Sacred Secrets

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There are several secrets hidden in the game.

[ edit ] The Tavern of Ascaron

In the capital of Ancaria, Braverock, there is a tavern that you will be ordered to enter as
a result of the campaign, and then sneak through some underground passages and speak
with Prince Vorian. Its entrance is located on the side of the hill, outside the walls; but
the most striking thing is that next to its door there is a sign with the Ascaron logo, a red
dragon on a white background, and below it the name of the place: Ascaron's Call, the
call of Ascaron.

[ edit ] Sunglasses

To get the Sunglasses, travel to the oasis of Ahil-Tar, the last military garrison of Men
in the south. It then continues in an easterly direction, to the edge of a dry torrent that
crosses the desert from North to South .

Follow it south to the seashore. Once there, continue east until you come across a group
of palm trees and bushes, as well as some rocks. These rocks appear to block the path,
but you can actually pass through them. Once you cross them you reach a small jetty,
where the first time you approach a sign will appear announcing the tourist island for
orcs Mal-Orc-a, a parody of Mallorca . When you arrive on the island you will meet the
orc governor, who will ask you to help him eliminate some orcs that are causing
problems. On the opposite shore of the island are several towels; Walk over them,
ignoring the warning signs that will appear and then the orcs will appear, which are easy
to take down. After getting rid of them, return to the governor and he will give you the
sunglasses as a reward. The glasses serve as a helmet and have good bonuses;
Furthermore, while they are being worn the character appears with a different hairstyle.

If you are at the gold level, once you finish the mission with the governor you can go to
the cabin on the island, where an orc will give you a magic stone if you talk to him.

[ edit ] Hidden Ax

There is a Hidden Ax along with another object on a kind of tomb hidden in the forest,
to get to it you walk to the East just after leaving the town that is before reaching
Faeries Crossing (where a large bridge appears), when you exit In this town there is a
cemetery next to the road, at that point you turn left until you reach the edge of the river
where you have to do a mission, when you do it you cross the wooden bridge and in the
lower left part of the island there is a walk under the water to cross to the other side,
when you are on the other side you walk up next to the river as far as you can go (it is a
very short stretch) and then to the left and you reach the tomb where there is a "Unique

[ edit ] Sword of Light

This type of weapon can be obtained with the disarm skill if you go to the plains of Tyr-
Hadar, where the Ice Elves fight with swords and whips of light. This way you can
disarm the elves and take their weapons

On the other hand, there is a much more powerful sword of light, only usable by the
Seraph and only found at the gold level. The route begins east of Bellevue, in a cave
where you must rescue another captive Seraph. Next you must go southeast of Aish-
Jadar, in the southern desert, until you find a charred mansion of which only the
foundations remain. In it is the seraphim who was rescued, again held captive by a large
number of demons and high-level Sakkara priests. Eliminating them, the seraphine will
give you a book, which is an encyclopedia about the serpahines, and a lightsaber with
extensive bonuses.

[ edit ] Jason Voorhees mask and machete

In the town of Drakenden you must march from the northwest end to the forest; here
you will suddenly notice that you can move through the trees, even if you don't see your
character. Keep going until you reach a small lake, next to which there is a group of
scattered stones that form the word "Jason". The machete and the mask are nearby.
These items are only usable by the Gladiator; If you are not him, they will not appear,
although you can enter anyway.

[ edit ] The goblin L`Egolas

On the plain of Tyr Hadar there is an elven cemetery in ruins, when you open one of
them (at the top) a goblin will emerge from the ice with the name L`Egolas, in allusion
to the elf Legolas from the Lord of the Rings.

[ edit ] Graves

As a general rule, tomb epitaphs are trivial phrases designed as filler; However, in
Sacred some tombstones contain one-liners. And hundreds of things like that. The
cemeteries are worth visiting, but be careful, many release skeletons or zombies when
opened. Bring plenty of Undead antidotes and potions.

