Psychological Evaluation Report

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Psychological evaluation report

1. Personal data
Name: Yohesmirna
Last name: Puente Medina
Age: 6 years
Sex: Female
School grade: 4th grade
Evaluation date: October 8, 2017
Father's name: Juan Puente
Mother's name: Yohali medina

11-Applied Test
Difference Perception Test ( faces)

Author L. L. Thurstone

111- Reason for Evaluation

Evaluate the ability to perceive speed correctly, similarities, differences and partially
ordered stimulating patterns .

1V-Clinical history
The girl's mother tells me that her pregnancy was very complicated until her birth since
she had many complications and a threat of abortion, but that once the girl was born
everything was normal since she always took her for her medical check-up and that until
now She is a very healthy girl and very loved by all her family, friends, and at school she is
very dedicated and easily relates to other people and her friends in class.
She is very loved by her teachers and all the staff at the educational center, the girl lives
with her mother and father and a younger brother gets along very well with his brother
although sometimes they have their indifference for some toys or dolls, with her cousins
and always She likes to visit her paternal grandmother on Sundays to share with the
family. She is a girl who is very respectful of all people since her parents are Christians and
the girl is being raised within religious customs.
V-Attitude before the Test
At the beginning of the evaluation process she showed a significant level of anxiety and
was a little tense, but then the situation improved as she saw it as a fun game.

The evaluation of the Perception of Differences test carried out by the girl Yohesmirna
presented the following result.
The data returned by the test indicates that the evaluation has a general PC percentile of
60 (within the High Normal) and a Normal stanine of 5 for a range of (NA).

I consider that the girl Yohesmirna is very intelligent and quick in identifying objects, she
has no difficulty in identifying different images or similarities, therefore I recommend that
she continue to stimulate herself with pictures, children's magazines, take a course such
as valet, English painting since the girl showed her skill and speed and self-confidence.

Sulay Ramirez

Psychological evaluation report

1. Personal data:
Name: Carlos Alejandro
Last name: Hoyo Malla
Age: 8 years
School grade: 3rd
Evaluation date: October 7, 2017
Gender: male
Father's name: Carlos Miguel
Mother's name: Luli

11-Applied test
Difference Perception Test (Faces)
Author L. L. Thurstone

111-Reason for evaluation

Assess the ability to quickly and correctly perceive similarities, differences and partially
ordered stimulating patterns.

1V-Clinical History
The child's mother tells me that she had a somewhat complicated pregnancy since she
almost always had high blood pressure, that the child was born prematurely and that they
had to put him under observation, and that he was born underweight but that shortly
after the child was already with his normal weight, which was and is very loved by
everyone who likes to share with his friends and cousins.
The boy lives with his parents, he is an only child, he shares the weekends with his
maternal grandparents and with his cousins. On Saturday afternoons, he goes to the
movies with his friends. He is a child who really likes his school and is very loved by his
parents. teachers and classmate.

V-Attitude before the Test

At the beginning of the evaluation process he was a little nervous and anxious because he
had never been given a psychological test, but after the end of the test he began to take it.
At the end of the test he was very happy because he later saw it as a game.

The evaluation of the difference perception test carried out by the child Carlos Alejandro
presented the following results.
The data returned by the test indicate that the evaluation has a percentile of 50 (within
normal) and a stanine of 5 for a normal range (n)

I consider that the child Carlos Alejandro is very quick to identify objects, he has no
difficulty in identifying different images or similarities, so I recommend that he be
stimulated with pictures, with books that have figures with magazines that make him
practice a sport that he likes. He liked me.

Sulay Ramirez
Psychological Evaluation Report
1. Personal data
Name: Anel yamilet
Last name: Bido Perdomo
Age: 11 years
Gender: female
School grade: 6th
Evaluation date: October 8, 2017
Father's name: Nelson Bido
Mother's name: Alexandra Perdomo

11-Applied test
Elementary Intelligence Test (TEI)
Author: Mariano Yela

111-Reason for Evaluation

Assess general intelligence to determine Anel yamilet's ability to conceptualize and apply
reasoning to new problems. It measures the G factor of intelligence, providing an estimate
of intellectual ability.

