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Lesson Plan

Name : Ahmed Moh. Abuelella.

Level : Elementary
Date : Sunday, 30 Mar. 2008
Time : 35 minutes (from 3:35 to 4:10).

Time Table Fit

The course book for this level is American Language Course, elementary
phase, book 1300, units 1 to 10. This week lesson is( In a railroad station). This is
the first lesson of the week, the next lesson will be (about watches).

Class Profile.
There are 15 students in this class, 11 of them are new to MODLI and the
American Language Course. !2 females and 3 males. All are university students
or graduates.
Attendance as a whole is good.
The students are just beginning the course which should continue for 60
hours. They attend 2 times a week for 6 hours per class. Two of these hours are
taught in the laboratory.

To introduce the students to the following items of Train Stations in USA. &
give them a chance to know & use the vocabulary items through free speaking
Then to follow with creating a dialog similar to the one in the book by
guiding the students to it & working it out together.

baggage : what we carry guess : think

baggage section : where we leave them Let me have : allow me
Gets into : arrive

Sub Aims:
1. To expose the students to a dialog as a speaking activity.
2. To give fluency practice via pair & group discussion.
3. To develop the students ability to use the topic in free speaking.
4. To provide students with the necessary vocabulary & confidence to deal
with similar situations in real life.

Assumed Knowledge
I think most of students. Will be familiar with Train Stations in EG. &
through comparison they should learn about them in USA.
Anticipated Problems.

Pronunciation: /b/ & /p/ Confusion

Solution : Correct mistakes & show the difference using a piece of paper.

Aids / Materials.

Stage 1 Picture of railway Station.

Stage 2 Train time table, Picture of bags.
Hand out 1: Gap filling exercise.
Stage 3 Hand out 2 : Show 3 differences between the 2 dialogs.
Stage 4 Rebuilding another dialog.
Stage 5 Cue cards (for a role play).
Blue tacks.

Hand out 1

baggage baggage section

Let me have get into

Fill in the blanks using the correct word:

1. Many trains … … … … this train station every hour.

2. The man is carrying a lot of … … … with him.
3. I don't like to carry my bags while moving around, I'll check
them at the ……… .
4. you're right I'll do that, I … … it’s a very good idea.
5. … … … … … two tickets for the 7:30 train, please.


Hand out 1 (answer)

baggage baggage section guess

Let me have get into

Fill in the blanks using the correct word:

6. Many trains get into this train station every hour.

7. The man is carrying a lot of baggage with him.
8. I don't like to carry my bags while moving around, I'll check them at the
baggage section.
9. you're right I'll do that, I guess it’s a very good idea.
10. Let me have two tickets for the 7:30 train, please.

Hand out 2

Show the differences

Listen very carefully to the book dialog then work with your
classmate to find 3 differences between the two dialogs.

S Class Dialog Book Dialog

Hand out 2

Show the differences

Listen very carefully to the book dialog then work with your classmate to
find 3 differences between the two dialogs.

S Class Dialog Book Dialog

2 persons (a boy & a girl) 2 persons (a customer & clerk)
They want to go to Alex He wants to go to New York
They'll take the Torpini He'll take the Seaboard Clipper
4 The train leaves at 6:00 The train leaves at 7:55

