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Resources Policy 80 (2023) 103242

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Natural resources: Cost of capital and discounting – Risk and uncertainty

Eric Lilford
Curtin University, Department of Minerals and Energy Economics, Australia


Notable contention remains around what discount rate should be used in the determination of the net present value (NPV) of a mining operation’s discounted cash
flows (DCF). It is typically deemed simpler to apply a single “corporate discount rate” that satisfies the targeted project’s return associated with the investment capital
outlay and some unquantified element of risk. This targeted return will ideally incorporate the actual cost of capital, being the weighted average cost of capital
(WACC), incorporating the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) for the equity component and the cost of debt (the inter-bank lending rate with an additional lending
margin). In addition, it will also incorporate some gut-feel or indeterminate additional return factor, to account for risk, to appease the project owners and its
associated shareholders. This additional project risk being captured in a discount rate is contentious, as it generally is not quantified. In addition, while there may be
some argument to justify why a single, all-encompassing discount rate should be used, notably for a short-life operation, can a single discount rate applied over the
life of an operating asset actually be justified? Can a single rate be equally justified for medium and long-term operations as it is for short-life operations? Importantly
and accepting that the WACC and hence the discount rate vary over time, how does the risk and the uncertainty associated with a mining project get factored into the
valuation, and should these factors remain static, or should they be considered separately and also be varied over on operation’s life?

1. Introduction A LoM Plan will therefore typically contain forecast figures

Captured within the Income Approach of mineral property valua­
tions is the discounted cash flow (DCF) methodology, incorporating the • Commodity prices and exchange rates
net present value (NPV) tool, real options, bi- and tri-nomial analyses, • Mining tonnages (waste extraction and ore mining and processing
Monte Carlo simulations, sensitivity analyses and others. The Income rates)
Approach and its sub-set of methodologies is only used for projects in • Ore grades (above the cut-off grade)
which a reliable cash flow can be determined, meaning that it can • Factors around dilution, recoveries, efficiencies, etc
therefore be used for existing mining operations as well as undeveloped • Operating costs (per unit), working capital forecasts and mine
projects for which Reserves (JORC, 2012) and an associated life of mine closure and remediation costs
plan (LoM Plan) exists, as may be contained in a feasibility study. If no • Capital expenditure and ongoing capital requirements
reliable cash flow can be compiled, then either the Cost Approach or the • Royalty rates (notably ad valorem and unit based) calculations and
Market Approach may be appropriate as the valuation tool to be used. possibly taxation calculations (CIT (corporate income tax), duties,
These latter two Approaches will not be discussed in this paper, but can depreciation, amortisation, etc).
be reviewed in numerous publications and research papers (Lilford,
2011), and are summarised in Table 1 below for completeness. With the above parameters, forecasts and calculated figures known, a
For clarity, an ore Reserve (JORC, 2012) can only be defined as such periodic, likely annual, free cash flow model can be compiled and,
in the event that the portion of mineralisation classified as a Reserve is through using an appropriate discount rate, a reflective, static NPV can
economically mineable using acceptable commodity price and exchange be determined.
rate forecasts, as well as accurately estimated mining and production
rates, ore grades and plant yields, operating costs, capital expenditure 1.1. Levels of accuracy
and other economic factors including marketing costs, overheads, roy­
alties, duties, tariffs, etc. These represent a few of the modifying factors Considering that a definitive feasibility study’s (DFS) LoM Plan
necessary for the conversion of Resources to Reserves (JORC, 2012). The comes with an approximate 85%–90% confidence level (Ausimm
implication is that, generally, a Reserve will be reflected in the devel­ Monograph 27, 2012) (i.e. room for a 15%–10% error margin around
opment of a LoM Plan, for which a reliable cash flow can be derived. the accuracy of its inputs), it would be fair to suggest that the applicable

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Received 16 September 2021; Received in revised form 13 December 2022; Accepted 14 December 2022
Available online 9 January 2023
0301-4207/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
E. Lilford Resources Policy 80 (2023) 103242

