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Julibeth Barreto
Kimberly Beltran
Rognitz Delos Santos
Yennerxon Flores
Kateryn Hugo
Aura Juarez
Gilberto Marval
Darianny Martínez
Freyddy Montañez
Fredyany Montañez
Marleny Moreno
Eglis Muñoz
Belky Rivas
Suhjeys Rodríguez
Yecenia Sánchez
Jorge Tarazona
Elizabeth Tarazona


The formation of children and adolescents is a responsibility that God gives

to parents and representatives who must guide, educate, discipline, and guide.

The church plays a very important role in the healthy development of the
family, since we have the privilege of having the power and authority of the Holy
Spirit to positively influence each life.

This guide is a resource to facilitate and help a little in the arduous task of
forming children and adolescents into good men and women, and to give practical
answers to all the concerns that arise daily in the formation of children and
adolescents. .

Most families need better interpersonal relationships and more adequate

means of communication, but we must not forget that the influence of Christ in life
is the important key that leads to a healthy and happy home. The quality of
Christian life plays an important role in family relationships.

The family has an essential function in the formation of future generations,

since it is the foundation for education in values that will contribute to the
development of the healthy and virtuous society that is needed. Therefore, it is
urgent to improve the theoretical and methodological bases that guide its actions,
as well as to achieve effective tools to motivate and train in the deployment of its
educational guiding role to establish generations of quality, which constitutes an
essential challenge.

Currently, ethical and moral values are being attacked and the concept of
family according to the Bible has suffered strong attacks, therefore as Christians
and as parents we must train ourselves and be aware of all the new issues that are
being handled in the world, In this way we will know how to counteract the attack
and take care of our children from the malformation of concepts and ideals that
they want to instill in them through various means, which is why this content has
been created that aims to encompass and explain these topics for the knowledge
of parents and In this way, it serves as a basis for the design of tools that can be
used by parents in the upbringing of children and adolescents of the Shekina
Church of God.


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), we can define the
family as the “set of people who live together under the same roof, organized into
fixed roles (father, mother, siblings, etc.) with blood ties or not, with a common
economic and social mode of existence, with emotional feelings that unite and
unite them.”

The family is the most important social organization for man: belonging to a
group of this type is vital in the psychological and social development of the
individual. The concept of family has been undergoing transformations according to
changes in society according to the customs, culture, religion and law of each
country. For a long time, a family was defined as the group of people made up of a
mother, a father and the sons and daughters who are born as a result of this
relationship. However, this classification has become outdated in modern times,
since there are currently several family models. Today the family is widely
understood as the environment where the individual feels cared for, without the
need to have ties or direct family relationships .

The Family as a group faces difficult situations and risks typical of life itself,
living is a permanent challenge, it has to do with transitions from one moment to
another, it is facing the known and unknown, it is learning, experimenting, growing
and developing. . Family is more of an art than a science. Almost all values are
learned by example, by experience and through biblical teachings since they are
based on the personality of the individual. The Lord has left us commands that help
us grow:

Most families need better interpersonal relationships and a more appropriate

means of communication, but we must not forget that the influence of Christ in life
is the important key that leads to a healthy and happy home. The quality of
Christian life plays an important role in family relationships.

The family is the most important school and there is very little that educators
can do if they do not have the support and alliance of parents. Hence the urgent
need to work together and address together the passionate task of educating
children. If parents give life, Parents and educators together must give meaning to
life. For this reason, it is necessary to make an effort to overcome the current
disagreement and strengthen stronger ties between family and school, between
teachers and parents.

But although everyone recognizes the importance of education, everywhere

it is insisted that it is in crisis and there is a general consensus that educational
results do not meet expectations and demands. On the other hand, educating
today is becoming an increasingly more difficult task. In the world in which we were
born and began to grow up, it was relatively easy to educate. Firstly, there was
consensus between what was considered good and bad and the search for and
experiencing goodness seemed to be everyone's task. Hence, in general, there
was great coherence between what was practiced and taught at home (everyone,
for example, considered stealing to be something bad and could say with sincerity
and pride “we are poor but honest”, which old people longed for the times when
they could sleep with the doors open); what was experienced on the street (any
person was considered to have the authority to draw attention and report irregular
behavior), what was taught in schools and what was preached in churches. In a
certain sense, the entire society assumed its task as educator.


Currently there is a great diversity of families, all current types of families

exist in equal capacity when it comes to covering the basic needs that concern
them. Below we review what are the different types of families that currently exist.

- FAMILY WITHOUT CHILDREN: This type of family is made up of a couple

without descendants. More and more couples are consciously deciding not to have
children for multiple personal reasons. In other cases, the infertility of one or both
members cannot be resolved medically, which is why some couples do not have
children. Having children is not synonymous with being a family; couples without
children are also families.

- TWO-PARENTAL FAMILY WITH CHILDREN: The two-parent family with

children is the most classic, also known as nuclear or traditional. It is made up of a
father, a mother and the biological child(ren). The majority of the population, when
thinking about a family, imagines a two-parent family with children. Although the
term is increasingly being expanded, culturally we can still say that it is the most
popular type of family.

- HOMOPARENTAL FAMILY: Homoparental families are those that are made up

of a homosexual couple (two men or two women) with one or more children.
Although it is not a new family, its presence in society has increased significantly in
recent years.

- RECONSTITUTED OR COMPOSITE FAMILY: This type of family is probably the

most common today due to the growing tendency towards separation and divorce.
As can be deduced from this introduction, reconstituted or compound families are
those that are formed by the fusion of several two-parent families: after a divorce,
the children live with their mother or father and with their respective new partner,
who may also have their own dependent children. In addition, the other parent may
also have a partner with children, so these children will be part of a large blended

- SINGLE-PARENT FAMILY: Single-parent families are made up of a single adult

with children. Generally, so-called “single-parent” families are more common, in
which the adult present is the mother.

- HOST FAMILY: Host families consist of a couple or a single adult who takes in
one or more children temporarily while they cannot live with their family of origin or
until they find a permanent home. They are temporary families that are responsible
for offering minors in need the best possible environment until they are
permanently adopted or until their biological family can take care of them. Foster
care can be urgent, short-term (up to 2 years), long-term (more than 2 years) or
weekends and school holidays.

- ADOPTIVE FAMILY: Adoptive families consist of a couple (or a single adult) with
one or more adopted children. Despite not having blood ties, they are also families
that can play a parental role just as valid as biological families. Many families, due
to fertility problems, choose to adopt as a way to access parenthood. Other
families, out of personal conviction, prefer to adopt than conceive. However, it is
common for adoptive families to concentrate in developed countries, given that
their citizens have more economic resources to be able to adopt.

- EXTENDED FAMILY: The extended family is made up of several members of the

same family who live under the same roof. In this way, parents, children and
grandparents, or parents, children and uncles, etc., can coexist. An example of an
extended family is also the situation in which one of the children has their own child
and they live together, or when nephews move in with their uncles and cousins.
This type of family is traditionally more widespread in countries with fewer
economic resources. It is also common in countries where the unity of the family
group is culturally valued, such as the example of Japan, where it is common to
see that the father's parents live under the same roof as his son's nuclear family.


- Economic function: Within a family, the economic function is of utmost

importance, since it is necessary to have the ability to generate income to support
the members, in addition to paying bills, saving and other material needs. Parents
must dedicate themselves to working to accelerate their purchasing power so that
they can cover the primary expenses of the home. Although in some families
today, children can also or need to generate income. However, the economic
prosperity of the family depends on the efforts of all members.

- Biological function, essential to understand what the functions of the family

are: This is the basic function aimed at guaranteeing the procreation of offspring
with the purpose of preserving the species through the reproduction of its
members, as well as the satisfaction of sexual desires. between spouses. On the
other hand, this also implies cultural reproduction to ensure that the same path
marked between parents and children continues. In such a way that the basic
needs of individuals, such as housing and medical care, are also met.

- Care and cooperation function: The security and protection of the family
depends on this function, where other social institutions also collaborate. Protective
roles must be fulfilled and cooperation generated for the care of individuals. For
this reason, this function is carried out together, especially between parents, older
siblings and grandparents, although in this role the truth is that the mother
(generally) is the one who plays a fundamental role.

- Affective function: The driving force behind a united and happy family is
unconditional love and dedication under any circumstance. Every person should
feel loved, especially children, as it is important for them to achieve self-realization.
All family members are responsible for this function to avoid unsustainable
personalities. Although, generally, the mother is the pillar that represents and
instills love and affection to a greater degree. It should be noted that the subject
learns to communicate, express or repress feelings at home. However, each
lineage has different ways of reacting to affection and expressing their emotions.

- Recreational function: Did you know that playing with your child boosts their
self-esteem and promotes their social skills? Recreation is one of the family
functions that seems to be of least importance. However, it is essential for union in
the members. For example, celebrating important dates, members' achievements,
sharing experiences or traveling and playing strengthens emotional ties. That is
why we must try to generate quality time to strengthen this bond.

- Educational and social function: It is the occupation of introducing children to

the community. Values must be instilled and appropriate behavior taught to live
together in harmony. Parental support in the area of behavior and emotional level
is essential. That is, the educational function includes helping them in their identity
and growth. On the other hand, the education of children begins from a very young
age with basic knowledge, which will be reinforced through school learning.

- Identification function: This function must be interconnected with the others;

since within the family is where the little one of the house will be able to discover
himself, develop his own personality, establish his identity and recognize himself
as a sexual being.
Along these lines, you will also learn the guidelines and norms of behavior that will
be directly linked to your own identity. Therefore, it is essential to learn to develop it
with a view to the future from a young age.

- Emancipatory function, essential to understand what the most important

functions of the family are: Following the previous line, the family must offer a
sense of independence and autonomy so that the child can cope easily with the
different challenges and circumstances of life. In fact, it is also here where we
understand what the limits are between dependence and independence. The truth
is that in this core are the tools that promote the growth and maturation of the
individual. Without a doubt, essential elements so that it can develop freely and
with values for the future.

- Cultural-spiritual function: The family has the duty to educate the little ones in
values through dialogue and communication, in such a way that these are
practiced and respected to promote aspects such as: Tolerance, respect, honesty,
kindness, forgiveness, solidarity, empathy.


The family is the basis of society, because every man and every woman that
makes it up was made into a family, if the family is corrupted, society, the country,
the entire world, is corrupted. We understand that families are essential for children
to receive a loving education and develop the skills they need to be part of society.
A family is much more than meeting the basic needs of children such as food and
clothing, as it has a great impact on the social and emotional development of all
human beings. There we acquire the necessary skills to face life as adults and
develop our full potential. Our families guide us in ways of seeing the world,
thinking, behaving and valuing life and that of others.

As the basis of society, the family must be prepared emotionally, morally,

intellectually and spiritually, and these values are acquired in the place where one
grows with the help of the people with whom one lives. Within the family, the
expectations of the individual are born, their morals, their way of feeling, their
personality. The family is the first and most important School of values, where the
individual is prepared and launched into social life. We must protect and
strengthen this core of society by providing them with values and tools to fulfill their
Great Mission: PREPARE FOR LIFE. Unfortunately in our days, very few families
are clear about these principles while the majority find themselves in ignorance and
living without meaning with distorted values and abusive practices. At school,
educators and counselors and, in general, people who work in the helping
professions, provide parents with guidance that allows them to responsibly assume
their way of leading within family interaction.

It is necessary to carry out systematic talks with parents and

representatives, not to point out their children's defects and/or their mistakes as
parents, but to provide them with a series of tools that will help them in their
performance of such work. The family helps children learn who they are, develop
their personality and provides them with emotional support. The environment in
which children grow up defines fundamental elements for the rest of their lives. For
all of the above, our promise is that children, adolescents and young people live in
the warmth of a home. We are convinced that to achieve the comprehensive
development of a child, adolescent or young person, it is essential that they grow
up in a protective family environment, where affection, respect, care, love and
protection allow them to fully develop until achieving a independent and
autonomous life.


The emotional and intellectual stages you go through as a member of a
family from childhood to your retirement years are called the family life cycle. At
each stage, you face family life challenges that allow you to develop or acquire
new skills. Acquiring these skills helps you deal with the changes that almost all
families go through. Not all people go through these stages without setbacks.
There are situations, such as serious illness, financial problems, or the death of a
loved one, that can have an effect on how well you go through these stages.
Fortunately, if you skip skills in one stage, you can learn them in later stages.

The stages of the family life cycle are: -Independence : Independence is the
most important stage of the family life cycle. As you enter the age of young
adulthood, you begin to separate emotionally from your family. During this stage,
you strive to become fully capable of supporting yourself emotionally, physically,
socially, and financially. You begin to develop unique qualities and characteristics
that define your individual identity.

-Life as a couple or marriage: The next stage in the family life cycle can be life as
a couple. Using qualities such as confidence that you gained in the independence
stage, you can explore your ability to commit to a new family and a new way of life.
Although having an intimate relationship with someone involves a process of
adaptation and relationship building, marriage or a committed union often requires
particular skills. When you link families through marriage or a committed union, you
form a new family system. Your family system includes your personal ideas,
expectations, and values. These are determined by the relationships and
experiences you had with your original family. When you get married or partner,
you combine your family system with that of your spouse or partner. This requires
adapting your goals and your partner's goals. In the most functional relationships,
couples have the ability to take two different points of view and create an option
that neither person had considered before. This differs from making concessions in
that it does not involve giving up anything. Instead, it involves creating a third and
better option.

-Parenting: From Babies to Teens: Raising teenagers can be difficult for your
family and can test your relationship skills. It is also a time of positive growth and
creative exploration for your entire family. The families that function best during this
period have strong, flexible relationships, developed through good communication,
problem solving, mutual care, support and trust. Most teenagers experiment with
different thoughts, beliefs and styles. That can cause family conflicts. Your
strengths as a person and as part of a couple are critical when managing the
increasing difficulties of raising a teenager. Strive for a balanced atmosphere in
which your teen has a sense of support and emotional security, as well as
opportunities to try new behaviors.

Separating from adult children: The stage of separating from adult children
begins when your first child leaves home and ends with an "empty nest." When
older children leave home, there are both positive and negative consequences. If
your family has developed significant skills over the family life cycle, your children
will be ready to leave home, ready to handle life's challenges. Once free from the
daily demands of parenting, you may choose to rekindle your own relationship and
possibly your career goals. Developing adult relationships with your children is key
at this stage. You may have to face the challenge of accepting new members into
your family through your children's relationships. You could focus on setting new
priorities in your life, forgiving those who have hurt you (perhaps a long time ago),
and evaluating your beliefs about life.

Retirement or old age: During the retired stage of the family life cycle, many
changes can happen in your life. Accepting new family members or watching
others abandon your family often represents a considerable part of this stage, as
your children get married or divorced, or as you become a grandparent. This stage
can be a great adventure: you are free from the responsibilities of raising your
children and can simply enjoy the fruits of your life's work. Difficulties you may face
include being a support for other family members, even while you are still exploring
your own interests and activities or focusing on maintaining your relationship. At
this stage, many people are caring for aging parents. You may be faced with the
difficulty of meeting their emotional, financial, and physical needs while trying to
help them maintain their independence.


Family education is a type of informal training that occurs within the family. It
is one of the fundamental and most important elements in the life of any person,
since through it the bases and principles that will define him from childhood to old
age are created. This type of teaching occurs on a daily and circumstantial basis,
where parents, through example and action, instruct their children. The primary
function of family education is to ensure that children have human behaviors
consistent with the society in which they operate. In this way, it will be guaranteed
that these people in training will be useful to their community in the future and
contribute to it. It can also be said that family education is one of the most difficult
and complex tasks that parents face with respect to their children. This is because
if the right decisions are not made and the right examples are not given, this
training function will remain incomplete or inadequate.

Features of family education

Family education has some characteristics in common, regardless of the society or

culture in which the family operates.

-Family education is characterized by being a fundamental component in the life of

any individual, regardless of race, sex or social status. This is because training
within the family will mark the person mentally and emotionally, conditioning their
actions in the future.

-Family education is considered informal, since it is not a type of structured or
guided training, but is based on example and influence. That is, it is presented

-Family education is unique and unrepeatable within each family. Each father and
mother transmit their teachings to their children in a different way than other
parents may do.

-It can be said that family education is characterized by being permanent and
definitive, since what children perceive from their childhood will dictate their way of
acting and thinking for the rest of their lives.

-Training within families requires certain levels of demand and firmness on the part
of parents. This means that, if certain decisions are not made regarding the
formation of children, the purpose of properly educating them may not be
generated in a positive way.

Types of family education

Within the concept of family education and everything that revolves around it, there
are different types of training, which can range from displays of affection to
authoritarian impositions, thus defining children's learning. These are:

Authoritative or democratic: This style of education places great emphasis on

recognizing and understanding all the special needs that the child may have. That
is, a high level of involvement and acceptance of the interests of their children is
achieved on the part of parents.

Indulgent: It is a type of training in which parents are a little flexible in terms of

what their children want, allowing them to develop some activities with a certain
level of freedom. Additionally, parents teach through reasoning and explaining
some things to children.

Authoritarian: The authoritarian type is one in which parents have a very low level
of involvement with their children, so that they do not accept many of their
attitudes. In other words, it is a training style in which parents are very inflexible
with the wishes and needs of their children .

Negligent: Unlike the authoritarian style, neglectful is a type of education in which

parents are absent in many of their children's activities and needs. Given the
above, children grow up without an authority figure to guide and guide them in
some way, allowing them to do whatever they want.

Importance of family education

Once this concept is understood, it is essential to emphasize its importance
for the formation of the person, since it defines the bases of what any individual will
be in his or her life.

The importance of this concept is such that every person will be marked
from childhood to old age by what is taught within their family. In other words, what
any individual is taught as a child will mark his or her way of thinking, acting and
socializing for the rest of his or her life.

Thus, it can be said that the importance of family education is so great that it
will dictate whether a person will contribute positively to the community and have a
positive impact on it, given the context that surrounds them.


God designed and established the family, and as the only authority, he
shows us its configuration, each of its elements, and its functions through The
Bible and This design begins with the institution of marriage, when he expresses it
in Genesis 2.18 “And Jehovah God said: It is not good for the man to be alone; I
will make him a help meet for him ” (RV1960). For the first time in the Bible, we
hear God describe something as "not right." Up to this point, God has seen
everything he has made as good or "very good," including the first man. Every
created world was perfect in its form, function and potential up to that point. Now,
something wasn't right. What exactly is the problem that God is trying to correct?
The man was alone. God did not design human beings to live in solitude. God
recognizes that it is not good for man to be alone and makes woman his helper,
companion and wife, thus establishing God's model for human marriage.
Specifically, marriage between a man and a woman was part of His plan for
humanity from the beginning, even before sin entered the world. Genesis 2.24
“Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother and will be joined to his wife
and the two will become one flesh” (RV1960). This verse says that the marriage
that God instituted requires two actions. First, leave the parents physically. When
we get married we form a new family, a new home and that should be our priority.
Of course we have to love and honor our parents until death, but we must
understand that as a new family, we will make plans and make decisions counting
on each other. Second, unite in one flesh with our spouse: sexual unity and
emotional unity. From the moment we get married we will enjoy each other
sexually and we will seek to walk together in all areas, such as family finances,
service to God and the education of our children when they arrive.

Marriage is a unique and wonderful relationship that requires dedication and

perseverance. We children of God must reflect his love in all our relationships and
marriage gives us daily opportunities to show it; Once marriage is established as
the basis of the family, specific roles and functions are established, thus creating
an order of domestic hierarchy as indicated by: Ephesians 5:21-22 : “ Submit to
one another in the fear of God, let married women be subject.” to their own
husbands, as to the Lord” (RV1960). There is no fear of submitting to one another
when we are both filled with the love of God. We trust that God guides the other
person within his will and we are not afraid that he will take advantage or hurt us on
purpose. That is why it is important to marry someone who fears God and is filled
with his Holy Spirit. If we know that your actions and words are guided by the Lord,
we will not be afraid to submit to each other. The perfect love that God gives us
casts out any fear (1 John 4:18).“ In love there is no fear, but perfect love casts
out fear; because fear carries within itself punishment. Hence he who fears has not
been perfected in love” (RV1960).

Within this order of domestic authority God establishes the man as the head
of the home; as pointed out: Ephesians 5.23: “ For the husband is the head of the
wife, just as Christ is the head of the church, which is his body, and he is her
Savior” (RV1960) , this means that the man fulfills three fundamental
responsibilities such as: Direct, protect and provide for the home, which places him
as the director of the home and not the dictator, and to effectively carry out these
functions he has an ideal helper such as the wife, as the Bible says in :
Genesis2.18: “ Then Jehovah God said: “It is not good for the man to be alone: I
will make him a help meet for him” (RV1960). She is called to support man's
leadership and facilitate his functioning in the role God has assigned him. She is
there to defend, support, protect, help the weak and the needy, console, women
are trained by God to be complementary help in the development of functions
within the home. This domestic order leads us to the concept of the nuclear family,
which is made up of father, mother and children. Unfortunately, ignorance, crisis of
values and economic problems have disintegrated and undermined families,
transforming them into matricent families (son and mother), single-parent families
and extended family coexistence.

The family is a nucleus that must be born independently, that is, it is based
on independent housing, where the marriage begins its process of growth and
development, the inclusion of other people, not having an independent home has
made the family suffer, it weakens. and die, without giving it the opportunity to
develop healthily. The expression married is essential to understand the essence
of the family. Casa-dos, (house for two). Only two must start the independent
family nucleus where each of the spouses assumes the responsibilities that
correspond to them to maintain and sustain family harmony.

Types of families:

Families are classified into the following types:

Nuclear family : made up of parents and one, two or more children.

Extended family : grandparents, uncles, cousins and other blood or related
Single-parent family : in which the child or children have only one parent (either
the mother or the father).

When the Bible mentions marriage, it is between a man and a woman. The
first mention of marriage, Genesis 2:24 : “ Therefore a man shall leave his father
and his mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” (NKJV).
It describes him as a man leaving his parents, and joining his wife. In passages
that contain instructions on marriage, such as 1 Corinthians 7:2-16: “ But because
of fornications, let each man have his own wife, and each woman have her own
husband. The husband fulfills his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to
her husband. The woman does not have power over her own body, but the
husband does; nor does the husband have power over his own body, but the wife
does. Do not deny each other, except for a time of mutual consent, to occupy
yourself calmly in prayer; and come together again as one, so that Satan may not
tempt you because of your incontinence. But I say this by way of concession, not
by command. I would rather that all men were like me; but each one has his own
gift from God, one to the truth in one way, and another in another. I say, then, to
the unmarried and the widows, that it would be good for them to remain like me;
But if you do not have the gift of continence, get married, because it is better to get
married than to be burned. But to those who are united in marriage, I command,
not I, but the Lord: Let the woman not separate from her husband; and if she
separates, remain unmarried, or be reconciled to her husband; and that the
husband does not abandon his wife. And to the rest I say, not the Lord: If any
brother has a wife who is not a believer, and she consents to live with him, do not
abandon her. And if a woman has a husband who is not a believer, and he
consents to live with her, do not abandon him. For the unbelieving husband is
sanctified in the wife, and the unbelieving wife in the husband; for otherwise your
children would be unclean, while now they are holy. But if the unbeliever
separates, let him separate; For the brother or sister is not subject to slavery in
such a case, but God has called us to peace. For what do you know, O woman,
whether perhaps you will save your husband? Or what do you know, O husband,
whether perhaps you will save your wife? (NKJV) And Ephesians 5:23-33 : “ For
the husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the church, which
is his body, and he is her Savior. Therefore, as the church is subject to Christ, so
let married women be subject to their husbands in everything. Husbands, love your
wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to sanctify her,
cleansing her with the washing of water by the word, so that he might present her
to himself a glorious church. that it should not have spot or wrinkle or any such
thing, but that it should be holy and without spot. Likewise, husbands must love
their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one
ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cares for it, just as Christ also cares
for the church, because we are members of his body, his flesh and his bones. For
this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and
the two will become one flesh. Great is this mystery; but I say this regarding Christ
and the church. Finally, let each of you also love his wife as himself; and the wife
respect her husband” (RV1960). The Bible clearly identifies marriage as between
a man and a woman. Biblically speaking, marriage is the lifelong union of a man
and a woman, primarily for the purpose of creating a family and providing a stable
environment for the family.

The Bible, however, does not have to be used solely to demonstrate this
understanding of marriage. The biblical definition of marriage has been the
universal understanding of marriage in every human civilization in the history of the
world. The story argues against gay marriages. Modern secular psychology
recognizes that men and women are psychologically and emotionally designed to
complement each other. As far as the family is concerned, psychologists maintain
that a union between a man and a woman in which both spouses are good models
of gender roles, is the best environment for raising balanced children.

The answer, according to the Bible, is that everyone inherently knows that
homosexuality is immoral and unnatural, and the only way to end this inherent
knowledge is to normalize homosexuality, and attack any and all opposition to it.
The best way to normalize homosexuality is to place same-sex marriage on an
equal footing with traditional opposite-gender marriage . Romans 1:18 : “ For the
wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness
of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness” (NKJV) . The truth is known
because God has made it clear. The truth is rejected and replaced by a lie. Lies
are promoted and truth repressed and attacked. The vehemence and anger
expressed by many in the gay rights movement at anyone who opposes them is, in
effect, an indication that they know their position is indefensible. Trying to
overcome a weak position by raising your voice is the oldest trick in debate.

According to the Bible, marriage is ordained by God to be between a man

and a woman (Genesis 2:21-24 ; “Then the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall
on Adam, and while he slept, he took one of his ribs, and closed the flesh in its
place. And of the rib that the Lord God took from the man, he made a woman, and
brought her to the man. Then Adam said: This is now bone of my bones and flesh
of my flesh; She will be called Woman, because she was taken from Man.
Therefore a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and
they will become one flesh” (NKJV). Matthew 19:4-6: “ He answered and said to
them, Have you not read that He who made them at the beginning made them
male and female, and said, "For this reason a man will leave father and mother and
be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh." So they are no longer
two, but one flesh; Therefore, what God has joined together, let no man put
asunder” (RV1960). Gay marriage or same-sex marriage is a perversion of the
institution of marriage and an offense to the God who created marriage.

As Christians, we should not tolerate or ignore sin. Rather, we are to share

God's love and forgiveness of sins that is available to everyone, including
homosexuals, through Jesus Christ. We are to speak the truth in love ( Ephesians
4:15 : “ But following the truth in love, we may in all things grow into him who is the
head, that is, Christ” (NKJV) and defend the truth with “gentleness and reverence”
( 1 Peter 3.15: “ But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be prepared
to present a defense with meekness and reverence to everyone who asks you for a
reason for the hope that is in you” (NKJV). As Christians, when we stand for the
truth and the result is personal attacks, insults, and persecution, we must
remember the words of Jesus: John 15:18-19: "If the world hates you, know that it
hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its
own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, that is
why the world hates you" (RV1960).


The Christian family is the institution that preaches values, although we

have been able to verify that in recent decades the family has received attacks
from the enemy against its permanence and duration, but only with the blessing of
God and the obedience of the word is that the family will be able to fulfill its
mission. There is a special interest on the part of sectors of society to try to
exterminate the Christian family unit, since it is considered one of the bastions of
faith and resistance to the systematic degradation that human beings have been
subjected to. The family is an institution of God. In it a man and a woman can
cooperate with God's purposes in creation and thus glorify Him. Salt. 127.1:
“Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain” (RV1960). To
build our home we need God's help and dependence on Him. If we do it alone we
work in vain, since it is difficult and leads us to anxiety and worry because of our
human limit.

A Christian family is not just a family made of Christians. It is a family

where Christ is Lord and where His Word is the basis of its moral code. If Christ
is truly Lord in a family, your relationship with Him will influence all relationships
between members. It will affect how they spend their money and time, how they
decorate their home, how they spend their free time and vacations.

God chose the Christian family as the central nucleus of society and
consequently as a means to transmit the faith from generation to generation as
established in Deuteronomy 6.2: "That you may fear the Lord your God, keeping
all the statutes and his commandments that I give you." command, your son, your
son's son, all the days of your life so that your days may be long" (RV1960). It is
necessary to respect his sovereign authority as a legislator, and always feel
obliged to obey him. No man can walk conscientiously or safely if he does not have
the fear of God continually before his eyes. Whoever fears God will strive to
educate his children in the path of justice, so that they also fear God, it is the duty
of parents to seek the good of their children to ensure that the Son and the Son of
the Son walk in the ways of God all their lives.

A true Christian family practices the presence of Christ Jesus continually.

This is possible when we establish divine order in the home. God is a God of order
and authority. Practicing divine order in the home creates an environment where
Jesus is “at home” and the Holy Spirit is free to do His work of teaching and
directing us in the kind of family life that God intended and that results in abundant
life. When a man and woman submit to the will of God, marriage is a beautiful,
exciting, and satisfying experience.
The Christian family has a responsibility given by God, to be the transmitter
of the faith, which is why the family is placed by God as defender and transmitter of
spiritual, moral and ethical values. It is in the family where the values that will
constitute an essential part of the person's behavior in the future must be forged.
Honesty, responsibility and charity are elements that must be taught by example,
with parents being the main responsible for this task. Christian family values must
be defended and promoted, but because they are effective in building ethical and
responsible people; of free citizens concerned about the needs of others.

Value is born and develops when each of its members responsibly assumes
the role they have to play in the family, seeking the well-being, development and
happiness of all.


God's plan for the family since the creation of man, God's purpose has been
the Blessing and full well-being of the human being, through the constitution of the
family as the axis of humanity, the Lord wants to allow plenitude for each of his

The role that the family plays is fundamental for protection, stability,
formation of values, it is the driving force and brake of various actions, it generates
pride, a sense of belonging and is a source of satisfaction and sadness, joys and
sadness that are part of daily living.

Parenting within the union of marriage, without a doubt, is considered

fundamental for the development of society. This is because the family sows the
values and principles that are pleasing in the eyes of our Lord. Ephesians 6:1-4:
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and
your mother, which is the first commandment with a promise, so that it may go well
with you, and that you may live long on the earth. And you, fathers, do not provoke
your children to anger; but bring them up in the discipline and admonition of the
Lord” (RV1960). Pablo spoke about what each part of the family should do: father,
mother, children.

The family, as God designed it, is a source of supreme joy and continuous
pleasure. The apostle Paul further shows that the spiritual family that God has
begotten, consisting of sons and daughters, will sit next to Christ on the throne of
God. Although we remain physically on this Earth, we are presented as those who
will dwell with Christ thanks to his sacrifice : Ephesians 2:4-6: “But God, who is
rich in mercy, because of his great love for us, made us alive with Christ , even
when we were dead in sins. By grace you have been saved! And in union with
Christ Jesus, God raised us up and made us sit with him in the heavenly realms”
(RV1960) .
Therefore, the fundamental purpose of the family on Earth is to provide a
great spiritual and divine family for God for all eternity. This is why the importance
of the physical family is so vital to God and to us. When we understand the
fundamental purpose for which God established our human families, we gain
peace and security.


- The Christian family must be a unit: It must live under the precepts and advice
of God, having God as the central axis, obeying and practicing his precepts.
Assuming the responsibility to educate, instruct and discipline children under the
knowledge of God.

- The Christian family must be an example with its lifestyle: It must not
conform to the system of this world but rather be a denouncer of sin and live
radically in a way established by God's system, being a Christian every day of the
life. week, every hour of the day, at all times we must show that we are children of
God, know and be able to relate to our neighbors, co-workers, and above all within
our home, to bear witness to the great things that our God has done. with us. since
the Christian family is the moral authority of this society.

- The Christian family must rely on the church to fulfill its mission: The church
must teach each member of the family to assume their responsibility by
strengthening them, with teaching from the word of God, supporting them through
permanent guidance and equipping them with the necessary tools to counteract
the attacks of the enemy, which come against the family, and strengthening their
spiritual and moral convictions in order to make correct decisions in determining
moments in the life of each of the family members.

- The Christian family establishes the correct order of priority: The family
recognizes God as the highest spiritual authority in the home, it is there where a
correct system of priorities must be established, in such a way that none of the
responsibilities of the family are affected. family by attending to commitments
outside the home, taking into account that God comes first, then the family and
then the ministry or commitments acquired within the church, that is, the Ministry of
each believer begins with his family and then extends to others. .


- Biological function : In this function the Lord's command is not to add, but to
multiply (Genesis 1.28: “ And God blessed them, and said to them: Be fruitful and
multiply; fill the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, in
the birds of the air, and in all the beasts that move on the earth” (RV1960). This is
carried out in the act of reproduction or procreation.

- Educational function : The family is the primary institution of instruction, training

and teaching of its people; They are not schools, colleges or organizations. It is the
family that forms values and principles. This instruction must be guided by divine
principles. Deuteronomy 6:1-2 says : “These then are the commandments,
statutes, and decrees that the Lord your God commanded to teach you, so that you
may do them in the land to which you are passing to take it; that you may fear the
Lord your God, keeping all his statutes and his commandments that I command
you, you, your son, and your son's son, all the days of your life, so that your days
may be long” (NKJV). In these verses it is framed in obedience to God, Our Lord's
order is that we make disciples wherever we go, and the first who must be
witnesses of authentic faith are our children, it is a responsibility that cannot be
delegated to others. another person. The fear of God in the heart will be the most
powerful principle for obedience.

- Social function: It consists of strengthening and creating the habit of

establishing healthy relationships with others; Jesus was a man of society; On
several occasions he accused himself of being a eater and a drinker; because you
hung out with different people. Our children must see that we are social people, not
antisocial, who live isolated, locked in our houses, we don't even know our
neighbors. Let's follow the example of Jesus to be social.

- Economic function : Teach your children to know how to manage the things that
are theirs , Genesis3.19 It says: “In the sweat of your face you will eat bread until
you return to the earth, because from it you were taken; for dust you are, and to
dust you will return” (RV1960) not from the sweat of another. Instructing in this way
fosters the values of honesty and industriousness in our children. Furthermore,
they are taught to work to support themselves.

