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The colours

Maybe there are other ways in which to

describe the colours, the silence and the
passion. Nevertheless, through the
Spencer catalogue my aim is to let you
discover the most fascinating kind of
freedom: the freedom of choice.

The heritage
That of Spencer is a history which
approaches in leaps and bounds, a fifteen
year presence in this field. It is a heritage
enriched with important record breaking
standards, which are a source of great
pride and also explain why, throughout the
world, the products with the star emblem
have the meaning of something that is
both special and unique. Like all stories, it
is made of different pages, all of which
equally important, because without even
just one of the chapters, the company
would not be the reality it is.

Last but not least, in keeping with tradition,
I would like to dedicate this catalogue to
all the friends, clients and suppliers of
Spencer. I thought it impossible to be able
to improve on the results of an amazing
2006. Instead we have achieved just that.
This has made me very proud and I would
like to thank all those who have, directly or
indirectly, made this possible.

Luigi Cesare Pizzi Spadoni

Our websites

s p e nc e r . i t e m e r g e nc y v e nt i l a t o r s . c o m s p e nc e r c r o s s . c o m
a m b u l a nc e m o d e l s . c o m e v a c u a t i o n c ha i r . ne t s p en c e r s u pp o r t . c o m
a m b u l a nc e s t r e t c h e r s . c o m e x t r i c a t i o nd e v i c e . c o m s p e nc e r s h o p . c o m
b ar el l eu s at e .i t h e ad im m o b il i z e r . c o m s p e nc e r s p o t . c o m
b as k e ts t r e t c h er s . c o m m a s c h e r e r i an i m a z i o n e. it s p e nc y . c o m
c e r v i c a l c o l l ar s .b i z m e di c a l w a t c h .n e t s p in a l b o ar ds .c o m
d en t al r e s u s c it at i o n .c o m m o r tu a r y . s pe n c e r . it s t r e tc h er s .i t
e m e r g e nc y b a g . c o m o n e m a n s t r e t c h e r s . ne t t r a c ti o n s p l i n t. c o m
e m e r g e nc y c o t . c o m pr o s p ik e. c o m w a t er e s c u e. c o m
e m e r g e nc y g i f t . n e t pu l s i o s s i m e tr i. it x f r a m e s tr et c h e r s . n e t
e m e r g e nc y h o l s t e r . n e t s e r v o c o t .n e t
e m e r g e nc y v e hi c l e s . i t s p e n c er c l u b . c o m

Keep an eye on for an updated list of our websites.

Spencer's general catalogue is available in several languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish,
Portuguese, Greek, Russian and Arabic.

Our philosophy pg. 8
Spencer Club pg. 11
Our services pg. 12
Our headquarters pg. 14
Key pg. 17
Personalisation pg. 20

Transport systems pg. 22

Immobilization pg. 118
Resuscitation pg. 182
Suction pg. 222
Oxygen therapy pg. 234
Diagnostics pg. 252
Bags and Backpacks pg. 272
Miscellanea pg. 314
I nf u s i o n
B u r n t r e a t m e nt
H yp o t h er m ia
M e di c a ti o n
P e r s o n a l p r o t ec ti o n
P e r s o n a l a c c e s s o r ie s
A m b u l a nc e a c c e s s o r i e s
Tri a g e
Ev a c u a ti o n
W a t er r es c u e
T r a i n in g
Mortuary pg. 368

Spot pg. 386

Spencer Comparisons pg. 425
Analytical index pg. 466
FLASH index pg. 468
Spencer Comparisons index pg. 468
Index of areas of interest pg. 468

