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“Design of a rest home for seniors”

Awichu Kusi






DELIVERY DATE: 08/23/2020


General objectives 6
Specific objectives 6
Definition of design 6
Definition of elderly person 8
Definition of a rest house 9
Problematic 12
Patents reviewed 13
Technical standards 18
1.1. The older adult 26
1.1.1. The older adult in the world 26
1.1.2. The older adult in Peru 28
1.2. Rest houses for the elderly today 32
1.3. Approximate areas of the rest house 35
1.4. Requirements for the operation of residential care centers for older adults
1.5. Rest house equipment 39
2.1. Purpose of the rest house design proposal 43
2.2. Proposal for a nursing home for the elderly 44
2.3. Materials used in a nursing home 45
2.4. Prototype proposals that have been developed 46
2.5. Selected prototype 51
2.6. Final plan 54
3.1. Impact on society 60
3.1.1. Impact on location 60
3.1.2. Source of work 61
3.2. Impact on population health 61
3.2.1. Quality of life and health 61
3.2.2. Effect on the environment of the elderly 62
3.3. Impact on the environment 63



The purpose of this work is to carry out the design and analysis of a rest home
for the elderly. In addition, it seeks to describe the importance of an adequate
design of a rest house, as well as its characteristics that it should have.

Therefore, we will begin by creating the theoretical framework in which we will

talk about the definition of the design according to the grammar and the
dimensions that must be taken into account when designing a product such as
shape and color, a function of a object and future interaction with the user. The
design of a rest house for seniors involved knowing how rest houses evolved
throughout history, as well as knowing what rest houses for seniors are like in
the different provinces of Peru. In this way it will be possible to know how the
evolution and use that a rest house should have was, which, combining them
with the technical specifications that a rest house should have, give rise to a
new proposal.

In the first chapter “Design of a rest house for the elderly” the characteristics
that a rest house must have will be described as well as the equipment that it
must have within a rest house, the evolution of rest houses will also be
described. rest in the world and programs carried out by regional municipalities
in each region of Peru.

The second chapter titled "Proposal for a rest home for seniors" which has the
purpose of designing a rest home that has all the comforts required so that an
adult can spend the last years of life in an environment comfortable, friendly,
warm, with all the appropriate safety measures, workshops, and excellent
medical care from professionals who have the best predisposition to carry out
all these activities.

This chapter will describe the prototypes for the rest house, as well as the
materials necessary for its implementation.

The last chapter is titled “Environmental impact” which describes the impact on
society on the health of the population. Finally, there are conclusions and

recommendations such as the importance of taking into account environmental
conditions in product design.


Rest houses have existed for many years in some regions of Peru and play an
important role in society because they provide support to people who need
special care. Therefore, it is important to carry out a study of all the
characteristics that a rest home for seniors should have due to the impact that a

rest home generates on society and how to help revalue the lives of these

The purpose of this work is to design a nursing home that has all the comforts
required so that an adult can spend the last years of life in a comfortable,
friendly, warm environment, with all the appropriate safety measures,
workshops , and with excellent medical care from professionals who have the
best predisposition to carry out all these activities. Designing a rest house
involves knowing where a rest house comes from, how it evolved throughout
history, what characteristics the people who will live there have, such as age,
sex, place of origin, characteristics of the family where they live. belongs, what
requirements do you need to have an adequate stay in the rest house; There
are many characteristics that must be taken into account when designing a rest
home, even after the completion of the finished product, you must evaluate how
it is impacting society, because the design of the product also involves knowing
how it affects society. , To the environment; In this way, you must evaluate how
you can increase the value generated in the rest home.


General objectives
Carry out the design and analysis of a rest home for seniors.

Specific objectives

❖ Describe the importance of proper design of a rest house.

❖ Describe the characteristics that a rest home for seniors should have.


Definition of design

Design is defined as the previous process of mental configuration,

“prefiguration”, in the search for a solution in any field. Usually using the context
of industry, engineering, architecture, communication and other disciplines that
require creativity. Design involves various dimensions that go beyond
appearance, shape and color, also encompassing the function of an object and
its interaction with the user.

Coming from the Italian “designe”, the word design refers to a sketch, outline or
scheme that is made, either mentally or on a material support, before finalizing
the production of something. The term is also used to refer to the appearance of
certain products in terms of their lines.

According to Yves Zimmermann (1998), he traces the etymology of this word to

the words design and design that share the same root: sign or sign from the
Latin signa - signum = signal, brand or insignia. The sign is the sign of a thing,
its own and essential aspect. The word design comes from the Italian
“disegnare” which derives from the Latin designare which means to designate,
mark, draw. The prefix “di” and “de” mean dissociation, separation and also
indicates that it possesses or belongs to something. Designare therefore means
to choose, to single out something among a large number of things.

The design is the intention to bring the object to its sign through the projective
action of designing and through this process that culminates in a tangible
object, it indicates the purpose that every designed object must fulfill, it must

have a use, the concept of design is usually used in the context of arts,
architecture, engineering and other disciplines.

The moment of design involves a mental representation and the subsequent

expression of said idea in some graphic (visual) format to show what the work
that is planned to be carried out will be like. The design, therefore, may include
a drawing or layout that anticipates the characteristics of the work.

Definition of elderly person

The concept of older adult has a relatively recent use, since it has appeared as
an alternative to the classic elderly person and elderly person. Meanwhile, an
older adult is that individual who is in the last stage of life, the one that follows
adulthood and that precedes the person's death. Because it is precisely during
this phase in which people's body and cognitive faculties deteriorate. Generally,
people over 70 years of age are classified as older adults.

According to the WHO, people between 60 and 74 years old are considered
elderly; from 75 to 90 old men or women, and those who exceed 90 are called
great old men or great long-lived ones. Any individual over 60 years of age will
be called a senior citizen.

The Inter-American Convention on the Human Rights of Older Persons defines,

in its Article 2, “Older Person” as someone who is sixty years of age or older,
unless the domestic law determines a lower or higher base age, provided that
this is not higher than sixty-five years old. This concept includes, among others,
that of the elderly person.

According to Orosa Frais (2003) “… the so-called third age, also known by the
terms old age, older or late adulthood, has been addressed in the literature in

isolation or as a phase of involution and not as an authentic stage of human
development. It is located around the age of 60, associated with the event of
retirement from work. Even today people are beginning to talk about a fourth
age to refer to people who are over 80 years old ...``, this same author points
out that "... until today, authors who study age include them all as older adults
or the elderly. , interchangeably, and they begin to separate them rather into
demographic studies or by specific work projects …”

Teresa Orosa Fraiz defines older adults as the stage of life that begins around
age 60 until death, while Sánchez and González define it as “the period
between 60 and 80 years, also referring to the fact that from 80 onwards years
we speak today of a fourth age”, a period that is also defined as “longevity”.
These authors take as reference the Vygotskian approach to psychic
development, which dialectically delimits a series of stages that mark this
process, each of them characterized by a certain Social Situation of
Development, a type of activity that is called “governing”. and the appearance of
psychological formations that characterize the stage. In recent years, taking into
account the characteristics of the aging process in Cuba, a final stage has been
included in this characterization that is established after the age of 80 and is
called longevity.

Definition of a rest house

⮚ Day or relaxation house

They are specialized facilities for the elderly, where a group of professionals is
dedicated to the prevention, treatment and care of the elderly. The elderly can
continue at home, spending nights and weekends, in this way there is no total
disconnection from their reference environment, their surroundings, since they
are not in situations of total dependence.