Table 1 effect, a coin-toss, 50 : 50 outcome). If the company has underestimated

Valuation approaches and associated valuation methodologies (Lilford, 2011). its capital cost by 100 basis points (being 1%) and assumes a capital cost
APPROACH METHODOLOGY DESCRIPTION of 9%, the project shows a positive NPV9 of approximately $1 million.
This provides a relatively attractive return on investment. However, if
Cost Historical cost Meaningful historical costs
incurred, less outstanding the company assumes that its cost of capital is 1% higher than originally
obligations assumed, the same project shows a negative NPV11 of around $1 million
Appraised value Only considers meaningful and it is likely to be abandoned, as shown in Table 2.
previous exploration expenditure The above example shows the potential impact of the importance of
and costs and committed future
applying the correct discount rate to a set of cash flows.
Income DCF NPV performed on determined Decisions on investment are not made around a NPV alone, and
free cash flows at appropriate generally investors and financiers will also look at some form of return
discount rate(s) on the investment, such as an internal rate of return (IRR), before
Gross contained metal value Financial derivative. Mitigates
committing any funding for the capital development of the project
(typically inappropriate) unknown factors and builds in
decision flexibility. Tonnes x (Cortazar et al., 2001).
grade x price
Decision tree Applying probabilities to yes/no 2. Reminder on discount rates
Statistical or probabilistic Probability factors applied to
theoretically derived NPV
A discount rate is a discounting factor, or series of factors, that
Market Market capitalisation per unit Market value divided by total captures the pre- or post-tax cost of debt, cost of equity and, if appli­
(e.g. ounces, tonnes) resource units (e.g. ounces, cable, the cost of preferential shares (Belli et al., 2001). When these
tonnes) funding costs (debt, equity and preference shares) are pro-rated ac­
Market capitalisation per Market value divided by annual
cording to their relative weightings and then summed, the summed
annual production unit (e.g. production units (e.g. ounces,
ounces, tonnes) tonnes) result is a weighted average cost of capital (WACC).
Comparable transactions Transaction over properties with To calculate a WACC, the typical convention follows the formula
similar attributes reflect a similar below (from Smith, 1995):
JV terms or option agreements Participation or earn-in WACC = repe + rdpd + rppp (1)
expenditure by incoming party to
secure equity/ownership in the where.
Geoscience factor Kilburn or Lilford TEM (techno-
re, d, p = the calculated cost of equity (%), debt (%) and preference
economic matrix), using location,
grade, geology and other factors shares (%), respectively,
Rules of thumb Rudimentary, back of envelope
determination and.

pe, d, p = the proportions, or weightings, of each of equity funding,

discount rate should be at least this accurate too. So it must be asked
debt funding and preferred stock funding, respectively.
then, why do we tend to expend very little time and effort in determining
the appropriate discount rate that should be used in a DCF NPV model,
The summation of these funds provides the upfront (initial) and
when discount rates themselves, as reflective of the cost of capital, can
potentially the ongoing funding amounts (development and operational
be calculated to some fair degree of accuracy?
capital) reflected in the corporate capital structure of the company or in
A company will spend tens of millions of dollars over many months
the asset under consideration. The sum of the weightings must equate to
and probably even years, on exploration, metallurgical studies, infra­
1.00 (i.e. pe + pd + pp = 1.00) (Brennan and Schwartz, 1985).
structure (logistics, electricity and water) and social (ESG – environ­
The preference shares or stock are a specific equity instrument
mental, social and governance) studies and more, to define a mining and
available in some jurisdictions that carry a different cost to ordinary
processing plan and regime that can be used to gauge the economic
equity. Since preference shares are not a widely available funding in­
attractiveness of the project. For the same study, the company then
strument globally, they will be excluded from any further discussion in
simply dictates the preferred discount rate to be used, based on nothing
this paper.
more than a “gut feel” or else some derivative of a desired return or a
The cost of equity itself as used in the WACC calculation is typically
hurdle rate needed to justify the upfront capital investment (Belli et al.,
determined by applying the capital asset pricing model (CAPM).
2001; Laughton and Jacoby, 1991b; Van Horne, 1977).
The cost of equity, using the CAPM methodology, can be calculated
as follows (Mullins, 1982):
1.2. Numerical example
CAPM = re = f + Rβ (2)
Assume an initial investment (capital outlay) of $20 million occurs in where.
a new project that promises to produce positive annual, post tax cash
flows of $3.25 million for 10 years. If the cost of capital is 10%, the re = expected return (or “cost”) on the listed shares (or asset)
NPV10 of the project (the value of the future cash flows discounted at
that 10%, less the $20 million investment) is essentially break-even (in

Table 2
Simplistic Real Terms NPVs, in $’mill, from a 10 year cash flow.
Discount Rate Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

10% -$0.03 20 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25
9% $0.86 20 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25
11% -$0.86 20 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25

E. Lilford Resources Policy 80 (2023) 103242

f = risk-free rate of return, being the pre-tax yield on a government

R = risk premium of market returns over the long term risk-free rate,
being the stock’s return in excess of the market’s return.
β = beta or volatility factor for the share, being that share’s coeffi­
cient of systematic risk (Hull, 1989).

