Spanish Cartomancy

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Spanish letters: how they should be consulted

The Spanish cards are the simplest tool that

we have most at hand to begin a predictive

We must take into account the meaning of each suit, whether the card is presented
upright or upside down and some associations between suits.

For example, what does it mean when they appear next to each other, for example
a gold followed by a sword. Finally, the meaning of each number and the figures.
We will also show you an easy and eloquent circulation model.

Gold cards refer exclusively to the material plane.
Rightly, they represent gains and successes that are achieved without effort, as
well as the absence of obstacles and setbacks in the consultant's path.
On the contrary, they represent the emotional plane and not the economic plane,
but with a similar meaning.
Associated with swords announce serious financial problems.

The glasses are related to the family and social aspects of the individual's life,
announcing happy meetings, celebrations, harmonious feelings and encounters that
can be related, according to the other cards, with work issues.
The cups are unfavorable on the material level, because they represent absence of
objectives and lack of effort on the part of the consultant.

Swords announce cutting, problems, breakups, fights, difficulties and long-term
medical or legal processes. They indicate the possibility of coming out stronger and
wiser since through their use skill and experience in relation to handling adverse
situations increases.

The coarse ones indicate temporary problems and tensions. They describe
individuals who are strong-willed, unruly, incapable of remaining stagnant, as well
as conflictive moments at work, whether with subordinates, colleagues or bosses.
The coarse ones indicate disagreements and resistance to meeting the imposed


Aces are the most important cards in the Spanish deck.
Right: Success, power.
Reverse: Failure.

Law : Favorable and lasting associations.
Reverse : Breakups and confrontations.

Law: Celebrations, business achievements, triumphs.

Reverse: The meaning does not change.

Right: four gold, successful business, inheritance.
Four of swords, economic setbacks, losses due to gambling or theft.

Ability to create projects, charismatic personality.
The five of swords indicates shady dealings.

Law: Successful partnerships, timely investments.
Reverse: Alert to a business. Don't rush.

Right: Economic gains, large sums of money.
Setbacks: Failures and gossip.

It announces the absence of setbacks and the arrival of stability. Accompanied by
a negative card, depending on whether or not it precedes it, it indicates past or
future delays and complications.

Law: Loans or gifts.
Reverse: Enemies lurking. Conspiracies against him. Probable job loss due to
dismissal or resignation.


They represent people and provide guidance about their physical traits and
characteristics. Inverted, they reinforce the negative qualities of that individual.

Ten or Jack: Woman

Eleven or Knight: Male
Twelve or King: Older man

The Golden figures represent blonde people with white skin.

The Copas figures represent people with brown hair and white skin.
The Espada figures represent people with white skin and black hair.
The figures of Bastos represent people with dark skin and dark hair.

The Page, the Knight and the King of Wands are mysterious individuals, who if they
appear the other way around, come with bad intentions towards the consultant.


The entire deck is shuffled, cutting it into three parts with the left hand of the
person who is going to read the spread, who puts them together in a single pile on
top of a large surface, such as the floor, a table, etc.
The consultant cuts three times with the left hand, forming three piles, which will
be joined into a single pile.
With the cards from this pile, the person reading the cards forms three rows of 12
cards each, subtracting four cards set aside from these rows, which will serve as
answers to four questions that the consultant can ask at the end of the reading.
The lines must be formed from bottom to top and from left to right.

The bottom row represents work and money.

The middle row represents health.
The top row represents love.
Each print run is valid for 30 days.

The four cards that remain answer the querent's questions. Each one answers a
Shuffled again and revealed on the table, they respond with their sequence to a
final fifth question.

1.Read fortune with Spanish Playing Card

Below is very complete information on reading luck or fortune with Spanish playing

If you want to know the answer about a possible love, about a matter related to
marriage or love union, etc., the card that represents the problem or fact must be
the Ace of Cups.
If what you want is to know something about the marriage itself (whether it is
convenient or not, if it will last, if the happiness will be clouded, etc.), the
representative card must be the five of cups.
For matters related to business profits, professional successes, social elevations,
etc., the card must be the nine of clubs, while for information related to possible
gifts, prizes, inheritances, etc., the corresponding card must be the six. or the
seven of pentacles.
All of this refers to the fact that the consultant or client is the interested party
When what is being asked is related to another person, a king or a jack must be
taken to represent it, according to the values of each suit that we have already
given for the consultant, that is, if you want to know the fate of a marriage or love
union, the representative card can be the king or the page of cups, etc.