- Psychological function : It consists of not using negative reinforcement with our

children, insulting them, for example: You are good for nothing, or you are good for
nothing, you are a zero to the left or any degrading word. What our families need
are words of encouragement, affection and confirmation; To do otherwise is to lead
our children or spouse to look elsewhere for people or substitutes that destroy.

As Christian Parents we must also:

- Train the individual for life: This means, train family members in the principles
and values that are assigned to man as a human being. The fullness of a human
being as a person is first achieved by learning to respect others; living
understanding, tolerance, forgiveness, reconciliation, overcoming selfishness,
conflicts, violence and divisions. If all this is not learned at home, it will hardly be
learned anywhere else. Man's main concern in life should not be the acquisition of
gold, fame or material possessions; It should not be the performance of physical
prowess or intellectual strength, but its goal, the highest in this life, should be the
development of a character similar to that of Christ. The Bible says in Romans
12.2 : And do not be conformed to this world. , but be transformed by the renewing
of your mind, that you may prove what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of
God” (NKJV).

- Cultivate the affections and feelings of its members: What each member of
the family expresses in their social relationships, with and towards others will be
the result of the environment in which they have grown up. The affections and
feelings received and shared within the family. Feelings encompass the entire
being, love, thought, intelligence. Human persons are not made only of will such as
intelligence, knowledge, affectivity, etc. It is also feelings and those do not depend
on the will nor is it whether or not one wants to have feelings, it is an undeniable
reality that affects the entire being and that must be educated by having a greater
family bond . 1 Peter 1:22: “Having purified your souls by obedience to the truth,
through the Spirit, for unfeigned brotherly love, love one another fervently, from a
pure heart” (NKJV).

- Prepare them and place in them a legacy of spiritual values: Spiritual values:
These are those that serve as a basis for human beings to maintain a relationship
with God. These feed individuals' beliefs and can promote their personal growth.
Usually spiritual values influence moral values, since they are related to good
customs and develop people's personalities, since they distance them from the
earthly and bring them closer to the spiritual.

Some of the spiritual values are:

-Love: Love is a Virtue that comes from God, He is love, love is one of the most
beautiful feelings that human beings have. Love is what gives room to other
values, without love there is nothing. The Bible highlights the importance of love
several times and this is a quality that is attributed to God. In 1 Corinthians 13: 4-
8 it says: “Love is long-suffering, it is kind; love does not envy, love is not boastful,
it is not conceited; He does nothing improper, he does not seek his own, he does
not get irritated, he does not hold a grudge; You don't enjoy injustice, you enjoy the
truth more. He suffers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures
everything. Love never stops being; but prophecies will end, and tongues will
cease, and knowledge will end” (RV1960). True love is always demonstrated
through action. If the love of God is in us, we will be patient with those who bother
us and hurt us. Let us demonstrate our love by serving first our Lord and then our
neighbors so that our words of love match our actions.

-Charity: It is the compassion shown to a person, it is feeling their pain as if it were
ours, experiencing their problems as if they were ours, wanting the solution to their
problems. The most important thing about charity is trying to help others in their
problems, without expecting anything in return, that is, exercising charity is
becoming sensitive to others and helping them solve their problem without
expecting thanks or anything in return. In Galatians 5:13–14 “For you, brothers,
have been called to freedom; Only do not use freedom as an occasion for the
flesh, but serve one another in love. For the whole law is fulfilled in this one word:
You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (RV1960). It means behaving towards
them as we would like others to behave towards us. It means behaving toward
them as Christ himself would behave, no matter how we feel.

-Hope: It is looking with optimism at the goals we set for ourselves, knowing that
we will achieve them, it is hoping that our problems will improve. It is thanks to
hope that human beings go from wishing to fulfilling, from dreaming to achieving, it
is what drives us to achieve a planned objective. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the
thoughts I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to
give you the end you hope for” (NKJV). It is important to realize that Our Lord will
never wish us harm and that every difficult moment in our lives serves to build a
future full of spiritual happiness, although it is often difficult to imagine. That they
become sensitive people and of greater human quality in the face of need and
pain, as this is achieved by teaching them to respect the creative Father and that
they recognize that there is a supreme God who designed and established the
family in society and in his word left the specifications. both its operation and the
responsibilities of each of its members.

-Faith: The Bible defines faith as the complete assurance that we will obtain
something that we cannot even see. The children of God wait with confidence and
peace because we know who we have believed in. Of course, our faith is placed in
God and the closer we get to him, the more we grow in faith. Hebrews 11:1 says:
“Faith is therefore the substance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not
seen” (NKJV). As Christians, our faith is based on the certainty that God (the
object of our faith) will do what we expect in his own way and in his time. We don't
order at random like spoiled or craving children. We ask according to his will and
base our requests on what pleases our God.

We must please God and show him all our trust, Hebrews 11.6 says: “ But
without faith it is impossible to please God; because it is necessary that he who
draws near to God believe that he is there, and that he is a rewarder of those who
seek him” (RV1960). When we say that we have faith in God we affirm that he is
real in our lives and that he is the one who can grant our deepest requests and
dreams. This statement pleases and rejoices the heart of our God. That faith in him
confirms that we know that he has all the power to grant us what we long for today,
and also to give us eternal life.
Faith is a gift from God, Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace you have been
saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; not by works,
so that no one can boast” (RV1960). God put faith in the heart of human beings.
The human being decides where he places that faith. When we put our faith in
Jesus we choose to believe that his coming to earth, his miracles, and his sacrifice
on the cross were a reality and opened the door for us to receive salvation and
eternal life. God has given us all a measure of faith, Romans 12:3 says: “I say
therefore, by the grace given to me, to each one who is among you, not to think
more highly of himself than he ought to think of himself, but let him think of himself
wisely, according to the measure of faith that God distributed to each one”
(RV1960). Having faith requires humility, seeing ourselves as we are: human and
finite. God gives us a measure of faith through which we recognize our need for
him. We can increase that faith to the extent that we allow Him to work in our
hearts and transform us more into His image.

-Grace: The term grace is of Latin origin “gratia” which means benevolence, favor
or benefit that is received without any type of merit. Grace is a gift from God to
everyone who believes in Jesus Christ. Therefore, like Faith, only through it will we
be saved. Grace is that God chooses to bless us instead of cursing us, through
faith in Christ's sacrifice on the Cross. God's Grace has no limits and grants
salvation to all who approach God through Jesus Christ. There is no way, no
human effort to earn God's Favor, Ephesians 2:8-9: “ For by grace you have been
saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; not by works,
so that no one may boast ” (RV1960) explains it is a gift because it is the Gift of
God, the human being by his works does not obtain it only through Christ it is given
to us. Ephesians 2:4-5 : “ But God, who is rich in mercy, because of his great love
for us, made us alive with Christ, even when we were dead in sins. By grace you
have been saved” (RV1960). But behind the good news of God's salvation offered
in Jesus is the fact that this mercy and love is extended to us. He didn't wait until
we were worthy of love. He loved us even when we were dead in sins and had
nothing to make us lovable. He participated in our death so that we could share in
his resurrection life. The old man is crucified and we are new creations in Jesus,
old things pass away and all are made new.

Holiness: Holiness in the Bible has to do with God and his work in us. God is holy!
He is the only one completely pure, perfect, blameless and blameless. There's no
one like him. But holiness involves another important aspect: God calls his children
to be holy. He wants his children to live pure, consecrated lives dedicated to him.
Therefore, the daily lives of those who love and serve God must reflect the heart
and nature of the Father. This must be so at all times and in everything that is
done, as we read in 1 Peter 1:15-16: “But, just as he who called you is holy, you
also be holy in all your conduct; for it is written: Be holy, for I am holy” (RV1960).
Holiness, the life dedicated to God, will impact your attitudes. Whoever lives in
holiness does not speak or act as those who do not love God do. Living a holy life
is living life as God desires. To achieve this, you must have a very close
relationship with God, paying attention to his voice, obeying him in everything.
Everything that is done, said or thought will bear witness to that life of holiness.
Loving God and receiving Him as Lord is a transformative experience. God frees
us from the power of sin, all that impurity is left behind. The process of
transformation and sanctification begins that will culminate in the moment in which
we leave the earthly body and begin to enjoy eternal life in all its fullness.

-Gratitude: Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation and gratitude for the blessings or

benefits we have received. By cultivating an attitude of gratitude, we will be happier
and stronger spiritually. We should regularly express our gratitude to God for the
blessings He gives us and to other people for their acts of kindness toward us. We
should be grateful for the wonderful blessings we receive and the great
opportunities we have. We can be grateful to our parents, family, friends and
teachers. We must express gratitude to everyone who has helped us in any way;
We should thank our Heavenly Father for His goodness toward us by recognizing
His hand in all things, thanking Him for all He gives us, keeping His
commandments, and serving others. In particular, we must thank Him for His
Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, for the great example of the Savior, for His teachings.
In the Bible there are many verses dedicated to gratitude, for example : Psalm
28:7 “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him; I get help from
him. My heart leaps for joy, and with songs I will give thanks to him” (RV1960). We
must thank God because he gives us the strength we need in the midst of any
circumstance. God is our protective shield against the attacks of the enemy. It is
possible that during our earthly life, we will never know with certainty how many
evils God has delivered us from. He is by our side helping us and strengthening us
at all times. Let's be grateful!

-Forgiveness: Forgiving is a divine attribute. It consists of forgiving or excusing

someone from guilt for an offense or crime. The Scriptures refer to forgiveness in
two ways. The Lord commands us to repent of our sins and seek His forgiveness.
It also commands us to forgive those who offend us or harm us. Forgiveness is a
recurring theme in the Bible and it is the basis of our relationship with God. All of
God's children have received his forgiveness and our hearts are full of gratitude for
it. However, even after feeling the power of forgiveness in us, we must admit that it
is not easy to forgive. Many times, before forgiving, we need to go through a
painful and long process. God does not leave us alone, he accompanies us and
helps us. In him we have the perfect example of love and forgiveness. Ephesians
4:32: “But be kind and compassionate to one another, and forgive each other, just
as God in Christ forgave you” (NKJV). We understand that God wants us to live in
love, to forgive those who offend us, although it may seem difficult, we must follow
his example, he has personified us and out of love, he sacrificed himself on the
cross so that today we can all be free of sins.


Family education aims to strengthen the family to have a better family. Every
day it becomes essential to know and use tools to improve functions and
communication within the home, it is a challenge that is presented to us to train
ourselves and be able to overcome the conflicts that arise in the family. Hosea 4.6.
“My people were destroyed, because they lacked knowledge. Because you have
rejected knowledge, I will cast you out of the priesthood; and because you have
forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children” (RV1960). In this
verse it is stated that the cause of the destruction of human beings is ignorance,
and if we apply it to our society, we can see how day by day more and more
couples separate and divorce because they do not know the design of the family.
And even beyond ignorance is the indifference of not wanting to acquire the
knowledge necessary to understand and improve the functioning of family
relationships. We invite you to re-educate individuals for re-education and to walk
in God's design for the family through Family Education programs.

Education for couples: It is necessary to prepare ourselves in the area of

marriage, to know the design of the marriage structure, the bases and principles
where marriage is established. Couples must assume the responsibility and
commitment before God of fidelity, respect, love, understanding and must be an
example to their children in behavior and words. In 1Peter 3:7 it says: “In the same
way, you husbands, be understanding in your married life, each treating his wife
with respect, since as a woman she is more delicate, and both are heirs of the
pleasant gift of life. Thus nothing will hinder your prayers” (RV1960). Marriage is
built and strengthened by respect and understanding between both. If we
understand and appreciate others as they are, with their strengths and
weaknesses, we will be happier and all other areas of our lives will be affirmed,
including our spiritual life. We need wisdom and the Bible in Proverbs 24:3: “By
wisdom a house will be built, and with understanding it will be established”
(NKJV) ; Proverbs 1:7 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”
(Proverbs 1:7) . If we want to build a solid marriage that lasts, we must go to the
source of wisdom, God. He will help us overcome our differences and make wise
decisions. If we go to him every day presenting our concerns and our desires, he
will guide us, and as the years go by we will look back and rejoice to see how he
worked in us and in our marriage. Colossians 3:14: “Above all, clothe yourselves
with love, which is the perfect bond. Let us wear every day the clothing that will
help us stay together” (RV1960) Let us dress in love!

Education for Parents : It is essential to know the principles for raising children
such as family communication, managing family conflicts, how to guide children in
the sexual area, preparing to attend to the changes typical of adolescence and
youth. He who doesn't fight for his family doesn't care what else he's fighting for.
For God, the relationship between parents and children is so important that he
uses himself as an example of a Father. This gives us an idea of the kind of
parents we are expected to be. In the Bible there are several biblical verses that
encourage, encourage and instruct parents of any era, to guide their children in
good. Here are some of them:

Proverbs 22.6 : “Train up a child in the right path, and even in his old age he will
not abandon him” (RV1960) ; Biblical proverbs are not promises from God, but
rather moral advice or instructions that help us live life in peace with God and with
other people. This verse encourages parents to strive to train their children well. It
is difficult for children to forget the loving and constant lessons they receive from
their parents. For parents to effectively instruct their children on the right path, it is
important that they themselves have chosen that path and are faithfully walking it.
Because? Because children are very perceptive and easily pick up on hypocrisy.
Words that are not accompanied by actions are of little use. Parents must show
through their works the attitude and values they want to reinforce in their children.
The sincere example of parents, what they see in them, will inspire their children to
follow in their footsteps. 1 Corinthians 11.1: “ Be imitators of me, as I am of
Christ” (RV1960) , Parents should reflect on what they want their children to
imitate. For Christian parents, the right path is the way of the Lord, so they must be
a humble example of service to God and others. Therefore, your life must be one
of obedience to the Father, filled with his love and the Holy Spirit. Honesty is
important: we are all imperfect and make mistakes. Parents must be willing to talk
about their offenses and ask for forgiveness. Children will feel safer when they see
that, although we all make mistakes, you can ask for forgiveness and restore trust.
This principle will help children understand the forgiving love of God and their own
need to receive forgiveness for their sins. Romans 12:10: “Love one another with
brotherly love, respecting and honoring one another” (NKJV). Love must be
present at all times. Instruction should not humiliate or belittle the child. The hearts
of parents must be filled with the love of God. God is the loving and perfect Father
who always cares for us. God forgives us, restores us, reaches out to us at all
times. Christian parents should be filled with the love of the heavenly Father and
always treat their children with respect and dignity. This is achieved by maintaining
daily communion with God. That strong bond with the heavenly Father provides
clarity about the care and direction that should be given to children.


Definition of School for Parents: It consists of a set of conferences that provide

relevant information on different topics, through workshops and group dynamics to
parents, maintaining a climate of acceptance, without criticism or judgment where
parents can share feelings, problems and test solutions, facilitating important
changes in their attitudes and behavior.

School objectives for parents:

 Contribute to the achievement of qualitative improvement in family

 Stimulate positive attitudes in parents that lead to awareness of the
importance of their role.
 Promote the effective participation of parents, in order to detect the priority
needs of the family area.
 Stimulate and strengthen a positive self-image in parents.
 Promote a change in attitude through learning

 Favor and promote the active participation of the family in the educational
process of their children.
 Promote the active participation of the family in the educational process of
their children, reducing risk situations.
 Advise in decision making
 Guide in the formation of children's behavior.
 That parents and representatives know tools and mechanisms for better
spiritual development.
 Open spaces for reflection on everyday situations and on the basic criteria
for the functioning of the family group.
 Analyze the different stages that a family goes through in its life cycle.
 Promote communication within the family group and with the community
environment, facilitating the creation of social networks.
 Promote knowledge of the characteristics and needs of children.
 Provide parents with resources and skills that enable the comprehensive
growth of their children and the family group.
 Promote the conscious and active participation of family group members in
the teaching and learning process from different roles

School for Parents and Prevention

School for parents are learning activities to avoid and reduce different risk
situations such as misbehavior, low self-esteem, poor school performance, school
violence, drug use, teenage pregnancy, among other situations manifested by
children in their environment. .
Importance of School for Parents

In schools, educators, counselors and, in general, people who work in the

helping professions, provide parents with guidance that allows them to responsibly
assume their way of conducting themselves within family interaction. It is
necessary to carry out systematic talks with parents and representatives, not to
point out their children's defects and/or their mistakes as parents, but to provide
them with a series of tools that will help them in their performance of such work.
Being a father or mother can be one of the most difficult roles to play, to be one,
there is no formal education, however, those who are, currently have the possibility
of developing specific skills that prepare them to function in this stage of life. . We
must understand that a school for parents is an educational space where a
professional will share information, psychosocial and pedagogical support to
families, which will result in a better education for their children, and will have a
positive impact on their knowledge of their physical-emotional environment, giving
them security. and trust. In the school for parents, we will work on the development
of parental skills, without losing sight of the importance of generating attitudes that
model healthy interpersonal relationships, this being the pillar on which the family
is supported, ensuring the stability and permanence of everyone in she. The
benefits that we will obtain by participating in this school for parents is the feedback
of this teaching, sharing with experts the experiences that we have acquired

throughout our lives, the personal growth of each member of the family and the
management of the emotions of assertive manner between parents and children.

Advice for parents who want to raise their children for the Lord

Tools to teach children

We have 5 tools to form the character of our children. We can remember them by
relating them to the five fingers of our hand. None of these tools work alone. Using
the full hand (all 5 tools together) is the best way to prepare our children for the
adventure ahead. These are:

1 – Love
2 – Correct
3 – Teach
4 – Inspire
5 – Be an Example

1. LOVE our children

God loves his children and wants them to be happy. But happiness and fulfillment
are linked to obedience. Obedient children are happy children. Love according to
the Bible is a constant dedication to the well-being of the other person.

Parents who love, want the best for their children : This is more than health
and a good education. They are willing to make themselves uncomfortable and
sacrifice themselves for the good of their children. They discipline with love even
when they are tired.

Parents who love, are willing to give: . Not just feeding and sleeping. They give
of their time. They show interest. They pay attention, they ask, they worry.

Parents who love, choose to love: Love is not

always felt. Love is a decision of the will. For the
good of the child, we must show love even when we
do not feel the desire. The constancy of love
generates safe and stable children.

Parents who love, forgive: A critical or very

demanding parent can damage a child's self-esteem.
Parents can make their child feel like a failure or
inspire them to develop their abilities. Errors, once
confessed, must be forgiven and forgotten.
Similarly, when we make mistakes and
We offend the son, we must ask for forgiveness.

Parents who love, seek to know their child: Each child is different, and with
the passage of time, children grow and change. The father or mother who loves
their children will want to be close to them during this period of change, to know
their tastes, their interests, their dreams, their fears. They will love them as
Actively promote family unity

The feeling of unity, which gives atmosphere and identity to the home, must
be cultivated. If neglected, the house becomes like a hotel where everyone
enters and leaves busy with their own personal business. What do families do
that enjoy that “warmth of home”?

They have fun together: They tell each other anecdotes. Together they laugh
at school jokes. They try to have walks together. Have some board games at
home. Sometimes they play parquet or hide and seek as a family. The objective
is that the children want to return home because they have a good time as a

They eat together: Where can we find time to chat as a family? We are all so
busy. Our suggestion is that you make an incredible effort to eat together as a
family at least once a day.
Parent, insist that no one
begins to eat until you give
thanks for the food. And don't
pray until everyone is seated at
the table. This gives the
opportunity to chat during the
meal. It is much better to have

a dining table than a television. Be disciplined. Eat without eagerness. Buy what
you need to eat as a family. It is an investment in the family unit.

Serve the Lord together: Aside from having family devotional time, it is good to
look for ways to serve God together. I imagine that Noah involved his 3 sons in
the construction of the ark. Working together unites and protects the family.
When possible, take a child along for that hospital visit or home Bible study. Visit
as a couple. Invite new believers into your home. Invite others to lunch.
Hospitality can be a service to the Lord as a family. Encourage and support your
children to serve in the assembly.

Growth stages
To use the following 3 tools, that is, to teach, correct
and inspire our children, it is important to notice the
stage in which they are. In general, we will observe 3

Stage 1: Between 0 and 9 years old.

They are in childhood, they are primary school students.
Stage 2: Between 10 and 12 years old.
These are pre-teens.
Stage 3: Over 13 years old.
These are teenagers and young people.

Some characteristics of Stages 1 and 2

Boys and girls in Stage 1 and entering Stage 2 present the best opportunities to
train and teach them. If you look at them carefully, you will notice that they are:

 Creatives : They have a unique imagination. Games are invented.

 Curious : They uncover, look, listen, touch, disrupt.
 Active : They move and make noise from early to late.
 Sociable : They easily find new friends.
 Affectionate : They show affection to their parents.
 Spiritual : They naturally pray, sing and talk about spiritual things.

To communicate with children of this age, movement, change and surprises are
good. They prefer to play than just talk. They are short concentration. They love
stories, illustrated Bible stories, songs, especially those with actions. For them,

we, their parents, are their heroes. They believe us.
Make good use of this time of opportunity!

Some characteristics of Stages 2 and 3

For pre-adolescents and especially for adolescents and young people,

interpersonal relationships are very important. They are very loyal to their
companions. They are communicators. This is evident in their widespread
acceptance of cell phones and Internet chatting. These prefer practical things.
They require practical faith. A discipleship with systematic studies. They need to
know what to believe. They must be offered opportunities to work and serve the
Lord. Parents must be creative at this stage.

2. TEACH our children

Who should teach?
We thank God for Christian meetings, youth and Sunday school teachers, camp
organizers, family and friends. These help us in raising our children, but the
responsibility of teaching our children is placed on us by God as parents. We
cannot evade this responsibility or pass it on to anyone.

What should Christian parents teach?

The principles of the Word of God. This is much more than telling them Bible stories
and encouraging them to memorize verses. The goal is for them to understand and
joyfully accept God's principles and values. It is not enough for the child to know
that lying is a sin. We want the child to get used to telling the truth. Because?
Because the son loves God and wants to please Him. Christian parents cannot be
constantly with their children. The vision is to motivate them to give their lives to
Christ, love him, and want to obey him. In the eyes of God, success consists of
obeying; A child is like a garden. If you don't work, pure weeds grow. The child can be
taught to be compliant and responsible. From an early age you can teach him to pick up
his toys, to tidy up his room, to help with cleaning in the kitchen. You can be taught to
respect the property of others. He can be taught the normal norms of good culture by
answering “yes sir” and “no ma’am.” The child can learn to be clean, not to throw his
garbage on the ground, to be generous, to share. Never say something rude to him !
Children are not born rude and irresponsible. Parents allow them to develop this way.

The biblical advice for raising our children is:

Ephesians 6:4. “Raise them in the discipline and admonition of the Lord” (NKJV).
Discipline and reprimand, what is the difference?

Good parenting is a mix of punishment (scolding, limitations, and the wand) and
admonishment (advice and explanations).

 Discipline or punishment seeks to correct bad attitude and bad behavior

through discomfort and physical pain.
 The admonition seeks to correct bad thoughts through teaching and sincere
and loving dialogue.

When is it disciplined and when is it reprimanded?

Christian discipline always seeks to help the child “mature and walk on the right
path.” That is why all discipline must be accompanied by explanations, clarifying to
the child where he was wrong and why what he did is not acceptable.
The amount of discipline and reprimand depends on the age and maturity of the

As the age increases, the reprimand is increased and the

punishment is reduced.
Ingredients of an effective warning

The reprimand seeks to change the child's mind and will. That is, it seeks to
change their way of thinking and acting.

Correct your mind - your way of thinking :

 It must be explained to him what the bad thing he did was, and why it is bad.

 It must be explained to him what the correct thing to have done is, and why
it is correct.

Correct your will - your behavior :

 He should be encouraged to recognize his bad thinking and bad behavior.

 He must be helped to confess that he is guilty.

What is obedience?

Some parents do not educate their children to obey because they themselves do
not know what to expect. When do you know if your child obeyed? Obedience
consists of three elements:

 Immediate action . Not when the son wants.

 Complete action . Not halfway. If you haven't finished the task, you haven't
 Good attitude . Subjection should not be accepted reluctantly as if it were
true obedience. Action of good will is sought.

If your child did not comply with these three elements, he has not obeyed. To
demand this kind of obedience, the parent must speak in a clear, normal voice (not
shout). Confirm that the child did understand your instructions. Make sure the child
is able to respond immediately and capable of doing the work before demanding it.

When should it be taught?

Deuteronomy 6:6-7.
“These words that I send you today will be upon
your heart; and you will repeat them to your children,
and you will speak
of them being in your house, and walking along the
and when you lie down, and when you get up”

To put this verse into practice, we have to find ways to spend time with our
children. There are two kinds of times during the day when we can teach Biblical
principles to our children:

a) Structured moments : These are planned family times. It consists of setting

aside a moment each day for the family altar, the “minute of God,” the family

b) Unexpected moments : These are the opportunities that life presents to

explain and apply the principles of God's word. For example:

 If you turn off the TV because a movie is becoming unhealthy, take the
opportunity to explain to your children why that movie is not appropriate,
why it does not please God.

 As the bus passes through a pink zone, your children will be able to see
some prostitutes standing on the corner. This situation lends itself to talking
about the dangers of prostitution, the sadness of having to sell the body.
Depending on the environment, you can comment on God's plans for
sexuality, the value of family, the influences of friends, the importance of
choosing friends well or related topics.

 If they see a fire or a fallen house, we can talk about the brevity of life, the
insecurity of material things, or the importance of hoarding treasures in

Dear parents, let's open our eyes wide. Let's take advantage of these
“opportunities” that arise during the day. Let's use some of them to influence the
minds of our children.

How to organize a family devotional?

Find a natural time when you can get the whole family together. It is
recommended once a day. Many of us find it good to eat together. Family
devotional time can be before or after a meal, or before putting the children to bed.
Its duration can be about 5 to 10 minutes. Maximum 15 minutes. Look for material
that fits the age or stage your children are going through. Something that is
interesting to them. Ask questions about what you read. Try to encourage some
discussion and come up with one or two applications. For a change, some days,
instead of Bible reading, you can sing some hymns or choirs. Sometimes everyone
can pray in turn, including mom and each of the children.

When is sex explained to the child?

Simply when you start asking. Answer naturally and always tell the truth.
You should be given enough information to satisfy your curiosity at that moment.
The explanation can be expanded later. If parents do not explain these things, they
will learn them the hard way on the street. There are little books about sexuality for
children. These can be very useful.

3. CORRECT our children

Proverbs 29:15
“The rod and correction give wisdom;
But a spoiled boy will shame his mother."

What is discipline?

It is to guide, supervise and educate the development of the child's tastes. It

is teaching children to make wise decisions. Every time we help a child make a
good decision we are disciplining him.

Three good reasons to correct your child

Why children need correction : Proverbs 22:15.

“Foolishness is bound in the heart of the boy; but the rod of correction will remove it
from him” (RV1960).

Why is it a commandment of the Lord :

Proverbs 23:13-14
“Do not refuse to correct the boy; Because if you punish him with the rod, he will
not die. You will punish him with the rod, and you will deliver his soul from Sheol.”
Wise parents choose to obey God's instructions over their feelings, traditions and
reasoning” (RV1960).

Why by correcting we show that we love:

Proverbs 13:24.
“ He who withholds punishment hates his son; But he
who loves him, corrects him early” (RV1960).

Hebrews 12:6.
“For the Lord disciplines whomever he loves, and
scourges everyone whom he accepts as a son.”

What is sought when punishing?

It seeks to correct two very dangerous things:

a) The development of bad actions or attitudes (pride, rudeness, theft, lying,

aggression, etc.)

b) Confrontation with authority or rebellion , that is, when the child

consciously chooses to disobey.

Wise parents always act in these situations. They are not allowed to miss
even one!

Wrong reasons to punish

 Revenge : Discipline with rage. I'm angry because he broke my pot.

 Machismo : Showing that I am the boss. Capricious discipline.
 Showcase : Discipline my children so that others can see me. We want to show
that we are good parents. Concern about your image.
 Relief : When the child is punished excessively because I am frustrated with
other problems.

All of these reasons are bad because they are for the benefit of the parents, not
for the children.

When should we start punishing?

Proverbs 13:24.
“He who withholds punishment hates his son; but he who loves him, corrects him
early” (RV1960).

When they are very young (less than 12 months), you can give them a
gentle pat. As you grow, the pat should be harder. Punishment is not a “symbolic
act.” It must hurt.

Characteristics of an effective punishment

 Let it be done with dignity . It is corrected calmly, without anger and in private.
 Let it have an impact on the son. May the punishment hurt in some way.
 Make it reasonable . That reflects the seriousness of the disobedience.
 Let it be on time . The closer the punishment is to the event, the more effective it
 Make it consistent . The punishment must be the same, whether at home or
outside the home.
 Let it be supported . Both mom and dad agree with the punishment and support
each other.

Punishments should reflect the age of the child

Let's remember the three stages in the development of children.

Stage 1 : Between 0 and 9 years old.

Stage 2: Between 10 and 12 years old.
Stage 3: Over 13 years old.

Corporal punishment (a moderate slap or belt) can be effective during Stage

1. But as age advances, dependence on corporal punishment should be reduced
and dialogue (trying to convince) and other forms of punishment should be sought.
Corporal punishment of children in Stage 3 generally produces anger and rebellion.
It can even damage the parent-child relationship. Let's look at some possibilities:

Correction in Stages 2 and 3: Some ideas.

 You can temporarily take away something they like, such as the cell phone,
the TV, going out at night.

 You can tell him that he cannot go out”, that is, for a week or two, he is only
allowed to go out to school and church. No social activities.

 Look for ways they can experience a bad consequence of their

disobedience. For example, if you ate the bus money, then you should get
up early and walk to school tomorrow. He didn't work, so he misses a meal.
He lost his jacket due to carelessness at school, he must do work.

 Extra at home to help buy another one (or contribute some of your savings).
 As punishment, don't take away constructive things. For example, as
punishment, some parents do not let the youth go to Christian camp or
church on Sunday. This is taking away something that can help you
improve. Think carefully!

Correction in Stages 1 and 2: Some ideas.

For this age, corporal punishment should be applied when the case requires
it. Avoid instilling fear in the child. The idea is to direct him and define healthy
limits. Below I describe a procedure that has been very effective for us.

One, two and three... ACTION.

 It is not always possible for the child to act immediately. We have found that
the “one, two, three” counting method has worked very well with our 4
children. For example, we give the instruction: “Please tidy up the kitchen.”
Then we calmly count to 3. If we get to “three” and you haven't started fixing

the kitchen yet, there is a punishment. The “three” means that it is too late. It
is interesting to notice how children run when they hear “two.”

 The child obeys as much as he thinks the adult is going to ACT. This
method works very well as long as it is used regularly and consistently. For
the method to work, you have to punish ALWAYS when it reaches “three”.

Why isn't my child behaving at the church meeting?

A child's behavior in a public place such as on the street, in the store or at

the assembly, reflects his behavior at home. If parents do not have authority over
their children at home, much less will they have it outside the home. If we do not
demand obedience at home, we will not achieve it outside the house either.

What can I do with my children during the meeting?

For young children, an hour is a long time. Encourage them to participate

wherever possible. If the child already reads, buy him a Bible and a song book.
Encourage him to follow the readings and sing - at least for the first 20 or 30
minutes. If you want your child to not walk around the room, bring something to
entertain him. Colors and little books are ideal. Giving keys or noisy objects to the
child is not recommended. Nor lend him a choir from the church so that he can
damage it.

Educate the child to always sit next to you. The older ones can sit with their
little friends as a reward for good behavior.

When should you not punish?

There are some situations in which parents should NOT discipline their children:

 Accidents. There are errors and mistakes that are a normal part of growth and

 Natural limitations . There are things that a child cannot do at a certain age.
Every child has their physical and mental limits. Some children suffer from a lot
of shyness. Children are different. Avoid comparing one child to another.

 Involuntary forgetting : Due to the excitement of some event, a child may

innocently forget something. Difference between these forgetfulness

 occasional involuntary actions, and what is irresponsibility or rebellion.

 When there is no clarity about what happened : Investigate well. Ask several.
Unfair punishment creates a bitter and rebellious child.

What should I do when I have anger?

Don't punish. You can tell the child: “Go to your room. “Wait for me, we’ll talk
later.” After about 10 or 15 minutes, look for it. If you consider it necessary, now
punish him calmly, firmly and with love.

4. INSPIRE our children

Every child and young person wants to know who they are, what they are
for, what their place in life is. This is called finding your “identity.” We parents are
the first “mirror”. If we tell the child that he is “ugly like his grandfather”, “brute and
flirtatious like his mother”, “lazy like his uncle” or “stubborn like his father”, or “the
most disorganized”… the child believes us. He thinks “that's who I am” and
behaves that way. Instead of lowering the child's self-esteem, we can make him

Qualities and Talents

Both expectations that are too low and expectations that are too high are
harmful. “Son, I think one day you are going to be the president of Colombia” can
frustrate the son. “Daughter, you are so judicious with your studies, one day I will
be happy to see you finish high school or university.” This comment inspires the

To be parents who inspire and motivate your children, consider the following

a) Observe the child : Look for his qualities. Do you have talent for music? Are
you a good communicator? Do you like to fix damaged things? Is it
organized? He is studious? Do you do household chores well? Are you a

b) Stop him after he does something well done : Just as one reacts when you
notice that he does something poorly done, do the opposite. Describe to him
the good things you have noticed. “Marta, I notice that you are spending a
lot of time practicing the guitar. You are progressing well. “I think you have
musical talent.”

c) Express how you feel : “Marta, I feel very satisfied to see your discipline with
the guitar. I'm glad to hear you progress.

d) Inspire him – talk about a possible future : “Marta, if you continue like this,
soon you will be able to help with worship at the youth meeting.

e) Express affection : End with a pat on the back or a hug. Physical contact
between parents and children affirms the relationship. Strengthens the
words you just shared with him.

