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A program to incorporate the habit of listening and openness of heart, which through small

details manage to exercise the intuitive muscle, receptivity and openness towards other
consciousnesses. Thus this program, channeled by Marina Grabelli, guides one's own deep
experience in connecting with subtle beings.
enhance the relationship

with the light of your inner being?

What are pipelines?
Channeling implies being aware of life, being united in mind, heart, spirit and body to the
present. We talk about being a channel, referring to receiving and delivering information
(energy) to manifest in matter. Channeling is a quality of the spirit, nature of the soul. It is not
something that is acquired from the outside, but rather it is built from the inside and exercised.
We refer to channeling as the conscious act of changing the perception of a personal aspect
through the message of higher subtle consciousnesses, which happens because we are
vibrational beings and energy channels.

Channeling is the connection of our spirit with other spirits (consciousnesses). Like angels,
guides, teachers, archangels. This relationship vibrates in love and peace. Remembering our
spiritual nature, of the soul.

What is not channeling? Divination, futurology. Predictions. Magical problem solving.

Therefore, we are going to discover in this ebook that channeling is not merely intellectual
learning but totally experiential. Full.

Why 21 days?

It is estimated that it is the duration it takes us to adapt a change of habit. Mentioned by Dr.
Maxwell Maltz, upon discovering that it took 21 days for a patient to stop feeling the “phantom
sensation” when their leg was amputated and relocated to a new body consciousness.

It is also a tradition in spiritual activities that look at 21 days, as a healing work of the 7 chakras
where it deepens, every 3 days in each one.

Through progressive exercises we will trigger within us curiosity, enthusiasm and potential as
channeling beings. For some it will be simpler, perhaps
For others it is more complicated. The important thing is not to be guided by expectations
about channeling or wanting to capriciously solve personal problems, but to be able to make
space for what we are learning every day and what the soul is needing to unfold in our
experience. Thus allowing us to make this learning, this remembering, an opportunity to give
ourselves permission to change, to live from and for love.

Being a channel is not the same as channeling

Being a channel is the natural quality of living beings, of having a channel (physical spine

and/or energetic). To exist we receive and deliver information (energy), but we are not
necessarily aware of it. It's something that happens constantly.

Channeling is merging our heart with total decision with other consciousnesses, such as angels,
guides, nature spirits, non-incarnated beings and others. But it is not developing the technique
of Akashic records, nor is it doing psychometry (using objects as bridges of information).

Channeling is receiving a message for my evolution from other consciousnesses, from the
opening of my heart and feeling, to recognize my light, and thus, live from that truth.

With 21 days channeling

* We will learn to channel to trust our heart.

• We will learn to channel to connect with more subtle vibrations.
• We will learn to channel to receive help and guidance from light consciousnesses in our
• We will learn to channel to apply the gaze of the soul in our daily lives.
• We will learn to channel to learn another means of expression of the soul
When begin

When you feel you can sustain the 21-day commitment. There is no time of day, no specific day
to start

Can I do it overnight? Yes, totally. During the night we come into contact with the spirit of the
moon, and it is easier for us to carry out introspection and activities that require sensitivity and
calm. However, be careful not to fall asleep during the exercises!

What happens if I start, and quit? No problem. If it would be important to re-establish the goal
of the activity commitment, and resume it from day 1

Can I repeat it? Yeah. The times you feel it and consider. The good thing about doing it again is
that in each repetition you will find more depth and clarity in the messages and exercises.

The first step to start with this Ebook is to realize that there is no specific methodology for
channeling, since channeling is opening and listening to the heart and is a living experience,
which is constantly renewed and strengthened according to the needs of the soul. There are no
better or worse methodologies: there are different indications to reach the same thing. We
resonate with the one that makes us work more on what we need to transform limits into
possibilities of growth and fulfillment. Thus, the steps that are repeated in the channeling
methodologies and proposals are maps that enable contact but that must be nourished and
updated in each person with the guidance of the subtle beings. Being prior to the exercise is
the heart's own call to open a new path in its spiritual life. With 21 days channeling we are
predisposed to activate and nourish the intention of relationship with the divinity that we are .

We do not need to repeat this scheme over and over again as a necessary way to channel, but
rather observe which exercises are more comfortable for my learning and which are not. Since
what we are doing in this 21-day process is sowing, nurturing and harvesting a seed, focusing
on the vital experience of recognizing ourselves in our own relationship with beings of light and
exercising perseverance with what is comfortable for us and what No.

We can all channel

21 days channeling seeks from simplicity to exercise the basic and necessary points that every
channeler needs to strengthen and exercise. It helps us gain confidence in channeling and
recognizing what we personally need to strengthen.