Our philosophy Our mission Total quality: our challenge

Spencer’s way of thinking Always something new at Spencer

The Spencer philosophy is expressed in a By creating a sense of belonging to a unique A high orientation towards the quality of
series of key concepts which constitute the manufacturing culture, it is possible to face products and services offered, has always
base of every Spencer action. The company problems in their global complexity and to characterized Spencer, that throughout fifteen
continually renews the presentation of its guarantee the best possible solution. years of experience, has become a
products and project and operates without Only this way it is possible to learn how to consolidated brand leader in the emergency
ever forgetting its roots. Our philosophy, the compose a full mosaic for the hard work of market.
idea that has always guided us, has given us those who work around lives and for life. The quality derives from the professionalism of
the opportunity to be on the front line of Spencer has sewn more than just one seed, the collaborators and from a young and
success in the world of emergency. so that in the field of emergency rescue dynamic environment, engaged in the
operations new harvests can be reaped satisfaction of the continually changing
season after season. Spencer has improved requirements of the consumers and the
its professionalism to make quality reliability development of high level innovative projects
and innovation a costant factor. Spencer has in the production and promotion fields.
collected experience, elaborated projects The function, the security, the durability and
and become a solid protagonist of the the performance of our products are the
worldwide market. Spencer has seized the foundations of our activity. Spencer is aiming
incitation and solicitations in order to be to increase the standard quality in the rescue
close to its interfacing partners to support their supplying field and at the same time satisfy
choices. the expectations of those who work in the
Spencer every day front line of emergency.
Spencer’s engagement in finding functional Quality System certification
solutions for daily activities does not mean Spencer works in the emergency market,
disregarding the operators’ comfort. We where the requirements of high technology
have inserted several innovative devices and and easy to use products obliges companies
accessories in the catalogue, practical and to develop an organization structure with
immediate to use. Whoever imposes difficult qualified and efficient strategies. Therefore
tasks can finish them only trough maximum Spencer has based its company’s order upon
engagement. two important strategy factors:
This is what we want: not just to be a support • certification of Quality Assurance System
for the rescuer but to make the impossible for in compliancy not only to the ISO
him or her possible. We cannot therefore 9001:2000 but also to the specialised
stop half way. In the end, the rescuers are the standards regarding medical devices EN
ones that let us know, with their suggestions, ISO 13485:2003, issued by TÜV SUD
the latest requirements. Only this way we can Product Service GmbH, Germany
discover what our product is really worth and • research and development for studying the
exactly what the operators on the field need. realization of technologically advanced
This is what is hidden behind the Spencer devices
brand name. Product certification
For all the medical devices produced by the
company, the CE marking procedure has
been carried out in respect of the essential
requirements contemplated in the European
Directive 93/42/CE. Besides, the company
has obtained the NATO certifications for
many products and have been registered for
sale in different countries.

Research & Development Environmental politics The love for an idea

Research Respect for the planet The importance of globalization

The average investments of Spencer into A company has to manage big Comparing constantly the needs of users and
research and development, in the past years, responsibilities not only towards its customers customers in every part of the world helps to
have exceeded 12% of the turnover. This but more generally, towards society as a reach the maximum correspondence of the
choice was made in order to contribute in a whole. The protection of the environment has product on the market with the users’ needs.
concrete way to the technical and aesthetical been for a while now connected to all sectors Spencer is a continuously growing reality,
progress of the medical field, to maintain a of social life and it requires investments and today able to offer more than 1700 different
positive role in the world of emergency and extensive research. We feel that doing this is products on catalogue with delivery terms
to awaken public opinion towards common our duty, not only for the star of life that improve every day. Each year thousands
interest matters such as safety, environment, embedded in our company’s brand, but for of shipments are sent out. Spencer’s
innovative materials and their recycling. the sake of our planet. uninterrupted growth combined with the
Design Environmental management approval of an increasingly international
Together with the scientific competence, The coherence with which environmental audience, is driving the company to collect its
necessary to create professional devices, politics are pursued guarantees that Spencer energy and to make consistent investments on
Spencer design is characterized by delicate products do not harm the environment before, the product, distribution and logistics, in order
curves and shapes that match with the high during or after their active life. So far, the to intensify the presence of Spencer all over
quality finishing and determine delightful engagement and the hard work done in this the world.
aesthetics, without compromising the absolute direction, have been confirmed by an Innovative solutions
functionality. The choice of the materials as environmental management system that has The industrial invention, whether it is a
well as the careful study of the lines are also taken care of the development and product or a procedure, is a new and
coherent with the Spencer philosophy, construction of our new production premises original solution of an existing technical
inspired by the ideal of reaching perfection making sure it satisfies all environmental problem, made for appliance in the industrial
and they are guaranteed by years of compatibility requirements. All materials used field and to generate the progress of existing
experience in this field; conformity tests follow have had to satisfy the main condition: to be techniques and knowledge. Spencer boasts
all the planning and production phases so ecologic. The buildings do not contain a team of specialists that study innovative
that no details are missed and any situation formaldehyde or CFC; rain water flows into solutions to satisfy the necessities of those
can be faced. river basins as a reservoir for eventual fire who every day are in the front line of
Perfection: our reference point extinction or for irrigation; all the other emergency.
To know does not only mean having a sum of superficial waters pass through special anti-
information, it also means developing the oil filters; a very modern water purifying
ability of comprehending reasons and targets system controls all the polluted and industrial
and putting them constantly in relationship waters. Energy saving begins by recovering
with your own way of acting. Spencer knows the heat to guarantee a better energy plant
the target: our unique simplicity enables us to performance. Moreover, the employment of
reach the perfection needed to go beyond natural gas reduces harmful emissions. A part
temporary fashion and styles, hence of the energy used to make Spencer work is
rewarding our product user over the years. produced on-site. The new premises are
integrated in the countryside that surrounds
the buildings which is not a coincidence, but
a precise architectural landscape project,
with plenty of green areas, tree-lined avenues
and orchards. The apple for your snack
grows right in front of the company.

