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Respect the purpose of the group/this group is an extension

of the school. It is a work group and should NOT be used to send
messages/content of a personal nature. (That's what direct and private
messages are for).

2. Use the group as if it were a classroom. Only send material that

was requested of you, related to the subjects. Do not use school groups
and subjects to send memes, videos, photographs and news, which
have NOT to do with the subjects.

The group's schedule is from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm . It will only

be active for 4 hours for questions or comments. Sending private
messages is not allowed unless the advisor indicates it. Respect
teachers' schedules. They have to continue working on planning,
reviewing work and organizing materials.

3. Never send content that has NOT been verified or read two or
three times by you. Posting content whose authenticity has not been
verified can be VERY dangerous and harm many people.

4. Before asking a question, read the instructions carefully and

the entire chat of the day to see if someone else has not asked
it. We do NOT want to be repetitive.

5. If you know the answer to a question or doubt from your

classmates, you can respond, but only once to clarify the
doubt. Then apply the rule from the previous point.

6. Don't abuse emojis. There are some like this 😂 or 😭 that do not

require explanation, but others like this 😬 or 🤤 can be interpreted in

different ways, generating confusion. Try to express yourself in writing,
make sure you wrote the words correctly.
7. You don't have to respond to all messages. Example: Today's
activity is….. and then all the students want to answer…OK, or with
sticker or decals. Please just do the activity and hand it in.

8. When the teacher checks and gives you a compliment or

gives you a sticker, don't respond. Celebrate with your family. We
don't want to saturate your teacher's cell phone who has 430 students.

9. If you feel uncomfortable in the group for any reason, let

your group advisor know privately. The groups are not for
negative comments and complaints.

10.Before sending a complaint to your advisor, identify the

aggressor and make sure you write correctly , including his or
her name, to convey the message well.

11. When you want to respond to a specific comment from a

person, use the “reply” function to make sense of your comment
and avoid confusion.

12.Don't lose sight of the fact that your words can be interpreted
in multiple ways, so use short phrases that cannot be

13.PHOTOS of WORK: before sending your assignment, make

sure it is clear, focused, with enough light and that your
name and grade can be seen . WORK that cannot be read is
undelivered work.

14.When for some reason you cannot communicate via

WhatsApp, talk to your advisor by phone so that all your
teachers are aware. Or reach out to a friend or neighbor so you can
connect with your advisor.

15. In your WhatsApp profile, write your first name and first
surname and place your photograph . The photograph must show
only your face without a mask and glasses, we want to know you and
identify you.

16.Respect all the above rules . If you disrespect teachers or any

member of the group through images, comments , you will be
removed from the group . The father, mother or guardian will be
notified of the cause of withdrawal from the WhatsApp group. It will be
the parent's responsibility to go to school for a workbook each week.
The student's work will be individual by means of a booklet. The parent
is responsible for their academic work and must deliver it the following
Monday when they pick up the next booklet.

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