72 Names of God Yehuda Berg

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THE 72 NAMES OF GOD A ■■'• —/■ ■ M ' .


Technology for the Soul

The 72 Names and their meaning
Each of the 72 Names of God is visually reviewed in
right to left

Time travel


Taur Aries Taurus
us 56
6 17 = 8

When we want to undo past "crimes" so that their painful effects disappear from
our lives and the lives of others, this name provides us with an ingenious time
travel device.

Science tells us that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, for
every cause there is an effect. But in the physical world there is always a time
interval between the action and its result. The chain of cause and effect can be
ten minutes, ten days, ten months, ten years, or even ten lives. But the effects of
our behavior come back to us in full measure.

We mistakenly believe that good has no reward, that evil goes unpunished, and
that life lacks true justice. This occurs because the memory of our positive and
negative actions fades over time, and when their delayed effects appear, we see
them as simple chance events. Even unkind words also set the principle of cause
and effect in motion.
The technology to return to the original cause before its unpleasant effects
appear exists in this unique name. Kabbalahists long ago declared that time
travel was possible, and today Quantum Physics catches up with Kabbalah by
accepting that this is possible, at least in theory.

Kabbalah tells us that we will physically go back in time and come face to face
with ourselves. This is an intriguing concept, but here we will achieve
unimaginable joy and satisfaction once we correct all our past negative actions.


Awaken the remorse in our hearts for previous bad actions. Accept the frank
spiritual truth that the problems in our lives are the result of our past actions.

By concentrating on this name we now unearth the negative seeds we had

already planted. In doing so, we transform our past, shape the present, and
ensure a future full of joy and fulfillment.

Recover the sparks


Virgo Pound Virgo
10 30 10
50 = 5

When we find ourselves stuck in first gear, when our energy reserves are empty,
when we feel our life force slowly depleting; Lost sparks of spiritual light can be
recovered and reestablished in our lives.
When asked what they want most in life, most people answer the following:

- Happiness
- Happiness
- Prosperity
- Peace of mind
- Wisdom
- Freedom
- Lightning
- Purpose

What do all these things have in common? We cannot touch them, we cannot see
them, they have no smell, taste, weight, or color. But according to Kabbalah, all
of these intangible qualities can be expressed in a single word: Light! Just as the
light of the Sun contains all the colors of the rainbow, the spiritual Light contains
all the "colors" of satisfaction that human beings seek through their existence.

This resplendent spiritual Light permeates all of reality. But there is a problem:
negative actions can create negative effects. Every day, consciously or
unconsciously, we react to ego-based desires and instincts. Each reaction
creates a new negative force that steals our light. These forces are very real,
despite what our ego may tell us. These dark entities have no life of their own,
they subsist on our energy. We feed them every time we show selfishness,
intolerance, anger, fear or any other negative trait. The stronger their power
becomes, our lives become progressively darker.


Fragments of Light are drawn from the destructive entities that reside within our
being. The life force of the entities is cut off, we are supplied again with divine
energy. Life grows brighter each and every day as billions of sacred sparks
return to their source: our soul.
making miracles


Leo Virgo Sagittarius
9 10 60
79 = 16 = 7

There are times when nothing more than a miracle can transform a desolate
and hopeless situation. The 72 Names of God were used in ancient times to
perform amazing miracles. Moses used them to part the Red Sea, Joshua
used them to stop the Sun, and David used them to defeat Goliath. However,
the power of these 72 Names has been lost for millennia and perhaps the
greatest miracle of our time is the sudden availability of this ancient power.

In the sequence of letters of this divine name is the technology to perform

miracles. A certain level of understanding is required before the immense
power of this name can be released. Information alone is not power,
knowledge is really power, wisdom is power. These inner qualities can be
applied and translated into practical, positive changes, and even miracles.

Any miracle in the material world must be preceded by a miraculous change

in our character. Physical reality and human nature are intimately connected.
When we create an extraordinary transformation within ourselves, the power
of this name allows the Universe to externally express this internal change.


Free ourselves from all selfishness, envy, anger and self-pity. Through the
rejection of these negative temptations, we are free to invoke this name and
thus ignite the power of miracles.
Eliminate negative thoughts


Water Pound Capricorn
40 30 70
140 = 5

When obsessive thoughts invade us, such as: worry, anxiety, fear,
pessimism, uncertainty and negative fantasies; We can retract our minds and
focus on thoughts that move us forward and not backward.

Thoughts do not originate in the physical matter of the brain. The brain is just
a radio that transmits the thoughts of the rational mind. The actual
transmission comes from two different sources: the force of Light and the
force of Darkness. They are like two separate broadcast stations that are on
the air 24 hours a day.

The Dark force of the ego has control over the waves of our mind, 24 hours a
day and seven days a week, at full volume, negative and egocentric thoughts
dominate our consciousness. This force of Darkness is the source of all our
fears and doubts. In comparison, the thoughts that come from the Light are
almost not noticed. Only when we manage to tune out the signal transmitted
by the force of Darkness, do we manage to hear the faint sound of our own

Recurring thoughts include: uncertainty, constant worry, apprehension and

excessive fear; to the point where we feel plagued by anxiety. Negative
thoughts also include those terrible things we think about other people when
they wrong us, or those harsh judgments toward others when we envy them.
Obsessive-compulsive behavior also begins with uncontrollable negative
ideas. By reducing our negative mental process we free the mind and
automatically repress obsessive behavior.

A cold heart is an opening for an onslaught of harmful and unproductive

thoughts. When our hearts become open and warm, we seal those openings
once and for all.


We are now disconnecting the destructive thoughts that emanate from the
ego. In the space that has opened, soft rays of spiritual Light flood our hearts
and minds.



Fire Aries Water
300 5 40
345 = 12 = 3

The concept of illness extends beyond the evil that afflicts the body. This
includes the "poor health" of a business, an "ailment" in a relationship, and
emotional "illness" such as anxiety and depression. With the right tool we
can heal all forms of illness.

There are two ways to fully activate the healing power:

1. Think about others. Let's meditate on the people who also need healing.
When healing energy passes through us to assist others, we automatically
receive the benefits ourselves. The more we share, the more we receive.

2. Be responsible. We must leave the victim mentality. We must understand

that it was something we did, in this life or a past life, that
brought the disease. Immediate causes such as the food we eat or our
genetic makeup are simple weapons that inflict disease on us. Those are not
causes, but the effects.

Blaming someone or something absolves us of personal responsibility. But if

we accept our responsibility 100%, then and only then, the tools of the 72
Names of God awaken the Light of the Creator so that we can be healed.


The power of this Name brings healing energy to the deepest level of our
being, as we accept responsibility for our current state and condition, and
focus on others who also need healing.

The dream state


Aries Pound Pound
5 30
65 = 11 = 2

According to Kabbalah, our physical universe is not all there is, but is only
one of many dimensions. These other dimensions are accessible in different
ways, one of which is through dreams.

When we sleep, the chains of physical existences that daily entrap our soul
loosen and our souls are freed to ascend into the spiritual atmosphere where
they receive nourishment, power, and the occasional attunement. In this
nocturnal sojourn, our souls are in a domain beyond time and space. Past,
present and future become
one. The entire panorama of the human life span is shown, from birth to
Our souls have a vision of future events, both positive and negative. These
visions are filtered into our body, where they take the form of dreams.
Dreams contain truths and lies. If we are spiritual, dreams are predominantly
true. If we are self-centered, our dreams will be deceptive. These influences
affect us subconsciously, affecting the decisions we make in life. The truer
our dreams are, the wiser our decisions will be, and vice versa.

If we can decipher the messages of our dreams and nightmares, consciously

and unconsciously, we will understand that we have to change in ourselves.
Spiritual changes are the proactive way to deflect negative effects and
judgments that may come our way.


With this Name we dream truthfully. Our soul ascends to safe and loving
places during the night. We wake up every morning recharged, invigorated
and renewed in body and spirit, wiser.

The DNA of the soul


Air Sun Air
20 1
22 = 4

When life seems fragmented and disjointed, we can create order by

from chaos, tranquility from this confusion and calm from this commotion,
returning everything to its original perfect state; returning to the DNA of
our lives.
Before the beginning of time, the infinite Light of the Creator was hidden to
a point of darkness, a space in which the Universe could be born. He
purpose was to build a place where there was no Light or order, where
we could through our own efforts to share and choose
good over evil, create our own spiritual Light.

To hide the infinite Light, ten "curtains" were erected, each reducing
a little more the Light of the Creator, until a place was created where almost
Light existed. This is our world of chaos, confusion and the Second
Thermodynamic Law that declares, among other things, that everything
must ultimately
decay and degenerate; all things must become more and more
ordered. This is known as entropy.

The 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet are the instruments of Creation. They
constitute the DNA of our Universe and our soul, This Name tells us
connect with the full power of these 22 forces of Creation, which is
really a good thing, because it brings renewal, order and creative power to
areas where we desperately need them.


Here we receive nothing less than the full impact of the forces of
Creation. We restore meaning to lives that are often
feel meaningless and give purpose to a world that often
It seems aimless.

Order returns. The structure emerges. Everything is set.

Deactivate negative energy and stress


Moon Aries Sun
400 5
425 = 11 = 2
When we find ourselves in places overflowing with negative energy; Yeah
we come into contact with people who radiate darkness, rage or hatred;
pressure increases, this Name will neutralize any and all
negative forces, including stress and nervous tension.

We all have a spiritual field of energy that extends a little further

beyond two meters from our bodies. Even though we can't see this
field with the naked eye, is as real as the invisible atoms in the air, and as
undeniable and influential like the invisible force of gravity.

