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Scientific Thinking and Reasoning

Kevin Dunbar
Jonathan Fugelsang

What Is Scientific Thinking volves investigating thinking that has scien-

and Reasoning? tific content. A number of overlapping re-
search traditions have been used to investi-
Scientific thinking refers to the mental gate scientific thinking. We cover the history
processes used when reasoning about the of research on scientific thinking and the dif-
content of science (e.g., force in physics), ferent approaches that have been used, high-
engaged in typical scientific activities (e.g., lighting common themes that have emerged
designing experiments), or specific types of over the past fifty years of research.
reasoning that are frequently used in sci-
ence (e.g., deducing that there is a planet
beyond Pluto). Scientific thinking involves A Brief History of Research
many general-purpose cognitive operations on Scientific Thinking
that human beings apply in nonscientific do-
mains such as induction, deduction, anal- Science is often considered one of the hall-
ogy, problem solving, and causal reason- marks of the human species, along with
ing. These cognitive processes are covered art, music, and literature. Illuminating the
in many chapters of this handbook (see thought processes used in science there-
Sloman & Lagnado, Chap. 5 on induction; fore reveals key aspects of the human mind.
Holyoak, Chap. 6 on analogy; Buehner and The thought processes underlying scientific
Cheng, Chap. 7 on causality; Evans, Chap. thinking have fascinated both scientists and
8 on deduction; Novick and Bassok, Chap. nonscientists because the products of sci-
1 4 on problem solving; Chi and Ohllson, ence have transformed our world and be-
Chap. 1 6 on conceptual change). What dis- cause the process of discovery is shrouded
tinguishes research on scientific thinking in mystery. Scientists talk of the chance dis-
from general research on cognition is that covery, the flash of insight, the years of per-
research on scientific thinking typically in- spiration, and the voyage of discovery. These

706 the cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning

images of science have helped make the years (e.g., Bacon, 1 620; Galilei, 1 63 8; Klahr,
mental processes underlying the discovery 2000; Tweney, Doherty, & Mynatt, 1 981 ).
process intriguing to cognitive scientists as Understanding the nature of scientific think-
they attempt to uncover what really goes ing has been an important and central issue
on inside the scientific mind and how sci- not only for our understanding of science,
entists really think. Furthermore, the ques- but also for our understating of what it is to
tions, “Can scientists be taught to think bet- be human. Bacon’s Novumm Organum, in
ter, avoiding mistakes of scientific thinking?” 1 620, sketched out some of the key features
and “Could the scientific process be auto- of the ways that experiments are designed
mated such that scientists are no longer nec- and data interpreted. Over the ensuing 400
essary?” make scientific thinking a topic of years, philosophers and scientists vigorously
enduring interest. One of the most com- debated the appropriate methods that scien-
pelling accounts of science that makes the tists should use (see Giere, 1 993 ). These de-
reader want to understand science and why bates over the appropriate methods for sci-
science is interesting recently appeared in ence typically resulted in the espousal of a
the journal Popular Science. In this article, particular type of reasoning method such as
Charles Hirshberg discusses his mother, sci- induction or deduction. It was not until the
entist Joan Feynman, and her scientific con- Gestalt psychologists began working on the
tributions as well as the difficulties of being a nature of human problem solving during the
woman scientist. The following excerpt cap- 1 940s that experimental psychologists began
tures the excitement and thrill that even a to investigate the cognitive processes under-
household encounter with science can gen- lying scientific thinking and reasoning.
erate and that is thought to be at the root The Gestalt Psychologist Max Werthei-
of many scientists’ desire to conduct science mer initiated the first investigations of sci-
(Hirschberg, 2003 ). entific thinking in his landmark book, Pro-
ductive Thinking (Wertheimer, 1 945 ; see
My introduction to chemistry came in Novick & Bassok, Chap. 1 4). Wertheimer
1 970, on a day when my mom was bak- spent a considerable amount of time corre-
ing challah bread for the Jewish New Year. sponding with Albert Einstein, attempting
I was about ten, and though I felt cooking to discover how Einstein generated the con-
was unmanly for a guy who played short-
cept of relativity. Wertheimer argued that
stop for Village Host Pizza in the Menlo
Park, California, Little League, she had Einstein had to overcome the structure of
persuaded me to help. When the bread was Newtonian physics at each step in his the-
in the oven, she gave me a plastic pill bot- orizing and the ways that Einstein actually
tle and a cork. She told me to sprinkle a achieved this restructuring were articulated
little baking soda into the bottle, then a lit- in terms of Gestalt theories. For a recent
tle vinegar, and cork the bottle as fast as and different account of how Einstein made
I could. There followed a violent and com- his discovery, see Galison (2003 ). We will
pletely unexpected pop as the cork flew off see later how this process of overcoming al-
and walloped me in the forehead. Explod- ternative theories is an obstacle with which
ing food: I was ecstatic! “That’s called a both scientists and nonscientists need to
chemical reaction,” she said, rubbing my
deal when evaluating and theorizing about
shirt clean. “The vinegar is an acid and the
soda is a base, and that’s what happens the world.
when you mix the two.” After that, I never One of the first investigations of the cog-
understood what other kids meant when nitive abilities underlying scientific think-
they said that science was boring. ing was the work of Jerome Bruner and his
colleagues at Harvard (Bruner, Goodnow, &
The cognitive processes underlying sci- Austin, 1 95 6). They argued that a key ac-
entific discovery and day-to-day scientific tivity in which scientists engage is to deter-
thinking have been a topic of intense mine whether or not a particular instance
scrutiny and speculation for almost 400 is a member of a category. For example, a
scientific thinking and reasoning 707