Sales network Web Care Watch out for pirates!
Spencer is a successful company that grows An advanced service that allows all after Many valuable products today are copied
and expands its sales turnover and presence sales assistance centres, wherever they are, by pirates.
in the main markets. The growing stage has to connect directly with Customer Care that, Spencer products, despite the trademark’s
continued, permitting us to become a in a totally interactive way, will give all international protection, are copied more
worldwide leader in the emergency and necessary information. and more often. The forgers “capture” Spen-
rescue fields. For the seller it will be like having a qualified cer’s great design and image.
The development process is demonstrated by Spencer technician in its own office, with no The quality and check-up that are typical of
the range of products and by the company costs for transfers or shipment of equipment. the brand with the star are offered only by
organisation, as well as by the sales network For the final buyer this service assures the Spencer’s original products. Therefore pay
and distribution structure. The company is at best assistance in a very short space of time, attention to the detailed features and if in
the basis of relations with customers and is because he/she is in direct contact with doubt do not hesitate to contact your nearest
designed to approach local markets, paying Spencer’s technical office. Spencer authorised distributor.
special attention to developing countries. Web Care is a very advanced service that
The distribution of Spencer’s products is puts Spencer in the forefront with regards to
based on a wide and articulated platform of the attention given to customers and support
more than 700 customers in over 140 coun- for the retailers.
tries. As we approach our 15th anniversary Our most qualified technicians will be at
we will be taking a new path. This will lead your complete disposal to speak directly with
us to speak an international language, which you and follow you to obtain better results
will be accompanied by a redefinition of the from Spencer products.
sales distribution network, with the launch of
a new global map.
We are aware that we’ll have to give new
answers to the problems that will arise from
globalisation. But at the end, we are sure, it
is always man that is at the centre of
everything, also of economy, and it is man
that must and can resolve problems.

Spencer Club
Buying a Spencer product does not only Spencer Club is a special programme dedi- After registering you will receive:
mean having a modern product but also cated to those who choose Spencer, concei- • a personal password, that will let you
means having a product made in the best ved to give information, service and exclusi- access the services and advantages of the
materials, studied for the safety of its users ve advantages to its members. The activity of club
and the well-being of patients, but above all the various clubs has developed spontaneou- • a Spencer Club Card (together with the
it means that you have entered the Spencer sly throughout these years. Starting from this first order after registering)
world. We take pleasure in believing that year Spencer is coordinating all the clubs to • the Starter Kit reserved to members
the Spencer Club Card is like a passport to encourage common activities and to guaran- (together with the first order after registe-
a world of advantages, of customer care tee equity in communication and image. If ring)
and where there is a precious exchange of you have already signed up for the Spencer Here are some of the privileges unique to
information between users and producers. Club, then you’ve already had the chance to Spencer Club members, that you will disco-
We have taken belief in the same ideas as receive the several unique advantages it ver in detail visiting
you; we supply you with the most innovative offers. If you still haven’t signed up, don’t or by getting in touch with the Spencer sales
products. We have listened to your sugge- waste time, discover the privileges of an network:
stions and made better working instruments, exclusive club like ours. Signing up is com- • special news and information
together we have built a strong brand. pletely free. You can register at any time on • exclusive products only for members
The result is that right now all over the world the special website • product preview
professionals are using Spencer emergency or ask our commercial offices or the distribu- • special initiatives
equipment. Starting from today we will all tor in your territory for the specific form. You • advantageous purchasing conditions
get to know each other: the Spencer Club is simply need to fill in the application sheet
born. with your personal data.