[ edit ] The Marxes

Near the cemetery north of Silver Creek you may find a minotaur named Tarek and
three soldiers fighting him. If you press the Alt key, their names will appear, which are
Groucho, Chico and Harpo.

[ edit ] The legendary weapon

In an area of the Underworld , there is a mission that consists of collecting herbs; In the
same place they will explain everything related to the Sacred Weapon to you.

In the first installment, the sacred weapon is the heart of Ancaria. A priestess will give it
to you and tell you what to do with it.
[ edit ] He eats coconuts

This spot is only available in the Golden Pack version. To the southwest of the Fairy
Crossroads, near the mission in which you have to save a girl from her supposed uncle
and the demons Rufus and Shaitan, there is a strange cave that hides a coconut-eater ; It
is a kind of labyrinth full of yellow balls and strange ghosts.

If you walk next to the yellow balls they disappear, giving you ten experience points,
but the ghosts will take away more than five hundred life points, plus they can easily
poison you.

[ edit ] Arogarn the Ranger and the Secret Passage

South of Bellevue is a small forest; To get to it you must cross the wooden bridge over
the river and follow the path. When you reach the forest you should look for an entrance
on your left. You will soon reach the cabin of a man referred to as "Agitated Farmer". If
you talk to him, he will ask you to bring a letter to Arogarn the Ranger. To do that, go
back to Bellevue and look for the Dancing Seraph Tavern, which is the only one in
town; Arogarn is found there. After you give him the letter he is never seen again. The
Agitated Farmer explains that he went into the forest and disappeared.

To find the secret passage you must reach the town of Hedgenton, southeast of
Braverock Castle. If you go to the east of the town, you will find a cliff. Continue along
the edge to the south until you find an arch in the stone that leads to a cave. Go through
this (but be careful, it is a long maze full of enemies) and you will find yourself in a
clearing with a small lake. At the edge of the lake is Arogarn the Ranger. If you talk to
him, he will explain that he lost his sword fighting the ghosts. Eliminate the ghosts,
which are nearby, and return the weapon. Then he will reveal to you the reasons for his
trip. To the north of the clearing is another cave; Cross it too and you will appear in the
lands north of Drakenden and Mist Castle. It is a shorter path than the northern one,
which runs through the country of the Dark Elves.

Near Arogarn (which is based on Tolkien 's character Aragorn the Ranger) there is a
tombstone under an oak tree. If you open it you will find Thorwyn's Mace, a unique
weapon. This suggests that it is the tomb of the dwarf Thorwin, whose story is told in
available scrolls, but there are doubts about this; According to the scroll that speaks of
his death, which occurred in a place whose description matches exactly with the place,
his epitaph is "Thoryn is no dwarf!", while the one that actually appears is "to our

[ edit ] Giant staff

To obtain this weapon you need the disarm skill and four vertical inventory spaces.
After that you must reach the Zhurag-Nar caves, where the Earth element is found.
After going through rooms and dungeons full of enemies, always facing the element, a
lightning barrier will appear that you must overcome. Behind her will be a large
guardian jellyfish carrying an equally large staff. You will have to physically attack her
until she makes her drop the weapon; then pick it up and kill the jellyfish as normal. If
you don't take the cane she will get it back, although you can make her let it go again. It
is recommended to save your game just before reaching the jellyfish, in case you
accidentally kill it before it releases the staff.

Once you have it, you can equip the weapon. It is a red staff of enormous size, several
times larger than the character and possessing a colossal damage score. One of its pros
is that it doesn't take up more than four inventory slots, as mentioned above.

