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10/5/22, 00:10 Online Freelance Work Activity Par.

: Attempt review

Home / My Courses / ENVIRONMENT AND ECOLOGY-ASUC-01658-21716-202210 / Unit 2 / Online self-employment activity Par.

Started on Monday, 9 May 2022, 11:57 PM

State Finished
Completed on Tuesday, 10 May 2022, 12:09 AM
Time taken 11 mins 38 secs
Marks 8.00/10.00
Grade 16.00 out of 20.00 ( 80 %)

Question 1
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls is a Sustainable Development Goal that is
measured by several indicators. One of them is:

a. Proportion of the female population with access to electricity.

b. Volume of water used by women
c. CO2 emissions by female population
d. Proportion of women in management positions

The indicator allows measuring the full and effective participation of women and equal leadership opportunities at all decision-making
levels in political, economic and public life.
The correct answer is: Proportion of women in management positions

Question 2
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

A consultancy provides free mental health services to its employees to identify and take early corrective
measures against mental health problems. This business action contributes to the achievement of the
Sustainable Development Goal:

a. Reduction of inequalities
b. Health & Wellness
c. Decent work and economic growth
d. Peace, justice and strong institutions

The commitment of companies to the health of employees, customers, suppliers and the community as a whole has a positive impact
on the sustainability of organizations and is a clear example of their social responsibility. The correct answer is Health and well-being.
The correct answer is: Health and well-being

Question 3
Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
Pietá, is a company that was born in the prisons of Lima that designs, makes and markets urban clothing,
to help in the social reintegration of 100 prisoners who work with natural, organic and recycled materials
such as alpaca, pima cotton, to then be sold within and outside the country. Select which Sustainable 1/5
10/5/22, 00:10 Online Freelance Work Activity Par.: Attempt review

Development Goals Pietá's business model is related to.

a. Climate action, Gender equality, Decent work and economic growth

b. Health and well-being, Sustainable cities and communities, Zero hunger
c. Responsible production and consumption, Zero Hunger and Climate Action.
d. Reduction of inequalities, End of poverty, Decent work and economic growth.

The SDGs are a guide, a map that will allow companies to identify whether their social, economic and environmental impact contributes
value to society, and consequently strengthen their reputation and their relationships with different interest groups. To achieve an
effective relationship, the company must know the indicators that measure the achievement of the SDGs and relate them to the
organizational management model.
The correct answer is: Reduction of inequalities, End of poverty, Decent work and economic growth.

Question 4
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00
The adoption of production systems that respect and conserve the environment, avoiding the generation
of polluting waste, is a model of Sustainable Development. Select the alternative that is not related to this

a. In Madrid, the Adolfo Domínguez company promotes the adoption of a style of clothing to assume a responsible way of
purchasing clothing, thus avoiding the massive consumption of fast fashion that produces a large amount of waste.
b. In Botswana the installation of a biogas digester that feeds on cow dung, chicken droppings and pig waste from villages to
produce gas that provides enough energy for cooking, lighting and heating during the cold seasons.
c. In Uganda, the company Design Without Borders has created an eco-friendly urinal for poor neighborhoods that is made from
readily available materials and only costs $3. The waste collected in the urinal can be converted into a high-quality fertilizer
through a simple process.
d. In Peru, the Qaya company converts paiche and parakeet skin into leather to be used in the manufacture of wallets and shoes,
reducing the pollution produced by the decomposition of organic matter.

The fundamental criteria of the sustainable fashion business model are the conservation of natural resources, the low ecological impact
of the materials used - which must be capable of subsequently joining the recycling chain -, the reduction of the carbon footprint and
respect for the economic and working conditions of the workers who have participated from the raw materials to the point of sale.
The correct answer is: In Madrid, the Adolfo Domínguez company promotes the adoption of a style of clothing to assume a responsible
purchasing method for clothing, thus avoiding the massive consumption of fast fashion that produces a large amount of waste. 2/5
10/5/22, 00:10 Online Freelance Work Activity Par.: Attempt review

Question 5
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The idea that economic growth occurs in a manner consistent with natural resources, without overloading
the capacities of nature, encouraging the search for investment and distribution of economic resources
equitably, eliminating poverty and promoting equality, corresponds to:

a. The economic aspect of the Kyoto treaty

b. The economic pillar of Sustainable Development
c. The Brown Economy model
d. The UN economic commitment

Sustainable development has three fundamental pillars: economic, social and environmental, which can be applied very successfully in
organizations to promote economic growth that generates equitable wealth without harming natural resources.
The correct answer is: The economic pillar of Sustainable Development

Question 6
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

The UN has recommended changing our consumption patterns to mitigate the negative impact we have
generated on the environment. In which of the following activities should we promote deceleration to
comply with what the UN recommends?

a. Entrepreneurial activity
b. The consumption of industrial baking c. The use of renewable energies d. The consumption of “fast fashion”

Achieving the SDGs requires the participation of governments, the private sector, civil society and the business sector to implement
development projects that cannot be designed with a single focus in mind. As the United Nations' lead development agency, UNDP is
uniquely positioned to help implement the SDGs around the globe.
The correct answer is: The consumption of “fast fashion” 3/5
10/5/22, 00:10 Online Freelance Work Activity Par.: Attempt review

Question 7
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following options should be a natural resource protection strategy practiced from homes?

a. Installation of fans to cool the rooms of the house

b. Constant use of filters to demineralize drinking water at home c. Acquisition of food and basic products in large volumes d.
Segregation of waste produced in homes

The process of separating urban solid waste and depositing it in different containers so that it can be collected and subsequently
recycled is known as segregation.

The correct answer is: Segregation of waste produced in homes

Question 8
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of the following is NOT an SDG?

a. Climate action
b. Gender equality c. Quality education d. End of corruption

The 17 SDGs replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which launched a global initiative in 2000 to address the indignity
of poverty. The MDGs were universally agreed upon measurable goals to address extreme poverty and hunger, prevent deadly
diseases, and extend primary education to all children, among other development priorities. The end of corruption is not an SDG.
The correct answer is: End of corruption

Question 9
Correct Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Currently, Peruvian companies declare their social and environmental commitments that are aligned with
their main activities . The fundamental framework to guide this process is:

a. The declaration of human rights

b. The declaration for environmental protection
c. The goals of sustainable development
d. The political constitution of Peru

The Sustainable Development Goals are a guide so that companies can identify whether their social, economic and environmental
impact contributes value to society, and thus strengthen their image and their relationships with different interest groups.
The correct answer is: The objectives of sustainable development

Question 10
Incorrect Mark 0.00 out of 1.00
A sustainable society is one that:

a. It does not use its resources without considering the time required for its regeneration
b. Try to recover ecosystems after having been depredated by man
c. It does not manage the maintenance and care of its natural resources
d. Depletes its resources very quickly

No renewable resource should be used at a rate greater than its regeneration, because we would be endangering its existence. An
example of the above is the irresponsible extraction of shrimp or black shells in Peru, which does not take into account the
reproduction period that these organisms need to continue existing.
The correct answer is: Do not use your resources without considering the time required for their regeneration 4/5
10/5/22, 00:10 Online Freelance Work Activity Par.: Attempt review

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