In the Day Homes, older people can not only learn new things, but also
recognize the things they forget and of course improve with the help of their
professional teams, in charge of covering the main areas of physical and mental health

The Senior Centers are generational meeting spaces aimed at improving the
aging process, through the development of family integration, intergenerational,
sociocultural, recreational, productive and lifestyle programs for active aging.

➢ Comprehensive care

Comprehensive care is a set of psychological and sociocultural processes

provided as a service to human beings, in such a way that it applies health
actions taking as a central axis the health needs of people in the context of
family and community, contributing to social well-being. and individual.
Comprehensive care allows the improvement of the quality of services, the
adequate optimization of resources and user satisfaction.

Comprehensive care is the biopsychosocial approach provided to patients, their

family and the community, through health promotion, prevention, recovery and
rehabilitation actions. This requires multidisciplinary work teams, with
interdisciplinary actions, through a continuous care process.

In relation to the concept of comprehensive care, it consists of four interrelated


❖ Clinical Management: early diagnosis, including examinations, rational

treatment and follow-up.

❖ Nursing Care: promotion of adequate hygiene and nutrition practices,
palliative care, home care and training for home and family care
providers, promotion of the use of universal precautions.

❖ Counseling and emotional support: psychosocial and spiritual support,

especially for stress and anxiety reduction, risk reduction planning and
coping, accepting HIV and communicating it to others, living with dignity
and planning for the family's future.

❖ Social Support: information, provision or referral to peer support, social

welfare services, spiritual support and legal advice.

Comprehensive care must also be characterized by its accessibility and equity,

and that it be provided at all levels of the Health System. This includes home
and community care; primary care, secondary care and tertiary care

⮚ Quality of life

Quality of life is the objective towards which the development style of a country
that cares about the integral human being should aim. This concept refers to
well-being in all facets of man, taking into account the creation of conditions to
satisfy their material needs (food and shelter), psychological (security and
affection), social (work, rights and responsibilities) and ecological (air quality)
needs. , of the water)

Over time, attempts have been made to propose a definition that covers all the
areas involved in the concept of quality of life since it combines subjective and
objective components where the common point is individual well-being.

Of the latter, these can be grouped into 5 main domains: physical well-being
(such as health, physical safety), material well-being (privacy, food, housing,
transportation, possessions), social well-being (interpersonal relationships with
family, friends, etc.). etc.), development and activity (education, productivity,
contribution) and emotional well-being (self-esteem, status with respect to
others, religion). However, it is important to understand that the response to
each of these domains is subjective and variable thanks to the influence of
social and material factors, age itself, employment situation or health policies.

For the World Health Organization (WHO), quality of life would imply the
perception that a person has of their life situation in relation to their context
(culture, value system), their objectives, aspirations and concerns.

The concept of quality of life has been assumed by different study disciplines,
such as economics, medicine or social sciences. For its analysis and
measurement, different instruments have been developed, such as indices,
surveys, questionnaires or scales to determine the quality of life of a
community, city, country or region.

For its part, the United Nations (UN), through the United Nations Development
Program (UNDP), has established the Human Development Index (HDI) as the
indicator to measure quality of life. Their calculations are based on aspects
such as life expectancy, education and GDP per capita, which would leave
other equally important aspects, such as access to housing or good nutrition,
left out.

Today, a better quality of life should be the objective that countries pursue to
have happier citizens, with greater well-being and satisfaction.


Initially, rest houses were created to provide specialized care to religious

people, over time it was these people who saw the need to care for people with
limitations due to their advanced age.

This is how elderly people became important in many places and today it is
known that a rest home must be equipped and conditioned for various activities
such as having a comfortable and risk-free environment. In addition, it must
have health care services that allow seniors to be in a safe place for them.
Therefore, it can be concluded that it is not easy to design a home for seniors,
because they have different needs .

The elderly have acquired greater importance in society, because every day
more longevity and better health are achieved. According to the UN, this sector
already represents 32% of the world's population, and estimates that in 2050 it
will be greater than the number of children.

Therefore, it is increasingly necessary to preserve the autonomy and quality of

life of older adults for as long as possible. That this condition is expressed in the
place where they live is vital, since for this sector, housing and the environment
are particularly important, since they consider it as their refuge.

This is where the design of homes specially equipped for the elderly becomes a
growing demand. Currently, there are numerous programs aimed at the design
of homes and other supports, built for this purpose.

Specialists know that falls in the home are a major cause of injury, disability and
even death in the elderly. Therefore, the objective of these projects is to work
on accessibility and safety.

Patents reviewed

The document refers to a construction system that uses commercially available

components, which are easily and quickly assembled and disassembled. The
resulting construction is lightweight and compact for efficient transportation and
assembly, so it does not require a central production facility or other specialized
construction details.

⮚ Rest houses for the elderly

To offer a good service, nursing homes for the elderly must have the necessary
facilities and trained personnel to cover these needs and the reason why they
are recommended is because in many cases, when the elderly person is left
alone in their own home or If you are going to live with a family member, you do
not have the minimum infrastructure required to guarantee your safety. One of
the most basic problems that arise outside retirement homes is that there are no
adequate elements to reduce the risk of accidents and facilitate the mobility of

the elderly, handles and ramps in danger areas such as the bathroom and
kitchen, mainly. , essential to prevent accidents that may be caused by the
degeneration of motor skills during old age.

In addition, due to changes in memory capacity and reflex speed, older adults
are more likely to suffer other accidents, either from forgetting to turn off the
stove or unplug electrical appliances. In support of maintaining their autonomy,
the ideal is not to prevent them from carrying out their daily activities, but rather
to provide them with supervision and access to immediate medical care if any
situation arises that compromises their health.

One of the ways to solve these problems is by adapting the home facilities to
make it a safer place and hiring service personnel to take care of the elderly,
particularly when a degenerative disease occurs that has been diagnosed by a
doctor. doctor with the indication of special care. However, many times this is
not possible and due to the large number of tasks involved in the care and
attention of an older adult, it is really unlikely that a single person can take care
of everything.

A suitable option is retirement homes or nursing homes which can be chosen by

visiting the facilities and investigating the training of the staff who will be
responsible for providing care. The services are varied and currently some
nursing homes have a permanent residence service and the option of
temporary residence, day stays and special activities whether inside or outside
the institution's facilities.

Regarding the facilities, these must be safe and to the liking of whoever is going
to reside in the retirement home, as well as have spaces equipped to carry out
recreational activities if they are offered. On the part of the staff that takes care
of the house, they must be qualified and with some geriatric specialization to
provide the different levels of service, from the basic that includes attending to
the hygiene and nutrition needs of the residents, to advanced, for those who
require medical treatments. or if blood samples need to be taken or vital signs

It is also worth checking if they have medical consultations or periodic checkups

and what the protocol is in case a medical emergency occurs. Regarding food
services and special activities, the type of diet options they offer and whether
they have physical and mental activation programs that allow older adults to
maintain their social, physical and intellectual abilities should be reviewed.
Finally, evaluating whether the dimensions of the facilities and the number of
personnel are sufficient to serve the permitted number of residents is decisive,
as seen in Fig. No. 1.

