying - Re-correct the casing
- Compact casing tightly after being placed
2 Obstacles (rocks, - Geological conditions - Check carefully record of geological - Depending on the type of obstacles to
old foundation) in survey select the different overcome options:
the boreholes - Remnant old foundation - Check carefully record of current state of mace, grab bucket, vibratory hammer
old buildings, relevant information …etc.

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No Description Cause Prevention Treatment

3 The boreholes are - The geological conditions - Change the drilling speed to suit each - Correct the oblique boreholes by
oblique change suddenly geological condition and drill slowly in widening the diameter of piles in the
case of geological changes. opposite direction to the oblique
- Use the bucket appropriately for each direction.
geological layer - Use drilling bucket or casing fitted
- Operators are inexperienced or - Test skill of workers prior to hire with teeth to widen the diameter at
careless - Monitor drilling lever during drilling by position to be corrected.
- Drilling machines are on dis- - Plan of drilling machine shall be sure, flat
balance, unsure position - Insert under the machine base in case of
absence of concrete floor
5 Be unable to - Landslide borehole wall while - Carefully check the geology and give - Basically, insert cable into kelly bar or
withdraw the drilling suitable drilling fluid, monitor the supplybucket bar neck (depending on
drilling bucket - Bucket is stranded due to solid of drilling fluids carefully appropriate location ) to use a crane to
geology or friction - Body of drilling bucket shall be smaller pull up (crane with enough capacity or
- Damaged drilling machine than diameter of drill lever; bucket teeth two cranes)
while the bucket is in drilling structure shall be suitable and operator - Evaluate the actual situation, analyze
status. It is not withdrawn shall have experience causes and base on the experience of the
timely. - Check the machine regularly Contractor to the addition of the solution
- Drilling is excessive oblique or auxiliary effects
6 - Cable of bucket is - Regularly check the status of bucket - Use dedicated bucket to move up
The bucket or its disconnected during drilling
cap is left - Pins are left or broken - Check the safety of drilling machine as
- There is redundant cable to kip drilling
bucket cap
There are redundant barricades for both ends
for bucket pins- G-

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No Description Cause Prevention Treatment

7 Collapse of - Landslide of casing bottom due - Use long enough casing to pass weak soil - If a serious collapse, use sands, crushed
borehole walls to weak geology or too big pit to area or pass excavated depth to break stones or poor concrete for backfilling
place the casing (due to problem obstacles and drill again after 24 hours
of old foundation) - Select suitable drilling fluids, check the - If the range can be overcome, use
- Drilling fluid does not meet the quality of regular fluids dredging bucket to take collapsed part,
technical requirements - Ensure the supply of fluid fully and or be able to use large capacity air
- Ink of drilling fluid is frequently compressor to blow up (if the steel cages
unsatisfactory Give an appropriate complementary (additive, are placed down)
- The phenomenon of sand ingredient content) for drilling fluids when Depending on the fact, arrange suitably for
flowing- meeting the complex geological layers- drilling fluids to avoid recurrence

D Placing the steel cages

1 Be unable to place - Because of obstacles - Check the pit walls by Koden test before - Correct the pit walls if detecting an
the steel cages - Steel cages are curved placing abnormality
- Pile pits are excessive oblique - Load the steel cages properly to avoid to - Compulsorily correct the steel cages if
be curved they are curved
- Absolutely do not try to place steel
cages down by mechanical method in
case of obstructions
2 Ultrasound tubes or - Welding connection is under - Ensure the quality of welding connection - Use to kelly bar lever to drop
steel cages are quality - Check carefully connecting bolts filamentary cable down into the
fallen into - Joint by bolt is under quality - Hang the ultrasound tube racks for each boreholes and swivel so that filamentary
boreholes - Careless operation- cage cable will entangle dropped steel cages
- Supervise the placing steel cages or ultrasound tubes, then pull them up
- Depending on time and influence of
treatment process, it may be necessary to
blow and wash drilling fluids again
E Casting concrete

