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Name :Alwi Shihab Daulay

Nim :2220300036

Tbi: 1

Academic Listening

As college and university students, you have reached a point in your life where you
are assuming greater personal accountability in all aspects of your life. including
academic listening.
You are expected to be independent learners, who take responsibility for your learning
For good or ill, you may choose to begin writing a paper two weeks in advance, or the
night before You can decide whether you want to review assigned material the night
before going to class or spend the evening out with your friends. Bottom line, all of your
choices about how you approach school will have an impact on how you listen Remember
you ultimately bear at least half of the responsibility for your communication with your
instructor and in spite of whether you like or dislike the way the instructor teaches, you
bear the full responsibility for your learning.
Throughout this text you have read about the importance of listening in achieving a
successful personal life As children, teens, and young adults, school is one of the places
where you spend significant portions of your time. As you know, speaking and listening
are the primary methods by which you acquire knowledge However, the educational
aspects of listening begin long before you start school Think, for example, about how you
acquired language.
Your parents and other family members encouraged you to talk to them. As they
coaxed you to say certain words and names, you listened to the sounds until the day you
were able to actually form it Listening, then, is the first of the communication skill that a
child develops It is fundamental to speaking, reading, and writing I Thus, we learn to
listen then speak speak then read, and read then write.
When we talk about academic listening, we focus on several key aspects:
1.Purpose: Understanding lectures, discussions, and presentations in an academic
2. Skills: Developing abilities such as focused attention, note-taking, synthesizing
information, and critical thinking.
3. Challenges: Addressing issues like understanding complex vocabulary, different accents,
and varying speaking speeds.
4. Strategies: Employing techniques like active listening, asking questions for clarification,
and reviewing notes regularly.
5. Outcomes: Achieving better comprehension of course material, improved participation in
class, and enhanced overall academic performance.

Academic listening is the process of understanding and interpreting spoken information in
educational settings. It involves comprehending lectures, discussions, and presentations,
which requires focused attention, note-taking skills, and the ability to synthesize and
evaluate the information heard. Effective academic listening is crucial for academic
success as it aids in grasping complex concepts, engaging in critical thinking, and
participating in discussions.

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