School Reflection and Self-Evaluation Days 2016-2017

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School Reflection and Self-Evaluation Days School Reflection and Self-Evaluation Days

2016-2017 2016-2017
Weaknesses, difficulties, distortions, aspects to 3. Educate in, by and for the love of the Homeland,
Days of Reflection and overcome or reorient sovereignty and self-determination.

School Self-Evaluation Is permanent tribute paid to national symbols? Is the pride of being
Venezuelans favored? Are the achievements and careers of

2016-2017 Venezuelans who stand out in the different areas of social life
(sports, cultural, etc.) valued? community, labor)? Are students,
For transformative school management, a more humane school, at the service education workers, families and communities encouraged to know
of people, communities and humanity. and love the different environments of Venezuela, its plants,
Action commitments for this school year animals? Do we know and recognize our local characters,
Reviewing the Ethical References and Essential Processes of the School
cultivators, elders, historians, chroniclers, cooks and cooks? Do we
within the framework of the Curricular Transformation Process and the Institutional Transformation Process.
know and value our local history and customs in our daily
pedagogical action?
We begin the 2016 school year in peace and joy 2017, with • The Ethical References and Essential Processes are for all
the school's reflection and self-evaluation days to assess what is levels and modalities, they are the starting point for discussion, Strengths, achievements, successes or advances
being done, both in the classroom and in each space where reflection, self-evaluation and commitments.
life is shared. Know what their coexistence relationships are
like in the environment, with families and communities, what • The self-evaluation of each institution and educational center will
the school's strengths are, its achievements, successes, be promoted by the management teams together with teachers, 2. Educate in, by and for participatory and leading
advances, difficulties and distortions. It is an exercise for students, families, administrative workers and workers, cooks citizenship.
encounter, dialogue, discussion, reflection, consensus and and chefs of the Homeland and the communities.
collective construction. Do students participate in decision-making at school and in
• The discussion is aimed at establishing agreements and the classroom? Is daily practice in our classrooms autocratic Weaknesses, difficulties, distortions, aspects to overcome or
The management teams of each institution and educational commitments, based on multiple opinions, in an environment of or democratic? What about families, teachers, other school reorient
center, together with teachers, students, administrative respect and free participation. workers? school really participate? Are the spaces for
workers and workers, the cooks of the Homeland, families and participation in the school sufficient and appropriate so that
communities, will establish commitments to action to improve their • The main approaches are published on billboards in each everyone can express their concerns, differences and
own practice. institution and educational center so that they are known to proposals? Does the community participate in school
students, families, teachers, administrative workers and workers, activities? And does the school in general participate?
Approach cooks of the Homeland and the communities. community activities? Is the educational process linked to the
life of the community? In the school's management practice Action commitments for this school year
• Evaluation is an integral part of the management process The Ethical References and Essential Processes embody the
do we encourage leading participation or do we make
at all levels and instances of the educational system. The Curriculum Transformation Process . They are the result of a 17-year
decisions in a discretionary manner? Are we training the
exercise of collective reflection should lead to assuming systematization process of educational revolution, they are based on
citizens that a Republic requires? that aims to be sovereign,
greater degrees of co-responsibility with quality and fundamental constitutional principles, emphasizing the educational
effectiveness in educational management. supportive, egalitarian, fair, integrated into Our America,
elements implicit in them.
twinned with the peoples of the world, environmentally
• Evaluation is an educational process of raising awareness These are some questions that we formulate to guide the School's self-
responsible? Do we learn from school to agree collectively?
about how we generate better educational processes, assessment based on each of the nine (9) Ethical References and
conditions and results. Essential Processes. They can include other questions if they consider it 4. Educate in, by and for love, respect and affirmation of
Strengths, achievements, successes or advances
necessary. It is recommended to read all the questions, they are a guide the human condition.
• Collective reflection is part of the curricular transformation
process and the institutional transformation process that for joint reflection, they are not for answering Yes or No, it is not a
we are promoting this school year. checklist. Is our school characterized by an emotional environment, respect for
others, the promotion of love for ourselves and for others? Are the
• The central purpose of the reflection and self-evaluation 1. Educate with, by and for everyone. achievements and positive aspects of everyone (students, families,
days is to raise collective awareness about the workers, community) recognized? Or, on the contrary, do we
achievements and weaknesses of educational Do we do everything possible so that all children, adolescents and emphasize defects and failures, recrimination and disqualification?
management, as well as the challenge of assuming young people attend school? Do we take special care when a Weaknesses, difficulties, distortions, aspects to Are relationships of solidarity and respect lived at school, or on the
responsibilities for educational processes and results. student is repeatedly absent from class? Do we encourage students overcome or reorient contrary, are small groups and rivalries encouraged? Does it
to support each other? others? Do we establish links between guarantee the family and social integration of people with special
In no way can it be a mere compilation of data. families and the school to provide care to students who have educational needs? Are our boys, girls, adolescents and young
• The results of this self-assessment are fundamentally difficulties entering school? Do we serve students who fall behind or people happy at school? Do our students feel safe, cared for and
directed at the school itself, to guide our efforts in have some learning difficulties? Do we take special support protected at school?
improving, enriching and transforming our educational measures when a student is at risk of missing the year?
Strengths, achievements, successes or advances Strengths, achievements, successes or advances

How to do it? Action commitments for this school year

• We recommend individual and collective consultation and
reading of the Ethical References and Essential Processes,
each of them described in the 2016-2017 Pedagogical

2d Bolivarian
government 1816-2016

D• fromofVenezuela
School Reflection and Self-Evaluation Days School Reflection and Self-Evaluation Days

2016-2017 2016-2017
Weaknesses, difficulties, distortions, aspects to 6. Educate in, by and for productive work and social Strengths, achievements, successes or Action commitments for this school year
overcome or reorient transformation.