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No Description Cause Prevention Treatment

1 Tremie pipes are - The quality of the concrete is - Check carefully the concrete before - In case of blockage, lift up and down
blocked not ensured: insufficient slump, casting the concrete all tremie pipes with high speed to create
non- additives, too large or too - There are plan to provide the concrete the inertia force to push the concrete out
small aggregates reasonably, uninterruptedly of pipes.
- Delay concrete makes the - Check the tremie pipes when fitting, - Also use lifting up and down method in
concrete in boreholes the setting apply clay of exterior pipe couplings. combination with hitting strongly the
- Tremie pipes are leakage that Couplings shall be equipped the water trimie pipes into frame to form a big
make penetration of drilling preventing gasket impulse to push the blocked concrete out
fluids causing the stratification - Foreman in charge of casting concrete of pipes.
- Deposited sands and bentonite shall have experience. - In both cases, always ensure the tremie
mud settle at the bottom - Blow and wash drilling fluids thoroughly pipes are submerged in the concrete
reducing the pushing pressure of before casting the concrete, ensure the - If these ways are not effect, withdraw
concrete boreholes to be free from sand or sediment the whole pipes, clean thoroughly and
- Collapse pit walls while ử re-install tremie pipes to re-cast the
pouring concrete concrete from current surge position.
- Technique of concrete casting - When cutting the frame to re-cast the
is not good concrete, calculate the bottom of tremie
pipes to reach right position of current
concrete surge; use ruler to measure
- After completing, the drilling fluids in
pipes escape, install more tremie pipes
about 2 to 3 meters and put down deeper
than equivalent depth.
- Continue casting the concrete as
typical method; top concrete part (2 to 3
meters) will be considered dirty and not
included in the pile concrete
3 Steel cages are Speed of too fast casting make - Maintain reasonable speed during casting - Be unable to place the steel cages into

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 41

No Description Cause Prevention Treatment

emerged during the steel cages to uplift the concrete initial position by mechanical method;
casting the concrete only limit and avoid continuing
- Cut the length of concrete pipe to
reduce uplift pressure of concrete on
steel cages
- Reduce the speed of casting the
5 Be unable to - Concrete hardening is too fast - Ensure the concrete quality - Turn oppositely pipe thread to remove
withdraw the and Tremie pipes are buried in - It is noted when installing the tremie the top pipe, left on the concrete of
Tremie pipes the concrete pipes and casting, crane hanging concrete blocked concrete
- Be caught in steel cages pipes shall be right to the pile center, avoid - Install other tremie pipes and continue
to be oblique to cast as method in the case of
- The steel cage should be calculated in
advance for these situations occlusion
Do not leave the pipes in concrete too much
6 Much deposited - Do not blow, wash and change - Compulsorily blow, wash the fluids - Blow and wash with high capacity air
sand after placing the fluids before placing the before placing the steel cages compressors
the steel cages cages - The fluids shall ensure the standard Withdraw the steel cages and dredge with
makes impossible - Poor quality of fluids and viscosity bucket dredge then blow, replace the
to cast the concrete complex geology
- Collapse of borehole walls drilling fluids

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 42


Labor safety and environmental hygiene are strictly adhered to in accordance with current
regulations and documents and are always updated on ensuring order, safety and environmental
sanitation during the construction process.
On the whole construction site, from outside the gate to the construction area, there must be all
kinds of signs. At the entrance gate, there must be a signboard "Construction rules" in a
convenient position so that everyone can easily read it. Other locations such as construction areas,
excavation pits, power stations... must have safety warning signs for people to avoid. There must
be a safety fence around the large dug holes.
During the construction of the bidding package, the following standards on work protection, safety
and environmental sanitation must be complied with:

No. Standard number Standard name

Hệ thống tiêu chuẩn an toàn lao động. Quy định cơ bản
01 TCVN 2287:1978
System of occupational safety standards. Basic Rules
Phương tiện bảo vệ người lao động. Phân loại
02 TCVN 7547:2005
Means of protecting workers. Classify
An toàn điện trong xây dựng. Yêu cầu chung
03 TCVN 4086:1985
Electrical safety in construction. General requirements
Quy phạm kỹ thuật an toàn trong xây dựng
04 TCXD 5308:1991
Technical regulations on safety in construction
An toàn nổ – Yêu cầu chung
05 TCVN 3255:1986
Explosion safety – General requirements
An toàn cháy – Yêu cầu chung
06 TCVN 3254:1989
Fire safety – General requirements
Các tiêu chuẩn, quy chuẩn Việt Nam về an toàn khác liên quan
Other relevant Vietnamese standards and regulations on safety
Responsible for Labor Safety at the construction site;
- Hold the role of Chairman of the Labor Safety Committee;
- Assign work to foreman, supervisor on Labor Safety;
- Arrange the inspection of machinery and equipment at the construction site at the request of
interested parties;
- Organize patrols, inspect Labor safety and promptly handle when necessary;
- Contributing advice to management on long-term safety procedures;
- Develop and monitor the company's safety program;
- Carrying out the Labor Safety inspection to assess the implementation of the Safety - Labor
standards and the implementation of the Labor Safety standards for the executive board on policy
making, proposing solutions. to the executive board;
- Participate in training courses on Labor Safety;

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- Drafting and updating Labor safety standards;

- Urging everyone to follow Labor Safety standards.
- Monitor the safe performance of all personnel and equipment operating on the site;
- Immediately warn when detecting possible occupational safety hazards for timely prevention;
- When the person in charge of safety is absent, the person in charge can take over the duties of
the person in charge;
- Perform other duties as prescribed by the Company's Occupational Safety regulations.
- Promote the implementation of Labor Safety at the construction site;
- Warn possible occupational safety hazards and notify supervisors;
- Take part in safety checks.
- All staffs and workers have undergone short courses on occupational safety and environmental
sanitation. Technical workers must have a practicing certificate. On the construction site,
everyone must be equipped with work safety equipment such as clothes, boots, helmets, etc.
Particularly for welders, electricians must be equipped with special safety devices when
- Comply with the prescribed procedures and regulations on occupational safety and immediately
report unsafe working conditions, equipment or behavior to the site supervisor;
- Participate in all Occupational Safety activities;
- Maintain equipment and tools so that they are always in good and safe operating condition;
- Operate machinery and equipment only when the above equipment is in safe working order;
- Participate in all Safety Training sessions.
1 - Labor safety:
The management of labor safety of the construction site is based on the following three principles:
- Create a safe environment;
- Create safe jobs;
- Create awareness about labor safety.
Based on the above principles, before entering into the construction of a bored pile drilling project,
due to the characteristics of the site being completely mechanical construction, we always pay
attention to the following issues:
- Only use the machine within the technical range specified by the manufacturer. If there is no
specific explanatory calculation;
- Strictly comply with the periodic inspection of motorbikes;
- Operators must meet the conditions prescribed by the state;

