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Meeting of Ministers and

Saturday, February 15, 2003

Bogota Colombia

Free Distribution Dr. William Soto Santiago

This book is a lecture given by Dr. William Soto Santiago.
It is our intention to make a faithful and exact transcription of this Message, as
it was preached; Therefore, any error in this writing is strictly error of hearing,
transcription and printing; and should not be interpreted as errors in the message.
The text of the lecture can be verified with audio and video recordings.
This book should be used only for personal study purposes, until it is formally
Free distribution.


(Meeting of Ministers and Collaborators)

Dr. William Soto Santiago

Saturday, February 15, 2003
Bogota Colombia

Very good evening, ministers, companions in the Age of

the Cornerstone and glorious stage of the end time; It is a
great blessing for me to be with you on this occasion, to
share with you a few moments of fellowship around the
Word of God and His Program corresponding to our time.
My congratulations to everyone who took the seminar or
course that the Rev. Miguel Bermúdez Marín was giving
these days. May God bless you and use you greatly in His
Work. And may He continue raising and sending more
workers, and raising more workers in His Work.
As Christ asked for more workers for His Work,
because the harvest was great and the workers were few;
Also in our time, see, Christ has been giving us more
workers; That is in response, both to that request, and to the
one we have made in our time.

Now, let's read in chapter 6 of Second Corinthians

(chapter 6, verse 14). Says:
“Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers; because
what fellowship has justice with injustice? And what
communion has light with darkness?
And what agreement does Christ have with Belial? Or
what part has a believer with an unbeliever?
And what agreement is there between the temple of God
and idols? For you are the temple of the living God, as God
I will dwell and walk among them,
And I will be your God
And they will be my people.
Come out from among them, and be separate, says the
And do not touch what is unclean;
And I will receive you,
And I will be a Father to you,
And you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord
And chapter 7, verse 1, says:
“Therefore, beloved, since we have such promises, let
us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit,
perfecting holiness in the fear of God.”
May God bless our souls with His Word and allow us
to understand it.
God says to be separated, to leave the world, and He will
receive us.
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complete the number of God's elect in the Mystical Body of and the tabernacle that Moses built, all the vessels that were
Christ, and soon Christ will rise from the Father's Throne, there were placed under the blood, when Moses sprinkled the
do His Work of Reclamation, resurrect the dead in Christ blood on them as well and on the entire temple; which
and transform us and take us with Him to the Supper of Christ, the High Priest, does above all believers in Christ.
the Marriage of the Lamb in Heaven. In the Name of the And the Church of Jesus Christ is under the Blood of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen. Lord Jesus Christ, and Christ is interceding in Heaven with
Pray a lot for me for tomorrow's activity, so that He His own Blood as the High Priest.
gives me everything I must speak tomorrow, and that God Therefore, He is spreading His Blood on every believer
calls many writings in Heaven in the Lamb's Book of Life, who receives Him as their Savior and the person is left as if
because we want the Church of Jesus Christ to be completed. they had never sinned in their life. They are separate vessels
We are separate vessels from God for that work, to work and for God, where? In the Temple of God, which is the Church
seek those who are missing, so that the Church of the Lord of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ may be completed. Now, among all these vessels separated by God in the
Well, pray a lot for me, so that He gives me everything I Church of Jesus Christ, each one has a work to be
need to talk about tomorrow, God willing, and continue accomplished. There are glasses; Of all the vessels, of all the
spending a night full of the blessings of Christ our Savior. sons and daughters of God in the Church of Jesus Christ,
I leave with us again our friend and brother, the Rev. there are vessels for the ministry, there are vessels that are
Miguel Bermúdez Marín, to continue in everything he needs some apostles, others prophets, others evangelists, others
to do. pastors and others teachers. That is, the vessels of ministry in
Well, may God bless and keep you all. the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
“SEPARATE VESSELS FOR GOD.” There are other vessels to be arm in arm with those
Now, our topic: “SEPARATE VESSELS” , shows us special vessels that God has placed in His Church. And
that as we are the Temple of God and members of the therefore, all sons and daughters of God in the Church of
Temple of God, just as in the Old Testament the vessels Jesus Christ are separate vessels of God and by God for the
placed in the temple of God were separate vessels for God Work of ministry in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
and His Temple. That is why everyone works in the Church of the Lord Jesus
Now, in the New Testament every believer in Christ is a Christ. There are no vague vessels, because they are all
vessel set apart by God for the service of God, where? In the separate vessels from God, vessels of honor, for the honor
Temple of God. and glory of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ. Now, in the
Now, we can see that in the temple that Solomon built Church of the Lord Jesus Christ we find that the Holy Spirit
10 SEPARATE VESSELS FOR GOD Dr. William Soto Santiago 39

has been from age to age. The Church was born on the Day Now, we can see that what God spoke through Joel,
of Pentecost, and the Church was reflected in the Hebrew about the restoration, corresponds not only to the Hebrew
people in the Old Testament. That is why you will find that people, but has fulfillment in the Church of Jesus Christ,
the trajectory of the Hebrew people is a type and figure of which is the Celestial Israel; and what God spoke through the
the Church of Jesus Christ; and the trajectory of the Pillar of Prophet Ezekiel, and where he presented the dry bones, and
Fire in the Old Testament is a type and figure of the then the restoration also corresponds, not only to the Hebrew
trajectory of the Holy Spirit in the Church of the Lord Jesus people but to the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Christ. Well, we have Christ the separate vessels of God. That
Now, in the journey of the Holy Spirit in the Old has been our theme, let's see: “SEPARATE VESSELS
Testament with the Hebrew people, we find him in Egypt FOR GOD.”
delivering the Hebrew people through a Prophet, and then Well, let's stop here because there's really no place
leading them to the promised land and then entering the where you can say: I'm done. Therefore, we pause and will
promised land and establishing them in the promised land; continue tomorrow God willing. We have never finished a
and then he became flesh among them and was known by the Message, because the Message, each Message, is intertwined
name of Jesus. and is part of the Message of the Last Day. It is a Message
There we see the trajectory of Christ, the Angel of the that is distributed in different conferences.
Covenant, the Pillar of Fire, the Holy Spirit, with the Church So it's all the Message of the Last Day.
of the Old Testament. And that same has to be the trajectory May the blessings of Christ, the Angel of the
of Christ in the Holy Spirit in the midst of His Church, Covenant, be upon all of you and upon me as well; and
freeing from the world all the sons and daughters of God soon
who will become part of the Church of the Lord, the group, It says: “I have the four stages…” That's when he said
that group being refined, being well polished. to Ezekiel in chapter 37, “Prophesy.” Says:
“ That group of the Holy Spirit being refined, so that it “Prophesy. Can these bones live?' I have the four stages
can fit in with the same kind of ministry that He had when of that coming forward of that Church.”
He left so that when He comes back it will catch the whole Come? Remember that the Church is reflected in Israel;
thing at the Rapture, where they are justified, sanctified, and Therefore, all the prophecies that are given in relation to
the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. “That pyramid will stop Israel also have their fulfillment in the Church of Jesus
again.” Christ.
Now, we can see that this fourth Light is the Word. That “What are the four stages of the dry bones of Ezekiel
fourth Light is the Word made flesh. coming forward? But life came, not when the fiber skin was
10 SEPARATE VESSELS FOR GOD Dr. William Soto Santiago 39

