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HISTORY OF THE SPANISH LANGUAGE area of men at arms and where high culture - expressed

The history of the Spanish language usually dates back in Latin - had little presence.
to the pre-Roman period since it is possible that the The features that differentiate Castilian are:
pre-Roman languages of the Iberian Peninsula exerted  The initial Latin f- , preserved in the other
an influence on Hispanic Latin that would give the dialects, in Spanish was transformed into
peninsular Romance languages several of their aspirated h and finally stopped being
characteristics. The history of the Spanish language is pronounced: farina Þ flour.
conventionally divided into three periods: Medieval  The short and stressed Latin vowels e and o
Spanish, Middle Spanish, and Modern Spanish. became diphthongs in Spanish: ventu Þ wind ;
focus Þ fire .
Spanish is a Romance language, derived from Vulgar  The initial Latin groups pl -, cl -, fl -, evolved to ll
Latin, which belongs to the Italic subfamily within the -: plorare Þ cry, clamare Þ call, flamma Þ flame.
Indo-European group. It is the main language in Spain  The Latin syllable cul after a stressed syllable
and 19 American countries, and is also official in ended up becoming j : speculu Þ mirror.
Equatorial Guinea. It is also called Castilian because it  The Latin consonant group - ct - evolved to ch :
has its origin in the medieval kingdom of Castile. factu Þ fact ; nocte Þ night

Expansion of Castilian in the Middle Ages

In its expansion, Castilian prevailed over other dialects,
such as the Mozarabic languages of the south of the
Peninsula, as the Reconquista advanced, or Leonese and
Aragonese, as Castile joined the kingdoms of León and
As the conquests progressed, they moved southwards?
to Burgos and then to Toledo? the centers of influence
of Castilian, while the changes that had begun to take
The Romanization of Hispania and the Germanic place in northern Spanish spread.
The conquest and colonization of Hispania (from 218 The Spanish of the Golden Ages
BC. C.) caused the loss of the pre-Roman languages ? During the 16th and 17th centuries the language was
except Basque? and its replacement by Vulgar Latin , polished and fixed until it acquired a configuration very
which was a spoken modality different from that found similar to what it has today. The printing press
in literary texts. contributed decisively to the graphic, lexical and
In the 5th century the Germanic peoples invaded the syntactic standardization of the cultured standard of
Iberian Peninsula, but did not alter the linguistic map, Spanish.
since they were Romanized. However, words of Phonetics was regularized, with the current vowel and
Germanic origin, such as shelter, truce, guardian, were consonant systems practically established, while many
incorporated into the language. morphosyntactic hesitations were defined.
Origin of Spanish
Castilian is the result of the evolution that Latin The linguistic norm of the time varied between that of
experienced in a small territory in the upper Ebro, in the Toledo, where the Court was; that of Burgos, whose
southeast of Cantabria and the north of León. linguistic uses were considered outdated; and that of
Castilian showed an innovative character compared to Seville, which was the capital of overseas trade. Finally,
the rest of the Romance dialects because the region in the discretion (?good taste?) of writers and cultured
which it was formed had been little Romanized, was an people was adopted as a model, regardless of their
geographical origin.
The History of Spanish in Latin America
Illustration Understanding the origin of the Spanish language is
In 1713, the Royal Spanish Academy was founded, essential to recognize the subtle differences in the
under the motto "Clean, fix and give splendor", with the Spanish spoken in different regions. In the 15th century,
aim of providing Castilian with a definitive standard and Christopher Columbus sailed to America and took the
avoiding misuse and foreign elements that could Spanish language with him. As a result of what
adulterate the language. intellectuals call "Hispanization", Spanish became
To carry out its work, the Royal Academy wrote a established as the primary language in the region.
Dictionary of Authorities (1726-1739), an Orthography During the early stages of the so-called "Hispanization"
(1741) and a Grammar (1771). The writing we currently there were many challenges, since the local languages
use comes, with slight variations, from that adopted by were absolutely different and communication was very
the Royal Academy in the 18th century and is difficult. Until the Catholic Church intervened, it was not
characterized, unlike other languages, by being certain whether Spanish would survive in the region.
phonetic , that is, by trying to represent the words as Hence, the Catholic Church was of preponderant
they are pronounced. importance for the expansion of the use of Spanish in
the region. Particularly the Jesuits and the Franciscans,
who established educational institutions to teach
children Catholicism in Spanish. As children and
adolescents grew, the Spanish language began to
expand and spread. As Catholicism grew, so did the use
of Spanish as the primary form of communication.
Despite the efforts of the Spanish to impose the
language on the natives, sheer predominance in
quantity caused the language to mix with local dialects.
Particularly, the native Mexicans and Peruvians were
able to significantly influence the language currently
spoken in Latin America.
Certain influences from Spanish explorers from
Andalusia helped shape the pronunciation of Latin
American Spanish against Castilian. That is why certain
words in Spanish and Latin American Spanish sound
Contemporary Spanish
quite different, even with identical spelling. The
Since the 19th century, various factors have definitely
combination of all these historical and sociological
influenced the leveling of the official language over
events has caused the evolution of Latin American
dialects, such as the improvement of communications
Spanish that is currently spoken in Central and South
or the implementation of compulsory schooling. This
leveling was reinforced since the beginning of the 20th
Latin American Spanish
century due to radio and, currently, television.
In Latin America, the Spanish language has variants or
dialects in the different areas where it is spoken due to
The disappearance of traditional rural languages has
the enormity of the territory, as well as historical
been due to successive waves of emigration from the
differences. It is possible to observe the development of
countryside to the cities in the last two centuries. This
the different variants of Latin American Spanish in the
has led to the abandonment of a traditional type of life
various geographical areas: Amazonian Spanish,
and the forgetting of a series of words that
Bolivian, Caribbean, Central American, Andean, Chilean,
characterized it, such as threshing, whitewashing,
Colombian, Ecuadorian, Mexican, Northern Mexican,
badila, which many people find outdated.
Paraguayan, Peruvian, Puerto Rican and Argentine.

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