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- All workers in the shift must master and follow the general safety rules, clear the work and
coordinate smoothly;
- Shift handover must be serious and attentive in accordance with regulations on management of
motorcycle equipment;
- To determine the safety limit of the area where motorcycles operate to take measures to prevent
barriers and signs;
- When working at night, there must be enough lights. Dangerous places must have warning
lights and protection when there is no barrier cover even for a short time.
2 - Safety principle for crane:
- Do not park the crane where the soil has just been filled or compacted, it is necessary to spread
corrugated iron;
- The minimum safe distance between the crane's operating range and surrounding obstacles is at
least 5m;
- When dropping the crane hook at the lowest position on the winch drum, there must be at least
5-3 turns of the cable to prevent the cable from slipping;
- Do not place the crane near and below the power line with any voltage;
- Periodically check the crane, winch and gantry cable system;
- Operation must be smooth, not jerky;
- The position of the crane must be most convenient in observing the operator, the crane and the
place where the crane is lowered;
- When lifting the wheel, it must be jacked up or carefully inserted to avoid uneven settlement or
moving the crane while moving;
- When lifting the crane, do not stand below the crane's operating range before the crane has
stabilized on the ground;
- Do not drag or slant heavy objects, only pull up vertically;
- Do not move and rotate the boom to move the crane horizontally at the same time;
- For any reason to stop, it is necessary to lower the crane;
- Working at night must have lights.
3 - Safety principle for bored pile
- Before drilling, always pay attention to inspecting underground construction such as drainage
systems, power lines must be hung high, firmly fixed...
- Wastes during the drilling process are always kept away from the borehole;
- Arrange enough light and means of communication for people working on the construction site;
- The machine moving path must be stable;
- The vertical and horizontal slope must be within the allowable limit according to the machine
- Equipment and machinery must be firm and stable;
- Regularly check the pulley, lifting cable... of the boom and the drill bucket before the shift. If
there is a problem, it must be repaired immediately;

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- Check electrical equipment, working conditions, insulation;

- The workers in the shift must be trained in construction safety, electrical safety and emergency
techniques with specific assignments and coordination, and must have full signatures on the
daily occupational safety sheet;
- When moving, keep the bucket at the lowest position.
4 - Safety principle for drilling bucket:
Follow the safety rules for lifting heavy loads;
- There is only one person in charge of assembly and only giving orders, which is a technician or
a mechanic;
- When manipulating: only allow workers in the team assigned by shift to the construction site. It
is forbidden for unauthorized people to enter the construction area, the technical workers must
be equipped with labor protection equipment and stand at least 1m from the borehole. It is
forbidden to stand on the edge of the borehole and not to look down at the hole because of the
risk of falling into the hole;
- The installation and use of electrical equipment and construction grid must comply with the
following provisions and the standard "Electrical safety in construction" TCVN 4036 - 85.
- Electrical workers, workers operating electrical equipment are all skilled and trained in
electrical safety, workers in charge of electricity on the construction site are experienced in
construction electricity management;
- Electricity on the construction site is divided into two separate power and lighting systems,
with general circuit breakers and branch circuit breakers;
- The grid diagram is posted on the construction site; Electrical workers are familiar with
electrical grid diagrams. Only electric workers - who are directly assigned can repair, connect,
disconnect the power supply;
- Electrodynamic transmission line with insulated rubber-coated cable, PVC-coated lighting
transmission line. Cable joints are made by welding and then insulating, connecting PVC
coated wires with double or twisted to ensure that the joints are insulated;
- Perform grounding for the metal shell of electrical equipment and scaffolding
Electric welding:
- Have a new training certificate to use welding machines;
- When working, must use full protective equipment, welder's clothes, shoes, protective boots
neatly, gloves tightly cover the sleeves, wear a mask, cover the chest with canvas apron;
- The welding goggles of the mask must conform to the standard QCVN 27:2016/BLDTBXH;
- Must check the wiring, pliers, when pushing into the machine or the outer shell of the
- The outer casing of transformers and welding machines must have a grounding wire;

