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Monday, July 1, 2024

Board of Education Annual Organizational Meeting

Board Members: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Erin Croyle, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Eldred Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Attachments and details of resolutions are included in the Agenda on the website; motions and voting
results and notes will be in the Minutes.
ICSD Board of Education Annual Reorganization Meeting
When: July 6, 2023 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Reorganization Meeting- Board Room/Zoom
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Meeting ID: 896 1788 8432
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1. Call to Order
Subject : 1.1 Open the Public Meeting
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 1. Call to Order
Type : Procedural

Public Content
Meeting Called to Order by District Clerkas per ICSD Policy 2210 Board Organizational Meeting

ICSD Board of Education Annual Reorganization Meeting

Friday, Jul 6, 2023
9:00 AM EST

Topic: Reorganization Meeting

Time: Jul 6, 2023 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 896 1788 8432


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Subject : 1.2 Pledge of Allegiance
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 1. Call to Order
Type : Procedural
Subject : 1.3 Nomination of Temporary Chairperson
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 1. Call to Order
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to Nominate Sean Eversley Bradwell, sitting board
member, to serve as temporary Chairperson until the
President is Elected.
Subject : 1.4 Appointment of Clerk
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 1. Call to Order
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to Appoint Tricia Beresford as the Clerk of the
Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-
2025school year.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that Tricia Beresford beand hereby is designated the Clerk of the Ithaca City School
District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 school year.

Board Member,Sean Eversley Bradwell administersthe Oath of Office to the District Clerk as follows:

I, Tricia Beresford, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and
the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the Clerk
of the Board of Education of Ithaca City School District according to the best of my ability.

Note: Signed Oaths of Office are on file in the Board Clerks Office.

2. Administration of Oath of Office to Superintendent and

Elected Board Members
Subject : 2.1 Administration of Oath of Office to Superintendent
of Schools
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual Organizational
Category : 2. Administration of Oath of Office to Superintendent
and Elected Board Members
Type : Procedural

Public Content
RESOLVED, that Dr. Luvelle Brown be and hereby is designated the Superintendent of the Ithaca City
School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 school year.

Tricia Beresford, District Clerk, administersthe Oath of Office to the Superintendent of Schools, Dr.
Luvelle Brown of the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 school yearas

I, Dr.Luvelle Brown, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States
and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the
Office of Superintendent of Schools according to the best of my ability.

Subject : 2.2 Administration of Oath of Office to Elected Board

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual Organizational
Category : 2. Administration of Oath of Office to Superintendent
and Elected Board Members
Type : Procedural

Public Content
Tricia Beresford, District Clerk, administersthe Oath of Office to elected Board of Education Members
Todd Fox, Adam Krantweiss, and Emily Workman to a three-year term to the Board of Education of
Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2027 school years as follows:

I, Adam Krantweiss, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States
and the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the
Office of Board of Education Member according to the best of my ability.

I, Emily Workman,do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and
the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the
Office of Board of Education Member according to the best of my ability

3. Election of Board of Education President

Subject : 3.1 Nomination for President of the Board
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 3. Election of Board of Education President
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to nominate ___________ for President of the
Board of Education for the 2024-2025 School Year
Public Content
The Temporary Chairperson will ask for nominations for Board President.

Any motions to nominate member(s) of the Board as Board President must be made, seconded, and
voted on by the Board.

After the nomination(s) are closed, the Board will vote to elect the President.

Following the vote (agenda item 3.2), the Oath of Office will be administered (agenda item 3.3) and the
President will assume chair.

Subject : 3.2 Election of President of the Board

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 3. Election of Board of Education President
Type : Procedural

Public Content
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Ithaca City School District hereby appoints
________________ as President of the Board of Educationto serve a one-year term as President ending
June 30, 2025

Motion to elect ____________ as President

Votes as tallied by District Clerk:

K. Apker

G. Blalock

S. Eversley Bradwell

E. Croyle

T. Fox

A. Krantweiss

J. Tripp

E. Workman

K. Yearwood

Subject : 3.3 Administration of Oath of Office to President of the

Board for the 2024-2025 School Year
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual Organizational
Category : 3. Election of Board of Education President
Type : Procedural

Public Content
Tricia Beresford, District Clerk, administersthe Oath of Office to the President of the Board,[Board
Member], of the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 school yearas follows:

I, ___________, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and
the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the
Office of President of the Board of Education according to the best of my ability.

Note: Signed Oaths of Office are on file in the Board Clerks Office.

Elected Board President willassumechair immediately upon election.