With 21 days channeling, we commit to who we are, to rediscover the nature of the language
of the heart and to act accordingly, with the understanding that lies in the experience of love.

The important thing about this learning is that we will aim to strengthen our relationship with
receptivity, a fundamental basis for channeling the messages of the soul.

What we truly exercise in 21 days channeling is the openness to recognize those intuitions and
messages. Incorporating into our perception the possibility of being guided and helped from a
place beyond what is known.
Day 1

Choice of our work material

As we mentioned in the introduction, we begin by taking small steps to get into tune and fully start
learning how to channel. Thus this first day will be assigned to the choice of personal work objects.

It is important to recognize that we will not be able to change it during the program, and thus be
careful and considerate so as not to forget them.

1. Notebook

2. Pen

3. List of intentions and purposes

4. Point

5. personal item

6. Candle and place to put it.

Personal channeling notebook: Only intended for messages from the soul, which does not contain
other material. It doesn't matter if it's used.

List of intentions and fears: on our first notebook page, we make a list of our learning intentions as
a channeler: how we want to live this experience, what we are interested in learning, discovering,
and what we imagine for now has been a blockage for us regarding to listen to our hunches.

List of expectations :

We will include this list in the list of intentions, we will leave it after the list of intentions.

Write a list of what you imagine, long for, or fantasize about channeling. It can be very helpful when
making the list of expectations to reflect on what made you start with the Ebook, remember what
images you have of the channelers you know, what your family thinks about listening to the voice of
the heart, what good or bad experiences you have had. about channeling, among others.

These two lists help us a lot to accompany our 21-day process. When you are discouraged or feel
some kind of block, reread your intentions and also your expectations.
There are expectations that are the essence of goals and objectives, they set a direction for us.
There are other expectations that are from the ego and they are the ones that show us where
our blocks are built, they are the ones that we are going to pay attention to to strengthen our

Example :

Intention: Learn to channel and speak with my guides.

Expectation: learn to channel on the first day.

What blocks my hunch: demand and impatience.

What can strengthen my intention: patience and loving commitment.

Important to differentiate between expectations and intentions. With intentions I am opening

myself to receive and work for what I desire and long for, with expectations I expect something
from others, longing from a place that does not agree with the reality of learning and is based
on the law of least effort (incites me to be in an emotional comfort zone)

Starting point : Below our list of intentions, we write down how we are before starting the
program. Where it comes from, where it is and where our heart is going. We clarified on an
emotional level, what we were learning, what my heart feels today and where it feels like it is
going, always on an emotional level. About our path, and relationship with each other. The
starting point is the beginning of any method or technique of knowledge, the apprehension of
the present is what allows us to go where we intend. When we overlook how we are feeling,
and where we stand at this moment in matters of the heart, we also lose sight of that north
that we long to know since we forget what needs and values are important to strengthen and
nourish to move in the direction of that intention.

Personal object is one chosen by us that resonates with our path and represents something
valuable to me. The personal object is a way to symbolize our learning intention while at the
same time serving to remind us of our impulse and predisposition to communicate with beings
of light. For me it is like a road map. When we bring our personal item, we are also sending a
signal to the universe and indicating that we want to begin communication. The object, when
chosen with love, is of our interest, expresses our personality, vibrationally helps us tune in to
love and power. Remember to choose it in a small size, for when we have to do exercises
outside our home and it can be stored in our bag or pocket.

The personal object represents us in our path and experiences. We can choose it from objects
that we already have, or that are at home, or that appear on the street, in a store, etc.

It can be a stone, a bracelet, a certain object. Whatever you feel inspires confidence, courage,
and helps you remember something very important about your soul, about life, and that is
valuable to you.

Preferably they are not gifts that you have received, nor photos, since they keep a lot of
emotional memory and connect us with past experiences.

Personal space to put it in, that is always the same and does not rotate around the house in
preference. It can be our altar, light table or place that we consider suitable for it and that is
our meeting point to channel and carry out the 21 days channeling program.

Having records of our readings and exercises in the program helps us review and reflect on our
learning, doubts and progress. What we propose is to choose one intended solely for the
program and exercises thereof, so that its intention is fully study and motivates you to continue
with the connection of beings of light.

We will always use the personal channeling notebook to write down experiences, readings, and
concerns. Every time we grab the notebook we write down the date and the perception of our
being at the moment we began:

How we are: Breathing, posture, emotions that circulate at this moment and thoughts.

Reason for consultation: intention of how you want to receive the message and what calls you
to receive it.

Doubts or specific questions for consultation: You cannot ask about the future, or about
another person. Yes because of the link with that person.

Ex.: Advice for a relationship with my partner.