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- The work area must not be filled with oil or flammable substances. When a fire occurs, a fire
extinguisher equipped in the welding area must be used according to TCVN 9380 - 2009;
- It is raining, heavy fog is not allowed to work outdoors;
- When working at height, must wear safety belt;
- Within 10m, it is forbidden to contact sparks;
- When finished, cut off the power of the device.
- Braze:
- Inspection, maintenance, installation, transportation of oxygen cylinders must comply with
regulations (TCVN 9380-2009);
- It is absolutely forbidden to carry out welding when the oxygen bottle has no pressure reducer
and there is no safety device on the gas generator or there is a damaged device;
- Before installing the pressure reducer on the oxygen cylinder, remove all dust and grease from
the valve;
- Gas cylinders must have full safety equipment. Fire prevention tank, manometer, safety valve...
Safety valve must be sensitive, manometer must be accurate;
- The use of metal foils is allowed. Tin-lead aluminum for making safety films.
- Prohibit the use of red copper and alloys with a copper content of more than 70% to
manufacture auxiliary parts of gas cylinders;
- Before doing so, check that the water level of the fire prevention tank must always be at the
same level as the test faucet;
- It is forbidden to install 2 soldering irons in one fire prevention tank;
- When welding, do not wrap the rubber hose leading to the bottle, clamp it under the armpit,
clamp it on the thigh, when arranging it is forbidden to flatten the tube, the red wire leads to
gas, the black wire leads to oxygen;
- It is forbidden to carry a burning torch outside of the workplace or escalate;
- Only those who have been trained professionally and have appropriate professional
qualifications can repair, assemble and test gas cylinders and oxygen cylinders;
- Transporting oxygen bottles must use spring-loaded means or keeping stacks of bottles must
have soft materials, the stack of bottles must not exceed 3 layers. When transporting the bottles
must have caps, caps and caps must be lined up on the same side. Horizontally compared to the
means of transport;
- Transporting oxygen cylinders over short distances allows for manual standing, when gloves
are prohibited. Transport within the workshop must use trolleys with rubber wheels. Avoid
carrying oxygen bottles on your shoulders
- Present the pass to the construction site to the security guard;
- Get a working card from the security guard.
When going out:

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- Present the working card to the security guard.

- Receive the entrance card from the security guard.
- It is strictly forbidden to enter or work at the construction site when there is alcohol in the
body, use of prohibited stimulants or other alcohol. Do not bring the above substances into the
construction area. Possession of the above substances will be punished according to the laws of
- All employees, construction workers, foremen, supervisors and site workers must wear safety
shoes in the construction area. Protective helmets must be worn in construction areas except
where permitted;
- Parking is only allowed in designated places;
- Prohibition of indiscriminate urination in places where it is not allowed;
- Prohibit littering. There must be multiple trash cans to put garbage in;
- It is strictly forbidden to play, causing unsafety at work. Causing trouble, causing trouble or
causing danger at work will be kicked out of the construction site;
- Must strictly comply with the instructions for safety, health and environmental protection in the
construction area;
- Smoking is strictly prohibited in unspecified places;
- It is strictly forbidden to eat and drink at unspecified places.
- Covers or guard plate must be covered over tools that are not covered by other moving tools;
- Always use the right tools for the job;
- Make sure the hammer head is firmly attached to the handle;
- Never use damaged or expired tools or equipment;
- Do not repair the machine temporarily;
- Do not use the device without learning how to control it;
- Always wear the right protective equipment for the job you are doing
- The maximum speed at the construction site is 5 Km/h;
- Prohibit speeding and overtaking;
- Wear a belt while the vehicle is moving;
- Do not make a U-turn without assistance;
- Make sure lights, brakes, horns are regularly maintained;
- Look around before crossing the street;
- Use headlights at night and whenever it rains;
- No one is allowed to rest under the car.