Our services Spencer Project Team Sales service
Spencer’s quality is a characteristic that Particular emergency requirements need We are aware that being successful does not
makes us different not only for the products customized answers. In order to be closer to just mean having high quality products, but
we make but also for the way we pay our customers we have created SPT (Spencer you also need to match them with a high level
attention to those who choose to buy our Project Team). A team of professional of assistance. First of all, efficient
products. Whoever prefers Spencer can technicians that can verify and plan with you communication has to be guaranteed, able to
count on a wide range of services even personalised modifications or products never assure beneficial exchange of information
before purchasing them: personalized seen before, that meet your requirements and between customer and manufacturer. To
financial programs, assistance 24 hours a ideas. prevent the problem of different time zones
day, easy maintenance facilities. Discover At Spencer we know that the equipment that between Italy and other countries of the
below how much Spencer takes care of its will make history comes from the experience world, which is a frequent cause of difficulty
customers; after all, those who choose and the passion of the operators in this field. in communications, our sales personnel is
Spencer are special hence they deserve a There are probably brilliant projects that exist available 24 hours a day. Providing this type
special service. but are never realized because companies of service is confirming our complete
are not willing to bet. dedication to satisfying those who decide to
Contact us and we will help you realize your turn to us on a daily basis. Spencer operators
ideas. will be able to answer in different languages,
If you do not find your ideal proposal in our to satisfy any sales, technical or logistic
catalogue and you wish to have a requirement. They will be at your complete
personalized product, do not hesitate in disposal to guide you through the choice of
contacting us to express any comments. the most suitable products for your
Spencer technicians, constantly in contact requirements and will update you with the
with you, will evaluate the possibility of latest news. Now, the sales contact is much
making modifications to the product you more direct thanks to worldwide suppliers that
prefer. are ready to support all of you.
The result will be a unique product, that will
not disappoint your expectations. We are
waiting for your precious suggestions and we
are sure that the occasions to open up a
dialogue with you will continue to increase,
because your ideas deserve attention and

Customer Care Trade-in operation Spencer Support
Buying Spencer products means having The great respect for tradition and the The new non profit Spencer initiative to
excellent after-sales assistance. A highly willingness to always supply modern working support mass security.
qualified staff will always be ready to give instruments has determined and launched the In every city, more than once a year, there
you the information you need, with efficiency trade-in operation. We were the first in this are events that involve large crowds, causing
and effectiveness, aiming to offer the best field to start this type of project, and a temporary overflow of people. This type of
technical support to all Spencer customers. immediately we found the public’s approval. mass movement imposes major attention to
Following our products after they have been By taking advantage of this offer, all citizens security. Terrorist threats, open public
sold and checking the functioning of all of operators will have the possibility to get rid of events under risk of attacks, panic situations
their aspects has enabled us to reach a high their old equipment without losing the deriving from natural disasters happen every
level of real professionalism, recognized by investments of the past. Thanks to the trade-in day. The ordinary organization of emergency
our collaborators and customers. operation, using Spencer quality products will is normally managed by local structures, but
Our Customer Care service aims to be much easier and cheaper. what is the answer in case of large numbers
guarantee the maximum satisfaction to and maxi emergency situations? One of the
anyone that buys Spencer products, allowing first requirements for the organization is to
them to communicate their suggestions, un- find the vast quantity of equipment needed:
satisfaction or service problems. considering the limited use and the money
This way we can assess each situation in required, it is not possible to purchase it.
order to undertake the right actions to solve Spencer, worldwide emergency equipment
problems and meet requirements. manufacturer, will be able to satisfy these
This feedback will become a very important requirements with an unprecedented service
resource to continue improving our products and unique in its application. The Spencer
and services, so that they may correspond Support project allows you to borrow and use
better to your and our expectations. large quantities of emergency equipment free
of charge, all the equipment will be delivered
by Spencer directly on site. The management
of the equipment is delegated to the rescue
teams of the event. Our intent is to
differentiate ourselves from other
manufacturers and we do it with success.
Further details on our website

Our headquarters:
The new Spencer headquarters can be defi- Integra: a domestic environment to work in.
ned futuristic because of the integrated and An unmistakeable sign, readable in the sha-
articulated structure of the operational pes, in the materials employed and in the
departments. A perfectly controlled system chromatic choices.
with exceptional safety solutions and A place where operations, communications
respect for the environment. A studied and and relations meet. Integra has been built,
comfortable environment, rich in persona- reducing as much as possible the environ-
lity, no rhetoric. A place in which modern mental impact and perfectly in fitting within
technologies are not invasive. a large green area.