As parents, we can dream about our children. By seeing their skills and talents,
we can motivate them to work hard. But be careful about pushing and frustrating.
The idea is to paint new horizons of what could be - if it continues on that good

Commitments and Convictions

It is at home that we begin to know the Word of God and develop convictions.
From the young man in 2 Timothy 3:14-15 we read:

“But persist in what you have learned and are convinced of , knowing from whom
you have learned; and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures,
which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith that is in Christ Jesus”

Let's look for ways to help our children have strong biblical convictions and
make serious commitments to God. For example, this year our 9-year-old
daughter, when she started her school classes, we celebrated the beginning, and
she made commitments to work hard and complete all her schoolwork, in addition
to helping at home, we also passed her a sheet with the following commitment to
our 20 year old son. We told him that if he was happy to sign it, we would have it
framed. It is now framed hanging on his bedroom wall.

5. BE AN EXAMPLE for our children

An example of a life consecrated to the Lord is the strongest and most effective
influence in the lives of children. The apostle Paul said: 1 Corinthians 11:1

“Be imitators of me as I imitate Christ” (RV1960)

For better or worse, children will imitate much of

their parents' behavior.

What do your children think of their Christianity?

Do you see evidence of a deep dedication to
God? Does your way of living the Christian life
motivate your children?

What if we are wrong?
The goal is to live an open and transparent life in front of your children. As parents,
sometimes we realize that we have made a mistake. We punish without properly
investigating the matter. We accuse unfairly, raise our voices unnecessarily, or
embarrass them in public. When we make mistakes, we must show that
humility we talked about and apologize to our children . They will respect us
for being honest. It will be easier for them to recognize, admit and confess their
failures to us, by observing that we also fail and apologize. We are all imperfect.

Good manners at home

It is easy to criticize and discourage. Find ways to surprise your child by doing
something good and praise them. We all need encouragement. Use good manners
with your children by using expressions such as “thank you very much,” “please.”
Respect and courtesy at home starts with parents.

Example and Authority

Dear parents, our example is the moral foundation we need to raise children.
Without it we will not have the respect we need to influence our children.

The authority that is demanded is of little use.

The authority you earn works.


To approach the study of Christian morality, that is, the Christian's way of
behaving, we must be clear about the distinction between morality and ethics:

 Morality: Refers to the set of principles such as norms, laws, behaviors,

customs and ideas of a given society and at a given time. This determines
the way a person behaves. Morality refers to what societies view as right
and acceptable. Most people tend to act morally and follow the rules of their
respective societies.

 Ethics: Ethics is the set of moral standards that govern the conduct of
people in any area of life. Ethics deals with the good and its values. It refers
to the reflection on the moral behaviors of people. And like all reflection,
what is good and what is bad is considered.

In philosophical context, ethics and morality have different meanings. Ethics

is related to the fundamental study of the moral values that guide human behavior
in society, while morality is the customs, norms, taboos, and conventions
established by each society. That is to say, each society or each person moves or
behaves according to what they see and practice in their environment. The
relationship between ethics and morality lies in the fact that both are responsible
for building the basis that will guide man's behavior, determining his character, his
altruism and his virtues and for teaching the best way to act and behave in society.

As a father or mother, you have to try to establish Gospel-based life models

in your home. We live in a society that tries to separate personal morality from
other aspects of life. Many claim that what people do in their private lives is their
business, as long as they do their job well. But the Bible affirms the need for
personal integrity in all spheres of life. This is true especially in relation to our
children. Having integrity shows our children what it means to obey God. Thanks to
our example, our children will learn to seek God's help during difficult times. As
parents, we must be honest in our lives, especially in our relationships with our
family. Christian behavior and attitudes will be examples of our integrity to our

The spiritual instruction of our children has to begin while they are still small.
Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will
not depart from it” (NKJV). Here the Lord places us in a direct sense responsible
for the education of our children, the Lord tells us that if we instruct them in it they
will not deviate. This word is not only accompanied by direct responsibility as
parents but is accompanied by the promises of God who is unbreakable himself
tells us that if we instruct them in it, when they are old they will turn away from us.
This is what should motivate us to guide them along the right path so that in the
future they can be good men and women who fear the Lord and can be an
example for society. Many times we want to leave to third parties what we have as
parents, we want to hold school teachers, even leaders within the church,
responsible, when it is a work that begins at home and we must form solid columns
and foundations for them. development within society and within the body of Christ.
When children grow up hearing us talk about God and his goodness, they are likely
to follow our Christian example and serve the Lord. ACCORDING TO MATHEW
HENRY BIBLICAL COMMENTARY (V. 6. Educate children, not in the path they
would like to go, that of their corrupt hearts, but in the path they should go, in
which, if you love them, you want them to walk. As soon as possible each child
should be led to the knowledge of the Savior.)

When we dedicate our children to the Lord, we are recognizing that we will
help them grow in any way we can to love and serve Him. If the Lord calls our
children to serve him, we will hand them over to them, exhorting them to continue
doing the will of God. DEUTERONOMY 6: 6-9 6 “And these words that I command
you today will be on your heart; 7 and you will repeat them to your children, and
you will talk about them when you are in your house, and when you walk on the
road, and when you lie down, and when you get up. 8 And you shall bind them as a
sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontals between your eyes; 9 and you will
write them on the posts of your house, and on your doors” (NKJV). ACCORDING

 Meditation. We must put the word of God in our hearts so that our thoughts
are daily occupied with it.

 The religious education of children. Repeat these things frequently. Be
careful and exact in teaching your children. Teach these truths to all those
under your care in some way.

 Pious speech . Speak of these things with due reverence and seriousness
for the benefit not only of your children but of your servants, friends and
companions. Use every occasion to discuss with those around you, not
doubtful and debatable matters, but the clear truths and laws of God, and
the things that correspond to our peace.

 Frequent reading of the Word . God commanded his people to write the
words of the law on their walls, and on scrolls that they were to wear
hanging from their wrists. This was obligatory to the letter for the Jews, as is
the plan for us, namely, that by all means we should acquaint ourselves with
the word of God to use it on all occasions, to prevent sin and to guide us in
sin. duty. Here we can see another clear example of how the Lord puts us
in a place of responsibility with our children in their formation as believers
and as people within society. In this way we express our love and our
interest in knowing God's purpose in their lives. teaching them the word of

Love is not a feeling, but a dedication to the well-being of others, and among
them our children. When we truly love others, we will recognize their value and do
what we can to help them fulfill God's purposes for their lives.

Love is the fulfillment of the law, and the new commandment that Jesus
gave to his disciples (Romans 13:10 “Love does no harm to its neighbor; therefore
the fulfillment of the law is love” (NKJV); John 12 :34 The people answered him:
We have heard of the law, that the Christ abides forever. How then do you say that
the Son of Man must be lifted up? Who is this Son of Man?” (RV1960). Believers'
love for others is the first expression of love for God. Without love, we are nothing,
we can find in the word of the Lord as the apostle Paul emphasizes the importance
of love in faith and in the family, love is the fundamental basis that keeps the body
of Christ united to Him (1Corinthian 13:13 " And now faith, hope and love remain,
these three; but the greatest of them is love” (KJV) ACCORDING TO MATHEW
HENRY BIBLE COMMENTARY (To summarize, the excellence of love is
preferable not only to gifts, but to the other graces, faith and hope. Faith is fixed in
divine revelation, and there it settles, trusting in the Divine Redeemer. Hope clings
to future happiness, and waits for it, but, in heaven, faith will be absorbed by
reality, and hope by happiness. There is no place to believe and have hope when
we see and enjoy. But there, love will be perfected. There we will love God
perfectly. There we will love each other perfectly. Blessed state! How much it
surpasses the best down here! God is love, 1John, 8 . 16. Where God is seen as
he is, and face to face, there is love at its greatest height; only there it will be
perfected.), love is what keeps many families together and if there was no love
there would be nothing, for this reason we should not boast about secondary and

unnecessary things, we should seek love for our children, we should not believe
and think that The material thing is to give love to our children, that is good but it is
not the most important thing for them, education, the example that we give with our
way of living submitted to the Lord, and guided by the light of his word is worth
more than luxuries. , since these are perishable and do not cover what they really
need to conduct themselves in life according to my personal experience as parents
I Yennerxon Flores and listed several aspects or characteristics that are
fundamental for the good development of our children as believers and as men and
women within a corrupt society far from God:

 Invest quality time in our children: we certainly spend more time on other
things and forget that our children need to spend time with dad and mom
since there will be times in life when situations arise in which they need
dad's advice. and breast, otherwise he would let himself be guided by his
instincts and by third parties in the matter. For that reason it is vitally
important to invest time in our children.

 Invest time in their professional and Christian education: help them with their
schoolwork. In their devotional methods (the family unit is a powerful tool to
instruct our children)

 Giving good examples: An honest behavior in front of our children reflects

the great love we have for them without giving them bad examples.

 Providing them with everything they need for all of the above. Here we
realize and see when we believe that what should be first is last in order to
cover everything else we realize that for a long time we were missing the
mark. In my experience as a son, my parents gave me everything, materially
speaking, but there was almost never a father who told me this is wrong,
this is right, it is done this way, son, and not this way. And we believe that
giving love is giving only material things. The material is necessary but not
the most important thing, the most important thing is to demonstrate love in
the way we have already said. It is not surprising then that love is the
guiding principle in the Christian family.

God created the family to be an expression of his love and as a means to

spread his kingdom. It is important that our family members know Christ as their
Savior. Because of the importance of this relationship with Christ, our family
becomes the most important thing we have.

Although we cannot force our family members to serve Christ, we can be a

Christian example for them. We can do that when we show our personal ethics in
all aspects of life and say and declare them as did Joshua 24:15 15 And if it
seems evil to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourself today whom you will serve;
whether to the gods whom your fathers served, when they were on the other side
of the river, or to the gods of the Amorites in whose land you live; but I and my

COMMENTARY: Joshua gave them a choice, but not as if it were indifferent
whether they served God or not. Choose whom you serve, now things are clear
before you. He resolves to serve God, whatever others do. Those who resolve to
serve God should not mind being alone from then on. Those who go to heaven
must be willing to swim against the current. They should not do like the majority,
but like the best. No one can behave as they should in any situation without deeply
considering their religious duties in family relationships. The Israelites agreed with
Joshua, influenced by the example of the man who had been such a blessing to
them; We will also serve the Lord. Notice how much good great men do by their
influence, if they are zealous in religion. —Joshua leads them to express the full
purpose of the heart to be faithful to the Lord

What is Christian Morality and Christian Ethics?

Christian Ethics: These are the principles derived from the Christian faith by
which we act. Although God's Word does not address every situation we face
throughout our lives, its principles give us a standard by which we should conduct
ourselves in such situations where there are no explicit instructions. 1Corinthian
10:23 Everything is lawful for me, but not everything is convenient; Everything is
lawful for me, but not everything builds. In the first letter to the Corinthian church
we can see the apostle Paul telling them that although there is no specific rule for
everything, we must be clear that what we do must aim to give glory to GOD. That
is to say that what we do glorifies God; ACCORDING TO MATHEW HENRY BIBLE
COMMENTARY: The Christian should not only consider what is lawful, but also
what is expedient and edify others. Christianity in no way prohibits the ordinary
offices of kindness, nor does it permit discourteous conduct towards anyone, even
if they differ from us in religious sentiments and customs. But this does not apply to
religious festivals, to participation in idolatrous worship. According to this advice
from the apostle, Christians must take care that they do not use their freedom to
harm their neighbors or to reproach themselves. When eating and drinking, and in
everything we do, we must aim at the glory of God, to please and honor Him. This
is the great goal of all religion, and it serves as our direction when there are no
express rules. A pious, peaceful and benevolent spirit will disarm the greatest

Christian morality: When we talk about Christian morality we refer to the way of
behaving of the Followers of Christ. Being a Christian is following Christ and living
his same lifestyle. Imitate Christ as living the same values that Jesus taught us in
the gospels. In Matthew 11:29 it says “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me,
for I am meek and lowly in heart; and you will find rest for your souls; We can see
here that the Lord himself does not invite us to follow his example that we come to
imitate him in everything he did and in each situation analyze and think what the
Lord would do. His model and example is the best example of morality that we can
find in all of humanity, there was no man with him, upright integrity in everything,
his principles are kingdom and as such we, his followers, should and should
behave in order to carry out his style of life and being able to say as the apostle
Paul said in 1 Corinthians 11: 1 Be imitators of me, just as I am of Christ. What is
better to talk about Christian morality or Christian ethics?

There are some opinions in our society that reject the term Christian morality
because it reminds us of the times in which it was forcibly imposed in all areas of
society. Some when hearing the word moral associate it with Repression, authority,
punishment, sin, etc., and see it as old-fashioned and outdated. That is why they
prefer to talk about Christian ethics since there are others and each person is free
to choose the one that best suits them. However, we must be clear that Christian
morality is not an external imposition of laws, that is, laws imposed from above by
the Divine Authority, which must be obeyed, otherwise we will suffer the penalties
of hell. The true concept of Christian morality refers to to the believer's constant
search to live the lifestyle of Jesus 1Pe 1. 16 “for it is written: Be holy, for I am
holy.” (RV1960). Christian morality is, therefore, to live like Jesus, to imitate his
same lifestyle and to behave in accordance with the values of the Gospel. This is
not imposed by force, but rather freely chosen. Jesus Christ always invited people
to follow him, he never forced anyone. The Christian, a true follower of Jesus, will
fulfill the commandments not because they are imposed on him but because he is
born to fulfill them, because he knows that fulfilling them is good for him and helps
him be happier. That is the most wonderful thing about living and following the
model of life that Jesus left us when he was here on earth.

Why is ethics and Christian morality necessary?

Christian ethics and morality are necessary because:

 These are the ones that will make the difference between the world and the
followers of Christ since, as was said at the beginning, the ethics and morals
of society are governed from the point of view of convenience, which are
reformed to adjust them to society. and to the generations, unlike Christian
ethics and morality that has a banner and that is not modified and is for the
good of humanity if it allows itself to be guided and has it as the fundamental
basis of its life and its family.

 Christian ethics and morality are necessary because taking the life of Jesus
as an example we can build a generation founded and formed under the
principles of the kingdom of God, we can contribute so that our children
grow up within a society that has the life of Jesus as an example. and those
around them, giving them this example of how to behave, but to understand
and understand this we must personally ask ourselves the following
questions: What are we in this world for? What is the fundamental desire of
every person? And the different answers we could give can be summarized
in one word; Be happy. Every person wants, desires, seeks happiness and
depending on being happy, a whole series of options are made in life. For
example: we study to have a profession and live with dignity. Another

example, we get married so that living as a family we can be happy, etc. In
short, all options lead us to live well and happily.

Precisely to safeguard the dignity of all people and for happiness to reach
everyone, it is necessary that there be a series of rules of conduct, laws and
behavioral guidelines that regulate actions between people. That is why morals
and ethics are necessary. Precisely many people seek their happiness in money,
materialism, consumerism, in the pleasures of life, in occult sciences, and if they
forget about their neighbors and their dignity. That is why Moral norms seek
respect for human dignity and compliance with human rights. For Christians, the
meaning of their life and their happiness is in God. He must be the most important
in our life. The Christian lives as Christ teaches us in the gospel, he must love
others and work for justice. And all that for what? Obviously to build a better world
and to go to heaven to be Saints and see God face to face.

What is the relationship between freedom and morality?

The Human Being is distinguished from animals because they have

freedom: Freedom here, it does not refer to living in freedom or captivity. Freedom
is that ability that all people have (except for some in certain illnesses and
circumstances) to decide and choose for ourselves what suits us or what does not
suit us, what is good and what is bad. The human being is the owner of his actions
and decides what he wants to do as suits him. He also has conscience, which is
like a voice that resonates within us that applauds us when we act correctly and
denounces us when we do wrong.

What is morality from the point of view of Christianity?

Christian morality is, first of all, a morality called in the person of Christ to
salvation and, at the same time, to live the life corresponding to salvation, that is,
"the perfect life in charity, after the example of the of Christ", and also, evidently,
"those works of Christian life

What is freedom from the Christian point of view?

From the Christian perspective, freedom is, in its most intimate essence, the
real capacity to respond to the call of God the creator. Freedom according to the
gospel is not identified with the desire for independence or sufficiency, but is that
willingness to serve others out of love 1 Corinthians 9:19 “ Therefore, being free
of all, I have become a servant of all, that I may win greater number” (RV1960).
.Love and freedom are manifested in the commitment to justice Romans. 6.16 “Do
you not know that if you submit yourselves to someone as slaves to obey him, you
are slaves of him whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience
leading to righteousness ?” (RV1960). Deuteronomy 30, 15 Look, today I put
before you good and evil. Choose the good and you will live (RV1960).

In secular life, moral freedom is liberation, lack or non-existence of directive
norms that are not guided or directed by GOD, human behavior lacks the
understanding that comes from above, since they do not know a living and real
GOD, this is why that leads them to make wrong decisions that are not directed or
guided by THE Holy Spirit of GOD, man before himself based on his own opinion
experiences being free and tends to make mistakes since nowadays they call good
things bad, They call bad things good.

JESUS died on the cross to obtain that liberation, we can see in JOHN 3:16
because GOD loved the world in such a way that he gave his only begotten son so
that everyone who believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
man is the servant of the master to whose commandments he surrenders, whether
the sinful dispositions of his heart in actions that lead to death, or the new spiritual
obedience implanted by regeneration.
DEUTERONOMY 30:15 Vv. 15. What could be said that is most moving and most
likely to make deep and lasting impressions? Every man desires to obtain life and
well-being and escape from death and evil; He desires happiness and fears
misfortune. So great is the compassion of the Lord, that by his word he has favored
men with the knowledge of good and evil, which would make them forever happy if
it were not for their own fault. Let's hear the summary of the whole thing. If they
and their people loved God and served him, they would live and be happy. If they,
or theirs, turn away from God, desert his service and worship other gods, this will
certainly be their ruin. There has never been, since the fall of man, more than one
path to heaven, which is marked in both Testaments, although not with equal
clarity. Moses was referring to the same path of acceptance that Paul described
more clearly; and Paul's words refer to the same obedience of which Moses dealt
more fully. In both Testaments the good and right path is brought to us and has
been clearly revealed to us.

What is the difference between freedom and debauchery?

You have to understand the concept of freedom well. This is not doing what
one wants (this would be debauchery), but rather freedom is choosing and acting
responsibly on what is good and just.

Do not confuse freedom with debauchery. Acting freely does not mean
completely skipping any obligation or commitment, but rather doing things
responsibly and respecting others. There is no freedom when one's decision-
making capacity fails and he is carried away by instincts because he acts in an
unsupportive and selfish way, seeking only what is best for him without
remembering others at all. Nor is he free to allow himself to be negatively
influenced by another person or by the environment that surrounds him. We know
very well that although the person is the owner of his actions and decides freely,
when he does something, that act can be right or wrong, he can act fairly or
unfairly. That is why the person is also responsible for his actions.

It was for freedom that CHRIST made us free, therefore stand firm and do
not submit yourselves again to the yoke of slavery Galatians 5:13

John 8:32-36 and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

We are free in Christ, that lifestyle must always be framed in the dimensions
of Christian freedom. 1) No child of God has the freedom to do and undo whatever
he wants with his life, 2) life does not belong to him in the first place, 3) this
freedom is not absolute, because Jesus is his new master. The wonderful thing is
that the freedom that God gives us is enough to live happily and in complete
contentment. It is the discontent that leads us to debauchery, discontent that
arises from a carnal and non-spiritual heart.



 In addition to the common application of this term, it is used in the Scriptures

symbolically as:

 The freedom obtained by Christ for those who were captives of Satan (Isa.
61:1; Lc. 4:18; Jn. 8:36).

 The freedom that comes to having a conscience free from all guilt, illustrated
by the words that the Lord addressed to several: "Your sins are forgiven, go
in peace."

 The free status of the Law, etc.: "Stand firm therefore in the liberty with
which Christ has made us free, and do not be subject again to the yoke of
slavery" (Gal. 5:1; cf. Ro. 7:24, 25).

 The freedom that the Christian acquires from the power of sin by dying with
Christ (cf. Ro. 6:8-22); By counting himself as dead to sin, he enjoys this
freedom in an experimental way (cf. Ro. 8:2-4), after having realized that
the flesh is too strong for him to suppress by his means. Deliverance is
effected by the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, and the love of God is known
and enjoyed. Then, since Christ is the object before the soul, and not the
self, the believer is left in full freedom to do that which pleases him and that,
because it arises from his new nature, is in consonance with the will of God;
arises from itself, always "pleasant and perfect" (Rom. 12:2). For a
discussion of other theological aspects of freedom, see ELECTION,


JUSTIFICATION: Act by which the thrice-holy God declares that the sinner who
believes becomes righteous and acceptable before Him, because Christ has borne
his sin on the cross, having been "done right" in his favor (1 Cor. 1:30).
Justification is free, that is, totally undeserved (Rom. 3:24); However, it is carried
out on a basis of total justice, for God does not simply pass the eraser on our sins
with contempt for his holy Law. The demands of his holiness have been fully
satisfied in Jesus Christ who,
Never having broken it, but being Himself completely holy and righteous, He bore
in our place all the wrath for the broken Law and for all the iniquity of man. In the
time of "his Patience" (the OT), God could seem unfair by not punishing men like
David, p. e.g.; Now, having maintained his justice and love on the cross, he can
freely justify the wicked (Rom. 3:25-26; 4:5). Jesus justifies us by his blood (Rom.
5:9) and by his pure grace (Tit. 3:7). Thus, justification is received by faith, and
never on the basis of works (Rom. 3:26-30; 4:5; 5:1; 11:6; Ga. 2:16; Eph. 2:8-10).
It is a sovereign act of the One who, in Christ, has called us, justified and glorified
us: «Who will accuse God's elect? God is the one who justifies" (Rom. 8:30-34).
The sinner accused by the Law (Gal. 3:10-14), by Satan (Zech. 3:1-5; Ap. 12:10-
11) and by his conscience (1 Jn. 3:20) , he is not only freed from punishment by
the Sovereign Judge: he is declared righteous, and made whiter than snow (Is.
1:18). For him there is no longer condemnation (Rom. 8:1), because God sees him
in Christ, clothed with the perfect righteousness of his divine Son (2 Cor. 5:21).
The gospel is a doctrine according to godliness, 1 Timothy vi, 3 , and is far from
consenting to the least sin, which subjects us to the strongest obligation to avoid
and overcome it. The apostle insists that the entire law is fulfilled in one word: You
shall love your neighbor as yourself. If Christians, who should help each other and
rejoice in each other, quarrel, what can be expected but that the God of love will
deny his grace, that the Spirit of love will depart, and the evil spirit that seeks to
destroy them will prevail? It would be good if believers would stand against sin in
themselves and in the places where they live, instead of biting and devouring each
other because of differences of opinion. SAINT JOHN 8:32-36 Christ spoke of
spiritual freedom, but carnal hearts feel no other sorrows apart from those that
bother the body and disturb their worldly affairs. If you talk to them about their
freedom and property, about the waste perpetrated on their lands, or about the
damage done to their homes, they will understand very well, but if you talk to them
about the slavery of sin, captivity to Satan, and freedom through Christ , of the evil
done to your precious souls, and the risk of your eternal well-being, then you carry
strange things to your ears. Jesus clearly reminded them that the man who
practices any sin is, indeed, a slave of sin, as was the case with most of them.
Christ offers us freedom in the gospel; He has the power to give it, and those
whom Christ makes free really are. However, we often see people debating
freedoms of all kinds while being slaves to some sinful lust. NOTE: We must not
forget that all people have a natural inclination to do evil or act correctly. That is
why Jesus Christ died and rose again to save us from sin and make us children of
God, free from the slavery of sin.
Sexual morality: Sexual morality is the morality applied to issues of sexuality. It is
based on the constant evaluation of the social norms and values of human sexual
behavior, associated with a given society and time, so it may undergo
modifications according to the conventions of each society. Some of the topics
commonly covered by this discipline are sexual education, masturbation, premarital
and extramarital sex (such as adultery and cohabitation), promiscuity,
homosexuality and other sexual orientations other than heterosexual, sexual
identity, prostitution, pornography, among others.

Next we will be developing the topics of masturbation, homosexuality and

premarital relations from the point of view of society:

MASTURBATION : The word masturbation is made up of Latin roots, in the royal

academy they define masturbation as “stimulation of the genital organs or
erogenous zones with the hand by another means to provide sexual enjoyment”, its
lexical components are “manu” which means “hand”, “turbare” means, “to shake, to
put in disorder and alteration”, the suffix “ción” which is “action and effect”.
Masturbation is part of people's lives just like sexual habits, because it can be said
that sexual behavior is healthy

Masturbation is done by both women and men, due to the incitement of the
genital organs, which is responsible for the functioning that is linked to sexual
reproduction, which has elements that generate sexual pleasure, whether or not
reaching orgasm. .

We are faced with a behavior that is not only a sexual problem but also
affects a person's psychology. That is why we are going to address this issue from
several points of view.

 From the sociological point of view: This is a very common reality among
adolescents and young people. Just because the statistic is high doesn't
mean it's morally okay.

 From the biological point of view: The phenomenon of masturbation can be

considered a characteristic, although not mandatory, of the process of
sexual evolution in adolescence. The biology of the adolescent, especially
the male, has the characteristic that the genital apparatus has to be
emptied, which is why ejaculation represents a certain requirement of the

 From the psychological point of view: Biological motivation is very soon

replaced by psychological motivation, which is the most powerful. First,
masturbation becomes a practice that reduces the tensions and frustrations
of a teenager or young person, a kind of self-defense against the world.
After masturbation it is performed as a replacement for the sexual act. In

both cases, the problem is when masturbation becomes a habitual behavior
and does not evolve towards a heterosexual relationship.

The person has to mature and move towards a heterosexual relationship.

Masturbation is an action that the person rather encloses within themselves. In the
case of masturbation in adults, it is usually a symptom of much deeper problems
and frustrations that carry over from adolescence.

 From a moral point of view: sexuality is the expression of love between two
people who relate, love and respect each other. Therefore, from a moral
point of view, masturbation impoverishes the sense of dialogue and
openness to the other that human love implies, sex is separated from love
and individualistic and selfish enjoyment is valued; As masturbation is a
stage that must be overcome towards heterosexual sexuality, Christianity
considers it morally illicit since sexuality is lived in marriage.

What does the Bible say about masturbation?

It is necessary to clarify that the word masturbation is not literally in the Holy
Scriptures, nor is there a direct prohibition of its practice. However, there are
passages in the Bible that talk about sexual purity in general, which includes

For example, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-6 says we should turn away from sexual
immorality: “God's will is for you to be holy, so turn away from all sexual sin” (NLT).
Now, God's Word says that sexual immorality is a sin (Ephesians 5:3; Colossians
3:5), and masturbation is considered a sexual sin for three reasons: lust, idolatry,
and lack of self-control.

Is masturbation a sin?

Masturbation is a sin; because when you practice you always have a fantasy
in mind; That is, the act makes the person imagine that they are having sexual
relations with someone. That is called lust; and in the Bible we find that lust is a sin
(Proverbs 6:25; 1 Peter 4:3; 1 John 2:16).

Jesus himself said that you don't have to be physically with someone to
commit a sexual sin. He said that simply desiring another person sexually is
already a sin (Matthew 5:27-28). And when you practice masturbation, you always
idealize a scenario where you have sexual relations with someone.

Masturbation shows a lack of self-control

In the Bible we find that one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is self-control; So,
if we cannot resist the temptation to indulge our sexual desires, we are rejecting
the Holy Spirit and proving that we do not have Jesus in our lives. God gives us the
ability to resist and master our impulses (2 Timothy 1:7) ; Therefore, practicing
masturbation is a sign that we are distant from our Father, we do not want to give
him control of our lives and we prefer our own pleasure before Him.

Masturbation is a form of idolatry

Therefore, put to death all your evil desires; Do not have forbidden sexual
relations, do not be indecent, control your evil desires, and do not seek to
accumulate money, for it is the same as worshiping false gods. Colossians 3:5 5
Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: fornication, impurity, inordinate
passions, evil desires and covetousness, which is idolatry; Another reason why
masturbation is a sin is because it leads us to a form of idolatry. Idolatry not only
involves putting up an image and worshiping it, but replacing God as a priority in
our lives. When we practice masturbation we are saying: "My sexual desire matters
more to me than God", because we do not think about pleasing Him first, but rather
feeling good about ourselves.

Masturbation enslaves

Studies have shown that masturbation can become an addiction, which

means that it leads us further and further from God. Therefore, it is best to stay
away from this practice altogether (1 John 5:21). Furthermore, Jesus set us free
through his sacrifice on the cross (Romans 5:12-17 ); But when we fall into the
prison of masturbation we are rejecting the freedom it offers us and we return to
being slaves to sin.

Masturbation shows what is in our hearts

Many people use masturbation as an escape from a reality or situation, it

can be emotional or sentimental; and instead of turning to God for help, they resort
to this practice as a temporary relief. Masturbation reveals what is in our hearts
because it leads us to choose who we really love: God or sin. But it is not too late
to get back on the right path and go to Jesus to ask him to forgive us and help us
face these situations.

Premarital relations

We are faced with another reality with very high frequency in statistics.
Furthermore, it is experienced by young people without a particular sense of guilt.
It is something that most accept completely naturally. The causes that have
contributed to the increase in premarital relationships can be summarized as:

 Delay of marriage for study or professional reasons.

 Delay of marriage due to financial difficulties.
 The difficulty of finding an example and unemployment force the wedding to
be delayed.

 Dependence on parents until age thirty or more in many cases.
 Some question traditional ideas of the family, of sinful marriage, and
ultimately of what is right and what is wrong.
 Others think that it is not necessary to get married to express love for
another person.

What moral assessment should be given to premarital relations?

To approach the problem of premarital relationships we must take into

account what we have said previously about sexuality: That the couple's
relationship must help them grow and mature as people, that there must be respect
for each other, that sexuality is an expression of the love, etc.

Taking into account let's just reflect on premarital relationships:

 The courtship stage serves to educate and care for the love of a couple.

 Every sexual relationship, to be truly authentic, must have a binding

dimension (a bond).

 In marriage you have to take care of all aspects and not just sexuality.

 Young people who already achieve in courtship what they should achieve in
marriage are not so excited about the wedding.

 Premarital relationships can harm the future child.

 Christianity sees premarital relationships as morally illicit NOW WHAT THE

BIBLE SAYS: (1 Corinthians 7). There is no Hebrew or Greek word in the
Bible that refers precisely to sex before marriage. The Bible undeniably
condemns adultery and sexual immorality, but is sex before marriage
considered sexually immoral? According to 1 Corinthians 7:2, "yes" is the
clear answer: "but because of fornications, let each man have his own wife,
and each woman have her own husband." In this verse, Paul declares that
marriage is the "cure" for sexual immorality. 1 Corinthians 7:2 is essentially
saying that because people can't control themselves and so many are
having immoral sex outside of marriage, people should get married. Then
they can fulfill their passions in a moral way.

Since 1 Corinthians 7:2 clearly includes sex before marriage in the

definition of sexual immorality, all Bible verses that condemn sexual immorality as
sinful also condemn sex before marriage as sinful. Sex before marriage is included
in the biblical definition of sexual immorality. There are numerous Scriptures that

declare sex before marriage to be a sin (Acts 15:20; 1 Corinthians 5:1; 6:13, 18;
7:2, 10:8; 2 Corinthians 12:21 ; Galatians 5:19 ; Ephesians 5:3; Colossians
3:5; 1 Thessalonians 4:3; The Bible promotes abstinence before marriage. Sex
between a husband and his wife is the only form of sexual relationship that God
approves of (Hebrews 13:4).

We often focus on the "recreation" aspect of sex, without recognizing the

"procreation" aspect. Yes, sex within marriage is enjoyable. God designed it that
way. He wants men and women to enjoy sexual activity (within the confines of
marriage). The Song of Songs and other Bible passages (such as Proverbs 5:19)
clearly describe the pleasure of sex. However, the couple must understand that
God's intention for sex includes producing children. Therefore, for a couple to have
sex before marriage is doubly wrong: they are enjoying pleasures that are not
intended for them, and they are taking the opportunity to create a human life
outside of the family structure that God intends for each child. Imagine how much
better our world would be if God's pattern for sex were followed: less transmission
of sexual diseases, fewer single mothers, fewer unwanted pregnancies, fewer
abortions, and many fewer children growing up without both parents in their lives,
etc. Abstinence is God's only standard of conduct when it comes to sex before
marriage. Abstinence saves lives, protects babies, gives proper value to sexual
relations, and most importantly, honors God.

Hebrews 13:4: 4 Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled, but God will
judge fornicators and adulterers. (KJV) ;

1 Corinthians 6:18: 18 Flee fornication. Any other sin that a man commits outside
the body is, but he who commits fornication sins against his own body. (KJV) ;

1 Thessalonians 4:3: 3 For the will of God is your sanctification, that you depart
from fornication (NKJV) ;

Ephesians 5:3: 3 But fornication and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not
even be named among you, as becomes saints (NKJV) ;

Jude 1:7: 7 Like Sodom and Gomorrah, and the surrounding cities, which in the
same way as they had committed fornication, and had followed strange flesh, were
made an example: suffering the judgment of eternal fire. (KJV) ;

1 Corinthians 7:2: 2 But because of fornications, let each man have his wife, and
each woman have her husband. (KJV) ;

1 Corinthians 6:9-11: 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not possess the
kingdom of God? Do not be mistaken, for neither the fornicators, nor the idolaters,
nor the adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor those who lie with men, 10 Nor the
thieves, nor the covetous, nor the drunkards, nor the revilers, nor the robbers, will
inherit God's kingdom. 11 And this were some of you: but you are washed, but you
are sanctified, but you are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit
of our God. (KJV) ;

1 Thessalonians 4:3-5: 3 For the will of God is your sanctification, that you depart
from fornication, 4 That each of you know how to have his cup in sanctification and
honor, 5 Not with lust, like the Gentiles who they do not know God (RV1960) ;

Colossians 3:5: 5 Cushion therefore your members which are on the earth:
fornication, uncleanness, indulgence, evil lust, and covetousness, which is idolatry
(NKJV) ;

Ephesians 5:31: 31 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and
cleave to his wife, and they will become two in one flesh. (KJV) ;

Galatians 5:19: 19 And the works of the flesh are manifest, which are: adultery,
fornication, uncleanness, dissipation (NKJV) ;

1 Corinthians 6:9-10: 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not possess the
kingdom of God? Do not be mistaken, for neither the fornicators, nor the idolaters,
nor the adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor those who lie with men, 10 Nor the
thieves, nor the covetous, nor the drunkards, nor the revilers, nor the robbers, will
inherit God's kingdom. (KJV) ;

Acts 15:20: 20 But write to them that they should depart from the defilements of
idols, and from fornication, and from strangulation, and from blood.