Whenever this field is charged with negative or stressful energy,

we find ourselves in a lower state of being, suffering
of sadness, stress, depression, hostility, fear and uncertainty. EITHER
just feeling miserable. Unpleasant places and people
pessimistic influence our lives when we come into contact with
they. Our personal space is violated, charged with disturbing energy
to the detriment of our well-being.


The purifying Light banishes ominous invisible forces and deactivates the
harmful influences that lurk closely, including those that inhabit
inside us.

The stress fades away. The pressure is released. balance and energy
positive permeate our environment.
Angelic influences


Virgo Gemini Aries
10 7 5
22 = 4
The Universe is abuzz with angelic forces, both negative and
positive. An angel is a particle of spiritual energy. like particles
subatomic atoms, angels flit into and out of existence through
our words, thoughts and actions.

Our senses and consciousness are limited on purpose. Consequently,

The power of angels remains alien to our vision and is elusive.
for the rational mind. Like wind, gravity or radiation,
influence of angels is very real.

When, for example, you slipped and fell for no apparent reason; you hit
finger with a hammer; you made a really stupid decision; either
you experienced a bad streak that seemed to have no end; this is the
of negative angelic forces at work. Good fortune is
result of the influence of positive angels.

The acts and words that involve: sharing, tolerance, compassion and
self-control over our ego and over its constant flow of judgments,
they ignite positive forces. They also put an end to the existence of angels
negatives. Behavior that reflects selfishness and intolerance creates
negative forces.


By using this Name we now have access to the network of angels.

We eliminate negative angels and their chaotic influence from our lives.
We ignite the force of positive angels. All this power is activated
through our sincere commitment to transform our character.
looks can kill
Protection against the evil eye


Mars Pound Air
4 30 1
35 = 8
The masters of antiquity describe this Name as a weapon of
powerful and invincible war. Secure victory in the greatest e
important battle in the history of humanity: the conflict against our
own evil eye and that of others.

According to the Zohar: a person who has the evil eye carries with him the
eye of evil.
negative destructive force, which is why it is called "destroyer of the world"
and the
People should be on guard against them and not approach them, to avoid
injured by them.

The eyes have tremendous powers. The human eye has the ability to
transmit both positive and negative energy. The term "evil eye"
refers to the negative glances and resentful looks we receive from the
people who give rise to destructive feelings against us. The
Kabbalists attribute many of the daily misfortunes to the evil eye.

Likewise, when we cast the evil eye against other people we create a
greater openness in ourselves, attracting even more negative glances
and the harmful effects that accompany them. We become more vulnerable
as our spiritual defenses are weakened. The evil eye
It does damage equal to the one who throws it and the one who receives it.


Our own desire to cast the evil eye on others is diminished. A shield
of positive energy surrounds us, offering protection from peeks
negative comments, envious looks and bad intentions from others.
Dispel the vestiges of evil


Taurus Air Pound
6 1 30
37 = 10 = 1

If we feel that our skin is tingling, that the hair on the back of our neck stands
or we feel uneasiness when entering a place, it is usually the result of the
negative forces in our environment. This Name neutralizes those forces.

When we move to a new house or establish our business in

a new place, we are affected by any negative activity of whoever
It previously occupied that space. Evil and negativity leave a
residue. When we find ourselves in their presence, these remains of
The negativity left behind dramatically impacts our lives.
We can even feel them at the table of a restaurant if the customers
who were sitting there before us were people
extremely unpleasant.

When everything goes wrong at home or at work, the culprit is often

hidden is the residue of evil. Life is chaotic enough and
Frenetic as it is. Truly, no one needs more evil powers.
that derail your daily efforts.

This Name purifies places and spaces where vestiges of

evil, perversity and spiritual darkness.


All negative forces are expelled from any place where

let us dwell. The Light of this Name deactivates negative and cleans energy
our environment.
unconditional love

Capricorn Aries Aries
70 5 5
80 = 8

"Love your neighbor as yourself, everything else is a comment."

Loving our neighbors or our enemies has nothing to do with

morality or ethics. Kabbalah teaches that love is a formidable weapon to
promote our cause in life, which is simply to obtain joy and
true satisfaction. In other words, we benefit.

Love is a weapon of Light, it has the power to eradicate all forms of

darkness. This is the key. When we offer love, even to our
enemies, we destroy their darkness and hatred, which are the reason why
who became our enemies. What's more, we throw out
of us the darkness that we have inside. What remains are two souls
who now recognize the spark of divinity they both share.

This Name also awakens love in our spouse, friends, family,

and for ourselves. After all, we can only share what
we possess. Therefore, we cannot love our neighbor or our
spouse if we do not possess love for ourselves. Let's use this name to
dissolve any animosity and bitterness that might arise after
an argument with loved ones.


Like attracts like! Emulating the unconditional love of the Creator for all
humanity, we bring love into our own lives. We create harmony between
our being and others, and between humanity and the natural world.
Heaven on earth


Pound Gemini Virgo
30 7 10
47 = 11 =
2 case and even the death are
It may be hard to believe, but the
temporary distractions from this physical world, necessary for the game of
life. Our true purpose is to have endless happiness and existence
eternal. We can create heaven on Earth.

The concept of heaven on Earth refers to both individual peace and

global. This same principle is also true in relation to the concept
of the Messiah. There is a personal messiah and a universal messiah.

We must first achieve our own internal liberation and recovery through
through personal transformation. We must achieve a state of messiah
within ourselves. Only when the individual transformation in the
world reaches critical mass, universal peace, harmony, and a messiah
global will materialize before our very eyes. Seen in this way, the
global messiah is not a savior, but rather a seal and a sign that
enough individuals have transformed their lives and in turn to our

Everything, including our destiny to enjoy heaven on Earth, begins

and ends with our own individual behavior. This Name accelerates the
process at each level.


We ignite the Light of the messiah within ourselves, within others

and throughout the planet. The concept of heaven on Earth becomes
conceivable and achievable.

farewell to arms


Aries Saturn Water
5 2 40
47 = 11 = 2

The solutions to achieve peace are never political, philosophical or

military. Violence, even when justified, is merely combat
darkness with more darkness. The solutions must be found in the
Spiritual light and in the human soul.

Conflict and war between nations begins with friction between

individuals. A nation at war is the effect of the spiritual darkness that
It is born from hostility and intolerance between the individuals who make
up the
nation. While brothers and friends can find a reason
to clash with each other, nations will be able to invent reasons to enter
in bloody battles.

We have been deceived into believing that our actions against others
They have no impact on the rest of the world. The interactions between two
People not only contribute to the state of the world, but each
Interaction completely transforms the world. But it is difficult to detect
this global transaction, because the actions of everyone else also
They are transforming the planet at all times. The state of the world is
merely the sum total of human interaction.

When enough people make the effort to find the good in

neighbor, suddenly and miraculously nations will discover ways to achieve
a lasting harmony.

Here is the long-hidden formula for world peace. This one begins
with us. Peace flourishes when we offer unconditional tolerance to
our neighbors. Be aware, with complete conviction, that our
efforts are changing the entire world at this very moment.

Just as the light from a light bulb chases away the darkness in a room, a
conflict on all scales, whether between people arguing over a place
where to park or between nations arguing over an oil field,
is brought to a peaceful end through the Light of this Name.

Long range vision


YOU Mercury Aries
Virgo 200 5
10 215 = 8
Our lives are often full of anguish and problems,
simply because we fail to really "see" the situation at hand.
we confronted. But suppose we could foresee all the
consequences of the future right now...

Kabbalah teaches that there are ten curtains implanted in our

consciousness, limiting the ability to perceive reality. As a result,
We fail to make adequate judgments of situations. Can
embark on a relationship, confident that we have made the decision
correct, but this becomes the worst mistake of our life. The
business opportunities that seem lucrative, in the end become
financial black holes.

Likewise, situations that initially seem hopeless

They can be blessings in disguise. Lacking the ability to see the
long-term consequences generated by short-term decisions
In the long run, we have a maddening tendency to make erroneous

Before entering into a marriage, forming a partnership

business or start any new venture, we can use this
Name to determine if we will encounter problems within ten
or fifteen years.

We have the power of clear vision and foresight in every part of our
life. The bandages are removed. We capture the cause and effect
relationship that
governs all reality.

Our choices and actions in life are motivated by

final results and not by momentary illusions. We see more through
our eyes, we perceive more through our mind's eye, we feel
more through our intuition.

Get rid of depression


Water Pisces Aries
40 100 5
145 = 10 = 1

Life is full of obstacles and tests that sometimes make us

fall. When we lose our balance and fall face down, it is
It is important to get up again instead of sinking into doubt and doubt.
depression. And dust ourselves off.

Ascending the spiritual ladder requires much more greatness and

strength that is needed to conquer nations, build empires
or obtain great riches.

The negative forces (our ego) that inhabit the world use a plan of
two stages against us:

1. They make us fall.

2. They keep us down through feelings of guilt and depression,
caused by our failures.
Rising again generates in the world a spiritual Light of greater
magnitude than that which would be generated if we had never fallen. The
fact of
Falling is not the important thing. True greatness lies in the act of
get up again.

But depression is a very seductive emotional state. In fact, it is very

tempting because it brings forth energy in the individual with a broken heart.
But the nature of this energy is negative and harmful, while the
spiritual energy of Light is positive and transformative.

When we come out of our depression, with the intention of revealing Light to
world, positive energy surrounds us, bringing with it great
blessings and immense joy for all of existence.


We are granted the emotional strength to remain standing after a

stumble, to get up after we have fallen and to resist when the
road seems unbearable.