on them, but when the air blew upon them. That's when it years in the desert is what would happen to the Church
came back, that fourth Message of Life was brought back. 'I during the seven stages of the Church.
will restore,' says the Lord. Hallelujah! Glory! Praise God! All this was also represented in the seven weeks of years
The fourth light is to come, which will bring the same signs. that were established for the Hebrew people, and then the
Look! Justification brought back to pulp. Sanctification fiftieth year arrived, which was the year of jubilee. The Rev.
brought back the bark, doctrine of holiness. What brought William Branham says that those seven weeks of years, in
back the leaf? Pentecostals. What is it? Pentecostals, leaves, which there was one year that was a sabbatical year,
clap your hands.” represent the seven ages of the Church; and then the year
And now he goes on saying: fiftieth which represents the Age of the Cornerstone. Come?
“The Word made flesh, fruits of fruit of the sign of The Eternal Age of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Just
resurrection that Christ has finally, after justification being as after the journey of the Hebrew people through the desert
planted, sanctification being planted, Baptism of the Holy for forty years, they then entered the promised land with
Spirit. Organizations died, and Christ has once again placed Joshua.
himself at the center of Himself as that top of the pyramid. Now, we find that Moses typifies Christ and Joshua also
First line, justification, sanctification, Baptism of the Holy typifies Christ, the Holy Spirit. And we find that the people
Spirit, then the coming of that cap. What is it? That group of at the Last Day will enter the promised land of the new body,
the Holy Spirit being refined.” the glorified physical body, and the promised land of the
Come? The Cornerstone Age group, which is glorious Millennial kingdom, the new kingdom; and all this
Jesus Christ; and placing them in the Church of the Lord through our Joshua, who is the Holy Spirit, Christ in the
Jesus Christ; and from age to age placing the chosen ones of Holy Spirit in the midst of His Church.
each age; He takes them out of the world, which is the We find that for the Last Day Christ will be in the midst
spiritual Egypt, and frees them from the spiritual Pharaoh, of His Church, just as He was in each age veiled and
who is the devil, and Christ places them where? In His revealed in the Angel Messenger of each age. That was the
Kingdom, which is His Church. great revelation of Christ in each age, and it was in and
And now, in the journey of the Holy Spirit, Christ in through the Angel Messenger of each age.
Holy Spirit in the midst of His Church, we find that just as After the seven stages or ages pass, we already have the
the Hebrew people went through different stages during their story of the revelation of Jesus Christ through His Holy
journey through the desert, the Church has been going Spirit through the seven Messenger Angels, through the
through those journeys during its seven ages. of the church. Vessels separated for God from which the divine revelation
Come? What happened to the Hebrew people during forty came for each age; and that was the Voice of the Holy Spirit
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in every age, the Voice of the guide that Christ said He where the enemy destroyed the Bride Tree, what were those
would send to guide His people into all righteousness and all stages? Where the aphid, cankerworm, cankerworm and the
truth. caterpillar, all that, and the locust; those were the four
Now, how would people hear the Voice of the Holy powers of the devil. But four powers of God come for the
Spirit in each age? Through the manifestation of Christ in the restoration of the Bride Church: Justification, Sanctification,
Holy Spirit in the Angel Messenger of each age. There is no Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the restoration of the gifts,
other way for people to hear the Voice of the Holy Spirit in and then what? The word.
each age; and he who has ears to hear, let him hear. That is If we look for that Miguel, we would already leave very
what is said in each of these stages of the Church of late. I don't remember exactly what page this is on. Page 68,
Revelation, chapter 2, verse 1 to 28, and Revelation, chapter paragraph 592; and also in the vision of the dry bones, in the
3, verse I to 21. fourth stage the spirit came. Come? And in the fourth stage
That's why it always says here in each stage or age, see, of the Church, in the stages of restoration, the fourth stage is
chapter 2, verse 11 of the Apocalypse, it says: where the incarnated Holy Spirit comes on the Last Day, for
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the total restoration of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ,
the churches.” the restoration to physical eternal Life, the restoration to a
And there he reveals something to him: “He who new and eternal body.
conquers will not be harmed by the second death.” Therefore, it is in that stage that the Church has to be at
Come? Always the one who has ears to hear in every this time, to obtain the faith to be transformed and raptured
age, in this final time.
Well, in the fourth stage everything that has happened in Second Coming of Christ.
the first, second and third, everything is then condensed into Now, you see, neither did the Apostles and the
a fourth stage. See, the enemy also does this: in the fourth Messenger Angels, although they spoke of both things. See
yellow horse of the rider, which is the antichrist, there is Peter talking about the Coming of the Lord and the day
condensed everything that the other previous horses were burning like a homo, speaking thus that the Heavens and the
with the other riders. Earth will be shaken, they will be set on fire, and all these
And in the Church of Jesus Christ we find that there are things. See, that already corresponds to after the Millennial
four powers, which are: Lion, Ox, Face of Man and Eagle. In Kingdom.
the Eagle, everything is condensed there, because the Eagle But there are also other prophecies that correspond to
is a Prophet. after the great tribulation and after the Wedding Supper of
Then, in the four stages through which the Church went, the Lamb, and that is the Third Coming of Christ; but there
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are others that correspond to His Second Coming, which are Now you see, we find through the Message given to each
the ones that we have to watch at this time; and that will be age of the Church, that the Holy Spirit says: "He who has an
the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit, how does Brother Branham ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the
say?: “And this Holy Spirit that we have today, when he churches."
becomes incarnate,” that corresponds to His Second Coming. And how is it heard? Through the Messenger anointed
But then later in His Third Coming, that promise will also be with the Holy Spirit in each age, who receives the revelation
fulfilled. of the Holy Spirit, and then transmits it to the Church of
Now, the Rev. William Branham was the one who made Jesus Christ in that stage; and there a new age of the Church
the separation between the Second and Third Coming of is born. It is through the creative Word of God through the
Christ. And even with everything and that many cannot Holy Spirit in the Angel Messenger of each age, that each
understand the mystery of the Second and Third Coming of stage or age of the Church is created.
Christ. But that is normal, there are millions who have not That is why the work of the Church or the creation of the
understood the mystery of the First Coming yet. But there Church is a creative Work of God through the creative Word
will always be a group, because there always was one, being spoken by the Holy Spirit through the Angel
therefore there must be one today, that will understand the Messenger of each age.
mystery of the Second Coming and the mystery of the Third Therefore, the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ is not of
Coming of Christ, as it also understands the mystery of the human creation but of divine creation. “It is neither with
First Coming of Christ. Therefore, you will also understand armies nor with human strength nor with human wisdom, but
the mystery of the fourth Coming of Christ. with my
Hear what the Holy Spirit says to the Churches. Therefore, Spirit, says the Lord." In Zechariah, chapter 4, verses 1 to 14.
the Holy Spirit will be speaking in every age. Therefore, the Everything is there.
Holy Spirit is the one who speaks for all the Churches, all the See, in the vision of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ,
ages of the Church, and for every local church and for each which is reflected in the Hebrew people, there we find the
of the seven churches in Asia Minor. In those seven churches candelabrum with its seven lamps; We also find the glass of
the Church of Jesus Christ was reflected through its seven oil in which the Two Olive Trees, by means of two golden
ages. tubes of oil, poured oil like gold into that glass of the
See, also in chapter 2, verse 7 of Revelation it also says: candelabra, so that it would go to each lamp and shine there.
“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to And now, all that is where? In the Church of the Lord
the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give to eat from Jesus Christ being fulfilled from stage to stage. That is why
the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.” for the Last Day, according to Scripture, where will the Two
10 SEPARATE VESSELS FOR GOD Dr. William Soto Santiago 39