The beta or volatility or systematic risk of a company reflects the

volatility of that company’s listed equity relative to the market’s vola­
tility as a whole. This is the beta that is used in the CAPM (Van Horne,
On the other side of beta or systematic risk, the unsystematic risk can
be adequately diversified away (theoretically diluted) through holding a
sufficiently diverse portfolio of market investments (Mullins, 1982). In
the mining sector, unsystematic risk will include varying production
rates, grades, recoveries, operating costs, capital expenditure and other
measureable inputs, which can typically be mitigated against or at least
can be quantified using tools other than through CAPM or/and WACC in Fig. 1. Discount rates and WACC, incorporating risk and uncertainty.
order to be addressed.
For systematic risk, a listed company with a beta coefficient of not capture the inherent project risk of an operation and hence an
greater than 1 reflects a company that has a non-diversifiable risk that is additional risk premium is typically added to the WACC (Sorentino,
higher than the whole market’s average risk. What this actually means is 1993). It is suggested that this market risk premium does not actually
that this particular listed entity (company) has more systematic risk, or capture a specific project risk factor that can be added to the WACC, but
has a higher share price volatility, than a wider portfolio of risky assets. is more accurately a reflection of overall project risks and uncertainty
Alternatively, a beta coefficient for a company that is less than 1 will relating to the resources sector in general. Risks, specifically, may be
reflect that company having a lower-than-market non-diversifiable risk, factored into an analysis, potentially through applying probabilities or
which manifests as stock volatility being less than the market’s volatility some other tool to generate a likely outcome, since risks are generally
as a whole. the unsystematic risks referred to in Mullins (1982).
Simplistically, the beta coefficient of a listed company reflects its Risks can be broken down further into being either tangible or
systematic risk, which is that specific component of total risk that cannot intangible, or risks may actually manifest as an uncertainty, where un­
be obviated, diluted or removed just by holding a diversified portfolio of certainty is a sub-set of risk. Naturally, uncertainties may be either
investments. A company’s beta is a measure of the company’s overall tangible or intangible too (Maybee et al., 2022).
risk that cannot be removed or diversified by merely holding a portfolio The following figure (see Fig. 1) outlines the additional factors that
of investments (Dixit and Pindyck, 1994). would then need to be included in a WACC to present as an acceptable
The volatility or beta coefficient of a company is a measure of the discount rate (i.e. WACC + Risk + Uncertainty).
sensitivity of that company’s value to the various economic inputs that
influence all risky assets’ values, incorporating interest payments and 3. Increased accuracy calculating discount rates
inflation rates, economic growth, exchange rate impacts and other in­
fluences, as appropriate. There is a significant difference between the absolute cost of capital
Unfortunately, betas derived from the market co-exist with certain (as captured by variable or dynamic WACCs), project risk and project
limitations (Lilford, 2010), including that betas. uncertainty, with the latter often being attributed the reasons for justi­
fying a discount rate higher than WACC. This then suggests that the
• are derived from historical variances, which may not be accurate as WACC, risk factors and uncertainty factors should not simply be added
forecasts, notably over the long term; together to create a single discount rate for the determination of a NPV,
• vary as the market varies and not independently of it; let alone to obtain a single discount rate for the life of the project. This
• indicate the volatility of a share price and not of a specific asset (so needs to be discussed further.
we tend to use proxies to determine the betas for unlisted assets or for Discount rates that are derived using WACC must recognise the
subsidiaries of listed companies); variability of the WACC itself over time. Since the “W” in WACC is the
• are variable over time, and therefore CAPM will vary over time too; weighting applied to debt and equity, it is intuitive to recognise that the
and “W” will vary over time as debt levels vary, which is driven by debt
• cannot reflect a perfect or close-to-perfect correlation (cannot yield β principal repayments and potentially further debt draw-downs if a
= 1) because resources-based betas vary due to unique commodity revolving debt facility exists with the lender, and further recapitalisation
price cycles, independent of the whole market. of the project occurs (varying the capital portion of the project, which is
largely further equity investments). That is, as the principal amount of
debt is fully repaid and equity levels change due to recapitalisation (i.e.
2.1. Current practice capital growth after less than 100% of distributable income is paid out as
dividends), the WACC will trend towards the risk free rate over time
If we accept that the WACC is an appropriate measure of the total (Lilford et al., 2018).
cost of funding, and also recognise that the equity component of WACC Corporate strategy and accompanying policies for many companies
can be derived through the application of the CAPM, which is turn in­ lock in a targeted gearing (debt-borrowing) rate and therefore will strive
corporates a country’s sovereign risk (reflected as the risk free rate or to achieve a sustainable, pre-determined long-term debt-to-capital level
yield on a government bond, pre- or post-tax) and an attributable market (ratio), defined as the targeted gearing ratio, which can readily be
volatility (the beta), as well as a market risk premium, then why is an justified by the fact that debt is nearly always cheaper than equity and
additional project risk premium often added to the resulting weighted therefore it is cheaper for a company to borrow (debt) money to achieve
cost of capital to determine a final discount rate? capital growth than to use (retained or raised) equity. If a targeted
The generalised answer to this is that the market risk premium does