scientist might want to discover which sub- that the rule was even numbers increasing by
stances undergo fission when bombarded by two. They then attempted to confirm their
neutrons and which substances do not. Here, hypothesis by generating a triad like 8-1 0-
scientists have to discover the attributes that 1 2, then 1 4-1 6-1 8. These triads are consis-
make a substance undergo fission. Bruner tent with the rule and the participants were
et al. (1 95 6) saw scientific thinking as the told yes, that the triads were indeed con-
testing of hypotheses and collecting of data sistent with the rule. However, when they
with the end goal of determining whether proposed the rule, even numbers increas-
something is a member of a category or not. ing by two, they were told that the rule
They invented a paradigm in which people was incorrect. The correct rule was num-
were required to formulate hypotheses and bers of increasing magnitude. From this re-
collect data that test their hypotheses. Us- search Wason concluded that people try and
ing this approach, Bruner et al. identified a confirm their hypotheses, whereas norma-
number of strategies people use to formu- tively speaking, they should try and discon-
late and test hypotheses. They found that firm their hypotheses. One implication of
a key factor determining which hypothesis this research is that confirmation bias is not
testing strategy people use is the amount of just restricted to scientists but is a general
memory capacity the strategy takes up (see human tendency.
also Morrison, Chap. 1 9, on working mem- It was not until the 1 970s that a general
ory). Another key factor they discovered was account of scientific reasoning was proposed.
that it is much more difficult for people to Herbert Simon, often in collaboration with
discover negative concepts (e.g., not blue) Allan Newell (e.g., Newell & Simon, 1 972),
than positive concepts (e.g., blue). Although proposed that scientific thinking is a form
the Bruner et al. research is most com- of problem solving. He proposed that prob-
monly thought of as work on concepts, they lem solving is a search in a problem space.
saw their work as uncovering a key compo- Newell and Simon’s (1 972) theory of prob-
nent of scientific thinking. lem solving is discussed in many places in
A second early line of research on scien- this volume, usually in the context of spe-
tific thinking was developed by Peter Wa- cific problems (see especially Novick & Bas-
son and his colleagues. Like Bruner et al., sok, Chap. 1 4, on problem solving). Herbert
Wason (1 968) saw a key component of sci- Simon (1 977), however, devoted consider-
entific thinking as being the testing of hy- able time to understanding many different
potheses. Whereas Bruner et al. focused on scientific discoveries and scientific reason-
the different types of strategies people use ing processes. The common thread in his re-
to formulate hypotheses, Wason focused on search was that scientific thinking and dis-
whether people adopt a strategy of trying covery is not a mysterious magical process
to confirm or disconfirm their hypotheses. but a process of problem solving in which
Using Popper’s (1 95 9) theory that scien- clear heuristics are used. Simon’s goal was to
tists should try and falsify rather than con- articulate the heuristics that scientists use in
firm their hypotheses, Wason devised a de- their research at a fine-grained level. He built
ceptively simple task in which participants many programs that simulated the process of
were given three numbers, such as 2-4-6, scientific discovery and articulated the spe-
and were asked to discover the rule under- cific computations that scientists use in their
lying the three numbers. Participants were research (see subsequent section on compu-
asked to generate other triads of numbers, tational approaches to scientific thinking).
and the experimenter would tell the partic- Particularly important was Simon and Lea’s
ipant whether the triad was consistent or (1 974) work demonstrating that concept for-
inconsistent with the rule. They were told mation and induction consist of a search in
that when they were sure they knew what two problem spaces: a space of instances and
the rule was they should state it. Most par- a space of rules. This idea has been highly
ticipants began the experiment by thinking influential on problem-solving accounts of
708 the cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning

scientific thinking that will be discussed in arching framework to understand the scien-
the next section. tific mind. One framework that has had a
Overall, the work of Bruner, Wason, and great influence in cognitive science is that
Simon laid the foundations for contempo- scientific thinking and scientific discovery
rary research on scientific thinking. Early can be conceived as a form of problem solv-
research on scientific thinking is conve- ing. Simon (1 977) argued that both scientific
niently summarized in Tweney, Doherty, thinking in general and problem solving in
and Mynatt’s 1 981 book, On Scientific Think- particular could be thought of as a search in
ing, in which they sketched out many of the a problem space (see Chapter 1 1 ). A prob-
themes that have dominated research on sci- lem space consists of all the possible states
entific thinking over the past few decades. of a problem and all the operations that a
Other more recent books, such as Ronald problem solver can use to get from one state
Giere’s Cognitive Models of Science (1 993 ); to the next (see problem solving entry). Ac-
David Klahr’s Explaining Science (2000); Pe- cording to this view, by characterizing the
ter Carruthers, Steven Stich, and Michael types of representations and procedures peo-
Siegal’s Cognitive Basis of Science (2002); and ple use to get from one state to another, it
Gorman and colleagues’ Scientific and Tech- is possible to understand scientific thinking.
nical Thinking (2005 ) provide detailed anal- Scientific thinking therefore can be charac-
yses of different aspects of scientific discov- terized as a search in various problem spaces
ery. In this chapter, we discuss the main ap- (Simon, 1 977). Simon investigated a num-
proaches that have been used to investigate ber of scientific discoveries by bringing par-
scientific thinking. ticipants into the laboratory, providing the
One of the main features of investigations participants with the data to which a sci-
of research on the scientific mind has been entist had access, and getting the partici-
to take one aspect of scientific thinking that pants to reason about the data and rediscover
is thought to be important and investigate a scientific concept. He then analyzed the
it in isolation. How does one go about in- verbal protocols participants generated and
vestigating the many different aspects of sci- mapped out the types of problem spaces in
entific thinking? Numerous methodologies which the participants searched (e.g., Qin &
have been used to analyze the genesis of sci- Simon, 1 990). Kulkarni and Simon (1 988)
entific concepts, theories, hypotheses, and used a more historical approach to uncover
experiments. Researchers have used experi- the problem-solving heuristics that Krebs
ments, verbal protocols, computer programs, used in his discovery of the urea cycle. Kulka-
and analysis of particular scientific discover- rni and Simon analyzed Krebs’s diaries and
ies. A recent development has been to inves- proposed a set of problem-solving heuristics
tigate scientists as they reason “live” (in vivo that he used in his research. They then built a
studies of scientific thinking) in their own computer program incorporating the heuris-
laboratories (Dunbar, 1 995 , 2002). From a tics and biological knowledge that Krebs had
“thinking and reasoning” standpoint, the ma- before he made his discoveries. Of particular
jor aspects of scientific thinking that have importance are the search heuristics the pro-
been most actively investigated are prob- gram uses such as the experimental proposal
lem solving, analogical reasoning, hypothe- heuristics and the data interpretation heuris-
sis testing, conceptual change, collaborative tics built into the program. A key heuristic
reasoning, inductive reasoning, and deduc- was an unusualness heuristic that focused
tive reasoning. on unusual findings and guided the search
through a space of theories and a space of
Klahr and Dunbar (1 988) extended the
Scientific Thinking as Problem Solving search in a problem space approach and pro-
posed that scientific thinking can be thought
One important goal for accounts of scien- of as a search through two related spaces –
tific thinking has been to provide an over- an hypothesis space and an experiment
scientific thinking and reasoning 709