Olive Trees be? Where were they seen there? One on each Christ to Earth, and it comes with His Church, with the
side of the candelabra. Therefore, they are next to the saints.
lampstand or lampstand, and the lampstand or lampstand is In the First He came to redeem His Church, in the
the Church in the seven stages or seven ages. Second to take His Church, in the Third He comes with His
Therefore, we can see that it is in the Church of the Lord Church.
Jesus Christ where the two olive trees and the two olive And now, see, after the Millennial Kingdom comes the
branches will be. That is why King Solomon placed two final judgment, and from here we are going to be taken out;
olive cherubs covered in gold in the temple he built. Where therefore, there will be a Rapture; and then we will come
did he place them? In the Holy of Holies. Come? Now we with Christ for the Eternal Kingdom here on Earth; That is
find that the most holy place does not correspond to the the fourth Coming of Christ with His Church; and with all
seven ages, it is outside the seven ages, just as we find the those who will inhabit the Earth in that Eternal Kingdom.
Two Olive Trees outside the seven ages. So, see, everything is there in Scripture, but those that
Where were the two olive cherubs? In the most holy are "the most outstanding" are always mentioned and also
place. Where then do the ministries of the Two Olive Trees those that have to do with those that have already happened
have to be in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ? In the Age and with what corresponds to the time in which one is.
of the Cornerstone, which is the Holy of Holies of the living.
Spiritual Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ; and there will also Now, I also told you that the Old Testament Prophets did
be all the vessels that have been separated for the Marriage not make the separation of the First and
of the Lamb; and when the Wedding Supper of the Lamb GOD".
ends, the great tribulation will also have ended and then Each of you and I have also been separate vessels for
Christ comes with His Church, with all of us, to establish the God, chosen by God before the foundation of the world, to
Millennium. That is the Third Coming. be separate vessels for God in the Spiritual Temple of God,
Then the fourth Coming, I told you about a fourth which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Coming: when the Millennial Kingdom ends. Also see, there Where were the vessels separated by God in the
was the Rapture of Enoch, the Rapture of Elijah, and the tabernacle that Moses built? In the tabernacle that Moses
Rapture of the Old Testament saints; and we have the built. And in the temple that Solomon built, for there were
promise... and also the Rapture of Christ. We also have the the vessels separated by God for service in the house of God.
promise of the Rapture of the New Testament elect before And for service in the House of God for the Millennial
the great tribulation, and then the coming of the New Kingdom and for eternity, where are the vessels set apart by
Testament saints with Christ. This is the Third Coming of God? Here we are in the Spiritual Temple of Christ, the
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Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. tabernacle that Moses built and in the temple that King
Be vessels set apart by God in service to our God all the Solomon built. And now here it is not the type but the
days of our lives, justified, sanctified and filled with the Holy antitype, the reality. What was reflected there is the reality of
Spirit in service in the House of God. In the Name of the what we would have here.
Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, here we have reality, and we have the true
May the blessings of Christ, the Angel of the Covenant, temple of God, which is the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ.
be upon all of you and upon me as well, and may the No wonder the king and psalmist David talked so much
number of God's elect soon be completed; and soon Christ about the Temple of God and talked about the blessedness of
will resurrect the dead believers in Him, and transform us being in the Temple of God. It said: “In the courts of the
who live. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And take House of God, of the Temple of God.” But it has touched us
us with Him to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. In the in the Most Holy Place of the House of God.
Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen and amen. Therefore, our blessedness is greater than that of King
I remember something I told you about the three David. He was in the courts and we are in the Most Holy
comings of Christ, and I told you about how many? Only Place of His Spiritual Temple.
two. The third is when the great tribulation ends. We will Now, we can see that everything that God has been
therefore be during the great tribulation in Heaven, in the doing from the Day of Pentecost onward, he has all been
God's Supper, to be in the Holy of Holies, having the carrying out in His Church. All of Christ's Work is in His
function that Christ has assigned to each one of them. Church, and everything He does in Heaven is reflected in His
So we can see that being separate vessels for God, we Church. He makes intercession in Heaven and it is reflected
have a function in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ; here, how? People coming to the feet of Christ, and being
because it was in the temple that Solomon built and in the washed with the Blood of Christ and being baptized in water
tabernacle that the Prophet Moses built, where the separate in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The call that is made
vessels for God were. here and the people coming, is what is happening in Heaven,
And now, in the Temple of the Lord Jesus Christ, which Christ calling and here the entire Program of Christ is being
is His Church, there are the separate vessels for God, who fulfilled. Therefore, the Message in each age, the Message of
are human beings, people for a work in the Work of Christ, Christ in each age has been a Message from Heaven, from
in the Church of Jesus Christ. Therefore, everyone who is the Most Holy Place of Heaven, Christ calling and gathering
there has a work to carry out in the Spiritual Temple of our His children into His Church from age to age.
beloved Lord Jesus Christ. Through His Holy Spirit He places people in His
There was the shadow, the type and figure, in the Church, through a spirit, you see, we are placed in a single
10 SEPARATE VESSELS FOR GOD Dr. William Soto Santiago 39

