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PRACTICE 10.0 DESIGN BY SHEARING EFFORTS yield strength is desired?

5.0 mm thick hot rolled AISI 1020 steel sheet.
1. The support of a beam was made as shown in the
figure. Determine the required shoulder thickness if
the maximum shear stress is to be 6000 psi. The
load on the support is 21,000 lb.

5. Determine the force required to thin metal of the

shape shown in the figure from a 5.0 mm thick
3OO3-H18 aluminum sheet.

2. The lower control arm of an automotive suspension

system is connected to the frame by means of 16
mm diameter steel round pin. Two sides of the arm
transfer loads from the frame to the arm, as 6. A notch is carved in a piece of wood as shown in
illustrated in the figure. How much shear force the figure to support an external load of 1800 Ib.
could the pin withstand if it is made of cold-drawn Calculate the shear stress in the wood. Is the notch
AISI 1040 steel and a design factor of 6 based on secure? (See Appendix A-19.)

3. A circular punch is used to punch a hole of 20.0 mm

diameter in a hot-rolled AISI 1020 steel sheet with a
thickness of 8.0 mm. Calculate the force required to
remove the necessary material.

4. Determine the force required to thin metal as shown in

the figure of a



7 . For the lever shown in the figure called the bell 9 . A lever like the one shown in the figure is used to
mechanism, calculate the required diameter of pin generate a large mechanical force to lift heavy
A if the load is repeated and the pin is hard C17200 machines. An operator can exert a force of 280 lb
beryllium copper. The loads are repeated many on the handle. Calculate the uplift force and shear
times. stress on the wheel axle.

8 . For the structure shown in the figure, determine 10 .The figure shows a steel strip with holes and slots
the required diameter of each cold-drawn AISI cut out of it. The strap was also thinned from a
1020 steel pin. Each pin is subjected to double larger sheet of 3003-H12 aluminum alloy, 1.40 mm
shear and the load is static. thick. Calculate the total force required to produce
the part if the trimming is done in one stroke.

.The figure shows an anvil for an impact hammer retained in a fixture

by a circular pin. If the force has to be 500 lb, specify a suitable
diameter for the AISI 1040 WQT 900 steel pin.



12 .The figure shows a forged steel flange integrated

with the shaft, which has to be subjected to
torsion. Eight bolts are used to attach one flange to 14 The figure shows the shape of a blade of a utility
another. Assume that each bolt carries an equal knife that has to be cut from a sheet of AISI 1080
load. Calculate the maximum allowable coupling OQT 900 steel. The blade is 0.80mm thick. Calculate
torque if the shear stress in the bolts is not to the force required to thin out the shape of the
exceed 6000 psi. sheet.

9.00 in dia bolt circle

15 A section of a tube is supported by a chair-shaped

structure, which, in turn, is supported by two steel
pins, as illustrated in the figure. If the load on the
13 .Calculate the force required to completely thin out chair is 42,000 lb, determine the required diameter
the shape shown in the figure from a large sheet of and length of the pins. Use cold drawn AISI 1040
steel 2.15 mm thick. The material is AISI 1020 cold steel.
drawn steel.



Consider both shear stress and bearing stress.

16 .The figure shows the design of the lower end of

the structural member. Use the load, shown in the

figure and assume it is static. Member 1 is 6061-T4
aluminum alloy; member 2 is 2014-T4 aluminum 17.The figure illustrates a type of chain used in
alloy, pin 3 is 2014-T6 aluminum alloy. Perform the conveyor belts. All components are made of cold-
following analyses. drawn AISI 1040 steel. Evaluate the allowable
• Evaluate member • Evaluate he
Barrette 3
tensile force in the chain with respect to:
1 for tension regarding
security in the security to
area of the dowel support effort.
• Evaluate member
• Evaluate he
Barrette 3
1 for safety to regarding
bearing stress on security to
c) Tension in the side plates
the pin. shear strength.
• Evaluate member a) Bolt Shear
2 for safety to
bearing stress on b) Pin support
the pin. on side plates




18 .The figure shows members. Next, for

two plates members subjected
connected by two to tensile forces,
rivets. The plates propose a design in
are made of 6061- terms of their
T6 aluminum and material and shape
the rivets are made and cross-sectional
of 2014-T4 dimensions.
aluminum. Evaluate Consider how each
the maximum member will
allowable force in connect to adjacent
the connection to members in past
satisfy the following meetings.
design criteria:
• The shear
stress in the
rivet cannot
exceed 4 of the
shear strength.
• The tensile
stress in the
plates cannot
exceed the
yield strength.
• The bearing
stress in any of
the plates or
rivets cannot
exceed the
design bearing
according to
Equation 3-26.

19 .For the truss

illustrated in the
figure, calculate the
forces in all


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