The procedure to follow to find the answer is as follows:

1º The cartomancer or consulted will choose a card that must represent the thing
about which the question is asked.

2º The previous card will still put the card that represents the consultant.

3º You will randomly select 23 cards from the deck.

4º The consultant will shuffle the 25 cards and cut them three times, with the left

5º The consulted will take the deck and place the cards face up on the table in rows
of five cards.
6º It will then be seen if the card that represents the issue about which information
is requested is close to that of the consultant, and what other cards influence it.
The cards that are close to the consultant exert greater influence; those that are
more than three cards away are not taken into account at all.

7º If you want to have greater security about the oracle's response, the
consultation must be done three consecutive times.

8º The card that represents the consultant must be chosen according to the
following values:
The page of pentacles if it is a blonde lady.
The page of cups is a common blonde.
The page of clubs, if it is a lady with brown hair.
The page of swords, if the hair is black.
The same classification works for men, but using kings instead of jacks.

9º The card that represents the consultant loses all other meaning.
The interpretation or reading of the cards is done from left to right, according to the
meanings we give below: the cards have the same value whether they are upside
down or right side up. First of all, let us remember that the general meaning of the
suits of Spanish cards is as follows:
Pentacles: Money, success, happiness.
Drinks: Love affairs, friendships and fun.
Bastos: Business, travel, dating.
Swords: Losses, worries, illnesses, misfortunes.

suit of gold

Ace: A ring
Two: A secret.
Three: It refers to time. It means within a week, very soon.
Four: Surprise, which can be pleasant or unpleasant, depending on the meaning of
the other cards.
Five: Health, wealth, happiness. It is the luckiest card in the entire deck.
Six: A small gift.
Seven: Check or gift of value.
Eight: Travel or conference related to money.
Nine: Riches obtained in business.
Jack: Blond woman, lover of pleasures, kind or quite the opposite, as indicated by
the other cards.
Horse,-Pen,amicnt(), i-cla ciunate; ci)n 1;1 ;()t«i (i cl king.
King: Blonde man, friend or enemy, according to the others.

suit of cups

As: Offer of marriage or news of love.

Two: A kiss.
Three: It refers to time. Before a month.
Four: Small meeting or reception.
Five: Wedding or new admirer.
Six: Bewilderment, doubt or indecision.
Seven: Love or Friendship.
Eight: Trip to visit friends or just visit.
Nine: The letter of wishes.
Jack: Blonde woman, although not as blonde as the gold one. As a rule, she is a
good and kind friend.
Horse: Thought of the jack or the king.
King: Blonde man, although not as blonde as the one with gold. His character will
be good or bad, as indicated by the other cards.

suit of swords

Ace: Bad news. Sorrows or worries.

Two: Tears of disappointment.
Three: Delay, postponement. After many years.
Four: Trip caused by illness or illness. Sometimes it represents a disease itself.
Five: Poverty or loss of assets.
Six: Rival or enemy in business.
Seven: Quarrels with a friend.
Eight: Travel. Related to bad intentions or betrayal.
Nine: Bad luck in every way. It is the worst card in the deck.
Sota: A widow, separated or ill-intentioned woman. Usually dark.
Horse: Thoughts related to king or jack. One of these two is being considered.
King.-A very dark man. Sometimes widowed or separated, a busybody.

suit of clubs

Ace: Business or friendship letter.