4. Election of Board of Education Vice President

Subject : 4.1 Nomination for Vice President of the Board
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 4. Election of Board of Education Vice President
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to nominate _________ for Vice President of the
Board of Education for the 2024-2025 School Year

Public Content
The Board President will ask for nominations for Board Vice President.After the nominations are closed
the Board will vote. The Oath of Office will be administered

Subject : 4.2 Election of Vice President of the Board

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 4. Election of Board of Education Vice President
Type : Procedural

Public Content
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the Ithaca City School District hereby appoints
________________ as Vice President of the Board of Educationto serve a one-year term as Vice President
ending June 30, 2025

Motion to elect ____________ as Vice President

Votes as tallied by District Clerk:

K. Apker

G. Blalock

S. Eversley Bradwell

E. Croyle

T. Fox

A. Krantweiss

J. Tripp
E. Workman

K. Yearwood

Subject : 4.3 Administration of Oath of Office to Vice President of

the Board for the 2023-2024 School Year
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual Organizational
Category : 4. Election of Board of Education Vice President
Type : Procedural

Public Content
Board President, administersthe Oath of Office to the Vice President of the Board, [Board Member], of
the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 school yearas follows:

I, _____________, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and
the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the
Office of Vice President of the Board of Education according to the best of my ability.

Note: Signed Oaths of Office are on file in the Board Clerks Office.

Without limiting the duties of the Vice President as enumerated in Section 2504 of the Education Law or
Policy 2220 of the District, the Board of Education of the District hereby makes a standing referral
during the 2024-2025 academic year for its Vice President to act for the President and have all of the
authority of the President in case of the Presidents absence, unavailability, or inability to act on behalf of
the Board.

5. Appointment of District Officers

Subject : 5.1 Appointment of Treasurer
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 5. Appointment of District Officers
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to appoint Emily Shipe as Treasurer of the Ithaca
City Schoo District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025
fiscal year.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that EmilyShipebe and hereby is appointed Treasurer of the Ithaca City School District,
Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

The Board President or Clerk willadministerthe Oath of Office to the District Treasurer within thirty
days of the notice of appointment as follows:

I, Emily Shipe, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the
Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the
Treasurer of Ithaca City School District according to the best of my ability.

Note: Signed Oaths of Office are on file in the Board Clerks Office.

Subject : 5.2 Appointment of Tax Collector

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 5. Appointment of District Officers
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to appoint Chief Operations Officer, Amanda
Verba, as Tax Collector of the Ithaca City School District,
Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that Chief Operations Officer, Amanda Verba be and hereby is appointed Tax Collector of
the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

The Board President or Clerk willadministerthe Oath of Office to the Tax Collector within thirty days of
the notice of appointment as follows:

I, Amanda Verba, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and
the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the Tax
Collector of Ithaca City School District according to the best of my ability.

Note: Signed Oaths of Office are on file in the Board Clerks Office.

Subject : 5.3 Appointment of Claims Auditor

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 5. Appointment of District Officers
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to appoint Kortney Pakkala as Claims Auditor of
the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York, for the
2024-2025 fiscal year.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that Kortney Pakkala be and hereby is appointed Claims Auditor of the Ithaca City School
District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

The Board President or Clerk willadministerthe Oath of Office to the Claims Auditorwithin thirty days of
the notice of appointment as follows:

I, Kortney Pakkala do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and
the Constitution of the State of New York, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the
Claims Auditor of Ithaca City School District according to the best of my ability.

Note: Signed Oaths of Office are on file in the Board Clerks Office.

6. Appointment of Other Positions

Subject : 6.1 Appointment of Deputy Claims Auditor
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 6. Appointment of Other Positions
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to Approve Emilee Tracy-Arm as Deputy Claims
Auditor of the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New
York, for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that Emilee Tracy-Arm be and hereby is appointed Deputy Claims Auditor of the Ithaca
City School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

Subject : 6.2 Appointment of Purchasing Agent

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 6. Appointment of Other Positions
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to appoint Chief Operations Officer, Amanda Verba,
and/or Assistant School Business Administrator, Sydney
Wade, as Purchasing Agents of the Ithaca City School
District, Ithaca, New York, for the fiscal year 2024-2025.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that Chief Operations Officer, Amanda Verba, and/or Assistant School Business
Administrator, Sydney Wade, be and hereby are appointed Purchasing Agents of the Ithaca City School
District, Ithaca, New York, for the fiscal year 2024-2025 and that they be authorized to purchase
supplies and equipment for services as provided in the budget.

Subject : 6.3 Appointment of Deputy Treasurer

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 6. Appointment of Other Positions
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to appoint Connie Tallmadge and/or Assistant
School Business Administrator, Sydney Wade, as Deputy
Treasurers of the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New
York, for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that Connie Tallmadge and/or Assistant School Business Administrator, Sydney Wade be
and hereby is appointed Deputy Treasurers of the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York, for the
2024-2025 fiscal year.