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- Implement the mode of preserving materials, motorbikes and equipment in accordance with
regulations on fire prevention and fighting. The electrical systems of the construction site from
the substation to the electricity-using areas are regularly checked, if there is any doubt that the
line is unsafe, it must be repaired immediately.
Traffic, water supply:
- Ensure the road in the construction site is clear, arrange the entrance gate to the construction
site wide enough to facilitate the fire fighting vehicle to easily access the construction site,
warehouse and workshop
Communticate equipments:
- At the office of the Site Commanding Board, arrange a telephone and a phone book to serve the
production and communication with the authorities of the city and the local government in the
event of a bad situation. happen.
Strictly implement the alarm mode for the fire force, call the fire protection police or use a
motorbike to notify the nearest fire department. Mobilizing workers on the construction site to
rescue and evacuate materials, motorbikes, cut off electricity and pump water already arranged on
the construction site.
Please note the following:
- Be prepared to have fire fighting equipment in place. Make sure you know how to handle it;
- Must know for sure the way out of the fire place and the gathering point;
- Do not leave obstacles on the way to the place where the fire extinguisher is located. Must
learn how to use them;
- No smoking in prohibited areas;
- If you see a fire, you must ring the alarm. In an emergency, call the fire center;
- The above is a summary of the main points in the work of occupational safety, environmental
hygiene and fire prevention that our company will perform when starting mass construction.
- Do not attempt to repair electrical equipment. The repair is the job of the electrician;
- Always check the power cord, socket, lamp holder for damage. If detected, it should not be
corrected but must be reported;
- Never overload electrical appliances;
- If the fuse blows, it must be reported. Do not use the temporary one;
- Turn off and disconnect any equipment that catches fire. Tie them up;
- Do not let the power cord run loosely on the floor, construction site;
- Hand-held equipment must be checked;
- Do not use electrical circuits for hand tools;

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- Disconnect the device when not in use, do not pull the power cord to disconnect, must unplug
the outlet;
- Avoid knotting, twisting, tying or twisting the power cord. Electrical equipment must be kept
clean and dry;
- Do not use hand tools near flammable or gaseous places;
- Do not stand near wet places when using electrical equipment;
- Do not make temporary repairs to the power cord, if damaged it must be replaced;
- Around the construction site is a fence separating the construction area from the outside. The
fence has a minimum height of 2m, the fence is made of thick corrugated iron with stiff ribs
and V5 steel oblique struts;
- The transportation of materials, loose construction materials, construction waste, mud, soil,
domestic waste, is covered to ensure no spillage during transportation. The methods of motor
vehicles when leaving the construction site must be washed to ensure that they do not pollute
the street;
- Construction waste when transported from above must be packed in bags or transported in
sealed pipelines. Do not dump construction waste that falls freely from above;
- Do not use equipment that causes noise in excess of the permissible limit according to TCVN
5949 - 1995.
- Do not use explosive energy equipment, and test piles with hammers weighing >600kg causing
noise and vibration affecting residential areas and neighboring structures.
- Before leaving the construction site, the vehicles transporting waste soil and concrete must be
cleaned, sprayed and cleaned. Waste soil must be dumped in the right place prescribed by the
- The construction site will always be kept clean from rubbish, the drilling mud will be
immediately removed from the site, there is a drainage system, there is a car wash system when
leaving the site. construction site, fully arrange toilets, accommodation for workers and be
checked regularly;
- Due to the nature of the construction of bored piles with a lot of mud, in order to avoid making
the site muddy, the drilled soil will be transported out of the construction site from 9pm the
previous night. until 4:00 a.m. the following morning and transported to the location specified
by the city. There is a dedicated cleaning team responsible for cleaning the construction gate
area and the street area in the construction site.
- Before filling the old borehole, the entire Site must be notified in advance;
- There are signs of dangerous areas that prohibit people and vehicles from passing through;
- Having a system of occupational safety signs;
- Stretch seat belts around hazardous areas;

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 50

- Create a rope fence around the construction area;

- Working at night must have lights;
- Power lines must have separate paths;
- Prohibit people from entering the excavator aisle;
- Workers must properly use the personal protective equipment provided;
- During the construction process, the excavator must have a person to guide all movements in
accordance with regulations and agreement between the operator and the instructor;
- The operator must not stand within reach of the excavator. The excavator must stand on a firm
foundation position;
See attached file
1 - Manpower:
Professional diplomas, certificate;
Construction experience of similar works
2 - Machinery-Equipment:
Safety verification certificate;
Technical standards on suitable equipment;
Inspection and acceptance of construction equipment;
Recording schedule, maintenance, maintenance
3 - Supplies and materials:
Certificate of origin;
Test of materials;
Take the samples for test at the site during the construction;
4 - Basis of inspection, acceptance of construction works:
Procedure of quality check, inspection and acceptance;
Design documents approved by the Owner and approved design changes;
Appliable construction regulations,standards ;
Technical guidance documents attached by the construction contract;
Construction diaries, supervision diaries of Consultant and other writtten documents relating to the
inspected objectives;
5 - Content and sequence of checking, inspection and acceptance:
a- Surveying work:
Check pile coordinates by total station