Mystical Body of believers, which is the Church of the Lord and from there govern.
Jesus Christ. So we can see that that is also Adoption. The Church as
Now, we can see that the entire Program is being carried a Spiritual Temple will be adopted, and each child of God as
out in the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, the a vessel chosen by God and set apart by God, will be adopted
most blessed people on planet Earth are those who have as well. No more vessels will be added to the Temple,
belonged to the Church of Jesus Christ in the past; And the because they will already be complete, and the Church will
most blessed of this time, who are they? We, in the Mystical already be complete and adopted. Adoption is the
Body of Christ, because we belong to the Church of the Lord Redemption of the body. We have already had the Spiritual
Jesus Christ, belong to a Celestial Kingdom that will be Adoption, but we are missing the second part. We have had
materialized on Earth, but that is currently in the spiritual the first fruits and we lack the fullness, we lack the other part
phase; like when Adam was already in the Garden of Eden, to have the fullness of Adoption.
but God had not yet made him the body of flesh from the Well, it has been a great blessing for me to be with you
dust of the Earth, see, Adam was in that phase. Christ was tonight, giving you testimony of our theme, which is:
also in that spiritual phase. I did not have “SEPARATE VESSELS FOR all those divine
Weeks of Daniel”, says paragraph 48: manifestations that are promised for this end time.
“Now, the sixfold purpose—and we find that in this Therefore, we are living in a time where everything is
sixfold purpose: 'To anoint the Holy of holies (Holy of holies taking place in God's Program progressively.
is the Most Holy Place)', we discover that the Holy of holies See, the Rev. William Branham when he made a
always represented the Church, the tabernacle. And the last diagram about the Church, look how he showed it: in a
thing that was going to be done was to anoint the Holy of progressive way from the bottom up. Come? Trees are also
holies; That is the Millennial Tabernacle where He will live born and grow progressively, upwards; And also when we
during the Millennium.” were born on Earth, we have been growing in a progressive
So we can see that just as Moses' tabernacle was way. We were not born great, but we were born small to be
anointed by the Pillar of Fire, the presence of God, when he great. If one is born big, where can the person reach?
dedicated it to God and God entered the Pillar of Fire; and Downwards, become small, because you will already be as
also when Solomon dedicated the temple to God and God big as you can be.
entered the Pillar of Fire, where was he placed? In the most Now, when we are transformed we are going to be
holy place above the Mercy Seat. The Second Coming of transformed big, in the sense that we are not going to receive
Christ corresponds to the Church of Jesus Christ to come to a tiny little body so that later it grows and becomes big,
the Holy of Holies, and there place itself on the mercy seat, why? Because it will be a perfect body, and if it is perfect it
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will not go from small to large. And from small to large it die He had to have sin, and He became sin for us by taking
would be imperfect. our sins. But in the glorified body he cannot die. But in that
But now the Church has also, you see, gone from small body that he had he could die, if he had sinned in Him. Like
to large; but when it is transformed it will be completely Adam: Adam would not die if he did not sin against God.
great, and then it will be perfect, it will be immortal with its Now, in Adam there was Eve, even before Adam was in
members and therefore that is the Temple of God for the the body of flesh; because God made Adam male and female,
millennium and for all eternity. That is the holy of holies that when he made it in the sixth dimension. And then when he
has to be anointed, and that is the transformation for us who did it here, he made his body here from the dust of the
live and the resurrection of the dead in Christ. Earth, even the physical body was male and female, there
Let's see here page 97 of the book of “The Seventy was Adam and Eve in the same body. And after Adam, God
Adam nor Christ a body of flesh. took out of his side a part, a rib, says the Scripture.
But when God created a body of flesh from the dust of You see, God was the first surgeon and anesthesiologist
the Earth for Adam, he was then already manifested on Earth as well. Everything in God. And there he took a part of
as a living soul in a body of flesh; Although the body of flesh Adam, of the physical body, and formed a female physical
is an animal body, you see, it had, it needed to be adopted, it body; and he took from the spiritual part, he took the female
needed to reach Adoption to be transformed and then be spirit and placed it in the female physical body, and she
eternal. But in the meantime, because he had not sinned, he became the ideal help for Adam: Eve; who was not called
could continue living in that body. It was the most perfect Eve at the beginning, but Ishshah, which means: “Woman,”
body of all that God had created, but it needed Adoption, it because she was taken from man.
was in a testing stage. Therefore, Adam said, “This is flesh of my flesh and
Therefore, Adam in that stage of testing would either bone of my bones.” Because it was taken from man. For this
rise to a higher level, to the level of glorification and reason a man will leave his father and his mother, and will be
immortality, or descend to a lower level. At the animal level, united, will be united, to her; that is, to the wife, to the
mortal, temporary corruptible. That is, that body could go up woman, and they will be, they will be what? One flesh.
to a higher level or it could go down. And low. But through Therefore the Second Adam is also male and female
the Second Adam, you see, He was adopted. when he appears on Earth. That is the difference between
Look, the body of Jesus, because it had no sin, could not Christ and other human beings at the time when Christ
die. But since it was a body that Jesus had, which had to be appeared on Earth.
adopted (He, Jesus), after he was adopted and was glorified, Now, we can see that Jesus Christ was a mysterious
he would already be immortal. But to become mortal or to being in the days He appeared on Earth. Let's see, look here
10 SEPARATE VESSELS FOR GOD Dr. William Soto Santiago 39