Colossians 3:1: 3 If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things above,
where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. (KJV) ;

1 Corinthians 13:1-13: 13 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, and

have not charity, I become like a resounding brass, or a clanging cymbal. 2 And if I
have prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all
faith, so that I could pass through the mountains, and have not charity, I am
nothing. 3 And if I distribute all my property to feed the poor, and if I give my body
to be burned, and I have no charity, it is of no use to me. 4 Charity is long-
suffering, it is benign, charity does not envy, charity does not do wrong, it does not
enlarge itself, 5 It is not slanderous, it does not seek its own, it is not irritated, it
does not think evil, 6 It does not strike injustice, but the truth is struck, 7 He suffers
everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything. 8 Charity
never ceases to be: but prophecies must end, and tongues will cease, and
knowledge must be put away, 9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part, 10
But when that which is perfect comes, then what is in part will be taken away. 11
When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I judged like a child,
but when I was a grown man, I left what was like a child. 12 Now we see in a
mirror, in darkness, but then we will see face to face: now I know in part, but then I
will know as I am known. 13 And now faith, hope, and charity remain, these three:
but the greatest of them is charity. (KJV) ;

1 Corinthians 7:11: 11 And if she departs, let her remain unmarried, or be

reconciled to her husband, and let the husband not send away his wife. (KJV) ;

1 Corinthians 7:10: 10 But to those who are together in marriage, I denounce, not
I, but the Lord: Let the wife not depart from the husband (RV1960) ;

Romans 13:9: 9 For: You shall not commit adultery, you shall not kill, you shall not
steal, you shall not bear false witness, you shall not covet: and if there be any other
commandment, in this sentence it is summarily understood: You shall love your
neighbor as yourself. (KJV) ;

Romans 1:1-32: 1 PAUL, a servant of Jesus Christ, called to be an apostle, set

apart for the gospel of God, 2 Which he had previously promised by his prophets in
the holy Scriptures, 3 Concerning his Son, (who was made of the seed of David
according to the flesh, 4 Who was declared the Son of God with power, according
to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection of the dead), of Jesus Christ our Lord, 5
Through whom we received grace and the apostleship, for the obedience of faith in
all nations in his name, 6 Among whom are you also, called of Jesus Christ: 7 To
all who are in Rome, beloved of God, called saints: Grace and peace to you from
God our Father , and of the Lord Jesus Christ. 8 First of all, I thank my God
through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is preached throughout the world. 9
For God is my witness, whom I serve in my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that
without ceasing I remember you always in my prayers, 10 Praying, if at last I have
some time, by the will of God, prosperous journey to come to you. 11 For I desire
to see you, to share with you some spiritual gift, to confirm you, 12 That is, to be
comforted together with you by the common faith of yours and mine. 13 But I do
not want you to be unaware, brothers, that many times I have purposed to come to
you (yet until now I have been prevented), so that I might also have some fruit
among you, as among the other Gentiles. 14 To Greeks and barbarians, to wise
and unwise I am a debtor. 15 Therefore, as for me, I am ready to announce the
gospel also to you who are in Rome. 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel:
because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew
first and also to the Greek. 17 For in him the righteousness of God is revealed from
faith to faith, as it is written: But the righteous will live by faith. 18 For the wrath of
God from heaven is manifest against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men,
who suppress the truth in unrighteousness: 19 For what is known about God is
manifest to them, because God has revealed it to them. 20 For the invisible things
of him, his eternal power and divinity, have been seen since the creation of the
world, being understood by the things that are made, so that they are inexcusable:
21 Because when they knew God, they did not glorify him as to God, nor did they
give thanks, but they became faint in their speeches, and their foolish heart was
darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became foolish, 23 And they exchanged
the glory of the incorruptible God for the likeness of an image of corruptible man,
and of birds, and of four-footed animals, and of serpents. 24 Therefore God also
gave them over to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, so that they defiled their
bodies among themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, honoring
and serving the creatures rather than the Creator, which is blessed forever. Amen.
26 For this reason God gave them over to shameful affections, since even their
women changed the natural custom into the custom that is against nature: 27 And
in the same way the men also, leaving the natural custom of women, burned in
their lusts, some with others, men committing nefarious things with men, and
receiving in themselves the reward that suited their error. 28 And since they did not
seem to have God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to
do what is not convenient, 29 Being filled with all iniquity, with fornication, with
malice, with covetousness, with evil, full of envy, of murder, of strife, of deceit, of
malignity, 30 Whisperers, slanderers, haters of God, revilers, proud, haughty,
inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 Fools, disloyal, without natural
affection, implacable, without mercy: 32 Having understood the judgment of God
that those who do such things are worthy of death, they not only do them, but even
more consent to those who do them. (KJV) ;
 Luke 16:18: 18 Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits
adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced from her husband
commits adultery. (KJV) ;

 Mark 10:11: 11 And he said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and
marries another commits adultery against her ” (NKJV) ;

 Mark 7:21: 21 For from within, from the hearts of men, come evil thoughts,
adulteries, fornications, and murders (RV1960) ;

 Matthew 19:9: 9 And I say to you that whoever divorces his wife, except for
the cause of fornication, and marries another, commits adultery: and
whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery. (KJV) ;

 Matthew 5:32: 32 But I say to you, whoever divorces his wife, except for the
cause of fornication, causes her to commit adultery, and whoever marries
her who is divorced commits adultery. (KJV) ;

 Amos 7:17: 17 Therefore thus says the LORD: Your wife will commit
fornication in the city, and your sons and your daughters will fall by the
sword, and your land will be divided by lots, and you will die in an unclean
land, and Israel will be pierced. of his land. (KJV) ;

 Leviticus 21:14: 14 Widow, or divorced, or infamous, or harlot, these he will

not take: but he will take a virgin of his people as his wife. (KJV) ;

 Genesis 2:24-25: 24 Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother
and cleave to his wife, and they will become one flesh. 25 And they were
both naked, Adam and his wife, and were not ashamed. (KJV) ;

 Genesis 2:24: 24 Therefore a man will leave his father and his mother and
cleave to his wife, and they will become one flesh. (KJV) ;

 Genesis 1:28: 28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be
fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over all
the beasts that They move over the earth. (KJV) ;

The homosexuality

We understand by homosexuality the erotic attraction towards people of the

same sex, we must always distinguish between sexual orientation of a person, who
is attracted to, in the person of the same sex, it would be their behavior or high
homosexuals with people of the same sex we make this decision Because
homosexual behavior is not always an indication of homosexual orientation, there
is a lot of homosexual behavior that is carried out by a person who has no
orientation or tendency towards the person of the same sex, which is why a
homosexual is not the one who has specific homosexual behavior and I don't want
the one who seek fulfillment as a person through a stable relationship with another
person of the same sex.

Let's see what the Bible says...


 Genesis 19:1-11 To summarize a bit, two angels of the Lord condemned

the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah, leaving them instantly blind
because they wanted to gang rape them. (KJV) ;

 Leviticus 18:22 , “You shall not lie with a man as with a woman; It is an
abomination.” (KJV) ;

 Leviticus 20:13, “If anyone associates with a man as with a woman, they
have committed an abomination; both are to be killed; “His blood will be on
them.” (KJV) ;

 Deuteronomy 23:17, “Let there be no harlot among the daughters of Israel,

nor let there be a sodomite among the sons of Israel.” (KJV) ;

 Judges 19:16-24 This is another long passage that demonstrates the

perverted actions of a group of Benjamites who wanted to gang rape a man.
His actions were condemned as extremely evil. (KJV) ;

 1 Kings 14:24 , “There were also sodomites in the land, and they did
according to all the abominations of the nations, which the Lord had cast out
before the children of Israel.” (KJV) ;

 1 Kings 15:11-12 , “Asa made him right in the eyes of the Lord, like David
his father. For he removed the sodomites from the country and removed all
the idols that his fathers had made.” (KJV) ;

 1 Kings 22:43, 46, “And Jehoshaphat walked all the way of Asa his father
without deviating from it, doing what was right in the sight of the Lord […] he
also swept out of the land the rest of the sodomites who were left in the time
of his father Asa.” (KJV) ;

 2 Kings 23:3, 7 , “And the king stood by the pillar and made a covenant
before the Lord, that they would follow the Lord, and keep his
commandments, his testimonies, and his statutes, with all their heart and
with all their soul, and that they would fulfill the words of the covenant that
were written in that book. And all the people stood to the covenant. […] He
also tore down the places of idolatrous prostitution that were in the house of
Jehovah, in which the women were weaving tents for Asherah.” (KJV) ;


Maybe you're thinking, “Well, that's all about the Old Testament. Now I am
under grace. "I don't need to pay attention to the Old Covenant." Here, then, is
another list of New Testament passages that teach the early Christians'
perspective on homosexuality. Let us call this perspective, 'the perspective of

 Romans 1:26-27, “For this reason God gave them over to shameful
passions; for even their women changed the natural use for that which is
against nature, and in the same way the men also, leaving the natural use of
the woman, became inflamed in their lasciviousness with each other, men
committing shameful acts with men, and receiving in themselves the
retribution due for their error.” (KJV) ;

 1 Corinthians 6:9 , “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit
the kingdom of God? Do not err; nor the fornicators, nor the idolaters, nor
the adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor those who have sex with men.” (KJV)

 1 Timothy 1:9-10 , “Knowing this, that the law was not given for the
righteous, but for transgressors and disobedients, for the ungodly and
sinners, for the irreverent and profane, for father-killers and matricides, for

murderers , for fornicators, for sodomites, for kidnappers, for liars and
perjurers, and for everything that opposes sound doctrine. (KJV) ;

 Jude 7, “Like Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which in the
same way as those, having committed fornication and pursued vices against
nature, were made an example, suffering the punishment of eternal fire.”
(KJV) ;

It is quite possible that the term fornicator used in Ephesians 5:5, Hebrews
13:4, Revelation 21:8, and 22:15 refers to the sin of homosexuality. In the four
cases cited, fornicators will suffer under the fierce wrath of the Almighty due to their
sexual immorality.

What is consciousness?

It can be defined as a voice that resonates within us and that makes us see
that we are doing well or doing wrong. Consciousness acts as a light that
illuminates some decision, it is like a voice that we have inside us that condemns
or applauds some action that we have done, it also acts as a witness that we do
not say and we have been responsible before to action.

We have always had conscience, and it is educated throughout our lives.

Obviously conscience can be manipulated by someone in such a way that things
that are initially bad are presented as good. And those that are considered good
are presented as bad. 1 Timothy 1. 19 maintaining faith, a good conscience,
rejecting evil, maintaining proper conduct, always having a healthy conscience with
the mind of Christ. Our conscience is a part of our God-given inner faculties a
fundamental inner sense that bears witness to the norms and values we recognize
in determining good and evil. Roman 3.19. 20. Now we know that when the law
says it, those who are under the law say it so that their mouths may remain silent
and the whole world may be made repopulated before God. This is why to protect
our conscience and keep it in good condition we must preach the gospel to
ourselves every day, we must ask the holy spirit to convict us of sins.



In the Bible it is generally used in the sense of moral conscience, the feeling
of good and evil, the intimate knowledge of our spiritual condition (Rom. 2:13-15).
The Holy Spirit illuminates her; Christ purifies it (Rom. 9:1; Heh. 9:15; 1 P. 3:21). It
is a duty to serve God with a pure conscience (2 Cor. 1:12; 2 Tim. 1:3). The
Bible points out three main states of consciousness:

 That of corruption (Ps. 10:4; Jn. 3:19; Tit. 1:15; Heh. 6:4-6).

 That of hallucination (Jb. 27:5; Es. 5:20; Jn. 5:45; 1 Cor. 8:7-12).
 The normal (Acts. 24:16; Ro. 9:1; 1 Ti. 1:15,19; Heh. 13:18; 1 P. 3:6


—20. The ministry is a war against sin and Satan, which is waged under the
command of the Lord Jesus who is the Captain of our salvation. The good hopes
that other people have had for us should urge us to do our duty. Let us be upright
in our conduct in all things. The intention of the highest censures of the early
church was to further prevent sin and reclaim the sinner. All who are tempted to
eliminate a good conscience and abuse the gospel, also remember that this was
the road to shipwreck in faith. Can we establish basic moral standards for all
peoples and cultures on Earth? Moral norms: They are very important to regulate
coexistence in society. Moral standards are basic criteria of conduct that every
person in this world must have. These basic criteria, common to every person and
that must be respected by everyone, are:

 Respect for God and sacred things: "You will love God above all things,"
"You will not take God's name in vain," "You will sanctify the festivals."
 Respect for parents: "You will honor your mother and father" EXO 20:12
 Respect for life: "You shall not kill." EXO 20:13
 Respect for your neighbor: "You will not bear false testimony against your
neighbor, nor lies", "You will not consent to impure thoughts or desires."
EXO 20:16
 Respect for other people's property: You will not steal, you will not covet
other people's property" EXO 20:17

To these basic norms today they add 1 basic rights that every human being
must have:

 All human beings are free and equal in dignity and rights, regardless of their
country, color or race.

 Right to life, to dignity, to freedom, to equality, to a job, to a salary, to

associate freely, to rest, to a good standard of living, medical care, right to
education, etc.

 Every person must fulfill duties such as collaborating with the common
good, respecting the dignity of others, not wasting my time, etc.

These basic normal behaviors are also called natural. And they are
fundamental for the proper functioning of society and human rights. ACCORDING
of the SECOND table, that is, the last six of the ten commandments, affirm our duty
to ourselves and to each other, and explain the great commandment: You shall
love your neighbor as yourself, Luke x, 27 . Holiness and honesty must go
together. —The fifth commandment refers to duties towards our relatives. “Honor

your father and mother” includes esteeming them, which is demonstrated in our
conduct, in obedience to their legitimate commands: go when they call you, go
where they send you, do what they ask of you, refrain from what they tell you.
prohibit; and, as children, do this joyfully from a principle of love. Also, submission
to their advice and corrections. Strive in everything to give comfort to parents and
make their old age easy; maintain them if they need support, which our Savior
makes particularly included in this commandment, Matthew xv, 4–6 . Careful
observers have noted a peculiar blessing in temporal things for obedient children
and the reverse for disobedient children. —The sixth commandment requires that
we consider the lives and safety of others just as we have regard for our own. The
magistrates and their

Officials, and witnesses who testify to the truth, do not break this
commandment. Self-defense is legitimate, but much of what man's laws do not
consider murder, is before God. Furious passions aroused by anger or
drunkenness are no excuse: much more culpable is murder in duels, which are the
horrible effect of a superb vengeful spirit. All fighting, whether for wages, for name,
or for anger and malice, violates this commandment, and the resulting bloodshed is
murder. Tempting men to vice and crimes that shorten life can be included there.
Misconduct, such as may break the hearts of parents, wives, or other relatives, or
shorten their lives, is a transgression of this commandment. Forbid all envy,
malice, hatred or anger, all provocative or insulting language. The destruction of
our own life is prohibited here. This commandment requires a spirit of kindness,
patience, and forgiveness. —The seventh commandment refers to chastity. We
must fear both that which contaminates the body and that which destroys it. What
tends to contaminate the imagination or arouse passions falls under this law, such
as obscene portraits, impure books or conversations, or any other related matter.
—The eighth commandment is the law of love regarding respect for other people's
property. The portion of the things of this world allotted to us, as long as it is
honestly obtained, is the bread that God has given us; for which we should be
grateful, content, and, in the use of legitimate means, trust in providence for the
future. Taking advantage of the ignorance, comfort or need of others, and many
other things, break God's law, even though society sees no fault in it. The
plunderers of kingdoms, although they are above human justice, are included in
this sentence. Defrauding the public, contracting debts without thinking of paying
them or evading the payment of just debts, extravagance, living on charity when it
is not necessary, all oppression of the poor in their wages; These and other things
violate this commandment, which requires work, frugality and contentment, and
treating others as we would like them to treat us regarding the heritage of this
world. —The ninth commandment is concerned with our good name, our own and
our neighbor's. It prohibits speaking falsely about anything, lying, speaking with
misunderstandings and planning or attempting to deceive our neighbor in any way.
Speak unjustly against our neighbor, damage their reputation. Bearing false
testimony against him or, in ordinary conversation, slandering, murmuring, and
gossiping; distort what has been done, exaggerate, and try in any way to improve
our reputation by degrading the fame of others. How many times do people of all
ranks break this commandment every day! —The tenth commandment strikes at
the root: “Thou shalt not covet.” The others prohibit all desire to do what will be a
harm to our neighbor; This prohibits all illicit desire to have what gives us pleasure.

What are values?

Values could be defined as qualities that we give to certain situations or


Every person has times in their life when they have to make important and
fundamental decisions for their life, for example, studying to prepare for the future,
friends to have fun with, searching for a job, choosing a partner, or marriage.
When making a decision, a series of values are always taken into account.
Every person has a scale of values, that is, they will value some things above

Below we will be listing the 10 most important values

There are hundreds of moral values that guide human beings - and, often,
we can understand some of them as extensions of others, such as the constructive
criticism of empathy or sensitivity - therefore, although it is impossible to establish
a list hierarchical of all of them due to their importance, we can talk about those
human values to which we give more importance as a society.

 Kindness: Kindness is one of the most general human values of our being.
It can translate into hundreds and hundreds of thousands of actions
depending on each context, but it always includes the desire to do good,
have good intentions with other people, be kind or help to the best of our

 Sincerity: As a virtue, sincerity translates into living and relating without

hidden intentions through our actions or words. It is one of the moral values
par excellence, since being sincere with oneself always leads us to be
sincere with others.

 Empathy: Likewise, empathy is closely related to sincerity. Whoever seeks

goodness, happiness or sincerity with oneself, understands that any human
being also lives in constant search for the same. Therefore, empathy, which
helps us put ourselves in the situation of our fellow human beings, also
helps us understand them, support them and help them when necessary,
which is the same thing we want, isn't it? As concerned mothers and fathers,
we believe that a good way to work on empathy and education in values is
through our own children, who will be in charge of fighting tomorrow for a
better world, and at Ayuda en Acción we recommend some children's films
that transmit positive values both for empathy and for the rest of the values
that make us human.

 Love: Like other related values such as joy or optimism, love is, most likely,
one of the strongest feelings of a human being: love for art!, for our loved
ones!, love for what we do! As a human value, love is the engine that
initiates giving and receiving, living together, sharing, respecting or trusting.

 Patience: Contrary to the here and now, patience teaches us to fight for
what we want, to tolerate discomfort or worry, and to understand that there
are good days and bad days, but few unsolvable problems.

 Gratitude: We could have chosen other values, such as friendship, but at

Ayuda en Acción we know that gratitude is, almost always, the greatest
reward for those who give and the great gesture for those who receive. It is
as simple and as complex in itself as thanking the people who have helped
or supported us.

 Forgiveness: Unlike gratitude, forgiveness not only empowers us as

people, but also allows us to show the correct path to that individual who
has done wrong with us and perhaps with third parties; With forgiveness we
give up punishment or revenge against a person who behaved unfairly
towards us.

 Humility: Humility is based on the fact that no one knows everything. As

human beings, we move between our own limits and weaknesses; A humble
person knows that together we are more, and, therefore, he cares about the
good of everyone around him.

 Responsibility: In turn, responsibility takes on many facets, from the

collective to the individual linked to our duties, commitments and obligations
with third parties. Perhaps it is one of the most difficult human values, and
for which we recommend that you always remember that responsibility
begins with yourself.

 Solidarity: Finally, as an NGO concerned with principles such as collective

effort, institutional transparency and the dignity of all people, at Ayuda en
Acción we believe that solidarity is one of the great human values of our
time. Solidarity is the feeling and principle that allows us to help any human
being at any time, especially in situations of helplessness, and we believe
that it includes many of the human values that we have been able to talk
about in this article, such as kindness , love, humility or empathy. Because
we believe that learning about them is a good way to grow as people, and
helping others to educate themselves in values is the best way to build a
better world.

Ethical values: When we talk about ethical values we refer to social and
cultural concepts that guide the behavior of an individual or an organization. That is
to say, these are ideal considerations, what should be or the socially accepted and
valued norm of things. Therefore, they are not usually absolute, universal, or
eternal values, but rather they change as the society that respects them changes.
The purpose of ethical values is to keep the rules of the game of a society
clear, regarding the performance of specific functions (and power quotas) within it.
For example, professional sectors adhere to ethical codes whose compliance is
usually monitored by a college or union; But public officials or representatives
elected to public office also acquire, along with power, an ethical commitment to
use it for the common good and not exclusively for their personal benefit. Ethics,
for its part, is a branch of philosophy that studies the notions of good and evil, right
and wrong, within the cultural framework of the values of society at a given time,
taking into account the changes inherent in society. the history of human thought
and its considerations about itself. Yes, ethics is also a set of norms and values
that govern a specific human group at a specific time in its history and culture.
They are ethical values, for example:

 Freedom, the commitment to self-determination of each person and the

ability to think and act for oneself.
 Responsibility, or facing the consequences of one's own actions and
 Honesty, or commitment to the truth
 Loyalty, or commitment to one's own values or one's own group of
belonging, beyond specific and personal benefit.
 Justice and commitment to truth and equity for the common good.

Moral values: Moral values, unlike ethical ones, start from a spiritual
principle of jurisprudence, that is, from what is right and what is wrong and are
supported by tradition: cultural, religious, ancestral, etc.

Religions tend to be, today, the bastions of morality and good customs in
contemporary societies, which is why their points of view usually clash with the
most advanced or avant-garde notions of society. Therefore, moral values are
usually related to and are usually defended by the preserved status quo.

Importance of ethical and moral values

We call values the ethical and moral principles with which we choose to
guide our behavior in the different areas of life: personal, professional, effective,
etc. They are the fundamental notions that serve as a guideline for formulating our
goals, objectives and purposes, and also for making decisions. Values can be of
different types: personal, collective, professional, organizational, ecological, and
much more.

The values are important for the following:

 They allow us to guide human behavior on transcendental issues, such as

what is good, bad, fair and unfair.

 They promote a sense of community, to the extent that people with similar
values tend to group together, share tasks and act together.

 At the same time, they allow opposition: people with different values tend to
confront each other and occupy opposite places.
 -
 They give work a transcendent meaning, which links it to something beyond
production itself and obtaining a salary.

 It promotes empathy and the humanization of social relationships, to the

extent that we can contemplate other people's values.

 They allow the mobilization of large sectors of society in the event of critical
situations, such as helping the helpless in catastrophes and natural

 They keep an organization on track, right, preventing it from losing its

original purpose in the face of profits or success.

The ethics of Jesus in the synoptic gospels:

The Synoptic Gospels also convey the ethics of the Synoptic tradition. In
recent years, the study of the ethics peculiar to each of the three synoptic
evangelists has gained interest, a study that offers the possibility of encountering
decisive elements in ethical and Christian values. Mark Matthew and Luke transmit
the ethics of Jesus applied from a context, a time and a life proposal. Among the
authors consulted, the contribution of the moralist theologian Marciano Vidal on the
ethics of Jesus in the synoptic gospels stands out. In Mark, according to this
author, the ethics of the "path" and the "follower" of Jesus stand out, which is the
"New Age community", in which people feel liberated and healed and where they
live freely. regulations of the law. The gospel of Mark focuses its proposal on the
ethics of the path, which means, a proposal of surrender. Marco presents Jesus on
his journey to Jerusalem who during that process announces the Kingdom of God.
Jesus is a path presents an ethical and humanized proposal of the human being.
The announcement of a new social style centered on an ethic of closeness to the
poor with compassion for the sinner and the invitation of man to conversion, lead
Jesus to his total Surrender centered on his death and resurrection. Moral content
abounds in the Gospel of Matthew. That of this evangelist is a "disciple" morality.
Taught by the Christ present in the community. Matthew also presents ethical

implications for the concrete life of the community in relation to the economy and
justice. Matthew's Christ asks "Be perfect as your Father is perfect" (Matthew
5.48) and that way Christ says to those burdened by the yoke and burden of the
law "my yoke is easy and my burden is light" (Matthew 11.30) . We find the ethical
and Christian values in Matthew in his conception of disciples. This gospel is
specifically addressed to a community of disciples converted from Judaism to
Christianity. For this reason, all its theological implications are approached from a
Christological and eschatological ethical depth. In Matthew we find the ethics of the
Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes (chaps. 5-7), missionary ethics (ch. 10),
the ethics of the Kingdom explained in parables (ch. 13), the ethics of the Christian
community (ch. 18), the ethics of surveillance (ch. 24-25). What the hagiographer
of Matthew intends in this

Gospel is the formation of a community of disciples who are transforming

axes of a new, more humane and more Christian society. Luke's proposal is an
invitation to live ethical and Christian values from the encounter with the other.
Jesus lives his entire life in a relationship with the Father, and as a consequence of
this relationship, he experiences an encounter with others. It is important to note
that what Marciano Vidal presents is a biblical vision of Luke's ethics. For the
author, Jesus lives from an integrative ethic, capable of transforming societies from
a coexistence of appreciation and respect with the methodology of brotherhood
and love. To build a sociocultural reality with ethical and Christian values, Lucas's
proposal shows a viable methodology to apply in today's society.

As a conclusion, it could be stated that the three synoptic gospels clearly

present an ethical proposal that could be summarized in the following
characteristics: It is a humanizing ethics (Mark), moralistic and pedagogical
(Matthew) and integrative and transforming (Luke), qualities that will serve as
platform for the approaches to be developed in this work.

What are the main values that Jesus proposes in the Gospel?

The gospel recommends a series of values and moral guidelines so that

believers in Jesus can be happier. They are the same values that He lived
throughout his life and that Christians must live to imitate their teacher in

 Conversion: Which consists of repenting of sins and changing one's life: in

Mark 1.14 Jesus said "Repent and believe in the Gospel." Jesus is not
referring to not committing bad acts, but to changing life attitudes and scale
of values.


(gr. «epistrophë» = «to turn to»). In the Scriptures it is the effect that accompanies
the new birth, a turning towards God. It is expressed magnificently in the case of
the Thessalonians, showing how "you turned to God from idols, to serve the living
and true God " (1 Thes. 1:9). Paul and Barnabas were able to inform the saints in
Jerusalem of “the conversion of the Gentiles” (Acts 15:3). In Peter's speech to the
Jews he says: "Therefore, repent and convert, so that your sins may be blotted
out" (Acts. 3:19). Without converting, they could not enter the kingdom of heaven
(Mt. 18:3). This term is used in a somewhat different sense with respect to Peter
himself. Knowing that Peter was going to fall under the shakes of Satan, the Lord
said to him: "And you, once you have returned, confirm your brothers"; that is,
when he had returned in contrition, or had been restored. In the OT the Hebrew
terms that mean the same thing, "to be turned", "to turn", appear in passages such
as Ps. 51:13; Es. 6:10; 60:5; cp. 1:27.

For example, if one is lazy, one should try to correct this attitude and value
work or study more. If someone is selfish, they should change their attitude and
love and respect others. If you are greedy you should change your attitude and
instead of worrying so much about your wealth, worry about the dignity of your
neighbor. If you are irascible (that is, you always get angry for no reason) you must
change that attitude to be more kind and respectful. If you are lustful and only think
about sex, you must change your attitude and value others not as objects of
pleasure but as a person who has dignity and who must be respected. This change
in attitude and life is what Jesus wants for his followers. Once a Christian converts,
he must live other values that Jesus proposes.

 Love of God and love of neighbor: With this phrase, Jesus Christ
summarized all the commandments. Jesus tells us in John 13:34-35 "I give
you a new commandment that you love one another as I have loved you."
Obviously you cannot love God and you cannot love your neighbor.

 Jesus Christ wants this love of neighbor to be realized in a series of actions

that he himself teaches us in Matthew 25: "Give food to the hungry, give
drink to the thirsty, house the stranger, visit the sick and the imprisoned,
clothe the naked." ”. Later the Church, following this Gospel, added other
recommendations called works of mercy such as: teaching those who do not
know how to give good advice to those who need it, correcting those who
make mistakes, comforting the sad, being patient with the defects of others,

 But Jesus wants his followers to go even further. That is why he proposes
that we must love our enemies and those who do not wish evil. “Because
you only love those who love you and you only do good to those who
correspond to you.”
 What merit does it have? Everyone knows how to do that. You, however:
love your enemies, do good and lend without expecting anything in return:

you will have a great reward and you will be children of the most high" (Luke
6: 27-38).

Forgiveness and Mercy: "You must forgive not seven times but up to 70 times 7."
Therefore, the Christian must always forgive and not seek revenge. What's more,
Jesus wants that before seeing the sins and defects of others, one should look at
oneself. Before criticizing and speaking ill of others, Jesus proposes that each
person look at themselves and correct themselves: In Luke 6: 27-38 he says: "Be
compassionate as your father in heaven is compassionate. Do not judge and you
will not be judged. Do not condemn and you will not be condemned. Forgive and
you will be forgiven, Give and it will be given to you. Whatever measure you use,
they will use it with you." And in another passage it says: "Let he who is clean from
sin cast the first stone" (John 8:1-11).

The Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12):

BLEATITUDES (The) The name generally given to the nine statements of

blessing in the Sermon on the Mount, showing the character and portion of those
who enter the kingdom (Mt. 5:1-11). They are in stark contrast to the administration
of the Law, in which there is a list of curses as well as blessings. When Israel
entered the promised land, the beatitudes were read to the people, but also the
curses (Josh. 8:33-35).

The beatitudes are repeated with some variants by Lk. 6:20-23. Mateo,
except for the last one, uses the third person; Lucas the second. Matthew gives
eight beatitudes; Luke, four, the first, second, fourth and eighth of Matthew.
Matthew also gives some of them a spiritual meaning, while Luke limits himself to a
literal one. Thus, where Luke simply says "poor," Matthew says "poor in spirit"; the
“those who hunger” in Luke is “those who hunger and thirst for righteousness” in
Matthew. Without a doubt, Jesus repeated the beatitudes many times in different
forms, and that is why these variations are due.

 You have to be poor in spirit: you don't have to live dependent on wealth
because it is not the most important thing in this world "Man does not live by
bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God"
(Matthew 4.4). You have to be humble and simple, you don't have to seek
honors and important positions, etc.

 Suffer and cry with those who suffer: We must be supportive and
accompany people in moments of pain, we must know how to help those
who suffer, we must never make fun of other people's misfortunes, nor wish
anyone harm.

 Work for justice: This involves denouncing injustice and correcting the
unjust. We must not remain silent in the face of injustice but rather be brave
and know how to correct those who are wrong, so as not to become

accomplices to their sin or error. Criticism should be constructive and done
with love and never destructive and behind.

 Being merciful: It refers to knowing how to forgive others and being careful
with destructive criticism "Forgive us our trespasses, as we also forgive
those who trespass against us."

 Being pure of heart: It is about being people who walk with the truth first and
do not have to be false, hypocritical or liars. We must be clean, avoid evil,
avoid sin, and try to be holy and perfect like Jesus was.

 Be peaceful: We must not be violent or aggressive and we must always

work for peace and reconciliation.