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 51

Check Casing level by theodolite

b- Drilling to give the boreholes:
Check the quality of drilling fluids according to the technical standards
Record into the diary of geologic changes during drilling
Check and inspect the depth
Check the vertical direction by koden machine
c- 1st cleaning the bottom of boreholes:
Check the depth of the boreholes after dredging
Check the quality of drilling fluids according to the technical standards
d- Reinforcement work:
Check reinforcement structure according to design drawings or shop drawings
Check length and specifications of connections;
Check the ultrasonic pipe connections;
Check, inspect overall of fabricated steel cage before placing;
Check the quality during placing the steel cages;
e- Cleaning the bottom of boreholes before casting the concrete:
Check the depth of boreholes;
Check the quality of drilling fluids according to the technical standards;
f- Casting concrete:
Check the quality of concrete at the field;
Cast the test concrete samples as required;
Check the plant to meet the requirements;
Check the tremie pipes whether to catch the borehole bottom;
Measure, check the concrete surge;
Check the concrete level (pile cap) after finishing casting the concrete;
1 - Material documents:
Certificate of origin
Results of material test
Approved aggregate design
Test of passed aggregate
2 - Construction diary:
Record the work progress
Record the manpower and materials
Record the weather conditions
Record the changes and additions

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 52

Record unplanned developments

Record directives, treatment at the field
3 - Documents of inspection of bored piles:
Minutes of inspection, acceptance of construction works in accordance with State regulations
Pile construction diaries
Minutes of auxiliary works: steel cages, Kingpost ...etc.
As-built drawings of each pile
4 - As-built documents:
As-built drawings;
As-built quantity;
Inspection and acceptance of work items;
Report on work item quality;
Final settlement;
5 - Test documents:
Ultrasound test, PIT, PDA tests
Other tests if any
6 - Vietnamese standards for reference:
o TCVN 9395:2012 – “Bored piles - Construction and acceptance”
o TCVN 9396:2012 – “Bored piles - Determination of homogeneity of concrete - Ultrasonic pulse
o TCXDVN 239: 2006 – Heavy concrete - Instructions for strength assessment on building structures.
o TCVN 4506:2012 - “ Water for concrete and mortar - Technical speccification "
o TCVN 7570:2006 - “ Aggregates for concrete and mortar - Specifications”
o TCVN 6260: 2009 - “ Portland blended cement – Specifications"
o TCVN 4453:1995 - ‘Concrete and reinforced concrete structures of the whole block. Rules for the
construction and acceptance"
o TCVN 3106: 1993 - “Concrete mix. Slump test method”
o TCVN 3105:1993 - “Concrete and heavy concrete mixes. Sampling, fabrication, and test specimen
o TCVN 3116:1993 - “Heavy concrete, Methods of determining water repellency
o TCVN 4447: 2012 - "Earth work – Construction, check and acceptance"
o TCVN 9340:2012 – Ready-mixed concrete mixes - Basic requirements for quality assessment and
o TCVN 5308:1991 - “Technical regulations on safety in construction”
o TCXDVN 170-2007 - “ Steel structures – Fabrication, assembly, check and acceptance – Technical

QUANG TRACH I THERMAL POWER PLANT Working Bored pile method statement -Page 53

o TCVN 1651-2018 – “ Steel for the reinforcement of concrete”

o TCVN 9398:2012 – “Geodetic work in construction works - General requirements”
o TCVN 11893:2017- “Bentonite - Test methods”.

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