on page 58, paragraph 508 of the “Quotations ” book, also, there will be physical healing for all the sick people
everyone should have that book, and whoever doesn't have it who will be under the time of the ministry of the Vision of
should get it. Says: the Tent, which will be the Third Stage; But Brother
“God is not a woman; God is a man. And there is only Branham says on page 114 and 119 of the book of
one truly and that is a man. A woman is a by-product of a “Quotations”, that by that time there will no longer be
man. Come? If you would just open your spiritual Mercy, because Christ will have left the Throne of
understanding. Do you see? Come? Man... when man first Intercession, but it will be a ministry with a vessel separated
came upon the to be transformed and raptured all the sons by God in His Church also. “For the Lord Jehovah will do
and daughters of God, members of the Mystical Body of nothing without first revealing His secrets to His servants
Christ, which are vessels set apart by God. His Prophets.” He will do nothing unless it is through His
And now, look here on page 22, paragraph 176, it says at Holy Spirit through human flesh.
the end, so as not to read too much, then you read in full, it Now, we can already see here enough about why God
says... no, I have to read at the beginning, it says: has always used male Prophets, through whom the Holy
“And there are those two witnesses. And when they Spirit has manifested himself through them. See, on page 26,
torment the world, with their preaching, and gather the Jews of the book of "Quotes", paragraph 218, it says:
again, bringing them to repentance, bringing them again to “And so, we tonight, we want to think about that, and
believe... when they see Jesus Christ coming for the Bride, remember that in the midst of all this clamor, God cannot
they will say, 'Look, this is the God whom we waited for. send a revival, UNTIL HE HAS MAN IN FITNESS TO
This is the!' But He is not coming for them, He is coming for RECEIVE IT... and before we can have this revival, GOD
That is the same thing he said on page 57 of the book of MAN) TO CARRY HIS MESSAGE!”
“The Seals .” And below it says: That is the way of God. A revival is promised to the
“When the Lord Jesus Christ comes for His Bride, and Church through the Seven Thunders, therefore God has to
they see Him, they will say, 'That is the one we have waited have a man to train and reveal the whole mystery of the
for, there He is.' 'He will arise with healing in His wings.'” Seven Thunders, and that man will preach and so God then
And here is in this Scripture according to Malachi, brings that revival to the Church in a new age, the Age of the
chapter 4, verse 2: “To those who fear my name, the Sun of Cornerstone; because God brought the revival of the other
righteousness will rise, and in its wings it will bring ages through the manifestation of the Holy Spirit in each
salvation, healing.” It is spiritual healing and physical Angel Messenger.
healing, which will be the transformation of our bodies; and Therefore, for the Church the only thing that remains is
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the revival of the Last Day with the revelation of the Last in these bodies but we need Adoption.
Day in the ministry of the Last Day, to give it faith on earth, First we receive spiritual Adoption, which is the baptism
he was both, MALE AND FEMALE, FEMALE AND MALE, of the Holy Spirit, which transforms our life and brings the
before that he became sex. Come? A FEMALE SPIRIT, THE new birth, and we obtain an eternal angelic body, equal to the
LOWEST SPIRIT, HE IS THE ONE WHO IS SHY. AND angelic body of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ; and we
THEN THERE IS ALSO AND MASCULINE, MAN. But when already have eternal Life, we have already been spiritually
He made it and put it in different (in different body)... and adopted. But we lack physical Adoption.
put it in different, in order to reproduce the world, He Without that physical Adoption neither the saints of past
brought the female spirit out of it and put a rib on its side ages nor the Apostles can live physically eternally; That's
and made it a female. (that is, he made a woman). why they had to die at the age they had to live. And for that
Now, let's go to page 146, paragraph 1299, where it reason it is that even believers in Christ die from age to age;
says: and some of our people have also died and some more of our
“God had never separated the Bride from the age may die. But when we receive the physical Adoption,
Bridegroom yet. So when God looked down on the Body of that is the end of physical death for the children of God.
Christ, He saw both male and female. Everything was Therefore, we who have the blessedness, privilege and
redeemed in that body. Come? They are one, the same Word. blessing of remaining alive and faithful to Christ as chosen
The same Word spoke of the Bridegroom and speaks of the and separated vessels of God in His Spiritual Temple, we
Bride.” who remain alive until the time when Christ completes His
Come? Where was the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ? Church, and thus separates all the vessels of His Spiritual
In Christ. Where were you and me? In Christ. Therefore, if Temple, separate them, justify them, sanctify them and put
Christ is eternal, we are also eternal. But we have to go them into action, put them to work, working in His Church.
through this earthly dimension in bodies of flesh, to receive You see, those of us who remain alive until Christ
Christ as our Savior, wash our sins in His Blood, be baptized completes His Church will see the resurrection of the saints
in water in His Name and receive His Holy Spirit, and thus that Christ will resurrect; and when we see them, we will be
receive spiritual Adoption. transformed.
Remember that it depends on Adoption that the person Now, everything depends on Christ completing His
enters eternity. If it is not adopted it cannot be eternal, it Church, it also represents ministers who believe that they are
cannot be restored to eternity. Therefore, we come in this the people who have to bring the Message for the Last Day,
form; Just as Adam, see, was in a body but needed Adoption, who believe that the leadership of the Holy Spirit is through
Christ was in a body but needed Adoption; and now we are them, and who also believe They are the person who has to
10 SEPARATE VESSELS FOR GOD Dr. William Soto Santiago 39