Jesus also teaches us the value of vigilance: That is, thinking that the Christian one
day has to die and leave this world and at that moment he will be asked about what
he has done in this life. That's why Jesus wants us to be prepared for the day
when He comes for us.
Savior gives eight characteristics of blessed people that for us represent the main
graces of the Christian. —1. The poor in spirit are blessed. These take their minds
to their condition when it is low. They are humble and small according to their own
criteria. They see their need, they hurt because of them and they thirst for a
Redeemer. The kingdom of grace belongs to such; the kingdom of glory is for
them. —2. Those who cry are blessed. It seems to be here that holy sadness is
involved that works true repentance, vigilance, humble mind and continuous
dependence to be accepted by the mercy of God in Christ Jesus, with constant
seeking of the Holy Spirit to cleanse the residual evil. Heaven is the joy of our Lord;
a mountain of joy, towards which our path passes through a valley of tears. Such
mourners will be comforted by their God. —3. The meek are blessed. The meek
are those who quietly submit to God; those who can tolerate insults; They are quiet
or return a bland response; those who, in their patience, preserve control of their
souls, when they barely have possession of anything else. These meek are
blessed even in this world. Meekness fosters wealth, comfort, and security, even in
this world. —4. Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are blessed. Justice
is placed here for all spiritual blessings. These are purchased for us by the
righteousness of Christ, confirmed by the faithfulness of God. Our desires for
spiritual blessings must be fervent. Although all desires for grace are not grace, yet
a desire like this is a desire of those who are created by God and He will not
abandon the work of His hands. —5. The merciful are blessed. We must not only
bear our afflictions with patience, but we must do all we can to help those who are
in misery. We must have compassion for the souls of our neighbors, and help
them; pity those who are in sin, and try to remove them like brands out of the fire.
—6. The pure in heart are blessed, because they will see God. Here holiness and
bliss are fully described and united. Hearts must be purified by faith and kept for
God. Create in me, O God, a clean heart. No one but the clean is able to see God,

nor is heaven promised to the impure. As God does not tolerate looking at iniquity,
so they cannot look at their purity. —7. The peacemakers are blessed. They love,
desire and delight in peace; and they like to have quiet. They maintain peace so
that it is not broken and recover it when it is broken. If the peacemakers are
blessed, woe to those who break the peace! —8. Those who are persecuted for
the sake of righteousness are blessed. This saying is peculiar to Christianity; and is
emphasized more intensely than the rest. However, there is nothing in our
sufferings that can be merit before God, but God will see that those who lose for
Him, even life itself, do not ultimately lose for Him. —Blessed Jesus, how different
are your maxims from those of the men of this world! They call the proud happy,
and admire the happy, the rich, the powerful and the victorious. Let us obtain
mercy from the Lord; that we may be recognized as his children, and inherit the
kingdom. With these delights and hopes, we can joyfully welcome low or painful

-In the parable of the Good Samaritan Jesus Christ teaches us the values of
solidarity, equality and human dignity: S. LUKE 10:25-37 25 And, behold, a lawyer
stood up and said to test him: Master, by doing what shall I inherit eternal life?
26 He said to him: What is written in the law? How do you read?
27 He answered and said: You shall love the Lord your God with all your
heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and
your neighbor as yourself.
28 And he said unto him, Thou hast answered well; do this, and you will live.
29 But he, wanting to justify himself, said to Jesus: And who is my neighbor?
30 Jesus answered and said, A man was going down from Jerusalem to
Jericho, and fell among thieves, and they robbed him; and wounding him, they left,
leaving him half dead.
31 Now it came to pass that a priest came down that road, and seeing him,
he passed by.
32 Likewise a Levite, coming near that place, and seeing him, passed by.
33 But a Samaritan, who was on the way, came near him, and seeing him,
was moved with compassion;
34 And he approached and bandaged his wounds, pouring oil and wine on
them; and putting him on his horse, he took him to the inn and took care of him.
35 Another day when he was leaving, he took out two denarii, and gave
them to the innkeeper, and said to him, Take care of him; and whatever you spend
more, I will pay you when I return.
36 Who, then, of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell
among the thieves?
37 He said: He who showed mercy to him. Then Jesus said to him: Go and
do the same. ACCORDING TO
MATHEW HENRY BIBLE COMMENTARY Vv. 25—37. If we speak carelessly of
eternal life and the path to it, we take God's name in vain. No one loves God or his
neighbor with a measure of pure spiritual love, if he does not participate in the
grace of conversion. The proud human heart strongly resists such convictions. —
Christ gives the example of a poor Jew in trouble, helped by a good Samaritan.
This poor man fell into the hands of thieves who left him injured and almost dying.
Those who should have been his friends overlooked him, and he was taken care of
by a foreigner, a Samaritan, from the nation that the Jews most despised and
detested, with whom they did not want to deal. It is unfortunate to observe how
much selfishness dominates in all ranks; How many excuses do men give to save
trouble or expense in helping others? The true Christian has the law of love written
in his heart. The Spirit of Christ dwells in him; the image of Christ is renewed in his
soul. The parable is a beautiful explanation of the law of loving one's neighbor as
oneself, without respect to nation, party or other distinction. It also establishes the
goodness and love of God our Savior toward miserable sinners. We were like this
poor and struggling traveler. Satan, our enemy, robbed us and hurt us: such is the
evil that sin does to us. The blessed Jesus took pity on us. The believer considers
that Jesus loved him and gave his life for him when we were enemies and rebels;
and having shown him mercy, he exhorts him to go and do the same. It is our duty,
in our work and according to our ability, to succor, help and relieve all those who
are in distress and need. -All people are people
and must be respected as such, even if they are of another race, language or
nation. You have to stop before the problems of others and not pass them by.
Others are also people, with rights and dignity that must be respected.

Jesus Christ did not leave any written code of behavior, but he did teach
how we should behave. That is why throughout history, whenever moral problems
arise, the church, following the gospel, guides the lives of Christians.

From a religious point of view, sin is an offense against God and a departure
from God's ways. It also represents a break with others, with oneself and with

What is education

Education is the practical and methodological training that is given to a

person in the process of development and growth. It is a process through which the
individual is provided with essential tools and knowledge to put them into practice
in everyday life. A person's learning begins from childhood, upon entering institutes
called schools or colleges where a previously studied and educated person will
implant identities, ethical and cultural values in the child to become a good person
in the future.
The concept of education is defined as a process through which individuals
acquire knowledge, whether skills, beliefs, values or habits, from others who are
responsible for transmitting it to them, using different methods, such as, for
example, through discussions, story telling, example, research and training.

Taking into account the definition of education, it is important to note that it

is not only given through words, since there may be something of it in the actions
of each individual, as well as in the attitudes and feelings. Usually the educational
process is directed by a figure of great authority, such as teachers, parents,
directors, etc. Now let's see what Christian education is: Dr. Juan R. Mejias Ortiz

Since the beginning of civilization, education has played a dominant
role in social construction. Societies have used education as a tool for the
transmission or advancement of culture, the teaching of acceptable behavior
patterns, and the inculcation of knowledge, values, skills and attitudes, through
institutions that have been created for that purpose[ 1]. At the dawn of the third
millennium, the same social phenomenon continues. The Holy Scriptures are the
source for examining the function of Christian education. There cannot be
productive educational processes in the church without the nutrients of the Word.
In fact, the content that will be used in the community's instruction emerges from its
pages. The first thing a Christian educator should know are some of the principles
and pedagogical aspirations imprinted in the biblical testimony. It is important to
remember that the educational leader, as a motivating agent, inspires his students
to learn the Christian faith and manifest a clear commitment to obedience to the
commands of the Lord given in his Word to direct the instruction of the people.
Let's look at some of the biblical passages that support the role of Christian

What the Bible teaches us

God gives life to the people through the Incarnate Word. It is essential
that we insert ourselves into productive educational processes aimed at the
formation of believers, the Bible and the magnifying glass, especially the new
generations. It is vital that the younger generations learn to honor the Lord (Dt 6.5,
Ps 22.23, Pr 3.9) , praise His name which is great and fearsome (Ps 34.3, 99.3),
know His portents (Ps 77.11-15, Is 25.1- 3) and obey his commandments (Lev
18.4, Deut 6.3, Sal 119.40.106, Mt 28.20, 1 Jn 5.3). Christian education teaches
us to live for God. At this, the psalmist exclaims:

«Our children will also serve him; Future generations will hear of the
wonders of the Lord. They will tell those who have not yet been born of their acts of
justice; "They will hear of everything he has done." (Ps 22:30-31, NLT)

When the Christian leader manages to harmonize his instructional

practice with biblical foundations, he acquires the necessary equipment to achieve
a productive, liberating and healthy education. It is an education that rests on the
divine desire that his people worship him and live from generation to generation
under the wings of his love.

Having the Bible as a tool to guide instructional processes, it is

necessary to turn to its pages to explore its contribution to achieving the
educational aspirations of the church. Due to limited space, we will examine only
some biblical texts.

Deuteronomy 6: The Shema

One of the main biblical texts for understanding the importance of
Christian education is found in the sixth chapter of the book of Deuteronomy.

«These are the commands, the decrees and the ordinances that the Lord
your God commissioned me to teach you. Obey them when you arrive at the land
you are about to enter and which you are going to possess. You, your children and
your grandchildren fear the Lord your God throughout your lives. If you obey all the
decrees and commands of the Lord, you will enjoy a long life. Listen carefully,
people of Israel, and be sure to obey. Then everything will work out for you, and
you will have many children in the land flowing with milk and honey, just as the
Lord, the God of your ancestors, promised you.

Listen, Israel! The Lord is our God, only the Lord. Love the Lord your God
with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength. You must commit
with your entire being to fulfill each of these mandates that I give you today.
Repeat them to your children over and over again. Talk about them in your
conversations when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you go
to bed and when you get up. Tie them to your hands and wear them on your
forehead as a reminder. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on the
gates of the city. (Deuteronomy 6.1-9, NLT )

The Shema or the call to the nation to listen to the voice of God is
considered the most relevant monotheistic confessional prayer in the Jewish faith.
In it, the people are exhorted and instructed to faithfully love the Lord.
Consequently, more than a confessional creed, it is an instruction and a demand
that requires of the Hebrew nation loyalty and exclusive obedience to the God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Considered by Judaism as the most important
educational commandment, the Shema (Mt 22.36-38) communicates several
essential principles for the educational task.

 First, it is a call to love God, this implies a vow of observance and fidelity to
the Sinaitic covenant. Furthermore, Israel is exhorted to always remember
the goodness of God and the way in which he freed them from the Egyptian
yoke. Thus, the community is instructed in the light of the historical presence
of God in their lives.

 Second, observance of the Law requires the establishment of an

educational program. In other words, the primary requirement that the
children of Israel must fulfill is unconditional obedience to communicate the
greatness of God to future generations. From the text it is clear that the first
educational setting is the home. The role of fathers and mothers in the
education of their sons and daughters cannot be delegated.

 Third, there is a call to faithfulness that confronts present and future

generations with the divine claim. The sacred ordinances demand an urgent

response that will guide the people to obey the word received, to observe
the precepts, to fear the Lord and serve him from generation to generation.
The educator is called upon to promote the integral growth of students.
These, through educational work, must promote the transformation of faith
in God into one that permeates all the daily actions of the people.

 Finally , the presence of methodological recommendations in the text

reminds us that the task of educating is not a simple exercise that arises in
the wild. On the contrary, it requires the teacher to know how to plan, select
the resources to use, design meaningful learning experiences and evaluate
the students' performance to take the necessary corrective measures.
Presented here are two essential educational resources in Hebrew
education, the phylacteries and the mezuzah. Broadly speaking,
phylacteries or tefillin were small wooden and leather boxes that were tied to
the arms or tied over the front of the head. These little boxes had important
fragments of the Mosaic Law available for reading at any time. The
mezuzah is a small box that is placed on the right side of the lintels or
entrances of houses or cities. Inside they may contain the Shema, as well
as some other relevant passage from the Hebrew Holy Scriptures.
Psalm 78

Psalm 78 is considered for its content a historical psalm that recalls

the saving acts of God while pointing out the rebellion of Israel. The first section of
the Psalm (v. 1-9) is a poem that intertwines wisdom and didactic elements. The
transformative encounter with the Word of God leads to the formation of national

«O my people, listen to my teachings; Open your ears to what I say, for I will
speak to you in a parable. I will teach you hidden lessons from our past, stories we
have heard and known, passed down to us from our ancestors. We will not hide
these truths from our children; We will tell the next generation of the glorious works
of the Lord, of his power and of his mighty wonders.

For he issued his laws to Jacob; He gave his teachings to Israel. He

commanded our ancestors to teach them to their children, so that the next
generation would know them—even children yet unborn—and they, in turn, would
teach them to their own children. So that each generation would once again place
its hope in God and not forget his glorious miracles, but obey his commandments.
Then they will not be stubborn, rebellious and unfaithful like their ancestors, who
refused to give their hearts to God. (Psalm 78:1-8, NLT)

The Psalm provides us with several fundamental educational principles.

The psalmist begins with the formula "O my people, listen to my teachings."
Similar to the Shema, it begins by calling the attention of the people. Any authentic
learning experience must begin by capturing the student's attention while sparking
curiosity. These two elements are important in any training process. Attention
allows the student to put his or her senses into play to participate in the learning
experience. Without attention, it is difficult to achieve a process of receptivity that
leads to the construction of knowledge. Second, curiosity puts all the senses on
alert for research, decision-making or solving a problematic situation. Curiosity is
the fuel that fuels the cognitive apparatus that drives human beings to go beyond
the simple data received or observed.

Exponents of learning theories such as John Dewey, Jean Piaget, David

Ausubel and Jerome Bruner, to name a few, have established that an educational
experience must begin by exposing the student to a situation that requires
investigation. For example, John Dewey taught that learning arises as a result of
having exposed the student to a situation that raises perplexity, intellectual
discomfort and doubt, and the need to be understood and resolved. It is fascinating
how the biblical text, written centuries before modern learning theories, integrates
the use of sentences and enigmas as techniques for the student to scrutinize the
singer's admonitions and learn them.

The singer does not introduce a new doctrine. On the contrary, it uses the
appropriate methodology so that the student remembers the great deeds of the
Lord in his history. Part of concrete experience and what is known. The educational
process must intertwine the planning of learning activities with the knowledge that
the student possesses. An effective educational process addresses the student's
reality by designing learning activities that are related to life. This is known as a
contextualized education. The psalm is a journey through Israel's national memory.
As we have already indicated, the main responsibility for the education of the
youngest falls on the home. It is the function of fathers and mothers to instruct their
sons and daughters to love and respect God. Educational experience produces
knowledge. In the case of Christian education, knowledge of God and his work of
salvation in Christ Jesus. Finally, educational action must cause behavioral
changes that produce social well-being. In the Psalm, young people are not to
reproduce the behavior of their parents. On the contrary, they must learn to link
their lives with obedience to the Law.

Pauline testimony

The testimony of Pauline theology provides clear direction about the

goals of Christian education. Three biblical passages will be privileged here:
Romans 12.1-2, Ephesians 4.11-16 and Galatians 4.19.

Romans 12:1-2

This epistle written by the apostle Paul himself around the year 57/58 CE
tells us:

«Therefore, dear brothers, I beg you to give your body to God for all that he
has done for you. Let it be a living and holy sacrifice, the kind of sacrifice that
pleases him. That is the true way to worship Him. Do not imitate the behaviors or
customs of this world, but rather let God transform you into new people by
changing your way of thinking. Then you will learn to know the will of God for you,
which is good, acceptable and perfect. (Ro 12:1-2, NLT)

From this important passage the following educational principles emerge:

The Christian life must be lived for God. An existence that honors the Lord is
sustained by love, humility and commitment to the common well-being, in turn,
discarding the values of the world that accentuate hatred, arrogance and

Transformation, from the Greek "metamóphōsis", is not a simple external

change but an internal greening caused by the Holy Spirit who invites the human
being to an encounter with God. In this way, Christian education becomes the
chrysalis through which the Christian renews his way of being and thinking.

The educational effort that promotes the transformation of the human being
is never separated from the continuous presence of the Holy Spirit in the life of the

Ephesians 4.11-16

Consistent with the book of Romans, the apostle's closest disciples

when writing the epistle to the Ephesians after the year 80 CE They highlight the
goals of Christian education. Furthermore, they chart the path for an outline of a
Christian educational philosophy. From the study of the passage it emerges that:

Teaching is a gift from God and an essential ministry for the achievement of
the Christian mission, which is to bear witness to the world of the work of Christ

The primary purpose of Christian education is to prepare people to carry out

God's work in the world.

The educational aspiration of the community of faith transcends the

intellectual development of the individual that secular education so emphasizes.
Christian education emphasizes the building of the body of Christ, which is the
church. The edification of the body rests on the virtue of the unity of faith and the
knowledge of the Son of God.

Christ Jesus is the only model to emulate; furthermore, the purpose of

Christian education is the knowledge of his work of salvation.

Christian education promotes the spiritual growth of the believer, which

enables him to combat doctrines that take precedence over the teachings of the
Holy Gospel of Jesus.

Galatians 4.19

The letter to the Galatians is one of the oldest and most revealing
documents of Pauline theology. In this document Paul is forced to defend his
apostolic calling and ministry from those who accuse him of preaching a distorted
gospel. In Galatians 4:19 , after having some strong words towards the Galatians,
the apostle assumes a maternal attitude that summarizes the purpose of Christian
education, which is to promote the integral formation of the believer in light of the
truth of Jesus Christ.

«Oh my dear children! I feel as if I am going through labor pains for you
again, and they will continue until Christ is fully formed in your lives. (Galatians
4:19, NLT)

Christian education does not exclude these social intentions, but it

goes further. In general, Christian education is more linked to the integral formation
of the believer, to the instruction, and to the spiritual growth of the human being so
that a community faith is manifested that, in turn, transforms society. This is
discipleship. Evangelical discipleship makes the student aware of the love of God.
This theological truth leads him to experience the proximity of those closest to him
through incursion and social solidarity.

A healthy church is a church that educates in light of the Holy

Scriptures. Consistent with this intention, the church invests its best resources and
efforts to achieve this beautiful ecclesiastical aspiration. The risk of teaching and
learning the Gospel correctly is social transformation and, above all, the full
enjoyment of freedom in Christ Jesus; Once it is understood that the constructive
role of Christian education places greater interest in the instructive aspects of the
believing character than in the numerical gain of followers, we are obliged to
explore the concept. To understand its meaning I will borrow the following definition
outlined by Dr. Robert Pazmiño (2002). Christian education consists of the
deliberate divine-human effort [union of divine intention-intervention and human
responsibility], systematic and continuous to communicate or appropriate
knowledge [constructivist approach to education], values, attitudes, skills,
sensitivity and behavior that constitutes or are consistent with the Christian faith.
The words in brackets are mine.

Thus understood, Christian education:

Supports the change, renewal and reformation of individuals, groups and

[church] structures by the power of the Holy Spirit to conform to the revealed will of
God as expressed in the Old Testament and New Testament predominantly in the
person of Jesus Christ , as well as the results of that effort. (Pazmiño 2002)

Goal of Christian education

Hence, we can take a qualitative leap to try to establish three guiding
principles that support the understanding of the function of Christian education:

Each and every participant in the Bible school has the right to a
comprehensive, innovative and authentic education that promotes the full
development and respect of their psychological, motor, emotional, moral and
spiritual capacities. An approach to Christian education finds its root in the
revelation of God, centered on the person of his son Jesus Christ and his teaching
about the Kingdom of God, consistent with the testimony of the Christian Holy
Scriptures, and the illumination of the Holy Spirit.

The curricular and methodological efforts, that operational curriculum that is

given in the classrooms, must motivate, inspire and be a source that brings out the
joy of the Gospel. Sometimes, in Christian training settings, a gloomy educational
climate predominates, instead of the joy of learning. Pope Francis I, in his first
apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, eloquently invites the affirmation and
celebration of the joy of the Gospel, which fills the lives of the followers of Jesus,
impels the Church to go out and announce the good news to all, no respecter of

More simply, an authentic Christian education takes place when one

is aware

 Respect for the dignity of the human being;

 The affirmation and experience of Trinitarian action in ecclesial pedagogy;
 Promote joy and enjoyment of the Holy Gospel.

Who is responsible for the education of children?

Those responsible for carrying out educational work are the family. The
church is the other institution with responsibility for teaching, but it differs from the
family. The church is the pillar and bastion of the truth (1 Timothy 3:15); Therefore,
it is entrusted to instruct each of the members, mainly the parents, in the entire
council of God (Acts 20:27).

The church has the duty to develop the prophetic function towards society.
Because he preaches (declares) the truth of God, pointing out the path of truth and
warning those who walk the path of deceit, sin and lies.

The family must instruct its children in the fear of the Lord; inherit faith,
through example and modeling; direct them through formal education, so that they
acquire the basic skills and competencies to function in society.

Biblical foundation of education

Since the Scriptures are the revelation of God, put into human language,
they need a learning process to understand their truths, to obey them and live
according to said divine truths.

Education is essential in all redemptive revelation. It is basic in the biblical

account of salvation. That is why the Scriptures have a very particular composition,
because it is designed to be a book that instructs, through stories, the faith of men
and women who served God. In addition to having concrete instructions (like the
epistles of the New Testament), the vast majority are stories of human beings who
experienced the grace of God and how they managed to live according to their

The following are some of the passages, which speak to the way the
Scriptures speak about the education of the next generation. By the way, affirm
that education is one of the responsibilities of families.

Instruction to the next generation

(Genesis 18:19). “For I know that he will command his children and his
household after him to keep the way of the Lord, doing righteousness and
judgment, so that the Lord may bring upon Abraham what he has spoken
concerning him” (NKJV).

God himself refers that Abraham would be a father who would give a
mandate to the next generation. He would educate his children, so that:

 Keep the way of the Lord.

 Live for justice and judgment.

It is clear that God had an educational expectation, which Abraham must

fulfill. That was the fulfillment of the promise made to the patriarch.

In other words, the promise made to Abraham included an entire generation

of descendants. In order for them to continue on the path laid out by God, Abraham
had to instruct the next generation, so that they could do so with the next one, and
so on. When God fulfills his promise, the generation that is the recipient of the
blessing (promise made true), know why they are receiving that; It is not because
of how good or wonderful they are, but because of the promise made to Abraham,
many years ago. The generation that was delivered and entered the promised land
received this blessing, through the promise made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
They only enjoyed the fulfillment of the promise. That is what each of us believers
experience, we are recipients of God's blessings, his promises fulfilled; but, that
they were promised in the past, in Christ Jesus. This promise was fulfilled more
than 400 years later, when the people of Israel are freed from the oppression of
Egypt and introduced into the promised land. In Exodus 2:23-25 , the way in which
God recognized the people of Israel is narrated, in these terms: It came to pass,
after many days, that the king of Egypt died, and the children of Israel groaned
because of the bondage, and they cried out; and their cry went up to God because
of their slavery. And God heard their groaning, and remembered his covenant with
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And God looked at the children of Israel, and God
recognized them.

How to understand the text? When the children of Israel cried out to God, he
heard them and remembered the “Covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.” The
deliverance that followed is the result of the promise made to the patriarchs.
Because they kept the promise made to Abraham, God fulfilled what he said.
As disciples of Christ, in the 21st century, we must do the same.
Discipleship is the way we can train the next generation, in the promises written in
the Bible. If we cannot win their hearts and turn them to God, God will not fulfill his
promises made for the following generations. The Scriptures must be read to them
every day so that they know, obey and live by the biblical promises.

Parents instructing in the faith

And when you enter the land that Jehovah will give you, as he promised,
you will keep this ritual. And when your children say to you, "What is this ritual of
yours?" freed our houses. Then the people bowed and worshiped. (Exodus 12:25-
27). The Israelites are about to witness the last of the plagues, which God would
send on Egypt. And when God gives the instruction on how they would be saved
from the angel of death, he instructs the people to repeat the rite for their
generations, for what? So that it becomes a means of instructing children in the
faith. They had to know the reason why they celebrated Easter annually, to remind
them that they were slaves and that the powerful hand of God freed them. Easter
was a symbol to educate children in the faith. It was the responsibility of the
parents, who were the ones who should celebrate Easter at home, to instruct their
children. This shows us the importance of family worship or worship; where parents
must instruct their children in the faith. Currently, we have a rite that represents the
new Easter: the Lord's Supper. This was instituted by the Lord, as a symbol
(sacrament) to instruct us in the faith. It is a reminder that we were slaves to sin;
but, the powerful grace of God, freed us through the death of the Passover lamb,
Christ Jesus. That is the way parents should educate their children in the faith.
They must ask: why do we participate in the Lord's Supper once a month? What
does that mean? Why do they repeat it over and over again? Parents are
responsible for giving instruction to their children, so that their faith is affirmed in
Christ Jesus.

Command to parents to instruct their children

These then are the commandments, statutes and decrees that the Lord your
God commanded to teach you, so that you may put them into practice in the land
to which you are passing to take it; that you may fear the Lord your God, keeping
all his statutes and his commandments that I command you, you, your son, and
your son's son, all the days of your life, so that your days may be long. Hear
therefore, O Israel, and take care to do them, that it may go well with you in the
land flowing with milk and honey, and that you may multiply, as the Lord God of
your fathers has told you. Hear, Israel: Jehovah our God, Jehovah is one. And you
shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all
your strength. And these words that I send you today will be on your heart; and you
will repeat them to your children, and you will talk about them while you are in your
house, and when you walk on the road, and when you lie down, and when you get
up. And you will bind them as a sign on your hand, and they will be as frontals
between your eyes; and you shall write them on the doorposts of your house, and
on your doors (Deuteronomy 6:1-9). Moses is instructing the generation that is
going to enter the promised land. They are ready to take the land, which their
parents were afraid to take. Now they are being instructed so that when they take
possession of the land, they will not forget where they have come from and instruct
the next generation. Note the reiteration of: “you, your son and your son's son.”
There is a commandment to educate by the trigenerational principles (father, son
and grandson). God knew that if something is going to last for a long time, it takes
three generations to achieve it. Remember, God is the God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob. That is the principle of three generations. As a general rule, anything God
builds lasts at least three generations. And as a rule, it takes at least three
generations for a character trait to be implanted, or replaced, in a family[2], a
church, or a nation. Christian education must reach children and grandchildren, to
achieve change in our nation, for the glory of God.

Instruction to children, so that they learn to hear God

(1:8) Hear, my son, the instruction of your father, and do not despise the
guidance of your mother. (2:1) My son, if you will receive my words and keep my
commandments within you. (3:1) My son, do not forget my law, and let your heart
keep my commandments. (4:1) Hear, children, the teaching of a father, and pay
attention, that you may know sanity. (5:1) My son, pay attention to my wisdom, and
incline your ear to my understanding (Proverbs 1:8; 2:1; 3:1; 4:1; 5:1).

The book of Proverbs is intended to instruct in biblical truths. Proverbs offers

life wisdom, especially to the youngest[3]. In these texts, there is a command to
children to listen, follow and obey their parents. Learning begins by listening to
what we are taught.

My father had a saying: “I see, hear and be silent, we must enjoy the world.”
Of our senses, we must use our ears more than our mouth. The book of Proverbs
instructs children and young people to listen to instructions, so that they may do

Parents must speak the truth of God to their children; instruct them in biblical
wisdom. Christian education starts from teaching students to hear, so that they
learn to obey God and his commandments.

Parents are responsible for transferring values, culture and religion to their
He established a testimony in Jacob, and established a law in Israel, which
he commanded our fathers to declare to their children; so that the generation to
come may know it, and the children who will be born; and those who will arise tell it
to their children, so that they put their trust in God, and do not forget the works of
God; that they keep his commandments, and not be like their fathers, a stubborn
and rebellious generation; generation that did not set its heart, nor was its spirit
faithful to God (Psalm 78:5-8).

It is God who takes the initiative, to establish testimony and law among his
chosen people. But, he gives an order to the parents, to notify, instruct or teach the
next generation, so that they in turn do it with the next generation. What is the
result of fulfilling this command? The text describes four results:

 Trust in God.
 Do not forget the work of God.
 Fulfill the commandments.
 Do not be rebellious to God.

When we notice that these results do not show up in the next generation, it
is because the parents are not training their children in the Lord. There is a great
responsibility that parents have when educating their children.

Command to parents to instruct their children in the Lord

And you, parents, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up
in the discipline and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4) This is one of the
most used texts, regarding the education of children. Much has been written, so we
will only make a few statements, to better understand the text and its educational

 First, the text of this passage, in terms of the command to parents to

educate their children, is all of the passages described above. Paul bases
his mandate to parents, being clear that their biblical responsibility is to raise
them in the discipline and admonition of the Lord. In other words, true
Christian parenting is from the Lord; It is the Lord who establishes the
purpose and way of raising children. And where is this found? In the
scriptures; Therefore, it is the responsibility of parents to read and study the
Bible, to educate their children in the Lord.

 Secondly, the text has a negative command: “do not provoke anger,” and a
positive one: “raise him in discipline and admonition.” It points out what we
should not do, and tells us what we should do. There is no way to avoid it.
Either we raise our children in the Lord, or we provoke them to anger.

 Lastly, how do we raise them in discipline and admonishment? Doing what
the previous texts say. Paul does not stop to explain how to do it, because
he is giving a mandate to parents, who must direct their homes and their
children, according to the Old Testament scriptures. Therefore, they must
know and instruct their children in the truths set forth in these sacred books.
Purposes of Christian Education

So, what should be the paths along which Christian education, therefore the
Bible school, should travel? Towards which direction should we move? What are
the distinctive elements of Christian education and the Bible school that we guide
in ecclesial growth? Thomas Groome suggests that religious (Christian) education
has three fundamental purposes:

 Educate to affirm the values of the kingdom of God.

 Educate to nurture faith.
 Educate to live freedom.
 And, respectfully, I add a fourth purpose.

Educate to live and enjoy the joy of the Gospel in community .

Let's explore each of these statements in a little detail.

Educate to affirm the values of the kingdom of God

Both the person of Jesus and his teaching about the cardinal values of the
kingdom of heaven are objects of study in Christian education. In other words, they
are its content. But what does the kingdom of God mean? What is its scope? What
implications does it have for the life of each believer?

The kingdom, the center of the content of Jesus' preaching, symbolizes the
active presence of God and his power over, in and at the end of history. As a
community symbol, it transforms circumstances and brings to the stage a boldness
of hope and possibility for the dejected and tired heart. For Xavier León-Dufour, the
Kingdom of God, with its advent, proclaims the end of Satan's dominion and the
powers of sin and death over human beings.

A church that grows healthily teaches parishioners to embody the values of

the kingdom of God in every personal act and in every gesture of community
affirmation. This is what Ephesians asserts with the expression, “to equip the saints
for the work of the ministry.” This perfection finds authenticity in the imitation of the
model of Jesus and in the universal confession of the church that declares him
Lord and Christ.

Educate to nurture faith

Authentic Christian education promotes life in the Christian faith.
Coming to the knowledge of the Son of God (Ephesians 4:13) or knowing what
God wants (Romans 12:2), it is learned, it is taught. What better setting for the
mystery of the church's spiritual growth to occur than Bible school. The distinctive
elements of this teaching germinate in a training process. It produces belief,
conviction and understanding of the work of God. It illuminates and strengthens
trust in God. The study of the Holy Scriptures nourishes faith, makes it strong to
such a magnitude that it gives us the tools to confront religious pseudo-teachings
that denigrate and lacerate the dignity of the human being. A well-nourished faith
embraces trust, which rests in the faithfulness of God and the grace of his saving
power, lighting the way to do his will, the fullness of the kingdom in our midst.

Educate to live freedom

The Christian church has been established to live, model, educate

and promote freedom. This human quality becomes one of the essential purposes
of the ecclesial pedagogical project. But, without a solid and comprehensive
educational program, whose aspiration is the rediscovery of the condition of
freedom, the consciousness of having been created in the divine image and
likeness does not emerge. This etymological consideration must direct the teaching
profession of the church to recognize that the pedagogical processes sponsored by
Christian education must foster educational scenarios, where the participant is
encouraged to use their intellectual functions in order to perceive, live and re-live
reality. of freedom. The discovery of the higher value of freedom is achieved
through learning experiences that inspire the student to value, feel and long for the
full dimension of this human condition. In Christian education for freedom and
creative transformation, genuine pedagogical processes are designed and tested
that inspire students to build utopias and dream of a better society and in turn
become better followers of Jesus. That is, abide in Christ Jesus.

Educate to live and enjoy the joy of the Gospel in community

As we have mentioned, a growing church celebrates life and enjoys the joy
of the Gospel in community. In the fourth gospel, Jesus, in an intimate prayer to the
Father, requests: Keep those whom you have given me in your name, so that they
may be one, just as we are (Jn 17:11). Hence, the constant effort of Christian
education affirms more strongly the community aspect over personal development,
the emphasis of secular education.

Christian education is the process by which the believer is formed in

Christ Jesus. It promotes the integral growth of the believer that leads to the
building of the community until reaching the unity of faith and knowledge of the son
of God. Giving up on this task entails great risks. The text of Judges 2 warns about
the danger and dire consequences of erring in the task of educating new
generations in obedience, fidelity and love of God.

Today is a good day to begin to develop awareness of the radicality of
the call of biblical-theological testimony in favor of the advancement of more
intentional, more responsive and more in line with God's purposes pedagogical
processes. That is, the achievement of a Christian education that comprehensively
addresses the needs of the students. A Christian education that opens paths for
conversion, for awakening, for coming to one's senses. A church that grows
educates; and, educate in the light of the truth of a God who loves us and invites
us to life in community, to joy, love and hope. "After all of that generation died,
another generation grew up that did not know the Lord or remember the mighty
things he had done for Israel." (Judges 2.10)


What is Psychology?

According to psychologist George Armitage Miller, an American psychologist

who contributed very relevant knowledge to psychology and cognitive
neuroscience, he says: psychology is the science of mental life, based on the
evidence obtained through observation and analysis of behavior.

According to Freud, an Austrian neurologist of Jewish origin, father of

psychoanalysis and one of the greatest intellectual figures of the 20th century, the
belief linked to the conception of behavioral disorder as an expression of a brain
disease. That is, it linked a child's primary interactions with the subsequent
development of behavioral problems. He centered the basis of psychology on
psychoanalysis, which focused on the repression of instincts as the only culprit in
the development of future pathologies.

What is Child and Adolescent Psychology?

Child and adolescent psychology is the science responsible for the

prevention, diagnosis and treatment of mental health problems that may arise
during these phases of development. Through psychological evaluation and
intervention, the primary objective is to facilitate the adequate psychological
development of the child or adolescent, allowing emotional and social adjustment
at each evolutionary stage. It is necessary to take into account the family and
school context, providing the necessary psychological support to both parents and

Both childhood and adolescence are very significant stages in the life of
every person. It is in them when we have the first attachment relationships, the first
experiences and contacts with the environment. For this reason, growing up in a
healthy climate, physically and emotionally, will have a vital influence on the future
of the child and adolescent. Child and Adolescent Psychology affects each stage of
evolutionary development. It is responsible for providing children and young people
with appropriate strategies for healthy growth at all levels: physiological,
psychomotor, cognitive, social and emotional. Likewise, it is responsible for
providing fathers, mothers and caregivers with appropriate tools to accompany the
child in an empathetic way. Due to the complexity of raising children, it may
happen that parents or guardians are unaware of some of the reactions typical of
each stage of development and this leads them to ask about them.

In addition to this type of consultation, parents who notice the presence of

emotional symptoms or persistent changes in behavior in their children may also

attend. The early identification of emotional difficulties in children is key to
promoting good mental health, as well as their integration into the family
environment. It is also important to consult with the therapist as soon as the
symptoms are detected, not to let time pass under the premise of "he'll get over it"
or "it's just a kid's thing", in order to promote good school performance and
adaptation as soon as possible. healthy in an environment of friends and equals.
The child's future identity construction, as well as his or her capacity for emotional
regulation, will depend largely on these key factors.

