My Speech

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A marvelous evening to all!

It was a magical night when the stars descend from heaven and danced the
enchanting affair away. Let us all congratulate ourselves for we have all
been doing so great to make this tale of our lives fulfilling as we want
it and as adventurous as we make it.

This lovely evening of 22nd of February in the year 2019 will be one of
the most memorable event of our life, the integral part of our high
school experiences, witness as we kiss the blue paradise Junior-Senior

Our student life here will soon come to an end. This is the realization
that we are leaving high school in the days to come. We, Seniors, will
take an important step into a new stage of our life where greater
challenge lies ahead.

Juniors, you are the inheritors of the strong and proud legacy of our
school. Being the next batch of Seniors, you will continue the cycle of
high school life. On your shoulders lies the responsibility of being the
role model where younger students will look upon to you as their big
brothers and sisters. You will continue our unfinished tasks as we sail
to discover new world. Juniors, strive to hone your skills and traits of
being the leader and role model of the younger students of our school.
Respect and utilized also the wisdom that you have learned from us, from
our experiences and successes because we have come before you and had
crossed this difficult stage of being the Seniors.

Fellow Seniors, invested me with responsibilities as being the Senior

High President. At this juncture, it is my honor and privilege to pass on
to you, Juniors, the key of responsibilities. We have done our part and
it is now the time to render it on to you.

This key bears the weight of task. Put it on, and carry its weight, and
go on with the journey. We knew that you are willing and able to continue
the cycle of work that we are going to left behind.

This turning over of key does not mean that we turned our back toward the
school. It only marks the beginning of our greater responsibility toward
our Alma Mater as well as the community. We have a vision for our school
-- a vision of greatness. I encourage you, all of you, Juniors to nurture
this vision as I passed this key of responsibilities on to you. May each
and every one of you will fulfill your roles and commitments with honor,
passion and pride. With this key of responsibilities we pass on to you
the skills to learn, the aptitude to succeed, and the creativity to make
a difference. We hope to see all your spectacular dreams come true.

So I, Arabela Khale D. Vidad Senior High President by virtue of the

power invested upon me, I hereby turnover this key of responsibility
which symbolizes the duties and functions laid upon your shoulders.
Continue to protect the good name of our School, nurture the flame and
keep it burning and may you strive to achieve honor and fame for our
dearest School, the School of Saint Joseph!
Thank You and God bless us all!

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