Bad question: What is happening to my partner? (we do not have the other's permission, and it
excludes me from the internal commitment)

Other notes : Data that we consider directly or indirectly influences our attention and
concentration. Ex.: Moving day, work stress day, separation, etc.

Do not abandon the notebook and take time to re-read our notes and readings within certain

The notes are a detailed exercise of what happens in a face-to-face reading and we do
naturally: become aware of the present moment (breathing, posture, emotions, etc.), and
delve into the situation of the reading, the reason. Why am I sitting down to do it, what
motivated me to do it? What am I looking for with it? And also writing down if we have specific
doubts. It is important to write them down before starting,

so that the reading is focused solely on receiving and not on being worried about whether I am
forgetting some doubt/question.

The priority is to be present, write down everything that is going on in your head and feel free
to consult at that moment. Remember that the message you receive is what you are prepared
to receive, do not push yourself to begin by remembering everything that had you worried. Just
write down what you want to consult at the time of reading, then the channeling will answer
what is indicated, even if you have forgotten a question.

Notebook benefits
• It allows us to corroborate the messages we receive
• It allows us to observe our internal processes and recognize their movements.

• Practice the basic guidelines for opening channeling: present moment awareness,
desire and intention, and connection with our emotions and sensations.

• Move energy from the heart chakra. Releasing the hand through writing is a push to
open the chakra and connect with the messages of the heart.

• See where our energy is going, what are the purposes that are motivating and inspiring
Day 2


• Let's look for a comfortable space, comfortable posture. Without going to bed. It can
be in a chair or on the floor.

• We light the candle in front of us.

• We avoid any type of interruption.

• We do not ask questions in our notebook.


Focus our attention on the fire and its flame. To do this, we are going to turn our attention to
our breathing, observing as if they were clouds that pass into our thoughts and emotions.
There is nothing in particular to do. Remember that if you get distracted, you return your
attention to your breathing and use it as a means to be present with your body and sensations.

Objective : recognize how I find silence in myself, how I reach my sacred inner space. We keep
our attention on breathing and flame as a guide during the exercise.

We write the date and the exercise experience in our notebook. Describe how you felt during
the exercise. Has it made you uncomfortable or peaceful? Do you get stressed if you want to
relax? Or how does that happen in you? How do you feel that you connect with your inner
space? Do you do any other exercises or use any particular technique? Which?
Day 3


• Notebook, pen
• Repeat the exercise mentioned below 4 times during the day in different situations

Objective : Make contact with our channels, and reading mechanism.

Exercise :

Repeat the same slogan in different situations: work, in the bus, at home, in the square, etc.
Four times in total during the day.

It is important to maintain privacy, not shouting from the rooftops what I am doing, so that the
exercise is with oneself, and not with the interests or opinions of others.

To be able to do the exercise ^ In our notebook

1_ Main pipeline data

Write down date of day ,

Reason for consultation : pipeline practice

Intention: Here you put how you want to receive that information and what you want to do
with it.

Other notes : Data that is part of my current cycle, if I am going through a cycle that may alter
my concentration and attention. Concerns, fears, others.

Question : We put only 1 question that we will exercise four times a day, a specific doubt or
personal goal. (my desire for change)

* after writing what is mentioned in point 1, we are not going to write anything down,

We will keep our notebook close throughout that day. If I leave the house, I take it along with
my personal belongings. It is necessary to have it close.

2_ The exercise consists of taking at least 4 moments during the day where I am going to
reread, or repeat to myself what I wrote in point 1. All 4 times they are asked with the same
question I wrote.

I reread my intention, and my question: I bring my attention to the present moment, how I
breathe, how I feel. I simply observe what happens to me. I make no effort to relax or do
Day 4
something specific. I only surrender to what I am feeling, to the breath. I let thoughts pass as if
they were clouds.

When I feel calm, I will observe: I will write the first thing that comes to mind, the first thing I
feel in my notebook. I'm not going to judge whether it's right or wrong, I'm just writing. If I
don't even feel or think anything, I will make such a note. The important thing is to write down
everything that happens in my body, in my emotions, in my breathing, in my temperature, in
my ideas, after rereading my intention and question.

With this exercise I will not necessarily answer the question I wrote down in point 1, but I will
come closer to recognizing what happens to me and how I move in different scenarios
regarding connecting with my inner space. It is very valuable to write down what you feel and
think at that moment. The more we let go of writing, free of judgment and interpretation about
how it should be done, the easier we open ourselves to connecting with messages from beings
of light.

If before starting to write or while writing I judge or interpret everything I feel, it is like
constantly putting the handbrake on and there is not much progress. Channeling is above all a
creative process, it is free and based on trust, it does not require control or interpretation
based on what I already know.