go to the Hebrews. worry about bringing the Message to the Hebrew people, he
But when brother Branham cries out that he should turn will not worry, until it is adopted by the Lord.
aside and that no one could walk that path, if he was not Let all those who want to go go, because they will go
ordained by God, if God was not with him, if he was not without the Holy Spirit, they will go without being anointed
ordained for that work, he says that the person of the little for that work; They will be like the one who saw in the
horse, little horse, how we told? Criollo then began to cry dream and vision the person who saw a horse all stained with
and then left for the north, another route. the name of a person and a rider on it, who was slapping the
Therefore, for the north it will be the main work that the white horse on which the Rev. was riding. William Branham.
little horse will do, little horse what? Creole, little horse like That giant white horse with the Rev. William Branham, is
that from the countryside. But the rider with the military typifying, reflecting, Christ coming upon the pure Word.
horse, where did he go? To the West, as far West as possible. A horse represents power. And another on a little horse,
Go? (as Miguel would say), one of those Creole horses, one of
Therefore, what was missing from the West corresponds those Creole horses, or... If I say the words that we use, they
to Latin America and the Caribbean, because Latin America won't understand them. He had been trying to walk the path
and the Caribbean is in the West. Where did the Voice, the that Brother Branham had to walk; and because Brother
Thunder in the visit of the Seven Angels, where did they go? Branham on the white military horse, dressed in that king's
To the south. That's Mexico and everything down there, how clothing, that of an Indian chief, represents Christ as King of
far? To Patagonia. So it covers all of Mexico, the Caribbean kings and Lord of lords riding in the Last Day, the path that
and all of South America, South America. And after that he must travel first in the West , and then he will go to the
work is finished, then the East is missing, where the First East.
Coming of Christ was. But see, first he has to go through everything he needs to
So, we can see that all things throughout the history of go in the West. And the other on the small, stained horse all
the Church, you see, God has made through separate vessels. over and with the person's name on it, first typifies the
The Messenger Angels like the Apostles have been separate antichrist. And see, because the antichrist comes on a yellow
vessels; and the instrument that God will use to fulfill the horse on the Last Day. But that Christ completes the vessels
prophecies of this Last Day in the Church and later among that He will separate, so that they may be vessels in His
the Hebrew people, will be an end time. Temple, His Church; and those are all the elect of God:
And when he adopts it, then the Adoption will come for Vessels of God set apart in the Spiritual Temple of Christ,
all of God's chosen ones, and the Message will come for the for service to God through Christ our Savior and High Priest
Hebrew people as well. But in the meantime he will not of the Temple of God.
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Now, when all those vessels are completed in the God is going to do later. As in the Prophets of the Old
Temple of God, then all the work of building the Spiritual Testament God reflected Christ. And when John the Baptist
Temple of Christ will have been completed. And Christ will was present, Christ was also reflected there; He was the last
rise from the Father's Throne, take the Title Deed, open it in of the Prophets in which the First Coming of Christ was
Heaven and do His Work of Reclamation. Through the reflected.
Messages of the Rev. William Branham Some people think For this reason, look, the other Prophets in whom Christ
that the seals were already opened, that the book of the was reflected, we do not find that they appeared baptizing
Seven Seals was already opened. But no, it was reflected, people. But in John the Baptist, because everything was
what will be the taking and opening of that book was reflected more closely, John the Baptist appears baptizing,
reflected. That is why the Rev. William Branham says that why? Because now when the Messiah comes, all those who
when Christ completes His Church, He will rise from the will believe in the Messiah will be baptized too. Do you see
Father's Throne, and then He will take the Title Deed, the how simple everything is?
Book of Seven Seals, and open it in Heaven, and bring it to But when it was reflected in other Prophets, because
Earth. they were further away, that part that was going to be carried
That's why we find in the Book of Seals, that He says, out was not seen. For example, when you see the shadow of
“This is still in the future.” This is how it will be when even something or someone coming; For example, you see the
the last chosen one of God enters. shadow of an airplane, and you see nothing but a big shadow
And how could he say, “Today the First Seal has been there, and you see that it has wings and so on; but can't make
opened, tomorrow the Second Seal will be opened,” and so out many details.
on? Because God is reflecting in him and through him what But when it is closer, other details are already visible in
God is going to do later; because before God does something the shadows. And when it comes, then you can see the whole
he reflects it through His Prophets. And being a Prophet, reality of what has been shown in the shadow, in the type
God reflected everything He is going to do when Christ and figure, which is always the shadow.
completes His Church; and then he leaves the Throne of Now, what God will be doing in this time and miracles
Intercession and stops being an intercessor and becomes the and wonders is under Moses and Elijah. Come? So the great
Lion of the Tribe of Judah. miracles and wonders shown in the Tent Vision are for
Now, this is very important to understand, because if we whom? For whose ministry? Of Moses and Elijah.
do not understand this, we would be confused all the time But we are going to leave that alone, we are not going to
thinking one thing, and thinking that a reflection was reality. touch much of it, because under the ministry of Moses and
No, a reflection is a type and figure, it is a shadow of what Elijah, you see what the Seventh Trumpet is, which is Moses
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and Elijah and what the Sixth Seal is, which is Moses and the actual revelation of the book of the Seven Seals, when
Elijah is the Seventh Seal for the Church, the Coming of the Christ takes it and opens it and hands it to a man to eat, and
Lord, because He comes with His Angels, and with a great then says to him: "It is "You must prophesy over many
Trumpet Voice to call and gather His chosen ones. peoples, nations, languages and kings." That's in Revelation
On page 59 it also says, from the book of “ The Seals”: 10, and then Revelation 11 the ministry of the Two Olive
“When the seals are opened and the mystery is revealed, Trees. Come?
then there comes down the Angel, the Messenger, Christ, Now, I think I have told you enough about this mystery.
placing one foot on the land and the other on the sea, with a Now, there are things that I cannot yet tell you about,
rainbow over His head. because they are very linked to the Seventh Seal, very linked
Now remember, the seventh angel will be on the earth at to the mystery of the Second Coming of Christ
the time of His coming.” corresponding to the time before the great tribulation began.
And he left. So who will be the Seventh Messenger But when the Church is completed and Christ rises from the
Angel who will be on Earth at the time of the Second Father's Throne and takes the Title Deed and opens it in
Coming of Christ, with the Little Book open in His hand to Heaven and hands it to a man who will eat it, then that man's
give it to a man who will eat it? In the seventh Angel ministry will move to a new phase. or to a new stage, and
Messenger of the seventh age the seventh Messenger of the through it the Third Stage, of which the Rev. spoke, will be
seventh dispensation was reflected; because an older fully fulfilled. William Branham.
dispensational Messenger is reflected in an older Messenger; That is why the Rev. William Branham when told that if
and in that it will be that Christ will come manifested in the all ministers or the Church are to do or have great miracles
