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To increase Sri Lankan exports, we can follow the following strategies.

Firstly, Sri Lankan exporters can diversifying the export products. Diversification of Sri
Lanka's export products is essential to reduce dependence on a limited number of
commodities and reduce the risks associated with market fluctuations. To implement the this
strategy, firstly we can identify the niche market. Here Sri Lanka should focus on products
with high global demand but low competition. For instance, Sri Lanka is promoting niche
markets such as organic agricultural products, spices, and wellness tourism. The National
Export Strategy (NES) identifies sectors like coconut-based products and ICT services as
areas with significant growth potential (Sri Lanka Export Development Board). And for
identify the diversify export product & innovations, can do the R&D. Encourage investment
in research and development to create innovative products that adapt to emerging global
trends. Initiatives such as developing high-quality Ayurvedic and herbal products are
helping to tap into the global wellness market (ITC).
Secondly, Sri Lanka can enhance Market Access. Here, this includes negotiating favourable
trade agreements to improve access to international markets, ensuring compliance with
international standards and effective global marketing. To implement this strategy to the Sri
Lankan exports, can utilize trade agreements to reduce tariffs and open new markets. The Sri
Lanka-Thailand Free Trade Agreement is an example of leveraging bilateral trade deals to
boost exports (Institute of Policy Studies). And standard compliance is another thing that
Srilanka can do. And the strengthen national quality infrastructure to meet international
standards, making Sri Lankan products more competitive. This involves improving
certification processes and ensuring products meet global quality benchmarks (UNIDO).
Third one is Leveraging Digital Technologies into the export process. Digital transformation
can enhance export efficiency, reduce costs, and expand market reach. So, Srilanka can use
the E-commerce platforms and digital marketing to increase the Sri Lankan product exports.
Here we can develop robust e-commerce platforms to connect exporters directly with
international buyers, and a good example of this is EDB’s facilitation of virtual trade shows
and online B2B meetings to overcome restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic
(Ministry of Foreign Affairs). When its comes to the digital marketing, by Implement digital
marketing strategies to promote Sri Lankan brands globally. This includes utilizing social
media, search engine optimization, and targeted online advertising to increase visibility (Sri
Lanka Export Development Board).
Fourth strategy is promote the sustainability. Here Srl Lankan export board can Encourage
exporters to obtain sustainable certifications like Fair Trade and organic labels. These
certifications can attract premium prices and cater to the growing demand for eco-friendly
products (Sri Lanka Export Development Board). And also the Invest in green technologies
and sustainable practices in production processes. This includes adopting renewable energy
sources like solar power and implementing waste reduction strategies in manufacturing.
Building SME Capacities is the another strategy to increase the product exports. Enhancing
the capacities of SMEs can significantly drive export growth as they constitute a major part
of the economy. Provide training programs to improve business skills and export knowledge
of SME owners. The EDB and Foreign Ministry conduct webinars and workshops for SMEs,
covering various aspects of exporting (Sri Lanka Export Development Board). Offer financial
assistance through grants and low-interest loans to help SMEs invest in export activities.
Programs like “Enterprise Sri Lanka” aim to support SMEs financially and encourage their
participation in international markets (ITC).
Improve logistics and transportation infrastructure to reduce costs and improve delivery
times. This includes modernizing ports and improving road connectivity to facilitate
smoother exports (Sri Lanka Export Development Board). This is also encourage the increase
the product expects high.
Finally, by implementing these strategies, Sri Lanka can enhance its export performance,
reduce dependence on traditional products and achieve sustainable economic growth.
Success in these efforts will require coordinated action by the government and the private

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