Give yourself permission to express whatever is available in this moment even when your
thoughts tell you that it is not valid or does not make sense.
Day 4


• 15' to perform the exercise without interruptions, preferably at the beginning of the
• lit candle
• Eyes closed and comfortable posture

Exercise : Connect with our sacred space, breathing and summon our angels and personal
guides to assist us in a personal situation.

Objective : Release control and allow ourselves to receive help from more subtle planes.

Exercise : We are going to sit in front of the candle, connecting with our body and sensations.
Joining our palms in the center of the chest, in a gesture of humility we bring to our hearts the
presence of our guides and beings of light. Invoking him asking for his company, assistance and
guidance. We go to them to accompany us during the day and give us clarity on a specific topic
that we choose, for example a decision we have to make, something we need to express, a
particular problem, etc.*

We only leave that intention and hold our attention calmly looking at the candle, in gratitude
to our heart, to the beings of light and to this moment in our lives. We don't have to ask any
kind of question.

At the end of the day we will comment in our notebook with the corresponding date, if we felt
or recognized their presence during the morning meeting. If we had any reflection or insight
regarding the help we asked for, or some synchronous event happened that caught your

Giving ourselves the moment of reflection is what will allow us to make space for their
presence, the attitude of not expecting specific results. We live constantly being helped and
guided by beings of light. They are always present, it's just that with our selfish thoughts we
forget or deny their kindness and help. But you will realize that even in the most unusual
situations they are giving you a little push to vibrate with love and sweetness in what you go
through. Connect with that intention of connection and humility, and you will see!

Only the intention is necessary ;)

*It is not necessary to know their names or have additional information. It is enough to invoke
the most subtle and sacred energies that accompany us.

Angels are guardians, assistants. Coordinators of the guides and beings of light that accompany
us. Moment by moment, we are supported by a team of high vibration beings, who assist us
and guide us towards the learning of the soul.
Day 5
The guides and beings of light are beings. Consciences. That assist us in certain tasks and
moments of our lives. They are not always the same. They can cycle depending on our learning
and needs.

The important thing about today is to have opened the intention. The making made room in
our hearts.

We ask that you assist us to see what it is difficult for us to see, accompany us in what we feel
alone in, strengthen us in what we need, and bless us in what we long for. We let our heart
invoke the guidance it feels necessary.

Day 5

Exercise : Define the characteristics of the spirit of the people, plants and animals that
surround us

Objective : Begin to distinguish the different energies of the soul of those who accompany us
on our path.

In our notebook: We write down 5 people with whom we share a lot of time together. Be it
family, coworkers, study, pets, etc.

In our comfortable space and with the candle lit:

1. We light the candle, and repeat: connect with our sacred space (silence, breathing,

2. We invoke our guides and beings of light from our hearts, just as we did yesterday.
3. We begin to think about those people we write down in our notebook. And compare
between them. What differs between the spirit of one and the other?

4. If we have to define the spirit of one of them, with a single adjective, what would it be?*

5. Without effort or demand, we release the exercise, and maintaining silence, we close. (We
appreciate the moment, the space, we thank each other)

It doesn't matter if you don't manage to write anything, or little. The important thing is to try.

During the day you try again at least 3 more times. Without the candle. Wherever you are, you
can even do it with one of the people on the present list.

The objective of the exercise, by not doing it in the space of intimacy, is to find our space of
peace and silence in the heart center wherever we find ourselves, and thus be able to try it in
other situations, to be able to feel the other with the gaze of the soul.

*Each person manifests a certain energy or spirit - Thus we will see that we are not all the
same, nor do we manifest everything in the same way. Some when thinking about them, or
having them close, make us vibrate, feel calm, others joy, sympathy, etc. There are grumpy,
angry, determined, comical spirits.

Day 6

Objective : Begin to channel and discover the spirit of our guides.

Exercise: Ask for assistance and advice to evolve in any problem/conflict we have.

In our space, in privacy and silence.

We find silence and with our hands on our hearts we say:

“I summon beings only of high vibration. My name is …(we say our full name)…………………….
And I allow my guides, angels and beings of light to manifest in my heart to assist me on this
day and in this moment. I wish to be assisted in such a situation…………..(we mention our
conflict/dilemma)………………And the advice for this is

We write down what we feel in our notebook. We can repeat again “The advice for this is…..”
Necessary, not to judge whether it will be right or wrong. The message speaks in the language
of the heart, very simple and simple. It is a sensation, an emotion, sometimes it is difficult to
define it in words.
After mentioning “and the advice is…” They will naturally feel an emotion or words that pass
through their mind. Let's remember to write everything down and not judge, even if I don't feel
“anything.” Once the question is asked, the universe responds to the intention of what we
want to receive. It is only necessary to pay attention, without expectations, simply observe.