Holy Spirit, fulfilling all the things that He has promised for and wonders, he says: “No, what they must be waiting for is
this end time. And even with everything and that the Angel the Coming of the Lord.” The great ones were reflected in
will not be the Lord Jesus Christ, but in the Angel the Lord the Apostles and the seven Messenger Angels.
Jesus Christ will be fulfilling what He promised for this Therefore, if anyone does not watch well, they may
instrument, and those ministries will speak of the two think that they are imitating Saint Paul, one of the seven
Messages: the Message of the First Coming of Christ and the Messenger Angels. But what was a type and figure there will
Message of the Second Coming of Christ. become a reality here; That was the type and figure and was
“...and there was the sound of a single trumpet; and the reality of each age. And here it will be the reality of our
seven Seals were opened. He is gathering His chosen Jews time, which was reflected in other ages.
from the four corners of the earth.” If we look at the Old Testament, the Old Testament
And now, see where the call is for the Hebrews, it is in Prophets did not make a clear separation of the First and
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Second Coming of Christ, and spoke of it as if it were one. where many people do not understand this mystery, and
That is why they were waiting for the Coming of the many ministers can get confused and make such a mixture
Messiah as a King there, when it corresponded to the First that they and their congregations will be confused.
Coming of Christ as the Lamb of God, to take away the sin On page 2A of the “Quotes” book, paragraph 14, it says
of the world. the Rev. William Branham:
They did not understand that between Isaiah, chapter 61, “Because there will be a chosen group who will live
verse I and 2, where it says: “And to proclaim, to preach, the during the Millennium age. And he will go in and out with
year, the year of the good pleasure of the Lord, and the Day Christ for a thousand years and they will go up to Glory with
of vengeance of our God.” There were about two thousand Him and he will come back again. When the resurrection of
years of separation, a gap in which the Coming of Christ the wicked occurs, then the Millennium will establish.
preached the year of Jehovah's good pleasure; and then the Afterwards (here there is something that is not clear, but we
Second Coming of Christ in the preaching of the Day of will make it clear later)... After the Millennium is over, then
Vengeance of our God. Christ will ascend with the Church and at the end of about a
But then Jesus was talking about that separation when he thousand years He will return with the Church. “Christ
talked about the Coming of the Son of Man for the future; comes three times.”
and pointed it out as that which not even the Angels knew, Now, here we are going to have to say that after the First
speaking about the Coming of the Son of Man for the future. Coming of Christ there are three times left for Christ
But He also spoke of the Coming of the Son of Man for that Moses and Elijah.
time, and He identified Himself as the fulfillment of the God does not have two major Prophets at the same time,
Coming of the Son of Man for that time, which is the that is what the Rev. William Branham. But see, a Prophet
Coming of the Messiah in His First Coming. can have two ministries and even three ministries; You can
Now, we find that the Apostles and the seven Angel have one ministry, one ministerial spirit, two ministerial
Messengers have spoken about the Coming of the Lord for spirits, or three ministerial spirits. And we're going to leave it
this end time. And the one who made a clear separation was there, quiet, because there's a lot there.
the Rev. William Branham; even clearer than what Saint “But when the Seals were announced, they were all
Paul did; although Saint Paul also made it clear, but on many together in a great divine scene to call a group of people,
occasions it seems that it is only one. and there was the sound of a single trumpet; and seven Seals
Now, I'm not talking about the First Coming and Second were opened.”
Coming, I'm talking about the Second and Third Coming of Under what Trumpet are the Seven Seals opened? See,
Christ. That there is a Third Coming of Christ? And that is under that seventh Trumpet, but it was all reflected through
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the Rev. William Branham under the Trumpet that He the trumpet sounded. In the days of the voice of the second
sounded; but the reality was for the future, because the Book angel, a trumpet sounded, and so it was when He
of Seals was not yet open. commanded each one.
Therefore, a ministry has to come, after the ministry of But when the Seals were announced, they were all
the Seventh Angel of the Seventh Age for Christ to place together in a great divine scene to call a group of people,
under that ministry the taking and opening of the Seven and there was the sound of a single trumpet.”
Seals, and thus the Voice of Christ will be crying out as In other words, the Seventh Trumpet of the seventh age,
when a lion roars. like the sixth trumpet of the sixth age, those are the trumpet,
See that the ministry of the Two Olive Trees has to do the Voice of Christ through each of the seven Messengers.
with the Work that Christ will be doing after He rises from But now the Seventh Trumpet of Revelation 11 is the Voice
the Father's Throne. But those ministries begin before, and of Christ through Moses and Elijah, through the Two Olive
then in those ministries and in the instrument where those Trees, and therefore through the one who has those
ministries are, the change of dispensation is made and the ministries in him, who will be the Angel who comes with the
total change of Message is made; although the two Messages Seal of the Living God in whom the Seal of the living God,
will be in that the Holy Spirit will be operating the ministries to come. Let's
What is the mystery of the seventh Trumpet? Moses and then see this mystery.
Elijah. Now, let's look at page 458 and 459 of the book of Now, let's use what he said here about the three comings
"The Seals ", it says: of Christ; although then there is another one, which is the
“So it is between the sixth and seventh Seal that He calls fourth Coming of Christ.
these people, who were mentioned by Jesus Christ in Now he says:
Matthew 24:31. When the trumpet sounds, it will be the “Christ comes three times. The first time He came to
trumpet of the two witnesses of the age of grace for the Jews. redeem His Church. Is that correct? (Was that when? When
A trumpet sounds... Now let's see it more clearly here in Christ came as the Lamb of God dying on the Cross of
Matthew 24:31: 'And he will send his angels (not just one, Calvary) The second time, He comes to receive His
but two) with a loud trumpet voice.' What is it? When God Church..."
speaks, you hear the sound of a trumpet. The Voice of God That's before the great tribulation, that's what the Holy
has always been like this, calling to battle. God is speaking. Spirit was told... let's read it here. Page 352 of the book of
These two angels come with the sound of the trumpet. And “The Seals” says:
mark well: But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, “And it will come to pass that at the time when the
the trumpet sounds. In the days of the voice of the first angel, antichrist comes in his fullness, God will also come in his
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fullness to redeem us (that is, to raise the dead in Christ and the Person of Jesus Christ, then we will crown Him as 'King
to transform us who are alive; that is the Redemption of the of Kings and Lord of Lords.”
body of the which speaks Romans, chapter 8, verses 14 to Now remember: at the same time Jesus arrived, the
29). They always run parallel. Cain and Abel, the raven and antichrist, Judas, also arrived. When Christ left this Earth,
the dove in the ark, Judas and Jesus, etc.” Judas also left. Then when the Holy Spirit returned, the
Now, this mystery here: God will come in His fullness to antichrist also returned.
redeem us, that is His Coming to His Church to redeem His Now on page 131, first paragraph, it says:
Church, to seek His Church; and His Coming coming to His “And Jesus longs: His Name on earth was Jesus the
Church is the secret why there was silence in Heaven for Redeemer, because he was the Redeemer when he was on
about half an hour. And only who will know that secret? earth: but when he conquered hell and death; He defeated
