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Historic context

During the 19th century , Spain experienced one of the most turbulent periods in
its history. The century opened with the War of Independence against France and closed
with the Spanish-American War and the Disaster of '98, which meant the loss of Cuba
in America and the Philippines in Asia . The Bourbon dynasty, after the reigns of
Ferdinand VII ( 1814 - 1833 ) and Isabel II ( 1833 - 1868 ), was overthrown by the
revolution of this last year, La Gloriosa . The regency of Serrano ( 1869 - 1870 ) and
the brief reign of Amadeo of Savoy ( 1871 - 1873 ) followed. Then the short period of
the First Republic ( 1873 - 1874 ) opened, which was followed by the Serrano Head of
State ( 1874 ) and the Restoration of the Bourbon dynasty in the hands of Alfonso XII (
1875 - 1885 ), son of Isabel II , after the pronouncement of Martínez Campos . Once the
king died, his second wife, María Cristina, assumed the Regency until 1902 , the year in
which her son Alfonso XIII began to reign.

Spanish Realism literature is a literary movement that is part of Realism , a

cultural movement that was promoted in Europe in the mid -19th century by
undermining the tendencies of the romantic movement . It is a current from France that,
around 1850 , developed germs already existing in Romanticism, especially
costumbrismo. Romantic ideas would dissolve little by little and a reaction would begin
against "art for art's sake"; The gaze of some was tired of the imaginative and
picturesque, and sought to objectively observe people, society and contemporary
actions. Its objective was to present a portrait of society. The main precursor was
Honoré de Balzac ( 1799 - 1850 ) who, with works such as The Human Comedy ,
imposed a moral and social purpose on the novel. This purpose, becoming almost
exclusive, very soon led, in some authors, to Naturalism .

The term "realist" was used for the first time in 1850 , referring to painting , but
was later extended to the rest of the arts. In literature the novel was mainly reflected.
Perhaps one of the reasons for the popular success of the novels is found in their
publication in the newspapers of the time. The editors used the novel in installments to
force the public to buy the newspaper daily. The attitude of the realist writer is
analytical and critical, and he usually stays outside of what he tells. The main novels of
the 19th century were social in nature, and the writers were considered "historians of the

However, it should not be forgotten that romantic tendencies continued to

survive or others developed that reacted against Realism.

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