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UniversityEthics, Citizenship and Globalization

W Continental
Ethics, Citizenship and Globalization

Individual work 1

::1.:: What is citizenship?

a) Conditions that guarantee harmonious and democratic coexistence.
b) Vote to elect the rulers.
c) The age of majority, which varies according to the regulations of each country.
d) Not be in prison for any crime.
Feedback: Citizenship is a complex of conditions that guarantee harmonious and
democratic coexistence on equal terms.
::2.:: Select the correct alternative in relation to citizenship.
a) Citizen protests are legitimate forms of citizen exercise if they respect
established norms.
b) Only people of legal age can be considered citizens.
c) People who have committed a crime and are serving a sentence have lost their
status as citizens.
d) Those who do not pay taxes are citizens of a lower level or category.
Feedback: Citizen protests are legitimate forms of exercising citizenship because it
is regulated and established that all people have the right to protest, strikes and
other forms of participation, as long as these activities have been carried out
without disturbing public order and have received the respective authorization.
e) 3.:: To which of the conditions of citizenship does the following statement
correspond: the same conditions for all citizens in relation to their
obligations and powers?
a) Equality in the exercise of duties and rights.
b) Stake.
c) Rule of law.
d) Global citizenship.
Feedback: Equality of conditions for the exercise of duties and rights consists
precisely in that all citizens can be under the same conditions in terms of fulfilling
their duties or obligations and exercising their rights or powers.
::4.:: To which of the five conditions for the exercise of citizenship does the
following statement correspond:
Voluntarily establish links that unite us to the political community, that
give us identity in relation to it and make us act reciprocally.
a) Sense of belonging.
b) Equal.
c) Exercise of duties and rights.
d) Stake.
UniversityEthics, Citizenship and Globalization
W Continental

Feedback: The sense of belonging consists not only of feeling part of a community,
it is not just a feeling, it is also the creation of ties or links that generate our identity.
::5.:: Which of the following alternatives does NOT pose a citizen problem?
a) The technology.
b) Social inequalities.
c) The discrimination.
d) Lack of access to education.
Feedback: Social inequalities, discrimination and lack of access to education are
citizen problems because they imply that the conditions are not in place to exercise
rights on equal terms. Technology, on the other hand, does not pose any citizen
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Ethics, Citizenship and Globalization
problem because it is not related by itself to the exercise of duties or rights; It is,
let's say, neutral in relation to citizens.
::6.:: What is the purpose of the rule of law?
a) Serve the individual by guaranteeing their rights.
b) Serve the political class.
c) Manage the rights of individuals.
d) Order the political class.
Feedback: The rule of law, as a condition of citizenship, consists of the legal-
political condition that ensures respect for the rights of individuals and the fulfillment
of their duties.
::7.:: Indicate whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F), according
to the text by Jacobs, Mory and Vélez.
I. Full citizenship cannot be achieved in a country without democracy.
II. If what we want is to live well, we not only have to be interested in our
rights, but also in those of others.
III. To participate in the government we do not need to be a congressman or
hold a public office.
a) VVV.
b) VVF.
c) FFF.
d) FVV.
Feedback: All three statements are true. Citizenship is a condition that is only
possible in democratic nations. Living well or building a harmonious coexistence as
citizens requires exercising our rights, but also participation; That is to say, it is not
enough for us to exercise our rights, it is necessary for others to do so as well.
Participation can be carried out from all spheres of social activity, not only from
UniversityEthics, Citizenship and Globalization
W Continental

::8.:: Which of the conditions for the construction of citizenship is absent in the
following citizen problem:
People do not respect the schedule established by the municipality to take
their waste out of their homes, therefore, there is an accumulation of
garbage in the streets.
a) Duties and rights.
b) Equality.
c) Rule of law.
d) None of the alternatives is correct.
Feedback : If in a certain district there is an ordinance that establishes schedules
for residents to take out their waste, so that garbage trucks can pick it up at a
certain time, then this must be complied with. If people do not respect these
regulations, they are not fulfilling their duty.

::9.:: Correlate correctly:

YO. 18th and 19th to. Second T Economic, social and
centuries. generation rights. O. cultural rights.

