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Lesson Plan

Name. Ahmed Mohamed Abuelella.

Level. High intermediate.
Date. Tuesday, 9 July 1996.
Time. 45 minutes ( From 3:15 to 4:00 o'clock).

Time Table Fit.

The coursebook for this level is American Language Course,
Intermediate Phase, book 2400, units 1 to 10. The topic of this week's
lesson is "Heat", This is the second lesson of the week.
The next lesson will be an "Early Americans". The previous topics
were "Natural and Artificial light" and some special expressions,
proverbs and wise sayings.

Class Profile.
There are 19 students in the class. 9 of the students are new to MODLI
and to the American language Course. Seven females and 12 males.
There are seven officers and seven university students in the class.
Attendance as a whole is good, but the officers finish their work at
3:00 o'clock in the afternoon and because of that they usually come late to
The students have completed 45 hours of a 60 hour course, they attend
two times a week for three hours per class. One of the three hours is
taught in the laboratory.

To introduce the students to the following items of "Heat" and give
them the chance to know and use the vocabulary items through a free
speaking activity.
Then to follow teaching a piece of reading about "Heat" after eliciting or
explaining the vocabulary and the main idea of the reading

Radiation send out = emit

Conduction furnish = supply
Convection uneven = irregular
For instance less dense (lighter)
Sub aims:
1. To expose students to a reading exercise for comprehension.
2. To give fluency practice via pair and group discussions.
3. To develop students ability and understanding and storing
4. To develop the learners' ability to use the topic in free speaking

Assumed Knowledge.
I think many of the vocabulary words are known to the students or
they'll get their meaning easily except for the main three words that
describe the way in which heat travels, those will probably need taking
care of during the presentation stage.
Afterwards I anticipate students will work normally and easily with the
reading passage.

Anticipated problems.
Pronunciation / š / and / Č/ confusion.
Solution correct mistakes, and show the difference
between the confused sounds.

Aids / materials.

Stage 1: none.
Stage 2: pictures and drawings.
Blue tasks.
Hand out I (gap filling exercise)
Stage 3: Pieces of paper with different reading
paragraphs on it.
Stage 4: Hand out II (detailed questions).
Stage 5: none.
Stage Procedure Aims Focus
Warmer 1. How are you today? * Warm students and get them to
2 mins. 2. What do you think about the weather? speak English T sts
3. Is it hot enough? * encourage production of related
4. What causes the heat? vocabulary. Sts T
Lead in T try to elicit sun, heat, and
3 mins. radiation.
In pairs talk to your friend about the * Encourage speaking in pairs, get st st
weather today and what causes this heat, students mind on the topic.
T Feedback. * Focus on the reading area. sts T
Responses only to target language – try
to elicit the ways in which heat travels.
Pre T show some pictures to the words * help students get an idea about T sts
Teach conduction, radiation and convection, the lesson topic "heat".
Vital then try to elicit the following * help students predict new sts T
Vocab. vocabulary. vocabulary themselves.
15 Conduction Transmission * teach vital vocab.
mins. Radiation send out, emit * provide correct pronunciation
For instance for example
Furnish supply Heat , light
Uneven irregular Causes weather
Less dense lighter
Molecules particles
Substances kind of matter
Feedback. Point out explain * Make sure students know new T
free review with the class, then students vocabulary. sts
are given hand out I (gap filling * Encourage reading, answer and st st
exercise) for vocabulary concept check. pair discussion.
* Students correct exercise in open Encourage students giving
pairs. questions and answers.
* Drill vocabulary if needed. T sts
* Correct pronunciation. sts T
Reading T set the reading task. * improve students reading habits. T sts
10 Since we all know the new vocabulary * help students to memorize what
mins. by now, I want you to read the they read.
paragraphs. I'm going to give you and * encourage the to use the new sts
be prepared to explain the whole vocabulary in text. sts
paragraph to your group after reading it. * encourage explanations and
Please read thoroughly and explain in speaking.
details to your groups.
Post T set the task. Encourage discussion and T sts
Reading Now you'll have hand out II. Which remembering the details of the sts
7 mins. has some questions on reading in reading. sts
groups, I want you to discuss questions Encourage students to help each
and then answer them. other through speaking activity.
Students ask each other to give the Encourage students to ask questions st st
answer to the questions in open pair and give answers.
Follow Now in pairs I want you to discuss each Encourage using the topic in free sts
up other and make a list of things that we speaking activity. sts
activity see and use in our life which uses one of * Help students to have self
7 mins. the three ways in which heat travels. confidence while speaking and
Feedback. using Eng.
Students read their lists to the class and
comment on each other choice.
Home- T I'd like you to read the reading Improve students ability in writing. T sts
work about heat in your books page 197 and
1 mins. make a summary of it for your next