space. Each problem space that a scientist historians, and experimental psychologists
uses will have its own types of representa- have devoted a considerable amount of re-
tions and operators used to change the rep- search to “confirmation bias.” This occurs
resentations. Search in the hypothesis space when scientists consider only one hypoth-
constrains search in the experiment space. esis (typically the favored hypothesis) and
Klahr and Dunbar found that some partic- ignore alternative hypotheses or other po-
ipants move from the hypothesis space to tentially relevant hypotheses. This impor-
the experiment space, whereas others move tant phenomenon can distort the design of
from the experiment space to the hypothesis experiments, formulation of theories, and
space. These different types of searches lead interpretation of data. Beginning with the
to the proposal of different types of hypothe- work of Wason (1 968) and as discussed pre-
ses and experiments. More recent work viously, researchers have repeatedly shown
has extended the dual-space approach to that when participants are asked to design
include alternative problem-solving spaces, an experiment to test a hypothesis, they pre-
including those for data, instrumentation, dominantly design experiments they think
and domain-specific knowledge (Schunn & will yield results consistent with the hypoth-
Klahr, 1 995 , 1 996; Klahr & Simon, 1 999). esis. Using the 2-4-6 task mentioned ear-
lier, Klayman and Ha (1 987) showed that
in situations in which one’s hypothesis is
likely to be confirmed, seeking confirmation
Scientific Thinking as Hypothesis is a normatively incorrect strategy, whereas
Testing when the probability of confirming one’s
hypothesis is low, then attempting to con-
Many researchers have regarded testing spe- firm ones hypothesis can be an appropri-
cific hypotheses predicted by theories as one ate strategy. Historical analyses by Tweney
of the key attributes of scientific thinking. (1 989) on the way that Faraday made his dis-
Hypothesis testing is the process of evalu- coveries and experiments investigating peo-
ating a proposition by collecting evidence ple testing hypotheses have revealed that
regarding its truth. Experimental cognitive people use a confirm early–disconfirm late
research on scientific thinking that specifi- strategy: When people initially generate or
cally examines this issue has tended to fall are given hypotheses, they try to gather ev-
into two broad classes of investigations. The idence that is consistent with the hypoth-
first class is concerned with the types of esis. Once enough evidence has been gath-
reasoning that lead scientists astray, block- ered, people attempt to find the boundaries
ing scientific ingenuity (see also Sternberg, of their hypothesis and often try to discon-
Chap. 1 5 on creativity). A large amount of firm their hypotheses.
research has been conducted on the poten- In an interesting variant on the con-
tially faulty reasoning strategies that both firmation bias paradigm, Gorman (1 989)
participants in experiments and scientists has shown that when participants are told
use such as considering only one favored hy- there is the possibility of error in the data
pothesis at a time and how this prevents they receive, they assume any data incon-
scientists from making discoveries. The sec- sistent with their favored hypothesis are at-
ond class is concerned with uncovering the tributable to error. The possibility of error
mental processes underlying the generation therefore insulates hypotheses against dis-
of new scientific hypotheses and concepts. confirmation. This hypothesis has not been
This research has tended to focus on the use confirmed by other researchers (Penner &
of analogy and imagery in science as well as Klahr, 1 996) but is an intriguing one that
the use of specific types of problem-solving warrants further investigation.
heuristics (see also Holyoak, Chapter 6 Confirmation bias is very difficult to over-
on analogy). come. Even when participants are asked
Turning first to investigations of what di- to consider alternate hypotheses, they of-
minishes scientific creativity, philosophers, ten fail to conduct experiments that could
71 0 the cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning

potentially disconfirm their hypothesis. One important issue in the causal rea-
Tweney and his colleagues provide an excel- soning literature that is directly relevant to
lent overview of this phenomenon in their scientific thinking is the extent to which sci-
classic monograph “On Scientific Think- entists and nonscientists are governed by the
ing” (1 981 ). The precise reasons for this search for causal mechanisms (i.e., the chain
type of block are still widely debated. Re- of events that lead from a cause to an effect)
searchers such as Michael Doherty have ar- versus the search for statistical data (i.e., how
gued that limitations in working memory often variables co-occur). This dichotomy
make it difficult for people to consider more can be boiled down to the search for quali-
than one hypothesis. Consistent with this tative versus quantitative information about
view, Dunbar and Sussman (1 995 ) showed the paradigm the scientist is investigating.
that when participants are asked to hold Researchers from a number of cognitive psy-
irrelevant items in working memory while chology laboratories have found that peo-
testing hypotheses, participants are unable ple prefer to gather more information about
to switch hypotheses in the face of inconsis- an underlying mechanism than covariation
tent evidence (see also Morrison, Chap. 1 9, between a cause and an effect (e.g., Ahn
on working memory). Although limitations et al., 1 995 ). That is, the predominant strat-
of working memory are involved in the phe- egy that students in scientific thinking simu-
nomenon of confirmation bias, even groups lations use is to gather as much information
of scientists can display confirmation bias. as possible about how the objects under in-
The recent controversies over cold fusion vestigation work rather than collecting large
are an example of confirmation bias. Here, amounts of quantitative data to determine
large groups of scientists had other hypothe- whether the observations hold across mul-
ses available to explain their data but yet tiple samples. These findings suggest that a
maintained their hypotheses in the face of central component of scientific thinking may
other, more standard alternative hypotheses. be to formulate explicit mechanistic causal
Mitroff (1 974) provides some interesting ex- models of scientific events.
amples of scientists at the National Aero- One place where causal reasoning has
nautical and Space Administration demon- been observed extensively is when scientists
strating confirmation bias that highlights obtain unexpected findings. Both historical
the roles of commitment and motivation in and naturalistic research has revealed that
this process. reasoning causally about unexpected find-
ings has a central role in science. Indeed,
scientists themselves frequently state that a
finding was attributable to chance or was un-
Causal Thinking in Science expected. Given that claims of unexpected
findings are such a frequent component of
Much of scientific thinking and scientific scientists’ autobiographies and interviews
theory building pertains to the development in the media, Dunbar (1 995 , 1 997, 1 999;
of causal models between variables of inter- Dunbar & Fugelsang, 2004; Fugelsang et al.,
est. For example, does smoking cause cancer, 2004) decided to investigate the ways that
Prozac relieve depression, or aerosol spray scientists deal with unexpected findings. In
deplete the ozone layer? (See also Buehner & 1 991 –1 992 Dunbar spent one year in three
Cheng, Chap. 7, on causality.) Scientists and molecular biology laboratories and one im-
nonscientists alike are constantly bombarded munology laboratory at a prestigious U.S.
with statements regarding the causal rela- university. He used the weekly laboratory
tionship between such variables. How does meeting as a source of data on scientific dis-
one evaluate the status of such claims? What covery and scientific reasoning. (This type of
kinds of data are informative? How do sci- study he has called InVivo cognition). When
entists and nonscientists deal with data that he examined the types of findings the sci-
are inconsistent with their theory? entists made, he found that more than 5 0%
scientific thinking and reasoning 71 1

Figure 2 9.1 . Causal thinking in science. Potential mechanisms of human

immunodeficiency virus integration into host DNA. The diagram shows two
potential causal mechanisms – cellular (left branch) and viral (right branch).

