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There are 36 event cards. There are 5 main categories of them.

Events for wolves.

These benefit the wolves team. Are:

Backfire (Retour de Flamme): The next night if the HL names a simple villager to devour, the HL
transforms. (If the HL does not make up its mind, no one dies) (THE GM must change his card stealthily);
Otherwise, the victim survives and the HL to his left is struck down by fire.

Somnambulism: The psychic becomes a sleepwalker and from then until the end of the game the GM will
call out the secret identity of the character that the psychic asks. We will never know whose identity the
player was.

Executioner (Bourreau): To avoid staining their hands with blood, the people appoint an Executioner.
From now on and until the end of the game, the identity of the HL victim will only be known to the
Executioner and will never be shown. If the executioner dies, he will appoint his successor.

Burial (Ensevelissement): The HL, once satisfied, bury the remains of their victim. From now on until
the end of the game, the identity of the victims will not be revealed to anyone in the game.

Most cause a villager to transform into a werewolf or become possessed. Other events disguise a person's
role after their death rather than revealing it. Are:

Events for villagers.

These benefit the villagers and include:

Touch of Death (Toucher mortel): From now on until the end of the game, the victim of the HL to be
devoured must be touched by one of them. Otherwise there will be no victim of the HL.

Miracle (Miraculee)(Miracle): The last victim of the HL has not really been eliminated. She doesn't faint
from fear in front of them so they spare her life. He finds his spirit and returns to the game but as a
simple villager (If he had powers)

Spiritualism (x5)(Spiritism):
When “Spiritism” is rolled, the player to the left of the last eliminated player is the Spiritualist. The Villagers
hold hands and the Spiritualist reads aloud all the questions from the Spiritism card. Then the Spiritualist
addresses the first eliminated player and asks him one of the questions. The deceased will answer only “yes” or

Letter “La Voyante.. “

Has the psychic discovered at least 1 HL?

Does 1 HL wear visible jewelry?

Am I an HL?

Are some HLs neighbors?

Letter “Les 2 journeurs…”

Are the 2 players I designate from the same side?

Does 1 HL wear glasses?

Is the witch a guy?

Is the sheriff a simple villager?

Letter “Suis je…”

Am I a simple villager?

Is one of the HL the Sheriff?

Does one of the HL live in the area where we play (e.g. Oviedo)?

Does one of the HL smoke?

Letter “Un des loup…”

Does one of the HL wear jeans?

Does one of the HL wear a black hat?

Are HLs all men?

Are HLs all women?

Letter “Un des loup homme…”

Is one of the HL a man?

Is one of the HL a woman?

Is one of the two I designate an HL?

Is the player I designate a simple villager?

Voting variants.

These events mostly change the form of voting and last only one day. Are:

Influences: The next vote will be done in turns. (It is the last one eliminated who chooses the first
voter). He will leave his arm raised pointing to his vote. Then to the left everyone will do the same
successively. (The result of the vote is counted as always)

Great Distrust (Grande Mefiance): A great wind of disappointment is blowing over Castronegro. Each
villager must choose their two favorite friends by pointing to them with their hands. The votes are made at
the same time. People who have not been voted are eliminated from the game. (This replaces the daily

Dissatisfaction (Mecontentement): Disappointed by the recent poor results, the people of Castronegro
are upset. If the next person eliminated is not an HL, they will vote again but without debate, and this
second suspect will be eliminated.

Nightmare (Cauchemar): A person from the town had a dream in which a person with murderous wolf
features appeared to him. Upon waking up the next day, without delay and starting with the neighbor to
the left of the last one eliminated, each player must accuse a villager. The one or those with the most
votes in the event of a tie will be eliminated.

Enthusiasm: Encouraged by the exceptional results of the lynchings, Castronegro goes into overdrive. If
the next player to be eliminated is a HL Castronegro may vote a second time immediately and without
Bleak Monday (Sombre Lundi): It's a sad day without a story. Nothing happens unless the GM wants to
apply “I'm sure he's not…” (See specific card)

Voting and death restrictions.