The information received is for our evolution and path, it does not always respond to our
“wants”, what the mind (ego) wants. Thus, we will always trust your message. Whatever we
receive we leave stored in our hearts and allow its teaching and wisdom to develop.

The information is usually mostly timeless, that is, it speaks of a cycle not only of the day on
which we are consulting but also of before and after this moment. And the message expires,
the moment the soul incorporates such teaching.

Day 7
We are going to do the exercise in a place in nature, be it a park, a square or our patio.

Objective : Begin to connect with the spirits of nature and integrate what we were exercising.

Exercise We find our silence and enter our sacred inner space.

We write in our notebook the date of the day, our full name and we write 3 specific questions
(not in the future, not about past lives, not for another, but for a link).

We say “I appreciate my presence, my heartbeat, my feeling. I thank my angels, guides and

beings of light. I thank Mother Nature and the life-giving beings, I invoke her presence so that
at this moment I can open my heart, my soul to receive light, love and information for my path
and healing. I open my ears, my perception and my heart to listen to messages for my soul.
Thank you thank you thank you"*

We ask the first question out loud, and we limit ourselves to listening to the silence. And
everything we feel, think, perceive after asking the question we write down. Including, if I don't
feel anything or I lose focus, or some kind of internal opinion appears.
Everything that happens in my body and spirit after asking the questions, I write it down.

• I repeat with the other two questions

• Don't stay more than 5' per question
• I can repeat the cycle of questions to go a little deeper. The important thing is not to
demand or force yourself to want to receive something specific.

I lie down on the floor. I make contact with my breathing and thank the beings of nature,
Mother Earth.

I take advantage of the exhalation to release emotions, sensations and any type of image

I nourish my presence in silence.

Day 8

Objective: Invoke and approach the name of our guides

Exercise 1. At the beginning of the day we will write down the date that corresponds to day 8
and we will write down the intention “I want to know the name of my master guide* 2. And we
will leave the notebook after writing, carrying it present and close to us all day. 3. We will
repeat as many times as we feel necessary (at least 5') to once again intend that we want to
know and meet again with the vibration (name) of the master guide. 4. If we feel it reach our
heart we will write it down, just as we feel it. It can be a bodily sensation, a harmonious
thought, a feeling of peace and calm, an aroma or others.

The master guides are generally only one per soul (some have more), and they are responsible
for guiding our learning process, like an instructor who tells us the exercises and
understandings necessary to reflect and learn in our own way. Thus, each one has a guide who
assists us and directs the best of learning. Knowing his name is a super specific way to invoke
the assistance of the one who guides our path. In this exercise it is important not to have
expectations. The objective is to mark our wish, our master guide will not deliver them when
necessary. They don't always deliver it when you order it, most likely it will catch us off guard.
Day 9

• A flower, a fruit and a glass of water

• Notebook
• Intimate and quiet space

After getting closer to our time, to silence, to our heart, to our spirit guides.
We will begin to delve into the spirits of nature.

Objective : Invoke and connect with the spirit of water


1. Finding our silent and sacred space within ourselves, we place the glass of water in front of
us, so that it is visible.

2. We are going to keep our attention on the water, on its appearance, characteristics, on my
relationship with water, what provokes me, what it reminds me of, etc.

3. I am going to begin to thank water, for what it means in my life, in my experience and
transit on earth. I will be grateful until my heart feels it.

Looking at the water we say “I invoke the spirit of water, I thank and honor its presence, I call
upon its spirit in my heart, in my life, on this day, at this moment. Beautiful spirit of water, I ask
to receive your blessing, your healing and purification in this aspect of my life…………………….(I
mention my conflictive situation)……………………………..*


I appreciate the moment, and I stay for a few moments enjoying and receiving the energy of
the spirit of the water. I just breathe and observe.

I am going to keep my notebook present all day, and write down, next to the date that
corresponds to Day 9, the experiences and sensations that the exercise gave me. And take
notes of what water is to me. The relationship of my spirit with the spirit of water.

We write down in our notebook our experience with exercise and the relationship we have
with our emotions and the emotions of others.
Do I value my sensations, intuitions and emotions? Can I express what I feel? What are my
spaces (actions, spaces, etc.) to express what I feel? Do I give space to my imagination and
inspiration in my life? Do I give myself permission to cry when I feel like it?

And so, I reflect, how I feel when accompanying another person when they express their
internal waters.
Day 10

• A flower, a fruit and a glass of water

• Notebook
• Intimate and quiet space

Objective : Invoke and connect with the spirit of the earth

Exercise :

1. Finding our silent and sacred space within ourselves, we place the glass of water, the
flower and the fruit in front of us, so that it is visible.