# Conduction # Pointed out

# Convection # Furnish
# Radiation # Substances
# For Instance

Fill In the Blanks With Correct Word.

1. The sun … … … … most of the heating of the earth and its


2. Copper … … … … , is a good conductor and wood is a poor


3. Those … ……… which are good conductors of electricity are

also good conductors of heat.

4. … … … … is the sending out of light or heat.

5. When we heat an iron bar, … … … … takes place.

6. … … … … is the transfer of heat by moving masses of matter.

7. The teacher … … … … the important section of his lecture.

Handout II

Answer the following questions.

1. In how many ways does heat travel?

2. Name some good and some poor conductors of heat?

3. What does the sun give to the earth?

4. How is heat transmitted in metal?

5. Why does cold air or water move downwards?

6. What is the cause of most weather?

7. What are the three ways in which heat travels?

We can understand radiation, as the speaker pointed out, by thinking about how the
earth receives its heat from the sun, or how things in a room are warmed by a stove.
As I understand it, the sun and the stove send out heat waves in all directions. These
radiated heat waves move just as water waves spread outward when a stone is
thrown into a body of water. Heat waves coming from the sun furnish most of the
heating of the earth and its atmosphere. The uneven and irregular way in which this
heating takes place is the cause of most weather.

Then he explained the process of heating by conduction. We learned that there isn't
any movement of molecules of matter in conduction. This is not like water flowing
through a pipe. Instead, the molecules strike each other and pass heat energy from
one to another. A familiar example used by the instructor was an iron bar which
conducts heat to parts that are not directly in contact with fire. We also learned that
those substances which are good conductors of electricity are also good conductors
of heat. Copper, for instance, is a good conductor, and wood is a poor conductor.
Among the liquid, mercury is the only good conductor.

The transfer of heat by conduction and convection is somewhat similar in that the
substances heated are in contact with the source of heat. The instructor used the
heating of water as an example of heat transfer by convection. When a pot of water
is placed over fire, portions of water near the bottom become less dense than the
other parts. The warmer, lighter water moves upward. The colder, denser portions of
the water move downward.


# Conduction # Pointed out

# Convection # Furnish
# Radiation # Substances
# For Instance

Fill In the Blanks With Correct Word.

1. The sun furnishes most of the heating of the earth and its

2. Copper for instance , is a good conductor and wood is a poor


3. Those substances which are good conductors of electricity are

also good conductors of heat.

4. Radiation is the sending out of light or heat.

5. When we heat an iron bar, Conduction takes place.

6. Convection is the transfer of heat by moving masses of matter.

7. The teacher pointed out the important section of his lecture.

Handout II

Answer the following questions.

1. In how many ways does heat travel?

Heat travels mainly in 3 ways.

2. Name some good and some poor conductors of heat?

Iron, silver& gold. Wood, plastics & rubber.

3. What does the sun give to the earth?

Heat and light.(energy)

4. How is heat transmitted in metal?

By Conduction.

5. Why does cold air or water move downwards?

Because they are lighter.

6. What is the cause of most weather?

The erratic patter of heating the Earth.

7. What are the three ways in which heat travels?

Radiation, conduction & convection.


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