They are withdrawing voting privileges (and victims of possible lynchings) based on age or gender. Some
limit the actions of wolves at night. Are:

Saturday Evening Ball (Bal du samedi soir): This afternoon the youth of the town go to dance and do
not return until dawn. Each one says their age and takes the youngest half of the town who are the group
of dancers. These do not participate in the votes or debates nor can they be lynched or devoured or be
devoured by the HL.

Flood (Deluge): Floods have transformed Castronegro into a lakeside town. The players have taken
refuge in the shelter and the players in the church. The day's vote is annulled because they are separated,
but the HL can hunt inside the building where they have taken refuge. (There can be two victims, but this
rule only applies if there are at least 6 players left)

Gone hunting (Qui va a la chasee): This afternoon the men of the town go hunting and don't return
until dawn. These do not participate in the votes or debates nor can they be lynched or devoured or be
devoured by the HL.

Luncheon for Seniors (Repas des anciens): This afternoon the town's veterans decide to organize a
banquet and do not return until dawn. Each person says their age and takes the oldest half of the people
who are the banquet group. These do not participate in the votes or debates nor can they be lynched or
devoured or be devoured by the HL.


The effect of these cards is not easy to anticipate. These cards can protect a player or endanger them.

Punishment (Chatiment): To make him pay for his misfortune, the last eliminated player names a
player. This will be eliminated unless 2 people testify in its favor. Witnesses will come to hug you to show
their support. If no one stands up, the player has the right to appeal for sympathy. Otherwise, die.

Deal with the Devil (Pacte avec le Diable): As soon as the people's verdict is known, the accused can
make a deal with the devil instead of being lynched. But be careful, if at the end of the game this player is
among the defeated, he will be excluded from the next game. (This will be the debt that must be paid to
the devil)

Eclipse (Eclipse): This morning all the inhabitants of Castronegro suffer from moon sickness. The
surrounding people get angry with each other and turn their backs on each other. They debate without
looking at each other. The DJ will remove the possibility of voting from those who disagree. They will look
at each other again just to vote.

Heads or Tails (Pile ou face): Today the town celebrates the birthday of the player Hervé. Immediately
after the court's verdict, a coin is tossed. IF it comes up heads, the condemned man is eliminated and
shouts “I hate you Hervé”; If tails comes up, he is saved and shouts “Thank you very much Great Hervé.”

(Bright Sunday) (Radieux dimanche) (Radiant Sunday): Everyone rejoices in the radiant sun that shines. Nothing in
particular happens to the turn unless the GM wants to apply “Lycanthropic Fascination.”
To safeguard the identity in the best way possible sible, werewolves developed their ability to fascinate their victims
rather than devour them. Each Werewolf victim is no longer eliminated from the game. go, but immediately loses all
his powers.
Each night, the Werewolves designate a victim. You must keep your eyes closed. To hit on tend to have been
fascinated, the narrator has to decide the head. In the morning, he is left powerless. As the nights go by, there will
be more and more vic fascinated times. Attention, if one of these victims fasci Nada is lynched, all other previous
victims are also immediately eliminated...The Werewolves win if they have fascinated the penultimate villager.
(Le specter): The next player designated by the werewolves opens their eyes (the werewolves keep them open, the
GM touches that player on the head) and becomes a werewolf. This player then designates one of the former HL and
he is eliminated. The GM switches the players' cards from one to the other before the town wakes up.

(Nor Werewolf neither me) (Ni moi ni loup): Out of superstition the townspeople have chosen not to pronounce the
words “wolf” or “I”. If someone contravenes these rules, their vote will be withdrawn.

(Wild Harvest) (Cueillette sylvestre): All the players go out into the forest to collect mysterious plants, essential for
the witch's potion. They will enter the village when the sun sets. They do not participate in the debate or the votes
nor can they be lynched this turn. The witch retrieves one of her potions just before nightfall.

(Saint Philippe) (Saint Philip): In honor of the great Saint Philip the sailor, the people elect a true charismatic leader.
If the town has already elected a sheriff, it dismisses him as incompetent and elects a new one. The elected sheriff
must take the oath of office: “I will follow the voice of San Felipe and protect the people.”