were unexpected and that these scientists esis was supported or refuted, participants
had evolved a number of important strate- spent the majority of their time consid-
gies for dealing with such findings. One clear ering unexpected findings. An analysis of
strategy was to reason causally about the participants’ verbal protocols indicates that
findings: Scientists attempted to build causal much of this extra time is spent formu-
models of their unexpected findings. This lating causal models for the unexpected
causal model building resulted in the exten- findings.
sive use of collaborative reasoning, analog- Scientists are not merely the victims
ical reasoning, and problem-solving heuris- of unexpected findings but plan for unex-
tics (Dunbar, 1 997; 2001 ). pected events to occur. An example of the
Many of the key unexpected findings ways that scientists plan for unexpected con-
that scientists reasoned about in the InVivo tingencies in their day-to-day research is
studies of scientific thinking were inconsis- shown in Figure 29.1 . Figure 29.1 is an ex-
tent with the scientists’ pre-existing causal ample of a diagram in which the scientist is
models. A laboratory equivalent of the bi- building causal models about the ways that
ology labs therefore was to create a situa- human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) inte-
tion in which students obtained unexpected grates itself into the host deoxyribonucleic
findings that were inconsistent with their acid (DNA) taken from a presentation at
pre-existing theories. Dunbar and Fugelsang a lab meeting. The scientist proposes two
(2005 ; see also Fugelsang et al., 2004) ex- main causal mechanisms by which HIV in-
amined this issue by creating a scientific tegrates into the host DNA. The main event
causal thinking simulation in which exper- that must occur is that gaps in the DNA
imental outcomes were either expected or must be filled. In the left-hand branch of
unexpected. (Dunbar [1 995 ] called this type Diagram 2, he proposes a cellular mech-
of study of people reasoning in a cognitive anism whereby cellular polymerase fills in
laboratory InVitro cognition). They found gaps as the two sources of DNA integrate.
that students spent considerably more time In the right-hand branch, he proposes that
reasoning about unexpected findings than instead of cellular mechanisms filling in the
expected findings. Second, when assessing gaps, viral enzymes fill in the gap and join
the overall degree to which their hypoth- the two pieces of DNA. He then designs an
71 2 the cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning

experiment to distinguish between these rule that governs them. Once a rule is dis-
two causal mechanisms. Clearly, visual and covered, scientists can extrapolate from the
diagrammatic reasoning is used here and is rule to formulate theories of the observed
a useful way of representing different causal and yet to be observed phenomena. One ex-
mechanisms (see also Tversky, Chap. 1 0 on ample is using inductive reasoning in the dis-
visuospatial reasoning). In this case, the vi- covery that a certain type of bacterium is a
sual representations of different causal paths cause of many ulcers (Thagard, 1 999). In a
are used to design an experiment and predict fascinating series of articles, Thagard docu-
possible results. Thus, causal reasoning is a ments the reasoning processes that Marshall
key component of the experimental design and Warren went through in proposing this
process. novel hypothesis. One key reasoning pro-
When designing experiments, scientists cess was the use of induction by generaliza-
know that unexpected findings occur of- tion. Marshall and Warren noted that almost
ten and have developed many strategies to all patients with gastric enteritis had a spi-
take advantage of them (Baker & Dunbar, ral bacterium in their stomachs and formed
2000). Scientists build different causal mod- the generalization that this bacterium is the
els of their experiments incorporating many cause of many stomach ulcers. There are nu-
conditions and controls. These multiple merous other examples of induction by gen-
conditions and controls allow unknown eralization in science, such as Tycho Brahe
mechanisms to manifest themselves. Rather induction about the motion of planets from
than being the victims of the unexpected, his observations, Dalton’s use of induction in
the scientists create opportunities for unex- chemistry, and the discovery of prions as the
pected events to occur, and once these events source of mad cow disease. Many theories
do occur, they have causal models that al- of induction have used scientific discovery
low them to determine exactly where in the and reasoning as examples of this important
causal chain their unexpected finding arose. reasoning process.
The results of these InVivo and InVitro stud- Another common type of inductive rea-
ies all point to a more complex and nuanced soning is to map a feature of one member
account of how scientists and nonscientists of a category to another member of a cate-
test and evaluate hypotheses. gory. This is called categorical induction. This
type of induction projects a known prop-
erty of one item onto another item from the
same category. Thus, knowing that the Rous
The Roles of Inductive and Deductive Sarcoma virus is a retrovirus that uses RNA
Thinking in the Scientific Mind rather than DNA, a biologist might assume
that another virus that is thought to be a
One of the most basic characteristics of sci- retrovirus also uses RNA rather than DNA.
ence is that scientists assume that the uni- Although research on this type of induction
verse that we live in follows predictable typically has not been discussed in accounts
rules. Very few scientists in this century of scientific thinking, this type of induction
would refute the claim that the earth ro- is common in science. For an important con-
tates around the sun, for example. Scien- tribution to this literature see Smith, Shafir,
tists reason from these rules using a variety and Osherson (1 993 ), and for a review of
of different strategies to make new scien- this literature see Heit (2000).
tific discoveries. Two frequently used types Turning now to deductive thinking, many
of reasoning strategies are inductive (see thinking processes to which scientists adhere
Sloman & Lagnado, Chap. 5 ) and deductive follow traditional rules of deductive logic.
reasoning (see Evans, Chap. 8). In the case These processes correspond to conditions in
of inductive reasoning, a scientist may ob- which a hypothesis may lead to, or is de-
serve a series of events and try to discover a ducible to, a conclusion. Although they are
scientific thinking and reasoning 71 3