Finished products immobilization Finished products diagnostics Finished products resuscitation

Kit assembling Manufacturing polyethylene stretchers Raw materials warehouse

Workshop Stretcher testing department Auto-loading stretchers assembling

Electro-medical manufacturing Customizing department Packaging

Logistics Reception head office Show room

Three catalogues into one
The new Spencer catalogue The new Spencer Spot catalogue The new Spencer Comparisons catalogue
The new catalogue is the reflection of a Spencer Spot, the catalogue in the catalo- Besides offering an excellent range of devi-
changing philosophy in the presentation of gue to live a new emotion, to discover the ces, instruments, gadgets and accessories to
the company and its production. A panora- collection that interprets Spencer’s character choose from to create your own ideal
mic view of Spencer’s emergency, medical through a combination of colours and sha- system, Spencer also allows you to select dif-
and mortuary products made of nine sec- pes. Exciting design, impeccable workman- ferent components within each product cate-
tions. Each section is distinguished by a ship, exclusive materials, quality and innova- gory in terms of contents, price and dimen-
colour code that enables quick reading iden- tion for a complete range of custom pro- sions.
tification: it presents every single product in ducts, all of which originate from the same To further improve referencing, the catalogue
an efficient and synthetic way by taking spe- functionality and prestige that inspired the finishes off with some technical charts that
cial care of the technical and performing success of the Spencer brand in the emer- will permit you to easily compare all models,
aspects. A clear presentation that reflects gency world. But that is not all yet. The indicating the main features of each product.
Spencer’s style. Each page is characterized Spencer Spot catalogue is also different This section, recognizable by the yellow line
by simple to recognize elements for each because of its new graphics and snappy running along the border of the page, makes
item: name, classification, description, tech- paper on which it is printed. All products for richer added value contents for all topics
nical data, codes, features and colours, 3D listed in the Spencer Spot have been grou- within the whole catalogue project.
images often with description notes; a bonus ped together according to their different
feature that enables easier consultation. types of use.
Every section is distinguished by a colour- A wide blue line on the top of the page is
coded line placed at the bottom of each this section’s frame. Our brand’s background
page, where you will find the page number colour will follow you throughout your rea-
and website of reference, for more details ding and... your choice.
and updated information on specific pro-

S p e n c e r ' s g e n e r a l c a t al o g u e i s a v a i l a b l e i n s e v e r a l l a n g u a g e s : E n g l i s h , I t a l i a n , F r e n c h , S p a -
n i s h , P o r t u g u e s e , G re e k , R u s s i a n a n d A r a b i c .

Instructions for the consultation of the general catalogue

The new Spencer general catalogue aims to spread out all the necessary information to positioned below the product description text.
be a working instrument for planners, identify, know, classify and compare Here below you will find a list of information
technicians and operators. All the hard work products, and to highlight quality banners used for our products.
put into this edition aims to simplify and classifications and marks. All data is

Banner “S” = Spencer Indicates available quality marks, with the num-
Gives more essential information to know ber of the notifying body if any, or if the pro-
Spencer products better. duct is under certification process (CE= meets
requirements of European Directive 93/42)
Comparison chart page of the product

New product
S 012 3 Comp 242 NEW LXF D R KIT Can be assembled as a kit
und er
cert ifica tion Reflective material (R) or fluorescent reflective
Latex free

Banner “E” = Exclusive Type of personalization, each one is distin- Personalization techniques
Gives information about our exclusive perso- guished by an acronym (on the side of this
nalisation service and about all the applica- page is a list of the used acronyms); for BI Built in
ble techniques on your product of interest. further information check the pages that EM Embroidery
describe the different techniques EN Engraving
Indicates on which part it is possible to per- HP Hot printing
sonalize: IN Injection
P= product
PS Pre-spaced decals
B= transport bag
E EM P 100 x 50 mm col 01 min 05
C= carton box PW Permaview
Minimum quantity for order SS Silk screen printing
TA Tampography
Number of available colours
VA Vacuum
Wideness of the surface that can be perso-
nalized with text or logos
Banner “X” = Extra
It contains a few links (indicated by page
numbers) where you can find useful informa-
tion about products that correctly match with Each field indicates the section in which you
your product of interest. can find products that are complementary or
related to the one of interest
X link p. 100 p. 234 p. 310 p. 380