Subject : 6.4 Appointment of Deputy Tax Collector

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 6. Appointment of Other Positions
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to appoint Emily Shipe as Deputy Tax Collector of
the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York, for the
2024-2025 fiscal year.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that Emily Shipe be and hereby is appointed Deputy Tax Collector of the Ithaca City School
District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

Subject : 6.5 Appointment of Records Access Officer

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 6. Appointment of Other Positions
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to appoint Administration Officer, Dr. Daniel
Breiman Records Access Officer of the Ithaca City School
District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
Public Content
RESOLVED, that Administration Officer, Dr. Daniel Breiman,be and hereby is appointed the Records
Access Officer of the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

Subject : 6.6 Appointment of Records Management Officer

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 6. Appointment of Other Positions
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to appoint Assistant School Business Administrator,
Sydney Wade, Records Management Officer of the Ithaca
City School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025
fiscal year.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that Assistant School Business Administrator, Sydney Wade be and hereby is appointed
the Records Management Officer of the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025
fiscal year.

Subject : 6.7 Appointment of Asbestos Designee - AHERA

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 6. Appointment of Other Positions
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to appoint Coordinator of Facilities, Heather
Williams, Asbestos Designee - AHERA of the Ithaca City
School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025
school year.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that the Coordinator of Facilities, Heather Williams, be and hereby is appointed Asbestos
Designee - AHERA of the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 school year.

Subject : 6.8 Appointment of Data Privacy Officer

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 6. Appointment of Other Positions
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to appoint Chief Information Officer, Zachary Lind,
Data Privacy Officer of the Ithaca City School District,
Ithaca New York, for the 2024-2025 school year.

Public Content
Resolved, that Chief Information Officer, Zachary Lind be and hereby is appointed Data Privacy Officer of the
Ithaca City School District, Ithaca New York, for the 2024-2025 school year.

Subject : 6.9 Appointment of Dignity for All Students Act

(DASA) Coordinators
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 6. Appointment of Other Positions
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to Approve the following appointments of Dignity for
All Students Act (DASA) Coordinators of the Ithaca City
School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025
school year

Public Content
Resolved, that Chief Operations Officer, Amanda Verba, be and hereby is appointed District DASA

Coordinator of the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 school year

RESOLVED, that the following district personnel be and hereby are appointed DASA Coordinators for each
building location of the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 school year.

Belle Sherman Elementary School - Principal Jeff Tomasik

Beverly J. Martin Elementary School - Principal Jacqueline Richardson

Boynton Middle School - Principal Lauren Wright

Caroline Elementary School -Principal Caren Arnold

Cayuga Heights Elementary School - Principal Aileen Grainger

DeWitt Middle School - Principal Dan McGrath

Enfield Elementary School -PrincipalKeith Harrington

Fall Creek Elementary School - Principal Caitlin Bram

Ithaca High School -PrincipalJason Trumble

Lehman Alternative Community School - Principal Deb Ptak

Northeast Elementary School - Principal Julie Humble

South Hill Elementary School -Principal Arthur Brown Jr.

Subject : 6.10 Appointment of COVID-19 Response
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 6. Appointment of Other Positions
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to appoint Coordinator of Health Services and
Wellness, Kari Burke, COVID-19 Response Coordinator of
the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York, for the
2024-2025 fiscal year.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that the Coordinator of Health Services and Wellness, Kari Burke be and hereby is appointed
COVID-19 Response Coordinator of the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 fiscal

Subject : 6.11 Appointments of Treasurer of Activity Funds and

Faculty Counselor
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 6. Appointment of Other Positions
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the following individuals to the positions
indicated of the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New
York, for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that the following individuals be appointed to the position as indicated of the Ithaca City
School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

Ithaca High School

Treasurer of Activity Funds Lucky Lucas
Faculty Counselor Martha Hardesty

Lehman Alternative Community School

Treasurer of Activity Funds Kristi Neally-Lehmann
Faculty Counselor Deborah Ptak

Boynton Middle School

Treasurer of Activity Funds Debra Tudi
Faculty Counselor Lauren Wright

DeWitt Middle School

Treasurer of Activity Funds Tracy Compton
Faculty CounselorDaniel McGrath
Subject : 6.12 Appointment of Deputy District Clerk
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 6. Appointment of Other Positions
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to appoint Emilee Tracy-Arm as Deputy District
Clerk of the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York,
for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that Emilee Tracy-Arm beand hereby is designated the Deputy District Clerk of the Ithaca City
School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 school year.