Is the school incorporated into the All Hands to Sow program? Do

we carry out activities and projects that serve the community? Are
the work, production and services processes carried out in the
community known, recognized and taught? Have we invited different
workers to the school to teach what they do and what they know or
have we gone to visit and get to know their workplaces? Is it a 9. Educate in, by and for curiosity and research.
Action commitments for this school year Weaknesses, difficulties, distortions, aspects to
curriculum to have repaired a table-chair at school? And what
about? Who is responsible for repairing the table-chair? Is overcome or reorient Are the learning processes relevant, challenging, demanding
community service imposed as a punishment or is it rather the best and innovative? Are creativity, research, in-depth knowledge
learning opportunity? Do our students learn to develop and of reality, scientific thinking, argued debate, the use of multiple
transform from the experiences they live in the community? school? sources of information, integration of learning, explanatory
Do we develop production and service projects in the school in capacity and transformative activity? Is the development of the
which families and communities are incorporated? Is the school creative potential of girls, boys, adolescents and young people
incorporated into community production and service projects? achieved from what is done in classrooms and other
educational spaces ? Do we incorporate into our practices
Strengths, achievements, successes or advances
educational the use of resources for learning Bicentenario
5. Educate in, by and for interculturality and the Action commitments for this school year Collection, the Canaima Educativo project, Tricolor Magazine,
appreciation of diversity. School Radio, Educational Web Radio, the school newspaper,
the spoken book productions in Braille, science laboratory,
Does our school encourage respect and appreciation for all Bolivarian Center for Informatics and Telematics (CBIT) ,
people and celebrate diversity of origins, customs, ways of others?
speaking? Have strategies been discussed and established to
combat all forms of discrimination (racial, gender, origin,
political, cultural, religious? , due to disability or physical Strengths, achievements, successes or advances
appearance)? Do we create opportunities for students or
families from different parts of the country or other countries to
tell us and we learn about their customs, stories and ways of 8. Educate in, by and for freedom and a critical vision of
living? Do we know anything about the different indigenous
languages? that are spoken in Venezuela? Do we know at the world.
least some words in the indigenous languages spoken in our Weaknesses, difficulties, distortions, aspects to
state? And about the cultural traditions of our community, our overcome or reorient Do we educate for freedom or for submission? Do we worship
region and other places in the country? obedience or do we explain the why of things? In our classes,
children, boys and girls express themselves freely and their
opinions are considered with respect even if they are not
Strengths, achievements, successes or advances coincide with those of their teachers? Do teachers discuss
how to foster a critical vision of the world or do we rather tend
Weaknesses, difficulties, distortions, aspects to
to passively accept what the media or our hierarchical
superiors tell us? Boys, girls, boys and girls Do they find overcome or reorient
different moments, spaces and ways at school to express their
Action commitments for this school year creativity, their opinions, their ways of understanding the
world? Is the capacity for abstraction and critical thinking
developed with innovative methods that privilege learning from
everyday life and experience? ? Are spaces provided at
school in which education and community workers analyze
Weaknesses, difficulties, distortions, aspects to overcome or and reflect together on situations that affect the community,
the region, the country and the world? Action commitments for this school year
Strengths, achievements, successes or advances

7. Educate in, by and for the preservation of life on

the planet.

Can we say that our children, boys and girls learn at school to care
for and appreciate life, to recognize the current risks to life on the
planet? Do we encourage reasonable consumption habits that allow
Action commitments for this school year a good life that does not impact negatively on the environment?, Do
we know and disseminate the rights of Mother Earth?, Have we
planted trees, caring for them and watching them grow?, Do we
have environmental defense groups?, Do we encourage outdoor
activities and the appreciation of nature? ? Is comprehensive health
promoted at school? Weaknesses, difficulties, distortions, aspects to
overcome or reorient

of People's Power
for education
Inclusion and Quality

government of --(-«% WE KNOW HOW TO WIN government of WE KNOW HOW TO

Venezuela Venezuela
Days of Reflection and
School Self-Evaluation
For transformative school management, a more humane school, at the service
Ministry of popular of people, communities and humanity.

power for Reviewing the Ethical References and Essential Processes of the School
education within the framework of the Curricular Transformation Process and the Institutional Transformation Process.

Inclusion and
Summary sheet

Ethical References and Strengths, achievements, successes or Weaknesses, difficulties, distortions, aspects to Action commitments for this school year
Essential Processes advances overcome or reorient

1. Educate with, by and for


2. Educate in, by and for

participatory and leading

3. Educate in, by and for the love of

the Homeland, sovereignty and self-

4. Educate in, by and for love,

respect and affirmation of the
human condition.

5. Educate in, by and for

interculturality and the appreciation
of diversity.

6. Educate in, by and for productive

work and social transformation.

7. Educate in, by and for the

preservation of life on the planet.

8. Educate in, by and for freedom

and a critical vision of the world.

9. Educate in, by and

for curiosity and
Write down a maximum of three aspects in each box. Summarized but clear enough for all of us to understand them well. This summary sheet is for the same school, to
review and collectively evaluate how we are progressing. Give a copy to the supervisor of the educational circuit.

Bolivarian Government
Ddde Venezuela


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