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Version 01




YEAR 2011

“The student declares that he has carried out this work in accordance with the
regulations of the Universidad Católica San Pablo”



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1. Student's name:
2. Practice Period:
3. Company Name: San Pablo Catholic University

Address: Urb. Campiña Paisajista s/n Quinta Vivanco

Telephone: +51-54-605630 – Annex 363

4. Company Qualifying Supervisor



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The San Pablo Catholic University was born in Arequipa as an educational and
cultural project that seeks the humanistic and professional training of people and
carries out cultural and research activities with the aim of contributing to the
construction of a better society.


"The San Pablo Catholic University is an academic community animated by the

guidelines and life of the Catholic Church that, in the light of faith and with the
effort of reason, seeks the truth and promotes the integral formation of the person
through activities such as research, teaching and extension, to contribute to the
configuration of culture in accordance with the identity and deployment of the
human being.”





Creation and definitive authorization

The Sodalitium Christianae Vitae, Society of Apostolic Life of Pontifical Law

approved by His Holiness John Paul II in 1997, and with it the Center for
Research and Technology for the Development of Social Sciences, are the
founding institutions of the San Pablo Catholic University, which was created on
January 10, 1997 by the National Council for the Authorization and Operation of
Universities – CONAFU, through CONAFU Resolution No. 190-97.
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On November 15, 1999, by Archbishopric Decree No. 091-C-ARZ, the

Archbishopric of Arequipa recognized the San Pablo University as a Catholic
University of the Church, consolidating the guiding principles that led to its
foundation and thus fully adhering to the Apostolic Constitution. Ex Corde
Ecclesiae, fundamental document of Catholic Universities.

Subsequently, on September 14, 2001, through Resolution No. 181-2001, the

CONAFU declared the process of adaptation of the San Pablo Catholic University
to the Education Investment Promotion Law - DL concluded. 882, approving the
institutional model of the University as a Canonical Legal Person organized as a
Civil Association.

Finally, on September 12, 2003, CONAFU unanimously agreed to authorize the

definitive operation of the University and grant it full autonomy according to
Peruvian legislation.


UCSP began its educational activities in 1997 with the professional programs of
Business Administration and Accounting. Later, in 1999, the operation of the
Computer Engineering program was authorized. In 2004, the Law and Industrial
Engineering programs opened and a year later, in 2005, the professional
Telecommunications Engineering program. In 2007, the academic work of the
professional Psychology program began and a year later, in 2008, those of the
professional Education program in the pre-school and primary specialties.

The San Pablo Catholic University proposes a comprehensive training model that
is based on a vision of man that contemplates all his dimensions: biological,
psychological and spiritual. Thus, based on the humanistic training provided, the
aim is to achieve complete, current and specialized professional training, which
leads students to assume the role of agents of positive change in society. From

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this perspective, the fundamental elements of our training are summarized in

teachers who practice their professions, have advanced degrees and carry out
constant research; high academic demand, which seeks to make the student strive
to the maximum of their possibilities and abilities; high-level professional
training, with updated and specialized study plans; formation in values, defined
around the Catholic faith; and personalized training, which promotes in each
student a constant exercise of self-knowledge as a means to achieve personal
mastery, and from their own virtues and abilities, they deploy themselves while
contributing to the comprehensive development of solidarity in society.


The Postgraduate School was approved by the National Assembly of Rectors in

February 2008 and its purpose is to contribute to the high specialization of
professionals through diplomas, master's degrees and doctorates that, from a solid
understanding of the human being and the comprehensive development of
solidarity that The country and the world demand, they can creatively face the
challenges that their professions pose, providing effective and efficient solutions.
He currently has master's degrees in Education Administration and Tourism
Administration, in addition to the Diploma in Administration.