The big escape


Taurus Air Pound
6 1 30
37 = 10 = 1

We are hostage to the constant pressure to outperform friends and

We are enslaved by our reactive whims and selfish desires.
We are captive to our jobs and our economic pressures.
We are prisoners of the way others perceive us. We are
imprisoned by our need for other people to accept us.
The ego is the foundation of all forms of misery. It forces us to convince
to others that we are right, even when we are wrong
and even when we know we are wrong. The ego gives us the
illusion that we are acting freely, but in reality we are being
prisoners of their desires.

When a person denies having an ego, that is nothing other than the ego.
working hard, patrolling the prison. If an individual cannot
recognize your own ego in a given situation, this is because the
ego blinded the person, placing them in solitary confinement.

The ego is a ball and chain that anchors us to the physical dimension, and
They block our connection to spiritual growth. However, it is
Only in the spiritual realm where we can find true joy
and realization.


This Name brings the greatest of all freedoms: escape from desires
based on our ego, selfish inclinations, and "me" mentality
first". Instead, we gain the lasting and true gifts of
life: family, friendship and fulfillment.



Virgo Pound Sun
10 30 20
60 = 6

Sometimes a couple finds it difficult to conceive a child. This

Name is the spiritual DNA of fertility.
If we mistakenly believe that we are the ultimate source of our
abundance, blessings and miracles, then our life inevitably
It becomes as arid as a desert. Souls become sterile due to
an exaggerated sense of personal importance.

Giving birth to children, new ideas, or a business solution all require

the divine force of fertility. Fertile minds and fertile bodies
produce the kind of miracles and blessings that lead us to fulfillment,
in the deepest of senses. Recognize and appreciate this truth
deep starts this Name and puts it into action.


Abundance and fertility fill our being. We are impregnated with the
power of procreation. We can also meditate on other people
who are trying to start a family.

Connect with God


Taurus Taurus Pound
6 6 30
42 = 6

The Light is always there, it never changes, it always has the will and the
ability to fulfill each and every one of our desires, to
answer our every prayer. Just like electricity in our
homes, it is always present, but we must connect to it to
physically receive its many benefits.

There are many negative forces that try to block and prevent the passage of
our prayers as they travel through the spiritual wiring.
We create those negative forces with our own
negative behavior and unkind words. In the same way that
Rain freezes and as ice can disable a transmission line,
Our cold and bitter behavior disrupts the lines of
communication with the source of all blessings.

This Name removes all obstructions, as long as

Let us recognize that we are the only ones responsible for ensuring that
our prayers be answered. Repairs downed lines, eliminates
interference and establishes a secure line of communication with the World


We mark. We connect. Our prayers are answered

speed of light".

Victory over addictions


Pound Aries Venus
30 5 80
115 = 7

Our body's selfish desires were given complete dominion

about the aspirations of our soul, so that we could gain
the Light of fulfillment through the challenges that accompany the
transformation. Consequently, it will always be easier to succumb to the
reactive and selfish impulses than acting with tolerance and kindness
others, especially when we are constantly harassed by
irritating people.

It requires no effort to blindly and carelessly follow the

whims of the ego. But it takes strength and endurance to make it happen.
May the true desires of the soul be victorious.
However, this is a battle that cannot be won by humans.
by themselves. We need the assistance of the Light of the Creator if we are
reclaim control over our lives and unleash the power of our
souls We can make victory ours.


Let us remember any bad habit or negative trait of our character.

those that we have not been able to get rid of. This Name ensures that
we will obtain victory over the forces of the ego. We are imbued
for the emotional power and discipline to triumph over all impulses
selfish and negative desires.

Eradicate the pest


Sun Pound Scorpio
20 30 50
100 = 1

The Kabbalists tell us that the concept of plague has a broader meaning.
wider than the biblical hail, frogs and darkness. The plagues of our
generation are much more subtle and deceptive. There is no need to
feeling paralyzed and hopeless; we can eliminate the seed of the

The influence of time and space blinds us to the reality of

modern plagues lurking among us. This Name is an antidote
for the deep cause of all the plagues that can afflict our

Think about pollution, nuclear waste, depression,
hatred or any other plague that infects the world. Now let's call the
Light to eliminate these pests at the root.

Stop fatal attraction


Virgo Virgo Virgo
10 10 10
30 = 3

Negative and destructive people often find their way into our
lives. At first they can be fun, friendly and very pleasant to
have close We may think that they want to be close friends or that
They genuinely want to help us. But they end up stealing our
energy and deprive us of our spiritual Light. As a result, our
defenses weaken and we become vulnerable physically, mentally,
emotionally and

2,000 years ago the high priests of the holy temple of Jerusalem
They used this powerful Name to extinguish negative energy and
restore lost spiritual Light through contact with a person
negative and evil.


Here we become the supreme priests in the temple of our

own being. Through the power of this Name our soul is imbued with
divine energy and evil people are chased away from our presence.
Share the flame


Aries Pound Water
5 30 40
75 = 12 = 3

A single candle lessens the darkness of a large auditorium; but none

No amount of darkness can extinguish its flickering flame. Even if the
darkness expanded, this would have no effect on the brightness
radiant from the candle. Darkness and evil have no power in
presence of Light. The relationship between Light and darkness in the world
Everyday life reveals a deep secret of spirituality. The darkness alone
can exist in the absence of Light.

Sharing the wisdom of these 72 Names with another soul is like lighting
a candle in the darkness of our world, because knowledge and
The letters themselves are the content and substance of the spiritual Light.
The more
We share these tools, the more we will diminish our own
selfish nature and the darkness of the world.

The letters of this Name are derived from a biblical verse in the Tree of
Life, and its power is to bring immortality and endless joy. Kabbalah
teaches that the Tree of Life is a coded reference to the World
Superior, where 99% of reality resides. This infinite hidden dimension
It is the true source of all joy, wisdom and enlightenment.


Let's focus on sharing the Light with our friends, our family and
with the entire great family that is humanity. Let us carry this Name with
us to the real world and share these tools with others.
Let's ask for the strength to be able to do what we say.

In our minds, let us visualize the openings and opportunities in the

world to achieve the global dissemination of this ancient wisdom.
Let us know that this Name is awakening the forces of immortality and
increasing joy in the world. Let us not expect or demand anything less.



Taurus Aries Cancer
6 5 8
19 = 10 = 1

When the world's problems weigh too heavily on us (poverty,

famine, disease, terrorism, hate) we can do something about it.
We can address the root cause: our own jealousy.

The elevated region of the Upper World is moved when our own
world is moved. The concepts of "up and down" refer to both
the physical and spiritual aspects of human beings (the body
and the soul) and the higher and lower commotions of the cosmos and the
Everything is united in a single bustling dance of Creation.

The chaos and conflict that afflict our generation originate in the
negative forces that swirl in the higher worlds. But you are
dark forces have their origin in the individual and collective actions of
humans. They are the echo of our own destructive actions.

Although it is difficult for us to accept it, our hurtful words, our

Jealous looks and envious thoughts about others have an effect
negative on the spiritual realm, which generates personal suffering and
global. To eradicate the darkness and chaos of human existence,
we must extinguish the parallel forces in the higher worlds by means
of the power of this Name.

We ascend to the Upper World to diminish the forces of darkness
caused by our jealous looks and envious thoughts. TO
instead we reduce the pain and suffering of the world.

Say what you think


Aries Moon Scorpio
5 400 50
455 = 14 = 5

When we need to tell the truth but find it difficult, let's use
this Name as soon as our heart begins to beat rapidly.
In the same way, when we need to open ourselves to hard truths about
of ourselves, let us use this Name at the same moment in which we
Let's get on the defensive.

It is difficult to be lovingly honest with others. When a

opportunity to confront someone with the truth, we lock ourselves in;
Our hearts race and adrenaline is released at the mere sight of
possibility of saying what we think.

The fear of telling or hearing the truth is the biggest obstacle we face.
we face in our desire to experience relationships that are
genuinely satisfying, honest and loving. When we save ourselves
something, that "something" separates us from the other person. If we are
not open to
listening to the words of others without reacting or taking them personally,
We distance ourselves from those individuals.

It's always easier to tell people what they want to hear. With
Often, it is more comfortable to agree with someone, even if in
Our hearts do not agree. And since it can also be
frightening to confront painful realities about ourselves,
our friends and family may feel obligated to tell us only
what we want to hear.


When we need to tell the truth, this Name gives us the necessary courage
to open both our hearts and our mouths. When we need
hear the truth, this Name gives us strength to open our ears and close
our mouth

Order from chaos


Air Air Aries
1 1 5

The numerical value of this particular Name is seven, a highly

significant in Kabbalah. The Kabbalists say that there are ten
dimensions that form reality. The highest of these ten
dimensions, called: "The Higher Three", exist outside of our
physical reality. However, the lower seven interact directly
with our physical world. For this reason, the number seven appears in
many parts: seven colors of the spectrum, seven notes on the musical scale,
seven seas, seven continents, seven days of the week and rest on
Seventh day.

Things can go terribly wrong in this world, and in our lives,

when these seven dimensions are not aligned.
Harmony always lies behind chaos. With this Name the
balance and serenity between the seven days of the week. Order emerges
chaos. Not only will our toast not fall with the greased side of
butter down, it just won't fall.

Silent partner


Moo Mercury Virgo
n 200 10
400 610 = 7
Everyone who comes into this world must choose a "silent partner": the
Dark Force or the Light of the Creator. Let's make our choice.

There are two types of wealth: spiritual and physical. The way in which
How they divide these spiritual and physical assets depends on the silent
partner who
let's choose, after all, every partner wants a piece of the action.