[ edit ] Giant staff second version

There is another giant staff, although smaller in size. To achieve this, it is necessary to
have the ability to disarm and carry as many healing potions as possible, as a

Head to the city of Gloomor, south of where the Zhurag-Nar Cave is located. There, you
will find a coliseum. Go towards its stands and you will see a hooded man and a
companion, who offer you a mission. The mission consists of fighting in the coliseum
simultaneously against a worm, a gargoyle and a winged lizard. This will be repeated
for several rounds, until they are satisfied. Finally, the man will propose that you join
his company as a mercenary, an entity called Treasure Hunters and Tomb Raider SA
Agency for Heroes and Monster Hunters . He will ask you to pay him 100,000 gold if you
want to be part of his company. If you accept, you will find a quest that takes you to the
Aazkabragh swamp, very close to the exit of the secret passage of "Arogarn the
Ranger"; It is recommended to carry as many healing potions as possible. When you
arrive at a camp around the swamp, you will join a company of motley mercenaries with
whom you will enter the forest; However, after a short time you will be attacked and the
entire group will fall except you (this cannot be avoided). After that you must continue
through the forest until you reach a village of goblins with whom you will have to ally
and fulfill various errands. Great caution must be taken, since the swamp is a place
infested with tremendously powerful enemies that wield poison; The missions will be
long and brutal and even the most experienced player can see their health drop by half
in a second. Finally you must face the God of the Forest, a serpentine creature similar to
the previously mentioned jellyfish, although more powerful. When you disarm him,
pick up his staff and eliminate him. After that there will be some smaller mission than
another and finally you will receive a treasure that you will have to go look for in a
region of the swamp.

The staff is similar to the previous one, although green and smaller.

[ edit ] Light sword

It is advisable to go looking for this weapon when you have a level greater than 40,
since from that level onwards the sword has a great capacity to find special objects

You must go from Silver Creek to Porto Vallum. Halfway along the road, you will see a
small mound with a tomb decorated with the epitaph : “Dare to disturb my peace, and
with your bones you will come here to give!” . When you open it, a powerful zombie
called "Sir Markus of Endlich" will appear, which is extremely poisonous, but also very
slow and very easy to attack from a distance. When you kill him, the legend will appear
in a box: “Peace at last! Even if I perish, celebrate my death over the joy of my
treasures” and he will give you the "light sword" and the rune 'Stone skin', for

This sword has the ability to increase the chance of shooting down flying enemies and
find special items, such as sets, strength bonuses, defense, etc.

[ edit ] Zombie horse

In the southern desert, in the center, there is a dry river that crosses the desert from
north to south. Cross the river and reach an abandoned city called Kahari. In it or around
it you can find a zombie horse. This horse will be of the "walking steed" type and will
have very good scores, similar to or higher than those of the orc horses of Khorad-Nur.

More undead horses can be found at the Urkuk Fields portal; Although they are called
"light strolling steed", they are better than the previous one and are worth it. Undead
horses can also be obtained from ordinary trainers, who may have them very
occasionally, although their characteristics and type will be random.

[ edit ] Zombie town

The site is surrounded by giant spiders. The highlight of this place is that it is an
homage to Diablo 1 , since that entire place is identical, only some houses and the fact
that the cathedral is destroyed differ. You can go look for it on your own, following this

 Go to Mist Castle. Here, find the vendor and buy as many healing potions and
antidotes as you can. It is advisable to carry 10 vertical columns of healing
potions, and two or three of antidotes.
 Go up until you reach the river.
 Don't cross the river. When you reach it, continue east . Always follow the edge
of the river towards the East. Shortly you will reach a kind of ledge of the river.
Go around it and follow the edge of the river. On the second ledge, there is a
small wooden bridge, which may even make it difficult for you to cross. It is
enough to stand straight in relation to the bridge and cross it with a couple of
clicks, the minimum ones, so as not to get stuck on the railing.
 Congratulations. You just entered the zombie town. If you arrive and see
villagers instead of zombies, talk to them and walk around, when you reach the
center of the square they will transform into zombies.

[ edit ] Foreign objects

Video games, bells, guitars, lutes... They are useless and you won't get much out of
them. They are simple curiosities. They are obtained by chance.