Fig. No. 1: Rest house for the elderly

⮚ Rest house in Huancayo

The Huancayo Benevolent Society initially created the Nursing Home (see Fig.
No. 2), but since 1996, it is called the “San Vicente de Paúl” Home for the
Elderly, where comprehensive assistance and protection is provided to older
adults, in a state of moral and material abandonment and/or extreme economic
precariousness. , promoting their social integration and strengthening their
personal self-esteem (see Fig. No. 3). This Home is located on Av.
Huancavelica N° 1100 Chilca - Huancayo.

The Gerontological Residential Care Center for the Elderly (CARGAM) “San
Vicente de Paúl”, has 59 adults housed (29 men and 30 women), having
merged the Home for the Elderly “San José de Chicche”, for reasons of term of
Agreement through RPD. No. 198-2007-SBH dated December 28, 2007, for
whom all basic services such as housing, balanced nutrition, health,
recreational and rehabilitation programs have been adapted and reinforced,
with the aim of improving the quality of life.

Fig. No. 2: Huancayo Rest House

Fig. N° 3: Activities of a rest house in Huancayo

⮚ Rest house in Lima

The El Roble nursing home (see Fig. No. 4) pays attention and care to the
Elderly. It has a solid team of professionals prepared to provide its residents
with adequate care and a lot of love.

It has spacious and comfortable areas, which help the development of the daily
activities of our medical staff and, above all, which influence the well-being of
our elderly. Each environment is designed and organized with its objective in

It is important to emphasize that green areas, bathrooms, living rooms, dining

rooms, bedrooms and other environments have daily maintenance and thus
guarantee the safety and health of the place where they live.

Fig. No. 4: “El Roble” nursing home

Technical standards

Environments, income and circulations

⮚ Entrance: The entrance to the building must be accessible from the

sidewalk and the property line through which it is accessed; If there is a

difference in levels, in addition to the access stairs, it must include
ramps or mechanical means that allow access to the building.

The minimum free width of the openings of the main doors of the
buildings where public services are provided will be 1.2 m. and 0.9 m.
for the interior ones. In double-leaf doors, one of them will have a
minimum free width of 0.9 m. For all cases, the door frames must
occupy a maximum of 10% of the width of the opening.

⮚ Characteristic of a ramp: The minimum width of a ramp must be 1

meter, including handrails and railings, measured between the internal

faces of the walls that limit it or the section of the ramp in the absence
of walls. Ramps longer than 3 meters must have railings on the free
sides and handrails on the confined sides. Handrails must occupy a
maximum of 15% of the width of the ramp. (It can be seen in Fig. No. 5,
graph 1a and 1b).

Fig. No. 5: Characteristics of

the ramps

The ramp, depending on the difference in level, must comply with the
maximum slope, according to the
following table:

Fig. No. 6: Level differences

To reduce the length of the ramp, in relation to the difference in level,

consecutive sections can be developed interspersed with landings of a
minimum length of 1.50 m.; being able to apply, as appropriate, the
maximum slope between the difference in level in each section (see
Fig. No. 7).

Fig. No. 7: Characteristics of the ramps

⮚ Elevators: Elevators must meet the following requirements:

a) In residential buildings that have an elevator, the minimum

dimensions inside the elevator cabin must be 1 m. wide and 1.25
m. background.

b) The minimum interior dimensions of the elevator cabin in buildings

for public use or private buildings for public use must be 1.2 m.
wide and 1.40 m. background; Likewise, of the required elevators,

at least one of the cabins must measure 1.50 m. wide and 1.40 m.
depth at least.

c) The cabin and floor doors must be automatic and with a passage
sensor; with a minimum door width of:

➔ 0.80 m. for elevators up to 450 kg.

➔ 0.90 m. for elevators larger than 450 kg.

There must be a space of 1.50 m in front of the doors. in diameter

that allows the turning of a person in a wheelchair.

⮚ Railings or handrails: The handrails of ramps and stairs, whether on

railings or attached to walls, must be at a height between 0.85 m. and

0.9 m., measured vertically from the ramp or the edge of the steps, as
the case may be, to the axis of the handrail.

The handrails are continuous, including the intermediate landings; If

interrupted by accesses or doors, they are extended horizontally by a
minimum of 0.20 m. up to a maximum of 0.30 m., without interfering
with the circulation spaces or evacuation routes, on the horizontal
planes of start and delivery, and on the landings, except in the case of
the sections of handrails adjacent to the eye of the staircase that may
maintain continuity.

⮚ Sanitary facilities

❖ Equipment and access: In buildings whose number of occupants

requires hygienic services, at least one toilet, a sink and a urinal in

the equipment, on each level or floor of the building, must be

accessible to people with disabilities or people with mobility. reduced,
and may be of mixed use, which must comply with the following
design conditions:

a) The interior dimensions and distribution of the sanitary

appliances must contemplate an area with a diameter of 1.50
m. that allows a wheelchair to turn 360°.

b) The access door must have a minimum free width of 0.90 m.

and it can open towards the outside, towards the inside or be
sliding, as long as a turning diameter of 1.50 m remains free.

⮚ Lavatories:

a) Sinks must be installed attached to the wall or built into a board and
support a vertical load of 100 kg.

b) The distance between the accessible sink and the adjacent sink must
be 90 cm. between axles.

c) There must be a free space of 0.75 m. x 1.20 m. in front of the sink

to allow the approach of a person in a wheelchair.

Fig. No. 8: Washbasin measurements

Fig. No. 9: Lavatory measurement (horizontal view)

⮚ Toilets:

a) The toilet cubicle must have minimum dimensions of 1.50 m. for

2.00 m.

b) When the cubicle includes a sink, in addition to the toilet, it must be

considered that the distribution of the sanitary appliances must
respect the turning space of 1.50 m. in diameter and do not include
the turning radius of the door.

c) At least one transfer space lateral and parallel to the toilet, measuring
0.80 m, must be contemplated. wide by 1.20 m. long, at least, that
allows the lateral approach of a wheelchair user.

d) Toilets must be installed with the seat cover at a height between 0.45
m. and 0.50 m., measured from the finished floor level. The tubular
support bars are placed on the walls adjacent to the toilet and at a
height of 0.25 m. above the level of the toilet seat cover, measured to
the axis of the bar.

⮚ Urinals :

a) Urinals must be of the manger type or hung on the wall. They must
be provided with an edge projecting towards the front no more than
0.40 m. high above the floor, leaving a space free of obstacles with a

height of 0.25 m. from the floor to the bottom edge and with a
minimum depth of 0.15 m.

b) There must be a free space of 0.75 m. by 1.20 m. in front of the

urinal to allow a person in a wheelchair to approach.

c) Vertical tubular support bars must be installed on both sides of the

urinal and at 0.30 m. of its axis, fixed to the floor and rear wall. If it is
anchored to the floor, the upper surface must be at a height of 0.70
m. and those that are anchored to the wall are installed between 0.70
m. and 1.30 m.

Fig. No. 10: Urinal measurements

⮚ Showers :

a) Showers have minimum dimensions of 0.90 m. x 1.20 m. and they

must be enclosed between three walls. In any case, there must be an
adjacent free space of at least 1.50 m. by 1.50 m. that allows the
approach of a person in a wheelchair.

b) Showers must have a folding or removable seat between 0.45 m.

and 0.50 m. deep by 0.50 m. wide, at least, with a height between
0.45 m. and 0.50 m., on the wall opposite to that of the tap.

c) The faucets and the support bars must be located according to the
same graph. Tubular support bars must be with the top surface
installed at a height of 0.25 m. above seat level.

