Essay On Gender Equality

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Faculty of Arts and Humanities



Since ancient times, human beings have sought a way to achieve gender equality,
which involves the sustainability of each individual in society, through respect for
each other. That is why it is important to reduce the rates of gender discrimination;
given that in most countries, women are the ones who carry the exhausting burden
of providing food for their family on their men, a fact that focuses on the importance
of having the same opportunities between men and women within society.

Gender equality implies the same opportunities for men and women, in which they
receive equal treatment in carrying out their activities without underestimating the
efforts of the female sex. For this reason, the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights grants people legal and social equality regardless of their gender.

Man is born equal and free, but not in rights, he is considered equal in capacity,
something totally new that also breaks with the Aristotelian vision that considers
men unequal by nature (Hobbes, 1999).

More than a century ago it was inconceivable to conceive the idea of gender
equality since women were considered inferior to men; The French Revolution
ignored the right of women to have equal opportunities, but emphasized that
women must be submissive to their husbands through the Napoleonic code in

Governments in all parts of the world recognized equality between men and
women as a right at the beginning of the 20th century, in which women were given
recognition of the same legal status in public life, that is, they would participate in
business activities and in jobs that recognize their knowledge.

Poverty is a fact that frames discrimination against women since it is related to

inequality in terms of access to education, productive resources and control of
assets; since scarcity prevents them from knowing their rights. In industrialized
countries, the best job opportunities are always offered to men, causing wage
discrimination against women, since there is a tendency to think that just because
they are women they are only good for caring for their husbands and children.
In India, women work twelve hours more a week than men; It is labor exploitation
of the female sex and does not have equitable remuneration that allows them to
carry out opportunities for personal growth. Another regrettable fact is the sexual
exploitation of girls and women; They suffer attacks from their partners and rapes
from members of their own family, thus causing job instability and an increase in
marginalized sectors due to violence against women.

It is essential that the eradication of discrimination is carried out of women, so

that there is sustainability in terms of education, poverty reduction and
universalization of human rights through participation in decision-making and
improvements in employment prospects. We must fight to obtain sustainable
development in which equality policies are promoted that allow equal opportunities
between genders. The United Nations actively supports the empowerment of
women where inclusion is guaranteed and educational quality is guaranteed.

In Colombia, since 2006, the general law for Equality between Women and Men
was created, which aims to guarantee equality in terms of economic life, political
participation and representation, full access to social rights; since for equality to be
possible, new public policies must be implemented to balance the differences
between men and women to obtain a more pleasant and equitable environment.

In conclusion, gender equality can be established as a fundamental tool in society

where rights and opportunities are respected as a means of improving coexistence
and prejudices for each person's environment.


- [Hobbes, Thomas. (1999) Philosophy and Thought. Alliance Editorial.

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