Child psychology studies the behaviors of children until they are

adolescents. They are very vulnerable to conflict situations that occur at home, for
example, arguments between parents, financial problems, fights with siblings,
death of a family member or a divorce. As adults we can be blinded and not realize
that these are situations that can trigger reactions of constant anger or deep
sadness in the child or adolescent that may require the help of a psychologist.

Parental behavior is key to adult development

From a young age, children build very important attachments that will mark
and determine many aspects of their lives. Sometimes, like psychologists, they
have to work on these attachment styles with parents when it is detected that there
is a problem in the bonds. And children build their identity always having the
example of their parents as a reference. It is true that as they grow, other people
and other emotional ties may enter the scene and will also be part of that
construction of identity. However, it must be taken into account that parents will
continue to be its fundamental pillar. The child's physical and emotional
dependence will evolve towards increasing independence and a search for his or
her own identity that will begin in adolescence and will never end. For all these
events to occur, the role of parents and their behaviors is essential. How to know
how to leave them space, respect them and let them "go away" by observing the
process and taking care of them, always, from a distance. When parents bring their
children to the consultation it is because there are behaviors or situations with
them that worry them.

When is the time to seek psychological help for my child?

The sooner children with emotional or behavioral problems receive

treatment, the easier it will be to help them. But you also want to avoid
unnecessary treatments and costs, both in time and money. When you are
concerned about a child's mental health, family, friends, and perhaps even your
pediatrician may advise you to calm down and wait, he or she will get over it.
Sometimes it's good advice. Other times not.

When to act

There are times when it is clearly not advisable to wait for your child to
receive psychological help. For example:
 Eating disorders : The longer a child lives with an eating disorder, the
harder it will be for them to recover. Getting treatment as soon as possible
can save your life.

 Family history: If mental illness runs in your family, know that your child is
more likely to develop a mental disorder. In this case it is important to act

 Self-harm: If you discover that your child has been cutting, it is important to
seek help even if they claim they only did it once. It is dangerous behavior
that may be their way of dealing with serious mental illness.

When to wait

Some life events may cause changes in your child's functioning as part of an
adjustment process. Things like:

 Parents' divorce
 Change of school
 The birth of a brother

All of them can affect a child's behavior. Very often they will disappear over
time. In fact, the criteria for many psychiatric disorders in children and adolescents
require that problematic behaviors or emotions be present for at least a period of
weeks or months. Sometimes you have to watch and wait.

Watch and wait

How long you decide to monitor worrying emotions and behaviors, or

“symptoms,” depends on your child's age and what you think is wrong.

Behavior problems

If your child's behavior is causing chronic problems at school or seriously

affecting your family life, it is important to get help. Disruptive, explosive or
dangerous behaviors can be caused by anxiety, trauma and frustration resulting
from an undiagnosed learning problem, among other reasons.

Once you know what causes your child's behavior, there are therapies that
are often effective in teaching children to control their behavior. If a child is out of
control with parents or teachers, it means he or she needs help. This can affect the
health and well-being of the entire family. To diagnose and treat behavioral
problems, you should consult a mental health specialist. You can consult a clinical
psychologist who specializes in children and adolescents, a child psychiatrist, or a
social worker with experience treating youth.

Emotional problems

If a child appears unusually anxious, sad, or irritable for a long time and this
interferes with his or her ability to do things that are typical for children his age, it is
advisable to seek help. A child who is seriously anxious or depressed is not only
suffering, but is missing out on important parts of childhood. It is important to help
him promptly, before his social and academic development is behind that of his
peers. It's also important to help her as soon as possible because the longer your
daughter experiences something like anxiety, the more likely she is to shape her
behavior in harmful ways. A toddler who can't sleep apart from his parents could
become a child who can't sleep at friends' houses or go to camp. An excessively
fearful child could become an adolescent whose identity and social life is structured
in a way to avoid things that cause anxiety.

active standby

If you decide to wait to seek help, remain vigilant and be prepared to take
action if the problem does not improve. Monitoring your child's behavior can help
you gather valuable information. What you shouldn't do is ignore the problem.
Don't convince yourself that “something” is not “nothing.”

Talk to your partner

The decision to seek help for their child can be complicated when parents
disagree about whether it is a “problem.” It is common for parents to have different
opinions regarding their child's behavior and what type of response might help.
This is a big reason why families wait to seek advice or help. But like all waiting it
must be active. Decide on a date to talk about the issue again, and try to agree on
goals for the behaviors where you want to see changes. By staying alert to the
issues that concern you, you will have a stronger basis for making a decision when
the topic comes up again.

Here are other things you can do if you are concerned about your child's
mental health:

 Know the signs of anxiety and depression in children.

 Find out what to do if you think your child is depressed.
 Read expert advice on how to help children who feel lonely.

Role of Parents according to Psychology

The experience of some psychotherapists says that many of the problems

(neuroses, deficiencies, dysfunctions, existential conflicts) of people are associated
with deficiencies installed in the context of the home, which in many cases are a
consequence of the inadequate exercise of the role of father or mother.
Dysfunctional homes (fathers and mothers) generate dysfunctional people

(children). Family life leaves its indelible mark on the life and essence of every
individual. Health and functionality or insanity and dysfunction, productive and
effective performance or not, have to do with what was experienced and learned in
the family laboratory; with the kind of influence that mom and dad had on their

Parents, being the origin and source of life for their children, generate a
decisive and unique influence. On the other hand, because parents are the main
actors (sculptors, trainers, molders) in the process of education and training of their
children, they powerfully influence the type of map, learning and personality that
their children install. This action is defining in the first seven years of a child's life,
for two reasons:

 Children are, in their earliest stages of life, pure necessity. Their primary
orientation is driven by their most basic needs such as the need for security.
If mom or dad impose a toxic, castrating and negative interaction, the child
will “adapt” to mom and dad's dictates and styles, and will sacrifice their
most personal needs and experiences, to alienate mom and dad, and thus
not lose the security that these represent, even if that means denying your
own needs.

 In the first seven years of a human being's life, the most basic and
fundamental traits of the individual's character and personality are forged.

Educator role

Parents are the educators par excellence of their children. Parents educate
through instruction, modeling, contacts made, bonds built, and organized contexts.
In these functions, dad and mom are essential. The extended family, church, and
school are collaborators. These institutions can do their best, but they will never do
it with the considerations of mom and dad (love, dedication, devotion, commitment
and responsibility). The role of educating children is non-declinable, non-
transferable and non-delegable. It cannot occur in outsourcing (it is a term in
English that is used to represent the act of outsourcing); It is too big for the
domestic, for close relatives, for neighbors, for the state, for the media and for

The education that parents need to impart to their children is not an

academic education (although it is not excluded from the role), but rather an
education for life and successful performance. Educating is more than teaching
academic content; To educate is to form skills for life. Training is, as Manuel
Barroso puts it: “To take out of the organic and emotional interiority of the child, the
person who is contained.”
Parents educate through modeling

Parents educate through example, in facts, actions and attitudes. They train
by modeling life skills through the lifestyle they project, the habits they exhibit, the
behaviors they express and the bonds they build. Children learn primarily by
imitation, observing (seeing, hearing, and feeling) parents. Much of children's
learning comes from their imitation of their parents' attitudes and behaviors. In
those first years, dad and mom are the models that children aspire to be like. Dad
and mom are not only models but also their children's heroes.

Parents educate through contact

Parents are creators of life. With life comes the child's energy, appreciation
and self-esteem for himself. To fulfill his role as educator-trainer, the father needs
to be present, make contact with his children, be part of the plot and their
experience. His presence is not a nominal presence, but active, close and
committed. It is a presence that forges bonds, links and intimacy in relationships. It
is a presence that translates into quality time and space. There are parents who
persist and gravitate in the home as “good providers”, but their presence is not felt,
it is not noticed through shared experiences, or the opportune word in moments of
difficulty and confusion, or the consoling hug when it is needed. . The presence
leaves an indelible mark on the children's experience, on their memories and
memories...on their personality.

Parents do not educate through master classes and through the use of
technological means. They educate through contact: presence, communication,
connection. Contact is the basis of all experience and learning. Education cannot
be done absently or remotely, but rather through effective contact. You cannot, for
example, teach love without closeness, nor security and self-confidence through an
absent life. Contact is essential and irreplaceable as a training system. In the
words of Manuel Barroso: “A child needs contact as he needs food to grow and
live. If you have it, your eyes will shine, your skin will have a brighter color, your
body will move and have flexibility, life; It will grow healthy and with less accidents.
A relationship without contacts is a relationship without life, which leaves voids of
the soul, without energy, with expressions of sadness and boredom that the child
will seek to replace with problems, meals, and a thousand occurrences, seeking to
be taken into account." And adds the aforementioned author. “The absence of a
father or mother is more than just a loss or separation. It is a void of the soul. A
significant loss of all the contacts a child needs. The tragedy of abandonment lies
in the destruction of references and the loss of contacts, which are what favor the
learning of skills.”

What is psychology according to the Bible?

Secular psychology is based on the teachings of psychoanalysts such as

Sigmund Freud, Austrian neurologist, Carl Jung, Swiss psychologist and essayist,
and Carl Rogers, American psychologist. Biblical, or nouthetic, counseling (The
technical term, nouthetic, comes from the Greek word nouzetéo which means
admonition, correct, exhort, a word that the Apostle Paul used on some occasions,
example: Romans 12.14: “ But I am sure of you, brothers mine, that you
yourselves are full of goodness, full of all knowledge, so that you can admonish
one another ” (RV1960) on the other hand, is based directly on the revealed Word
of God.
Biblical counseling views Scripture as sufficient to equip the child of God for every
good work (2 Timothy 3:17 says, “ so that the man of God may be complete,
thoroughly equipped for every good work” (NKJV). Biblical counselors teach that
man's basic problem is spiritual in nature; Therefore, atheist psychologists, who are
spiritually dead, have no real insight into the human condition.

The three elements of Nouthetic counseling

Genuine concern for the well-being of the person: For the Christian counselor
to be effective in his work, he must feel a genuine interest in helping the people he
advises. The worst thing that can happen to a person seeking help is to have
counseling sessions with a counselor who does it only as a simple job, who is
dedicated to listening just for the sake of it and recommends what the book tells
him according to the case. that evaluates, A good example of this was the apostle
Paul: 1 Corinthians 4:14 who says: “ I do not write this to shame you, but to
admonish you (nouzetéo) as my beloved children” (RV1960) .

Loving confrontation: The other important element of nouthetic advice is loving

confrontation. Confrontation means making people see their opportunities face to
face in order to get them to correct them. It is obvious that most people do not like
to be made to see our mistakes and hence this confrontation must be done in love,
because otherwise, it may not be effective at the time it is carried out. Now, we
know that other great virtues emerge from love that help the counselor be more
effective in this noble work, virtues such as kindness, knowledge based on the
word of God, and wisdom. Thus, for example, it is seen in Acts 20:31 that says:
“Therefore, be vigilant, remembering that for three years, night and day, I did not
cease to warn each one with tears” (RV1960) .

Change: The third element in nouthetic counseling is change and this change
must be influenced by some agents that will help the counselee abandon his sin
and solve his problems, these agents are:

 The counselor who uses the word of God as a source of wisdom : (2

Timothy 3:16-17) “All Scripture is inspired by God, and is useful for
teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, for so that
the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly prepared for every good work”
(RV1960) .

 Prayer is an indispensable source of help in this process of restoration of

the counselee: (Psalm 102:1-2) “LORD, hear my prayer! Hear my prayer!
Do not turn away from me in the time of my trouble. Bow down to listen and
do not delay in answering me when I call you” (RV1960) ,

 The regenerating power of the Holy Spirit that guides you throughout
your entire restoration process: (Titus 3:5) . “He saved us, not by our own
works of righteousness but by his mercy. “He saved us through the washing
of regeneration and renewal by the Holy Spirit” (RV1960) ,

Most psychology is humanistic in nature. Secular humanism promotes humanity

as the highest standard of truth and morality and rejects faith, the supernatural,
and the Bible. Therefore, secular psychology is man's way of trying to understand
and repair the spiritual side of man without reference to, or recognition of, the

The Bible declares that the human race is a unique creation of God, made in
the image of God (Genesis 1:26 which says Then God said, “Let us make man in
our image, according to our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of
the sea , in the birds of the air, in the beasts, in all the earth, and in every creeping
thing that creeps on the earth” (RV1960). The Bible deals expressly with man's
spirituality, beginning with his fall into sin in the Garden of Eden and the
consequences that followed, particularly as it relates to his relationship with God.

Psychotherapy is needs-based. The needs for self-esteem, love and

acceptance, and appreciation tend to dominate. If these needs are satisfied, it is
believed that people will be happy, kind and moral; If they are not satisfied, people
will be miserable, hateful and immoral. Biblical counseling teaches that true
satisfaction and happiness can only be found in a relationship with God and in the
pursuit of godliness. No psychotherapy can make a selfish person selfless, for
example, but the obedient servant of God will be satisfied with his joyful, selfless
giving. So how does psychology work with biblical counseling? It can't be done.
Secular psychology begins and ends with man and his ideas. True biblical
counseling guides patients toward Christ and the Word of God. Biblical counseling
is a pastoral activity, a product of the spiritual gift of exhortation, and its goal is not
self-esteem but sanctification.

Parental behavior is key to adult development

When parents take time to teach their children a genuine love for God, they are
protecting their hearts and inviting them to choose the best path when they grow
up. Spiritual teaching is the best foundation on which our children can grow, since
it allows them to know the ethical and moral code that has inspired the great
civilizations. No one can achieve success if they do not have a good ethical and
moral foundation to guide them; This is only achieved when we are taught as
children in spiritual values and principles. Spiritual formation has weight only when
the teaching we give to our children is first reflected in our behavior as parents,
otherwise, we could provoke rejection in our children for the spiritual things, if they
observe that we go to Church but when we get home we live contrary to the values
we profess to have. Spiritual life is based on love, therefore, if as parents we are
an example of joy, patience, kindness and mercy, we are being consistent with our
faith. To spiritually form our children is to teach a lifestyle, and this is inspired and
modeled. Over time our children will follow in our footsteps and the time will come
when they will decide for the faith of their parents, and this depends on the
example we give them. Deuteronomy 11-19 “ And you will teach them to your
children, talking about them when you sit in your house, when you walk on the
road, when you lie down, and when you get up” (RV1960) , Teaching our children
the word of the Lord the It helps them learn to love the word of the Lord and his
ways from a young age.

What is the Role of Parents According to the Bible?

One of the most important roles of parents towards their children is to teach
them the Word of God and model behavior based on moral and spiritual values.
Although our children learn a lot through direct teaching, they learn more by
observing us. This means that we must be very careful in everything we do.
Parents must provide loving leadership full of tenderness, so that their children can
in turn behave according to the Word, respecting the authority of their parents but
demanding their rights as girls and boys. (Lk. 2:52). “Jesus grew in wisdom and
stature, and in favor with God and men” (RV1960) . Likewise, every child in this
world must grow. It is a child's right to receive the care and training of their parents,
society and the church, to acquire that integral development.


What is meant by sexuality?

One of the traits that characterizes every person is that we are all men or
women, that is, we are sexual beings. And that fact of being a man or a woman
determines our way of acting, feeling, thinking, relating, loving, etc. Since we are
little, we are educated taking into account whether we are boys or girls, for
example, the clothes they put on us are different, they comb our hair in different
ways, etc. It is a set of emotional and behavioral phenomena related to sex, which
decisively mark the human being in all phases of his development. The concept of
sexuality includes both the sexual impulse, aimed at immediate enjoyment and
reproduction, and the different aspects of the psychological relationship with one's
own body. Let's next define what sexuality is. First of all, do not confuse sexuality
with sex. Sexuality is not just about making the reproductive organs work. Sexuality
is a much broader concept that covers different levels of a person:

Biological level : Every person has sexual organs that are different in men and
women. These organs have impulses and a certain function. It is a mistake to
reduce sexuality to make the reproductive organs work

Psychological-Affective Level : Every person has customs that are common to

both sexes, for example, eating, sleeping, etc. But other things vary in men and
women. Depending on whether we are a man or a woman, we behave, we relate,
we show affection and love. That is why we say that many psychological and
emotional aspects are different in men and women.

Socio-cultural level: Cultures and societies also influence the fact of being a man
or a woman. For example, the way of dressing, some customs, etc. In the West,
this distinction is not so noticeable because they fight for sex equality. But even so,
there continue to be differences that mark society between men and women. And
in the Arab Countries they are very clear about the roles that men and women
always play.

Ethical-Religious Level : When we talk about sexuality we must also keep in mind
a series of norms that regulate the correct use of sexuality. Not all sexual
behaviors are correct. Sexuality is an element that has to mature and be educated.
In sexuality there must be dignity and respect for the other person. Sexuality is part
of a global project of personal maturation, and is not a mere selfish whim, nor
something that serves to harm other people. Sexuality is much more than
biological factors and must encompass the emotional aspects of the relationship.”
“Parents need training and information to be able to deal with the sexual education
of their children.”
human sexuality

Sigmund Freud, Austrian neurologist of Jewish origin, father of

psychoanalysis and one of the greatest intellectual figures of the 20th century, was
the first to recognize childhood sexual life and the need for its development to be
healthy to avoid neurotic pathologies in adulthood. developing a sexual theory for
the period from childhood to puberty. Even so, we parents continue to be prisoners
of our modesty and shame, which often means that we downplay this aspect of
children's lives. It should be noted that the child goes through a series of phases
until adolescence where little by little he discovers his sexuality, all of this studied
by Freud:

Oral stage

The oral stage occupies approximately the first 18 months of life, and in it
the first attempts to satisfy the demands promoted by the libido appear. In it, the
mouth is the main area in which pleasure is sought. The mouth is also one of the
main areas of the body when it comes to exploring the environment and its
elements, and this would explain the propensity of the little ones to try to "bite"
everything. If babies are strictly prevented from using their mouths to satisfy
themselves, this could produce a blockage that would cause certain problems to
become fixed in the unconscious (always according to Freud).

anal stage

This stage would occur from the end of the oral stage until 3 years of age.
This is the phase in which you begin to control the sphincter during defecation. For
Freud, this activity is linked to pleasure and sexuality. The fixations related to this
phase of psychosexual development have to do with accumulation and spending,
linked to the saving spirit and discipline in the first case, and with disorganization
and waste of resources in the second. However, according to the father of
psychoanalysis, these dynamics of spending and saving would not be expressed
only or mainly through money management.

phallic stage

This drive phase would last between 3 and 6 years, and its associated
erogenous zone is that of the genitals. In this way, the main pleasurable sensation
would be that of urinating, but in this phase the beginning of curiosity about the
differences between men and women, boys and girls would also originate, starting
with the obvious dissimilarities in the shape of the genitals and ending in interests,
ways of being and dressing, etc.

Latency stage

This phase begins around age 7 and extends until the onset of puberty. The
latency stage is characterized by not having a specific erogenous zone associated
with it and, in general, by representing a freezing of experiments in sexuality by
children, partly due to all the punishments and reprimands received. That is why
Freud described this phase as one in which sexuality is more camouflaged than in
previous ones. The latency stage has been associated with the appearance of
modesty and shame related to sexuality.

genital stage

The genital stage appears with puberty and continues thereafter. It is related
to the physical changes that accompany adolescence. Furthermore, in this phase
of psychosexual development, sexual desire becomes so intense that it cannot be
repressed as effectively as in previous stages. The erogenous zone related to this
vital moment is once again that of the genitals, but unlike what happens in the
phallic phase, here the necessary skills to express sexuality have already been
developed through bonds of a more abstract nature. and symbolic that have to do
with consensus and attachment with other people. It is the birth of adult sexuality,
as opposed to another linked only to simple instant gratifications obtained through
stereotypical activities.

Sex education

It is, in general, any instruction about the process and consequences of

sexual activity, generally given to children and adolescents. While in some
educational systems, sexual education is included in the syllabus of subjects
related to the study of nature and the human being, in others it is considered as a
transversal subject that is related to different subjects throughout different courses.
. Historically, the task of instructing adolescents about sexuality has been the
responsibility of parents. However, communication between parents and children in
this matter may be mediated by parental inhibitions or by intergenerational
differences and the type of education they received. It is also observed that on
many occasions children and adolescents do not receive any information about
sexual matters from their parents. Sexual education is currently considered the
main tool for the prevention of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted
diseases. Education in human sexuality is the responsibility of all fathers and
mothers. It is as important as teaching values, morals, rules of behavior and social
responsibility. However, many fathers and mothers do not understand that it is
pertinent to dialogue and educate their sons and daughters until they reach

The role of parents in the sexual education of their children

Adolescence is popularly spoken of as the stage of “sexual awakening,” but

we are sexual people from birth to death, and we have different ways of living it
and expressing it depending on each stage. The reason why a sudden change is
observed, apart from the hormonal factor and the sociocultural context, is the
beginning by the adolescent of the search for attachment figures outside the family
bond, partially “breaking” the attachments within (it is the called “rebellion”).

The adolescent physiologically needs to seek other affections, and it is here

that the ethical debate opens on “how I should act as a father or mother in certain
situations, now new to me,” because “times have changed.” But attachment styles,
the way of relating to and respecting others, as well as knowing how to give and
receive affection, and living a responsible and healthy sexuality, begin to be
acquired in childhood. This is why good sexual education is important not only in
adolescence but much earlier, understanding sexual education as an education in
healthy and fair values for both sexes.

We have to admit the great influence of cinema, TV, advertising, the

Internet, pornography and the peer group; in the transmission of a reductionist,
coitocentric, generalizing, heterosexualized, gymnastic, frivolous and cruel sexual
education; establishing “body aesthetic models” to pursue, difficult to achieve by
the majority; transmitting delimited sexual roles; accelerating the natural processes
of sexuation and, also, contributing to increasing the number of sexual myths (false
beliefs about sexuality), which in most cases threaten sexual health. If to all this,
we add the avoidance of sexually educating our children in pre-pubescent stages,
the result is evidently an adolescent who is poorly prepared to face a responsible
sexual life with himself and with others. Furthermore, if there has not been fluid and
effective communication on sexual matters during childhood, it is to be expected
that they do not trust their parents to resolve their doubts or to guide them in their
hesitations and it will be very difficult to become their “advisors”. If you begin to talk
naturally about sexuality with your children in a progressive and appropriate way,

you will encounter less resistance to discussing these topics when they reach

There are many models and ways to carry out sexual education, but an ideal
model should give a positive vision of sexuality. For example, a moralizing model
(traditional education) or a preventive model (oriented exclusively to the prevention
of risks of premature pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases), imply
prohibition, fear and danger regarding sexual relations. It is not that they are not
adequate as a whole, but they are quite incomplete and reductionist. Therefore, the
role of sexual education of parents towards their adolescent children would be:
educate in values, train in basic concepts (sexuality, sexual identity, sexual
orientation, sexual relationship, love, respect, responsibility, etc...), respond to
questions and doubts, demystify false beliefs, educate their sensitivity, promote
self-knowledge and corporal autoeroticism, not just genital, teach them to be
assertive (for example, to know how to say no, if they don't want to), and to be
respectful of the other as a person (regardless of of their sexual orientation,
identity, disability, race or religion), avoid sexist education (different for girls than
for boys) and allow them to have their own privacy (private space and time). In
short, be their allies, not their enemies.

The sexual education of children continues to be a pending and especially

important subject, to be able to trust and have more security in them, and in their
free and responsible decision-making as an adolescent about their sexual life. The
key is to provide the necessary educational tools to children to adapt, without too
many difficulties and without too many concerns on the part of parents, to these
new ways of living in current societies, within an ethical framework. Therefore, it is
important to keep in mind that:

 Sexual education must be done from the family.

 We continually do sexual education, even if we are not aware of it. We
educate our children through our modesty, our caresses, our silences or
 Quality sexual education should be aimed at helping our sons and
daughters learn to know themselves, accept themselves and express their
sexuality so that they are happy.
 We must always educate from the positive and not the negative, promoting
the child's self-esteem.
 Try to find “teaching opportunities.” Use TV shows, books, homework.
 Don't wait for your son or daughter to ask you questions; many children
never ask. You need to decide what it is important to you that he or she
 You have to be willing to dialogue. Dialogue cannot be imposed; There must
always be respect and acceptance.
 Be aware of the question “behind the question.” For example, the implicit
question “Am I normal?” often masks questions about sexual development,

sexual thoughts, and sexual feelings. Give your son or daughter security
whenever you can.
 Listen, listen, listen. Ask him or her what he or she wants to know and what
he or she knows.
 Remember that it is normal to feel uncomfortable when discussing these
topics with your children.
 Do not see with adult eyes what boys and girls do. Do not make hasty
 It is important to make it clear to them that they can talk about sexuality with
us and that we are willing to do so, if they want.
 Do not make value judgments. Try to understand them to know how to
 Talk to him about the pleasures of sexuality.
 Remember that you are telling your child that you care about their
happiness and well-being.
 Learn what is taught about sexuality in schools, religious communities and
youth groups.

It is very important to promote healthy habits and self-esteem from the

earliest years. Experts believe that many of the situations that boys and girls
experience between the ages of 12 and 21 are conditioned by childhood
experiences. Strengthen the capacity that every young person has to make
decisions and make them see that we are convinced that they have that capacity.
Any time is good to highlight that every decision must be personal and that of “third
parties” (parents, friends, siblings) is not valid, both in this issue and in that of
drugs, alcohol or any other decision that arises in your daily life. ). Place in them
the degree of responsibility that corresponds to their age and make them see that
some decisions have consequences and that, therefore, there must be a minimum
of reflection when deciding.

Sexual Development
From 5 to 8 years

Children can

 Become very curious about pregnancy and birth.

 Develop close friendships with people of the same sex.
 Show a stronger interest in stereotypical male and female roles, regardless
of parents' approach to parenting.

Parents must

 Parents can explain that the penis, vulva, buttocks, etc. They are considered
private and that no one should touch their “private parts” except for health
reasons or to clean them.

 Read age-appropriate books on sexuality with your children to help them lay
the foundations for being sexually healthy.
 Continue to model appropriate behavior and share positive messages about
gender and other aspects of sexuality that may arise.
 Use the correct name to name body parts, including genitals.
 Follow up on children's questions in an age-appropriate way, asking
questions such as “what do you think?”

From 9 to 12 years
Children can

 Becoming more secretive and wanting privacy when puberty begins

 Falling in love with friends, other older teens, famous people, and other
people who play a role in their lives, such as teachers or coaches.
 Be interested in dating.
 Asking yourself things like: “Am I normal?” and compare yourself with others
 Experiencing pressure to meet family and social expectations of appropriate
behavior for boys and girls.

Parents must

 Respect the privacy of preteens and maintain surveillance.

 Share family values about dating and love.
 Help your teens develop decision-making skills, communication skills, and
staying firm about their limits and desires.
 Continue to model appropriate behavior and share positive messages about
issues related to sexuality.
 Answer their questions and offer any messages you want to share on
various topics and family values.
 Provide age-appropriate books and information on sexuality.
 Let them know they have your support.

From 13 to 18 years
Young people can

 Want to date
 Feeling pressure from peers to engage in various activities, including sexual
behaviors, that they may not be ready to experiment with.
 Fantasize about romantic or sexual situations.
 Fell in love.

Parents must

 Continue to model appropriate behavior and share positive messages about

issues related to sexuality.
 Answer their questions and offer any messages you want to share on
various topics and family values.
 Provide age-appropriate books and information on sexuality.
 Let them know they have your support.

Why is sexuality losing its meaning?

After studying the different levels of sexuality, we must say that many people
in our current Western society understand sexuality as making use of the
reproductive system, that is, they reduce sexuality to a biological level. This way of
understanding sexuality is not correct, and those who think this way tend to do a lot
of harm to other people because they see them as objects of pleasure. Therefore it
is a selfish vision, focused on one's own pleasure. If sexuality is understood in this
way it loses all meaning.

People today want to live to the fullest. How to experience everything and try
everything. Among these experiences are sexual ones. Today's society promotes
the idea that: "what gives me pleasure is good and what prohibits me from that
pleasure is bad." This idea encourages us to fall into selfishness. And the great
danger of selfishness is that other people are only valued as objects of pleasure,
instead of as people. Another danger is that sex is separated from love. If this
happens, sex will be understood as consumption, merchandise, pornography,
where only pleasure counts.

What are the criteria to correctly understand sexuality?

 The importance of the person : Sexuality must be oriented towards

maturation, a person as a person. That is why, from a moral point of view,
sexual experiences that reduce a human person to a mere object of
pleasure for others to have a good time are illicit and incorrect. Sexual
behavior is good if it makes the human being a person. On the other hand, if
the other person is treated as a thing, or if sex becomes a mere whim or
personal consumption, the experience of sexuality is immoral and therefore
a sin.

 Man and woman are equal in their dignity and complementary : Man
and woman need each other. They are made for each other. And sexuality
must be understood as mutual love between the two. The couple's
relationship helps them grow and mature as a person. If there is only love,
donation, dedication, respect, the couple will grow and be happy. If there is
no authentic love, the other person becomes an object of pleasure and
respect is lost. Therefore, from a moral point of view it is illicit and incorrect

when one only thinks of sex as consumption or pastime and not as personal
and loving dedication to the other.

 Sexuality is an expression of love : This is the great ethical criterion. To

the extent that the sexual relationship is a reflection of love, dedication and
mutual respect, it can be morally considered good and helps personal
maturation. But if, on the contrary, selfish pleasure is sought and the other
person is only seen as a woman or as a man as an object for my selfish
pleasure and my consumption, it will be considered morally illicit and
therefore a sin.

What is shame and modesty?

Although it may seem strange that we talk about shame and modesty, we
must think that only human beings have the attitudes. Animals lack it because they
are always instinctive. When animals use sexuality it is always to conceive
offspring. On the other hand, the human being is the only being capable of
separating sexuality from procreation. Human beings have always used clothes
and dresses, and even the inhabitants of the jungle where it is always hot have
always covered their private parts.

The presence of modesty and shame is marked by cultural norms. Its

purpose is to respect oneself and others. Everyone has the right to protect their
bodily privacy. Christians have always paid essential attention to what they have
called “Decorum.” That is to say, just as one does not want to be at the mercy of
another's gaze, one does not have the right to provoke others with a lack of
shame, decorum or modesty. Such displays of one's own body violate human

It is no secret: society rejects modesty, fosters attitudes devoid of all care

and respect towards intimacy and sexuality. “This causes many children to not fully
develop this feeling and this virtue, and when they reach adolescence, they behave
according to a shameless education or with a reduced version of it,” says Carlos
Beltramo, researcher of the Education project of the Affectivity and Human
Sexuality, from the Culture and Society Institute (ICS) of the University of Navarra.
Faced with this generalized attitude, it is good for parents to reflect and consider
educating them in this virtue, because if not, television or pornography will be the
ones who educate their children for them.

How should parents teach Modesty and shame?

To teach children to be modest, the main thing is to “be modest,” explains

Beltramo. And, then, we will have to instill in them the importance of keeping
certain things just for them. Others will only be able to share them with people with
whom they have unconditional trust. This is what is called maintaining privacy.

“It is difficult for a boy or girl who does not understand what intimacy is to
develop modesty if the importance of what is 'intimate' is not instilled in them,”
Beltramo clarifies. As they acquire the notion of what is intimate, modesty naturally
arises, but, even though it is a spontaneous feeling, parents should help children
incorporate it into their lives and protect them from the many stimuli that try to
erase it.

Beltramo assures that “a child who develops the virtue of modesty can
realize that he is facing a risky situation,” and will be able to identify if a peer or
adult “is crossing the line by wanting to see his genitals or show him his own, touch
him or introduce him to the world of pornography.” In these cases, the child will
know how to act, rejecting it and looking for a trusted adult. Modesty not only
protects oneself; It also instills respect for others. It is good to teach children to
knock on the door before entering a room, or explain to them that they must leave
a place when invited to do so, so that as they mature they are able to respect the
privacy of others.

What does the Bible say about sexuality?

In the modern world, young people receive many confusing messages.

Society uses sex to sell products, as a way to stay current and gain peer
acceptance, as a tool to get and keep a boyfriend or girlfriend, and as an
entertainment hook. On the other hand, parents, church leaders, and many leaders
in the medical and academic fields warn of the consequences of sexual activity
among adolescents, and encourage abstinence before marriage. Where can we
find definitive answers? The Bible is the “light for [our] path” ( Psalm 119:105 says
“Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path” (NKJV ) and contains
everything we need to know to be spiritually and godly complete ( 2 Timothy 3:16-
1716 “ All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for
correction, for training in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be
complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. ” (RV1960) .

Sex is not meant to be:

 The only way to “prove your love” ( Proverbs 1:10 “My son, if sinners want
to deceive you, do not consent” (RV1960) .
 Something to which you feel pressured ( Joshua 24:15 “And if it seems evil
to you to serve the Lord, choose for yourself today whom you will serve:
whether the gods whom your fathers served when they were on the other
side of the river, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell; but I
and my house will serve the Lord” (NKJV) .
 Something you do since “everyone is doing it” ( Exodus 23.2 “ You will not
follow the many to do evil, nor will you respond in litigation by bowing down
to the many to do wrongs” (RV1960) .

 Something you can't help but do if you are “in love” with someone (1
Corinthians 9:27 “but I beat my body and bring it into bondage, lest, having
been a herald to others, I myself should be destroyed” (NKJV ) .
 Something that makes you feel like you've been used. ( Romans 12:2 “ Do
not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your
mind, so that you may prove what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will
of God” (NKJV)

The biblical approach to human sexuality indicates

God created us male and female.

The anatomy of man and woman clarifies that God intended for man to have
sexual relations, at least for reproductive purposes ( Genesis 1:27-28 27 “And God
created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and
female he created them. 28 And God blessed them, and said to them, Be fruitful
and multiply; fill the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the
sea, and over the birds of the air, and over all moving beasts. upon the earth”
(RV1960) .

God intended sex to be an enjoyable part of a married couple's life.