Fig. No. 11: Shower measurements

⮚ Parking lot

❖ Provision of accessible parking: Parking lots for public use must

reserve exclusive parking spaces within the property for vehicles that
transport or are driven by people with disabilities and people with
reduced mobility, considering the total provision, in accordance with
the following table:

Fig. No. 12: Parking provision

❖ Location and circulation: Accessible parking spaces must be

located as close as possible to an accessible entrance to the

building, preferably on the same level as it; in order to immediately
evacuate people with disabilities or reduced mobility in emergency

An accessible route must be developed in front of parking spaces
and the placement of tire stops must be provided, so that vehicles,
when parking, do not invade that route.

❖ Dimension and signage: The minimum dimensions of accessible

parking spaces must be:

● Individual accessible parking spaces: width 3.7 m.

● Two continuous accessible parking spaces: width 6.2 m.

● In all cases: length 5. m. and height 2.1 m.

To mark the pedestrian circulation route, a strip of 0.80 m must be

demarcated. at least “zebra crossing” type. which extends to access
in order to provide security to people with disabilities and prevent
them from having to move through vehicular circulation spaces.


1.1. The older adult

1.1.1. The older adult in the world

The world population is aging at an accelerated pace, the proportion of the

planet's inhabitants over 60 years of age will double, going from 11% to 22%. In
absolute numbers, this age group will go from 605 million to 2 billion over the
course of half a century (See Fig. No. 13). Demographic change will be most
rapid and intense in low- and middle-income countries.

For example, it took 100 years for the group of inhabitants aged 65 and over to
double in France from 7% to 14%. On the contrary, in countries like Brazil and
China this doubling will occur in less than 25 years.

There will be more octogenarians and nonagenarians in the world than ever
before. For example, between 2010 and 2050 the number of people aged 80
and over will increase almost fourfold to reach 395 million. It is an
unprecedented event in history that the majority of middle-aged and even older

people have living parents, as is already the case today. This means that more
children will know their grandparents and even their great-grandparents,
especially their great-grandmothers. Indeed, women live on average between 6
and 8 years longer than men. Whether we can age well depends on many

A person's functional capacity increases in the first years of life, reaches its
peak in early adulthood, and naturally begins to decline thereafter. The pace of
decline is determined, at least in part, by our behavior and the things we are
exposed to throughout life. These include what we eat, the physical activity we
engage in and our exposure to risks such as smoking, harmful alcohol
consumption or exposure to toxic substances. Even in poor countries, most
older people die from non-communicable diseases.

Even in poor countries, most older people die from non-communicable

diseases, such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes, rather than from
infections and parasites. In addition, it is common for older people to suffer from
several health problems at the same time, such as diabetes and heart disease.

Around the world, many older people are at risk of abuse; In developed
countries, between 4% and 6% of older people have suffered some form of
abuse at home. In care facilities such as nursing homes, abusive acts are
committed such as tying up patients, violating their dignity (for example, by not
changing their dirty clothes), and deliberately denying them good care (such as
allowing pressure ulcers to form). . Elder abuse can cause serious physical
damage and long-lasting psychological consequences. The need for long-term
care is increasing.

It is predicted that between now and 2050, the number of elderly people who
cannot care for themselves will increase four-fold in developing countries. Many
very old seniors lose the ability to live independently because they suffer from
mobility limitations, frailty, or other physical or mental problems. Many require
some form of long-term care, which may include home or community care and
assistance with daily living, confinement in nursing homes, and prolonged
hospital stays.

Fig. No. 13: Percentage of population over 60 years of age by region

Source: WEF, according to the World Report on aging and health of the World Health
Organization (WHO)

1.1.2. The older adult in Peru

Since 1982, the year in which the First World Assembly on Aging was held,
convened by the United Nations (UN) in Vienna, there was already an interest
in improving the living conditions of older adults and in focusing their situation
without considering it an isolated group, but on the contrary, an active member
in society.

Thus, in this first Assembly it was approved because it was multisectoral,

multidisciplinary and proposed its adaptation to the characteristics of each
country. This approach was strengthened with the Second World Assembly on
Aging, convened by the UN in April 2001, in the context that a society for all
ages is one that eliminates discriminatory factors based on age, where it was
also emphasized that Aging is more accelerated in developing countries in
whose contexts various socioeconomic realities coexist.

In our country, according to the projection made by the INEI in 1999, more than
one million eight hundred thousand people corresponded to the elderly
population, representing 7.1% of the total population and indicating that said
forecast for the coming years would indicate a considerable increase in said
percentage, which attracted the attention of the state to take future actions in
this regard. Thus, in the month of July 2002, the National Plan for Older Adults
2002-2006 was approved by Supreme Decree, as an initiative to propose better
care and solutions to the situation of older adults in Peru.

❖ Physical – Biological Aspect

In this aspect of life, the older adult externalizes various physical deficiencies,
both biological and sensory. Such as, for example, the gradual degeneration of
tissues, which are projected both in the physical and intellectual fields, as well
as the decrease in muscle strength (activity) and sensory acuity (vision,
hearing, sensation of pain or vertigo). . See Fig. No. 14.

In relation to their physical condition, they tend to have changes in their posture
and movement, slow reactions to external stimuli and joint pain. In addition, you
may experience partial memory loss, as well as a decrease in your intellectual,
creative, and learning capacity. The physical-spatial needs of the older adult's
environment vary according to the physical condition or limitation they suffer
from, for example, those with some kind of sensory, visual, auditory disability,
etc., a propensity for vertigo or some wear and tear of the skeletal system. .
Thus, among the most common geriatric diseases or syndromes, we will
mention some that must be taken into account to establish spaces that respond
to the needs of this ethereal group.

❖ Psychological aspect

This aspect refers to the person's behavior in relation to their environment, their
interaction in society and emotional stability in their daily life. It must be taken
into account that the elderly are a vulnerable individual, especially with respect
to their health; therefore, it is common that each sign of physical deterioration
that is presented inevitably has an impact on their behavior (see Fig. No. 14).

But the psychological state of the elderly adult is not only determined by the
physical changes to which they are prone, whether due to an illness or sudden
falls that often alter their mobility, but also by the changes that their sensory
processes undergo, such as their irritability, their distrust of new changes, the
fear of falling and the loss of the senses, which often isolates them from social
exchange, inhibiting themselves in loneliness.

Fig. No. 14: Cases treated for family and sexual violence in people aged 60 or over,
according to sex, age groups and type of violence – 2018

Source: PNCVFS-MINP- Graph prepared in the observatory of violence against

women and members of the family group

❖ Demographic aspect

According to the INEI, it was estimated that, in June 1999, a population

amounted to 25,232,000 people. Of them, 33.9% were under 15 years old,
while 7.1% were 60 years old or older. The evolution of the aging index in our

country shows that the trend typical of those countries that are in a process of
demographic transition (see Fig. No. 15)

In this sense, the high birth rate that we currently have can be a determining
factor of population growth, since it is indicated that as the working-age
population increases, time later, in a directly proportional manner, the
population of third age.

Thus, according to official projections, of the total population in 2002, 7.2% were
60 years or older, so it is estimated that this proportion of older adults will rise to
11% and 12.6% of the population. for the years 2020 and 2025. In absolute
figures, people aged 60 or older will increase from 3,613 thousand in 2020 to
4,470,000 in 2025.