Two: New clothes.
Three: It refers to time. Before a year passes.
Four: Business trip.
Five: Good news.
Six: Partnership that falls apart, partners that separate.
Seven: Entry of partner into the business.
Eight: Money that has been borrowed.
Nine: New appointment or promotion at work.
Sota: Intelligent and pleasant woman, usually with brown hair. Friend or foe, as the
other cards reveal.
Horse: You think of the king or the jack.
King: Intelligent man with brown hair. Friend or enemy, as the other cards reveal.

combination of cards
Ace and two of cups: Love relationships, love request.
Ace and nine of cups: Wedding. (The nine of cups is the card of desires, and, in
most cases, refers to their achievement, although not in all,)
Nine of Cups and Nine of Wands: Fulfillment of a business-related wish.
Nine of Cups and Nine of Pentacles: Fulfillment of a wish related to money.
Nine of Cups and Seven of Cups: Fulfillment of a wish related to love.
Nine of cups and nine of swords: Desire that is not easy to come true.
Ace of swords and nine of swords: Serious illness.
Ace of swords and nine, seven and four of swords: Death.
Knight and Page of Swords: Widowhood.
King and knight of swords: Divorce, separation.
Eight of wands and eight of swords: Theft.
Four Aces: Great honors, dignities and the friendship of the great.
Four deuces: News of a birth.
Four threes: As threes always relate to time, the four together bring it closer, that
is, the event will take place very soon.
Four fours: Many trips.
Four fives: The luck of the five of pentacles accentuated.
Four sixes: Hindrances of some kind.
Four sevens: Public entertainments, concerts, meetings.
Four eights: A journey.
Four nines: They will ensure the fulfillment of the desire represented by the nine of
Four sevens: Scandal, gossip.
Four eights: A trip.
Four nines: They will ensure the fulfillment of the desire represented by the nine of
Four jacks: Scandal, gossip.
Four horses: Many people's thoughts about the consultant.
Four kings: Good company and good society.
King of swords and king of wands: An enemy.
Knight of swords and horse of wands: Envy, hatred, bad intention.
Two jacks of any suit: A good friend of the same sex as the consultant.
King of pentacles, king of wands and two of swords: Loss of friends due to their
move or due to some betrayal.
Seven, six, five and four of swords: Lies.

The enchanted circle

This cartomantic procedure is very old. It is very possible that it is related to the
magic circle, which has such special importance in witchcraft and magic rituals. It is
one of the best methods to answer certain questions. Like, for example, Will I be
able to carry out the company without setbacks? Is there someone who wants me
badly? Is the man I'm dating suitable for me as a boyfriend or husband?, and other
similar questions about everyday life problems.
For this oracle of the enchanted circle, the cards are laid out in the following way:
the consultant is given a Spanish deck of 48 cards and told to mix them well. You
are then instructed to cut the deck with your left hand.
Then, the consulted or cartomancer takes the deck and proceeds to draw 19 cards,
with which he forms a wide circle. You can have a mat with the ideal circumference
marked; In this way the cards form a fairly perfect circle.
When the card reader draws a figure, that is, a jack, a knight or a king, the three
cards that follow are cancelled. Once the circle of 19 cards is finished, the reading
begins with the first figure that has appeared, and then the other cards that follow
to its right, which is that of the card reader, are interpreted.
The values we have given can be used for interpretation. However, it should be
noted that the release of many "white cards" is a harbinger of great success for the
consultant. The four "white cards" of cups and clubs (ace, seven, eight and nine)
announce good news. These "white cards" of gold predict good profits in business, a
favorable outcome of a process, a lottery prize. And those four cards, of swords,
predict the death of a relative or a close friend.

Omens to take into account

The cartomancer must take into account the following auxiliary omens if he wants
to interpret the cards correctly.

1st That if when shuffling the cards one falls to the ground, this is a sign of bad
omen, which increases if it is the ace of spades.

2º That it is not advisable to consult the letters on a cloudy day, and that it is a bad
omen to read them while a storm is breaking out.

3º That if at the time of the consultation a dog howls, an owl sings or a crow
squawks, this is an omen of death for a loved one of the consultant.

4º That if an interruption is suffered while operating the deck, it is a sign that the
consultant will encounter many obstacles in his projects.

5º That if once the consultation begins it starts to rain, it is a harbinger of tears and

6º That the pitiful meowing of a cat while cards are being dealt is a prediction of
death for a sick person close to the consultant.

7º That it is a very good omen to hear music or hear someone singing, suddenly,
while reading the cards.

8º That the flight of a butterfly or insect appearing around the consultant, while
they are reading or reading the cards, is an omen that everything will be fine.

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