Marriage was designed as a “one flesh” relationship, which includes sexual

intercourse ( Genesis 2:24 “ Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother
and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh” ( RV1960). The wise
Solomon indicated that married couples should use their bodies to bring
satisfaction, pleasure, and joy to each other ( Proverbs 5:15-18 “ 15 Drink water
from your own cistern, and streams from your own well. 16 Will your fountains in
the streets, and your streams of water in the squares? 17 Let them be for you
alone, and not for strangers with you. 18 May your spring be blessed, and be glad
with the wife of your youth . Paul taught that sexual intercourse is a debt and a
privilege of marriage ( 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 “ 1 As for the things of which you wrote
to me, it would be good for a man not to touch a woman; 2 but because of
fornications 3 Let each man have his own wife, and each woman have her own
husband. 3 The husband fulfills his conjugal duty to his wife, and likewise the wife
to her husband. 4 The wife does not have power over her own body, but the
husband does. nor does the husband have power over his own body, but the wife.
“Do not Satan tempt you because of your incontinence” (RV1960). The marriage
bed is “undefiled” ( Hebrews 13.4 “Let marriage be honored in all, and the bed
undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.” (NKJV). God never
intended sex to be part of a dating relationship.

Paul explained that lasciviousness is not the will of God, but he commanded
that every unmarried person depart from fornication, and that in marriage, learn to
“have his own wife in holiness and honor” ( 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 ; 3) For the will
of God is your sanctification: that you depart from fornication: 4 that each of you

know how to have his own wife in holiness and honor; God expects us to remain
holy throughout our lives. “For God has not called us to uncleanness, but to
sanctification” (RV1960) ( 1 Thessalonians 4.7 “For God has not called us to
uncleanness, but to sanctification” (RV1960). Marriage relationships are
“undefiled,” but God will judge the sexually immoral

Why did God establish such a restriction for singles? Maybe because he wants us
to have freedom, freedom from the problems that come into our lives through the
door of promiscuity. Someone listed the freedoms of sexual abstinence:

 Freedom from the physical dangers of sex between multiple partners;

sexually transmitted diseases, cervical cancer and unwanted pregnancy.
 Freedom from pregnancy control problems: pills and their side effects,
intrauterine devices and their risks.
 Freedom from the pressure of getting married soon.
 Freedom from the pain of giving your child up for adoption.
 Freedom from abusing others or being abused by others and freedom from
all the emotional problems that come with guilt, doubt, worry,
disappointment, anger and rejection.
 The freedom of being able to know your partner as a person.
 The freedom to be in control of your life and your future—not having your life
affected by unwanted pregnancies and illnesses.
 The freedom to respect yourself.
 The freedom to glimpse marriage without the “ghosts” of past sexual
relationships haunting you.
 The freedom to enjoy being a teenager, with many friendly relationships with
young people your age.
 The freedom to form a strong marital bond with one person for life - in other
words, abstinence before marriage leads to greater trust, commitment and
fidelity in marriage

What the Bible says about Shame and Modesty

Shame, which comes from the Latin verecundĭa, is the disturbance of the
spirit that is produced by a mistake committed or by some humiliating and
dishonorable action, whether one's own or that of another. This feeling usually
lights up the color of the face, revealing the person who suffers from it . Shame
originates from the feeling of vulnerability of oneself in front of others, therefore, it
can protect us from situations of social stigma so that we adapt to common norms
so that a feeling of belonging predominates. Can you imagine the shame and
sadness that Adam and Eve experienced after their sin? They ruined the perfect
creation that God had made. Adam and Eve were in a perfect world, had perfect
minds and bodies, and had close communion with God. When they chose to sin
against God, all of God's creation became subject to the effects of sin, including
disease, decay, death, and separation from God for all eternity. Afterwards, every
human being was born with a sinful nature, which is the natural inclination to sin.

Fortunately, God is sovereign, and yet He had a plan to redeem His world through
His Son Jesus Christ, and give humanity an option for salvation and eternal life
with Him. But Adam and Eve must have lived their entire lives on earth with great
regret for the loss of their innocence and the corresponding blessings. We know
that they were ashamed of their nakedness ( Genesis 3:10 “ And he said, I heard
your voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked: and I hid myself”
(NKJV). They must have lived the rest of their lives regretting it, after all, they
remembered paradise.

Modesty is a virtue that defends our dignity as persons, avoiding turning it

into an object of pleasure. It promotes respect and authentic love focused not on
what one appears, but on what one is. … For many, modesty continues to be the
safeguard of one's own privacy and not a merely public existence. Modesty is the
deepest core of personality. Its meaning comes from its connection with the feeling
of dignity of the person. … The widespread mentality that modesty is something
that has already been overcome has contributed a lot to the current situation of
widespread impudence. In the Bible, modesty is associated with the shame of
nudity, the modesty of displaying one's own figure, and material modesty. …
Hence, modesty is a value of Christian societies whose foundation is found in
sacred texts.( 1 Timothy 2:9-10 “As for the women, I want them to dress decently,
with modesty and modesty, without ostentatious hairstyles, or gold, or pearls, or
expensive clothing. "Let them rather adorn themselves with good works, as befits
women who profess to serve God" (RV1960) ( Colossians 3.12 " Therefore, as
God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, clothe yourselves with tender affection and
kindness, humility, kindness and patience” (RV1960). To teach children to be
modest, the main thing is to “be modest”, Explain to your children that nudity is
synonymous with vulnerability, Explain that it is good, sometimes, to go against the
grain… both in life and on the web, even Let that be fashion, your children's online
life concerns you, we must always be vigilant about what they see on social

Personal sexuality is under your control.

A section of society says, “Young people cannot control their desires. It is

not logical to ask them to wait until marriage.” God has more respect for young
people than such shallow-thinking people. His Spirit inspired John to write to young
people: ( 1 John 2.14 “I have written to you, young people, because you are
strong, and the word of God abides in you, and you have overcome the evil one”
(NKJV). They were strong; They had defeated the temptations of the evil one.
This does not discount the power of sexual temptation, especially in a sex-
saturated society. But ( 1 John 4.4 “Little children, you are of God, and you have
overcome them; for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” (KJV) (
James 4.7 “Submit yourselves therefore to God; Resist the devil, and he will flee
from you” (RV1960). ( 1 John 5.4 Strong faith overcomes the world “For
everything that is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has
overcome the world, our faith” (NKJV) . Here are two strategies to avoid the fall:
Avoid places and relationships that lead to temptation ( 1 Corinthians 15:33 “ Do
not err; evil conversations corrupt good morals ” (NKJV) ); Look for the right
person and marry that person ( 1 Corinthians 7.9 “ But if you do not have the gift
of continence, let them marry, for it is better to marry than to be burning ”
(RV1960) .

To avoid fornication, we must first respect God, and then respect ourselves.
One of the reasons young people (especially young girls) give in to sexual
temptations is because they have low self-esteem and are seeking approval. The
confused generation considers the loss of purity as a rite of approval, and
degenerate dating as its duty. To avoid being part of another terrible statistic, learn
about your personal worth ( Mark 12:31 “And the second is similar: You shall love
your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these”
(RV1960). You are so valuable to your family that they would spend their last
penny to see you safe and in good health if your life was in danger. You are
valuable to society. And most importantly, you have great value to the God who
created you, loves you, and gave His Son for you. You are a son of the King! Paul
wrote, (Galatians 4:7. “So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, also
an heir of God through Christ” (RV1960) .

If you know your value, then you will not give in to society's myths. For
example, 25% of men in one survey believed that rape is acceptable if the man
pays for the date. If a man believes that you “owe him something” in exchange for
paying for a date, he is wrong. If a man thinks that way, then he should date a
prostitute, not a decent young woman. Your purity is worth more than a meal and a
movie ticket. Trust your principles and make predetermined decisions regarding
your sexual activity. Do not allow any confusion to exist within you as to your
intentions and desires to remain pure. If necessary, pay your own expenses to
maintain your independence, and always carry a cell phone and some money for
public transportation so you can call someone or return home if you need to do so.

Fathers should be the protectors of their daughters' purity and pleasure.

Paul wrote, ( 1 Corinthians 7:36-37 “But if anyone thinks that it is improper for his
virgin daughter to grow old, and it must be so, let him do whatever he wants, he
does not sin; let him marry. But he who is firm in his heart, having no need, but is
master of his own will, and has resolved in his heart to keep his virgin daughter,
does well” (RV1960) .

Sexuality should not be used as a means of gaining popularity.

Having a biblical approach to sex probably won't make you the most popular
person in school ( Galatians 1:10 “Am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God?
Or do I try to please men? For if I still pleased men, I would not be a servant of
Christ” (NKJV) , but he will give you recognition in heaven ( Matthew 10:32
“Whoever therefore confesses me before men, him will I also confess before my

Father who is in heaven” (RV1960). Robert Frost wrote in his poem “The Road
Along Which Less Traveled”:
The road split into two in a forest
And I took the road that was less traveled,
And that has made a big difference.

You may feel alone, but you are not. Christ is with you every moment of the
way ( Matthew 28.20 “Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded
you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the world. Amen"). Your
parents are with you ( Ephesians 6.4 “And you, fathers, do not provoke your
children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and admonition of the Lord”
(NKJV). Your church is with you (1 Timothy 3:15 “So that if I delay, you may
know how you should conduct yourself in the house of God, which is the church of
the living God, the pillar and bastion of the truth”). Your true Christian friends are
with you ( Prov. 18.24 “The man who has friends must show himself a friend; And
a friend is closer than a brother” (RV1960). Even a part of society is with you. For
example, former Miss United States (2003), Erika Harold, wrote: “For as long as I
can remember, I have always been committed to abstinence. I have been greatly
blessed to have been raised by two loving parents who have encouraged me to set
high standards, value myself, and save myself for marriage. I grew up knowing
how lucky I was, and that not everyone has the love and support that I had. I saw
that many of my peers used sex to try to find love and acceptance. But instead of
filling that void, many of them became teenage mothers, contracted illnesses and
suffered disappointments (“Mis América”, sd).”

Sexuality is an Expression of love According to the Bible

( Genesis 2:24 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall
be joined to his wife, and they shall be one flesh” (NKJV) ) ( Song of Solomon
4:10 “How beautiful are your loves, sister, wife mine! How much better than wine
are your loves, and the smell of your ointments than all the spices!” (KJV) Sex is
God's creation, Sex is designed to provide pleasure and satisfaction, Both men
and women have been given the gift of being able to experience pleasure and
enjoyment within marriage. This enriches and deepens the couple's love
relationship. However, in some cultures, women are not expected to derive
pleasure from sexual relations. Even the Bible in Proverbs describes the pleasure
that marriage gives to the husband: Prov. 5:18-19 18 “Blessed be your spring, and
rejoice with the wife of your youth, 19 Like a beloved doe and a gracious gazelle.
May his caresses satisfy you at all times, And in his love always rejoice, in the
Pauline letters, 1 Corinthians 7: 3-5 3 “Let the husband fulfill his conjugal duty to
his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband,4 The wife She does not have power
over her own body, but the husband does; nor does the husband have power over
his own body, but the wife,5 Do not deny each other, except for a time by mutual
consent, to occupy yourself calmly in prayer; and come together again in one, so
that Satan does not tempt you because of your incontinence” (RV1960) , God
himself expresses the desire that although they must remain faithful to their
partners, they must lavish pleasure on each other. 1 Corinthians 13: 4-8
Corinthians indicates that “ love is very patient and kind, it is never jealous or
envious, it is never boastful or proud, it is not impolite, it is not self-interested, it is
not irritated, it does not think evil, it does not rejoice.” of injustice, delights in the
truth, excuses everything, believes everything, hopes everything, tolerates
everything.” (RV1960) , Sex accompanied by this love is practically the ideal that
God established for both men and women, and in this way ensure that both enjoy
sexuality and pleasure in a responsible and serious way.


There is an entire foundation that supports the execution of a proposal for the
formation of the parenting school as an alternative to improve the training and
upbringing of children, providing values and foundations attached to the authorities
in charge such as: The National Constitution, the Law Organic Education and

 National Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

According to Article 75 . The State will protect families as a natural association of
society and as the fundamental space for the integral development of people.
Family relationships are based on equal rights and duties, solidarity, common
effort, mutual understanding and reciprocal respect among its members. The State
will guarantee protection to the mother, father or those who head the family.
Children and adolescents have the right to live, be raised and develop within their
family of origin. When this is impossible or contrary to their best interest, they will
have the right to a substitute family, in accordance with the law. Adoption has
similar effects to filiation and is always established for the benefit of the adoptee, in
accordance with the law. International adoption is subsidiary to the nation.

This article expresses the importance of the family, since it establishes that the
State has the obligation to protect it, because it is essential for the effective
development of the human being, therefore it must be guaranteed that children and
adolescents can live within their family. of origin and will ultimately have the right to
a substitute family. The State will protect families in their plurality, without any
discrimination, of the members that make them up, regardless of origin or type of
family relationships. Consequently, the State will guarantee protection to the
mother, the father or whoever exercises responsibility for the families.

Article 78 . Children and adolescents are full subjects of law and will be protected
by legislation, bodies and specialized courts, which will respect, guarantee and
develop the contents of this Constitution, the Convention on the Rights of the Child
and other international treaties that in this Constitution. matter has been signed
and ratified by the Republic. The State, families and society will ensure, with
absolute priority, comprehensive protection, for which their best interest will be
taken into account in the decisions and actions that concern them. The State will
promote their progressive incorporation into active citizenship, and will create a
national governing system for the comprehensive protection of children and

It establishes that children and adolescents are full subjects of rights, that they
must be protected and that the State, families and society will ensure their
comprehensive protection with absolute priority, taking into account their best
interest in making decisions that concern them. The Doctrine of Comprehensive
Protection is embraced in the aforementioned constitutional and legal norms,
highlighting, among others, the principles of the child as a full subject of rights, the
best interest of the child and that of participation.

Article 79 . Young men and women have the right and duty to be active subjects of
the development process. The State, with the supportive participation of families
and society, will create opportunities to stimulate their productive transition towards
adult life and, in particular, for training and access to the first job, in accordance
with the law.

It expresses that young people have the right to integrate into development
processes and that the state supported by their parents will create opportunities for
them to develop in them.

 Organic Law of Education

Article 6. The State, through the national bodies with jurisdiction over Educational
matters, will exercise leadership in the Educational System. Consequently:
1. Guarantee:
to. The full right to comprehensive, permanent, continuous and quality education
for all with gender equality in equal conditions and opportunities, rights and duties.
This article shows the North of the law. In the Organic Law of Education, the most
important thing should be the concept of the school and here the conception of the
school as a center for ideological promotion, political indoctrination and unique
thought is evident; which prevents the achievement of any positive purpose. All this
is far from the concept of teacher Simón Rodríguez according to which the school
should be a center of formative and practical learning.

Article 7 . The State will maintain its secular character in educational matters in all
circumstances, preserving its independence from all religious currents and
organizations. Families have the right and responsibility for the religious education
of their sons and daughters in accordance with their convictions and in accordance
with the freedom of religion and worship, provided for in the Constitution of the
Parents have the right and duty to educate them in the religion of their choice.

Article 10. The publication and dissemination of programs, messages, advertising,

propaganda and promotions of any kind, through printed, audiovisual or other
media that incite hatred, violence, insecurity, intolerance, the deformation of
language; that attack the values, peace, morality, ethics, good customs, health,
human coexistence, human rights and respect for the rights of indigenous and
Afro-descendant peoples and communities, that promote terror , discrimination of
any kind, the deterioration of the environment and the undermining of democratic
principles, national sovereignty and national, regional and local identity.
Our children have the right to go to their schools and be in an environment free of
stress due to racial hatred and this law supports that concern that we have as
parents that we leave our children where they will be cared for and protected.

Article 12. The carrying out of proselytizing or partisan propaganda activities is not
permitted in the institutions and educational centers of the basic education
subsystem, by any means of dissemination, whether oral, printed, electrical, radio,
telematic or audiovisual:
to. At the initial and primary levels.
b. At none of the levels of the basic education subsystem, the classroom and the
teaching quality can be used for partisan activities. The conditions to comply with
the content of this article, as well as its exceptions, will be established in the
special laws and their regulations.
This article protects children and adolescents from being altered by proselytizing
and political propaganda that may affect their way of thinking, because what we
want is for our children to go to schools to be educated and trained. The conditions
to comply with the content of this article, as well as its exceptions, will be
established in the special laws and their regulations.”

Article 17 . Families have the duty, right and responsibility in providing guidance
and training in principles, values, beliefs, attitudes and habits in children,
adolescents, young people, adults, to cultivate respect, love, honesty, tolerance,
reflection , participation, independence and acceptance. Families, schools, society
and the State are co-responsible in the process of citizen education and
comprehensive development of its members.
The duties and rights that the family has with its children are highlighted,
emphasizing the principle of co-responsibility of the school-society and the state in
the process of citizenship education.

 Organic law for the protection of children and adolescents

Principle of equality and non-discrimination.

Article 3. The provisions of this Law apply equally to all children and adolescents,
without any discrimination based on race, color, sex, age, language, thought,
conscience, religion, beliefs, culture, political or other opinion. nature, economic
position, social, ethnic or national origin, disability, illness, birth or any other
condition of the children or adolescents, their father, mother, representative or
guardian, or their family members.
Principles of Equality and non-discrimination, This principle is a guarantor of non-
discrimination and equality, without establishing differences of any kind, with the
aim of being impartial and fair.

Article 5. The family is the natural association of society and the fundamental
space for the comprehensive development of children and adolescents. Family
relationships must be based on equal rights and duties, solidarity, common effort,
mutual understanding and reciprocal respect among its members. Consequently,
families are responsible as a priority, immediately and irrevocably, for ensuring
children and adolescents the full and effective exercise and enjoyment of their
rights and guarantees. The father and mother have shared, equal and inalienable
duties, responsibilities and rights to raise, train, educate, guard, monitor, maintain
and assist materially, morally and emotionally to their sons and daughters. The
State must ensure appropriate policies, programs and assistance so that the family
can adequately assume these responsibilities, and so that the father and mother
assume, on equal terms, their duties, responsibilities and rights. Likewise, it will
guarantee protection to the mother, the father or those who exercise the head of
the family.
It talks about how both the family and the state assume the responsibilities and
obligations of children and adolescents for their care and education.

Article 13. Progressive exercise of rights and guarantees All children and
adolescents are recognized for the personal exercise of their rights and
guarantees, progressively and in accordance with their evolutionary capacity. In
the same way, he will be required to fulfill his duties. First Paragraph The father,
mother, representatives or guardians have the duty and the right to guide children
and adolescents in the progressive exercise of their rights and guarantees, as well
as in the fulfillment of their duties, in a way that contributes to their integral
development and their incorporation into active citizenship. Second Paragraph
Children and adolescents with mental disabilities will exercise their rights to the
maximum of their powers.
It says that as they grow, with the help of their family, they must practice their rights
and guarantees in the same way that they are required to perform the duties they
must perform (with the exception of children who have mental retardation, they
may demand their rights until their death. .

Article 35 Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. All children and
adolescents have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. The
father, mother, representatives or guardians have the right and duty to guide
children and adolescents in the exercise of this right, so that it contributes to their
integral development.
Young people can freely think about having their religion or having a conscience.
Parents have the right to have their children complete this exercise.

Article 42 Responsibility of the father, mother, representatives or those

responsible for health matters. The father, mother, representatives or guardians
are the immediate guarantors of the health of the children and adolescents who are
under their Parental Power, representation or responsibility. Consequently, they
are obliged to comply with the instructions and medical controls prescribed in order
to ensure the health of children and adolescents.
This article mentions that every father or mother representative, taking into account
that a boy or girl or adolescent, is in health care, said parents with responsibility
have to go, go to doctors or health institutions so that they can be cared for as
established, understand that they are the guarantors of the health of their children.

Article 50. Sexual and reproductive health. All children and adolescents have the
right to be informed and educated, according to their development, in sexual and
reproductive health for sexual behavior and responsible, healthy, voluntary and
risk-free motherhood and fatherhood. The State, with the active participation of
society, must guarantee sexual and reproductive health care services and
programs for all children and adolescents. These services and programs must be
economically accessible, confidential, protect the right to privacy of children and
adolescents and respect their free consent, based on timely and truthful
information. Adolescents over fourteen years of age have the right to request and
receive these services on their own.
Parents and representatives, together with the state, are responsible for ensuring
that children and adolescents receive the necessary information regarding the

issue of sexual and reproductive health, which will help in their development and
of their children.

Article 54. Obligation of Parents, Representatives or Persons Responsible for

Education. Parents, representatives or guardians have the immediate obligation to
guarantee the education of children and adolescents. Consequently, they must
promptly enroll them in a school, campus or educational institute, in accordance
with the Law, as well as require their regular attendance at classes and actively
participate in their educational process.
Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children are enrolled in schools and
for ensuring that their children can receive the education that is so necessary for
the development and training of their children. Parents must participate in
everything related to finding places in schools and ensuring that their children have
what they need to attend their classes.

Article 55. Right to Participate in the Education Process. All children and
adolescents have the right to be informed and to actively participate in their
educational process. Parents, representatives or those responsible have the same
right in relation to the educational process of children and adolescents who are
under their parental authority, representation or responsibility.
All parents, like the state through the media or educational institutions, have the
right to inform children and adolescents about the educational media, since they
have the right to participate in their educational process, through research and
work to in this way nourish knowledge completely.

Article 93 Duties of children and adolescents. All boys, girls and adolescents have
the following duties: a) Honor the country and its symbols. b) Respect, comply with
and obey all the provisions of the legal system and the legitimate orders that, within
the scope of their powers, are issued by the public power bodies. c) Respect the
rights and guarantees of other people. d) Honor, respect and obey your father,
mother, representatives or responsible persons, as long as their orders do not
violate your rights and guarantees or contravene the legal system. e) Actively
exercise and defend your rights. f) Fulfill their obligations regarding education. g)
Respect the diversity of conscience, thought, religion and cultures. h) Conserve the
environment. i) Any other duty established by law.
Just as Parents and the state have the duty to ensure the rights of children and
adolescents, children also have a number of duties that they must fulfill and this
article names them in a way that they can be understood.
In conjunction with the laws of government institutions, the Bible also
expresses its point of view regarding this issue.
In the Bible we find texts that support or endorse earthly laws as it says in
Romans 13:1 “Let everyone submit to higher authorities; because there is no
authority except from God, and those that exist have been established by God.” (

The Bible teaches us how to direct our children without leaving aside the laws,
teaching morality and good habits, which together make or form a child of God. As
it says in Ephesians 6:4, “educate them with the discipline of the Lord.”

How the Bible supports the laws…….

 Regarding the national constitution .

According to Article 75, 78, 79 . The Bible expresses that, regarding the
protection of the family, it encourages or exhorts parents not to be afraid and to
give security and protection to their children, as Nehemiah 4:14 says, “do not be
afraid of our enemies. Keep in mind that our God is great and powerful. Fight for
your brothers, for your sons and daughters, for your wives, and for your homes.”

 Regarding the Organic Law of Education. And Organic Law for the
protection of children and adolescents.

The Bible is also clear when it comes to educating our children, educating our
children makes them grow as good people useful for every good work.
In scripture as well as in government laws, the Lord teaches us discipline and
exhorts us to educate our children. Colossians 1:10 “so that you may walk worthy
of the Lord, pleasing him in all things, bearing fruit in every good work, and growing
in the knowledge of God” (NKJV)
In articles 6, 7, 10, 12 and 17 . The Bible teaches our children about
education, teaching and directing our children, in order to educate first from within
the family as it says:
Deuteronomy 6;7 “and you will repeat them to your children, and you will talk
about them while you are in your house, and when you walk on the road, and when
you lie down, and when you get up” (RVR1960)
Proverbs 22:6 “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will
not depart from it.” (RVR1960)

Note: All parents in general must know and understand the importance of
teaching the values that arise and are formed from home, the Bible is one of the
instruments that is above any human law and is the best direction to guide both
parents as well as children, although it is above all law, it respects and gives value,
and demands that we respect it, all as long as it does not violate or go against the
commands and precepts of God.
2 Timothy 3:16-17 “ V16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is
profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, V17
so that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly prepared for every good
construction site." (RVR1960)

Arthur Edward Waite, a prolific author on secret societies, has written:
Beneath the long current of human history flow the stealthy subterranean currents
of secret societies, often deciding in the depths the changes taking place on the
surface. In all ages, the truth has been hidden under symbols. Symbols are,
however, ingenious veils that cover the truth. A symbol veils or hides a secret, and
in effect hides certain mysterious forces. These energies, when released, can have
a powerful effect.

The Illuminatis

The Illuminati is a secret organization made up of an exclusive elite that

seeks to dominate the world. Experts date its birth to 1776, when a professor of
law and philosophy created a society whose goal was to obtain absolute
knowledge, opposing religious dominance. In recent years we have heard more
about the Illuminati, thanks to a selection of celebrities who were supposedly part
of the sinister organization. Furthermore, there are numerous theorists who have
investigated this (and not exactly with clear results). According to these theories,
the members of this non-religious sect are very numerous, and have infiltrated all
the points of power that govern our society: the financial world and governments.
But, if this secret society is so powerful and mysterious, how is it possible that they
have remained so secret for centuries without anyone having discovered them and
still maintain their influence?

There are many theorists and conspiracy lovers who try to explain what the
Illuminati does and how they exert their influence. The consensus is that the
mysterious and powerful society is attempting to create a “new world order,” which
would have a totalitarian government imposed by them. The members of the secret
society come from all kinds of social spheres, but they have something in common:
they have power, a lot of money and influence. We know about them in recent
decades because, apparently, they have infiltrated the world of entertainment. The
theorists are clear: one of the main centers of action of the Illuminati is the media,
and that is why they have infiltrated, with the aim of brainwashing and controlling
their consumers. In a sophisticated mass control plan, they could have been
infiltrated and many of our idols would be part of the dark society.

The original Illuminati group was born in the 18th century, and was founded
by Adam Weishaupt, a professor who wanted to limit the Church's interference in
public life. It based its organization on the Masons, with their corresponding
hierarchy and mysterious rituals. He called it the Order of the Illuminati to reflect
the spirit of the time, the Age of Enlightenment (or Enlightenment), a cultural and
intellectual movement that dominated Europe in that century. Its defenders were
thinkers who maintained that human reason could combat ignorance and had great
influence on economic, political and social aspects at that time. This is how he also
defended the new conviction that murder is not wrong, by mentioning it at the
initiation ceremony into his order. He makes the initiator say to the initiate:
Contemplate our secret, if to destroy all Christianity, all religion, we have pretended
to have the only true religion, remember that the end justifies the means, and that
the wise man must use all the means to do the good that the wicked uses to do
evil. The initiate was told that he could use any means, including murder, to
achieve the objectives of the association he was joining. And that the main
objective of the Illuminati was the destruction of all religion, including Christianity.
That meant that if Christians were to physically get in the way, they could be
eliminated by killing them without problems.

The New World Order

The conspiracy theory of the so-called New World Order affirms the
existence of a plan designed to establish a single bureaucratic government
controlled by elitist and plutocratic sectors worldwide.

The elite or elite : It is a minority group of people who have a higher status than
the rest of the people in society. Frank W. Elwell has defined it like this: "Men and
women located in the highest positions of the dominant institutions of a society and
who, consequently, hold enormous power."
Plutocracy : It is a form of oligarchy in which a society is governed or controlled by
the minority made up of its wealthiest members.

The expression New World Order has been used to refer to a new period in
history and it is claimed, in this way, that there is evidence of drastic changes in
political ideologies and the balance of powers. The first use of this expression
appears in the Fourteen Points document of the President of the United States
Woodrow Wilson, which called, after the First World War, for the creation of the
League of Nations, predecessor of the Organization of the United States. United

Why do all these things happen? Why are all the legacies of the past under
this kind of attack: the family, national borders, the right to practice any religion the
individual chooses, the right to private property, among other things? Is it possible
that there really are people and organizations that really want to change the
fundamental order of things?

Adolf Hitler, socialist and head of the German government before and
during that nation's participation in World War II, stated: National Socialism will use
its own revolution for the establishment of a new world order.

Nesta Webster, who has dealt with the subject of conspiratorial

organizations in the past, wrote in her book Secret Societies: the revolution desired
by the leaders of the world revolution is a moral and spiritual revolution, an anarchy
of ideas by the which all customs established over nineteen centuries must be
overthrown, all respectable traditions trampled and, above all, the Christian ideal,
completely destroyed. One of his preceding popes, Pius IX, wrote this in November
1846, about the changes he foresaw for the future: That infamous doctrine of so-
called communism is totally contrary to natural law itself, and, if it were ever
adopted, in the end it would destroy the rights, properties and possessions of all
men, and even society as such.

Another scientist who has commented on future changes is Dr. Carl Sagan,
who has said: It is clear that, at some point relatively soon, in terms of the lifespan
of the human species, people will identify with the entire planet and with the
species. The new world will be called the new world order. This new structure will
redistribute property from the nations that have and give it to the nations that have
not. The new world order will include changes in:

The family: Homosexual marriages will be legalized; parents will not be allowed to
raise their children (the State will do it); all women will be state employees and will
not be allowed to be housewives; Divorce will be extremely simple and
monogamous marriage will be gradually eliminated.

The attack on the family

The court said the definition must include adults who demonstrate a financial
and emotional commitment to each other, even if they do not fit the traditional
meaning of family. Therefore, even the definition of family is under attack. It will
have to be modified if the family is to be destroyed. In the new moral world, the
irrational names of husband and wife, father and son, will be heard no more. Every
relationship will be the result of affections; the son will undoubtedly be the property
of the entire community. In China, a major newspaper in southern China has
reported that, during 1980, eight girls were found dead, abandoned in front of the
local party headquarters. Most had died from asphyxiation. The article went on to
explain why the bereaved parents only killed girls:

If a couple's first and only child is a girl, many parents fear being left without
an inheritance or without any source of support in their older years. Thus, in certain
areas, some parents have begun to kill the girls who are born first. It is estimated
that some 25 million "illegals" live in red China. They are unregistered children who
are not immigrants or aliens, but natives of China whose parents hide them and
keep them without registering them with government agencies, due to that official
"one child per family" policy.

But if the Communist Party discovers that a Chinese woman becomes

pregnant without permission, they force her to have an abortion. Jonathan Mirsky,
in an article for The Nation, wrote that some women who became pregnant without
permission were kidnapped by order of the Communist Party and forced to have an
abortion, even though they were in the third trimester of pregnancy. But China's
problem is not that there are too many Chinese. The problem is simply that there is
a lot of communism. The communists have imposed communism, also called the
new world order, on the Chinese people, and it has failed, just as anyone who has
studied the history of communism could have predicted. Therefore, China's
problem is not that it has too much population. It is that it has too much
communism. It has too much new world order. Those who defend the idea of legal
abortions often claim that those who say that life begins at conception are wrong.
His position is that life begins at birth. But there are others who claim that even that
date is not appropriate and that life must begin at a later date. One of them is Sir
Francis Crick, a British doctor and socialist, and, incidentally, a signatory of the
Humanist Manifesto II. He has been quoted as saying that he foresees the day
when: no unborn child will be declared human unless it passes certain tests related
to its genetic endowment. If you do not pass these tests, you lose your right to life.

The broad definition of child abuse, which makes all American parents
criminals, makes sense if the observer remembers that there are people in
America today who want to destroy the family. The way to achieve their goals is to
convince the world that families abuse their children, and that social workers do
not. So, when authorities come to remove children from their parents in the United
States, the vast majority of citizens will accept the action as necessary due to the
circumstances. It is claimed that the world is overpopulated. Fortunately for
planners, Friends of the Earth themselves have become aware of this problem and
offer their solution: we must establish a goal of reducing the population to a level
that the planet's resources can maintain indefinitely with a decent standard of
living; probably less than two billion. But we can assume that Friends of the Earth

believe that those three billion people will easily understand the measure when
they are going to exterminate them. Don't forget: it's for the good of humanity!

In America, the attack on the family has taken several clever and unique
turns. The destroyers of the family have resorted to ingenuity to hide their original
intention: they do not want the parents to know that the destruction of the family is
their objective. Therefore, they hide their objectives by sneakily causing problems
that generate intense pressure on the family. One of the methods used is inflation.
Inflation is defined by the dictionary as an increase in the supply of money, which
causes prices to rise. That means whoever controls the money supply controls the
price level. If the money supply increases, prices rise. If the money supply is
reduced, prices fall (called deflation). When inflation or deflation is investigated,
government economists proudly point to the supposed culprits: the public. They
never direct their attention to the real culprit in America: the privately run Federal
Reserve system. This private banking system has complete control over the
amount of money in circulation. Therefore, they have the ability to generate
inflation or deflation whenever they decide to do so. The rising price level, without a
corresponding increase in a family's income, causes the wife of a family unit that
has decided to raise her own children at home to hand over the care of the children
to others, with the aim of Seek paid employment to increase family income.
Parents are forced to enroll their child in a government-run school. This allows
planners to teach children whatever they want, at a very young age. And it puts the
mother in a position where she sees her children less and less, and the children
see more and more of the government-trained surrogate parents.

John Bowlby's much-acclaimed book, Maternal Care and Mental Health,

published in 1951, concluded that the "warm, intimate and continuous care of the
mother, or of the mother's permanent substitute, was essential to the "development
of character and Mental health. The author called the absence of this mother-child
relationship maternal deprivation and said it was likely to result in “psychological
maladjustment in the child.” This was the consensus opinion of the vast majority of
psychologists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, and the general public, until medical and
professional organizations surrendered to the demands of the feminist movement
in the 1970s. No wonder so many Soviet men drink, get angry, and accuse their
wives of frigidity and indifference. No wonder the Soviet Union is plagued with
divorces. The married woman in Russia is evidently too tired to care for her
husband, and the result is predictable: a high divorce rate. And no one blames
those who intentionally created an economic system that was sure to put such
pressure on the family. The planners have experienced their desired outcome:
marriage has become the least desired relationship. Consequently, those who
want to destroy the family want the world to make society revolve around them.
And those who run society continue to destroy it.