1V-Clinical History
The mother tells me that she had a normal pregnancy, she was born at a time within the
agreed date with a weight of 8.6 pounds, then she was very crybaby, she sucked stupidly,
the mother tells me that she was not a restless girl who slept a full night, who did not get
sick. Yk has never had to admit her because she is very affectionate with everyone.
The girl Anal Yamilet really likes her school, she is very loved by her teacher and
classmate, she lives with her mother, her stepfather and her older sister, but some
weekends she spends with her father, her grandmother and her aunt. She is very loved by
everyone in the family since she is very loving and friendly. She also gets along well with
the children who live in her building, she is not a created sea child.
V-Aptitude before the test
At the beginning of the evaluation process, he showed a certain level of anxiety, a
situation that he handled satisfactorily, and he relaxed until he completed almost the
entire process.

Very High (MA)
The results obtained in the TEI describe a person with excellent general intelligence,
indicating a much superior ability to use their reasoning when understanding and solving
problems. He has an excellent ability to learn, understand and abstract concepts and then
apply them to the results of problems.

I recommend that she should take technical courses to practice a sport that she likes, to
help her continue to obtain skills in everything she intends to do.

Sulay Ramirez

Psychological evaluation report

Personal information:
Name: Yazid Joseph
Last name: Encarnación Medina
Age: 9 years
Sex: Female
School Grade: 4th grade
Evaluation date: October 8, 2017

Father's name: Yeral José

Mother's name: Valentina

11-Applied Test
Elementary Intelligence Test (TEI)
Author: Mariano Yela

111-Reason for Evaluation

Assess general intelligence. To determine a person's ability to conceptualize and apply
reasoning to new problems. It measures the G factor of intelligence, providing an estimate
of intellectual ability.

1V-Clinical History
According to the father, his wife had a very satisfactory pregnancy within the normal
range. In the first months he was a very calm child, he did not cry even when he was
hungry and that is how it has remained until now. Some time ago they took him to
psychology because he has a phobia of Loneliness is very quiet even when something is
done to him that he should shout, but as far as possible it is normal and he does not fight
with other children.
He also tells me that he is a child who is very loved by his family, teachers and classmates.
The Yazid boy lives with his mother and two younger sisters who he really likes his school
and likes to spend time with his friends on the weekends. He spends it with his dad and his
stepmother and his two stepsisters.

V-Attitude before the Test

At the beginning of the evaluation process, he showed a state of anxiety, a situation that
improved satisfactorily once he became familiar with the test until he finished.

Very High (MA)
The results obtained in the TEI describe a person with excellent general intelligence,
indicating a much superior ability to use their reasoning when understanding and solving
problems. He has an excellent ability to learn, understand and abstract concepts and then
apply them to solve problems.

I recommend that you take advantage of the intelligence that the Yazid child has so that
he learns other languages that get him to practice some sport that he likes such as
swimming, playing ball, etc.

Sulay Ramirez

Psychological evaluation report

1. Personal data
Name: Johan Marcos
Last name: Geraldo Ramírez
Age: 21 years
Gender: female
School level: university
Evaluation date: October 14, 2017
Father's name: Suare
Mother's name: Chaty

11-Applied Tests
Survey of habits and attitudes towards studying (EHAE)
Reasoning with figures test (TRF)
Primary mental abilities test (PMA)

111-Reason for Evaluation

Appreciation of the most important habits and attitudes for study
Identify general non-verbal intelligence
Measure 5 primary mental abilities.
The PMA allows us to detect the strengths and weaknesses that an individual has in
specific skills.

1V-Clinical History
Johan's mother tells me that she had a normal pregnancy, that she was born with a
normal weight and a normal size and that her growth was within normal limits and that
she did not get sick. She has never had chickenpox or smallpox. She tells me that Johan He
is a child who has never had to undergo any hospitalization or surgical process. He lives
with his parents and 3 younger brothers.

V-Attitude towards Tests

At the beginning of the evaluation process he showed a level of resistance and anxiety,
then he cooperated until the evaluation process was completed.

