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Name and surname:

Date: 5th language

1 Read in silence this fragment of Orion and the Magical Animals, by Joan Manuel Gisbert. Have
you made any intonation changes? Explain it.

Orion had already understood that the carpenter was not in his nest. "How strange!" he
thought. "Would he have gone to live somewhere else?"
He ran back to look for the magician. I would make him understand that he could get one of
his magic boxes because the woodpecker has it It would be hidden somewhere.

2 To which cities do the following names correspond?

palentino Teruelense Orensano Tarragona Oviedo

luense 3 Consult an encyclopedia in which autonomy the sis are found following
cities and write what language or languages are used in them: Úbeda,
Ribadeo, Trujillo, Vic, Bermeo, Calatayud.

4 Write the names of two foreign girls or boys you know, the names of their countries of origin and
the language spoken in each one.

5 Underline the diphthong and write the accent where necessary.

you have nautical returned nation bat

6 Write four words with diphthongs in alphabetical order.

7 Write what thunder is identified with in the following metaphor.

Thunder: fall of a trunk down the stairs of heaven.

Name and surname:

Date: 5th language

1 Read this fragment of Animaladas , by Rafael Alcaraz, in silence. Explain the intonation changes.

CARETAKER: León, stand so the children can see you, come on, pretty! Position yourself
well, photo, photo! Come on, what's wrong with you? If you have never behaved like
this! Come on! A roar!

2 Write the country that corresponds next to each name.

thai Peruvian Moroccan

French Portuguese egyptian

3 Find out and write the place from which the Seville and Mirobrigense demonyms come from.

4 Write the names of four towns or cities in the Spanish bilingual communities and the languages
spoken in them.

5 Underline the diphthong of these words, write the accent if necessary and write A if they are
acute, Ll if they are flat or E if they are esdrújules.
triangle recent come take care they
back of
bonsai guest yourself come
swamp you
6 Write three words that contain diphthongs formed by:
Open vowel + closed vowel:

Closed vowel + open vowel:

Two closed vowels:

7 In this fragment of the poem “Nieve”, by Sagrario Pinto, there are two resources you are literary
Which are?
Heart on fire
with sunlight,
the clouds give me
cotton bread.

Reading : read the text carefully.

Isaac Albéniz was born in 1860 in Camprodón, Girona. On his father's side he came
from a Basque family and on his mother's side he came from a Catalan family. He was a
child prodigy: at four years old, without knowing anything about music, he played the
piano with amazing intuition. Everyone was fascinated to see someone so small perform
with such seme great skill (because, in addition to being a child, he was skinny and

Name and surname:

Date: 5th language

short). Over time, Albéniz studied and became a great composer. So much so that his
work influenced famous later musicians, such as the Frenchman Debussy or the
Spanish Manuel de Falla.
Much of his life was spent abroad. He studied in Germany and Belgium, and later lived
in England and France. It was precisely in France where he composed his best-known
work: the Iberia piano suite , a series of pieces for his favorite instrument, so difficult to
play that they were only at the beginning. song of a few pianists.
In Iberia , Albéniz reflected like no one else the soul of his country, and especially
Andalu company, the region where he had lived part of his childhood. It is still curious
that it was he, a descendant of Basques and Catalans who lived in Paris, who managed
to capture in his music the essence of the Andalusian land.

Lorenzo Silva, Albéniz , the adventurous pianist . Ed. Anaya.

Suite : instrumental composition made up of very varied movements, based on the same key.

READING COMPREHENSION: think and respond about the text.

1 When Albéniz was a little child, did he play the piano following music scores?

2 Did you compose all your works in Spain? Explain it.

3 Could any pianist interpret Albéniz's works? Because?

4 What does Iberia especially evoke? Mark the most correct answer.

Albéniz's concern. The soul of Andalusia. The sensitivity of Paris.

Name and surname: 5th language

Name and surname: 5th language

5 Albéniz was a great traveler and surely visited these places. Which is the
name of its inhabitants?

Vigo: Vigo Saint Sebastian:

Marseilles: Tarragona:

Cadiz: Ireland:

6 Among the European countries in which the composer lived are France, the United Kingdom,
Belgium and Germany. What languages are spoken in them?

7 Do you know other foreign languages? Write at least three.

8 What languages are spoken in Spain?

9 Separate the syllables of the following words and classify them according to the letters that form
the diphthongs: prodigy, city, intuition, descendant, author, European.

Closed + open:

Open + closed:

Closed + closed:


10 Think of a well-known character or invent one and write a presentation about him or her.


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