not always phrased in syllogistic form, de- tent errors. A common context error that
ductive arguments can usually be phrased as people often make is to assume that con-
“syllogisms,” or as brief mathematical state- ditional relationships are, in fact, bicondi-
ments in which the premises lead to the con- tional. The conditional statement “if some-
clusion. Deductive reasoning is an extremely one has AIDS then they also have HIV,”
important aspect of scientific thinking be- for example, does not necessarily imply that
cause it underlies a large component of how “if someone has HIV then they also have
scientists conduct their research. By looking AIDS.” This is a common error in deduc-
at many scientific discoveries, we can often tive reasoning that can result in logically in-
see that deductive reasoning is at work. De- correct conclusions being drawn. A common
ductive reasoning statements all contain in- content error people often make is to modify
formation or rules that state an assumption the interpretation of a conclusion based on
about how the world works and a conclu- the degree to which the conclusion is plau-
sion that would necessarily follow from the sible. Here, scientists may be more likely to
rule. A classic example that is still receiv- accept a scientific discovery as valid if the
ing much scientific investigation today is the outcome is plausible. You can see how this
case of Planet X. In the early twentieth cen- second class of errors in deductive logic can
tury, Percival Lowell coined the term “Planet have profound implications for theory de-
X” when referring to any planet yet to be dis- velopment. Indeed, if scientists are overly
covered. Around that time and continuing to blinded by the plausibility of an outcome,
this day, based on rather large residual orbital they may fail to objectively evaluate the
perturbations of Uranus and Neptune, many steps in their deductive process.
scientists are convinced there exists a yet to
be discovered planet in our solar system. Be-
cause it is assumed as fact that only large ob-
jects that possess a strong gravitational force The Roles of Analogy in Scientific
can cause such perturbations, the search for Thinking
such an object ensued. Given Pluto’s rather
meager stature, it has been dismissed as a One of the most widely mentioned rea-
candidate for these perturbations. We can soning processes used in science is analogy.
apply these statements to deductive logic Scientists use analogies to form a bridge
as follows: between what they already know and what
they are trying to explain, understand, or dis-
Premise 1: The gravitational force of large cover. In fact, many scientists have claimed
planetary bodies causes perturbations in or- that the use of certain analogies was instru-
bits of planetary bodies mental in their making a scientific discovery,
Premise 2: Uranus and Neptune have per-
and almost all scientific autobiographies and
turbations in their orbits
Conclusion: The gravitational force of a biographies feature an important analogy
large planetary body influences the orbits that is discussed in depth. Coupled with the
of Uranus and Neptune fact that there has been an enormous re-
search program on analogical thinking and
Of course, the soundness of the logical de- reasoning (see Holyoak, Chap. 6), we now
duction is completely dependent on the have a number of models and theories of
accuracy of the premises. If the premises analogical reasoning that show exactly how
are correct, then the conclusion will analogy can play a role in scientific discovery
be correct. (see Gentner, Holyoak, & Kokinov, 2001 ).
Inductive and deductive reasoning, even By analyzing the use of analogies in sci-
by successful scientists, is not immune to ence, Thagard and Croft (1 999), Nersessian
error. Two classes of errors commonly found (1 999), Gentner and Jeziorski (1 993 ), and
in deductive reasoning are context and con- Dunbar and Blanchette (2001 ) all have
71 4 the cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning

shown that analogical reasoning is a key as- hitherto unknown feature of the target or
pect of scientific discovery. restructures the target into a new set of rela-
Traditional accounts of analogy distin- tions. Interestingly, research on analogy has
guish between two components of analog- shown that participants do not easily use
ical reasoning – the target and the source. analogy (see Gentner et al., 1 997; Holyoak
The target is the concept or problem that & Thagard, 1 995 ). Participants tend to fo-
a scientist is attempting to explain or solve. cus on the sharing of a superficial feature
The source is another piece of knowledge between the source and the target, rather
that the scientist uses to understand the tar- than the relations among features. In his
get, or to explain the target to others. What InVivo studies of science, Dunbar (1 995 ,
the scientist does when he or she makes an 2001 , 2002) investigated the ways that scien-
analogy is to map features of the source onto tists use analogies while they are conducting
features of the target. By mapping the fea- their research and found that scientists use
tures of the source onto the target, new fea- both relational and superficial features when
tures of the target may be discovered, or the they make analogies. The choice of whether
features of the target can be rearranged so to use superficial or relational features de-
that a new concept is invented and a scien- pends on their goals. If their goal is to fix
tific discovery is made. A common analogy a problem in an experiment, their analogies
used with computers is to describe a harmful are based upon superficial features. If their
piece of software as a computer virus. Once goal is to formulate hypotheses, they focus
a piece of software is called a virus, people on analogies based upon sets of relations.
can map features of biological viruses, such One important difference between scien-
as they are small, spread easily, self-replicate tists and participants in experiments is that
using a host, and cause damage. Not only the scientists have deep relational knowl-
do people map a single feature of the source edge of the processes they are investigat-
onto the target but also the systems of re- ing and can use that relational knowledge to
lations between features from the source to make analogies.
the target. They also make analogical infer- Analogies sometimes lead scientists and
ences. If a computer virus is similar to a bi- students astray. Evelyn Fox-Keller (1 985 )
ological virus, for example, an immune sys- shows how an analogy between the pulsing
tem can be created on computers that can of a lighthouse and the activity of the slime
protect computers from future variants of mold dictyostelium led researchers astray for
a virus. One of the reasons scientific anal- a number of years. Likewise, the analogy
ogy is so powerful is that it can generate between the solar system (the source) and
new knowledge such as the creation of a the structure of the atom (the target) has
computational immune system having many been shown to be potentially misleading to
of the features of a real biological immune students taking more advanced courses in
system. This also leads to predictions that physics or chemistry. The solar system anal-
there will be newer computer viruses that ogy has a number of misalignments to the
are the computational equivalent of retro- structure of the atom, such as electrons be-
viruses, which lack DNA or standard in- ing repelled rather than attracted by each
structions that will elude the computational other and that electrons do not have individ-
immune system. ual orbits like planets, but have orbit clouds
The process of making an analogy in- of electron density. Furthermore, students
volves a number of key steps – retrieval of have serious misconceptions about the na-
a source from memory, aligning the features ture of the solar system, which can com-
of the source with those of the target, map- pound their misunderstanding of the nature
ping features of the source onto those of of the atom (Fischler & Lichtfield, 1 992). Al-
the target, and possibly making of new infer- though analogy is a powerful tool in science,
ences about the target. Scientific discoveries as is the case with all forms of induction, in-
are made when the source highlights a correct conclusions can be reached.
scientific thinking and reasoning 71 5