The Research Directorate seeks to promote intellectual production and create an

environment in the university community, in such a way that each of its members
develops passion for the search for truth and desire to advance on the frontier of
knowledge to contribute to society. with the aim of making it more fair,

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supportive and reconciled. Our research professors have been working on topics
of academic interest within the priorities indicated by the University, contributing
to the search for truth with knowledge that allows improving people's living
conditions and contributing to the common good.

Centers, Institutes and projection areas

Seeking to carry out an intense outreach to society to contribute in solidarity with

its development, the University has created centers, institutes and areas that have
been contributing to this objective, carrying out activities specific to its nature.
These centers and bodies are the Center for Studies for the Person and Culture,
the Institute for Marriage and Family, the area of Continuing Training for
Business, the Language Center, the Center for Studies and Pedagogical
Application, the Center for Development and Management, the Educational
Projects area, the Leadership Center for Development, the Peruvian Studies
Center, the Knowledge Classroom, the Cultural and Artistic Activities area.


The UCSP begins its activities at the Av. location. Salaverry 301, Arequipa. In
2005, the University highlights a building that had been in disuse for many years
and that, thanks to the collaboration of business friends, has been enabled as an
ecological project to become a second campus, in the Urb. Landscaped
Countryside, in the Arequipa fence.

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Organization Chart – Quality and University Accreditation

Organization Chart – Quality and University Accreditation


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 The San Pablo Catholic University welcomes, promotes and executes

various initiatives, its own and third parties, that seek to achieve authentic
comprehensive development of solidarity for the region and the Country,
with special emphasis on those that promote reconciliation and integration of
civil, university, and business authorities. and workers so that, from what
corresponds to each one, a common effort can be articulated.
 From this perspective, the San Pablo Catholic University makes a special
effort from the university faculty to ensure that its students understand and
make their own a true vision of integral development, which leads us, for
example, to send teachers to complete master's degrees at the University.
Lateran of Rome on Social Doctrine of the Church or to develop the
Specialization for University Teachers with emphasis on Christian
 This academic effort is complemented by comprehensive training, which
from a correct vision of man, seeks to achieve in students an attitude of
leadership, understood as a vocation for service, which allows each one to
put the service of society and the common good. professional capacity and
learned skills.
 But an adequate vision and understanding of integral development is not
enough. It is necessary that in the light of reflection and teaching, various
initiatives be put into action that make it tangible. For this reason we seek to
create spaces, which start from the curriculum of each degree, so that our
students have experiences of social help that give them the possibility of
putting themselves at the service of others, participating, leading and even
proposing social projects, doing hours volunteering in nursing homes, cribs
or soup kitchens, among others.

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The San Pablo Catholic University created the University Quality and
Accreditation area in the 2009-II semester with the objective of
achieving the accreditation of its professional programs in accordance
with law 28740 of the National System of Evaluation, Accreditation and
Certification of Educational Quality ( SINACE ). 1

Its mission is to adapt the regulations issued by law to the identity of the
San Pablo Catholic University, so that its Christian inspiration is
strengthened. To this end, his reflection is nourished by the light of faith,
as presented by the Church through Sodalite spirituality. 1

To achieve accreditation, it is necessary to carry out previous activities,

one of the most important being the implementation of a Quality
Management System.

First, it must be defined which QMS model will be used. In the case of
the San Pablo Catholic University, the model used is ISO 9001 Quality
Management System – Requirements. The ISO 9001 model is a set of
quality and management standards that has been developed by the
ISO/TC176 Technical Committee of ISO ( International Organization for
Standardization ) and specifies the requirements for implementation and
application within organizations. . In the case of accreditation, the
CONEAU model (Council of

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Evaluation, Accreditation and Certification of the Quality of Higher

University Education.) to achieve educational quality certification based
on a standardized and tested model, it is ultimately sought to comply
with contractual criteria specified in national regulations.

ISO 9001, version 2008, is valid for any organization, for example an
industrial factory, a service company such as the San Pablo Catholic
University, regardless of its size or sector, that seeks to improve the way
in which the established requirements are met. .