At the national level, the mountains have the highest proportion of older adults
(6.58%), followed by the coast (5.69%) and the jungle with 4.04%. The majority
of this population lives in urban centers.

Fig. No. 15: Results of the 2017 National Censuses

1.2. Rest houses for the elderly today

a) senior bamboo

Bamboo Seniors Health Services is an organization committed to improving the

health and reducing the disability of the elderly by promoting and advising on
the creation of apartment buildings specially designed for seniors in search of
friendly housing that improves their quality of life.
Characteristics of the Environments:

● The building has two elevators with capacity for 9 people, the second
elevator has the purpose of answering residents' calls more quickly, and
in case of maintenance, the service continues without interruptions.

● The kitchen environment has a temperature detector, the stairs doors

have firebreaks.

● The walkways have railings that are specially designed in a way that they
look like part of the decoration.

● Clarity is sought in all common environments, the use of white and

appropriate light is promoted to reduce the possibility of falls.

● The floors are made of non-slip material, avoiding unevenness and

protrusions that could cause tripping.

● Bamboo flooring (ecological, non-slip, anti-allergy and moisture resistant)

● It has motion sensors, so the light turns on automatically.

● The doors are easy to operate, with handles that do not require great
effort to manipulate and are wide to allow a wheelchair or stretcher to
pass through if necessary.

This is a housing proposal for the elderly, which we can take as a reference to
take into account the dimensions of the spaces, create pleasant environments
with the appropriate infrastructure for the use of the elderly, which complies with
security measures and that these designs are integrated into the proposal.

b) Comprehensive Center for the Elderly of the La Molina district

Improve the physical, mental and social well-being of older adults, through
artistic, cultural, recreational, craft and occupational activities that promote
greater participation for their better personal development and integration into
society. Taking into account their specific health, gender and culture conditions,
promoting a positive image of aging in society, recognition of the values and life
experience of Older Adults.


● Dance workshops (marinera, folklore, waltz, tango etc.)

● Dance workshops (Aerobics, full dance, Aero training)

● Physical health workshops (Therapeutic Gymnastics, yoga, tai chi,

Pilates, etc.)

● Artistic Workshops (theater, singing, Creole peña)

● Craft Workshops (jewelry, painting, knitting, ribbon embroidery, polo-shirt

making, etc.)

● Workshops on Self-esteem and Prevention against Alzheimer's, thematic

workshops, Forum Cinema, as well as Prayer workshops.

● Health campaigns carrying out talks, seminars, screenings with the

support of different clinics, medical centers, laboratories or companies

● Physical therapy, podiatry and reflexology.

● Personal development workshops (English, Psychology)

Fig. No. 16: Workshop room

c) Comprehensive Center for the Elderly of the Miraflores district

In Miraflores they have a program called "Let's give back the hand" which
consists of serving all those people over 60 years of age from Miraflores who
have given all their effort for the family, the district and the country, to whom
today it is up to them to "Let's give back the hand" hand".

The Homes for the Elderly are differentiated spaces for the elderly where they
seek to value the experience and wisdom of age for the benefit of society.

Fig. No. 17: Facade of the “La

Aurora” House for the elderly

Fig. N° 18: Interior garden of the

“Santa Cruz” House for the elderly

Fig. N° 19: Main entrance of the
House for the elderly in Armendáriz

1.3. Approximate areas of the rest house

The approximate areas of a rest house can be very varied, depending on the
services that can be provided in the home. Ideally, they should be spacious
areas, preferably with green areas and large rooms so that residents can

● Green areas: 180 square meters

● Rooms: 189.2 square meters in total

● Star room: 60 square meters

● Toilets and showers: 40 square meters

● Infirmary: 35 square meters

● Passages: diameter of 1 to 2 meters with anti-slip.

● Chapel: 55 square meters

● Workshop room: 35 square meters

● Kitchen: 18 square meters

● Dining room: 80 square meters

● Parking: 180 square meters

● Administrative area: 35 square meters

● Toilets for staff: 15 square meters

● Theater: 33 square meters

● Kiosk: 6 square meters

● Library: 100 square meters

● Room with TV: 15 square meters

● Reception: 27.6 square meters

1.4. Requirements for the operation of residential care centers for older

❖ Infrastructure

SUPREME DECREE No. 009-2010-MIMDES: The infrastructure of the

Residential Care Centers must present and/or have the following:

a) Internally, you must present a sign or plaque that identifies the

Residential Center, which will include which type it belongs to.

b) The construction will preferably have a single floor or, if not, it must have
an elevator, ramps or other similar facilities that ensure adequate
accessibility to the upper levels.

c) The environments will allow the passage of natural lighting and


d) Reception areas.

e) Visiting room.

f) Dining room.

g) Bedrooms with a doorbell, without architectural barriers and with

adaptations to facilitate the use and free movement of residents.

h) Toilet services must be differentiated between women and men, and will
have hot water;

i) Non-slip material floors.

j) Storage area for toiletries.

The Gerontological Residential Centers must have a special environment for

free time activities, sociocultural animation, recreation and others. Nursing
homes must have:

a) Topic equipped with minimal medical and nursing supplies, such as:
stretcher, blood pressure monitor, stethoscope, thermometer, medications,
first aid items and supplies and, in addition, clinical record files.

b) Special environments for medical care and, if applicable, mental care and
physical rehabilitation

c) Security accessories on doors, windows, balconies and furniture for the

protection of residents.

❖ Human resource

The staff of the Residential Care Centers will consist of the director, the team of
professionals and technicians, with experience in the care of older adults,
available twenty-four (24) hours a day. They will have a physical and mental
health certificate, issued or endorsed by the establishments of the Ministry of

The management of the Gerontological Residential Center will fall to a

professional with a university academic degree, proven experience in working

with older adults and with knowledge in gerontology, administration and

The management of the Geriatric Residential Center will be headed by a health

professional, preferably a doctor, with experience in the treatment of older
adults and knowledge in geriatrics and gerontology, as well as in the
administration and management of health services.

❖ Documentary requirements

Prior to their operation, the Residential Care Centers must comply, in the
established order, with the requirements detailed below:

a) Sectoral authorization, issued by the corresponding regional body, in

accordance with the rules relating to decentralization

b) Operating license, granted by the municipality


c) Registration in the registry of the respective Regional Government.

❖ Sector authorization

The respective Regional Government will issue the corresponding sectoral

authorization after compliance with the provisions of the Supreme Decree, as
well as the presentation of the following documents:

a) The Internal Regulations of the Residential Center: document in which the

conditions of admission to the service, the rights and duties of the
resident, visiting hours, the operation of the residence, the methodology
for managing complaints and claims of residents, among other aspects.
This document will be located in a visible place in the Residential Center
and in an accessible format for residents.
b) The Work Plan: document prepared by the team of professionals of the
Residential Center, whose focus must be gerontological or geriatric, as
appropriate. This document will include primary, secondary and tertiary
care programs, as well as social-recreational, human development and
mental health programs, if applicable.

c) Financial statements: documents that demonstrate sustained financial

capacity, in order to ensure adequate comprehensive care for residents.

1.5. Rest house equipment

From a certain age, families adopt their home so that they live in harmony. The
years do not have to be a burden and the functionality of the house a burden.
The only thing we should do is focus our energies on living in peace and doing
things calmly.