Isaac Newton’s Fluxions (1 73 6). It displays

Conceptual Change in the the ancient Greeks looking on in amaze-
Scientific Mind ment at an English hunter who shoots at a
bird using Newton’s new method of fluxions.
Many researchers have noted that an im- Clearly they had not undergone the concep-
portant component of science is the gen- tual change needed to understand Newto-
eration of new concepts and modification nian physics.
of existing ones. Scientific concepts, like all One area in which students show great
concepts, can be characterized as contain- difficulty in understanding scientific con-
ing representations of words, thoughts, ac- cepts is in physics. Analyses of students
tions, objects, and processes. How does one’s changing conceptions, using interviews, ver-
knowledge of scientific concepts change over bal protocols, and behavioral outcome mea-
time? The large-scale changes that occur in sures indicate that large-scale changes in
conceptual structures have been labeled con- students’ concepts occur in physics educa-
ceptual change (see Chi & Ohlsson, Chap. tion (see McDermott and Redish 1 999 for
1 6; Nersessian, 2002; Thagard, 1 992). The- a review of this literature). Following Kuhn
ories of conceptual change focus on two (1 962), researchers have noted that students’
main types of shifts. One is the addition changing conceptions are similar to the se-
of knowledge to a pre-existing conceptual quences of conceptual changes in physics
structure. Here, there is no conflict between that have occurred in the history of science.
the pre-existing conceptual knowledge and These notions of radical paradigm shifts and
the new information the student is acquir- ensuing incompatibility with past knowl-
ing. Such minor conceptual shifts are rela- edge states have drawn interesting parallels
tively easy to acquire and do not demand between the development of particular sci-
restructuring of the underlying representa- entific concepts in children and in the history
tions of scientific knowledge. The second of physics.
type of conceptual shift is what is known as Investigations of naı̈ve people’s under-
“radical conceptual change” (see Keil, 1 999, standing of motion indicate that students
and Nersessian, 1 998, for reviews of this lit- have extensive misunderstandings of mo-
erature). In this type of situation, it is nec- tion. This naı̈ve physics research indicates
essary for a new conceptual system to be that many people hold erroneous be-
acquired that organizes knowledge in new liefs about motion similar to a medieval
ways, adds new knowledge, and results in “Impetus” theory (McCloskey, Caramazza,
a very different conceptual structure. This & Green, 1 980). Furthermore, students ap-
radical conceptual change is thought to be pear to maintain “Impetus” notions even af-
necessary for acquiring many new concepts ter one or two courses in physics. In fact,
in physics and is regarded as the major source some authors have noted that students who
of difficulty for students. The factors at the have taken one or two courses in physics
root of this conceptual shift view have been may perform worse on physics problems
difficult to determine, although a number of than naı̈ve students (Mestre, 1 991 ). It is
studies in human development (Carey, 1 985 ; only after extensive learning that we see
Chi, 1 992; Chi & Roscoe 2002), in the his- a conceptual shift from “Impetus” theo-
tory of science (Nersessian, 1 998; Thagard, ries of motion to Newtonian scientific the-
1 992), and in physics education (Clement, ories. How one’s conceptual representation
1 982; Mestre, 1 991 ) give detailed accounts shifts from “naı̈ve” to Newtonian is a mat-
of the changes in knowledge representation ter of contention because some have argued
that occur when people switch from one that the shift involves a radical conceptual
way of representing scientific knowledge to change, whereas others have argued that the
another. A beautiful example of concep- conceptual change is not really complete.
tual change is shown in Figure 29.2. This il- Kozhevnikov and Hegarty (2001 ) argue that
lustration is taken from the first edition of much of the naı̈ve “Impetus” notions of
71 6 the cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning

motion are maintained at the expense of scientific mind. In particular, we have shown
Newtonian principles even with extensive how the scientific mind possesses many cog-
training in physics. They argue that such nitive tools that are applied differently de-
“Impetus” principles are maintained at an pending on the task at hand. Research in
implicit level. Thus, although students can thinking and reasoning has recently been ex-
give the correct Newtonian answer to prob- tended to include a systematic analysis of the
lems, their reaction times to respond indicate brain areas associated with scientific reason-
they are also using impetus theories. ing using techniques such as functional mag-
Although conceptual changes are thought netic resonance imaging (fMRI), positron
to be large-scale changes in concepts that emission topography, and event related po-
occur over extensive periods of time, it has tentials. There are two main reasons for
been possible to observe conceptual change taking this approach. First, these approaches
using InVivo methodologies. Dunbar (1 995 ) allow the researcher to look at the en-
reported a major conceptual shift that oc- tire human brain, making it possible to see
curred in immunologists, in which they ob- the many different sites involved in sci-
tained a series of unexpected findings that entific thinking and to gain a more com-
forced the scientists to propose a new con- plete understanding of the entire range of
cept in immunology that, in turn, forced the mechanisms involved in scientific think-
change in other concepts. The drive behind ing. Second, these brain-imaging approaches
this conceptual change was the discovery of allow researchers to address fundamental
a series of different unexpected findings or questions in research on scientific thinking.
anomalies that required the scientists to re- One important question concerns the extent
vise and reorganize their conceptual knowl- to which ordinary thinking in nonscientific
edge. Interestingly, this conceptual change contexts and scientific thinking recruit sim-
was achieved by a group of scientists reason- ilar versus disparate neural structures of the
ing collaboratively, rather than by one scien- brain. Dunbar (2002) proposed that scien-
tist working alone. Different scientists tend tific thinking uses the same cognitive mech-
to work on different aspects of concepts, and anisms all human beings possess, rather than
also different concepts, that, when put to- being an entirely different type of thinking.
gether, lead to a rapid change in entire con- He has proposed that in scientific thinking,
ceptual structures. standard cognitive processes are used, but
Overall, accounts of conceptual change are combined in ways that are specific to a
in individuals indicate it is, indeed, similar particular aspect of science or a specific dis-
to that of conceptual change in entire scien- cipline of science. By comparing the results
tific fields. Individuals need to be confronted of brain imaging investigations of scientific
with anomalies that their pre-existing theo- thinking with brain imaging studies of non-
ries cannot explain before entire conceptual scientific thinking, we can see both whether
structures are overthrown. However, re- and when common versus dissociated brain
placement conceptual structures have to be sites are invoked during different cognitive
generated before the old conceptual struc- tasks. This approach will make it possible to
ture can be discarded. Often, people do articulate more clearly what scientific think-
not overthrow their naı̈ve conceptual the- ing is and how it is both similar to and differ-
ories and have misconceptions in many fun- ent from the nonscientific thinking typically
damental scientific concepts that are main- examined in the cognitive laboratory (also
tained across the lifespan. see Goel, Chap. 20).
Considering the large arsenal of cognitive
tools researchers have at their disposal, de-
The Scientific Brain termining the neurological underpinning of
scientific thinking becomes mainly a mat-
In this chapter, we have provided an ter of dissecting the processes thought to
overview of research into the workings of the be involved in the reasoning process and
scientific thinking and reasoning 71 7

Figure 2 9.2 . Conceptual change in science: The ancient Greeks look on in

amazement as a hunter uses Newtonian principles to shoot down a bird. This
figure is taken from the frontispiece of his Method of Fluxions and Infinite Series;
with its Application to the Geometry of Curve Lines. Frontispiece in Bodelian

conducting systematic experiments on these undoubtedly possess common and distinct

subprocesses. What might these subpro- neural signatures. A number of cognitive
cesses be? As the previous sections of neuroscientists recently examined problem
this chapter show, scientific thinking in- solving (Fincham et al., 2002; Goel &
volves many cognitive capabilities including, Grafman, 1 995 ; Colvin, Dunbar, & Graf-
but not limited to, analogical reason- man, 2001 ), analogical reasoning (Wharton
ing, casual reasoning, induction, deduction, et al., 2000; Kroger et al., 2002), hypothe-
and problem solving: These subprocesses sis testing (Fugelsang & Dunbar, in press),
71 8 the cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning

inductive reasoning (Goel & Dolan, 2000; theories in graphical models. More often
Seger et al., 2000), and deductive reason- than not, scientific theories are represented
ing (Parsons & Osherson, 2001 ; Osherson in both modalities to some degree.
et al., 1 998). They all pointed to the role of Based on what we know about hemi-
the dorsolateral prefrontal/parietal network spheric differences in the brain, there are
for tasks requiring these higher level cogni- several clear predictions about how spatial
tive capacities. It is important to note that and verbal thinking styles would be repre-
this brain network has been implicated in sented in the brain. If scientific thinking were
tasks that are highly demanding on attention predominantly based on verbal or linguistic
and working-memory. representations, for example, we would ex-
One question cognitive neuroscience in- pect activations of the basic language neu-
vestigations of scientific thinking are be- ral structures such as the frontal and inferior
ginning to address is the neurological temporal regions in the left hemisphere. If
underpinnings of conceptual change. Using scientific thinking were predominately based
fMRI to investigate students who have and on visual-spatial representations, one would
who have not undergone conceptual change expect activation of the basic perception
in scientific areas, it is possible to uncover the and motor control neural structures such
neural changes that accompany conceptual as those found in the parietal and occipital
change. Fugelsang and Dunbar (submitted) lobes, particularly in the right hemisphere.
have found shifts from ventral pathways to To date, findings from research on this issue
dorsal pathways in the brain when students have been quite mixed. Goel and colleagues
shift from naı̈ve impetus theories of motion (e.g., Goel et al., 1 998; Goel Chap. 20) have
to Newtonian theories of motion. These cog- found significant activations for deductive
nitive neuroscience investigations reveal the reasoning to occur predominantly in the left
ways that knowledge is organized in the sci- hemisphere. Parsons and Osherson (2001 )
entific brain and provide detailed accounts of using a similar, but different, task of deduc-
the nature of the representation of scientific tive reasoning, found that such tasks recrui-
knowledge. ted resources predominantly from the right
The extent to which these processes are hemisphere.
lateralized in the right or left hemisphere Much research has been conducted to de-
is a matter of recent debate, especially as termine the cause of these different results
it pertains to inductive and deductive rea- and Goel (Chap. 20) provides a detailed ac-
soning. Hemispheric differences in scientific count of recent research on the brain and
deductive thinking potentially can be quite deductive reasoning. One result regarding
revealing about the nature of the represen- hemispheric differences important for stud-
tations of the scientific mind. For exam- ies of scientific thinking is that of Roser et
ple, recent cognitive neuroscience research al., (in press). They conducted experimen-
can provide important new insights into tal examinations of hemispheric differences
one of the most fundamental questions that in scientific causal thinking in a split-brain
has perplexed many scientists for decades – patient. They found that the patient’s right
namely, whether complex scientific think- hemisphere was uniquely able to detect
ing processes, such as deductive and induc- causality in perceptually salient events (i.e.,
tive reasoning, are represented in terms of colliding balls), whereas his left hemisphere
linguistic or visual–spatial representations. was uniquely able to infer causality based
Anecdotal claims are equivocal as to the na- on a more complex, not directly perceivable,
ture of such representations. When think- chain of events. These data add to our grow-
ing about scientific concepts and devising ing understanding of how the brain contains
theoretical explanations for phenomena, for specialized neural structures that contribute
example, scientists may verbally represent to the interpretation of data obtained from
their theories in text or visually represent the environment. The obvious experiments
scientific thinking and reasoning 71 9

that need to be done would involve allowing specialize in the development of programs
scientists to think and reason naturally about devised to search large databases in the
their own theories versus theories from dif- hope of making new scientific discoveries
ferent domains while being imaged. This (Langley, 2000, 2002). This process is com-
would allow one to decompose the effects monly known as “data mining.” Not until rel-
of scientific thinking and familiarity. Clearly, atively recently has this technique proven vi-
research on the scientific brain is about able because of recent advances in computer
to begin. technology. An even more recent develop-
ment in the area of data mining is the use
of distributed computer networks that take
advantage of thousands, or even millions, of
Computational Approaches to computers worldwide to jointly mine data
Scientific Thinking in the hope of making significant scientific
discoveries. This approach has shown much
Along with recent brain imaging studies, promise because of its relative cost effec-
computational approaches have provided a tiveness. The most powerful supercomput-
more complete account of the scientific ers currently cost over 1 00 million dollars,
mind. Computational models provide spe- whereas a distributed network server may
cific detailed accounts of the cognitive pro- cost only tens of thousands of dollars for
cesses underlying scientific thinking. Early roughly the same computational power.
computational work consisted of taking a Another recent shift in the use of com-
scientific discovery and building computa- puters in scientific discovery is to have com-
tional models of the reasoning processes puters and people make discoveries together,
involved in the discovery. Langley et al. rather than expecting computers to make
(1 987) built a series of programs that sim- an entire scientific discovery. Now, instead
ulated discoveries such as those of Coper- of using computers to mimic the entire sci-
nicus and Stahl. These programs have vari- entific discovery process used by humans,
ous inductive reasoning algorithms built into computers can use powerful algorithms that
them and, when given the data the scientists search for patterns on large databases and
used, were able to propose the same rules. provide the patterns to humans who can
Computational models make it possible to then use the output of these computers to
propose detailed models of the cognitive make discoveries from the human genome
subcomponents of scientific thinking that to the structure of the universe.
specify exactly how scientific theories are
generated, tested, and amended (see Darden
1 997; Shrager & Langley, 1 990, for accounts
of this branch of research). More recently, Scientific Thinking and Science
the incorporation of scientific knowledge Education
into the computer programs resulted in a
shift in emphasis from using programs to Science education has undergone many
simulate discoveries to building programs changes over the past hundred years that
that help scientists make discoveries. A num- mirrored wider changes in both education
ber of these computer programs have made and society. In the early 1 900s, science edu-
novel discoveries. For example, Valdes-Perez cation was seen as a form of nature study –
(1 994) built systems for discoveries in chem- particularly in the kindergarten through
istry, and Fajtlowicz has done this in mathe- eight grades. Each decade has seen a re-
matics (Erdos, Fajtlowicz, & Staton, 1 991 ). port on the need to improve science edu-
These advances in the fields of computer cation. Starting in the 1 93 0s, proponents of
discovery have led to new fields, confer- the progressive education movement began
ences, journals, and even departments that a movement that continues to this day. They
72 0 the cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning

argued that children should be taught more person thinking alone. These changes in sci-
than just facts and should be taught meth- ence education parallel changes in method-
ods and general principles, as well as ways in ologies used to investigate science, such as
which science relate to the child’s world. In analyzing the ways that scientists think and
1 93 8, a report by the Progressive Education reason in their laboratories.
Association noted that the psychology of the By looking at science as a complex, multi-
learner should be at the core of science edu- layered, and group activity, many researchers
cation, as well as making a link to children’s in science education have adopted a con-
everyday lives. Various reports on science ed- structivist approach. This approach sees
ucation appeared over the ensuing years, but learning as an active rather than a passive
it was the launch of the Sputnik satellite in process and proposes that students learn
1 95 7 that transformed science education in through constructing their scientific knowl-
the United States. Seeing the Soviets launch edge. The goal of constructivist science edu-
a rocket before the United States galvanized cation often is to produce conceptual change
the nation into training better scientists and through guided instruction in which the
identifying the brightest students. The net teacher or professor acts as a guide to dis-
result for science education was that text- covery rather than the keeper of all the facts.
books were updated, a factually based cur- One recent and influential approach to sci-
riculum was maintained, and the notion of ence education is the inquiry-based learning
science as a voyage of discovery entered the approach. Inquiry-based learning focuses on
popular imagination. By the 1 980s, however, posing a problem or a puzzling event to stu-
many cultural changes had occurred, and sci- dents and asking them to propose a hypoth-
ence students in the United States appeared esis that can be used to explain the event.
to be falling behind those in other countries. Next, students are asked to collect data that
Numerous reports by science teachers and test the hypotheses, reach conclusions, and
scientists recommended widespread changes then reflect upon both the original problem
in the ways that science is taught. Most im- and the thought processes they used to solve
portant in these changes was the move to a the problem. Students often use computers
constructivist view of education. According that aid in their construction of new knowl-
to this view, students construct their knowl- edge. The computers allow students to learn
edge rather than being the passive recipients many of the different components of scien-
of scientific knowledge (see also Ritchhart & tific thinking. For example, Reiser and his
Perkins, Chap. 3 2, on teaching thinking). colleagues have developed a learning envi-
Beginning in the 1 980s, a number of re- ronment for biology in which students are
ports, often constructivist, stressed the need encouraged to develop hypotheses in groups,
for teaching scientific thinking skills and not codify the hypotheses, and search databases
just methods and content. The addition of to test them (Reiser et al., 2001 ).
scientific thinking skills to the science cur- One of the myths of science is the lone
riculum from kindergarten through adult- scientist toiling under a naked lightbulb,
hood was a major shift in focus. Many of suddenly shouting “Eureka, I have made a
the particular scientific thinking skills em- discovery!” Instead, InVivo studies of scien-
phasized were covered in previous sections tists (e.g., Dunbar, 1 995 , 2002), historical
of this chapter, such as deductive and induc- analyses of scientific discoveries (Nersessian,
tive thinking strategies. Rather than focusing 1 999), and InVivo studies of children learn-
on one particular skill, such as induction, re- ing science at museums all point to collab-
searchers in education have focused on how orative scientific discovery mechanisms as
the different components of scientific think- being one of the driving forces of science
ing are put together in science. Furthermore, (Crowley et al., 2001 ). What happens during
science educators have focused on situations collaborative scientific thinking is that there
in which science is conducted collabora- is usually a triggering event, such as an unex-
tively, rather than being the product of one pected result or situation that a student does
scientific thinking and reasoning 72 1

not understand. This results in other mem- thermore, they found that discovery learn-
bers of the group adding new information ing children did not have richer or deeper
to the person’s representation of knowledge, knowledge than direct instruction children.
often adding new inductions and deduc- This type of finding suggests that pure dis-
tions that both challenge and transform covery learning, although intuitively appeal-
the reasoner’s old representations of knowl- ing, benefits only a few children and that
edge (Dunbar, 1 998). This means that social guided discovery coupled with explicit in-
mechanisms play a key component in fos- struction is one of the most effective educa-
tering changes in concepts that have been tional strategies in science.
ignored in traditional cognitive research but
are crucial for both science and science edu-
cation. In science education, there has been a Conclusions and Future Directions
shift to collaborative learning, particularly at
the elementary level, but in university edu- Although much is known regarding certain
cation, the emphasis is still on the individual components of scientific thinking, much re-
scientist. Because many domains of science mains to be discovered. In particular, there
now involve collaborations across scientific has been little contact among cognitive, neu-
disciplines, we expect the explicit teach- roscience, social, personality, and motiva-
ing of collaborative science heuristics to tional accounts of scientific thinking. Clearly,
increase. the relations among these different aspects
What is the best way to teach and of scientific thinking need to be combined
learn science? Surprisingly, the answer to to produce a comprehensive picture of the
this question has been difficult to un- scientific mind. One way to achieve this is
cover. Although there has been consider- by using converging multiple methodolo-
able research on the benefits of using a gies as outlined previously, such as natu-
particular way of learning science, few com- ralistic observation, controlled experiments
parative studies of different methods have in the cognitive laboratory, and functional
been conducted. Following Seymour Pa- brain imaging techniques. Theoretical devel-
pert’s book MindStorms, for example, (1 980) opments into the workings of the scientific
many schools moved to discovery learning mind would greatly benefit from more un-
in which children discover aspects of pro- constrained analyses of the neuroanatomical
gramming and mathematics through writ- correlates of the scientific reasoning process.
ing their own computer programs in the We, as scientists, are beginning to get a rea-
LOGO programming language. This discov- sonable grasp of the inner workings of the
ery learning approach, which thousands of subcomponents of the scientific mind (i.e.,
schools have adopted, has been presented as problem solving, analogy, induction) and sci-
an alternative to more didactic approaches entific thought. However, great advances re-
to teaching and learning. By allowing stu- main to be made concerning how these pro-
dents to discover principles on their own cesses interact so scientific discoveries can
and to set their own goals, students are pur- be made. Future research will focus on both
ported to have deeper knowledge that trans- the collaborative aspects of scientific think-
fers more appropriately. Although there is ing and the neural underpinnings of the sci-
much anecdotal evidence on the benefits of entific mind.
discovery learning, only recently has a di-
rect comparison of discovery learning with
more traditional methods been conducted. Acknowledgments
Klahr and Nigam (2004) conducted a study
of third and fourth grade children learning The authors would like to thank the fol-
about experimental design. They found that lowing organizations: Dartmouth College,
many more children learned from direct in- McGill University, The Spencer Foundation,
struction than from discovery learning. Fur- The National Science Foundation, and the
72 2 the cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning

Engineering Research Council of Canada for achievement in the water jug task. Journal of
funding research discussed in this chapter. Cognitive Neuroscience, 1 3 , 1 1 29–1 1 47.
The comments of Keith Holyoak, Vimla Pa- Darden, L. (1 997). Strategies for discovering
tel, and an anonymous reviewer were all mechanisms: Schema instantiation, modular
helpful in making this a better chapter. subassembly, forward chaining/backtracking.
Proceedings of the 1 997 Biennial Meeting of the
Philosophy of Science Association.
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