It is in this way that any organization like the San Pablo Catholic
University can improve, standardize and optimize the way it carries out
its action processes, which means increasing satisfaction for the
university community and managing errors in the best possible way,
including activities necessary to search for the cause of failures and
eliminate them, in addition to all the benefits that this entails.

Now moving on to another point, accreditation must be known and taken

into account. Accreditation is the public recognition carried out by an
authorized organization that a degree program, postgraduate program or
University has satisfactorily met certain predefined quality standards that
contribute to the professional training of students.

ISO 9001 and CONEAU are different models, which complement each
other and are both based on the same quality principles.

The Quality and University Accreditation team is currently made up of:

Mag. Sandra Gomez de Salinas

Head of the Office of Quality and University Accreditation

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Eng. Karina Nuñez Hurtado

Administrative Assistant - Accreditation

Eng. Diego Jálsovec Rendón

Administrative Assistant Quality Management System

Eng. Diego Fernando de la Jara Valdez

Administrative Assistant Quality Management System


The functions of the Quality and University Accreditation area are to

achieve the following aspects at the University:

 University Quality

Level at which the processes and results of training, research, social

projection and management of a University satisfy the requirements of
its main interest groups and ensure that the institution achieves the
objective of academic excellence.

 Quality management system

“A quality management system is the set of interrelated elements and

standards that allows an organization to establish policies, objectives
and all the activities necessary to achieve these objectives”

 University Accreditation

Accreditation is the public and temporary recognition of the quality of an

academic unit or institution by an authorized external entity. It is the
result of compliance with a set of previously established minimum norms

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and standards that have evaluated its pedagogical, institutional and

administrative management.

The accreditation process consists of 3 phases:

 Self-assessment: it is a study process carried out by the members of the

professional program themselves to determine their strengths and
weaknesses. It can be given for improvement purposes or accreditation
purposes, the first option being the one worked on at the San Pablo
Catholic University.
 External evaluation: it is the evaluation carried out by people outside the
professional program (external peers), who will evaluate whether it
meets the requirements indicated in the standard.
 Accreditation: Public and temporary recognition that is obtained once the
external evaluation is approved.

The purpose of accreditation is to guarantee that the human and

professional training that students receive is that expressed in the identity
and thus meet the quality requirements at the university level and provide
an excellent educational service.


The implementation of a QMS is carried out through the documentary

pyramid seen below:

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The first thing that is done is the definition of the quality policy by the
The second step is the definition of quality objectives, which is carried
out by each person responsible for the areas that provide service. The
quality manual is prepared as the implementation progresses. The
procedures, plans, manuals, matrices and instructions refer to the
operational activities of the University; while the formats represent the
records of said activities.


Carrying out pre-professional practices in the Area of Quality and University

Accreditation gave me the opportunity to apply all the theoretical knowledge
and skills acquired throughout the teaching provided by the professional
Industrial Engineering program, thus allowing me to solve different
situations in which I will be involved in the future when I perform
professionally, thus managing to enhance ethical, training, disciplinary and
communicative skills, strengthening my autonomy, in order to acquire a
vision of professional development.

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It is important to recognize that it has allowed me to acquire experiences in

the work environment, in addition to stimulating interdisciplinary work with
professionals from other specialties, thus understanding the daily functioning
of a company and in this dynamic allowing me to develop creative activity in
the various fields of professional practice. , thus acquiring habits and skills
of organization and planning to complement and enhance learning capacity.

From a socio-cultural point of view, it has allowed me to strengthen a critical

attitude towards society and reality, thus ratifying my commitment to the
social transformation of the country.

Regarding the fulfillment of the objectives of the Area in which I worked, it

is important to know that for the implementation of a Quality Management
System it is necessary to collect information regarding the different
processes that are within the scope of certification, this scope is defined by
the different areas of the university in which the procedures were carried out,
my work was necessary for the development of these procedures.