Those who are going to be transformed and taken with Christ them and ascended, then received a new Name. That is why
to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. they shout and make so much noise and receive nothing. It
On page 146 he also gives us a lot of light about this will be revealed in the Thunders .”
mystery, he says: Last Seal, which is the Second Coming of Christ, says it is
“And at the same time (he is talking about the same what? The last Trumpet like the last Seal will be the Coming
thing)... And at the same time that the devil falls from of the Lord.
Heaven and is incarnated in a man, the Holy Spirit rises and On page 149 he also tells us about this, paragraph 1333
comes incarnated in a man.” says:
It is the Coming of the Holy Spirit incarnated in a man. “Remember that those who live and remain will not
That's it: hinder those who sleep; because the trumpet of God, that
“And it will come to pass at the time when the antichrist last trumpet (the sixth has just sounded)... and that last
comes in His fullness (what is that? When the devil takes the trumpet, with the last seal, will be the coming of the Lord. It
form of the man of sin, the antichrist), God will also come in will knock, and the dead in Christ will rise first…only resting
His fullness to redeem us.” until that time.”
How will He come in His fullness? Says: Now, look at the relationship between the Seventh
“The Holy Spirit rises and comes incarnated in a man. ” Trumpet and the Seventh Seal. And who sounds the seventh
On page 134 of the book of “The Seals”, it says: Trumpet of Revelation, chapter 11, verse 15 onwards? Let's
“And notice: When this Holy Spirit that we have see page 128, page 128 and 129. 128 paragraph 1143, says:
becomes incarnate, the one that is in our midst right now in “Under the Seventh Trumpet is to Israel the same as the
the form of the Holy Spirit, when He becomes incarnated in Seventh Seal was to the Church.”
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Is the same. The same thing that the Seventh Seal is for Hebrews and He also comes for His Church.
the Church is the Seventh Trumpet for Israel. And here it is See here, why does He come for the Hebrews and also
in 64, on the 19th of the month of July 64, let's see here... come for His Church? This is the simplest thing there is,
July 19, 64, it says in the Message: “ Feast of Trumpets”, although it is the greatest mystery that no one knew about
paragraph 1144 of the book of “Quotes” says: either in Heaven or on Earth. It says on page 130, paragraph
“That Seventh Seal hasn't opened yet, you know; that is 1164 of the book of “Quotations”:
His coming.” “Remember that those who are alive and left will not
And now, on page 129, paragraph 1150, it says: hinder those who are sleeping, because the Trumpet of God,
"Now, as soon as this Church, the mystery of the that last Trumpet (the sixth has just sounded), and that last
Seventh Seal is known, and the Jews are called by the Trumpet as the last Seal, will be the coming of the Lord; will
mystery of the Seventh Trumpet who are two prophets Elijah knock, and the dead in Christ will rise first.”
and Moses. " The last Trumpet, which is the Seventh Trumpet, and the
“He now comes directly to the Jews because the church This mystery is to be revealed in the thunder. That is a
has come to an end. Ok, now continuing: mystery that thunder contains and reveals to the Church of
'...and his face was like the sun, and his feet were like Jesus Christ.
pillars of fire. ' “Look at the mystery. He comes riding. There has to be
Remember the angel from Revelation chapter one? This something to change this church (that is, this is before the
is the same. An angel is a messenger, and he is a messenger great tribulation; it is something that has to be fulfilled for
to Israel. the transformation of us who live, for the change that the
Do you see? The church is about to be raptured, He is Church of the Lord Jesus Christ must receive) . He comes
coming for His church. Now set it well: riding. There has to be something to change this church. You
And he had a little open book in his hand..." know that. Something has to come!
Now, how does Christ come for Israel and reveal Now notice: No one understood that name but Himself.”
himself to Israel and call one hundred and forty-four Therefore, He Himself will be the one who will
thousand Hebrews? Through the Angel of Revelation 7 who understand that name.
comes with the Seal of the living God, he comes with the “ And he was clothed in a garment dipped in blood: and
Holy Spirit. In that Angel that comes with the Seal of the his name is called THE WORD OF GOD.”
living God, comes the strong Angel that descends from the The First Coming was the Word made flesh. The
manifested Heaven, to call and gather one hundred and forty- Coming here will be the Word made flesh again.
four thousand Hebrews; That is why He comes for the “... his name is called THE WORD OF GOD.
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The armies that are in heaven followed him on horses, this earth. And we will see later (God willing), where this is
dressed in the finest linen, white and clean. written.”
From his mouth comes a sharp sword, to strike people Therefore, that is written here in the Word.
with it; and he will rule them with a rod of iron; and he Now:
treads the winepress of the wine of fury, and of the wrath of “Now, the judgment of all these workers of evil...
Almighty God. Through the ages, these seals have been opened until now
On his garment and on his thigh he has this name when the last seal is opened.”
written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS And now, we are going to see a little more the mystery
(Revelation 19:13-16). of that Second Coming, which is before the great tribulation;
There comes the Messiah, that's where he is.” and the Third at the end of the great tribulation, which will
Now let's look at page 128, where it says: be when we return with Christ all on white horses as well,
“Now, the Seven Thunders of Revelation will allow Him for the establishment of the Millennial Kingdom.
to show the Bride how to prepare to obtain that great Page 57 of the book of “The Seals” says:
translational faith.” 'And he came and took the book from the right hand of
Anyone can say that they have the faith to be him that sat on the throne.'
transformed and raptured, and that can only be true if they Revelation 5:1-7
have heard and have the revelation of the Seven Thunders, This book sealed with seven seals is revealed at the time
which is the revelation of the Seventh Seal; and the Seventh of the seven thunders of Revelation 10. ”
Seal is the Coming of the Lord, the Second Coming of the At what time is this book of the Seven Seals revealed?
Lord, the Coming of the Lord before the great tribulation. In the time of the Seven Thunders. Come? And the Seven
And now, let's go to another place... let's see what that Thunders speak their voices, when? At the Coming of the
other place is... it's page 104 and 105, where it says: Lord.
“Then come seven mysterious thunders that are not even Therefore, the Seven Seals and the Seven Thunders
written. Correct. And I believe that through the seven were reflected through the Voice of Christ in the Holy Spirit,
thunders it will be revealed in the last days what is needed to through the Rev. William Branham. But even with
prepare the Bride to have rapture faith; because with what everything and that was not the reality of the opening of the
we have now we couldn't go up. There is something that has book of the Seven Seals, because it is still in the right hand
to come to prepare us because as we are now we can barely of God, until even the last chosen one of God enters. But it is
have enough faith for divine healing. We have to have reflecting what Christ is going to do in this end time.
enough faith to be transformed in a moment and taken from “Let's read there too to have a better understanding
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before going deeper. Now, this is the time of the end because
it says like this:
'And I saw another mighty angel descend from heaven,
surrounded by a cloud, and the celestial bow over his
Now, if you look closely, you will notice that this person
is Christ, because even in the Old Testament He was called
the angel of the Covenant; and He now comes directly to the
Jews because the church has come to an end. Okay, now
moving on... "
Now, who is it coming to? Says:

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