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यश TG~ @bohring_bot

IT−2020−JEE Main (1820) (RT2)-SET-A-PCM−2

RTT -- II:: P
(Single Correct Answer Type)

This section contains 30 Multiple Choice Questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and (D)
out of which ONLY ONE is correct

1. A string of linear mass density 0.8 kg/m is stretched to a tension 500 N. The mean power required to
maintain a travelling wave of amplitude of 10 mm and wavelength 0.5 m is
(A) 70 W (B) 85.3 W
(C) 98.7W (D) 110 W

2. A liquid vessel containing liquid moves down a smooth incline plane of

angle of inclination 30. Find the angle () made by free surface of liquid
with the incline plane.
(A) 15 
(B) 30
(C) 45
(D) 0

3. The temperature at which the speed of sound wave in helium gas is same as that in hydrogen gas at
27C, is
(A) 504C (B) 45C
(C) 327C (D) 231C

4. An ideal gas is allowed to undergo three Pressure P

processes separately.
Process I: a → b C B
Process II : a → c
Process III : a → d
These processes are plotted on the PV-
diagram shown in the figure. If the points
OABC form a square then temperature of b
the gas decreases during.
(A) All the three processes I, II and III a
(B) the processes II and III only
(C) the process I and III only c d
(D) the process II only

O Volume (V)

Space for rough work

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax 26513942
यश TG~ @bohring_bot
IT−2020−JEE Main (1820) (RT2)-SET-A-PCM−3

5. An ideal gas is enclosed in a cubical container. The container has a hole in its top face. During the
process of heating, at any instant the internal energy of the gas enclosed in the container is U,
(Neglect the thermal expansion of the container) then the value of U
(A) decreases continuously (B) remains constant
(C) Increases continuously (D) first decreases, then increases

6. A uniform thin hemispherical shell is kept on an inclined rough B

surface with it plane (circular face) parallel to the inclined plane
as shown in the diagram. When the shell is released, what will be
the magnitude of initial acceleration of the point A on the
diameter AB. Assume that the friction is sufficient so that the
shell rolls without slipping.
6g 7g
(A) (B)
11 11
3g 11g
(C) (D)
4 26

7. A simple pendulum having a bob of mass m and relative

density 1.5 oscillates with a certain time period in air. When
the bob is attached with two springs each having force
constant k as shown in figure and whole arrangement is kept
in water, the new value of time period remains same as it
was in air. The value of k is (neglect viscosity of water)
(B) k k
3mg m
(D) none of these

8. Pluto moves around sun in an elliptical orbit of eccentricity 0.25. When Pluto moves from its aphelion
(farthest distance from sun) to its perihelion (minimum distance from sun), the work done by
gravitational force of sun is (take masses of Pluto and sun as m and M respectively and semi-major
axis of orbit as a)
(A) zero (B)
8GMm 4GMm
(C) (D)
15a 9a

Space for rough work

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax 26513942
यश TG~ @bohring_bot
IT−2020−JEE Main (1820) (RT2)-SET-A-PCM−4

9. A sound detector D moves with constant speed on a circle of radius R D

and centre at O in xy plane. A point source of sound S lies in xy plane
at distance 2R from the point O and emits sound of a given frequency.
The ratio of maximum frequency and minimum frequency recorded by O s
the detector is 11/9 and speed of sound is 340 m/s. The minimum
time interval in seconds between recording a maximum frequency and
minimum frequency is (Take R = 17 m)
(A) 3 (B) /3
(C) /2 (D) 2/3

10. If vector a is a variable vector, whose magnitude is constant, then choose the statement which is
always true.
da da
(A) is perpendicular to a (B) is parallel to a
dt dt
da da
(C) is a constant vector (D) is a constant
dt dt

11. A string of length  is fixed at both ends. It is vibrating in its third overtone. Maximum amplitude of the
particle on the string is A. The amplitude of the particle at a distance /3 from one end is
(A) A (B) 0
(C) (D) A/2

12. The end A of a ladder AP of length 5 m, kept inclined to a vertical P

wall is slipping over a horizontal surface with velocity of 2 m/s,
when A is at a distance of 3m from the wall. Velocity of centre of
mass at this moment is
(A) 1.25 m/s (B) 0 m/s 2m/s
(C) 1 m/s (D) 2 m/s
13. A vertical jet of water coming out of a nozzle with velocity 20 M
m/s supports a plate of mass M stationary at a height
h = 15m, as shown in the figure. If the rate of water flow is 1 litre
per second, the mass of the plate is (Assume the collision to be
inelastic). 15 m
(A) 1 kg (B) 1.414 kg v = 20 m/s
(C) 2 kg (D) 10 kg

Space for rough work

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax 26513942
यश TG~ @bohring_bot
IT−2020−JEE Main (1820) (RT2)-SET-A-PCM−5

1 2
14. The binding energy of a particle of mass m with a planet, when it is on the planets surface, ismv0 .
A tunnel is dug along a diameter of the planet and the particle is dropped into it from the surface,
when the body reaches the centre of the planet, its speed is
(A) v0 (B) 0
(C) Zero (D)

15. Find minimum value of the angle  so that block of mass m does not move on F m
rough surface. The coefficient of static friction between the block and surface is  
whatever may be the value of applied force F.
(A) tan−1() (B) tan−1()
1 −1
(C) cot−1() (D) cot ()

16. An open organ pipe of length ‘L’ vibrates in second harmonic mode. The pressure variation is maximum, (neglect
end corrections)
(A) at the two ends
(B) at a distance from either end inside the tube
(C) at the mid–point of the tube
(D) none of these.