The primary objective was to obtain sufficient information to be able to

establish the procedures on which the Quality Management System can rely,
followed by the development of said procedures.

A series of meetings were held with the staff of each area assigned to me in
order to determine the sequence of activities necessary to carry out the
different procedures of each area.

Each of these procedures was presented in a final report to the corresponding

area in order to show shortcomings and develop improvements to achieve a
better level of service provided to students and society in general.


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Throughout the period I worked at UCSP, I carried out different activities in

different areas of the institution, these were:


Area of the San Pablo Catholic University whose responsible person is

Edwin Montes Fernández – Head of Library, which belongs to the
Directorate of University Services whose responsible person is Patricia Vela
de Cisneros – Director of University Services.


Area of the San Pablo Catholic University whose responsible person is

Gonzalo Indacochea Rodrigo – Coordinator of the Leadership Center for
Development, which belongs to the Extension Directorate whose responsible
person is Juan Carlos Paz – Director of Extension.


Area of the San Pablo Catholic University whose responsible person is

Alejandro Estenos Loayza – Director of Research.


Area of the San Pablo Catholic University whose responsible person is

Mónica Jordán Franco – Head of Academic Services, which belongs to the
Undergraduate Directorate whose responsible person is Jorge Pacheco
Tejada – Undergraduate Director.


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Area of the San Pablo Catholic University whose responsible person is José
Corrales Nieves-Lazarte – Vice-rector.

The activities carried out in each of these areas in detail were the following:

a. Gathering information

These activities were carried out in each of the areas that were assigned to
me, which have been mentioned before, this is the most important activity,
since the development of all the procedures of the area, the formats and of
the requirements matrix.

In order to collect the necessary information, first it was necessary to make

contact with the corresponding area, after the presentation it is checked that
it has the necessary quality instruments or tools such as the process map of
the San Pablo Catholic University, the objectives of quality and finally the
identity of the San Pablo Catholic University, which identifies the effective
way in which the work of all university staff is carried out. After the review,
the interviews were carried out; these were carried out on a scheduled basis
with prior agreement with the immediate boss. Each interview is recorded, to
then coordinate the development of the flowcharts.

This work was carried out through personal interviews with those directly in
charge of the activity and with all those people who participated in it, which
have been mentioned at the beginning of this point, in order to be able to
obtain the most valid information. relevant to the area.

The methodology applied at the time of collecting the information was to

first interview the lowest ranks of the area and then validate the work with
the immediate boss.

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The process that was initially followed was to analyze the positions, always
starting with the lower ranks, validating the different activities with the
person in charge of the area as well as when reaching the senior management
of the area, their activities were rated based on the opinion of the
subordinates. , the interviews consisted of a number of four, the first of
which explained the methodology to be followed as well as the
consequences and importance of the work to be carried out in addition to
being the activities to be evaluated and sought to analyze the person's first
impression, Then, in the following meetings, the activities of the different
positions were analyzed and the impressions were sought to be reaffirmed in
addition to discovering the necessary competencies for each position. In the
last meeting, results were validated and a response from the immediate boss
was expected.

b. Preparation of Procedures

After collecting information, the corresponding procedures for each area are
developed. For this, it is necessary to carry out certain guidelines, which I
mention below:

 Determine the appropriate name that represents the procedure.

 Determine the code assigned to said procedure, in addition to the
corresponding version.
 Define the objective of the procedure.
 Define the scope of the procedure.
 Determine the References that have been used to prepare the procedure,
which may not apply in some cases.
 Enter the definitions and abbreviations that are necessary for a better
understanding of the procedure.
 Determine the people responsible for the procedure.
 Add some considerations if necessary.