E. Lilford Resources Policy 80 (2023) 103242

Table 3
Cash flows showing static NPV at a real, 3.81% discount rate, of $188.9mill.
Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 16

Revenue $‘mill 102.4 136.0 154.2 165.3 159.8 217.4 226.1

Costs $‘mill 66.6 87.7 105.8 116.0 112.2 159.6 166.0
Op Profit $‘mill 36.3 48.3 48.3 49.3 47.7 57.8 60.1
Capex $‘mill 44.4 16.5 10.3 7.1 5.7 4.5 3.9 2.2 0
Tax $‘mill 8.8 12.3 12.2 11.9 11.3 15.9 16.6
Cash Flow $‘mill − 44.4 − 16.5 17.1 28.8 30.4 33.0 32.5 39.7 43.5
Real Cash Flow $‘mill − 44.4 − 15.9 15.9 25.6 26.0 27.1 25.7 22.0 23.2
Values $‘mill NPV0% 282.9 IRR 30.1%
$‘mill NPV3.81 188.9

gearing rate is considered, then the WACC must trend down to this specifically into the area of intangible uncertainty as captured in dis­
weighted pre-determined, geared cost-of-funding level. Succinctly, this count rates.
is because the weighting “W” reflects the ratio of debt to total capital,
which changes periodically and often as debt principal levels vary and as
capital levels change (recapitalisation and capital growth from retained 3.1. Risks and uncertainties
cash flows without raising additional equity from new equity issues to
the markets). There are a number of risks and uncertainties associated with the
This known variability in the weighted cost of funding over time is evaluation of a mining project’s LoM cash flows that are not appropri­
seldom, if ever, reflected in the discounting of medium to long-term cash ately, if at all, accounted for in a discount rate. In brief, the risks and
flows, and is overlooked altogether in the evaluation of short-term cash uncertainties associated with a discount rate may include.
Unfortunately, it is often deemed too difficult or confusing (or time • the volatility or beta varying over time as markets vary;
consuming) by industry practitioners to consider using a variable (dif­ • a static or single-period WACC being applied to cash flows covering
ferential) discount rate over mid-to long-term cash flows. Consequently, multiple periods;
a single discount rate incorporating both the cost of capital and some • a varying cost of debt over time as LIBOR/BBSW (London Inter Bank
factor for risk and uncertainty is typically and incorrectly used over the Offer Rate and Bank Bill Swap Rate, respectively, being base lending
life of the periodic cash flows. rates) and funding margins vary;
Since this additional risk and uncertainty factor currently has no • the debt: capital ratio varying over time as debt repayments (or
accurate mathematical or econometric derivation, there is no deter­ further principal drawdowns) occur, impacting the debt-weightings
minable correlation that exists between the WACC and the discount rate or “W” in the WACC;
ultimately used by practitioners in the NPV calculation. • the capital amount varying as recapitalisation and capital growth
Compounding matters, an attempt may be made to motivate the occurs, impacting the debt: capital ratio over time;
inclusion of an additional percentage premium into the WACC to cap­ • the unlevered and then re-levered beta not being adjusted as debt
ture technical and techo-economic risks and uncertainties arising within levels change, equally so when a proxy company is used, over time,
the project (Sorentino, 1993). The percentage premium added here also
typically does not have any quantifying methodology or mathematical and the risks and uncertainties associated with the business of min­
derivation that supports it. Rather, it is simply an additional discounting ing itself and its cash flows may include.
factor added on to the derived, static (single-period) WACC.
Simplistically, the resultant discount rate is often referred to as a risk • variable tonnages, grades and recoveries against forecasts;
adjusted discount rate (RADR), being: • variances to forecast operating costs and ongoing capital
RADR = WACC + Xr (3) • unquantifiable environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts;
• market variances (prices, exchange rates, etc)
• any other continuously changing project risk and uncertainty,
collectively incorporated in Xr.
Xr = additional risk and uncertainty percentage above WACCand,
from the discussion above:
In the first set of listed risks and uncertainties above, the debt to
Xr = Rr + Ur (4) capital ratio changes over time as well as the additional inconsistencies
can be addressed through the following discussion and solutions.
where. To capture the ever-changing factors that alter a RADR, we have,
from equations (1) and (3) (Lilford et al., 2018):
Rr = (quantified) risk
Ur = (quantified) uncertainty RADR = repe + rdpd + rppp + Xr (where Xr = Rr + Ur) (5)