If we choose the Dark Force as our silent partner, we

will allow you to maintain 100% of material wealth, but requires 90% of
our spiritual Light, of which it will return 10% to us, in the form of
some momentary gratification. So, the Dark Force uses 90%
of the remaining Light to strengthen itself and wreak havoc on the world
and in our private lives.

If we choose the Light as our silent partner, we retain 100% of

the Light and 90% of physical wealth. The only thing we have to do is pay a
tithe, 10% to the Light in the form of charity. The concept of tithing, donating
10% of our income, also aims to eliminate the
influence of the Dark Force on our lives.

If the negative force belongs attached to our financial support,

Finally, its influence will make our good fortune disappear. He
Donating the tithe does not diminish our well-being. On the contrary, it
brings greater
prosperity and joy to all areas of our lives. The partner effect
Silent implies that we always have one or the other with us. The
choice is ours.


Giving the tithe and meditating on this sequence of letters eliminates the
of the Dark Force of our income and its destructive influence of
our life. Now the Light is our silent partner, bringing us a
endless blessings and protection. It's a partnership made in heaven!



Aries Air Fire
5 1 300
306 = 9
When a single unified soul is ready to enter this dimension
material, it is first divided into two halves, one masculine and the other
While these two halves of the same soul undergo
transformations in the physical world, whether through suffering and
painful trials or through proactive spiritual transformation, they leave
progressively getting closer to each other. The union of these two halves of
the same soul is an inevitable destiny, but the moment when this
What happens depends on your level of spirituality.

When the time is right, true soulmates meet.

find each other, even if they are a world away, whether physically, in
opposite sides of the planet, or spiritually, with lifestyles and
very different backgrounds.

The concept of soulmates is not only defined by marriage. He

The concept of soulmates also applies to relationships with
friends, with colleagues and with partners in all types of companies


This sequence of letters activates the energy of soul mates. We attract

the other half of our soul. All our existing relationships
deeply enriching, being impregnated with the energy of the soul

Eliminate hate


Virgo Virgo Mercury
10 10 200
220 = 4

All destruction, including natural disasters, occurs for a reason:

humanity's hatred of our fellow human beings. Kabbalah teaches that
tornadoes, floods, earthquakes and diseases are born from
collective hatred that burns in our hearts. The so-called disasters
Natural resources do not exist, despite what our insurance policies tell us.
insurance. Human behavior and the human heart are the only factors
determinants regarding what happens in our environment and what
It happens among the nations.

If a person witnesses any form of hate, whether on their own street

or anywhere in the world, this means that this person still has
some measure of hatred that lingers in his own soul. If we save the most
slight vestige of hatred and animosity towards another person, for anyone
Whether the reason is valid or invalid, whether we are aware of it or
Let us deny, we will bring destruction to the world. By cleansing the hatred
of our
hearts we can remedy all the problems of the world,
immediately, at the root level.

Let's be painfully honest, let's recognize every person or group of

people towards whom we feel anger, envy, malice, absolute disgust or
any combination of these feelings.

With the Light of this Name, let us let these feelings fall as a
load of dirty clothes in the washing machine.

Build bridges


Water Taurus Air
40 6 1
47 = 11 = 2

When our prayers go unanswered, when there is more darkness

What Light in our lives, when confusion reigns over order, there is
one reason for this: we have severed our connection to the perfect kingdom
of the Upper World.

This is one of the few Names that can be pronounced as

word, when pronounced it sounds like "OM" and is the origin of the mantra
that is sung so much in eastern spiritual systems.

Doing a visual meditation on these unique shapes generates

the highest connection in the Upper World. Create a bridge between
physical reality and the primary source of joy and satisfaction in the

However, in building a bridge to the Upper World, we must

also build bridges with the people in our lives, friends
and also enemies. We must first repair some relationships in
our lives. We cannot obtain one without the other.

With the power of this Name, we extend a helping hand to individuals

with whom we are in conflict, even if they owe us money. We wake up
compassion and muster the courage to pick up the phone and
call that person right now, right now! By doing this,
We will be building a bridge to the Upper World.



Saturn Sun Pound
2 twent 30
52 =
Finish what you started
Obstacles, both external and self-imposed, often keep us
prevent us from achieving our objectives. It's easy to feel excited and have
optimism at the beginning of a new effort. However, there are many
types of challenges that often prevent us from achieving our goals.
So we procrastinate and postpone, and our passion weakens. The
Internal obstacles include fear, frustration, the tendency to forget,
doubt and laziness.

External challenges come in all shapes and sizes, but they are
just a test. The imposing and proverbial brick wall that
we see in front of us is usually a soft, padded curtain,
artistically painted and cleverly disguised to look like
a brick wall. Just to prevent us from even trying to
go through it.

No one said the path to personal achievement and spiritual greatness was
But it is a path that can be followed successfully and reach the destination.
final, while we observe and enjoy a picturesque landscape.

We are endowed with the power to finish whatever we begin, in

especially tasks and goals of a spiritual nature.



Mercury Fire Tauru
200 300 s
506 = 11 = 2 6

When we make a serious mistake in our lives and we end up

paying it handsomely, we swear not to repeat it again. We have learned
our lesson, we tell ourselves. But as the
Over time the pain caused by the error gradually disappears and
We forget the high price we pay.

According to Kabbalah, the opportunity to make the same mistake

inevitably comes back to us, this time in a slightly
different, whether through a different circumstance or with someone
distinct. But the underlying problem is exactly the same. Must
confront this mistake again and again until we become part of
us the lesson and eliminate the negative trait that initially made us
fall. Every time we make the same mistake, our pain and our ego
They increase.


The power of memory arises in our consciousness. The teachings of the

life are deeply imprinted on our being, including the lessons and
wisdom contained in the very pages of this book.
This Name also erases negative memories and activates greater
retention capacity of our memory.
Reveal the dark side


Taurus Cancer Virgo
6 8 10
24 = 6

Our purpose in life is to find the Light that was hidden in the
moment of Creation. This purpose can be fulfilled if we manage to locate
the hiding place, which is each and every one of our negative traits.

We can arrive in this world blessed with 99.99% nature

positive, but there may still be a small negative trait, almost
microscopic, hidden somewhere inside. If we ignore it, life will give us
small taps on the head. If we continue to ignore them and
We ask: why me? The blows will become stronger.

When sunlight shines through the cracks of a blind, thousands of

Dust particles are visible in light rays. But until the
sunlight, we could not detect the dust and dirt that swirled
in the air.

The Light of this Name works in the same way. When we allow
this spiritual Light shine in our lives, reveal any traits
egocentric that still stains our nature. Let's activate this Name
when we are asking ourselves, "What did I do?"


The Light shines. We recognize the negative forces still active within
us. Our reactive impulses no longer represent a mystery. With the
power of this Name are history.
forget about yourself


Cancer Aries Pound
8 5
43 = 7 30

We constantly get in the way of ourselves. We believe that we are

smart, intelligent and capable of solving our own problems
problems, without any help from above. This Name sets us aside
nudge and allow the Light to come in and do the work.

The Tree of Life refers to the Higher World that exists beyond
our five senses; an infinite dimension full of Light and energy
divine. The Tree of Life is a realm of absolute perfection.

When we heal from an illness, the Light of healing has blossomed upon
this kingdom. When we are financially successful, the force of prosperity is
derives from this dimension. When a life is created, the life force that
sustains all creatures is emitted from this idyllic reality. But
There is a warning: the Tree of Life will bring down one of its branches to
this world only if there is an intense desire to cling to its branches.
Deep longings summon the Tree of Life. But one thing prevents
that we do it: the ego.

We are our worst enemies. We allow our egos

get in the way of our success. We hold on to our opinions.
The more people contradict us, the more we cling to our ideas.
It pains us enormously to abandon the points of view that we have
sustained for a long time.

It is human nature to use whatever energy is required to

prove a point no matter the cost. As a result, we are seduced to take
decisions that gratify the ego but harm the common good. Frequently
We reject the ideas of others because they did not originate in our own
ingenious little heads. We may even secretly long for failure (even
when it harms us) if a plan originates from someone who ignored
of our council.

Now we transcend our own limits, in such a way that we achieve

cling to the Tree of Life. Happiness comes to meet us now
that the ego is no longer at center stage. We master the art of avoidance
get in our own way by letting go of all obstinacy.

sexual energy


Pisces Taurus Sun
100 6 20
126 = 9

Sex sparks with intense energy and provokes a state of consciousness

high. But it is not enough that we light the flame, we must also
have the courage to tune in. By tuning into the spiritual purpose of sex,
we ignite passion in our sexual energy. this Name is ours
key for ignition.

We tend to see sex as a mechanical game, rather than an act

sacred full of spirituality that is capable of generating lasting pleasure. In
Kabbalah, the cosmic and the erotic are closely linked.

There is a well-defined connection between the vast Universe and our life
personal sexual The attraction, the excitement, the caresses, the friction, the
sparks and the fusion of two people making love have implications
enormous mystics. The kiss or sensual caresses of a loved one
They contain sparks of Light.

Every time the masculine and the feminine come together in love, our world
physical unites with the Higher World, bringing Light to all existence. For the
Therefore, making love is also "making Light"... for the couple united in the
hug and for the world in general. It is an experience that can only
be described as: divine sex.

The key to this unification is to avoid selfish sex. The egocentric desire
and the ego prevent the cosmic connection from being made, and it is at
that moment that
sexual energy begins to be lost in our own relationships.


We purify our desires so that we share love and

energy with our partner, putting their desires above the
our. We ignite sexual energy so that our passion helps
elevate all existence. We recover the Light that was lost due to
any previous selfish sexual activity.