In general, it should be noted that each room will have the necessary equipment
for the correct development of the services and intervention programs.
Furthermore, the equipment must be adapted to the needs of the dependent
elderly person and have the ergonomic characteristics that guarantee their

Elderly people must have easy accessibility to basic services to be able to do

their things autonomously. At a certain age, many people lose the functionality
of their muscles, so for the most part they require help to be able to do these
activities. Natural way.

Therefore, the characteristics that these rest houses must have will be

⮚ Wide hallways

There is a large number of elderly people who use a wheelchair to be able to
move around within an environment. Therefore, hallways must have adequate
measures to allow the passage of people with disabilities. In some
circumstances ramps must be implemented for easy access.

If the hallways are long, they must be wide enough for 2 people in wheelchairs
to pass through without making each other uncomfortable. This will allow adults
to easily transport themselves from one place to another without the need for a

⮚ A large common dining room

The rest house must have a dining room equipped to receive seniors and make
them feel at home. They must have a dining room with the capacity to allow
access to at least half of the elderly people existing in the rest house, this to
bring harmony to the place.

Solitude should not be a characteristic that occurs in relaxation houses, much

less in the dining room, so there must be the necessary space for adults to feel
in company and can talk while eating.

⮚ Good hygienic services

Basic needs must be covered by impeccable services in accordance with the

needs of the elderly. Therefore, there must be hygienic services in every
apartment, in addition to being implemented for people with disabilities.

One characteristic of the services is that they must have urinals at an

appropriate height so that adults do not have to force a posture when
performing their basic needs.

⮚ The house must have only one floor

Many elderly people have disabilities which limit them to constantly climbing
stairs, so it is preferable that the rest house be built in a large place.

Stairs can be a very discriminating element when it comes to adults who must
make the least amount of effort to move around within a house, which is why it
is recommended that homes for seniors should have only 1 floor. .

⮚ Large green area

Seniors need to take a walk to connect with nature and breathe fresh air.

Nature relaxes the mind, it is a very true saying that works on a large scale for
the elderly, which is why every rest house must have a large field of green
areas for walks, sitting and resting. , breathing fresh air, everything that allows
you to connect and feel more alive than normal.

⮚ Comfortable rooms

The rest time of the elderly is much longer than the average, which is why their
room must be very accommodating so that they have the comfort of being able
to sleep without discomfort. In addition, it must have a design that represents
life in light colors with a striking tone.

⮚ Non-slip floors

Avoiding falls is a priority for the elderly as they can cause serious injuries to the

Floor maintenance is essential to avoid bumps, slips and/or accidents that can
cause serious consequences for older adults, so having non-slip floors is as
important as the cleaning maintenance that is applied every day and in certain
conditions. already established schedules.

⮚ Health care services

The rest home must offer health care services for its residents and have
specialized staff to cover all their needs.

The health of older adults is very delicate, so it is recommended that they have
essential medications, as well as trained personnel to intervene immediately in
the event of an emergency.

⮚ Good lighting

All rooms must be perfectly illuminated to facilitate good vision and avoid the
risk of falls. Good lighting creates a more comfortable and welcoming
environment for the elderly. In the same way, you can also purchase light
sensors that detect your movements, ideal for spaces such as hallways or living

⮚ Suitable door size

It is important to check the size of the doors that facilitate the passage of the
elderly in the case of using a wheelchair, as they can also be removed if

⮚ Furniture without corners

The furniture used to store clothes, place books, dining room, shelf, etc., must
be oval in shape; That is, they should not have corners in any way to avoid
inopportune blows that cause injuries to older adults.


2.1. Purpose of the rest house design proposal

Currently, elderly people represent 10.4% of the Peruvian population (INEI) and
most of them do not have a house designed to spend their last years of life in
an environment free of accidents, abuse (INEI, 8.12 % of the adult population
suffers from some type of violence). Furthermore, only 36.1% of the adult
population is affiliated with a pension system (INEI), so the possibility of being
able to finance oneself is accessible.

The purpose of the proposal is to design a nursing home that has all the
comforts required so that an adult can spend the last years of life in a
comfortable, friendly, warm environment, with all the appropriate safety
measures, workshops, and with excellent medical care from professionals who
have the best predisposition to carry out all these activities.

The factors that must be taken into account when choosing a nursing home for
the elderly have to do with the capacity of the nursing home that offers the
service to guarantee a quality residence, based on the special care and
attention needs that older adults have.

The needs of human beings change according to the stage of life in which they
find themselves, this as a result of the transformations that occur at a
physiological level, but not only that, but also due to social interests and
personal and professional development and it is considered that a person has a
good quality of life when the health, intellectual and social aspects are covered.
It must also be taken into account that the physical changes that occur with
aging reduce physical and mental capacities, leading, in most cases, to isolation
of the elderly, which is why it is essential to adopt measures aimed at
preserving their health, reducing risks of accidents, address existing illnesses
and, as far as possible, avoid the development of new illnesses, as well as
promote an environment of integration and communication where you feel

2.2. Proposal for a nursing home for the elderly

The proposal for the house must present an environment suitable for elderly
people, who have many needs as already described before, this proposal seeks
to provide a better lifestyle for these people, providing them with a spacious and
comfortable space where They can interact without neglecting their health.

The proposal must consider all the aspects mentioned in the previous chapters
in order to offer all the benefits that an adult needs to be able to age with dignity
and in the best conditions. The characteristics that each area has must be met
to the extent that they can avoid discomfort. , discomfort and/or possible
unwanted accidents that can cause irreparable marks.

2.3. Materials used in a nursing home

In the rest houses for the elderly that have been reviewed in previous points
(Bamboo senior, Comprehensive Center for the Elderly of the La Molina district,
Comprehensive Center for the Elderly of the Miraflores district), it has been
found that the materials of which They have manufactured the walls, ceilings,
floors, windows, doors, etc. They have been selected very delicately so as not
to generate possible accident points.

The following materials were used for the design:

❖ Concrete: is the mixture of cement, coarse sand, stone and water.

❖ Wood: is the material that makes up most of the trunk of a tree.

❖ Rubber non-slip: It is a mat that is placed on the floors to prevent

involuntary slipping.

❖ PVC non-slip

❖ Metal Railing: This material is used for railings.

❖ Marble Railing: This material is used for railings.

❖ Wooden railing: This material is used for railings.

❖ Tempered glass: Used for windows.

❖ Transparent glass: Used for windows.

❖ Sliding doors: Used for room doors.

❖ Windows with solar control: They are used to temper the place

❖ Fluorescents: They are used to illuminate the place.

❖ Lamps: Used in bedrooms, bathrooms.

❖ Furniture: Used for sleeping, sitting.

❖ Curtains: Used to cover windows.

❖ Painting: To give life to the interior of the house.

❖ tiled roof

❖ Wood roof

❖ metal roof

❖ Sheet roof

2.4. Prototype proposals that have been developed

The prototypes that were developed were based on research into the different
rest houses that have been created to date, which present some common
characteristics that have served as a guide to establish what conditions rest
houses for disabled people should have. third age.

4 prototypes have been developed as a group, meeting all the requirements

that were investigated from previous works and that are necessary to be able to
offer a high quality service to the elderly. Safety conditions are essential for a
place with these characteristics in caring for the elderly.