and from (2), and assuming that preference share funding is not avail­
The overarching assumption here is that this premium, Xr, reflects
able, and noting that rd is a pre-tax cost of debt (the post-tax cost of debt
the risk and uncertainty premium above the WACC acceptable to the
is calculated by rd(1-t), where t is the applicable tax rate in that
investor or lender providing the equity and/or debt, respectively, to
fund the project.
Consequently, this additional premium Xr will only include those RADR = pe(f + Rb) + rdpd + Rr + Ur (6)
technical risks and uncertainties not already captured in the WACC
which, by definition, implies that Xr may be a significant addition. and at periodic, specific points over time:
The analysis and derivation of Xr, and specifically Ur, from an RADRi = pei (fi + R(bi)) + rdipdi + Rri + Uri (7)
intangible perspective, presents an opportunity for further research,
where i represents the specific period.

E. Lilford Resources Policy 80 (2023) 103242

Table 4
Cash flows showing a dynamic (differential) NPV ($216.9mill).
Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 16

Diff Disct Rate % 3.81 4.21 3.05 2.30 2.17 2.06 1.16 1.16
Cash Flow $‘mill − 44.4 − 15.9 15.9 25.6 26.0 27.1 25.7 22.0 23.2
Disct Factor 1.000 0.963 0.924 0.897 0.877 0.858 0.841 0.732 0.724
DCF $‘mill − 44.4 − 15.3 14.7 23.0 22.8 23.2 21.6 16.1 16.8
Progressive NPV $‘mill − 44.4 − 59.7 − 45.1 − 22.1 0.5 23.5 44.8 190.8 216.9

With equity and debt levels changing over time, and also with their (representing the cost of residual equity) and the weighted cost of debt,
ratios changing as a collective funding solution totalling a certain % of collectively being the floor WACC (or minimum WACC).
the company’s capitalisation, we have: The above paragraph also alludes to the finite nature of an ore body.
If, with certainty, the ore body will be depleted over a certain period of
pe + pd + prc = 1 (8) time assuming existing mining rates are sustained, then the outstanding
where prc = weighting of reinvested capital, where reinvested capital (remaining) debt balance must be repaid over the period with at least
excludes operating and replacement expenditure, and therefore (modi­ 2–4 years of zero payments at the end of the LoM. So if the remaining life
fied from Lilford et al., 2018): of the ore body is, say 16 years, and the debt term is 8 years (with rolling
draw-downs), we will maintain a gearing ratio of 30% up until Year 6
(fi + R(bi)) + rdi
+ Rri + Uri (9) and then allow free cash flows to reduce the gearing until the debt is
ei + di + rci ei + di + rci fully repaid by year 14. The final 2 years, year 15 and year 16, provide
To then apply an appropriate, variable RADR to each periodic the financier a margin of comfort in case the debt is not successfully and
(specific) cash flow, we must apply: fully repaid over the final 8 year term.
In the event that the company’s targeted gearing rate is zero (i.e. it
1 RADRi+Rri+Uri
RADRindexi = x aims to expunge all debt and remain debt free in the future, which will
1+RADRi+Rri+Uri 1+(RADR+Rr+Ur)(i+1)
be the case at least 2–4 years before the mine finally closes), then it can
(RADR+Rr+Ur)(n− 1) be argued that the cost of capital will reduce over time, but will never
1+(RADR+Rr+Ur)(i+2) 1+(RADR+Rr+Ur)n fall below the sovereign risk rate. In the discussion above, then, once the
(10) debt is fully repaid in year 14, the final 2 years’ cost of capital will be the
Table 3 below shows the resultant NPV of a generic cash flow when after-tax risk free rate alone.
applying a single (static) discount rate (WACC) over the life of the cash As stated previously, if uncertainty associated with the project is to
flows. be captured in a discount rate or in an uncertainty factor, it can be done
The first or upper half of Table 4 below simply repeats the static NPV separately from the WACC rate, as shown in Table 5 below. In this table
calculation, but uses a discount factor rather than through the use of below, the inclusion of risk and uncertainty is factored into the final one
Excel’s “ = NPV(x%,range)” function. The static value, or check value, third of the table.
can be seen in the “Progressive discounted” row at Year 16 (i.e. From Table 5, the split between the cost of capital (WACC), which
$188,881). varies over time, and the additional discount factor associated with
Considering the previous discussion and applying the associated project risk and uncertainty (Project Risk Discount Rate in Table 5) is
formulae, periodic cash flows for a minerals project can be discounted at clearly distinguishable. From the above tables, the following summary
different periodic rates, importantly on a compounding basis, over the holds:
life of the project. The discount factor in the table below shows the NPVproject at static WACC: $188.9 million.
variable (differential) periodic discount rates. NPVproject at variable WACC: $197.1 million.
Table 4 shows the progressive cumulative NPV over each duration of NPVproject at variable WACC plus 0.1%pa risk/uncertainty: $187.2
the life of the cash flows, with the whole-of-life cash flow NPV being the million.
sum of the periodic values. An important consideration in the above This means that the value of the additional 0.1%pa risk or uncer­
table is that the variable (differential) discount rate falls over time to a tainty alone is approximately $10 million, or 5.02% of NPVdynamic.
low of 1.16% (occurs in Year 15 of the full model, and is shown in Year
16 in Table 4), which is the after-tax risk free rate. However, the 3.2. Factored risk and uncertainty and component parts
applicable discount rate should not fall below the sum of the risk free
rate plus the debt costs associated with the targeted gearing rate (target Some project risks and uncertainties, separate from WACC, can be
debt as a percent of total capital), being 30% in this example. Therefore, factored into a minerals project’s cash flows using tools including Real
the minimum discount rate that should be applied at any point in time Options, Probability Distributions (decision trees), weighted sensitivity
cannot be less than the sum of the weighted total sovereign risk analyses, and other methods. However, these additional tools often