V1-EHAE results
Normal range (N)
The results obtained on the PC scale show that the person evaluated possesses and
performs his or her academic tasks or work at a normal speed when they are assigned at

Low range (B)

The results obtained on the MT scale show that the person evaluated has an acceptable
work method when studying or carrying out a topic. Their performance is unsatisfactory in
academic tasks and the skills necessary to perform in their studies. It has low returns in
relation to time, it produces more work, of higher quality in less time.
Low Normal Range (NB)

The results obtained on the HE scale show that the person evaluated has an academic
behavior slightly below that of the majority of people. Demonstrates acceptable
performance in studies. He performs his tasks at a speed slightly slower than most people
and has acceptable work methods that result in a certain efficiency in the tasks.
Low range (B)
The results obtained on the AP scale show that the person evaluated has a relatively
negative attitude towards teachers. Expresses little esteem for the behaviors they display
in class.
Low range (B)
The results obtained on the AED scale show that the person evaluated has a relatively
negative attitude towards the general objectives of the evaluation, towards the
educational activities and demands.
Very low rank (MB)
The results obtained on the AE scale show that the person evaluated has a negative
attitude towards the teachers at the educational center and the behaviors they exhibit. As
well as very little disposition towards the components of the educational system.
Low range (B)
The results obtained on the OE scale show that the person evaluated has few habits and
relatively negative attitudes towards the study.
Low Range (B)
The results obtained in the TRF reflect a person with low general non-verbal intelligence.
The person presents difficulties when carrying out systematic reasoning and solving
abstract problems and understanding, assimilating, processing information and using it
appropriately .

Very Low Range (MB) Factor (V)

The results obtained in the PMA show that the person evaluated has very little verbal
fluency, that is; a very low ability to understand the ideas expressed, extract their meaning
and correctly handle a large group of words.
It has a very low level for all activities in which information is obtained through oral or
written instructions, such as history, science, languages, law, psychology, secretarial work,
teaching, etc.
High Range (A) Factor (E)
The results obtained reflect a person with a very good spatial ability to perceive objects in
two and three dimensions, that is; a very good ability to notice fixed geometric
relationships and visualize transformations or changes in position.
He has a very good level for activities such as geometry, physics, drawing, manual and
professional work such as architecture, engineering and technical drawing, as well as all
trades related to these professional activities.
Low Range (B) (Factor (R)
The person evaluated presents results that indicate a low capacity to use inductive-
deductive reasoning when solving problems and understanding, assimilating, processing
and using information appropriately.
It has a low level to succeed in university studies and in most professional careers.
Low Range (B) Factor (N)
The results obtained by the person evaluated indicate a low numerical ability to improve
and use numbers and understand simple mathematical relationships.
It has a low ability for the development of logic and reasoning and for success in
arithmetic, accounting, statistics, engineering and all activities related to numbers.
Low range (B) Factor (F)
The person evaluated has a low capacity to produce, express, write and relate words
correctly with ease and spontaneity.
Has a low ability for activities that involve recitation and public speaking, such as a lawyer,
teacher, writer, actor, announcer, salesman, merchant, diplomat, etc.
I recommend that you put more effort into your studies in all areas since you have
difficulties in your studies.
I believe a learning therapy process is necessary, since the deficiencies shown may have
relations with the emotional variable.
An in-depth study of studies related to detecting possible consequences on the
neurological and behavioral development of the person evaluated should not be ruled
It is advisable to evaluate therapeutic progress with a second evaluation (within 6 months)
more focused on verifying the variables observed in this report.

Sulay Ramirez

Psychological evaluation report

1. Personal data
Name: María Alejandra
Last name: Abreu Ramírez
Age: 18 years
Sex: Female
School level: university
Evaluation date: October 14, 2017
Father's name: Ángel Luis
Mother's name: Sulay

11-Evaluated Tests
Survey of Habits and Attitudes Towards Studying (EHAE)
Authors: William F. Brown and Wayne H. Holtzman
Reasoning with Figures Test (TRF)
Author: J. C Daniels
Primary Mental Abilities Test (PMA)
Authors: Louis Leon Thurstone and Thelma Gwinn Thurstone

111-Reason for evaluation

Appreciation of the most important habits and attitudes for study.
General non-verbal intelligence
Measure 5 primary mental abilities.
The PMA aims to highlight the strengths and weaknesses that an individual possesses in
specific intellectual abilities.

1V-Clinical History
several psychological sections . The mother says that she had a pregnancy in very
good condition, that she went to her medical check-up every time she had an
appointment, that her pregnancy was cephalic all the time, that she never had a
phonography done because they never ordered it to be done, but that she had the hunch
that she was carrying a girl in her womb, and that she had a normal birth that the girl was
born at 7.30 pounds with an excellent size and that in her first months everything was
normal that she always took her to her medical check-up and gave her all her vaccines
every time it was his turn.
But when she turned one year old, I took her to her checkup with another pediatrician and
that was where she realized that something was not right with the girl and sent her to
have an exam to investigate her genes, and that was where it happened. I realized that
the girl was falce mica and then they performed a hemoglobin electrophoresis test where
the result was that she had 45 percent falce mica. Until now she is undergoing treatment
and is a normal girl. At 15 years old I took her to the psychologist and that she was afraid
of speaking and exposing at school, she was afraid of not being able to do it well and that
they would make fun of her, a situation that improved after .