17. For a particle executing simple harmonic motion, the correct variation of acceleration a with displacement x is
given by
a a

(A) x (B) x

a a

(C) x (D) x

Space for rough work

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax 26513942
यश TG~ @bohring_bot
IT−2020−JEE Main (1820) (RT2)-SET-A-PCM−6

A projectile is projected in the earth’s gravitational with initial kinetic energy E. The horizontal range of the
projectile is R. If the mass of the projectile is 1 kg then the angle of projection of the projectile will be equal to
−1  gR  −1  gR 
(A) sin  2E  (B) 2sin  2E 
   

−1 gR  −1  gR 
(C) 0.5 sin   (D) 4 sin  
 2E   2E 

19. Three rods of identical cross-sectional area are made from the same metal from the sides of an isosceles right
angled triangle ABC, right angled at B. The points A and B are maintained at temperatures T and 2T
respectively. In the steady state, the temperature of point C is T C. There is a point D on BA, whose temperature is
same as TC. Then the ratio is
(A) 1 (B) 2
(C) (D) 2

20. A chain of mass 10 kg and length 10 m is resting on a rough horizontal surface ( = 0.2). A constant force of 20
newton is applied at one end. The tension in the mid point of the chain is
(A) 20 N (B) 15 N
(C) 10 N (D) 5 N

21. A thin uniform spherical shell and a uniform solid cylinder of the
same mass and radius are allowed to roll down a fixed incline,
without slipping, starting from rest. The times taken by them to roll
down the same distance are in the ratio, tsph : tcyl
14 15 
(A) (B)
15 14
3 10
(C) (D) .
10 3

22. A particle A is attached to a spring and the time period for small oscillations is observed to be T; when
an additional mass dm is added on, the time period becomes T + dT. The mass of particle A is
−1 −1

 dT  dT  
 
 dT  dT  

(A) dm 2 +   (B) dm 2 + 2 +  

 T  T   
 T  T  
 dT 
(C) dm 2   (D) none of these
 T 

Space for rough work

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax 26513942
यश TG~ @bohring_bot
IT−2020−JEE Main (1820) (RT2)-SET-A-PCM−7

23. A small cube of mass m slides down a circular path of radius R cut into a m
larger block of mass M, as shown in the figure. M rests on a table, and both R
blocks move without friction. The blocks are initially at rest, and m starts from
the top of the path. The velocity v of the cube as it leaves the block is

(A) (B) 2gR
2mgR 2MgR
(C) (D)
m+M m+M

24. A collision occurs between two identical balls each of mass m , moving with velocities u1 and u2 ,
colliding head-on. The coefficient of restitution is 0.5. The energy lost in the collision is
1 1
(A) m(u1 + u2 )2 (B) m(u1 − u2 )2
4 4
3 1
(C) m(u1 − u2 )2 (D) m(u1 − u2 )2 .
16 16
25. A tunnel is made inside earth passing through center of earth. A particle is m
dropped from the surface of earth. Select the correct statement
(A) Kinetic energy of particle is maximum at center and its potential
energy is zero at center
(B) velocity of particle is proportional to x [where x is distance of particle from
center of earth
(C) Kinetic energy of particle is maximum when it reaches on the other side of
(D) kinetic energy of particle is maximum at center

26. The time period of a pendulum at temperature t1 ºC is T1 sec. Its time period at t2ºC is T2 sec. If coefficient of
linear expansion of material of pendulum is , then increase in time period is
(A) (t2 – t1) (B) (t2 – t1)/3
(C) T1(t2 – t1)/2 (D) none of these

Space for rough work

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax 26513942
यश TG~ @bohring_bot
IT−2020−JEE Main (1820) (RT2)-SET-A-PCM−8

A particle moving in the positive x-direction has initial velocity v0. The particle undergoes retardation kv 2, where v
is its instantaneous velocity. The velocity of the particle as a function of time is given by
(A) v = v0/(1 + kv0t) (B) v=
1 + kt
v0 v0
v= v=
1 + k 2 v02 t )
28. A solid cylinder of mass m length l and area of cross section A is
placed as shown in the figure. If Young’s modulus is Y then strain
energy stored in the cylinder is L
m 2 g 2l m 2 g 2l
(A) (B)
3 AY 6 AY
m 2 g 2l m 2 g 2l
(C) (D) .

29. A block of mass m slides down an inclined wedge of same m shown in the
figure. Friction is absent everywhere. Magnitude of acceleration of center of
mass of the block and wedge is m
gsin2  
(A) zero (B) 
(1 + sin )
gcos  2
gsin 
(C) 
(1 + sin ) (1 + cos )

30. A rod of mass m kg and length meter is hinged about its end A and is vertical B
initially. Now the end A is accelerated horizontally with acceleration a 0 = g m/s2.
The hinge reaction when the rod becomes horizontal is
4mg mg mg mg
(A) Rx = N, R y = N (B) Rx = N, Ry = N
3 3 3 4
mg mg mg a0
(C) Rx = N, Ry = N (D) Rx = 4mgN, Ry = N A
4 3 4

Space for Rough Work

FIITJEE Ltd., FIITJEE House, 29-A, Kalu Sarai, Sarvapriya Vihar, New Delhi -110016, Ph 26515949, 26569493, Fax 26513942

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