Banner “I” = Interest Fields of interest

Highlights all the fields in which the product is Each acronym refers to a specific field in
employed, indicating their acronyms. which the product is used; the acronym indi- FR Fire rescue
cates the field; on the side of this page is a
HC Home care
list of the different fields, which have a spe-
I settore FR HC IS L C PR SA SP VE
cific index on pg. 468 IN Installations
IS Industrial safety
Banner “N” = NATO Stock Number
Green colour, it indicates all those products LC Large communities
that have obtained a NATO identification MC Mass casualties
code number. It indicates the number that is used to identify MI Military
N NATO Stock Number the product according to the NATO system MR Mountain rescue
PA Public access
Banner “C” = Coming Soon PD Paediatric
It indicates that the product is being certifica-
ted and will soon be on the market. PR Practitioner
It refers to new products that will soon beco- PT Promotional
C C O M I N G S O O N me officially part of the Spencer range SA Sanitary products
SP Sport
Banner“G” = 10 or 20 G SV Special vehicle manufacturer
Yellow colour, it shows that the product has VE Veterinary
passed the 10 or 20 G crash test. The banner allows for a quick and easy identi-
WR Water Rescue
fication of the articles within the Spencer ran-
ge that have successfully passed the 10 or 20
G crash test

Use the handy legend on the inside of the back cover 17

Coming soon NATO Stock Number Crash test
Spencer is a product. The strength of Spen- Beyond peace and disarmament, the main The structural deformation of a stretcher
cer’s brand depends primarily on the pro- target of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisa- subject to a specific load can be simulated
duct. Today we are proud to launch a cata- tion is to participate in peace, research and in a relatively effective way. It is much harder
logue that is unique in the world, without rescue missions, as well as to plan and to predict the patient’s movements in an
competitors for the vastness of our range and manage emergency operations. Some of our impact.
the ease of its consultation. The rapid evolu- products are identified with a code number Our job is to further improve resistance
tion in our market requires suitable respon- consisting of thirteen digits placed on a green during crash test by focusing on three main
ses, The research, innovation and develop- band. This is called NATO Stock Number points: the development of the crash testing,
ment of new products in a short space of (NSN) and it is a special identifying code the simulation through computers and the
time, are all important to a company that is number to create a common language regar- study of real-life accidents.
motivated by its wish to satisfy all its clients. ding international logistics for the supply of The latter, especially, is a very important
The conception of a new product is one of products to all the armed services that are working instrument, as it allows us to acquire
the most fundamental moments in the growth part of NATO. The NATO code system is an precious information on the accidents for
of a company. Our strength comes from our international referencing method supporting careful consideration when developing more
continuous aim to improve. At the moment modern logistics. It is also a high quality pro- efficient security systems.
we are working with maximum effort on duct certification system that guarantees We have an entire zone dedicated to repea-
numerous projects. This edition, like every excellent performance even in extreme condi- ted crash tests, the results of which are imple-
catalogue, is an occasion for us to bring to tions. The creation of a common language mented during the elaboration of prototypes
the attention of an International clientele, our often represents the first step towards coope- and the finished product. This is how we
most recent products; but Spencer is, in fact, ration between different countries. take care of your safety.
already past that point, engaged in the
development of many innovative ideas for
the future. The importance of the innovative
process of a product is one of the fundamen-
tal beliefs of the company. First substance,
then shape. In our catalogue you will find
lots of new ideas and we can assure you
that many more will be presented in the edi-
tions to come. Innovating means not only
creating new marketing strategies, but above
all investing in a change of mentality to have
a correct evaluation and application of new
technologies. The road to renovation is sou-
ght after by many: only a few succeed in
making it a winning choice. We are well
aware that in order to be always at the front
of our field, it is important to put oneself in
the limelight and be courageous. It is this
courage that guides us in our new projects
because, without taking risks it is impossible
to succeed. We commit ourselves with dedi-
cation to deserve, day after day the reputa-
tion we have built up and achieved on the
international front.