Table 5
Cash flows showing a static, dynamic and a combined dynamic-with-risk NPV ($187.2m).
Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 16

Diff Disct Rate (30% geared) % 3.81 4.21 3.22 3.22 3.22 3.22 3.22 3.22
Cash Flow $‘mill − 44.4 − 15.9 15.9 25.6 26.0 25.7 21.8 22.0 23.2
Disct Factor 1.000 0.963 0.924 0.896 0.868 0.841 0.814 0.612 0.593
DCF $‘mill − 44.4 − 15.3 14.7 23.0 22.6 22.8 20.9 13.5 13.8
Progressive NPV $‘mill − 44.4 − 59.7 − 45.1 − 22.2 0.5 23.2 44.2 183.3 197.1
Project Risk % 0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1.4 1.5
Risk Disct Factor 1.000 1.000 0.999 0.997 0.994 0.990 0.985 0.901 0.887
Risk-adjusted DCF $‘mill − 44.4 − 15.3 14.6 22.9 22.4 22.5 20.6 12.2 12.2
Progressive NPV $‘mill − 44.4 − 59.7 − 45.1 − 22.2 0.2 22.8 43.4 175.0 187.2
Progressive IRR % − 55.51 − 14.67 3.99 14.37 20.13 29.97 30.13

E. Lilford Resources Policy 80 (2023) 103242

Fig. 2. Changes in unit value per change in unit input.

require either specialised software (expensive) or otherwise significant commodity price, amongst other factors. In addition, commodity prices
time and expertise to incorporate. are often mean-reverting, so the short term volatility is offset to some
Dynamic or differential discounting has been discussed in detail in extent by the reversion to a long-term trend. This naturally excludes the
Lilford et al. (2018), which includes differentiating the absolute, vari­ occurrence of global events that shift the reversion altogether (Global
able cost of capital from project risk and uncertainty. However, it is this Financial Crisis, Covid-19, etc).
latter risk or uncertainty that requires more attention, especially if Operating costs and capital expenditure (capex) provide for two
project risk and uncertainty are distilled into a single or variable dis­ areas of significant risk and uncertainty over time as well. In addition,
count factor. In Table 5, this uncertainty factor was included as an while modelling in nominal money terms captures inflationary effects in
additional 0.1% each year from Year 2 onwards. But what should this forward-looking costs and capex, real increases (or decreases) in these
factor actually be? factors are seldom included. Once again, these aspects form part of the
To answer this, we need to ask and answer the questions “so what are “additional risk and uncertainty” added to a discount rate, despite being
the typical risks and uncertainties that a mining project is exposed to weighted in a sensitivity analyses too.
that are not captured in a WACC, and will these factors vary over time in
a similar way to how WACC varies over time?”
Typically and as stated previously, the risks and uncertainties that 3.3. Proportional changes
should be considered in an operation’s cash flow include.
Every mining project exhibits a different relationship between its
• tonnage risks (can LoM tonnage rates be realistically achieved) NPV-variability against its changing input parameters. One project’s
• grade variations (including dilution) value will reflect a different percentage change, as measured by its NPV,
• plant recovery uncertainties (and throughput targets) when compared with another project, despite the varied input param­
• cost variations and capex over- or under-estimations eter(s) being changed by the exact same amount.
• market movements (commodity price and exchange rate) not Stated differently and by way of an example, if the relevant com­
captured in WACC already (Note: CAPM incorporates volatility modity price is changed by 10% for one project and its resultant NPV
which is largely, but not solely, driven by the volatility or variability changes by, say, 2%, then for a different resources project mining the
of the commodity price, in the local currency, and hence also capture same or different mineral, that same 10% change in commodity price
exchange rate volatility) may impact its NPV by, say, 5% or by a different amount. This is a
• other operating uncertainties (mine closure costs, environmental Proportionality Constant.
aspects, ESG, etc) This of course assumes that there is no hedging in place as, intui­
tively, one cannot sensitise the hedged position. In addition, many
That is, there is a need to separate out the pure cost of funding as commodity producers hedge some of their production, so the variability
determined by a WACC from project risk and uncertainty associated (volatility) of that company is dampened. That is, hedging impacts the
with technical and techno-economic parameters, which may also be volatility of the project, as reflected in its Beta. To calculate the CAPM
variable over time. (cost of equity) then, the applicable Beta must firstly be “unhedged”, in
Giving some thought to risk and uncertainty over time, it would seem the same way that a gearing Beta is firstly ungeared, as explained
appropriate that these parameters will increase over time, since fore­ previously.
casts become less accurate the further out they are projected. So over the It becomes important then that we recognise that each project be­
short term, forecasts may be considered to be fairly accurate over the haves differently under similarly changing conditions. The change in
parameters listed above, whereas these same parameters become likely NPV per unit (e.g. NPV per tonnes milled, NPV per ounce sold, etc) will
to vary from the forecast figures as time elapses. differ from one project to another to reflect the analysis of the same
The value of an operating assets is dependent on revenue (tonnes, variation in input (e.g. price per tonne, price per pound, working cost
grades, recoveries, sales, etc), where revenue is driven by commodity per tonne, grade, etc).
price and exchange rates. The volatility of commodity prices and ex­ The above means that a different Proportionality Constant (PC) ex­
change rates are, to some extent, captured in the CAPM where the beta ists from one operation to another, as well as a different PC from one
(volatility) largely reflects the variability of the stock against the market varying input to another. The following graph (see Fig. 2) shows three
as a whole. Stock volatility is obviously affected by changes in sensitised inputs on a base model used in this analysis, being commodity
price, operating costs and tonnes mined.