Subject : 6.13 Appointment to the Workers' Compensation

Cooperative Board
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 6. Appointment of Other Positions
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to appoint Chief Operations Officer, Amanda Verba,
to represent the Ithaca City School District on the Workers
Compensation Cooperative Board for 2024-2025 and further
that Assistant School Business Executive, Sydney Wade,
shall be designated as the alternate representative.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that Chief Operations Officer, Amanda Verba, be and hereby is appointed to represent the
Ithaca City School District on the Workers Compensation Cooperative Board for 2024-2025 and further
that Assistant School Business Executive, Sydney Wade, shall be designated as the alternate

Subject : 6.14 Appointment of Community Members to Audit

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 6. Appointment of Other Positions
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to appoint the following community members as
Audit Committee members, effective July 1, 2024 through
the July 2025 Annual Reorganizational Meeting.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that [TBD], [TBD], and [TBD] upon the recommendation of the Board of Education Audit
Committee, be and hereby are appointed as the Audit Committee members, effective July 1, 2024
through the July 2025 Annual Reorganizational Meeting.

7. Bonding of Personnel
Subject : 7.1 Pertaining to Undertakings
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 7. Bonding of Personnel
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the bonding of all persons and positions
required by law or regulation to be bonded through a
blanket undertaking from a duly authorized corporate surety
covering such positions as officers, clerks, or employees.

Public Content
RESOLVED that the Board of Education approves the bonding of all persons and positions required by
law or regulation to be bonded through a blanket undertaking from a duly authorizedcorporate surety
covering such positions as officers, clerks or employees.

8. Designations
Subject : 8.1 Designation of Regular Meetings and Discussion
Sessions of the Board of Education
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual Organizational
Category : 8. Designations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the following designation of Regular
Meetings and Discussion Sessions of the Board of

Public Content
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education will meet twice monthly onTuesdays: a discussion
/voting session for in depth public discussion and a voting meeting.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a combined discussion/voting meeting will be held when necessary
with prior notice.

BE IT ALSO FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Education meetings will be held at 6:00 p.m., in
Lower York Hall, Ithaca High School, 400 Lake Street, unless a public announcement is made noting a
change or a virtual meeting is required.

Subject : 8.2 Designation of Method for Calling Regular Meetings

and Special Voting Meetings
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual Organizational
Category : 8. Designations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the designation of the method for calling
Regular Meetings and Special Voting Meetings be in
accordance with ICSD Policy 2300 - Calling Regular and
Special Meetings.

Public Content
RESOLVED that the method for calling regular meetings and special voting meetings be in accordance
with ICSD Policy 2300Calling Regular and Special Meetings

Subject : 8.3 Designation as Operative all Existing By-Laws

and Regulations
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 8. Designations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the designation that all existing By-Laws
and Regulations of the City School District, Ithaca, New
York, operative at the close of the school year, 2024-2025
be and hereby are approved for the ensuing year or until
action by the Board of Education changes or deletes such
By-Laws and Regulations.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that all existing By-Laws and Regulations of the City School District, Ithaca, New York,
operative at the close of the school year, 2024-2025 be and hereby are approved for the ensuing year
or until action by the Board of Education changes or deletes such By-Laws and Regulations.

Link to Ithaca City School District Policy Book

Subject : 8.4 Designation of Board of Education Standing

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 8. Designations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the designation of Board of Education
standing committees for the fiscal year 2024-2025 as
follows: Audit Committee, Curriculum Innovations and
Strategic Partnerships Committee, Facilities Committee,
Finance Committee, Human Resource Committee, and
Policy Committee.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education shall continue the use of standing committees for the fiscal
year 2024-2025 as follows:

1. Audit Committee

2. Curriculum Innovations and Strategic Partnerships Committee

3. Facilities Committee

4. Finance Committee

5. Human Resources Committee

6. Policy Committee

Subject : 8.5 Designation of Board of Education Advisory

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 8. Designations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the establishment and use of the
following advisory council(s) for the fiscal year 2024-2025
as follows: Revenue Exploration Advisory Council.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education shall establish the use of the following advisory council(s) for the
fiscal year 2024-2025 as follow

1. Revenue Exploration Advisory Council

Subject : 8.6 Designation of Delegate to the TST BOCES

Executive Committee
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 8. Designations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to designate _________ as the member of its
Board of Education to be the delegate to the TST BOCES
Executive Committee for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

Public Content
BE IT RESOLVEDthat the Board of Education of the District hereby designates __________as the
memberof itsBoard of Education to be the delegate to the TST BOCESExecutive Committee for the
2024-2025 Fiscal Year.

Subject : 8.7 Board Designee for Impartial Hearing

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 8. Designations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to designate __________ as the member of its Board
of Education responsible for appointing an impartial hearing
officer in accordance with the rotational selection process
established by the Commissioner of Education in Section
200.2(e) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of
Education to conduct hearings in the District pursuant to
Section 4404(1) of the Education Law.