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 Make the flowchart or flowchart corresponding to each procedure. A

flowchart is the graphic representation of a procedure, through the use of
standardized symbols that allow the complete visualization of the
process. This is a very useful tool for information gathering processes
and analysis of it in order to achieve the optimization and simplification
of the process. For this, a very rigorous methodology was followed since
any error at this point can lead to non-conformity at the time the audit is
carried out. The applied methodology is the following:
o First you must be clear about the symbols used in flow charts,

Activity.- Represents all the activities that are carried

out in a process

Communication Line.- Represents the sequence line of

activities or the transfer of a document from one place
to another.

Alternative or Decision.- It is used to graph the

alternatives that can be presented when carrying out an
activity, it has two outputs, one positive and one
negative, which direct the steps to follow depending
on the alternative decided.

Internal Connectors.- They can be output or input, and

are used to replace communication lines, to prevent
them from crossing or to avoid long displacements of
communication lines. They have a number on the
inside that serves as a reference to intertwine the
output connectors with the input connectors. There can

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be more than one output connector with the same

number: but only one input connector with the same

Definitive File.- Represents the definitive file of a

document, where it can be consulted but not removed.

Database.- It is used to represent a database.

Temporary File.- Represents a file where a document

or format is temporarily deposited that will be used
again within the same procedure.

Start or End.- It is used when starting and ending

a flowchart, it contains the word “Start” or “End”
as the case may be.

Information Line.- It is represented with a dotted line

when there is transfer of information only without
movement of the document or format that contains it.

Document.- It represents a document or format, in the

center it has the initials of the name of the document
and on the sides it has the corresponding copy number.

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External Connector.- It is used to connect the

procedure that is being described with another that is
already described, but that in some way complement
each other. There is necessarily an output connector
and an input connector. It is not very used

o Flow Charts must necessarily have the name of the procedure to

which they belong, the names of the people responsible for
participating in the diagram (at the top) and a Legend box (if
necessary) indicating what all the steps mean. abbreviations used
in the diagram.

o Rules for construction:

Taking into account that a flowchart is the graphic representation
of a procedure, we must use the correct symbols to represent it.

 The flowchart should be constructed from top to bottom and

from left to right.

 Every diagram must have a Start and an End .

 All lines that connect any symbol or indicate a direction must be

straight, vertical and horizontal.

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 Each symbol must have a single input line.

 When we develop a complex diagram it is advisable to use

comments that help understand certain parts of the diagram.
 If the diagram requires more than one sheet, the pages must be
numbered and the appropriate connectors used.


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Procedure for an Application


1 The Requesting User who requires the internal transfer of a fixed asset will
generate the document “Delivery Record – Receipt of Charge”
(Original and 2 copies).
2 Present the document “Delivery Record – Reception Charge” to the
Transferring User of the good for acceptance.
3 If the Transferring User agrees to the transfer, he will sign the document as
a sign of agreement, having it approved by his Area Management and
returning it to the Requesting User.
4 The Requesting User presents the document “Delivery Record – Reception
Charge” to the Logistics Department
5 The Logistics Department - Patrimonial Control upon receipt of the
document “Delivery Record – Receipt of Cargo” will verify its
conformity and endorse the documents, proceeding to update the
corresponding information in the Patrimonial Physical Control System,
obtain the signature of the new user responsible for the well and
distribute the document “Delivery Record – Receipt of Cargo”:

Original Logistics (Asset Control)

Copy 1 Assigning User

Copy 2 Requesting user.

6 Upon receipt of copy 1 of the document “Delivery Record – Receipt of

Charge”, the Assignor User proceeds to deliver the good to the
Requesting User and files the document.

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7 Upon receipt of copy 2 of the document “Delivery Record – Receipt of

Charge” , the Requesting User proceeds to receive the asset from the
Assignor User and files the document.
8 The Logistics Department - Asset Control generates a new “Personal
Charge for Allocation of Assets in Use” (Original and 2 copies), has it
signed by the Requesting User and distributes it as follows:

Original Archive

Copy 1 Requesting User

Copy 2 Accounting

9 Does the asset require transfer to another location?

9A No.- Continue at step No. 11

9B Yes.- The Logistics Department issues the corresponding

Shipping Guide to authorize the transfer of the asset to its new

10 The Property Security Department will supervise that the departure of

property assets that are covered by the respective Remission Guide
issued by the Company is allowed through the control checkpoints.