2. Let's keep our attention on our legs and our feet, to feel the ground, the earth.

3. I am going to begin to thank the earth for what it means in my life, in my experience and
transit on earth. To thank my mother, my grandmothers and the women in my family. I will be
grateful until my heart feels it. It is important to take the time to express gratitude for
everything that flows in your heart at that moment in relation to Mother Nature, to the
manifestation of the spirit.

Looking at the fruit and the flower *“I invoke the spirit of the earth, I thank and honor its
presence, I call upon its spirit in my heart, in my life, on this day, at this moment. Beautiful
spirit of the earth, I ask to receive your blessing, your healing and purification in this aspect of
my life…………………….(I mention my conflictive situation)……………………………………..*


*** The glass of water accompanies, I only focus my attention on the fruit and the flower.

I appreciate the moment, and I stay for a few moments enjoying and receiving the energy of
the spirit of the earth.

I am going to keep my notebook present all day, and write down, along with the corresponding
date, the experiences and sensations that the exercise gave me. And take notes of what the
land is to me. The relationship of my spirit with the spirit of the earth.

We write down in the notebook the experience with exercise, my relationship with Mother
Earth, with my mother, my grandmothers, money, with the home, with the body.
How do I generate my livelihood? Is it joyful and abundant? How do I sustain myself in my
life: how do I feed myself, how do I generate my food, shelter and work? What am I
manifesting at this moment in my life? Am I grateful for my existence? How do I show
gratitude towards life?
Day 11

• A candle, a glass of water, a flower and a fruit.

• Intimate and quiet space
• Notebook

Objective : Invoke and connect with the spirit of the air

Exercise :

1. . Finding our silent and sacred space within ourselves, we place the glass of
water, the feather, the flower and the fruit in front of us, so that it is visible.
2. . Let's keep our attention on our breathing. In the nose and in the thorax.
Our body and our heart.
3. . I am going to begin to thank life for what it means to me, in my experience and
transit on land, air and wind.

Looking at the feather* “I invoke the spirit of the air, I thank and honor its presence, I call
upon its spirit in my heart, in my life, on this day, at this moment. Beautiful spirit of the air, I
ask to receive your blessing, your healing and purification in such an aspect of my
life…………………….(I mention my conflictive situation)……………………………………..* in voice high

** The other elements are left aside, I focus only on the pen

I appreciate the moment, and I stay for a few moments enjoying and receiving the energy of
the spirit of the air.

I am going to keep my notebook present all day, and write down, next to the date that
corresponds to Day 11, the experiences and sensations that the exercise gave me. My
relationship with thoughts and silence.

Do I practice any type of technique or meditation to strengthen my relationship with silence?

Do I recognize when the voice of the heart and the voice of thought speak? What is my
relationship with words, listening and communication?
Day 12

• A candle, a glass of water, a flower and a fruit.

• Intimate and quiet space
• Notebook

Objective : Summon and connect with the spirit of fire

Exercise :

1. Finding our silent and sacred space within ourselves, we place the glass of water, the pen,
the flower, the fruit and the lit candle in front of us.

2. Let's keep our attention on our hips and sexual organs. Our gaze focuses on the candle

3. I'm going to start thanking life and the element of fire. What fire represents for me, in my
life and in my experience.

Looking at the fire and its flame “I invoke the spirit of the fire, I thank and honor its presence, I
call upon its spirit in my heart, in my life, on this day, at this moment. Beautiful spirit of fire, I
ask to receive your blessing, your healing and purification in this aspect of my life…………………….
(I mention my conflictive situation)……………………………………..* in voice high

I appreciate the moment, and I stay for a few moments enjoying and receiving the energy of
the spirit of fire

I am going to keep my notebook present all day, and write down, next to the date that
corresponds to Day 12, the experiences and sensations that the exercise gave me.

We write down our experience, our relationship with creativity and sexuality in our notebook.
My relationship with power. How do I use my creative-sexual energy? What beliefs influenced
my relationship with sexuality-fertility in my life?
Day 13

• Notebook
• Intimate and silent space. Requires lying down.

Objective : Summon our power animal

Exercise :

1. Let's lie down and find a quiet space without interruptions.

2. Closing our eyes, connecting with our breathing, we leave our palms on our chest and
plant the intention:

“I summon my power animal here, now and always, I allow our reunion.”

3. We are going to attract to our mind an image of calm and nature. It can be a meadow,
valley, field, etc. We choose according to our feelings, we focus on the physical sensation of
that space as if we were feeling that climate, temperature, textures and colors at this moment.

4. We simply observe, and let our power animal manifest.

5. We appreciate your presence, and we ask that you accompany us with a

situation/conflict/dilemma of interest to us.