Without fear


Mars Scorpio Water
4 50 40
94 = 13 = 4

Life is not about going around dealing with fears, nor is it about going
surviving bouts of anxiety, or just going through
panic attacks. Life is about achieving absolute happiness, freedom
total and true satisfaction. Don't settle for less.

Before reaching paradise and plenitude, we must first travel through a

arid desert. Before there is Light, there is darkness. Our effort
personal for creating Light in the darkness expresses the deepest desire of
humanity: being the true cause of our own happiness. Were
all the souls of humanity who chose this path of
transformation and realization.

Often, our fears are the biggest obstacles we face.

they oppose us. They can get in the way and become a burden to our
existence, to the point where we care merely about how
deal with them. To forget about dealing with them, use this Name, which is
about healing.

The fear that incapacitates is nothing more than an illusion. Fear is a

deception and
We must avoid this deception, because just on the other side of fear lies the
paradise. If we run from our fears, we are running from fulfillment.
of our deepest desires and needs.


Let's ask ourselves: "What am I afraid of?" The courage to conquer our
Fear now rises within us. Confront our fears
proactively when they are a seed, allows us to get closer to the root.
We completely remove them from our being.

The complete picture


Virgo Scorpio Air
10 50 1
61 = 7

When we want to understand what life really is, these letters help us
They give the complete picture, which always includes the blessings that are
hidden in the obstacles and challenges we face.
It's easy to get bogged down in the details of life and miss the big picture.
We take actions without considering their future consequences. But so
As the apple is contained in the seed, each effect that materializes
in our lives has its origin in a previous action carried out by

Seeing the big picture means learning to become the creators of

our own satisfaction: realizing that Light is the source of all
joy, and not settle for less. It means understanding the purpose
behind a problem and the potential Light that awaits us when
We confront our problems proactively.


This Name raises our awareness of the long-term effects

They have all our actions. We see the full picture of the challenges
spiritual at all times, before they can become the
foundation of chaos and crisis.

circuit system


Water Capricorn Cancer
40 70 8
118 = 10 = 1

The constant desire to receive only for oneself creates a bottomless pit, a
black hole that finally leaves us in darkness. The dark side of
Our nature tells us that when we share we are doing
a favor to others. Our ego makes us unaware of the fact that
we receive when we give something to others.

We can selfishly and ambitiously seize everything that life

offers, or we can appreciate what we receive and, from that, share a
portion with others. Receiving to share creates a circuit, a constant flow
of good fortune in our lives.

The secret behind sharing lies in the numerical value of this

Name of God in particular: 118, exactly the same numerical value of
the Hebrew word meaning: "will take."

When we share, we are actually taking and receiving

blessings in return. But if we share with an awareness that
we are "giving up something" or "doing someone a favor," the
circuit. Just like the Light trapped in a black hole, the blessings that
would correspond to us are incapable of reaching us.


This Name helps us to receive when we share and to share when

We received. We see the opportunity that sharing gives and we are aware
that when we receive with the right attitude, we are also
sharing. This is the circuitry of life. Let's connect to it,
Let's get out of the black hole and enter the Light.

diamond in the rough


Capricorn Aries Mercury
70 5 200
275 = 14 = 5
Diamonds are the crystalline form of carbon. The pressure at which
Subdues a piece of coal for millions of years and turns it into a
gemstone. In the same way, all of life's problems can
transform into brilliant opportunities. With this Name this does not have
that take millions of years.
The moment we change our consciousness and recognize the value
spiritual hidden within the difficulties we face, it creates a
new and shining diamond. The greater our obstacles,
more resplendent is the diamond we create.

Kabbalah teaches that this Name is the secret spiritual tool

used by Moses to bring manna from heaven, when the Israelites were
hunger in the desert. The manna could have any flavor that the person
I wish Through this Name we obtain the power to change
darkness into Light, and burdens into blessings. We have the possibility
to transform all our circumstances into sources of joy and

But our own consciousness directly influences our reality. Yeah

our head is full of negativity, if we are absorbed in ourselves
ourselves or feel victimized by a problem, the piece of coal
It will continue to be a simple piece of coal. Even the diamonds that
we possess will inevitably slip through our fingers and become
They will lose, until we raise our consciousness.


With this Name we will achieve the complete transformation of situations

negatives into positive opportunities and blessings. The manna rains down
on us
darling. Life begins to have any flavor that our soul desires or

Speak with the correct words


Gemini Virgo Virgo
7 10 10
27 = 9
Words have power, they can hurt others, but they can also
impregnate ourselves with blessings and transform our reality. They turn on
spiritual forces that influence the events and circumstances of our lives
lives. For example: defamatory gossip increases in our world
The diseases. Defaming a person inflicts physical and spiritual damage to
the person.
victim and also the person who produces the defamatory words. Without
However, due to free will, these truths are hidden from
our rational minds because of the narrowness of selfish thinking, which
does not
It is innate and opposes any metaphysical question.

Our words emerge from our ego or from the Light. When we allow
Let the Light speak in our name, our speech fills others with
hope, blessings, love and inspiration.

We come into this world with a predetermined number of words

negative ones that we are allowed to utter. When this amount is exhausted,
death defeats us.


Let's silence our ego. Let's hit the mute button. Now let us invoke
to the Light so that it speaks in our name, on all occasions, of
so that each word elevates our soul and our entire existence.



Aries Aries Aries
5 5 5
15 = 6

Instead of handing over our destiny to: rabbis, priests, healers,

doctors, lawyers or other types of advisors, the 72 Names, and this Name
In particular, they give us the power to establish our own connection with
the Light and thus solve our problems.
When the souls of humanity were created, they inherited the DNA of their
Creator. According to the wise, this gene of God remains dormant
in our soul until we activate it through the technology of
Kabbalah. So, it is released in direct proportion to our
personal transformation and the ascension that we have achieved in the
spiritual ladder.

In the end, we have the power to solve all our problems. Actually,
God doesn't answer our prayers, we do.

As we grow, transform, elevate and evolve

spiritually by confronting our own chaos directly, not
evading through escapism or false spirituality, our own
spark of divinity and piety flashes with increasing brilliance
permanently. It is in us. It always has been.


With the divine energy contained in this sequence of letters, we are

connected with the power of the ancient high priests of the Temple of
Jerusalem, to heal and establish well-being in all areas of life.

Reveal the hidden


Sun Virgo Water
20 10 40
70 = 7

The ego distorts reality in such a way that we only see what it
He wants us to see. This Name ends the narrowness of our vision and
stops hallucinations, in such a way that we are able to perceive the truth in
our daily circumstances and see things as they really are.
Kabbalah teaches that concealment always precedes revelation. The
Genuine light of the Creator and the most important truths of life too
They are first hidden before being revealed. It depends on our
effort to reveal these truths, to restore the Light in the world and thus
eternally abolish pain and suffering from the panorama of human existence.
suffering, deception and hatred.


We bring out the powers of observation to see the truth, and the
courage to face it.

Defy gravity


Pound Taurus Tauru
30 6 s
42 = 6 6

Our true destiny is the control of all reality through

strength of our imagination, with the power of our thoughts
guided by the Light that is within our souls.

We all fantasize about having the power of mind over matter.

But according to Kabbalah we already have it, and we use it daily without
not even realizing it. The problem is that 99% of our
thoughts and our consciousness is controlled by the ego. Our
Negative thoughts influence physical reality to the detriment. All
The world's problems are the result of our negative consciousness and
egocentric Pessimism, doubts and cynicism become prophecies
that come to fruition.
It is ironic that our innate ability to have the power of
mind over matter is hidden from us only because
We don't believe it is true.

If we allow the desires of the ego to guide our existence, forever

we will be prisoners and subjects of physical matter and we will not be able
to go any further
beyond that, which is not very far. We must see beyond the illusions,
We have to unmask the participants in the costume ball.

If we allow the authentic longings of our souls to become

the first motivating force in life, in opposition to temptations
illusions of the material world, mind over matter will become
our new reality. We will achieve this through the continuous rejection of
egocentric behavior, thus we will gain the ability for the mind to
absolutely control the material world, in a positive way,
constructive and miraculous.


We release the power of mind over matter, of soul over ego and of
the spiritual over the physical. The goal is not to renounce the world
material, but in eliminating the control that it exercises over us, so that
We become the true captains of our own destiny.
Everything becomes possible.

Soften judgments


Aries Pound Virgo
5 30 10
45 = 9

Every word we say, every act we perform, is a boomerang that

we launch into the Cosmos. Inevitably, all these billions of
Boomerangs return to our lives, both the positive and the negative ones.
This Name helps us to bend down when the negative boomerangs
They pounce on us.

Even if we are not aware of it, any negative thought,

Even if it seems irrelevant, it causes destructive forces to enter the
game. Whenever we speak in an uncivilized or rude manner,
whenever we cheat or lie, steal, insult or harm
to other people, we create a force of judgment. These negative forces are
the invisible cause behind all the things that just happen to go wrong
in our lives. It may take minutes, months, or even years, but
We must finally confront the consequences of our actions

Right now there are obstacles present in our lives due to

force called judgment, and judgments survive us to the degree that
we inflict judgments on other people. But Kabbalah teaches
that our own words cannot serve as an accusation in
our against. We cannot decree a judgment on our own being.

Life is cleverly arranged in such a way that constantly

we know and offer friendship to people who make mistakes and sins
similar to ours. When we judge them, our own destiny
It is sealed at that very moment.

But suppose we could restrain ourselves from judging friends,

to the family and the unworthy enemies. If this were possible, the trials
against us they could never occur.