Public Content
WHEREAS, the Board of Education of the District desires to designate a member of the Board as the
official designee responsible for appointing impartial hearing officers in accordance with the regulations
of the Commissioner of Education.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education of the District hereby designates
_____________as the member of its Board of Education responsible for appointing an impartial hearing
officer in accordance with the rotational selection process established by the Commissioner of
Education in Section 200.2(e) of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education to conduct hearings
in the District pursuant to Section 4404(1) of the Education Law.

Subject : 8.8 Designating Official Depositories

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 8. Designations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the designation of the following banks
and/or trust companies as the official depositories for the
funds of the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York,
during the fiscal year 2024-2025

Public Content
RESOLVED, that the following banks and/or trust companies be and hereby are designated as the
official depositories for the funds of the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York, during the fiscal
year 2024-2025:

Tompkins Community Bank: General Funds; Federal Aid Funds; Payroll Funds; School Lunch
Funds; Construction and Capital Funds; Extra-Curricular Funds; Tax Deposit Funds;Health
Benefits Funds; Trust and Agency Funds; Health/Rx Insurance Funds

JP Morgan Chase: General Fund; Debt Service Fund; Fund Investment

M & T Bank: School Lunch Fund
Chemung Canal Trust: General Fund; Debt Service Fund

NYLAF(New York Liquid Asset Fund): General Fund Investment; Debt Service Fund; School
Lunch Fund

First National Bank of Dryden: Fund Investment

Five Star: Fund Investment

JP Morgan Chase: Fund Investment

Key Bank: Fund Investment

TD Bank: Fund Investment

Tioga State Bank- Fund Investment

Subject : 8.9 Designation of Official Newspaper

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 8. Designations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the designation of the Ithaca Journal as
the official newspaper for the City School District, Ithaca,
New York, during the school year 2024-2025 for the
publication of all legal notices and such other data as is
required to be published by law and for which the same may
be qualified to act.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that the ITHACA JOURNAL be designated as the official newspaper for the City School
District, Ithaca, New York, during the school year 2024-2025 for the publication of all legal notices and
such other data as is required to be published by law and for which the same may be qualified to act.

Subject : 8.10 Designation of Signers

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 8. Designations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the designation of Treasurer, Emily
Shipe, and Assistant School Business Administrator,
Sydney Wade, as the the authorized signers for the
disbursement of all funds of the Ithaca City School District,
Ithaca, New York during the 2024-2025 fiscal year

Public Content
RESOLVED, that Emily Shipeas Treasurerand Sydney Wade as Assistant School Business
Administrator, individually be and hereby are designated the authorized signers for the disbursement of
all funds of the Ithaca City School District, Ithaca, New York during the 2024-2025 fiscal year

Subject : 8.11 Designation of Internal Auditor

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 8. Designations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the designation of Questar III BOCES
as internal auditors for the Ithaca City School District,
Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that this Board designates Questar III BOCES as internal auditors for the Ithaca City
School District, Ithaca, New York, for the 2024-2025 school year.

Subject : 8.12 Designated Receivers of Money

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 8. Designations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the designation of the following
positions as receivers of money for the school year 2024-

Public Content
RESOLVED, that the following positions be and hereby are designated receivers of money for the
school year 2024-2025:

Treasurer, Ithaca City School District

School Treasurer, Ithaca High School
School Treasurer, Lehman Alternative Community School
School Treasurer, DeWitt Middle School
School Treasurer, Boynton Middle School
Librarians and Library Clerks
School Secretary, all schools
Cafeteria Cashiers
Tax Collector
Tax Clerks
Purchasing Agent
Chief Operations Officer
School Lunch Clerk
Transportation Director
Wellness and Athletics Officer

Athletic FacilitiesManager

Athletic Equipment Manager

Director of Child Nutrition

Subject : 8.13 Designation of Independent Auditor

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 8. Designations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the designation of Insero & Oc. CPAs
as Independent Auditors for the Ithaca City School District,
Ithaca, New York, for the fiscal year 2024-2025

Public Content
RESOLVED, that this Board designates Insero& Co. CPAs as independent auditors for the Ithaca City
School District for the 2024-2025 school year.