6. We ask for your advice for this and your power.

7. We write down the experiences in our notebook.

Look in the symbology dictionary for the animal that has manifested itself in your visualization.
1 21 diai Channeling
To tnacnndcanacad ted“gnai
Day 14

• Notebook
• Candle
• Personal object from childhood or that represents it.

Objective Summon the medicine of our inner child


1. We light the candle in our intimate space, calling for silence and forgiveness.

2. We invoke our angels, beings of light, our power animal, and our heart.
3. Putting our hands on our hearts, our palms. We ask to connect with our childhood, with its
innocence, humility and curiosity.

4. We let images and sensations manifest without analyzing or judging.

5. We ask for advice from our inner child for the cycle we are going through.

6. We give ourselves at least 10' to do it.

We write down the experiences in our notebook along with the corresponding date.
Day 15

• Mandala of the flower of life (the image below)

• Candle
• Calm and quiet space

Objective : Tune in to unity, vibrate in the consciousness of union.

Exercise :

1. Connecting with the heart space and silence. We light the candle and invoke the
flame, the sacred fire of our spirit, our heart.

2. We sincerely ask to envision what we need to understand, transmute, change to

vibrate in mind-heart unity in our lives.

3. We keep our attention on the mandala of the flower of life for 10 minutes. Feeling
in our hearts the vibration and messages that our soul manifests when remembering sacred

4. At the end we write down in our notebook if we saw something or understood

something. It is not necessary that at that moment of the exercise there is an understanding,
but it is important to plant the seed of the intention of the exercise. The flower of life is a very
ancient geometry, its own image will evoke its wisdom in our lives.

5. We appreciate the information received, and we blow out the candle

21 days Channeling
Day 16

• Candle
• Prayer to the seven directions (see below)
• Notebook

Objective : Connect with the energy of the 7 directions.

Exercise :

1. Do it at the beginning of the day.

2. We will light the candle, invoking the spirit of fire and our inner fire.

3. We will read the prayer, and at the end we will hold out loud the mantra “AH YUM
HUNAB KU EVAM MAYA E MA HO!” for more than 5'.

4. We will be grateful for the healing received, we will thank the sacred fire and the
seven directions for their blessing. And we will sow an intention (looking at the fire we say out
loud what we want for our next days)

5. We extinguish the candle and write down the date, intention and experience of the
exercise in our notebook.


For the Southern Hemisphere

From the East House of Light

May wisdom open in dawn upon us

So we can see things clearly

From the North house of the Eternal Sun

May right action give us the harvest

So that we enjoy the fruits of planetary being

From the West House of Transformation

May wisdom be transformed into right action

So that we can do what needs to be done

From the South House of the Night

May wisdom mature among us

So that we know everything from the inside

From the Upper House of Paradise

Where the people of the stars and our ancestors gather

May your blessings reach us now

From the Lower House of the Earth

May the crystal heartbeat of the planet

Bless us with your harmonies so that we end the war

From the Central Source of the Galaxy

Which is everywhere at the same time

May everything be recognized as the light of mutual love


Be with All of Us the Harmony of Mind and Nature.

Day 17

• Candle
• Notebook
• In any space

Objective The importance of listening to the heart and focusing our attention.


1. Lighting the candle and invoking the spirit of fire.

2. We will write down the date in our notebook and make 3 columns (we will do it to
diagram the sheet):

In the first column we will write down: Personal intention

In the second column: 7 habits that I need to promote in my life

In the third column: 7 habits that I already do that I need to nourish and enhance.

The following questions will help us answer the three columns just diagrammed.
Out loud, we will invoke our angels and light guides, and from our hearts we will ask so
that our light beings guide us in the answer and message.

First column:

What is the intention and learning of the cycle I go through? What is my soul seeking to
learn/experience? What am I learning with the circumstances and challenges that occur in this
present cycle?

Second column:

What are the changes that my heart is pulsating and my mind is afraid to transcend?
What is a priority at this moment in my life that allows me to grow?

Third Column

Where should I put more discipline, commitment and order?

If you didn't write 7 habits, that's fine, the important thing is to connect with the
intentions and desire for growth and become aware of the habits and actions that predispose
me to the growth that I am going through at this moment.

Day 18

• Candle
• Notebook
• intimate space

Objective Redefine the practice of channeling and include channeling in our daily lives


1. We light the candle invoking the spirit of fire, our heart spirit and we invoke our
guides and beings of light. (we invoke the divinity in us)

2. We chant 3' (we repeat out loud) “AH YUM HUNAB KU EVAM MAYA E MA HO!”
(this is how we invoke the spirits of the directions and mother nature)

3. We invoke our power animal, visualizing it in our heart. Bringing to the present,
feeling its energy and characteristics. (This is how we invoke our personal power)

4. We invoke the spirits of fire, water, air and earth. (This is how we invoke the force
of life) 5. Let's keep our attention on the image of the flower of life

5. We sow the intention from the heart (the “why” I want to channel, receive
information and we will ask a specific question)
6. Holding attention on the image, until we feel it, we focus on breathing and posture. .
Naturally, the information will come, it is only important to maintain the intention and
attention to the growth and love of our path.