E. Lilford Resources Policy 80 (2023) 103242

Table 6
Differential discount values with sensitivities converted to uncertainties and risk.
Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 16

Diff Disct Rate (30% geared) % 3.81 4.21 3.22 3.22 3.22 3.22 3.22 3.22
Cash Flow $‘mill − 44.4 − 15.9 15.9 25.6 26.0 25.7 21.8 22.0 23.2
Disct Factor 1.000 0.963 0.924 0.896 0.868 0.841 0.814 0.612 0.593
DCF $‘mill − 44.4 − 15.3 14.7 23.0 22.6 22.8 20.9 13.5 13.8
Progressive NPV $‘mill − 44.4 − 59.7 − 45.1 − 22.2 0.5 23.2 44.2 183.3 197.1
Cost inc 10% DF % 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68 4.68
Risk Disct Factor 1.000 0.955 0.913 0.872 0.833 0.796 0.760 0.504 0.481
Risk-adjusted DCF $‘mill − 44.4 − 14.6 13.4 20.0 18.8 18.1 15.9 12.5 6.8 6.6
Progressive NPV $‘mill − 44.4 − 59.0 − 45.7 − 25.7 − 6.9 11.3 27.2 112.6 119.3
Tonnes less 10% DF % 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
Risk Rate 1.000 0.990 0.980 0.971 0.961 0.951 0.942 0.861 0.853
Risk-adj DCF $‘mill − 44.4 − 14.5 13.1 19.4 18.1 17.2 15.0 5.9 5.6
Progressive NPV $‘mill ¡44.4 ¡58.9 ¡45.8 ¡26.4 ¡8.3 8.9 23.9 100.9 106.6
Grade less 10% DF % 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30 3.30
Risk Rate 1.000 0.968 0.937 0.907 0.878 0.850 0.823 0.614 0.595
Risk-adj DCF $‘mill − 44.4 − 14.0 12.3 17.6 15.9 14.7 12.3 3.6 3.4
Progressive NPV $‘mill − 44.4 − 58.4 − 46.1 − 28.5 − 12.7 2.0 14.3 69.4 72.7
Progressive IRR % 3.79 29.97 30.13