V-Attitude before the Test

At the beginning of the evaluation process, he showed a significant level of anxiety,
negativity and resistance, a situation that improved until finishing the evaluation process
and with the other tests it was easier because he knew the process.

V1-EHAE results
Low Range (B)
The results obtained on the PC scale show that the person evaluated has limited speed
and quickness to initiate and complete their tasks or academic work when they are
assigned at school.
Very Low Rank (MB)
The results obtained on the MT scale show that the person evaluated has a very poor
work method when studying or analyzing a topic. Their performance is very limited in
academic tasks and the skills necessary to perform in their studies. It has low performance
in relation to time, it produces more work, of higher quality in less time.
Very Low Rank (MB)
The results obtained on the HE scale show that the person evaluated has very poor
academic behavior. It shows little performance. satisfactory in studies. Performs tasks very
slowly and has an inefficient work method to complete tasks.
Normal Range (N)
The results obtained on the AP scale show that the person evaluated has a normal attitude
towards teachers. Expresses a similar esteem to most people towards the behaviors they
display in class.
Low Range (B)
The results obtained on the AED scale show that the person evaluated has a relatively negative
attitude towards the general objectives of the evaluation, towards the educational activities and
Low Normal Range (NB)
The results obtained on the AE scale show that the person evaluated has an acceptable
attitude towards the teachers at the educational center and the behaviors that others
exhibit. As well as an acceptable disposition towards the components of the educational
Very Low Rank (MB)
The results obtained on the OE scale show that the person evaluated has very few habits
and quite negative attitudes towards the study.
Low Range (B)
The results obtained in the TRF reflect a person with low general non-verbal intelligence. The
person presents difficulties when carrying out systematic reasoning and solving abstract problems
and understanding, assimilating, processing information and using it appropriately.

Very Low Range (MB) Factor (V)

The results obtained in the PMA show that the person evaluated has very little verbal fluency, that
is; a very low ability to understand the ideas expressed, extract their meaning and correctly handle
a large group of words.

It has a very low level for all activities in which information is obtained through oral or
written instructions, such as history, science, languages, law, psychology, secretarial work,
teaching, etc.
Low Normal Range (NB) Factor (E)
The results obtained reflect a person with a slightly below-measured special ability to
perceive objects in two or three dimensions, that is; an acceptable ability to notice special or
fixed geometric relationships and visualize transformations or changes in position.

It has an acceptable level for activities such as geometry, physics, drawing, manual work
and professions such as architecture, engineering and technical drawing, as well as all
trades related to these professional activities.
Low Normal Range (NB) Factor (R)
The person evaluated presents results that indicate a slightly below-measured ability to
use inductive-deductive reasoning when solving problems and understanding,
assimilating, processing and using information appropriately.
Very Low Range (MB) Factor (N)
The results obtained by the person evaluated indicate a very low numerical ability to
handle and use numbers and understand simple mathematics.
He has a very low ability for the development of logic and reasoning and for success in
arithmetic, accounting, statistics, engineering and all activities related to numbers.
Very High Range (MA) Factor (F)
The person evaluated has an excellent ability to produce, express, write and relate words
correctly with ease and spontaneity.
He has a very superior ability for activities that involve recitation and public speaking, as a
lawyer, teacher, writer, actor, announcer, salesman, merchant, diplomat, etc.

I believe that a therapeutic process should be initiated to help the person evaluated since
she has many difficulties related to her studies.
I believe a learning therapy process is necessary, since the deficiencies shown may be
related to the emotional variable.
I believe it is necessary to create study habits since the evaluee was very distracted during
the evaluation process.
An in-depth study of studies related to detecting possible consequences on the
neurological and behavioral development of the person evaluated should not be ruled
It is advisable to evaluate the therapeutic process with a second evaluation (within 6
months) more focused on verifying the variables observed in this report.