3D Images Flash Our websites
On a daily basis, we use three-dimensional Spencer always surprises you. On top of Spencer means information, service and
graphics in design, because it allows us to proposing the widest range of emergency communication. Spencer has been present on
study the physical behaviour of our products, equipment now existing on the market, the Internet since 1996, the year in which the
simulating different operating situations. This Spencer also presents an extraordinarily clear first official website was
is one of the main instruments that enables us and transparent offer. With Flash, a new era created. Since then, Spencer’s website has
to concretely realize our ideas. Each 3D begins: complete, accessible and innovative undergone changes several times in order to
reproduction accounts for a deeper products, at a good price, even for those adapt, as much as possible, to the tastes and
investigation, a window that opens up to who do not have old devices to permute or needs of its users and to the continuous
reveal something new that makes the trade in. If you decide to trust our experience, evolutions of the net and of new
difference. It is the best way to focus your in the Flash section you can choose devices technologies. It has become a point of
attention on a detail, a mechanism, a with dedicated and complementary reference for enthusiasts and for operators all
peculiar internal structure An extra point of accessories, that will allow you to over the world who wish to know more about
view impossible to see with any other type of professionally employ the individual products. the company, its history, its products and its
photographic technique. The colours are not An integral approach that rewards you with continuous successes. In this phase of
real ones, hence they contribute to exclusive advantages: quality, professio- energetic expansion, institutional
highlighting certain characteristics of the nalism and low cost. communication and information services have
product. This is another Spencer contribution The Flashes are signalled with a vertical grey become an undisputable necessity. The
to make the catalogue a transparent tool and stripe, that illustrates which products you can impressive graphics and user-friendly
to offer you an additional evaluation use to compose a package. Inside these interface of Spencer’s website allow one to
instrument to purchase with awareness. sections you will find the images, the codes enter into Spencer’s very own world,
and the descriptions of each correlated understanding its philosophy and values. The
product. We suggest you look at the user gets up and close with the company and
specification charts of each product for more its commercial activities, visualising the
information product’s characteristics, colours and project
solutions. Today the site has become a real
portal and is updated 24 hours a day. The
site is managed internally and directly by a
young, specialised team. This team keeps in
touch with the thousands of people, who surf
the web everyday to find out the latest news
from the emergency world, to access the
technical sheets on the products and to keep
updated on relevant events. It is a live
catalogue in constant movement and a
complete and up-to-date information service,
destined to the global public.
A series of sites dedicated to the different
product categories offers the possibility for
close examination of the products of interest.
You can contact us directly by email from all
of our websites to ask for additional
information on our range or to give us your
advise for improvement.

The constant monitoring of market needs and
tendencies to embrace new technologies has
motivated us to make consistent investments in
order to be able to personalise a large
amount of the products presented in our
Pre-spaced decals Built in
catalogue, using the most appropriate
techniques, even for small quantities. Production of computer designed cut-out or Different to other ink pressure transfer systems
Apart from manifesting your mission to pre-punch cut letters and logos onto adhesive and traditional adhesive labels, this exclusive
promote your own image, you will also make plastic material, which can also be reflective, system produces an external film on the surface
your product unique and insure it against in any colour. of the item, which contains the writings or
theft. A dv a nt ages : sharp borders and bright logos.
This page describes the personalisation colours. The fusion process creates an indestructible link
techniques used by us. It aims to explain the Reflective film with strong and long lasting encapsulating the image in the polymeric
various methods and to clarify their positive adhesion. matrix. With this method the image will not
and negative aspects. Limits: only two or three colours can be used wear off under the influence of
together. atmospheric/chemical substances, solvents,
UV rays or abrasion.
Adv antages: long-lasting and absolutely
indestructible personalisation.
Colour definition and Pantone chromatism
guaranteed. It is ideal for use on items made
of medium and high density polyethylene for
an unlimited duration.
Limits: no more than three colours can be used.
This type of personalisation is ideal for larger
quantities and has quite a high branding and
one-off initial set up cost. The initial graphic
creation is quite time consuming.