(Fools night) (Nuit des fous): The next night the werewolves become psychics and each one in turn can ask for
another player. The seer, the hunter and the witch become werewolves and that night they wake up together and
must eat someone. (The girl plays a normal turn)

(The little one) (Le petiot): The youngest player in the town will be the little one. He goes to the neighboring village
(He is moved to another room and cannot participate in the voting of the day or the following night, so he cannot be
lynched during the day or eaten at night). When he returns, the next day, his vote will be worth triple and the other
players will be able to update him on what happened.

(End of Harvest) (Fin des moissons): Everyone is a little tired. It is a normal round of play, nothing special happens,
unless the game master decides to apply the “end of harvest party” variant.

(Mad day) (Jour des fous): Some characters change their powers. Sorceress for a seer, hunter for a girl, savior for
the old man. The lovers will hate each other and must vote for each other.

(Evil Bredin) (Mechant Bredin) (Evil Bredin): The town sleeps and the first one eliminated by the werewolves
becomes their assistant. He will have to open his eyes and will be your accomplice for the day. He's still a peasant
but he only wins if the Werewolves win.

(Good Manners) (Bonnes manieres): It is prohibited to interrupt voting. This must be monitored by the DJ. All
players who interrupt another player will not be able to vote this turn.

Lycanthropic fascination:
To safeguard the identity in the best way possible sible, werewolves developed their ability to fascinate their victims
rather than devour them. Each Werewolf victim is no longer eliminated from the game. go, but immediately loses all
his powers.
Each night, the Werewolves designate a victim. ma that you should keep your eyes closed. To hit on understand
that she has been fascinated, the narrator decides to the head. In the morning, he is left powerless. As the nights
go by, there will be more and more vic fascinated times. Attention, if one of these victims fasci Nada is lynched, all
other previous victims are also immediately eliminated...The Werewolves win if they have fascinated the
penultimate villager.
I'm sure he's not...
Here is a new way of voting to designate the victim of the popular court.
All Villagers in play stand up. Then he sees cino to the left of the last eliminated player designates a Villager who is
guaranteed innocent. Once this is done, the player who has spoken sits down and gives the turn to the person who
has mentioned, who must declare his innocence if he wants to survive.
The declared innocent Villager sits down after designating another Villager whom he wishes to save and who also he
will sit well. So on until the last game raised gaunter.
This last player is the victim of the people's vote.
Attention: in this variant, werewolves can easily declare each other innocent and thus escape their just
punishment. You have to be very attentive to who declares who is innocent. The people must ensure that the
werewolves are the last ones to be tar to make sure they remove one.

End of the harvest festival in Castronegro:

It is advisable to put more Werewolves than there are. tually. Until the end of the game, all powers are disturbed by
excessive drinking according to the following indications:
Werewolves can only devour those who are They are next to one of them.
The Seer is drunk, she does not know very well how to analyze which of the two brains her intuitions come from:
the Seer appoints a player as usual to probe his personality, but in response, the narrator gives her the identities of
the group made up of 3 players -> the designated player and his 2 neighbors. The narrator does not have to specify
which player embodies each character.
The Hunter must choose his victim from one of his two neighbors.
The Girl has trouble falling asleep: she wakes up too late to spy on the Werewolves and can only spy on the Witch.
The Thief , if he always has his Thief card, must You will, during the first night and with the complicity of the
narrator, change your card for that of a player of your choice. Each player, the next morning, must verify their
The Sheriff must vote before the rest of the players.
The scapegoat is not eliminated in case of em pate, but one of his two neighbors of his choice will be
eliminated by the vote of the people.
The drunk village idiot is no more stupid due to the effects of alcohol than he usually is (no less), nothing
changes for him.
The Witch is distracted, she has only one option. tion and also, when he uses his power, he sometimes uses the
wrong bottle. After the Witch has appointed To a player, the narrator throws the lid and bottom of the game box on
the floor and, according to their arrangement, calls out the result of the potion:
2 down > Cured
Cover down - bottom up > Cured and transformed into Simple Villager
Cover up - bottom down > Cured and transformed into Werewolf
2 o'clock up > Deleted
Cupid, as usual, chooses the Lovers who, after having recognized each other, fall asleep again. Then designate one
of the 2 lovers and another player. The narrator wakes them up so they can recognize each other, they become
lovers and fall asleep again. From now on: the deceived does not drag anyone into his death; A lover drags the 2
others into his death; The deceived Lover cannot vote against the unfaithful Lover, and vice versa.
El Salvador can only protect one of its 2 neighbors.
The Pied Piper charms only one player at a time.
(Le petiot)
(End of Moses) (Neither moi nor loup)
(The little one)
(End of harvest) (Neither me nor
The youngest player in
town will be the little one.
He goes to the neighboring
village (He is moved to
Everyone is a little
another room and cannot
tired. It is a normal Out of superstition, participate in the voting of
round of play, nothing the townspeople have the day or the following
special happens, chosen not to night, so he cannot be
lynched during the day or
unless the game pronounce the words
eaten at night). When he
master decides to “wolf” or “I.” If returns, the next day, his
apply the “ end of someone contravenes vote will be worth triple and
harvest party ” these rules, their vote the other players will be
able to update him on what
variant. will be withdrawn.