In this specific example, it is apparent that any percentage change in hidden in the discount rate (as shown in Table 5).
the commodity price impacts the unit NPV in a similar manner to a In the model used in this analysis and partially presented in the
similar percentage change in the mining (tonnage) rate. This is only previous tables, the following table, Table 6, presents the relationship
possible since, as the tonnage changes, so does the divisor (if the NPV held between the sensitised input value and the calculated discount
was not unitised, the commodity price changed NPV would be signifi­ factor that this variation, whether through the input parameter or the
cantly greater than the NPV for a similar percentage tonnage change). discount factor, would have on the NPV of the project. For ease of
Naturally, an increasing operating cost will decrease the NPV (unit or reference, the NPV of the project was determined to be $197.1mill using
absolute), and further impact taxes once profitability is compromised. dynamic discounting.
Conducting a sensitivity analysis is well-known to all. However, the To clarify this, if we accept the base calculated variable WACC and
benefits of a sensitivity analysis are brought into question when we then factor in a cost increase uncertainty (10% increase), a risk of the
acknowledge that it reflects a static operation, being one in which tonnage rate being 10% lower than forecast, and a risk that the grade
nothing else (tonnes, grades, yields, etc) varies while we sensitise eco­ may actually be 10% below the LoM determined grade, then we can
nomic (prices, exchange rates, costs, capex, etc) or technical inputs. separately determine the impacts of each of these risks and uncertainties
Stating the obvious, the cut-off grade should change if we change on the value of the project. In this example, and on a cumulative basis.
(sensitise) the price, or costs, or other economic parameter, which in
turn will impact on our mining rate (tonnes), process recovery, pro­ • a 10% increase in the operating cost will result in a NPV of
cessing rates and costs, and numerous other determinants included in $119.3mill. This translates into an additional discounting factor of
the LoM Plan, which collectively will impact the NPV. 4.68% over the LoM;
It is for this reason that this paper puts forward a proposed partial • a 10% reduction in the annual tonnes mined will result in the NPV
solution, being to correlate the relationship between each varying being $106.6mill, translating to an additional 1.00% on the discount
parameter, and then determine the effective discount rate or factor, and factor;
gauge the impact that this has on the project. This discount factor impact • a 10% grade reduction will result in the NPV falling to $72.7mill,
must then be modelled separately from the WACC so that it can be being an effective or equivalent increase in the static discount rate of
independently assessed as a risk or an uncertainty, and not merely 3.30%.

Fig. 3. Cumulative differential discount values with sensitivities converted to uncertainties and risk.

E. Lilford Resources Policy 80 (2023) 103242

Fig. 4. NPV variation due to “sensitised discount rate”.

The progressive NPVs highlighted in Table 6 above are shown dia­ In addition to this, companies typically incorporate a single discount
grammatically below (see Fig. 3). factor in the analysis over the full life of the project, irrespective of
From the above Table 6, and shown graphically in Fig. 3, we can whether the investment is a short-, medium- or long-life project, and
quickly compare the value impacts of each of the sensitised parameters irrespective of whether debt: capital and equity: capital ratios change
by comparing the Progressive Value of each variation. The difference over time (which will occur, since debt will be repaid periodically and
above the WACC rate is shown for each of the sensitised cases in Fig. 4 completely at some future point).
below. Other than stating that differential or dynamic discounting is war­
Intuitively, the question will be asked as to if we can calculate the ranted Lilford et al. (2018), the findings in this paper suggest that a
impact of a 10% reduced grade (or any other input parameter), why preferred way of incorporating risk and uncertainty into a discount
should we bother converting it to an equivalent discount factor (DF)? factor is to disaggregate the risks and uncertainties from a single dis­
The reasons are many, but most importantly. count factor and then itemise each risk and/or uncertainty and model its
impacts separately. These factors can be correlated with a discounting
• changing the input (e.g. grade) will likely and should change the LoM effect and hence allow the valuation practitioner to select an appropriate
Plan and hence the whole NPV model. This is something no-one does risk-and-uncertainty-adjusted discount factor associated with that risk
in a sensitivity analysis; or uncertainty. This adjustment factor can then be added to the WACC,
• accepting that differential discounting is more accurate than static over each period, so that a dynamic WACC incorporating varying risks
discounting, and modelling the cash flows as shown in the example and uncertainties in a DCF NPV calculation becomes defendable.
used, the probable variation in the grade (or other uncertainty) is In addition, this paper clearly shows how simple it is to disaggregate
likely to be further out in the mine’s life and not from Year 1. This the various components of a discount rate into its WACC, risks and un­
modelling convention allows for the grade-uncertainty to be factored certainties, so that any individual reviewing the valuation metrics can
into the cash flow at any point in time. It also allows for increasing readily ascertain which components of risk and uncertainty are attrib­
(non-static) uncertainty with time, so that the grade discounting uted greater value (being negative value in this case) and should
factor can also be variable (differential) from one period to the next; therefore be given greater attention in the various studies.
• each input that is varied or sensitised, can be individually tracked to Author statement
determine its impact on the NPV at any point in time.
This paper is my own, original work and is not being funded by any
4. Summary and conclusion party whatsoever. This paper has not been submitted elsewhere for
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