11 End of the procedure.

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 After this, the indicators that are necessary to be able to measure the
improvements must be determined.
 Finally, all the records that have been used in the procedure must be
 Once the preparation of the procedures has been completed, the
procedures must be delivered to the person responsible for the area for
due review and subsequent approval, delivering at the end a controlled
copy of said procedure.

c. Preparation of Formats
This activity was only carried out when the records that were used in the
procedures were specific to the area, so based on the requirements of this
record, the development of a codified format was carried out, which was
proposed to the corresponding area. for their respective review and
subsequent approval.

d. Preparation of Requirements Matrices

The requirements matrix was only carried out in the areas of the Library,
Research Directorate, Academic Services and the Leadership Center for
Development, because they are areas that provide a service to the
students who are the clients of the UCSP.
The development of each requirements matrix was carried out based on
the ISO 9001 standard.
Here the task was to determine what the explicit, implicit, legal and other
requirements were, as well as the records where it is verified that this
requirement must be met, and also the verification mechanism that said
requirement is being provided.

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e. Conduct non-compliant service training

This training was carried out once all the procedures and the
requirements matrix were closed.
This was carried out to the heads of said areas with which we worked,
where the correct filling out of the non-compliant services form was
explained, which had to be delivered to their higher authority on the first
of each month.
This training lasted approximately 30 minutes.

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The Assistantship work carried out at the San Pablo Catholic University in
Quality and University Accreditation began on April 11, 2011 and concluded
on September 2, 2011.
The requirement of 320 hours of pre-professional practices was met, since
the work day took place from Monday to Friday from 9:00 am until 2:00



The work carried out in Quality and University Accreditation has been one of
the most enriching experiences that I have had to live; Throughout the time that
I have been performing functions in this area I have been able to learn many
things, they have given me the opportunity to develop myself and understand the
degree of responsibility that is needed to be able to carry out a job within any
As in any job, I have sometimes made mistakes, but they have been corrected by
myself and my co-workers in the best possible way.
My boss the Mag. Sandra Gómez from Salinas and my immediate boss, Eng.
Diego Jalsovec Rendón are great professionals from whom one can learn
something new every day, the treatment of everyone who worked in the area
was very friendly and that integrated us more every day as a family, creating in
each of us a commitment to the institution.
Many times during the development of my work I have encountered certain
inconveniences in being able to carry out my work correctly, some of these
situations arose when the people with whom I had to meet or interview could
not assist me, which greatly hindered the development and collection of
information, and this is because the San Pablo Catholic University still does not
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have a culture of quality on the part of the areas, since they do not give due
importance to what it would imply for the institution to be able to certify and
accredit us. In addition to that, we must consider that when I started the job I did
not have the necessary experience, little by little I was able to adopt the
necessary skills to be able to perform my work efficiently; Although it is true
that I still have a lot to learn, it is a great pleasure for me to be able to express
my words of gratitude to all the people who collaborated in my work.

As a main conclusion I could mention the skill that I have developed to be able
to analyze the ISO 9001 Standard, in addition to being able to understand a
procedure efficiently, and in a way that I can find certain errors that at first
glance are not so obvious, it has also allowed me to apply all the theoretical
knowledge and skills and abilities acquired throughout the teaching given by the
Universidad Católica San Pablo in the Industrial Engineering program, thus
allowing me to solve different situations in which I will be involved in the future
when I perform professionally, achieving thus enhancing ethical, formative,
disciplinary and communicative competencies, strengthening my autonomy, in
order to acquire a vision of professional development.

I am very grateful for the opportunity to have been able to work in this area and
I hope to continue supporting them in whatever way they need.


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