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ATAHUALPA : I am Atahualpa, the last Inca chosen by the god INTI. I was born in
Quito in the year 1505, my father is Huayna Cápac and my mother is
Tocto Coca, the blood of the great Pachacutec runs through my veins.

(SCENE : Addressing the audience, he raises his arms and emphasizes the end of the

ATAHUALPA: As a child I lived in Cusco, but when I was 13 I had to accompany my

father and my brother Ninan Cuyuchi, leading the Inca army to the
northern provinces to quell the rebellion of the Caranquis and the

(SCENE: pretend to be leading an army with a baton in your hand. )

ATAHUALPA: As a young man I stayed in Quito with my father for more than 10
years, while my brother Huáscar lived comfortably in Cusco, I remember
my generals Calcuchimac and Quisquis, with whom we achieved
prestige for the courage we delivered in wars.





HUÁSCAR: I am Huáscar, Inca sovereign of Tahuantinsuyo, son of Huayna Capac

and Araua Ocllo. I was born in Cusco – Cotabamba in the year 1491.

(SCENE: (Huáscar sits with sadness and hatred on his face))

HUÁSCAR : My father has died and so has my brother Ninan Kuyuchi, how is it
possible that Atahualpa did not attend our father's funeral. This is an
offense that I will never forgive you.

(SCENE : (arrival of two indigenous people))

HUÁSCAR : How is it possible that my brother only commands these indigenous

people, kill them immediately, what audacity.

(SCENE : (Huáscar's soldiers execute the indigenous people))

HUÁSCAR : From this moment I declared war to the death against my brother
Atahualpa for usurping power in the north, which also corresponds to my




SCENE: Atahualpa is with his group and his maids in the thermal baths of Cajamarca
and a delegation made up of Hernando de Soto and Hernán Pizarro

Emissaries of PIZARRO: Atahualpa, by order of Francisco Pizarro, you must come to

the plaza, we will wait for you there.

SCENE: Furious Atahualpa

ATAHUALPA: Who are you to come and give me orders, I am the Sapa Inca and
everyone owes me respect.

SCENE: Atahualpa heads towards the Plaza de Cajamarca accompanied by his army
without suspecting the danger, while in the Plaza Atahualpa is captured.

Pizarro: Your Hernando Pizarro and Hernando de Soto hide with the cavalry and wait
for my orders.

SCENE: Priest Valverde gives him the Bible in his hand, which Atahualpa takes when
he reaches his ear.

Priest Valverde: you must become a vassal of the king of Spain and accept

ATAHUALPA: I don't hear anything. I do not submit to anyone because I am the son of
the Sun.

SCENE: Atahualpa throws the Bible to the ground

Priest Valverde: Heresy, Heresy, Heresy, (Screams...) What is your worship Pizarro
doing, Atahualpa has become a Lucifer...!!!!

PIZARRO: (angry, he gives the order to attack) Capture Atahualpa, everyone attack.

SCENE: Atahualpa is captured and taken to prison with his arms tied.

PIZARRO: You are guilty of the death of your brother Huáscar and for having many
gods and women.



SCENE: Atahualpa in prison offers the ransom, raising his arm.

ATAHUALPA: Leave me free, I will fill with gold and silver. For my freedom I offer a
quarter of gold and two quarters of silver, they will be gathered from
different regions of my empire.

SCENE: The Spanish are desperate to have the gold and silver.

ATAHUALPA: They will have the gold and silver they want, but I want my freedom.

SCENE: Pizarro meets with his partners

PIZARRO: Atahualpa, for everything he has done, does not deserve to live, but rather
he should be executed.

SCENE: They take Atahualpa to the plaza and place a club on his neck.

PIZARRO: From this moment I sentence you to death for the charges that have been

SCENE: They hang Atahualpa and begin to kill the indigenous people.

PIZARRO: Now Atahualpa is dead, we are going to the South, where all the gold and
silver we want is.



SCENE : Atahualpa is captured by the Spanish and imprisoned.

ATAHUALPA: I am the son of Sol, you can't do this, I will fill your horses with gold and
silver, let me go, you bastards.

SCENE : Atahualpa finds out that Huáscar wants to make deals with the Spanish.

ATAHUALPA: These white men are sent by my brother Huáscar, he has to die to bring
them to Cajamarca. (Screaming angrily) Kill their wives and children;
and if they are not yet born, take them out of the womb and skin them.

SCENE : at the head of his warriors

ATAHUALPA : My faithful warriors, I entrust you to put Huáscar to death for claiming
total dominion of the empire, denying that I am his blood brother and
saying that I am a bastard.

SCENE : the warriors walk towards the door

ATAHUALPA : Do not return if Huáscar has not died.

SCENE : (laughing)

ATAHUALPA : Now Huáscar is dead, I am the only Inca sapa in this empire! Ha ha ha
ha ha ha.



SCENE: Atahualpa in front of his indigenous people, seated

ATAHUALPA: This is the story of my life, I was born in Quito, I spent my childhood in
Cusco and I fought alongside my father for more than 10 years against
rebellious people in the North.

SCENE: Atahualpa stands up

ATAHUALPA: I had my brother Huáscar killed for wanting to have all the power of the

SCENE: Atahualpa bows his head

ATAHUALPA: I was captured by the Spanish in Cajamarca, for trusting me to disarm

my army and I exposed myself. I offered gold and silver for my freedom
but the Spaniards, due to their unbridled ambition, executed me without

SCENE: Atahualpa with sadness in his eyes

ATAHUALPA: This is how the story of my life ended, with my death my empire was
invaded and mistreated by the Spanish.




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