Subject : 8.14 Designated Custodians of Money

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 8. Designations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the designation of the following
positions as designated custodians of money for the
school year 2024-2025

Public Content
RESOLVED, that the following positions be and hereby are designated custodians of money for the
school year 2024-2025:

Treasurer, Ithaca City School District

School Treasurer, Ithaca High School

School Treasurer, Lehman Alternative Community School

School Treasurer, DeWitt Middle School
School Treasurer, Boynton Middle School
School Secretary, all schools
Cafeteria Cashiers
Tax Collector
Tax Clerks
Purchasing Agent

Director of Child Nutrition

Transportation Director
Wellness and Athletics Officer

9. Authorizations
Subject : 9.1 Authorization for use of Telephone, Wire and
Electronic Banking Services
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 9. Authorizations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to authorize Emily Shipe as Treasurer and Sydney
Wade as Assistant School Business Administrator,
individually to utilize telephone, wire, and electronic banking
services at the Ithaca City School District designated official
depositories during the school year 2024-2025

Public Content
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education authorizes Emily Shipe as Treasurerand Sydney Wade as
Assistant School Business Administrator, individually to utilize telephone, wire, and electronic banking
services at the Ithaca City School District designated official depositories during the school year 2024-

Subject : 9.2 Authorizing Certain Staff Members to Sign

Agreements, Etc., School Lunch Program
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual Organizational
Category : 9. Authorizations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to authorize Tricia Beresford, Clerk of the Ithaca City
School District, Ithaca, New York, and Amanda Verba, Chief
Operations Officer, to sign agreements, reports, and claims
to the State Education Department in connection with the
operation of the National School Lunch Program in the
schools of the City School District, Ithaca, New York for the
2024-2025 school year.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that Tricia Beresford, the Clerk of the City School District, Ithaca, New York, and Amanda
Verba,the Chief Operations Officer, be authorized to sign agreements, reports, and claims to the State
Education Department in connection with the operation of the National School Lunch Program in the
schools of the City School District, Ithaca, New York for the 2024-2025 school year.

Subject : 9.3 Authorizing Certain Staff Members to Enter Into

Agreements, Contracts, or Other Obligations
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual Organizational
Category : 9. Authorizations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to authorize Chief Operations Officer, Amanda
Verba, to sign agreements, contracts, or any obligations
with vendors, consultants, contractors, or other service
providers for the 2024-2025 school year.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that Chief Operations Officer, Amanda Verba, be authorized to sign agreements, contracts, or
any obligations with vendors, consultants, contractors, or other service providers for the 2024-2025 school

Subject : 9.4 Authorizing Certification of Payrolls

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 9. Authorizations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to authorize Chief Human Capital Officer, Robert
Van Keuren, and/or Chief Operations Officer, Amanda
Verba, to certify all payrolls prepared on behalf of the City
School District, Ithaca, New York for the 2024-2025 fiscal

Public Content
RESOLVED, that Robert Van Keuren, the Chief Human Capital Officer and/or Amanda Verba, Chief
Operations Officer be and hereby are authorized to certify all payrolls prepared on behalf of the City
School District, Ithaca, New York for the 2024-2025 fiscal year.
Subject : 9.5 Authorization for Cooperative Bidding
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 9. Authorizations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve authorization for cooperative bidding as
authorized by General Municipal Law, section 119-0 for
the purpose of selected items for use in and by this District

Public Content
RESOLVED, that this Board agrees to join with other school districts and BOCES in New York State in
cooperative bidding as authorized by General Municipal Law, section 119-0 for the purpose of selected
items for use in and by this District and that the Clerks of the participating districts and/or BOCES be
authorized to act as agents for the preparation of specifications and for the receiving of sealed bids
submitted in answer thereto; and,

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the board agrees: 1) to abide by majority decision of the
participating agencies on quality standards; 2) that unless all bids are rejected, it will award contracts
according to the recommendations of the majority of the participating agencies if it desires to do so; 3)
that after the award of contract(s) it will conduct all negotiations directly with the successful bidder(s).

Subject : 9.6 Authorization to Invest Funds

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 9. Authorizations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to delegate the authority to invest School District
monies to Amanda Verba, the Chief Operations Officer and
/or Emily Shipe, the Treasurer, in accordance with Sections
l604-a and l723-a of the Education Law and any other
pertinent regulations.

Public Content
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education delegates the authority to invest School District monies to
Amanda Verba, the Chief Operations Officer and/or Emily Shipe, the Treasurer in accordance with
Sections l604-a and l723-a of the Education Law and any other pertinent regulations.

Subject : 9.7 Authorization of Petty Cash Funds

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 9. Authorizations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to authorize the establishment of petty cash funds
for the fiscal year 2024-2025 in the amounts listed and
appoint the designated positions as custodians to the funds:
ICSD Treasurer - $100.00; ICSD Transportation Director -

Public Content
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education hereby authorizes the establishment of petty cash funds for
the fiscal year 2024-2025 in the amounts listed and appoint the designated positions as custodians of
the funds:

Ithaca City School District Treasurer $100.00

Ithaca City School DistrictTransportation Director $100.00

Subject : 9.8 Authorization of Cell Phones for Select

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 9. Authorizations
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve recognition of select district employees
who are required to carry district-owned cell phones in
order to meet their job responsibilities

Public Content
The Board of Education recognizes that select district employees will be required to carry district-owned cell phones in
order to meet their job responsibilities. Such phones should be provided only when a less costly alternative (e.g.,
pager, radio) is not available or is not appropriate in the circumstances.