Through meditation on this sequence and with genuine penitence in

our hearts, we slow down or even revoke the judgments established in
our against. And let's take an extra long time to offer indulgence and
compassion to others, so that these godly qualities may be returned to us
in an equal proportion.
The power of prosperity


Pound Air Sagittari
30 1 us
91 = 10 = 1 60

When we want to achieve true success, without any unpleasant effects

Secondary, we must recognize that all good fortune originates in the Light
of the Creator. If we believe that we are the sole architects of our success,
the true creators of our prosperity, we are worshiping the ego
and overlooking the power of the Light.

That means we have been getting our financial support from

reactive system of human nature. We have been giving the ego the
control over our life. The ego has the power to bring profit
financial and material pleasure, but at great cost to the buyer.

Every time we acquire an asset valued and priced by our ego,

We give in exchange a treasured and dear asset of our soul. Are
They are the only real business transactions that matter in life.

With this Name we attract good fortune from the Light, through our
soul, not our ego.


Let us recognize that the Light of the Creator is the definitive source of all
prosperity and well-being. Now let us summon the forces of prosperity and
of sustenance, and ask for strength to keep our ego under control
when the checks start arriving.

Absolute certainty


Virgo Mercury Capricorn
10 200 70
280 = 10 = 1

There is only one way to make all the tools and power come together.
become useless and worthless. It is called: uncertainty. Yeah
we inject doubt into any aspect of the teachings, literally the
We disconnect and turn them off.

Let us remember that certainty is not only confidence that we will obtain what
we want.
we want. Certainty means recognizing that we are already getting what we
we need for spiritual growth.

It is true that when adversity strikes, doubts begin to arise in

our minds. We have uncertainty regarding the reality of the
Creator. We question justice in the Universe. We fear the future.
We point our accusing index at others or toward the sky. But when
We invoke the power of certainty, all these negative sensations are
They vanish like fog covering an immutable mountain.

In every area of life, the duration of chaos and pain is always

directly proportional to our own degree of uncertainty and lack
of responsibility.


Certainty, certainty, conviction, security, trust. All these

concepts fill our hearts through meditation on this
Global transformation


Pound Fire Capricorn
30 300 70
400 = 4

World peace begins within the individual. Before we can

To change the human condition, we must change ourselves. It is easy
campaign for the defense of a cause. It's much harder to see each other in
the mirror and begin the work of internal transformation.

If a beggar needs five dollars and a passerby has only five

cents, the latter cannot satisfy the needs of the beggar.
We can share only what we own. Before we can
embark on a mission to change the world, we must
transform ourselves, change our way of being and obtain
true joy and satisfaction in our own lives.

If there is any doubt, no matter how small, that our being needs
further correction, let us keep in mind this hard Kabbalistic truth: that which
Our eyes observe in the external world, all the evil and perversity,
It is nothing more than a mirror that reflects the remains of evil that lie
and undetected in our hearts.


Let us reflect on the spiritual truth that world peace

It begins with peace in our own hearts. With this name
We will accelerate our own transformation and strengthen the forces of
peace around the world.


Aries Virgo Water
5 10 40
55 = 10 = 1

Instead of trying to be right, we must recognize that there is a

highest truth: unity. We need to seek harmony with our
opponents, not because this is morally correct behavior, but
because unity brings us lasting spiritual Light. This serves our
best interests.

Two people can have opposite opinions and points of view

conflicting, however both can be right. The enmity and
Bitterness appears when people respond reactively to each other,
with intolerance regarding the other's point of view.

True spirituality does not take into consideration vague concepts

of right and wrong. Aspires to a higher truth: the notion of
unity, sensitivity and tolerance regarding other points of view.

It is only the ego that is concerned with whether or not it is wrong. The only
concern of the soul is unity, since unity engenders peace and

When we treat the points of view of others with dignity,

especially when it is painfully difficult to do so, often
We discover a new idea that brings blessings to our own lives.
This sacred Name must be used when we find ourselves stuck by
our way of being, clinging to our opinions held by
long and boiling with anger and frustration because of the
ideas and beliefs of others.

Through these letters we pass the true test of character
spiritual. We can see all sides of the problems we face.
present. We focus on unity and soul, as opposed to
division of oneself.



Taurus Aries Taurus
6 5 6
17 = 8

Many times we confuse temporary pleasure with lasting happiness,

because the traps of the physical world are very seductive and powerful.
When we are able to distinguish between the two, we find happiness
true. Pleasure is normally associated with egocentric desires,
while happiness is linked to the desires of the soul.

Generally, our desires emerge from the selfish side of our

nature. What we covet is not necessarily what will bring us
lasting satisfaction. Happiness eludes us when we pursue what we
we want, instead of what we need. Our desires and appetites
generally bring us bad fortune and disorder, after the pleasure
initial and gratification have dissipated.

We find true happiness when we spend our lives

transcending our ego-based impulses, in order to pursue with
determination what our souls need to transform and
rise. When we're busy doing what we came to do in the
Earth, in terms of spiritual work, we find deep satisfaction
every step of the way.

We find the strength to restrain selfish desires. Through this
Name we ask for what our soul really needs, not what our
ego wants. We feel deep gratitude for anything that
life has in store for us. This brings us happiness in the deepest sense.

Enough is never enough


Virgo Scorpio Mars
10 50 4
64 = 10 = 1

We make compromises in life. We settle for less. Us

We sell as soon as we experience some enjoyment and are done
selling us very cheap. This Name is about grabbing the enchilada

There are two realities: darkness and Light. We can be in one or in

other. But we tend to waste time in the gray. When we reach a
little Light in our lives, we tend to excuse the little darkness for the
that we still pamper. But we came here to get it all. The goal is
erase all the darkness and delight in absolute Light.

We like to believe that we are great thinkers. But in truth, we think

in small. It doesn't matter if we have billions of dollars in our hands.
bank accounts, or if we run one of those 500 companies that appear
in Fortune magazine, or if we run an entire country, for that matter it's the
same thing.

Thinking big means seeking everything, permanent happiness,

spiritual greatness, eternal joy, our true soulmate, the
immortality, peace on Earth forever, and leaving behind everything that
prevents us from reaching that promised land. Fifty billion
Dollars pale in comparison to endless satisfaction and
existence full of joy.
If we do not genuinely believe that these are achievable goals and our
destiny, then we will never be able to tell anyone that we know how
think big. Since the ego, the dark side of human nature,
tricked us into thinking small. Everything is possible. When the
we believe, we will see.


Our eyes and our hearts remain focused on the final goal in
all the time. We awaken persistence and passion for never (and that
means never) settle for less.

No guilt


Fire Cancer Aries
300 8 5
313 =
Repentance purifies, cancels judgments and nullifies the sentences of
death decreed against us in the Upper World.

The concept of repentance is very poorly understood, it has nothing to do

do with feeling guilty or afraid. Repentance is about
repair previous bad actions by feeling the pain we have caused to
others and abolishing the true negative trait responsible for their injury.

Through the power of repentance our souls travel to the precise

moment prior to our spiritual infraction. The damage is then
undone, as long as we have meditated deeply
remorse to eradicate the character trait that originally induced
our offense.
Kabbalah says there are no victims. The person who was injured by
our bad action suffered the consequences of this negative act as
result of a bad action that he or she committed at a previous time.

Our own pain and regret are not the result of having
hurt an innocent victim. Instead, our regret
It has its origin in the fact that we were chosen as the "executors" of the
sentence, those who deliver a judgment that had already been decreed
against that
person. And the pain we accept to take is used to cleanse the trait
unpleasant that led us to act as messengers for the evil done in
first place. A person who is spiritually pure and upright will never be
chosen to carry out a trial against a human being.


We remember any negative act from our past. We reflect

about some of our most unpleasant traits. We feel the pain of
the people we have hurt. We ask the Light to eradicate
all our negative traits. The force called repentance
spiritually repairs our past sins and diminishes the side
dark of our nature.



Water Water Capricorn
40 40 70
150 = 6

To truly ignite the power of prayer, we first need

a fire burning in our hearts.

A story is told about an old man who could not read or write. He
I desperately wanted to offer a prayer of gratitude from a book
sacred prayers of the Creator, but could not read the words on the
page. However, his desire to connect with his Creator was great, so
who began to recite the alphabet. He prayed to the Creator to organize the
letters in the correct sequences, to form the words of the sentence.

A strictly religious passerby heard the old man recite the alphabet.
He laughed at the foolishness of the man's prayer, and at that moment the
doors of the
heaven were closed forever to the prayers of the religious man. Of
In fact, the angels danced for joy while the simple and sincere prayer of the
old man ascended to the Upper World. The old man had illuminated the sky
the desires of your heart.


This Name fans the fire of passion in our hearts and souls.
These letters give us the power to maintain sincerity, devotion and
correct consciousness in our prayers, our meditations and our
spiritual connections.

No hidden intentions


Air Scorpio Scorpio
1 50 50
101 = 2

Sometimes we feel disappointed by people we have loved.

offered our friendship; We are often disappointed by
circumstances in which we give a lot of ourselves. This happens
when our positive actions were conditioned on receiving
some benefit later.

We frequently give our friendship to others or do them favors.

having some hidden intention in mind. The friendship we offer
It's usually conditional, and sometimes we don't even realize it.
We want something in return. It can be social recognition, a loan, or
some favor that perhaps in the future we would like to ask.

Usually our actions of sharing carry with them certain ends

tied up For example, the name of a benefactor is engraved on a plaque and
It is fixed on the wall of a reception. A dinner is offered in honor of a
benefactor. A wing of a hospital is named after a
charitable contributor. In Kabbalah this is not considered
share unconditionally. True sharing does not entail
names, in such a way that neither the donor nor the donee have any idea
is the other. The donor gives and that's it. People who give derive pleasure
starting from the anonymous and unconditional act of pure sharing, without
expecting anything
in return, and that's when they receive everything.