[ edit ] Excalibur

Excalibur , King Arthur 's sword, is in a rock stuck near the merchant of Belluve, the
one closest to the Romata commander's garrison. Its sign says: "stone with sword. I'll be
back!" TO". Unfortunately it is only a decorative element and cannot be extracted from
the stone.
[ edit ] Zombie cows

The zombie cows are on the road from Moorbrook to Gloomoor. They are regenerated
by completing a specific quest nearby. They don't do anything, they just walk around
(they can't be attacked either).

[ edit ] Babylon 5 ship

The Babylon 5 ship is only available in the Sacred Underworld expansion. It is located
in the South of the Dryads Forest. This is a spaceship hidden among the trees (in an area
where you can pass through them). Inside, you will find a thing that launches some kind
of rays that are impossible to dodge and that kill you on impact. That thing, which is a
Shadow Battle Crab in the series, uniquely protects a sword, although it is very difficult
to obtain because of the lightning.

Next to the monster is a room with a partly black and white floor. Although difficult to
read, it forms the phrase "If you go to Z'Ha'Dum you will die." Z'Ha'Dum is a fictional
planet on Babylon 5, where the crab is originally from.

To get it in Sacred Online, it is recommended that 2 players go to the ship, so while that
thing wastes time killing one, the other takes the sword. It can also be obtained with the
vampire; When creating wolves and bats, that thing will attack them first, giving you
time to catch it. Another way to get it is to take an NPC with you.

[ edit ] The secrets of Tyr Hadar

WARNING: Very high level and many health potions are recommended; The mission
will be long and very bloody, so it is better to do it when your checkpoint is Tyr-Fasul's
castle in case you get killed, so you don't have to go there again. To get the weapons
you need the level 15 disarm skill (if you don't have it, they can drop them very
occasionally), and a spell that increases the chance, such as the Mage's Cyclone at level

First of all, the plains of Tyr Hadar are only available as of version 1.7, and are located
north of Mascarell. Near the castle where you have to escort Vilya in the campaign,
there is a crossroads where there is a ranger. Get into the path on the left. Next you will
find two forest elves in the middle of the path who will offer you a mission. To move
forward, you have to accept them since they block the way. Once accepted, continue
north and after walking a little you will reach a plain.

In the center of the plain there is an elven village that offers you the main thing: a
merchant and a master of combat arts. To the northwest of the plain there is an orc
village where there is a blacksmith.

If you explore the plain, you will find two twin dragons, both made of ice. On the plain,
the main enemies are the ice elves, and they all have whips and lightsabers. Some ice
elves have laser shields that can only be used by the Seraphin.

[ edit ] Strange sarcophagi and tombs in Underworld

In some areas of Underworld, there are sarcophagi that seem normal at first glance. But
when you open them, the sarcophagus drops two runes or two sets (both the same).

There are several of them distributed in the underworld, but the best known are the
Ruins of the Dwarves (it is located under a mine in which a dwarf asks you for a few
words to be able to pass) and the Valley of Tears (in a cave to the north)

[ edit ] The Christmas set

During Christmas week, at Sacred Online, a Christmas set usually appears lying on the
floor. Appears randomly throughout Ancaria. It has little resistance.

[ edit ] Religious symbols

The religious symbols are a collection of six statues, (Dragon Statue, Seraphim Statue,
Royal Statue, Shell, Dark Elf Statue, and Grail) that once assembled, will give you the
power to leave a path of fire as you walk. (like that of the demon Shakkara). Fire does
moderate damage, but statues are still very difficult to get, and fire can cause a
slowdown in the game.

[ edit ] The cave of heroes

It is only available in Sacred Underworld. It is located under a temple on the volcano

island (one of the three pirate islands). In the cave there are several tombs, and when
you open them, your surprise will be that you will meet characters like the wizard, the
forest elf, the demon of Sakkara, the god of the forest... It is very difficult to defeat
them, although they give a lot of experience.

