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Zone-16, BSMSN, Mirsarai, Chattogram
Document No. EHS INS 001
First Release Date 1-JUL-2024
Latest Revision Date NIL

Prepared By Checked By Approved By

Plant Manager DGM-Project Chief Business Officer

History of Change (s)

Revision Revision Page Description of Revision (s) Revision Author
No. Date No.

Copy Distribution to
Office of the Honorable Managing Director Project Site Administration Department
Office of the Chief Business Officer Project Office
Security Office Project site EHS Department
Facility/Plant Manager Office QA/QC, Production, Maintenance Department

This instruction is the property of SAMUDA EDIBLE OIL LIMITED and is furnished only for the purpose indicated. Possession of
this material does not convey any permission to reproduce this material, in whole or in part, or manufacture the subject matter
shown therein, or use the confidential or proprietary information thereon. Please contact with CBO via EHS Department.
Message from the Honorable Managing Director

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This Emergency Response Plan (ERP) Manual describes the measures that are essential for various emergency
situation or condition surfaces due to activities and processes of Samuda Edible Oil Limited (SEOL), in orderto
comply with the requirements of the Safety Management. This manual will ensure prevention of injuries and ill-
health, compliance with applicable legal and other requirements, and continual improvement of ERP performance
of SEOL.

I hereby instruct all the employees of SEOL to follow the measures stipulated in this ERP Manual while executing
related tasks and to actively co-operate and contribute in realizing the set OHSMS objectives.

This journey calls for up-gradation and adoption of new and emerging techniques and practices in EHS
Management. In this endeavor, adopting tools and methods to study and analyze challenges and resolve them for
continual improvement of the EHS Management System is an imperative. Involving cross-functional teams to
address the day-to-day activities will enrich the organization as a whole and benefit individually in enhancing
professional performance of each employee of SEOL.

Let us move forward with a comprehensive EHS Management System with a commitment to improve EHS
performance for the betterment of all the employees and interested parties of SEOL.

Shiblee Sir
Managing Director
Samuda Group of Companies


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Samuda Edible Oil Limited (SEOL) and newly established company under the flagship SAMUDA Group. The group is
currently in process of establishing a state-of-the-art edible oil refinery at Bangabhundhu Sheikh Mujib Shilpa
Nagor, Zone-16, Mirsarai, Chattogram. The Group already acquired 80 acres of land the Edible oil project is
ongoing in full swing and it will come under commercial operation within September, 2024. A investment of USD
100 million is estimated and the current workforce requirement is more than 100 and during service it estimated
to have 100+ manpower working opportunity.


The aim of the ERP is to provide procedures and action plans to promote an effective response when faced with
an emergency situation. The major objectives of this ERP include but not limited to:

 Identifying potential emergency situations, incidents that can cause illness or injury to human including
the environment.
 Provide a guide for the preparedness and response to handle emergency situations.
 Propose mitigation for associated adverse environmental impacts or impact to human and
prevention of accident.
 Highlight the requirements for system review, revise and test emergency preparedness and response
procedures where applicable.


Emergency situation do occur. It is every employee’s responsibility to be prepared for these events. Being
prepared includes all of those activities that are done on a regular basis to ensure that:

 All emergency equipment are in place and is working;

 There is an effective Emergency Plan in place ; and
 All employees are aware of their role during an emergency.


The emergency procedures for the proposed Project emergency in relation to all kind of EHS (Environment,
Health and Safety) related emergency preparedness and response plan. The ERP developed based on the
requirements or general intent of all relevant legal requirements which amongst others include:

 Fire Service & Civil Defense Authority Guideline

 Latest Labour Law of Bangladesh
 Bangladesh Economic Zone Authority (BEZA) guideline
 Department of Environment Guideline
 Occupational Health & Safety Guideline

In the specific project case the following are deemed to be emergency cases identified and corresponding guilde to
address them is being developed

Fire, Explosion, Oil Spillage, Snake bite, Storm, Earthquake, Electrical Shock & Heat Stroke


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ERT is the internal team to be at fore front handling the emergency situation and they should be trained in fire-
fighting, first aid and other related aspects to make sure they are well equipped to execute the ERP procedures in
the event of emergencies.

The proposed ERT for the Project is conceptually presented in Figure-1. The roles of the ERT include:

 To control or limit any effect that an emergency or potential emergency may have onsite or on
neighboring areas;
 To facilitate emergency response and to provide such assistance on the site as is appropriate to the
 To provide a communication channel with local, regional and national emergency response
 To ensure timely communication of all vital information;
 To facilitate the reorganization and reconstruction activities so that normal operations can be resumed;
 To provide training so that a high level of emergency preparedness can be continuously
maintained; and
 To provide a basis for updating and reviewing emergency procedures.