(The specter)
(Cueillette sylvestre)
(Radieux dimanche)
(The spectre) (Wild Collection)
(Radiant Sunday)
Nothing in particular happens to the
turn unless the GM wants to apply The next player All the players go out
“Lycanthropic Fascination.”
designated by the HL into the forest to collect
To safeguard identity, the HL
opens his eyes (the HL mysterious plants,
developed their ability to fascinate
their victims. Every HL victim is no have them open), the essential for the witch's
longer eliminated from the game. go,
GM touches that player potion. They will enter
but he loses all his powers. Every
night, the HL designate a victim ma on the head and he the village when the sun
he must have his eyes closed. To tell
becomes the HL. This sets. They do not
her that she has been fascinated, the
DJ touches her head. In the player then designates participate in the debate
morning, he is left powerless. As the
one of the former HL or the votes, nor can
nights go by, there will be more and
more vic fascinated times. and he is eliminated. they be lynched this
Attention, if one of these victims The GM switches the turn. The witch retrieves
fasci Nothing is lynched, all other
players' cards from one one of her potions just
previous victims are also
immediately eliminated. The HL wins to the other before the before nightfall.
if they have fascinated the second-
to-last local. town wakes up.
( Saint Philippe)
(Mechant Bredin)
(Saint Philip) (Nuit des fous)
(Evil Bredin)
(Crazy night)
In honor of the great
Saint Philip the sailor, The next night the
the people elect a true werewolves become
The town sleeps and the
charismatic leader. If the psychics and each one in
first one eliminated by
town has already elected turn can ask for another
the werewolves
a sheriff, it dismisses player. The seer, the
becomes their assistant.
him as incompetent and hunter and the witch
He will have to open his
elects a new one. The become werewolves and
eyes and will be your
elected sheriff must take that night they wake up
accomplice for the day.
the oath of office: “I will together and must eat
He's still a peasant, but
follow the voice of San someone. (The girl plays
he only wins if the
Felipe and protect the a normal turn)
Werewolves win.

(Spiritism) (Spiritism)
The player to the left of the The player to the left of the
(Bonnes manneres) last eliminated player is the last eliminated player is the
Spiritualist. The Villagers hold Spiritualist. The Villagers hold
hands and the Spiritualist hands and the Spiritualist
(Good manners)
reads aloud all the questions reads aloud all the questions
in the letter. Then the in the letter. Then the
Spiritualist asks one of the Spiritualist asks one of the
questions to the first questions to the first
It is prohibited to eliminated player. You will eliminated player. You will
interrupt voting. This answer “yes” or “no.” answer “yes” or “no.”
must be monitored by Is one of the HL a man? Does one of the HL wear
the DJ. All players who Is one of the HL 1 woman? jeans? Does
interrupt another player Is one of the two I designate one of the HL wear a black
will not be able to vote an HL? hat? Are
HLs all men? Are
this turn. Is this player a simple HLs all Women?
The player to the left of the (Spiritism)
The player to the left of the
last eliminated player is the The player to the left of the
last eliminated player is the
Spiritualist. The Villagers hold last eliminated player is the
Spiritualist. The Villagers hold
hands and the Spiritualist Spiritualist. The Villagers hold
hands and the Spiritualist
reads aloud all the questions hands and the Spiritualist
reads aloud all the questions
in the letter. Then the reads aloud all the questions
in the letter. Then the
Spiritualist asks one of the in the letter. Then the
Spiritualist asks one of the
questions to the first Spiritualist asks one of the
questions to the first
eliminated player. You will questions to the first
eliminated player. You will
answer “yes” or “no.” eliminated player. You will
answer “yes” or “no”.
Are the 2 players I designate answer “yes” or “no.”
Am I a simple villager? Is one
from the same side? Has the psychic discovered at
of the HL the Sheriff? Does
Does 1 HL wear
one of the HL live in the area least 1 HL? Does
glasses? Is the witch a
where we play? 1 HL wear visible jewelry?
guy? Is the sheriff a
Does one of the HL smoke? Am I an HL? Are
simple villager?
some HLs neighbors?