Cell phones are to be used for school district business purposes only and anything other than incidental private use is prohibited. The
Informational and Instructional Technology (IIT) office, in conjunction with Facilities and Operation Department, will monitor for proper use of
cell phones and improper use costs will be reimbursed to the school district. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in revocation of the
phone and/or discipline of the employee.

Employees must take proper care of cell phones and take all reasonable precautions against damage, loss, or theft. Any damage, loss, or
theft must be reported immediately to the IIT office. Employees who use a district-owned cell phone may be liable for damages or losses that
occur during its use.

A list of job titles requiring district-owned cell phones shall be maintained by the IIT office and reported to the Board for its approval each
year at its reorganizational meeting in July. Additionally, at least once per year, the IIT office shall evaluate the cost and necessity of cellular
usage and the effectiveness of the cellular telephone policy and procedures and report to the Board on the cost and effectiveness of the
districts cellular telephone plan.

All cellular telephone contracts shall be secured through the appropriate purchasing process (e.g., competitive bid, RFP process) and shall
be subject to review and approval by the Board.
Presented: September 22, 2009 and revised October 27, 2009
Adopted: October 27, 2009
File Attachments
Current VZW Lines as of 6_24_24.pdf (36 KB)
10. Consent Agenda
Subject : 10.1 Approval of Consent Agenda
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 10. Consent Agenda
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Consent Agenda as

Public Content
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing
several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent
agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation
concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an
extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any
board member.

Subject : 10.2 Acting Principal Resolutions for Ithaca High

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 10. Consent Agenda
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to Approve Acting Principal Resolutions for
Ithaca High School as part of the Consent Agenda

Public Content
BE IT RESOLVED in the event that Mr. Jason Trumble, Principal of the Ithaca High School is not
physically present in the Ithaca High School on one or more days (or portions thereof) during the 2024-
2025school year, Ms. Martha Hardesty, Associate Principal, be appointed Acting Principal for all short-
term student discipline matters pursuant to Section 3214 of the New York State Education Law; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED in the event that Ms. Martha Hardesty, Associate Principal is unavailable
or otherwise unable to be physically present in the Ithaca High School to serve as Acting Principal, in
the absence of Mr. Jason Trumble, Principal, Mr. Patrick Hovey, Associate Principal is hereby
designated to be the Acting Principal for all student discipline matters requiring short-term student
discipline actions pursuant to Section 3214 of the New York State Education Law;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event that Mr. Jason Trumble, Principal, is not physically
present in the Ithaca High School on one or more days (or portions thereof), during the 2024-2025
school year, the operational Acting Principal shall be in the following order: Ms. Martha Hardesty, Mr.
Patrick Hovey.
Subject : 10.3 Acting Principal Resolution for Boynton Middle
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 10. Consent Agenda
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to Approve Acting Principal Resolution for
Boynton Middle School as part of the Consent Agenda

Public Content
BE IT RESOLVED in the event that Ms. Lauren Wright, Principal of the Boynton Middle School is not
physically present in the Boynton Middle School on one or more days (or portions thereof) during the
2024-2025school year, [NAME],[POSITION], be appointed "Acting Principal" for all short-term student
discipline matters pursuant to Section 3214 of the New York State Education Law.

Subject : 10.4 Acting Principal Resolution for DeWitt Middle

Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 10. Consent Agenda
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to Approve Acting Principal Resolution for DeWitt
Middle School as part of the Consent Agenda

Public Content
BE IT RESOLVED in the event that Mr. Daniel McGrath, Principal of the Dewitt Middle School is not
physically present in the Dewitt Middle School on one or more days (or portions thereof) during the
2024-2025school year, [NAME], [POSITION], be appointed Acting Principal for all short-term student
discipline matters pursuant to Section 3214 of the New York State Education Law.

Subject : 10.5 Acting Principal Resolution for Beverly J. Martin

Elementary School
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 10. Consent Agenda
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to Approve Acting Principal Resolution for Beverly
J. Martin Elementary School as part of the Consent

Public Content
BE IT RESOLVED in the event that Ms. Jacqueline Richardson, Principal of the Beverly J. Martin
Elementary School, is not physically present in the Beverly J. Martin Elementary School on one or more
days (or portions thereof) during the 2024-2025school year, [TBD], the Associate Principal, will be
appointed Acting Principal for all short-term student discipline matters pursuant to Section 3214 of the
New York State Education Law.