5 They'll arrive at 8:10 We don't know

We don't know He'll have dinner before leaving

Stage Procedure Aims Focus
Warme 1. Greeting To motivate students and draw T → sts
r 2. How are you this afternoon? their attention to the topic Sts → T
1 mins. 3. Tell me. Do you usually
Lead in travel in the summer? encourage speaking through St ↔ st
2 mins. 4. In pairs tell your classmate pair work, get students' minds
about that. on the topic.
Present * Teacher show a picture of * Help sts to form an idea about T → sts
ation Train Station (Railroad). train stations. Sts → T
Pre- * Trains' Time Table, bags of * Help sts to get new vocab
teach 2 people (man & lady). themselves.
needed To elicit vocab. first:- * Teach them key words.
vocab & baggage * guess
building baggage section * guide sts in to building
a dialog Get into * let me have a dialog themselves.
15 mins. * Hand out 1 (concept check) T → sts
Then a dialog similar to the one in * Make a sure they know & use Sts → T
the book, starting with:- vocab.
When is our train? (N . Y.) *Pronounce correctly sentences St → st
* Sts model and practice the using suitable intonation.
dialog (on board)
Control * T → set the listening task - Provide a listening comp. T → sts
led now you'll listen to a dialog about exercise.
Books (Railroad Station). - Sts focus on the dialog details. Or T & st
Dialog - Listen carefully & then in
Listenin pairs answer the exercise on
g hand out 2
Task you'll have 3 mins. To answer it. - Encourage pair work. St ↔ st
5 mins. Feed back. Check sts answers
through open pair work. Encourage speaking, asking Sts → T
questions & giving answers.
Less – - Set the task - Encourage sts to form a dialog
Control - sts in groups of 4 work on the same topic of their own.
led together and build another
sts, dialog.(using hand out 3).
build - When finished practice it. - Help them in predicting the St → st
another dialog idea.
dialog Feed back. - Encourage asking questions & St → st
7 mins. Select some dialogs and in pairs sts giving answers.
act it in front of class. After this
instruct sts to open books and in Help sts to develop acceptable St → st
open pairs , then closed pairs pronunciation of target
practice the book dialog. language.
T → monitor sts work
&correct pronunciation mistakes.
Stage Procedure Aims Focus
Free- T → divide the class into - To provide sts with a chance T → sts
activitygroups of three for free practice using the dialog
Role-playT → sts you'll now act in a topic.
5 mins. role-play each of you will To help sts get acquainted with
receive a card, read the a situation in real life.
instruction on it and get Sts → sts
ready to act your role with
the group. (2 mins.).
* Deliver cue-cards.
T → monitor role-play
Make necessary corrections.
Home work Write a paragraph of 5 lines - Improve sts ability in writing. T → sts
about train stations in Cairo.
Trains' Time Table (Schedule)

United States of America


S Train Destination
Departure Arrival
1 7:55 9:10 New York
Seaboard Clipper
2 7:03 10:05 New York
3 8:30 9:10 Chicago

Trains' Time Table (Schedule)



S Train Destination
Departure Arrival
1 6:00 8:10 Alex
2 6:03 10:30 Alex
3 8:20 10:20 Alex
Hand out 3

Working with your partner, use the following hints to rebuild a

third dialog. When you finish write it down.

1. A group of people from USA. Are visiting Egypt & want to go to

2. They want to go by train.
3. They will travel from Cairo Train Station.
4. They can pay for a faster& comfortable train.
5. They want to leave as soon as possible.
6. They carry a lot of baggage.
7. They don't want to carry their baggage in the station.
8. They might be hungry.

Suggested Dialog

John : When is our train, Mary?

Mary: Let's look at the time table.

John : The Torpini leaves at 6:00.

Mary: Yes, that's right. It arrives at 8:10, this is a fast one.

John : O.K. let's take it then.

Mary: this bag is so heavy !

John : We can check it at the baggage section.

Mary: Great, that is a good idea.

Book Dialog

In a Railroad Station

A: When is the next train to New York?

B: The Seaboard Clipper leaves at 7:55. That's about two
hours from now.

A: Is there anything before then?

B: There's a local that leaves ay 7:03, but that gets into New
York later than the

A: Well, I guess I'll have to wait. Let me have a ticket for the
B: Here you are, sir. There's a restaurant in the station if
you want to have
dinner before you leave.

A: Thanks a lot. I guess I will. Can I leave my baggage

B: The baggage section is right over there, at the other end
of the station.

A: O.K. Thanks again.

B: Don't mention it.

Cue Cards

Card A

Card B

Card C

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