Hot printing Silk screen printing

Production of computer designed cut-out or The silk screen printing process is quite simple
pre-punch cut letters and logos onto thermo and is based on the concept of leaving the
sensitive material, which can also be liquid colour to filter in a controlled manner,
reflective, in any colour. Transfers are used to through a very tightly woven sieve (frame)
reproduce letters or graphic applications onto called “screen”, to the underlying surface,
fabric, thanks to the heat transferring method. positioned immediately in contact with the
Transfers guarantee covering even on the screen.
darkest materials, perfect and long-lasting Advantages: it is one of the most popular
printing, resistance to washing. techniques. The personalisation can be
Advantages: sharp borders and possibility to carried out practically on any type of material
use reflective material. (nylon, ABS, cloth, wood, plastic and others)
This technique allows the realisation of with a good coverage and nice effect on
promotionals with different personalisations, both flat and curved surfaces.
allowing the addition of a different name on Limits: it is quite difficult to coincide the
every product. colours together, or rather to achieve a
Limits: only two or three colours can be used rigorously uniform print. It does not allow the
together production of fine details.


Tampography Engraving Injection
Tampography is a more refined method of This procedure involves the use of a micro- Usually injection moulds are made of a special
printing compared to silk screen printing. It needle guided by the computer, which type of steel which guarantees an exceptional
makes use of semi-automated machinery, engraves the surface of the material, leaving detail of any logo that will remain unchanged
which is precise and quick. the information required. The micro-needle in time. The high quality of the finished product
This printing method is particularly engraves the item permanently and with is guaranteed by highly specialised
appropriate in the reproduction of images, exceptional precision. experience in different types of material and
even on curved surfaces. The material of the product determines the their uses.
It does not require a loom and actually works colour of the engraving. Advan tages : monolithic, resistant and
on a plate system, using a silicon pad which This system achieves extraordinary results on absolutely permanent. Exact definition of the
takes a certain quantity of ink from the plate materials such as crystal, metal and plastic. logo is obtained on plastic, aluminium, zama.
and transfers it to the surface of the object, a Ad vant ages: the final effect of the The definition on thermoplastics and rubber is
similar system to offset printing. personalisation is one of the most exclusive not quite as precise as the previous. It is
Advantages: it allows the reproduction of fine and refined. The quality of detail is amazing however a good method for printing on
details, thin lines and shading. and the personalisation is virtually plastics materials, aluminium, rubber silicone
It allows the personalisation of objects of indestructible over time. This technique allows and heat sensitive resins.
various forms, with flat or curved surfaces. the realisation of promotionals with different Limits: colours other than that of the actual item
Limits: the ink used is not strong enough for a personalisations, allowing the addition of a cannot be used. It is ideal for larger quantities.
good covering, even if it is bright and long- different name on every product. The cost of the moulds are decisively higher
lasting. Limits: printing colours cannot be used and and should therefore be distributed over
It is therefore not the best method for vast only a few items can be considered for this production of a larger quantity of products. The
backgrounds designed to contrast with dark type of personalisation. It is possible to initial costs will therefore be completely
surfaces. engrave only flat surfaces or those with small absorbed over the total number of items
angles. produced.


Permaview Embroidery Vacuum

This is a digital printing onto an adhesive This technique enhances the elegance of the The clamps used for vacuum moulding of
label. It is covered by a layer of epoxy resin, logo: the message is embroidered onto the metacrylic sheets, polypropylene, PVC, PST
that creates a “lens effect” above the print. surface of the object. The embroidery can be and ABS typically permit stability also of the
Advantages: it is ideal for logos that have carried out on flat or cylindrical surfaces. impressed logo. It is used where structural
more than one colour, because it allows up to Adva ntages: it is ideal for brands and consistency, at the same time lightweight, is
eight colours to be used without additional designs that have more than one colour. It required.
costs. The layer of resin protects the colour allows the use of up to eight colours without Advantages: indestructible personalisation for
from natural fading caused by long periods in any additional costs. It is particularly a high level of communication. It can be used
the sun. It is possible to produce very fine recommended for hats, tops, jumpers, bags, for medium production quantities using moulds
details. rucksacks and tapes. This technique allows made of wood or resin. The initial cost of the
Limits: it is a method that can only be used on the realisation of promotionals with different mould can be amortised with time.
certain types of products. personalisations, allowing the addition of a Limits: colours cannot be used so in conditions
different name on every product. of poor light the logo cannot be distinguished.
Limits: this method of personalisation can only While the technology behind this type of
be used on fabric. It is not possible to production is being continually improved, the
reproduce fine details, backgrounds or definition of the logo, which must have strictly
excessively elaborate designs. simplified outlines, is low



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