II. 19th and 20th b. b. civil and Political Rights.

centuries. Third generation

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Ethics, Citizenship and Globalization
III. 20th and 21st c. First generation c. Related rights with
centuries. rights. justice, peace

a) IcB – IIaA – IIIbC. IbB –

b) IIaA – IIIcC.
c) IcA – IIaB – IIIbC. IbC –
d) IIaA – IIIcB.
Feedback: First generation rights are the first and, therefore, correspond to the
18th and 19th centuries, they are civil and political rights. Second generation rights
were established in the 19th and 20th centuries and are those related to economic,
social and cultural matters. Third generation rights correspond to the 20th and 21st
centuries and go beyond the previous ones to seek justice, peace and solidarity.
::10.:: In the text by Jacobs, Mory and Vélez, when presented
A phrase taken from a wall in a city, which says “Imagine that there is war
and no one goes”, which of the five conditions for the construction of
citizenship is this phrase related to?
a) Stake.
b) Duties and rights.
c) Rule of law.
d) Equality.

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'UniversityEthics, Citizenship and Globalization
To Continental

Feedback: The phrase refers to the condition of participation since this consists of
voluntary and organized action in order to seek good for the political community.
Deciding not to go to war can be a voluntary decision to protest against war: if all
citizens decided not to go to war, even though they might be failing to fulfill a duty
imposed by the state, there would be no war.
::11.:: Select the alternative that does NOT correspond to one of
the conditions for the construction of citizenship:
a) State of peace.
b) Equality.
c) Stake.
d) Sense of belonging.
Feedback: The only alternative that does not correspond to one of the five
conditions for the construction of citizenship is a state of peace. On the other hand,
the rule of law does correspond to one of the conditions.

::12.:: Indicate which of the following statements are

(V) orI. Citizenship is a possible construction in authoritarian regimes.
false (F). II. Some people are lower status citizens than others.
III. In our country, citizenship is still under construction.

a) FFV.
b) VVV.
c) FVV.
d) FVF.
Feedback: Citizenship is only possible in democratic regimes, in which it is
possible to speak of equality in rights and duties. On the other hand, no person has
a condition of citizenship above others, precisely because of the condition of
equality. Finally, in our country, given that all the conditions for the construction of
citizenship are not yet in place, it is correct to affirm that it is still under construction.
::13.:: Select the correct thing in relation to the idea of
a) In some nations there is greater development of citizenship than in others.
b) The evolution of the idea of citizenship is only given by the idea of equality.
c) Citizenship has not had major changes throughout history.
d) Citizenship can be built on the basis of only three conditions.
Feedback: In some nations there is greater development of citizenship because
there is a more solid rule of law that allows the fulfillment of duties and the exercise
of rights, as well as
UniversityEthics, Citizenship and Globalization
W Continental

conditions of equality, citizen participation and sense of belonging. In nations where

these conditions are not yet in place, the development of citizenship is still in
Questions by difficulty level: Advanced

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Ethics, Citizenship and Globalization
::14.:: Which of the following alternatives poses a
citizen problem of inequality?
a) Differences in opportunities to access education.
b) The biological differences between men and women.
c) The differences in ways of thinking between the younger generations and the
older generations.
d) The differences between the ways of speaking Spanish in various regions of
Latin America.
Feedback: Differences in opportunities to access education are an example of
inequality, since education is a right and must be able to be exercised. The other
differences do not constitute inequalities as long as a right is not violated or one of
the conditions for the construction of citizenship is not obstructed.
::15.:: Which of the following is NOT a first-class right?
a) Right to a clean environment.
b) Right to security.
c) Right to vote.
d) Right to freedom.
Feedback: The right to a clean environment is a third generation right.
::16.:: Which of the following is a fourth-class right?
a) Right to privacy and digital security.
b) Right to health.
c) Right to decent housing.
d) Right to peace.
Feedback: Fourth generation rights are those related to the globalized world and
digital citizenship. The right to digital privacy and security is a fourth generation
::17.:: Which of the following is NOT an economic right,
social and cultural (second generation)?
a) Right to property.
b) Right to health.
c) Education rights.
d) Right to decent housing.
Feedback: The right to property is a first generation right, that is, one of the civil
and political rights. All others are second generation rights.
UniversityEthics, Citizenship and Globalization
W Continental

::18.:: Which of the five conditions for the exercise of

Citizenship corresponds to the following description: voluntarily
establishing links that unite us to the political community, that give us
identity in relation to it and make us act reciprocally: receive something
from and give something to it?
a) Sense of belonging.
b) Stake.
c) Equality.
d) Duties and rights.
Feedback: The sense of belonging is the condition of citizenship through which
people build their identity with the political community, through the establishment of

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Ethics, Citizenship and Globalization

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