The attack on education

The Freemasons/Communists/Humanists/Illuminists all want the

government to educate the nation's children in government-run schools. Adam
Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati, wrote: We must win over ordinary people at
every corner. We will achieve this mainly through schools. We must gain the
direction of the education of the Church, the control of the teachers' union and the
pulpits. Scientific and atheistic propaganda is an integral part of the communist
education of working people, and has as one of its objectives the dissemination of
materialistic scientific knowledge. among the masses and the liberation of believers
from the influence of religious prejudices. Communists consider education a
vehicle to reeducate young children away from religion and belief in God. Similar
attempts have taken place and are taking place in the United States. National
Educational Association, the national teachers union, who wrote: Although they
(children of religious parents) appear to behave appropriately and appear normal
by most cultural standards, they may actually need mental care to help them
change, adapt, and conform. to the planned society in which there will be no
conflicts of attitudes or beliefs.

Attack on the laws

The program of the Communist International, adopted at the Sixth World

Congress in 1928, states: One of the most important tasks of the cultural revolution
affecting the broad masses is the task of totally and systematically combating
religion, opium from town. The proletarian government must withdraw all state
support from the Church, which is the agency of the former ruling class; must avoid
all interference by the Church in educational matters organized by the State and
ruthlessly suppress the counterrevolutionary activity of ecclesiastical organizations

Perhaps the main weapon used in the battle is the power of the government
to impose taxes. As taxes increase, the public has less and less ability to purchase
property. Another method that attackers use to destroy private property is inflation.
This tool takes an ever-increasing percentage of the profits of the working class.
Inflation, as explained, is defined as an increase in the supply of money, resulting
in an increase in the price level. Deflation is caused by a reduction in the money
supply, which causes prices to fall. Therefore, the business cycle is directed by
those who control the money supply. And the goal of the business cycle is to take
ownership from some and give it to others. Those who know what course the
money supply is going to take can certainly take advantage of that advance
knowledge and make exorbitant profits. Therefore, inflation is a method of
depriving some people of their private property without their knowledge. This
means that those who cause inflation can also prevent it. The one who controls the
money supply in the United States is the Federal Reserve, led by a few, and whose
objective is to use its ability to cause business cycles, through inflation and
deflation, to destroy the people's right to property. private. But few people in the
United States know that that is its purpose.

The family unit; the right to private property; national borders; the right to
believe in a creator God; All these beliefs will be destroyed because the world must
receive a world government supported by the planners in the secret societies and
new religious groups. Lucifer, the god of the new world order, of the New Age, of
some communists and some Freemasons, wants to bring to the world a world
religion based on the belief in man and in the uncontrolled power of man's mind
and reason. .
People can now know what the new world government and the religion that
supports it will offer to the people of the world: The abolition of the family. Children
will be raised by society, through the government. The abolition of the right to
private property. All land and property will be owned by the government. The right
to religion will no longer exist. Religious people will be subject to religious
deprogramming. Those who do not modify their belief system will be forced to
enter concentration camps, or simply murdered, because the act of worshiping a
God will become a crime. National borders will no longer exist. There will be a
single world government, rather than separate governments of cities, counties,
regions and nations. All private decisions of individuals will be made by others. The
person will no longer decide with whom to associate, nor in employment, voluntary
associations or social organizations. The new world order is coming. And the start
date has been revealed: it started in the year 2000.

The workplace: The government will become the owner of all means of
production, private property will be made illegal.

Religion: Religion will be banned and believers will be eliminated or imprisoned;

there will be a new religion: the cult of man and his mind; everyone will believe in
the new religion. The United States will play an important role in carrying it out
around the world.

The basic principles of Christianity, which were the basis of the old world
order, will have to be eliminated. The goal of having a single world government is
not a new idea. One of the first formal organizations to support that goal was the
Illuminati, founded on May 1, 1776, by Adam Weishaupt, professor of Canon Law
at the University of Ingolstadt, Bavaria, now part of Germany. Professor Weishaupt
is known to have said: It is necessary to establish a universal regime and an
empire over the entire world.

A more modern organization that supports the coming changes is the

Masonic order, called simply the Freemasons or the Freemasons. This fraternity,
spread throughout the world, has members in the United States, as we will explain
later, and also supports the demand for a single world government. One author
who has written about this secret organization is Paul Fischer, who says in his
book Behind the Lodge Door: Freemasonry will come to rule the world.

But what does the New Age religion consist of that will last at least a thousand
years on Earth?
 The Plan for the future includes the establishment of a New World Messiah,
the implementation of a new world government, and a new world religion
under the leadership of Maitreya (of whom more later).

 A universal credit card system will be implemented.

 A global food authority will control the planet's food supply.

 A universal tax.
 A universal recruitment.

 They intend to completely eradicate Bible-believing and God-worshiping

peoples, as well as to completely annihilate Christianity. As we explained
before this summary, certain people have commented that they consider the
Catholic Church to be one of their enemies. In this regard, Cumbey says
that he not only considers Catholicism a rival, but that all of Christianity is
one of his adversaries. But perhaps the most revealing commentary on the
nature of what the New Age religion believes in, and who they worship as
their god, was written by Constance Cumbey in her book The Hidden
Dangers of the Rainbow. hidden from the rainbow). The author has said that
they intended to establish a new world order, an order that removes God
and builds up Lucifer.

Texe Marrs, an anti-New Age author, wrote the following about hatred of
Christians: The New Age believer is told: You could be a god in an instant if those
terrible Christians weren't around. there with their poisonous attitudes.

In 1911, the Socialist Party of Great Britain published a pamphlet titled

"Socialism and Religion," in which it stated its position on religion: It is, therefore, a
profound truth that socialism is the enemy. nature of religion. A Christian socialist is
actually an anti-socialist.

The use of secrecy to hide ideas from some of the members of an

organization or from the public is the typical procedure of those who have
something to hide. That something is so horrible, so terrible, that the knowledge of
that secret must be kept away from those who would have the most to lose from
the knowledge of that secret. In the case of secret societies, it is the belief in
Lucifer, also known as Satan, the devil. In the case of communism, it is the
certainty that the people living in a communist nation know that the system does
not work. But those who live in a non-communist country that is going to become
communist are not shown that simple truth. They are told that the system is the
culmination of the ascending human quest for a perfect society. And they must be
fooled into believing that there is no problem with changing their current form of
government to a communist system. However, history has recorded the brutality of
the communists and the fact that millions of people had to die when they imposed
their form of government.

Mr. Churchill relates Weishaupt and the Illuminati of 1776 to the communist
Karl Marx of 1848, and Marx to the Russian communists of 1917. He believed that
these individuals were related in a conspiracy that lasted more than 140 years. He

later combined this conspiracy with European and American revolutionaries. His
final comment was that his overall purpose was to overthrow civilization. In other
words, Churchill claimed that his purpose was to bring the world a new world order.
Weishaupt founded the Illuminati on May 1, 1776, and the choice of that day as the
founding date of his order appears to be no coincidence. Albert Pike wrote that
May 1 was a holiday: The festival was celebrated in honor of the Sun. The
Weishaupt organization's dedication to reason makes a lot of sense remembering
that reason has been defined as the unfettered use of man's mind to solve man's
problems, without the involvement of God. The Bible calls this the fruit of the tree of
the knowledge of good and evil.

Weishaupt's religion not only offered power to its believers, it also offered
them something else not guaranteed by any other religion: global success. He said
that once a candidate had achieved the exalted degree of Illuminatus Minor, the
fourth of thirteen within the order, his superiors would: help him (the member) put
his talents into action and place him in situations more favorable to his put into
practice, so that success could be assured. One of those areas where the Illuminati
would try to place its members was in the government. Weishaupt wrote: We must
do everything possible to seek the advancement of the Illuminati in all important
civil offices. This cannot be done in any other way than by secret associations,
which will gradually and silently appropriate the government of the states, and for
their purpose will make use of those means, which the evil one uses to achieve his
basic ends. .

Some authors of the past summarized the beliefs of the Illuminati for the future use
of historians. One of them was Nesta Webster, who wrote the following about her
goals in her book World Revolution:

 Abolition of the monarchy and all named governments.

 Abolition of private property.
 Abolition of inheritance.
 Abolition of patriotism.
 Abolition of the family (that is, of marriage and all morality, and the institution
of the common education of children).
 Abolition of all religions.

The Masons

Freemasonry or Freemasonry is known as an international organization of a

discreet (not to say secret), humanist, hierarchical, philosophical nature and
founded around a feeling of brotherhood among men. It exists as an initiatory
institution, that is, it reveals its secrets only to those who pass certain initiation rites
and are part of successive and progressive rings of trust, in which the “search for
truth” is promoted: the philosophical study of human being, sciences and arts,
social progress and the moral and spiritual development of the individual. Masons

are identified by a series of symbols linked to masonry or in any case the Royal Art
of Construction, as well as the acronym G. TO. d. U., which means “Great Architect
of the Universe”, a Masonic concept of utmost importance for his philosophy of life.

The Freemasons know they must hide their horrible secret from the people.
That secret is simply the fact that some of its members worship Lucifer. And they
keep that secret hidden from the vast majority of their own members. Certainly, the
public is not aware of this fact. The evidence to support that conclusion is plentiful,
but only for those who care enough to look for it. So Hall was right to capitalize the
words, as he had discovered that the snake represented divinity. Note also that
Gregson, although he chose not to capitalize the word "serpent," confirmed that
Hall's use of the capital letter was correct when he stated that there was a
relationship between Divine Wisdom and the serpent. Hall made the same
connection with these comments: The serpent is faithful to the principles of
wisdom, because it tempts man to know himself. Let us remember that Lucifer was
a cherub consecrated in heaven, and that he fell because he desired divine power.
The story is told in Isaiah 14:12-14, of the Old Testament:

How you have fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the dawn! What art
brought you down to the ground. You have said within your heart: “I will ascend to
the heavens, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God. I will be like the Most
High. Therefore, we can safely say that Lucifer would be considered shamelessly
bold and disrespectful. It seems that the Brazen Serpent may refer to Lucifer. Is the
serpent worshiped in the Ancient Mysteries, and is it a symbol in Masonic
ceremonies, a symbol of Satan, the devil? As we have already explained, there is
plenty of evidence that this is the case.

The new age

MacLaine, who has become a spokesperson for the idea that man can
become a god. She has written several books about her support of the New Age
movement. (Newsweek magazine described her as “the evangelist of the New
Age.” He wrote the following statement in his book Dancing in the Light: We are
part of God and also the following in the same book: If someone says, and you can
hear him, that he is God, the sound vibrations literally align the energies of the
body to achieve greater harmony. If every man is a god, humanity is capable of
making decisions for its own well-being. Every man has complete control over his
decision making, according to Shirley MacLaine.

The armies of this war are made up of those who believe in a creative God
and those who believe that man can become a god. What does the New Age
religion offer its believers? The promise of personally becoming a god. But there is
another hook: it is about unlimited knowledge of the entire universe. Fred Gittings
noted in Secret Symbolism in Occult that it is stated that after Lucifer fell from
heaven, he brought with him the power of thought as a gift to humanity. These are
the two opposite positions. And the war between the two has begun. Members of

the Illuminati share the similar approaches of the Freemasons and Humanists.
Professor Weishaupt wrote these two statements:

This is the great objective sought by this association and the means to
achieve it is Enlightenment, which makes understanding possible through the sun
of reason. When reason finally becomes man's religion, then the problem will be
solved. Freemasonry believes that it is more sacred to live according to reason
than to live according to faith, because reason is a bridge of understanding, while
faith is only a bridge of hope. Reason challenges our minds, while faith can offer
comfort without achievement

Proudhon wrote that God was the prototype of injustice: we achieve

knowledge in spite of him, we achieve society in spite of him. Every step forward is
a victory in which we defeat the Divine. God is stupidity and cowardice; God is
hypocrisy and falsehood; God is tyranny and poverty; God is evil. Note that the
ideas of these men were not those of an atheist. Marx and his friends, at this phase
of their lives, were not atheists, as current Marxists describe themselves. That is to
say, although they denounced and denigrated God, they hated him while
recognizing his existence. They did not question his existence, what they did was
challenge his supremacy.

Freemasonry has deified reason, man's ability to make his own decisions in
all his affairs, without concern for the moral values taught by the God of the Bible.
No one would dare suggest that man does not use his reason at all. What these
New Age advocates, Freemasons, Humanists and members of the Illuminati are
saying is that they want to use reason exclusively. That means, for those who
believe that there is no God, that man can have the knowledge of good and evil,
and build his own moral code as he progresses. For those who do not believe in
God, He has no say in the future determination of what is right or wrong. Therefore,
man must have the right to decide for himself in all moral, religious, political and
economic matters, whether there is a God or not. But it is possible to know what
the God of the Bible thinks about these decisions. Proverbs 1:7, from the Old
Testament, teaches: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; but fools
despise wisdom and instruction. The Bible maintains that there is true wisdom and
that it arises from the mind of God. Humanists, followers of the New Age,
communists and freemasons say that wisdom arises only from the mind of man,
and that the mind of man shows that he himself can become a god, by having the
ability to decide for himself in everything. Proverbs 3:5 urges man to: Believe in the
Lord with all your heart; and not rely on your own understanding. If primitive man
first worshiped the sun, and then the stars as symbols of that sun, the next logical
step would be for him to worship the light that comes from that sun. And this is the
evolution that history teaches us.

Albert Mackey wrote: light has always been a main object of worship, as a
primary source of knowledge. John White, called another New Age theologian by
Texe Marrs in his book Dark Secrets of the New Age, noted that man seeks not

only the light, but to become light: In the beginning you go towards the light. Then
you are in the light. Then you are the light.

Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati (meaning "the illuminated"), wrote

in 1778, Lucifer was the name of the being who was in heaven with the God of the
Bible, until he rebelled. He was punished and sent to Earth, where it appears his
name changed to Satan. New Age followers, some Freemasons, and members of
the Illuminati worship the being who was in heaven before he fell, not the one
known as Satan. Freemasons are emphatically called the children of light because
they are, or at least have a right to be, in possession of the true meaning of the
symbol. Light is an important word in the system of Freemasonry. It conveys a
much more recondite meaning that is beyond the comprehension of the ordinary
mind than most of us believe we possess, it contains within itself a much more
abstruse allusion, somewhat difficult to understand, to the very essence of
speculative Freemasonry. . Perhaps the same reason why Freemasons hide a
great truth in the word light can best be summarized in this statement by Albert
Pike, from his book Morals and Dogma: The Light will finally defeat the Darkness.
Consequently, if the student of esoteric knowledge wishes to understand this
terminology, it is important to determine, if possible, who the light bearer is. And
the scholar can know with certainty who he is, since one of the greatest seekers of
light has told the world. That author is Albert Pike, a Freemason, and he has
described who this individual is in his book Morals and Dogma. Pike identified the
light bearer on page 321 of his book: Lucifer, the Light Bearer! Lucifer, the son of
the Morning! Is he the one who carries the Light? Do not hesitate!

Albert Pike has admitted that Freemasons seek the Light! He has now
admitted that the bearer of the Light is Lucifer! The Freemasons ask for Light from
the bearer of Light, Lucifer! But Pike is not the only Mason who has admitted that in
easily understandable language. So here we see the exact nature of the battle
between the followers of the light-bearing trickster, Lucifer, i.e. the Freemasons,
the Illuminati and the New Age, and the true light, Jesus. And, as we have
explained, these organizations believe that their god, their light, will ultimately
defeat the true light, Jesus Christ. So the sun, a symbol of Lucifer, the god of some
Freemasons, resides in the east. These sun worshipers consider them true. And
since that is so, they make plans for our future. And those plans should concern
everyone because, as I am trying to point out, the wholesale changes that are
being prepared will even change the way in which all of us will live our lives. And I,
for one, don't feel much appreciation for those plans that are being drawn up.

On the other hand, excessive population growth must be reviewed through

international agreements. But one of the best-known humanists is Madalyn Murray
O'Hair, the woman who in 1963 succeeded in her desire to eliminate prayer and
Bible reading in public schools in the United States. Humanism is based on the
belief in three main philosophical principles: Communism, evolutionism and
atheism. In essence, New Age advocates are saying: all moral values are
situational. The situation determines what is right or wrong, and since situations
are constantly changing, what is right today may be wrong tomorrow. The New Age
movement, humanist religion and communists have turned man into a god; They
have deified humanity. The new morality for a godman consists of what he himself
decides to be, and that is what the New Agers, the humanists and the communists
have done. His new morality is called "situational ethics." This "morality" known as
situational ethics is the underlying philosophy of communists/socialists who kill a
percentage of a country's population in pursuit of their communist or socialist goal.
Proponents of these "isms" claim that their goal is so desirable that those they kill
must sacrifice themselves for the good of all humanity. The conclusion of this
position is “The end justifies the means.”

Chou En-Lai and Mao Tse Tung murdered 64 million people in their
Communist Revolution that began in 1923 and ended in 1949, and we are sure
that they thought the price the dead had to pay to the rest of the Chinese was
worth the price. penalty in view of the final result. The reader will recall that Adam
Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati, wrote that "the ends justify the means."
Weishaupt also wrote that "no man [would be] suitable for our order if he [was] not
prepared to go to any length necessary." Pike titled his book Morals and Dogma.
Situational ethics is a particular way of looking at morality. Judging from Pike's
comments, it would be correct to conclude that this was the moral position of the
book. Pike was telling every Mason to read the book that the Masonic religion
believed in situational ethics. Jesus taught his followers to obey his
commandments. These commandments were called moral absolutes. Hall said
that Jesus never taught that, and that human reason would not accept the principle
that there were moral absolutes. Human reason has concluded that following a
divine commandment is unreasonable.
Nikolai Lenin certainly believed in situational ethics. His revolution involved the
murder, in 1917 as we have already explained, of nearly 42 million people, in order
to achieve the goal of communism for the Russian people. Lenin wrote:
Communism is a power based on force and not limited by anything, by any kind of
law and by any established rules at all. The dictatorship of the proletariat is nothing
more than power based on force and limited by nothing, by any type of law and by
no normal law at all.

We must fight religion. That is the priority of all materialism, and therefore of
Marxism. Down with religion. Long live atheism. The expansion of atheism is our
main task. Communism involves the abolition of eternal truths. It is the abolition of
all religion and morality. Situational ethics leads some to a stance of hatred against
all of society, and a desire to destroy the entire social order, the "old social order."
Then, those who wish to fill the void will be able to remake the world. And the new
order that will be created will be called the new world order Isaiah 5:20-21, in the
Old Testament of the Bible: Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who
take the bitter for sweet and the sweet for bitter. Situational ethics calls evil good
and good evil. And it is the philosophy of humanists, communists and some
Freemasons. And it is quickly becoming America's moral system.


Richard W. Noone has pointed out that the term for pyramid in ancient Egypt
meant "glorious light," which again relates the pyramid to the sun and the sun-god

The Great Seal: It is the hallmark of this hidden and largely unknown exalted body,
and the unfinished pyramid on its reverse is a trestle board that symbolically
describes the task to which the United States government dedicated itself from the
day of its implementation. Hall goes on to explain: There is only one possible origin
of these symbols, and it is the secret societies that came to this country 150 years
before the Revolutionary War in approximately 1620, the date the Pilgrims arrived
in America.

The Eagle : Manly P. Hall tells us: In mysticism, the eagle is a symbol of initiation.
Rex Hutchens offers another: The eagle: this emblem is very ancient and appears
in the symbolic inventory of the Egyptians, like the sun; Since wisdom is obtained
through reason, the eagle also symbolizes reason. Among the Egyptians, the eagle
was the emblem of the wise man because his wings lifted him above the clouds,
towards the purest atmosphere and to be closer to the source of light, and his eyes
were not dazzled by that light. Since the eagle also represented the great Egyptian
sun-god Amun-Ra, it is a symbol of the infinite supreme reason of intelligence.
The all-seeing eye: Located on the pyramid, it has two meanings, both related to
the Masonic order. An explanation was provided by the Masons themselves in an
article in a Masonic Bible, which read: The ubiquity of Masonic law was symbolized
by the all-seeing eye. The word ubiquity is defined as the ability to be in all places
at the same time. The Masons say that their law, which will punish the Mason who
dares to reveal their secrets, is everywhere and cannot be hidden from it. Kenneth
Mackenzie, who wrote: The eye was also the symbol of Osiris. This was confirmed
by another Freemason, Carl Claudy: This all-seeing eye is one of the oldest and
most widespread symbols that designate God. The open eye represented Osiris in
Egypt. Its symbol, therefore, was an open eye, in honor of the Great Eye of the
universe, the sun. Therefore, the all-seeing eye is a symbol of Lucifer, the all-
seeing god of the universe. And it was put on the seal of the United States by
people who knew what it represented.

Symbol of the Freemasons

But the key on the back of the dollar bill and inside the Great Seal is the Latin
ORDO: Order
The new world order!

The 'New World Order' is what is known in the Bible as the government of
the antichrist, who will enter the world scene after the rapture of the church.

The entire world will be governed by one person, one government, one
currency, and one world religion. The large economic groups, occultists and secret
organizations eagerly await this government, which the Bible warns:

Matthew 24:21-22 "For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been
since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will be. And if those days were
not shortened, no one would be saved; but for the sake of the elect, those days will
be shortened." (NKJV)

2 Thessalonians 2:8-12 "And then that wicked one will be revealed, whom the
Lord will kill with the spirit of his mouth, and will destroy with the brightness of his
coming; wicked one whose coming is by the work of Satan, with great power and
signs and lying wonders, and with all deception of iniquity for those who are
perishing, because they did not receive the love of the truth to be saved.
For this reason God sends them a deceptive power, so that they believe the lie, so
that all those who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in unrighteousness,
may be condemned." (RV1960)

The Attack on the Family according to the Bible.

The first inhabitants of the land formed a family. From the beginning, God
blessed and promoted families, and commanded Adam and Eve: “Be fruitful and
multiply; and fill the earth” (Genesis 1:28 RV1960).

One of the Ten Commandments given to Moses in the Old Testament

speaks directly to the relationship that exists between parents and children: “Honor
your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the
Lord your God is giving you.” ” (Exodus 20:12 RV1960).

Jesus Christ taught that marriage is holy and essential in God's plan: “But at
the beginning of creation, God made them male and female. For this reason a man
will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife. And the two will be one
flesh; so they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined
together, let no man put asunder” (Mark 10:6–9KJV)

 Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob obeyed God's command to marry and have

 Abraham and Sarah exercised faith to finally enjoy the blessings they
received from having their son Isaac (see Genesis 21).

 Under the Lord's direction, Abraham's servant traveled a long distance to

find Rebekah, a righteous woman, to be Isaac's wife (see Genesis 24).

 Jacob, son of Isaac, worked for many years to marry and raise his own
family, which became the house of Israel (see Genesis 29–30).

The apostle Paul often talked about family relationships. He advised: “Children,
obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which
is the first commandment with a promise, so that it may go well with you, and that
you may live long on earth. And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to
anger; but bring them up in the discipline and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians
6:1–4 KJV).

The purpose of the new world order is to end the natural family, to establish
other forms of family, which have nothing to do with the logical, common and
natural order.

The new world order seeks to 'build' the family, and create one without support
in natural law.

That is why they want to teach gender ideology from babies, and thus
indoctrinate an entire generation with gender, which is an anti-scientific, anti-
natural and anti-biblical, biased and mutilated vision of human sexuality.

(Genesis 1:27 RV1960) And God created man in his own image, in the image of
God he created him; male and female he created them.

(Genesis 5:2 RV1960) Male and female he created them; and he blessed them,
and called their name Adam, on the day they were created.

(Deuteronomy 4:16 RV1960) so that you do not become corrupt and make for
yourselves a sculpture, an image of any figure, an image of a male or female,

(Deuteronomy 7:14 RV1960) You will be blessed more than all people; There will
be no barren male or female in you, nor in your livestock.

(Matthew 19:4 NKJV) He answered and said to them, Have you not read that He
who made them at the beginning made them male and female?

(Mark 10:6 NKJV) But at the beginning of creation, God made them male and

(1 Corinthians 6:9-10 KJV) “Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit
the kingdom of God? Do not err; neither the fornicators, nor the idolaters, nor the
adulterers, nor the effeminate, nor those who have sex with men,
Neither thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor slanderers, nor swindlers,
will inherit the kingdom of God. ”

What the Bible says about Earthly Laws

Romans 13:1-7 states: “Let everyone submit to higher authorities; because there
is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been established by
God. So whoever opposes authority resists what is established by God; and those
who resist bring condemnation upon themselves. Because magistrates are not
there to instill fear in those who do good, but in those who do evil. Would you have
no fear of authority? Do good, and you will have praise from it; because he is a
servant of God for your good. But if you do wrong, fear; because he does not carry
the sword in vain, for he is a servant of God, an avenger to punish those who do
evil. Therefore it is necessary to be subject to him, not only for the sake of
punishment, but also for the sake of conscience. Well, for this you also pay taxes,
because they are servants of God who continually attend to this very thing. Pay to
all what you owe: to whom I tribute, tribute; to whom tax, tax; whom I respect,
respect; to him who honors, honors.” (NKJV)

As children of God it is our duty to submit to our earthly authorities, the Bible
clearly tells us that we must do so, and that is why the New World Order wants to
change all laws, but in the book of Acts 5:27-29, we It says, “ When they had
brought them, they presented them in the council, and the high priest asked them,
saying, Did we not strictly command you not to teach in that name?” And now
you have filled Jerusalem with your doctrine, and you want to cast that man's blood
on us. 29 Peter and the apostles answered and said, “We must obey God rather
than men.” (NKJV)

We see clearly that as long as the law of the place does not contradict the law of
God, we are obliged to obey. As soon as the law of the place contradicts the
commandment of God, we must disobey the law of that place and obey the law of
God. However, even in that case, we must accept the government's authority over
us. This is demonstrated by the fact that Peter and John did not protest about

being scourged, but instead rejoiced at having suffered for obeying God (Acts
5:40-42 KJV). ” 40 And they agreed with him; And calling the apostles, after
scourging them, they told them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and they set
them free.
And they left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they had been counted
worthy to suffer disgrace for the Name's sake.
And every day, in the temple and in their homes, they did not stop teaching and
preaching Jesus Christ.”

What the Bible says about Sects.

The word “sect,” according to the Spanish language dictionary, “is a particular
doctrine, taught by a teacher who found or explained it and followed or defended
by others.” Interesting definition. Several elements are worth mentioning, note that
the sect is a particular doctrine. This means that it differs from the doctrine
normally accepted by the majority. Furthermore, this particular doctrine is taught by
a teacher. Every sect normally revolves around one person, considered its founder,
and who, invariably, stands as the channel through which God supposedly makes
his revelations. Also note that every sect has its followers or defenders. They are
known as sectarians. These are people who blindly submit to the postulates
emanated by the founder of the sect, without thinking for a single moment about
the validity or legitimacy of those postulates. Applying all this to biblical doctrine, a
sect, and more specifically a false sect, is a doctrine that deviates from what the
Bible teaches, which is proclaimed or taught by a teacher who found it, in some
way, and also is blindly supported or defended by others
Now, what does the Bible say about all this? For the Bible teaches that as long as
the church of Christ is on earth, people like the founders of false sects will arise.
Pay attention to what 2 Timothy 3:1-5 says “Know this also: that in the last days
dangerous times will come. For there will be men who are lovers of themselves,
covetous, vainglorious, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful,
ungodly, without natural affection, implacable, slanderers, intemperate, cruel,
haters of those who are good, traitors, impetuous, boastful, lovers of the delights
more than of God, which will have the appearance of godliness, but will deny the
effectiveness of it; avoid these.” (RV1960). When this biblical passage speaks of
the last days it is referring to the time between the first and second coming of
Christ. This time will be a dangerous time because men will arise with all those
characteristics given by the apostle Paul, who will appear to be men of God, but
their behavior will reveal them as false teachers. These false teachers are those
who proclaim false doctrine. The apostle Paul speaks about them in 1 Timothy
4:1-3 where he says: “But the Spirit clearly says that in the last times some will
depart from the faith, listening to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons; for the
hypocrisy of liars who, having their conscience seared, will prohibit marriage, and
will order abstaining from foods that God created so that believers and those who
have known the truth could partake of them with thanksgiving.” (RV1960). Notice
how false teachers, or the leaders of any false sect, actually obey the designs of
deceiving spirits and consequently proclaim doctrine of demons. With their
conscience seared, these teachers of false sects attempt to establish their own
rules of conduct and demand that their followers submit to them. Among other
things, for example, it has occurred to them that getting married is bad and they
prohibit their followers from getting married. It has also occurred to them that
certain foods are bad and they demand that their followers abstain from eating
those foods. There you have them. Setting himself up as God to order his followers
what they should do. This is what the leaders of false sects are like. The curious
thing is that many adhere to false doctrines and blindly submit to them. This was
also already announced beforehand in the Bible. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 says, “For the
time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but having itching ears,
they will gather teachers for themselves according to their own lusts, and they will
turn away from the truth and turn to fables.” (RV1960). The Bible says there will
come a time when people will be fed up with sound doctrine. They just won't want
to hear more about it. The Bible for these people will be an old, old-fashioned book,
good for their grandparents but worthless to them. Your approach to God will be
through emotions, or through what can be experienced with the senses. Having
itching ears, or what is the same, desiring to hear only what they want to hear, they
will seek teachers according to their own wickedness. This means that they will
look for preachers who tell them that there is no problem with cheating, with lying,
with taking what is not yours. In this way, they will turn their ears away from the
truth and allow themselves to be carried away by the fables invented by the false
teachers of the false sects. It is interesting to note that a large majority of the
followers of false sects are not people who, before joining a certain false sect, did
not know anything about God or the Bible. They are people who knew something
about God, something about the Bible, but they refused to deepen this knowledge
and to receive Christ as Savior. When someone approached them with some new
false doctrine, they were ready to embrace what they claimed was the new truth,
the truth not even found in the Bible. They exchanged the precious word of God for
the word of man. The Bible describes all the doctrines of false sects as fables. How
to treat a master of a fake sect? The Bible also talks about this. 2 John 9-11 says,
“Anyone who goes astray and does not continue in the doctrine of Christ does not
have God; He who perseveres in the doctrine of Christ, he does have the Father
and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine, do not
welcome him into your home, nor say to him Welcome! Because he who says to
him: Welcome! Participate in his works” (RV1960). The teachers of false sects do
not have God. The way to treat them has been established by the Bible itself. It
simply says: Do not have any contact with them. Do not invite them to come to
your house, sit down and start a pleasant conversation with them. When the
apostle John says: Do not say "Welcome!", he is implying that they should not
even be greeted. It is drastic, but that is what the Bible recommends regarding the
treatment of teachers of false sects. How to protect ourselves from the threat of
false sects? The only way is to thoroughly know the truth of the word of God. The
more the truth is known, the less likely we are to be led into error. They say that the
FBI agents in charge of investigating counterfeit bills know the real bills so well that
they immediately detect a counterfeit bill. The same should be true of every true
believer. He should know the Bible so well that he can immediately detect the
slightest hint of error in the teaching of the teachers of false sects. That was Paul's
advice to Timothy. 1 Timothy 4:16 says, “Take care of yourself and of doctrine;
persist in it, for by doing this you will save yourself and those who hear you ”

The work of The New World Order currently is to indoctrinate our children, trying to
“Normalize” that which goes against everything, against God. As parents, our duty
is to teach our children what is truly correct and what God's design is, passing
everything under the light of the Word of God. The duty of parents is to be very
aware of what they teach their children at school, on the street, and what they may
be watching on TV and on the Internet. (Proverbs 22:6) “Train up a child in the
way he should go, and even when he is old he will not depart from it” (NKJV)

We can conclude that throughout the history of man, the importance of the
family in the process of social and educational development of children is
recognized, and as the first agents, there are parents. Education is an incomplete
job if it does not involve, in addition to the teachers, the parents in the child's
socialization process, and they have the responsibility of accompanying and
guiding the children for their connection with the community and in the learning

That Family today and will always be the fundamental basis of society and is
where the moral values of minors originate; and we have laws that guarantee the
proper functioning of the rights and duties of children.

The Family constitutes a fundamental element of the person as such, since

parents form an identity from within a family, what is experienced within a family
environment exerts its influence on the personal identity of its components.

We have to highlight that the family is an important educational instrument

since it exerts a great influence on the formation of the being, so man can achieve
his complete intellectual, psychological and physical development. In the creation
of the individual and his search for the "I" the family will have a strong impact.

An effective society requires a series of family functions so that its

individuals can develop in sociocultural, economic and educational areas. In this
sense, different basic functions of the family are proposed such as: reproduction or
function, communication, affectivity, education, social and economic support,
adaptability, generation of autonomy and creation, adaptation and dissemination of
rules and norms.

The role of parents in educating their children is fundamental, since “The

home is the first school of values”, it is the individual's first learning for life. This
Education must be based on the principles and values of God, which can protect
and preserve the family as the healthy, vital and dynamic cell of society.

It is essential that parents know the principles for raising children, that there
is family communication, that they can guide their children in the sexual area, and
prepare to deal with the changes of adolescence and youth.

Parents play a fundamental role in the legacy of spiritual values that make
them sensitive people and of greater human quality in the face of need and pain.
This is achieved by teaching them to respect the creative Father.

Parents must be the light before men before their children so that they see
their good works and glorify the father who is in heaven (Matthew 5.16), there are
two ways in which we can serve as a light to our children: Being good parents,
obeying the teachings that God gives us regarding the family and the formation of
our children, and making these teachings known.
There are no perfect parents. As children grow up, they make their own
decisions and will be responsible before God for their own choices. Even the best
parents can have “prodigal children.”

Let us live our Christian life sincerely in our home. Let us pray to God for the
good development of our children. Let's consciously use these 5 tools that God has
given us: Let us love each child with balance. Let us teach each child to walk in
the ways of the Lord, but in a joyful way. Let us correct each child intelligently and
according to the Word of God. Let us inspire each child to give their all to the Lord.
Let us be an example of Christian life that they want to imitate us.


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