⮚ Prototype No. 1

Prototype No. 1 is the plan of a rest house for the elderly of 350 m2, in its
design it has 4 toilets (3 secondary and 1 main) that are made of concrete
material and majolica floors, it has a green area located in the far right part with
an area of 100 m2 and has chairs, trees, pools. In addition, it has a large dining
room where lunch is served and has tables where older adults can sit in groups;
In addition, the dining room has a kiosk selling snacks, the infirmary is a very
important area within the design; Likewise, it has a laundry area with all the
appropriate implements for the correct washing of clothes. In addition, the room
areas are spacious and have 2 partitions for all guests. Like any business, there
must be an administrative area that records everything that happens inside the
house, and finally there is a recreation and reading area so that older adults can
spend time on productive things and not think about things that may depress
them. or cause sadness.

⮚ Prototype No. 2

This design has an area of 400 m2 and has compartments with great amenities;
The rooms have 4 partitions where 2 partitions are subdivided that have direct
contact with each other, it also has a dining room located in the central area of
the house of considerable size where lunch can be digested at ease and it also
has a small store where one can indulge in a few treats, it also has 8 toilets
located in strategic areas of the house. It has 2 workshop areas located in
extreme areas of each other, it also has an infirmary located near the dining
room, and near the meeting room where adults meet continuously. In addition, it
has an administrative area located near the entrance door, and also has a
parking lot that is outside the establishment; that is, in the outer courtyard.

⮚ Prototype No. 3

The following plan is of a rest house located in Arequipa, it belongs to a 300
square meter house, it has a parking lot for visitors to enter the property. Near
the parking lot there is a store where you can find sweets, gifts, food among
other things in case family members want to buy something. Next we have the
reception area, which will be next to the parking lot, this will be the main
entrance to the rest house and the only one through which visitors will be able
to enter. The reception area has 2 doors, one is leading to the parking lot and
the other leads to a corridor wide enough for a disabled person to move freely.
There are few corridors, but they connect the entire rest house. Through this
corridor, family members can accompany the residents and get to know all the
rooms of the rest house more easily. In front of the reception area we find the
reading area, a comfortable area where residents can come in to read, and their
family members can also come in to read something for their resident family
member. To the left of this area is the living room, an area with many tables,
furniture in which there are many board games, video games, in this area
residents and their families can enjoy all the rest houses such as playing cards,
bingo, PlayStation games, chess and there is also a large television on which
you can watch movies or a television program. In front of the living room, the
resident can find the main dining room, in which there is a large kitchen. The
resident can find their meals for the day according to the established schedule,
the environment is large enough for all residents to be together while eating
their meals, during emergency hours each resident is observed and assisted by
the trained staff of the rest home in case of emergency and in case there is any
discomfort on the part of the resident. Very close to the dining room, residents
will be able to find their rooms, which are shared rooms in many cases, which
promotes coexistence. In front of the rooms of non-resident residents and their
family members you can find the nursing area, which will have specialized
doctors and a pharmacy with medications and equipment necessary to care for
residents. If residents wish to use the toilets, they will be easy to locate because
it is located in front of the bedrooms, there is a small one inside the dining room,
also next to the living area and finally in the garden store. The rest house is
implemented with everything necessary for the resident to live safely and
entertained. Family members can enter the different areas of the rest house,
after prior coordination with the rest house administrators. Regarding the visiting
area, residents will be able to receive visitors every day at an established time
from 8 to 11am and from 3 to 6pm.

⮚ Prototype No. 4

The fourth prototype has an area of 500 m2 and also has various areas that
allow older adults to have a full life. This house has a reception area where
visitors are received and are documented to prevent the entry of unscrupulous
people, then there is the dining room where adults sit to taste their food and if
they have a craving they can consume a product from The small store that it
owns, next to the dining room is the infirmary that carries out important work
within the establishment since the medical control of the elderly is of vital
importance. In addition, there are 2 room areas where the bedrooms are
located as a couple so that guests do not feel very lonely at any time, and as
fresh air is of vital importance, there is a large internal garden where adults go
out. to walk, breathe, admire, talk. Very close to the green areas there is a
recreation and reading area for reading lovers, there are good books that
captivate readers; There is also a laundry where only people authorized to use
the equipment will be allowed to enter. To finish the description, we have the
administrative area, which is where all the activities carried out within the
nursing home are recorded and, like any place, it must also have hygienic
services well adapted for people who move in wheelchairs and finally The
house has an external parking area where visitors can safely leave their

2.5. Selected prototype

Prototype No. 4

The chosen prototype is number 4, which consists of a house located in the city
of Ica which has a dry climate with a temperature of 20°C throughout the year.
The city of Ica is made up of coastal plains and extensive deserts, which makes
it a tourist place full of landscapes that the resident of the rest house with their
family can enjoy.

The prototype was selected due to the internal structure it has and the
environment that will surround the rest house, which is a quiet environment.

❖ Definition of the prototype

For the selection of the prototype, many factors were taken into account, such
as the environment of the rest house, the number of green areas, the number of
rooms. The prototype has a laundry area and has several passageways in
which people can walk through the place with their family. Unlike the other
prototypes, this one is much larger and better structured because it has more
space for people to walk around the place. Residents can explore it freely and it
has more environments such as the administrative area, the candy store. The
rest house proposal is located in a tourist area near the beach, which gives it
the conditions to make it a relaxing place.

❖ Used materials

Due to the dry area in which the rest house would be located, the house must
have specific characteristics that are in accordance with the area. As
mentioned, the rest house has around 500 square meters, which are distributed
among all areas of the rest house.

Roofs: The rest house has a single floor and has a concrete roof, which is
supported by thick anti-seismic beams, these beams have 30 irons, which are
strongly connected to the roof, the roof must have a coating that prevents
humidity of the environment.

Walls: The walls of the rest house are made of concrete, they will have many
windows made of stainless steel, they will also be protected in case of
earthquakes, the glass that will be used will be tempered glass to avoid
accidents in case of breakage or in the event of an earthquake. The walls will
be marked in case of danger such as earthquakes or fires. The signage will be
with phosphorescent paint so that the sign can be seen in case there is a lack of
light. The walls will be painted with washable paints and will have emergency
lights in case of power outages.

Doors: The main door will be made of stainless steel because the greatest
security for residents is sought. Internally they will have screens that allow a
view of the garden that the rest house has, so that residents can rest next to the
screen and can receive natural light while doing their activities.

Bathrooms: The bathrooms will be located in many places in the house, they
will be bathrooms equipped for disabled people, and they will also have non-slip
floors. The pipes found will have sensors that allow only the necessary water to
be used at the necessary time.

Sweet Shop: The sweet shop will be colorful and themed to promote a pleasant
environment for residents. All types of sweets will be sold there, but these will
have controls to prevent excessive sugar consumption.

Cafeteria: The cafeteria belongs to a restaurant where the resident can

consume their food with their family. The cafeteria has many tables, and several
sections that allow the comfort and privacy of residents. It should be noted that
at all places and times the resident will take care of the residents in case any
health problem occurs.

Living room: The living room will be one of the largest areas of all the rest
house because it will allow all residents to coexist and have fun. It will be
approximately 20 square meters. And it will have many tables and furniture
where residents can rest. There will also be board games such as chess, bingo
and many recreational games.

Reading Area: The reading room will be a peaceful area that will have many
cabinets with books of all kinds. It will be air conditioned to promote the comfort
of residents. There will be a video zone within the area in which residents can
watch movies with their families.