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Facility/Project Manager (Incident Manager)

 Assumes overall control of emergency;
 Ensures safety of personnel and sets plan for damage control;
 Ensures that the appropriate personnel are notified of emergency;
 Ensures adequate resources are available to control emergency;
 Communicates with Incident Coordinator to control emergency;
 Seeks emergency funds and call-out for mutual aid and other outside help; and
 Directs evacuation/stop site activities if required.

EHS Officer or Coordinator

 Calls out first-aider, or other services as appropriate as needed;
 Ensures any injured person is attended to immediately;
 Ensures first aid equipment (e.g.: first aid kit etc.) are available and can be brought to site
 Liaises with Project, Admin & Security In-Charge on resources requirement;
 Secures equipment and materials required for damage control;
 Keeps Project or Facility In-Charge informed of deliveries/arrival of resources;
 Ensures that resources required are sent/transported to site immediately;
 Updates ERP documentation records; and
 Conducts regular checks on emergency response equipment and facilities and keeping record of each

Admin In-Charge
 Call for fire service, Ambulance, Hospitals, National Emergency Service as appropriate
 Notify local authority and corporate personnel for approvals and guidelines
 Support in arrangement of resources in terms quick of approvals, finance etc.
 Notify all departments or facility within the same premises for caution

Security Coordinator (Security In-Charge)

 Reports to Guard House;
 Consolidates Head Count to confirm all personnel are accounted for;
 Maintains total site security and stop non-essential person from entering site;
 Coordinates search and rescue for missing personnel;
 Ensures safety of personnel within the facility;
 Ensures main access is clear for emergency use only;
 Directs any arriving support group or authorities to the Incident Coordinator.

ERT Members
 Perform front-line Damage Control actions as directed by the EHS Coordinator;
 Work as a team to ensure safety of colleagues. Administer first aid when required;
 Evacuation the place/area or plant depending on situation and as per the guideline of EHS Coordinator;
 Maintain communications with EHS Coordinator.

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Gradation Severity (S) Criteria of Gradation

5 Fatal Injury Severe Injury – permanent or partial disability, loss of sight, amputation, respiratory damage, etc., includes delayed
effects (non-reversible).
4 Severe Serious Injury – temporary disability, time lost more than three working days and required hospitalization.
3 Major Serious injury/damage to health (normally reversible), time lost up to three working days.
2 Minor Loss of consciousness, burns – minor injury & normally reversible – first aid required.
1 Insignificant Bruising, light abrasion, etc. – no injury.

Gradation Likelihood (L) Criteria of Gradation

5 Frequent Certainty (once in seven days).
4 Probable Occasional occurrences (once every 8 to 60 days).
3 Occasional Occasional occurrences (once every 61 to 1 year) or long term effect.
2 Remote Remotely possible but known occurrence (once every more than 1 year up to 5 years).
1 Extremely Highly improbable (once every more than 5 years or more).

Risk Level Initiation of

Time for CA/PA Accomplishment
(S x L) Taking CA/PA
25 Immediately Within 7 days.
20 Immediately Within 30 days.
15/16 Immediately Within 45 days.
10/12 Immediately Within 60 days.
9 Immediately Within 90 days.
If the level of risk for any hazard is found less than or equivalent to 8 then this would represent the broadly
8 N/A
Acceptable Risk.

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Hazard and Risk Rating without Existing Protection Hazard and Risk Rating with
Sl. No. 01 Control Measures & Deadline
considering any Protection(S x L) = R Available Existing Protection (S x L = R)
HIRA Revision: 00  ERT
Date: 1-JUL-2024  Fire Alarm
FIRE HAZARD Acceptable Risk
Dept: Project  Fire Extinguisher
Under Control
Location: RF & DF  Fire Hydrant
S L Risk  Evacuation S L Risk
5 2 10  First Aid 4 2 8

Hazard and Risk Rating without Existing Protection Hazard and Risk Rating with
Sl. No.02 Control Measures & Deadline
considering any Protection(S x L) = R Available Existing Protection (S x L = R)
HIRA Revision: 00
Date: 1-JUL-2024  ERT
Dept: Project  First Aid
Under Control
Location: RF & DF  PPE
S L Risk  Awareness S L Risk
1 4 4 1 3 3

Hazard and Risk Rating without Existing Protection Hazard and Risk Rating with
Sl. No.02 Control Measures & Deadline
considering any Protection(S x L) = R Available Existing Protection (S x L = R)
HIRA Revision: 00  Awareness
Date: 1-JUL-2024  ERT
Dept: Project  First Aid
Under Control
Location: RF & DF  PPE
S L Risk  Vetted Str. Design S L Risk
5 1 4  Annual Inspection 3 1 3