When we give unconditional love and perform genuine actions of

sharing, joy comes from the fact that we give, not from what we desire
get in return.


Self-interest motivations, ulterior motives, and

Hidden intentions are replaced by pure acts of friendship, love
unconditional and giving. In return, friends will be attracted to our lives.
true and loving, joy and satisfaction.

The death of death


Moon Virgo Scorpio
400 10 50
460 = 10 = 1

The power of death is not limited to the physical body. The end of a
friendship, the failure of a business, the dissolution of a marriage, are all
expressions of death. When good things are in danger
end, this Name drives away death.

Let us not be mistaken: the angel of death is the cause of

finish all kinds of good things. Attacking death at the highest level
Fundamentally, we prevent many of the fatalities that hit us. Are
Letters are powerful weapons to carry out said attack.

Every time a pair of eyes observe this Name, the power of the angel of
death is weakened throughout the world, until, finally, "the
death of death" and immortality reigns.


Let us meditate with total conviction and certainty on the absolute demise of
angel of death, once and for all.

From thought to action


Aries Saturn Water
5 2 40
47 = 11 = 2

Typically, due to our own inactivity, respectable goals and

Bold dreams never materialize. We procrastinate. We lose
our passion, or we simply give up. Our best
ideas remain hopes never realized. Our
Thoughts never come true. Kabbalah is an explanation for

Our dreams and aspirations are rooted in the purity of the World
Superior. But our actions take place here, in the material dimension,
where a seemingly infinite variety of impediments can
hinder. Everything from doubts and fears to mortgage payments and
credit card debts. We are often inspired by
brilliant thoughts, innovative ideas and lofty goals, but we have
to follow up and "close the deal." If this does not happen, if our
intentions are not manifested, we are facing a clear sign that we have
lost connection with the Upper World.


We are now reconnecting and bringing together the Upper and Lower Worlds
through the power of this Name. By bringing these two kingdoms together,
We find courage and commitment to achieve our goals and realize
Our dreams. Our thoughts become reality.
Our best ideas are transformed into action, and consequently, into
concrete results.

Dispel anger


Virgo Taurus Venus
10 6 80
96 = 15 = 6

You may say that you have been an idol worshiper, but the word idol is
refers to more than just statues of lions or bulls. An idol is an object, a
person or situation that dominates your behavior. Anger is a sign that
you are in the attitude of worshiping idols.

To some degree, we are all susceptible to worshiping idols, whether to

through the pursuit of fame or through the veneration of wealth and
can. We revere images, especially the image of ourselves
The same things we feel we must project to others.
According to Kabbalah, anger is the most obvious way in which
idolatry. Something external is controlling our emotions and reactions.
When a computer crashes and our important files are lost, and
We explode with anger, we bow before a silicon idol. When a
car breaks down leaving us on the road and we shout with anger,
We are worshiping a metallic god. When we lose patience with
our spouse or children and cause them undue pain,
we are worshiping an idol of darkness.

When we become devotees of idols and allow the

external situations or other people instigate anger and fury in us,
we cut our connection with the Light. This is a serious error, since the Light
It is the true source of satisfaction of our deepest desires.


We remove the fascination and power of the idols that control the world
invoking the power of this Name. Anger is purged from our hearts.
Our happiness and peace of mind are generated from within.

Listen to your soul


Water Water Scorpio
40 40 50
130 = 4

Each of us has a personal mission, a spiritual goal that

we must achieve in this life. But the interferences of the material world
They constantly lead us astray. If we listen really carefully,
our souls will direct us to our purpose, where we need to be.

Before Creation, all the souls of humanity were united in

a single unified soul. This soul split into countless sparks,
bringing into existence all the individual souls that were destined
to travel this land. This includes each of us. every spark
soul must achieve its own individual transformation and purpose
spiritual before the blessed union of a single soul can be

In business, in our relationships and in our own connection with the

Creator, there are specific spiritual objectives that have to be
achieved in order to bring peace and joy to us and the world.

But the world has failed to find its spiritual path and its destiny.
final, because the clamor of the ego drowns out the call of our soul. The ego
constantly gives us the wrong direction, instructions
incorrect. We end up in dangerous neighborhoods and dead ends in
our pursuit of meaningless ambitions and empty materialistic goals.


The whispers of our soul and the divine counsel of Light are heard
strong and clear. We know what we have to do. We are willing and
prepared to do what is necessary to achieve it.

Let go, let go


Pound Virgo Virgo
30 10 10
50 = 5

It is often difficult to let go of yesterday. We become prisoners of

our past. We can't move forward. We can't get over regrets
past or previous traumas. But here we receive the courage to
let go

Our nature is to hold on to our pain and suffering. When the

happiness or the hope of a miracle is presented to us, our first
inclination is to say, "It's too good to be true." This kind of
Consciousness is what prevents miracles and a future full of joy from
materialize in our lives. We cannot have a satisfactory future and
miraculous if we cling to an unhappy and untidy past. It wont be necesary
say more.


We detach ourselves. Of everything. Spot

Umbilical cord


Cance Mercury Aries
r 200 5
8 213 = 6
When we experience moments of sadness, outbreaks of anger, attacks of
depression, or when we commit acts of intolerance or insensitivity, the
Divine radiance instantly withdraws, leaving us in darkness
spiritual. Unfortunately, in the chaos of our daily lives, the "to do list"
dirty clothes" mentioned before, must necessarily appear.

When we commit a negative action, the Light instantly leaves

our presence. We struggle in vain in the dark. Maybe
We do not detect this effect with our five senses, but it
we experience internally and through the events in our lives.

Our consciousness becomes negative, our mental state becomes

gloomy and pessimistic. The situations around us turn towards
darkness. We know we need to leave the place quickly, but
We don't see a way out. We are alone, trapped, at the bottom of a pit of
snakes, and the snakes approach quickly.
The good news is that there is a tool that can prevent us from cutting
completely the life-giving cord, which connects us with the Light. This
Divine name is that tool.


We establish an umbilical cord with divine energy, ensuring a

constant shining of the Light in our lives, especially for those
moments when we end up in a place of total darkness.



Mercury Aquarium Water
200 90 40
330 = 6

As we begin to transform our lives and experience

true satisfaction, we are tested again and again. In each
test our ego injects us with doubt. The optimism and enthusiasm that
We feel at the beginning of our journey it disappears, we begin to complain,
the ego returns.

As slaves and children of slaves, the people of Israel were in captivity in

Egypt for 400 years. Then Moses came. Sent by the Creator, won the
freedom for its people. Then he led them on a long and arduous journey,
including the famous passage through the Red Sea. Finally they arrived at
Mount Sinai, where they had a date with destiny.

Strangely, the Israelites began to complain as soon as

They escaped from slavery, to the point of begging Moses to take them
return to Egypt. Kabbalah tells us that this whole story is a code, it is
a covert story of individual spiritual transformation. Egypt
refers to the human ego, the oldest enslaver in history. Any
aspect of our nature that controls us is Egypt, which denotes the
seductive traps of the material world.

At the moment when our spiritual path becomes challenging or

uncomfortable for the ego, we long to return to our own personal Egypt:
to the lower level of being to which we have become accustomed.

The path to transformation requires self-knowledge and responsibility

staff. This is not easy, we are constantly tempted to go back.
Escaping spiritual slavery means freeing ourselves from the slavery of
our previous self.


We perceive the balance and harmony that fill all Creation,

especially in the difficult moments, challenges and tests that we must
face during our lives.

With the power of this Name we awaken the strength to pass all the
trials, to rise to a higher level of being, and to gain joy and
realization that accompanies true spiritual transformation. We let go
the chains of the ego and achieve freedom.



Saturn Water Taurus
2 40 6
48 = 12 = 3

The most corrupt body of water on the planet is not a lake

highly contaminated. It is the human body, which consists of more than
65% water.
According to science, water is the most mysterious and least
understood substance in the Universe. According to Kabbalah, water
It is the Light of God manifested in the physical world. Consequently, the
Water pollution is both a physical and spiritual crisis.
When the water in our lakes and in our cells is stained
with physical and spiritual toxins, our personal immune systems and
global markets are dangerously weakened.

Genuinely pure water has the power to cleanse both physically and
spiritually. In the same way that water miraculously dissolves
dirt from the physical body, the metaphysical essence of water dissolves the
spiritual dirt and negativity that we have brought into our body already
our soul

Kabbalists say that water can heal naturally, it can

rejuvenate and that contains the secret of immortality. But centuries of
War, persecution and hatred took their toll. Thus, the water lost its power

This Name helps to return all water to its original divine and pure state.


We purify the waters of the Earth and awaken the forces of healing and
Parents educators, not preachers

Aries Aries
5 5
20 =

22* AND
The greatest act we can perform in the physical world is to help
another human being to discover the brilliance of the Light. That's the real
purpose of being parents.

When we share the teachings and instruments of Kabbalah with

our children, an impressive Light is revealed in our own
lives, in the lives of our family and around the world.

Although we participate in bringing our children into the world, we must

that they are not ours, but are donations given to us by the
Creator in order to give us the opportunity to share, grow and become
kinder and more tolerant people. Our children give us the opportunity
to be the Light and to spread the Light. We need to become teachers
wise men, not loud preachers.

Instead of trying to preach the truth, or legislate wisdom, people

enlightened knows that she must live the truth. A person who has been
touched by
the Light innately knows that he or she must become the
personification of his power. Like candles we must allow the glow
of our thoughts and actions excite and enlighten our children.
Thus, the changes in our own lives become examples for them and
inspirations to follow.


We wish to share this wisdom in a loving, respectful and

selfless with our children.