(Tour des fous)

(Great Mefiance)
(Miraculee) (Miracle) (Great Distrust)
(Fool's Day)

The latest victim of the Each villager must

Some characters change
HL has not really been choose their two favorite
their powers. Sorceress
eliminated. She doesn't friends by pointing to
for a seer, hunter for a
faint from fear in front of them with their hands.
girl, savior for the old
them so they spare her The votes are made at
man. The lovers will
life. He finds his spirit the same time. People
hate each other and
and returns to the game who have not been voted
must vote for each
but as a simple villager are eliminated from the
(If he had powers) game. (This replaces the
daily vote)
(Pact with the devil) This morning all the
inhabitants of
As soon as the people's
Castronegro suffer from
verdict is known, the
The next vote will be moon sickness. The
accused can make a pact
taken in turns. (It is the surrounding people get
with the devil instead of
last one eliminated who angry with each other
being lynched. But be
chooses the first voter). and turn their backs on
careful, if at the end of
He will leave his arm each other. They debate
the game this player is
raised pointing to his without looking at each
among the defeated, he
vote. Then to the left other. The DJ will remove
will be excluded from the
everyone will do the the possibility of voting
next game. (This will be
same successively. (The from those who
the debt that must be
result of the vote is disagree. They will look
paid to the devil)
counted as always) at each other again just
to vote.

(Enthusiasm) (Retour de Flamme)
(Return of Fire)

The next night if the HL

appoint a simple villager
The psychic becomes a to devour, the HL is
Encouraged by the
sleepwalker and from transformed. If the HL
exceptional results of the
then until the end of the does not make up its
lynchings, Castronegro
game the GM will call out mind, no one dies) (THE
goes into action. If the
the secret identity of the GM must change his card
next player to be
character that the stealthily); Otherwise,
eliminated is a HL
psychic asks. We will the victim survives and
Castronegro may vote a
never know whose the HL to his left is
second time immediately
identity the player was. struck down by fire.
and without debate.
(Executioner) (Ensevelissement)
(Toucher mortal)
(Deadly blow)

To avoid staining their

hands with blood, the
people appoint an
Executioner. From now The HL, once satiated,
From now on until the
on and until the end of bury the remains of their
end of the game, the
the game, the identity of victim. From now on
victim of the HL to be
the HL victim will only be until the end of the
devoured must be
known to the game, the identity of the
touched by one of them.
Executioner and will victims will not be
Otherwise there will be
never be shown. If the revealed to anyone in
no victim of the HL.
executioner dies, he will the game.
appoint his successor.