Subject : 10.6 Acting Principal Resolution for Enfield

Elementary School
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 10. Consent Agenda
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to Approve Acting Principal Resolution for Enfield
Elementary School as part of the Consent Agenda

Public Content
BE IT RESOLVED in the event that Mr. Keith Harrington, Principal of the Enfield Elementary School, is
not physically present in the Enfield Elementary School on one or more days (or portions thereof) during
the 2024-2025school year, Bart Auble, Associate Principal, will be appointed Acting Principal for all
short-term student discipline matters pursuant to Section 3214 of the New York State Education Law.

Subject : 10.7 Acting Principal Resolution for Northeast

Elementary School
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 10. Consent Agenda
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to Approve Acting Principal Resolution for
Northeast Elementary School as part of the Consent

Public Content
BE IT RESOLVED in the event that Ms. Julie Humble, Principal of the Northeast Elementary School, is not
physically present in the Northeast Elementary School on one or more days (or portions thereof) during the
2024-2025school year, Beth Snyder, Associate Principal, will be appointed Acting Principal for all short-term
student discipline matters pursuant to Section 3214 of the New York State Education Law.

11. Consent Agenda - Personnel

Subject : 11.1 Resolution to Ratify an Agreement
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 11. Consent Agenda - Personnel
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to ratify an agreement between the District and an
employee and authorize the Superintendent of Schools to
execute the same on behalf of the District as part of the
Consent Agenda

Public Content
BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Education hereby approves an agreement between the District and an employee discussed
in executive session and authorizes the Superintendent of Schools to execute the same on behalf of the District.

File Attachments
Signed Separation Agreement & Release-Aaron Buck.pdf (1,977 KB)
Subject : 11.2 Ratification of EA MOA (Overnight Nurse
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 11. Consent Agenda - Personnel
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to Ratify and Approve Memorandum of
Agreement with the Ithaca Employees Association as
part of the Consent Agenda

Public Content
WHEREAS, the negotiating teams for the Ithaca City School District and the Ithaca Employees
Association executed a Memorandum of Agreement to compensate nurses represented by the EA
bargaining unit for duties performed for trips approved through the District Administration Field Trip
Process; and

WHEREAS, legislative approval is required by the Board of Education in order to implement said

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEDthat the Board hereby ratifies the Memorandum of Agreement between
the District and the Ithaca Employees Association, and authorizes the funding of those monies necessary
to implement the provisions of the Memorandum of Agreement

Subject : 11.3 Instructional, Service, Educational Support, Coaching

and Athletic, Substitute and Alternative Instructor Lists as
Recommended by Superintendent
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual Organizational
Category : 11. Consent Agenda - Personnel
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to Approve Instructional, Service, Educational
Support, Coaching and Athletic, Substitute and Alternative
Instructor Lists as Recommended by Superintendent as
Part of Consent Agenda

Public Content
RESOLVED, that the reading of the instructional, service, educational support, coaching and athletic,
substitute and alternative instructor lists be waived and appointments, changes and revisions in assignments,
and resolutions, listed in the corresponding staff sections of the Personnel Report, dated July 1, 2024, be
approved as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools.

File Attachments
07 01 2024 Personnel Report FINAL.pdf (100 KB)
12. Consent Agenda - Students
Subject : 12.1 Recommendation for Student Placements from
Committee/Subcommittee on Special Education
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual Organizational
Category : 12. Consent Agenda - Students
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve recommendations for Student
Placements from Committee/Subcommittee on Special
Education as part of the Consent Agenda

Public Content
Resolved, that the reading of the lists of students placements be waived and the recommendations of
Committee/Subcommittees on Special Education listed in the Special Education Student Placement and
Review Reports be implemented.

13. Consent Agenda - Minutes of Previous Meeting

Subject : 13.1 Approval of Minutes of June 25, 2024 Monthly
Discussion and Voting Meeting
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual Organizational
Category : 13. Consent Agenda - Minutes of Previous Meeting
Type : Action (Consent), Minutes
Recommended Action : Motion to Approve Minutes of June 25, 2024 Monthly
Discussion and Voting Meeting as part of the Consent

Public Content
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the minutes of June 25, 2024, Board of Education
MonthlyVoting Meeting

14. School District Business

Subject : 14.1 Adoption of the 2024-2025 Board Meeting
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 14. School District Business
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to adopt the 2024-2025 Board Meeting
Schedule as presented

Public Content
Proposed Board of Education MeetingSchedule 2024-2025

Subject : 14.2 Resolution to expend funds for New Board

Member NYSSBA Training
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 14. School District Business
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to expend funds for Board Members Todd Fox and
Emily Workman to complete state-mandated New Board
Member Training courses.

15. Adjournment
Subject : 15.1 Board President closes Public Meeting
Meeting : Jul 1, 2024 - Board of Education Annual
Organizational Meeting
Category : 15. Adjournment
Type : Procedural

Public Content
Board of Education President closes the Public Meeting

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