The preacher within us is silenced. The teacher within

us shines through all our actions.


Tauru Scorpio Capricorn
s fifty 70
6 126 = 9

We have so many blessings in our lives that fill our

existence. But we are not aware of these spiritual treasures
because our satisfaction leads us to complacency. We take for granted
important things. Consequently, we must lose something in order to
awaken our desire for it. The Light wants to give us everything, but we
we have to have the desire to receive it.

When we experience the pain of losing something close to our heart,

A desire awakens within us. But there is a much better way
to activate all our desires for Light without needing to lose something. This
It's called appreciation. When we truly appreciate everything,
We feel like we have it all, and that's when it's actually allowed to us.
Having it all.


Appreciation, gratitude, thankfulness, these noble attributes are

caused by this Name. Infused with these attributes, we retain and
We enjoy all the blessings and treasures of our lives.
Project yourself in a favorable light


Virgo Cancer Water
10 8 40
58 = 13 = 4

With all our misdeeds and lousy character traits, it is in our

best interest when others only see the good side of our soul. In
cinematographic language this meditation is the maximum "effect of

Revealing our negative side attracts the evil eye. We become

magnets of contempt from the people around us. We invite our
lives their judgments and all that destructive energy quickly begins to
wreak havoc.

When we give people reasons to focus on our good side,

we avoid its negative influences and all the harmful side effects that
Can bring. When we make the effort to see beyond the
imperfections of others, we magnify tenfold the power of this


Our very being is lit beautifully, bathed with the

radiance of the Creator; so everyone around us sees the
positive and beautiful aspects of our being, instead of the image
distorted and dark protected by the ego.
Fear of God


Saturn Water Mars
2 40 4
46 = 10 = 1

Fear of God does not refer to the religious notion of the Creator who
punishes and
rewards. The Light of the Creator is a perfect positive force, an infinite
spiritual energy whose only attributes are infinite sharing and love.

Fear of God refers to the intimate understanding of how our universe

it is "wired". For example: treating a person badly is like putting
our finger on an electrical outlet. This is a cause that leads us to a
definite and painful effect, but it is not the electrical energy that needs to be
feared, is the act that leads us to dangerously come into contact with it.

Fear of God means seeing the future consequences of our actions

present. For example: if we could foresee the negative consequences
linked to our disrespectful behavior, our long-term vision
would lead us to hold back. Our decision will not be motivated by fears
moral or religious. It will be based on something much more persuasive: our
own interest. That insightful power comes to us through this


The knowledge of the divine spark in each person is awakened in

our heart. We become wiser in the ways of the world.
We perceive the repercussions attached to our every word and action, and
We know that acts of sharing with others are always at our best.


Pisces Scorpio Water
100 50 40
190 = 10 = 1

Life often hurts us, sure, but we have two options:

hold on to our pain and wallow in self-pity, or speed up
our healing process and quickly scale to a new level of
satisfaction and understanding.

Most of us consider ourselves victims when others do us wrong.

something bad or when circumstances suddenly become chaotic. But
Any wrong done to us and any confusion we confront is
result of a negative action that we have committed in some area of
our lives. Harm is simply the judgment, the effect of a cause that
we start. This is difficult to admit and accept.

If we allow ourselves to be consumed by feelings of revenge or

victimization, we lose an opportunity to stop our
reactive behavior, of rising above our problems and of
take back control of our lives. But when we accept the judgment, it
passes quickly. When we let go of self-pity and
horrible "I am the victim" syndrome, we let go of our
pain at that very moment.


With these lyrics, the impulses towards self-pity, retaliation and

revenge disappear. We see that a "victim mentality" is the basis
of those feelings and replace it with the understanding that we are
the creators of our own circumstances. We know that what
we have created we can change it.
High expectations


Capricorn Virgo Air
70 10 1
81 = 9

When you expect the world from your friends, your family or life and you
don't receive
nothing, you can invoke this Name to receive answers. Our
More positive actions are often not rewarded for long periods
of time. Kabbalah teaches that this is to leave space for
let our free will shine. Within that space "great expectations"
They challenge us, "tests of faith" confront us. We hope for a quick return of
our spiritual investments, but when time delays them, we
we return doubtful, deeply disappointed, hopeless and

We have free will to rise above those clouds of melancholy and

sentence. By exercising this free will we can truly win
our good fortune. Sometimes this can be an extremely difficult task.
difficult. A great expectation is a formidable adversary.

The key to satisfaction is simply to shift our concentration away from

results and expectations. Instead we focus on resisting our
reactive impulses, which are nothing more than robotic responses to a
given situation. The moment we resist expectation, we have
exercised the sacred trait of free will.

The ego no longer has control, we do. This opens a wide door
to all possibilities.


By meditating on this Name we gain control over the power of time in

our life. Instead of constantly asking for more from tomorrow,
We appreciate what we have and what we are right now. The expectations
false and selfish are eliminated.

Contact departed souls


Taurus Saturn Cancer
6 2 8
16 = 7

Death is a falsehood. The souls of our loved ones

They left and continue to live in a reality much more authentic than
our illusory world. Through this Name we make contact with the
souls of family and friends who have passed.

The human soul continues to rise to higher levels of existence

after you leave this plane. This ascension can sometimes be difficult if a
soul has accumulated unwanted baggage as a result of its
reactive behavior throughout life.

Through this Name we help elevate the souls of our beings

loved ones in a pleasant and peaceful way. We also receive advice and
messages from those who continue to radiate their love for us in the
higher worlds.


Let us evoke the memory of loved ones who have passed from this life.
Let us surround them with the Light of this Name. Let us meditate to elevate
your souls to
ever higher levels in the spiritual worlds. Let's open ourselves to receive
your guidance and support.
Lost and found


Aries Air Mercury
5 1 200
206 = 8

There are times when we find ourselves off course in the journey of life.
We feel lost, bewildered, confused. Life becomes a
endless labyrinth and we don't know which way to take.


With this Name as our compass, the path to our home

spiritual is enlightened. We regain our orientation. with every step
that we give and with each passing moment, we feel comfort, confidence and
a stronger sense of direction.
Recognize the design beneath the disorder


Water Saturn YOU
40 2 Virgo
52 = 7 10
There are no coincidences in life. There are no chance encounters. There is
random surprises. So when we feel that our world is
broken down and we just want to scream, this Name is our fast track to the
structure and serenity.

Not a single blade of grass grows without the direction of a higher power.
Like an immense computer, the Light of the Creator processes, calculates
It accounts for everything through the Law of Cause and Effect.

When we react negatively to the seemingly sudden chaos of the

life, we deny the fundamental plan and purpose of Creation. Our
attitude prolongs madness. But the moment we recognize and
We accept difficulties and all chaotic circumstances as
opportunities to elevate ourselves spiritually, pain and doubt
They disappear quickly. We alone determine the speed with the
which our confusion and pain pass.

Realize that the ego will constantly try to slow you down.
this process at a lazy snail's pace, hiding the order and
cause of chaos before our eyes.


When we find ourselves overwhelmed by feelings of doubt or panic, or

With thoughts of perdition, these lyrics reveal the order that underlies
after the chaos. We are enlightened with the Creator's master plan, as
concerns our purpose in this world and the problems that
we face
Profession and parallel universes

Virgo Virgo
10 10
25 =

772 HEI

A prophet is not someone who sees a predestined future. In reality, there is

predestined future, because we have the ability to recreate the future at
every turn.
moment. Therein lies the purpose of this Name.

There are countless futures, all of which exist at the same time. The
ancient kabbalists and contemporary physicists agree that
Parallel universes are a reality.

According to physicists, the moment we make a decision, the

Universe divides and our alternative decision and destiny branch into
another reality.

According to Kabbalah, parallel universes grow progressively

with more order, finally reaching a world of paradise, happiness and life
However, our own behavior determines in which universe
we enter. Ego-led reactions keep us prisoners of
a universe of chaos. But the moment we resist our
reactive responses, we make a quantum leap to a completely
different. Each new universe shows a more satisfying version of
our lives. By recognizing opportunities to end the
reactive, egocentric behavior, we literally move from one
world to another.

Profession is the ability to detect those opportunities. Profession is seeing

future in our present actions, see the consequences of the
reactivity versus the vast reward that behavior brings

The power of prophecy has been granted to us. with our conscience
elevated and increased knowledge, we have the power to enter a new
universe of transformation and Light.

Spiritual purification


Water Taurus Water
40 6 40
86 = 14 = 5

We all come into this world with spiritual defects that need to be
corrected. These imperfections have accumulated from previous lives, and
We cannot distance ourselves from their negative influences until they are

Sometimes we lack the emotional courage and spiritual strength to

correct all our defects. Our egos use many tactics in
against our best interests. One of the most powerful tactics is
cynicism: the sense that nothing except chaos should even be thought of
by an intelligent human being. This is a convenient escape not to do
the hard work of spiritual transformation. It allows us to see ourselves as
eternal blameless victims, rather than beings who are completely
responsible for the state of their own lives.

There are two ways to purify yourself in life: pain and spiritual transformation
proactive. The path of pain hurts our body, our health, our
finances, our personal lives. When we experience illness or
poor health, if we lose a business or go bankrupt, if a
marriage breaks up or if there is pain in the hearts of the children, all this
It is considered spiritual purification.
The path of proactive spiritual transformation only hurts the ego. This
Name focuses on the ego, allowing us to purify and repair iniquities
passed in a merciful way.

Meditating on these letters, we press the "backspace" keys and

"deleted" in our spiritual video. We are purified in our life
present correcting our past life transgressions. This
Name also purifies our physical environment of spiritual impurities.

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