7. After giving ourselves at least 10', we write down in our notebook the date of the
day, information and understandings that have arisen.

We appreciate everything that is flowing and feeling our hearts at this moment.

10. Before blowing out the candle, we will plant a new intention to help us tune in and
practice channeling.
Day 19

Objective : Invoke the assistant guides when we need it, in the middle of our daily

Exercise :

1. At the beginning of the day, we will invoke our spirit guides and call our assistant
guides* to intervene during our activities.

2. Thus paying close attention (observation) as soon as we feel a complication (a

setback manifests itself on a material level: lateness, delays, money problems, deliveries, not
getting a ticket, parking, etc.) we will invoke the assistant guides. 3. “I give you……………(such
situation)………………….. so that you guide me and intervene for the good and nutrition of my
path. Thank you thank you thank you."

4. Inhaling deeply we release all tension and discomfort.

5. We fully trust your assistance.

6. At the end of the day, we will write down the experience in our notebook.

7. We will say THANK YOU when we go to bed, connecting and thanking the attending
guides for their intervention, whatever the development may have been.**

*The assistant guides are specifically to accompany you in daily activities and what it
means to manifest our personal power and purpose of heart. The assistant guides are very
ancient consciousnesses that are essentially service and dedication to human consciousness,
whatever we ask for, they will solve it to guide us and accompany us. And they intervene only
when we give them space and trust that they will develop it as indicated for our growth and

Thus, expectations and shouldering all the responsibility interfere with this assistance
and commitment.

Make the attempt, but remember you only need to breathe to remember, and
surrender to the consciousness of service willing to make your day, your life a guide to live from
the heart .

** Thank you, it is the mantra that allows you to nourish your service and dedication to
us. Don't forget to be grateful for what they do for you, moment by moment.
Day 20

Perform the exercise lying on the ground, whether in our patio or in the square

Objective : Invoke and rediscover the vibration of healing

Exercise :

1. Once we have chosen our place for the exercise, we will lie down and from the
heart we will invoke the healing guides * to assist us in our heart

2. We will keep our attention on breathing, especially on letting go, on exhaling.

Minimum for 10', if we feel we will be longer we will do so.

*Healing guides are spirits that assist us in our healing and transmutation processes.
Participate in cycles of regeneration and behavioral changes. They are present beyond the fact
that we do not know that we are going through such a process, even beyond our awareness of
what is being healed. They are characterized by participating in processes of grief, changes,
separations, illnesses, etc. In this case, the exercise has no indication that we are healing, but
we will precisely allow each personal healing guide to be present in what we need, so that only
our consciousness can glimpse, at our own pace, what we need to know about it. Without
force to know that we are healing, what they are helping us with and if something needs to be
done about it.

Precisely the healing guides open paths, and allow suturing what has been left open
from previous processes. With this exercise we take the last steps to this process of opening
and renewal that is channeling.
Day 21

• Personal object (the one we choose at the beginning of the process)

• Notebook
• Candle and flower

Objective : Close the work we started and become aware of the connection process
we intend.

Exercise : 1. We light the candle. The flower accompanies our altar or place where
we are sitting

2. We are going to reread the notes from the 20 days of work.

3. We invoke our power animal, Angels, assistants and guides of light.

4. Let's write down in our notebook "I ask for guidance advice for the cycle that ends
and the one that begins"

5. Bringing attention to breathing and posture. We limit ourselves to receiving.

6. We will make the notes in our notebook.

7. We are going to transfer that phrase, writing that we have done, to another
smaller paper. (or we can tear it out of the notebook) and we are going to burn it, leaving the
ashes on the ground (patio, plaza, plant) summoning the spirit of fire and transmutation.

8. Feeling in our hearts how that flame awakens within us. Empowering us and
driving us to continue. We will bury the flower, the personal object that we have chosen and
we wholeheartedly commit to being reborn in our hearts with the guidance we have received.
21 days Channeling
Aa tnacnndcanacad ted“gmai
Channelers is a teaching proposal that
teaches and creates courses to learn to channel
and improve your learning as a channeler,
developed for sensitive and creative people who
want to communicate the language of the heart
and implement the teachings of the soul into
everyday life.

21 Days Channeling under creative commons license, attribution without derivative


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