[ edit ] Dragon scale

This is a unique item found in the dragon fortress. To get it you need to accept a mission
that the blacksmith offers you. He will order you to kill a winged snake in order to
collect a scale. The dragon scale can be attached to a weapon or armor as an amulet or

Item data: Dragon scale (gold), price: 9737, level: 1, minimum level: 1, fire resistance:
+53%, magic damage: +13%, damage reduction in exchange for gold: +3 %(in gold).

[ edit ] Orbus Dracus full

This is a magical item given to you by the Dragon Loromir, "defender of honor". This
completely harmless dragon is found in Drakenden. To get the object, you must
complete all the missions it offers you.

Item data: Orbus Dracus, full(in light blue), price:701, level:1, minimum level:1, vs
Dragon Weapon Damage Fire:+60, vs Dragon Weapon Damage Magic:+30.

[ edit ] The hidden dragon

WARNING: Be careful with your surroundings: there are many enemies of a very high
level, and they can easily surround you by several dozen.

Near the Mist Castle, there is a traveling merchant who will offer you a dragon egg.
You can accept it, and sell it in the castle of mist to Mattias de Sireman for a
considerable amount of money, or give it to the Dragon Loromir "defender of honor"
and receive quite a lot of experience, or return it to the Dragon Keep and receive a little
of each .

But in this case, we will reject it. Once you reject the dragon egg, cross the bridge
completely, and then return to where the merchant was. You will find it dying, and it
will tell you that the egg has hatched. Look for the baby dragon in the surrounding area
( this one is found a little). When you find her, leave there (leave her alive, don't kill
her) and wait two days. Then you will see that the baby dragon has grown and become
an adult (although it is level 1; its level never changes).

This is the dragon that appeared on the back cover of the game box before its expansion.
Curiously, on the cover it appears having a tough fight against some high-level players,
while in the game the dragon only has level 1 and is very easy to kill by a single player
of any level.

[ edit ] The Immovable Shining (Super Speed)

If you have the Seraphin with glowing wings, while walking press Esc. repeatedly as
fast as you can, you will see that the glow stays still, if you stop pressing Esc. will
return to the seraphin at considerable speed...

[ edit ] Unique items

These objects have the name in gold, sometimes a curious name like "goblin hunters",
they are usually strange in shape as well as being quite effective.

Goblinslayer, Porto Draco's Firetooth, Crossbow of Hades, Carabelal, Trident, Golden

Shield of the Gods, Dagger of the Raab Sisters, Serrated Shield of Vilad, Ancient
Wings, King of Swallows, Demon's Exile, Knockout, the Power Chaliux, Fairy Dagger,
Crusher, Hera's Warhammer, Amulet of Bones, Tadriel's Leather Gloves, Raisor's
Bloodsucker, Trowena's Protector, Orc Bane, Bini's Glowing Dagger, Gorthar's Sinister
Plans, Magic Bow Transparent, Staff of the Ssstaria, Quartz of Negation, Plea of
Paternus, Pestilent Feet, Rock Crusher, Seeker of Hearts, Imperial Spear, Shield of
Wrath, Shield of the Rogues, Albion, Light Sword, Supreme Sword of the Cat...

[ edit ] Sets
Sets are battle equipment made up of components such as gloves, greaves, helmets, etc.

Some are for a single character such as the Seraphim's "golden dream of the gods", or
for all as "royal insignia of Aarnum". Its name is in fluorescent green, if you complete
one they give you a lot of resistance and some rare power such as "divine damage."
There are those who recommend combining the rings and amulets of the "set" with the
helmet or greaves or somewhere where you can forge it with the blacksmith. In this way
you can get a secret power. Note that, for example, "the soul of blackstaff" which is an
amulet from a wizard set can be placed on any socketed weapon or armor, and once
done any character can use it.

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