Psychological evaluation report

1. Personal data
Name: sulay
Last name: Ramírez Ramírez
Age: 37 years
Gender: female
School level: university
Evaluation date: October 14, 2017
Father's name: Manuel
Mother's name: María Estela
11-Applied tests
Survey of Habits and Attitudes Towards Studying (EHAE)
Authors: William F. Brown and Wayne H. Holtzman
Reasoning test with figures.
Author: J. c. daniels
Test of primary mental abilities.
Authors: Louis Leon Thurstone and Thelma Gwinn Thorstone

111-Reason for evaluation

Appreciation of Habits and Attitudes most important for study.
Assess Non-Verbal General Intelligence.
Measure 5 Primary Mental Abilities.
The PMA allows us to detect the strengths and weaknesses that an individual has in
specific intellectual abilities.

1V-Clinical History
Mrs. Sulay's mother had a normal pregnancy, she was born with a normal weight, normal
size on the way to the anus. She was not a girl who would get sick unless she had a flu
virus because she has had low hemoglobin since she was a child since she was a carrier of
falcemia at 6. Years later he got mumps and chickenpox, all within the normal range.
She was a very sociable girl at school in the neighborhood, she got along well with her
brothers, she was very playful, one time she had an accident with an engine but it didn't
get any worse, she was never hospitalized, I had to take her to the hospitals very rarely.
She had a normal childhood for a girl.

V-Attitude towards Tests

Normal calm relaxed since the evaluation process was known

V1-EHAE Results
Normal High Range (NA)
The results obtained on the PC scale show that the person evaluated has very good speed
and quickness to start and complete his or her academic tasks or work when they are
assigned at school. He is slightly above most people.
Normal Range (N)
The results obtained on the MT scale show that the person evaluated has a conventional
work method when studying or analyzing a topic. Their performance is normal in
academic tasks and the skills necessary to perform in their studies. It has an average
performance in relation to time, producing more work, of higher quality in less time.
Normal High Range (NA)
The results obtained on the HE scale show that the person evaluated has good academic
behavior. Demonstrates good performance in studies. Performs tasks promptly and with
an effective work method that results in task efficiency.
Very High Rank (MA)
The results obtained on the AP scale show that the person evaluated has an excellent
attitude towards teachers. Expresses excellent esteem for the behaviors they display in
Very High Range (A)
The results obtained on the AED scale show that the person evaluated has an excellent
attitude towards the general objectives of education, towards educational activities and
Very High Rank (MA)
The results obtained on the AE scale show that the person evaluated has an excellent
attitude towards the teachers at the educational center and the behaviors they exhibit. As
well as a very good disposition towards the components of the educational system.
Very High Rank (MA)
The results obtained on the OE scale show that the person evaluated has excellent habits
and attitudes towards studying.
Low Range (B)
The results obtained in the TRF reflect a person with low general verbal intelligence. The
person has difficulties using systematic reasoning and solving abstract problems and
understanding, assimilating, processing information and using it academically.
Very Low Range (MB) Factor (V)
The results obtained in the PMA show that the person evaluated has very little verbal
fluency, that is; a very low ability to understand the ideas expressed, extract their meaning
and correctly handle a large group of words.
It has a very low level for all activities in which information is obtained through oral or
written instructions, such as history, science, languages, law, psychology, secretarial work,
teaching, etc.
Normal Range (N) Factor (E)
The results obtained reflect a person with a special ability to perceive objects in two or
three dimensions similar to the majority of the population, that is; a normal ability to
notice special or fixed geometric relationships and visualize transformations or changes in
Very Low Range (MB) Factor (R)
The person evaluated presents results that indicate a very low capacity to use inductive-
deductive reasoning when solving problems and understanding, assimilating, processing
and using information appropriately.
Low Range (B) Factor (N)
The results obtained by the person evaluated indicate a low numerical ability to improve
rar and use number and understand simple mathematical relationships.
It has a low ability for the development of logic and reasoning and for success in
arithmetic, accounting, statistics, engineering and all activities related to numbers.
High Range (A) Factor (F)
The person evaluated has a very good ability to produce, express, write and relate words
correctly with ease and spontaneity.
He has very good ability for activities that involve recitation and public speaking, such as a
lawyer, teacher, writer, actor, announcer, salesman, merchant, diplomat, etc.

V11- Recommendations

I recommend that she read the books that she likes since she has a very good study habit,
that she does some sport so that she can take advantage of those skills that she has, that
she take technical courses that are beneficial to her. Use those skills to teach people who
need your help, such as teaching, guiding people in study habits, and take advantage of
those qualities you have so that you continue to be a good influence on society.
Sulay Ramirez

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