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1. Objectives:
 Stimulate the interest of Basic students in the studies of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences, offering them the possibility of competing in a departmental
 Recognize and reward academic excellence through a local competition.

2. Participants:
All students of the National Basic Institutes of the Department of Quetzaltenango, who
are enrolled during the 2013 academic year in grades from first to third grade, will be
able to participate in the Local Phase of the Science Olympiad.

3. Registration:
Registration will be made before XXX [FOLLOWING THE LOCAL, SCHOOL
(April), the day pending agreement WITH THE AUTHORITIES], through
a registration form (pending agreement with the RESPECTIVE AUTHORITY). This
form will be filled out for each student, with the approval of the Teacher of the subject
“MATHEMATICS OR NATURAL SCIENCES” and the Director of the Center.
The registration form will be sent by email to the address
(pending agreement with the COMPETENT AUTHORITY) indicating in Subject :
Science Olympiad (INEB).
Likewise, it will be sent by fax or by postal mail to the address of the
faculty (pending agreement with USAL).

4. Agenda

In general, the syllabus for the Local Phase test will be

the one corresponding to the subject "MATHEMATICS OR NATURAL SCIENCES"
of the access test to the official teachings of the Basic Degree, published in the
Curriculum national Base of the Basic cycle, of June 5, which establishes the Basic
curriculum for the Community of Learners.

5. Type of exam
 The exam will consist of a two-hour test on the contents of the topics specified in
the previous section.
 It will be held in XXX on the day and time established by the Organizing
Committee. Exceptionally, the date and/or time may be modified, if circumstances
so require, a fact of which the centers will be informed in a timely manner.
 Registered students are automatically summoned for the test, without the need for
subsequent personal communication.

The exam will have three parts:

1. The first part will consist of four questions, of which the student must answer three.
These questions will deal with the concepts of mathematics or natural sciences of the
previously specified topics. Each question will be valued with 1.5 points.

2. The second part will consist of solving a numerical problem (to choose between two
posed) with a maximum value of 3 points.
3. The third part will consist of a current commentary and will be valued with 2.5
points. The exams will be corrected anonymously and the maximum grade that can be
obtained is 10 points.

6. Organizing Committee


The Organizing Commission of the Local Phase will be chaired by XXX of XXX, or
the person to whom he delegates.

The functions of this Commission will be: prepare the tests, grade the exercises, classify
the participants according to the score obtained and make the proposal, in order of
priority, of the three finalist candidates (with three substitutes) who will participate in
the National Olympiad.

The results will be made public on the XXX website.

The members of the INEB Science Olympiad Organizing Commission:

 The Lic. MSc. Carlos Ovalle, or person to whom he delegates.

 Four teachers: 2 could be from the University and 2 secondary school teachers (who
will not be able to present, while their membership on the Commission lasts, their
students to the Olympiad)

7. Other requirements

Participation in this call implies full acceptance of its bases and of the unappealable
decision of the organizing committee, which will be responsible for resolving any
contingency not foreseen in this call.

8. Secondary teachers involved.

The teachers of the National Institutes of Basic Education, of the Department of

Quetzaltenango, believe in the opportunity and need for a project like this that
reactivates interest in science in young people.

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