(Mecontentment) (Shadow Lundi)
(Gloomy Monday)
(Discontent) A person from the town has
had a dream in which a
person with the features of
a murderous wolf appeared
Disappointed by the to him. Upon waking up the
recent poor results, the next day, without delay and It's a sad day without
people of Castronegro starting with the neighbor history. Nothing happens
are packed up. If the to the left of the last one unless the GM wants to
next person eliminated is eliminated, each player apply “I'm sure he's
not an HL, they will vote must accuse a villager. The
not…” (See specific
one or those with the most
again but without card)
votes in the event of a tie
debate, and this second
will be eliminated.
suspect will be
Harvest festival in Castronegro 3/3
Harvest festival in Castronegro 2/3
Harvest festival in Castronegro 1/2 Cupid, as usual, chooses 2, and after
The Sheriff must vote before the rest of
All powers are until the end of the the players. The recognizing each other, they fall asleep.
game due to excessive drinking: The HL scapegoat is not eliminated in case of Then designate one of the 2 lovers and
can only devour those who are They are em pate, but one of his two neighbors another player. The DJ wakes them up
next to one of them. The of his choice will be eliminated by the so they can recognize each other, they
Seer is Drunk: Designates a player, but vote of the people. become lovers and fall asleep again.
the GM gives him the identities of the The drunk village idiot is no more
From now on: the deceived does not
designated player and his 2 neighbors. stupid due to the effects of alcohol than
The GM should not specify which player he usually is (no less), nothing changes drag anyone into his death; A lover
is who. The Hunter for him. The Witch drags the 2 others into his death; The
must choose his victim from one of his is distracted, she has only one po tion deceived Lover cannot vote against the
two neighbors. The Girl wakes and when he uses it he uses the wrong unfaithful Lover, and vice versa.
up too late to spy on the HL and can bottle. After the Witch has appointed El Salvador can only protect one of its 2
only spy on the Witch. To a player, the GM throws two coins neighbors. The
The Thief , always has his Thief €1 and 50ct and calls out the result of
Pied Piper charms only one player at a
card, must During the first night and the potion: The 2 heads, Cured, the €1
with the complicity of the narrator, he coin heads and the 50ct tails Cured and time.
will change his card for that of a player transformed into Simple Villager, the €1
of his choice. Each player, the next cross and the 50ct face Cured and
morning, must verify their character. transformed into a Werewolf, both
crosses removed.

I'm sure he's not 2/2

(Bal du samedi soir)
I'm sure he's not 1/2 The declared innocent Villager sits (Saturday night dance)
down after designating another
Villager whom he wishes to save
and who also he will sit well. So on This afternoon the youth
until the last game raised gaunter. of the town go to dance
Here is a new way of voting to This last player is the victim of the and do not return until
designate the victim of the people's vote. dawn. Each one says
popular court.
Attention: in this variant, their age and takes the
All Villagers in play stand up. Then werewolves can easily declare
he sees cino to the left of the last youngest half of the
each other innocent and thus
eliminated player designates a escape their just punishment. You town who are the group
Villager who is guaranteed have to be very attentive to who of dancers. These do not
innocent. Once this is done, the declares who is innocent. The
player who has spoken sits down participate in the votes
people must ensure that the
and gives the turn to the person werewolves are the last ones to be or debates nor can they
who has mentioned, who must tar to make sure they remove one. be lynched or devoured
declare his innocence if he wants
or be devoured by the
to survive.
(Who's going to (Repas des anciens)
(Deluge) (Flood) chase) (Go hunting) (Lunch for Gentlemen)
This afternoon the village
The floods have transformed
Castronegro into a lake
veterans decide to
town (on the shore of a organize a banquet and
lake). The players have do not return until dawn.
taken refuge in the shelter This afternoon the men Each one says their age
and the players in the and takes the oldest half
of the town go hunting
church. The day's vote is of the town and they are
and do not return until
annulled because they are the banquet group.
separated, but the HL can
dawn. These do not
participate in the votes These do not participate
hunt inside the building
or debates nor can they in the votes or debates
where they have taken
refuge. (There can be two be lynched or devoured nor can they be lynched
victims, but this rule only or be devoured by the or devoured or be
applies if there are at least HL. devoured by the HL.
6 players left)

(Pile ou face) (Heads

(Chatiment) or Tails)

To make him pay for his

Today the town
misfortune, the last
celebrates the
eliminated player names
anniversary of the player
a player. This will be
Hervé. Immediately after
eliminated unless 2
the court's verdict, a coin
people testify in its favor.
is tossed. IF it comes up
Witnesses will come to
heads, the condemned
hug you to show their
man is eliminated and
support. If no one stands
shouts “I hate you
up, the player has the
Hervé”; If tails comes
right to appeal for
up, he is saved and
sympathy. Otherwise,
shouts “Thank you very
much Great Hervé.”

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