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Hazard and Risk Rating without Existing Protection Hazard and Risk Rating with
Sl. No.02 Control Measures & Deadline
considering any Protection(S x L) = R Available Existing Protection (S x L = R)
HIRA Revision: 00
Date: 1-JUL-2024  Awareness
Dept: Project
 First Aid Under Control
Location: RF & DF
S L Risk S L Risk
5 3 15 3 3 9

Hazard and Risk Rating without Existing Protection Hazard and Risk Rating with
Sl. No.02 Control Measures & Deadline
considering any Protection(S x L) = R Available Existing Protection (S x L = R)
HIRA Revision: 00  Awareness
Date: 1-JUL-2024  ERT
HEAT STROKE Acceptable Risk
Dept: Project  First Aid
Under Control
Location: RF & DF  Adequate Air
S L Risk circulation S L Risk
3 3 9  Drinking Water 3 2 6

Hazard and Risk Rating without Existing Protection Hazard and Risk Rating with
Sl. No.02 Control Measures & Deadline
considering any Protection(S x L) = R Available Existing Protection (S x L = R)
HIRA Revision: 00
Date: 1-JUL-2024  Awareness
EARTHQUAKE  ERT Acceptable Risk
Dept: Project
 First Aid Under Control
Location: RF & DF
 Evacuation
S L Risk S L Risk
5 2 10 3 2 6

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Hazard and Risk Rating without Existing Protection Hazard and Risk Rating with
Sl. No.02 Control Measures & Deadline
considering any Protection(S x L) = R Available Existing Protection (S x L = R)
HIRA Revision: 00
Date: 1-JUL-2024  Awareness
STORM  ERT Acceptable Risk
Dept: Project
 First Aid Under Control
Location: RF & DF
S L Risk S L Risk
3 3 9 2 3 6

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Evacuation of personnel from a specific area of the facility maybe needed during emergency. Therefore, it is
important to acquaint all personnel with the basic procedures to follow. This will ensure a safe, efficient and
orderly withdrawal. The EHS Coordinator will decide when to evacuate the site.

Exit or Evacuation Route:

An exit route is a continuous and unobstructed path of exit travel from any point within a workplace to a place of
safety. An exit route consists of three parts:

1. Exit access – portion of an exit route that leads to an exit.

2. Exit – portion of an exit route that is generally separated from other areas to provide a protected way of
travel to the exit discharge.
3. Exit discharge – part of the exit route that leads directly outside or to a walkway or open space with
access to the outside


1. For any emergency situation the EHS Coordinator would decide the requirement for full evacuation
2. The ERT will alert or warn the members and other cross functional team
3. ERT also inform Project head, security and Cross functional team
4. Security is responsible for head count and arrangement of necessary logistics support
5. Admin is responsible for outside communication by discussiog with Project or facility head.

Procedure of Evacuation:

1. Stop all activities immediately and switch off the device or machinery or process.
2. Assess that all persons can evacuate the area, including individuals with mobility limitations, have
evacuated their area.
3. Follow EXIT signs to the nearest safe exit. Do not use elevators.
4. Allow others to enter the stairwell. As approach the landing of each floor, allow evacuees from that level
to enter the stairwell.
5. Steer clear of hazards. If evacuation becomes difficult via a chosen route, because of smoke, flames or
blockage, re-enter the facility on a safe floor. Continue evacuation via the nearest safe exit route.
6. Move away from the building. Away from the building and exit doors. Proceed to your Evacuation
Assembly Area.
7. Do not re-enter the building without an “all clear”. Do not, under any circumstances, re-enter the facility
unless declared safe,
8. The ERT will seek for personnel weather unable to get out

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Fire hazards are workplace hazards that either involve the presence of an open flame, increase the probability
that an uncontrolled fire will occur, or increase the severity of a fire should one occur.

Fire hazards include:

Open flames (e.g. bunsen burners, gas stovetops, smelting furnaces)

Tasks that can produce sparks (e.g. grinding)
Hot objects
Combustion materials (e.g. paper, gasoline, and plywood)
Chemical accelerants (which can increase a fire’s rate of spread)

1. Department members and ERT member will notify ASAP
2. The EHS Coordinator will take necessary measures by discussing with Project/facility head
3. Admin and security for external communication, arrangement of logistics etc.


1. If fire break out then immediately alert by pressing FIRE ALARM or by shouting FIRE FIRE
2. Switch off or shut down the electrical breakers, gas valves etc.
3. If someone gets injured, immediately bring him/her to the Assembly point
4. ERT will give First Aid to the effected personnel
5. Follow the Evacuation procedure mentioned above
6. ERT will try to extinguish the fire with extinguishers
7. In case of critical situation discuss with Project/Facility head and take appropriate action by
calling national emergency service (999) or fire brigade

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