Administrative area: This area will have many closets with all the residents'
documentation, especially the medical records of each resident, in order to
maintain health control of the residents.

Green areas or garden: This area will be a large place where residents can go
for a walk alone or with others. It will have benches and swings in case
residents receive visits from their young relatives such as their grandchildren.

2.6. Final plan

The final plan is presented using AutoCAD software and with the
measurements established for each area within the establishment. It has all the
aforementioned characteristics and thus can satisfy the needs of older adults
who are looking for a place where they can feel comfortable and adapt quickly.



Pasadizo 2 RECEPCION 27.6 (10*2.76)

COCINA 18 (7.5*2.4) KIOSK


SSHH 12 10*8
Pasadizo 2


Pasadizo 2
Pasadizo 2



SS HH 15


10*3.5 Pasadizo 2

Pasadizo 2


Pasadizo 2

LARGO= 43.96 ANCHO= 30

This is the plan of prototype No. 4, you can see all the fixed dimensions (in
meters) of each area within the nursing home. In general, it measures 43.96
meters long and 30 meters wide, which generates an area of 1318.8 square
meters and as stated in previous points, it is recommended that the nursing
home for the elderly have a single level to avoid effort and risk of going up and
down stairs continuously.

Below, the digitized plan is presented in AutoCAD for a better visualization of

the general measurements of the surface necessary to comply with each area
that must be present so that the life of the elderly is comfortable and pleasant
while they are within the facilities.


3.1. Impact on society

This work has the objective of positively impacting society because it seeks to
revalue the existence of elderly people by giving them the care they need and
demonstrating that they are important.

There are many families who, for work reasons, do not have the time necessary
to provide the required care to the elderly who live with them or in other cases
of people who feel alone and can support themselves but who do not feel sure
that they are aging. insurance, it is for that part of society that we provide our
services and offer them the best conditions so that the final stretch of their lives
is the best possible.

In addition, an impact would be generated within a society that is increasingly

cruel to older adults, respect is something that is lost over the years and more
so towards the most prone; It is no longer safe to hire a trusted personal
assistant to provide basic services so that an older adult is struggling and not
feel alone, which in many cases can lead to depression. So presenting a very
positive alternative that avoids many problems for adults and their families is
what we want to achieve with the presentation of this design.

3.1.1. Impact on location

The location of our rest house will provide a different service from what is
already known, so planting trees on the perimeter is of vital importance so that
the view is very attractive, with this it would be possible to somewhat improve
the air that is breathed in the place. the establishment is located. In addition, the
construction of paths where visitors can move will improve the physical
appearance of the place, and something very important is the lighting that must
be present when night falls. The access roads must always be in good
condition for the movement of people in wheelchairs and the road or tracks

must have the best asphalt so as not to cause inconvenience to the relatives of
the elderly.

3.1.2. Source of work

The impact must also be made for the people who live near the place, and this
is achieved with the jobs that would be generated by being able to build a care
center for the elderly. The jobs would be diverse according to the level of
training one has and the position they need to obtain.

Generating a positive impact on society is very important for the success of a

company and a sure way to do it is by offering jobs for the local inhabitants.
This can make a notable difference in adapting the business quickly and in
Otherwise, it can generate endless conflicts that only tarnish the reputation of
the establishment.

3.2. Impact on population health

The impact on the health of the population is positive because it seeks not only
to improve the quality of life of the elderly but also to increase their average age
of life.
Improving living conditions does not add years of life, but it does give you the
characteristics to enjoy the last moments in this world, which is why we seek to
positively impact the health of the most experienced members of the family,
generating May your health last as long as possible and without any
inconvenience that cannot be solved.

3.2.1. Quality of life and health

“A man is not well until he is happy, healthy, and prosperous; and happiness,
health, and prosperity are the result of a harmonious adjustment of the interior
with the exterior of man.” James Allen

Currently, the concept of health and quality of life are closely related and their
indices allow evaluating technical-medical aspects related to the care and
attention of people. Therefore, the study of quality of life has become a
multidimensional field where various sciences provide knowledge in order to
provide a level of functionality for people.

Various studies show that there is a bidirectional relationship between quality of

life and both physical and mental illnesses. An example of this are the findings
of the relationship between quality of life and anxiety and depression disorders,
where the lower the quality of life, there are high levels of anxiety and/or
depression and vice versa. This is due to the presence of psychological
variables such as high levels of stress, low control over one's own life, low
social support and personal performance, generating a low level of satisfaction
and success in life, poor emotional regulation, which ultimately affects the
quality of life (Padilla, 2005).

3.2.2. Effect on the environment of the elderly

In many cases, the relatives of older adults are not in a position to provide them
with the care they deserve and much less trust domestic workers for different
reasons; That is why this design of the rest house for the elderly seeks to
provide that security to the family member and to the elderly adult themselves,
who within this house will have the best conditions in services, food, recreation
so that they can feel comfortable and not generate concern in the people
around him.

The aim is not to isolate grandpa from the house but rather to place him in a
place where he can feel active and not be afraid that something could happen
to him every day. The aim is to provide a space where each member feels very
sheltered and protected by the workers as well as by their colleagues inside and
outside the rest home, because every person deserves to spend the last years
of their life in the best possible way.

3.3. Impact on the environment

Within the design of a rest house, there must be a mandatory area for
vegetation, be it trees, roses, grass and any other type of flora, since these
plants generate cleaner air and also regulate the temperature of the room.
natural form; These conditions are very important for adults. The quality of the
air we breathe is of vital importance to take care of the respiratory tracts, which
over the years become more delicate and easy to damage. As can be seen in
Fig. No. 20 the effects that air pollution causes on vulnerable people such as
older adults.

Likewise, by having a large green area we give a better aesthetic view of the
interior of the house, which can generate a feeling of peace and tranquility for
those who can observe it every day, which is why the care of each plant It must
be constantly.

If more houses are designed like the one presented in this work, a small
positive effect could be made on our environment, which is very damaged by
the action of man, although the effect is minimal, it helps much more than if
nothing were planted. . That is why the importance of having green areas inside
or outside any house, home, school, university, etc., is vital to improve the
quality of the air we breathe and which affects us slowly and the effects are
reflected when we are seniors.


● An elderly person is not a problem and it is not necessary to look for a

rest home if the home can be adapted to the needs of the elderly person.

● For the design of a rest house, the conditions of the environment

surrounding the rest house for senior citizens must be taken into

● In Peru there are many rest houses that have many deficiencies,

especially with respect to the material they are made of.

● Rest homes must seek to preserve and protect the lives of elderly people

by taking care of their health.

● For a single purpose there are many ways to design the prototype, in this

case there were 4 doors.

● The design of the product is carried out according to the purpose of the

product to be designed.

● Rest homes for the elderly generate a great impact on society.


● It is recommended to analyze all the benefits that a rest home for seniors

can provide.

● When designing a rest home, the family members of the elderly person

must be taken into account.

● It is recommended to take into account the socioeconomic level of the

population in the design of the product so that the final product is not so

● It is recommended that in each region of the country there be at least

one rest home for the elderly.

● It is recommended to visit our relatives who reside in the rest homes and

also those who are not there.

● It is recommended to seek health specialists for the implementation of a

rest home for the elderly.

● It is recommended to analyze the environmental, economic and social

impact in the design of a rest house.

● It is recommended to minimize the environmental impact in the design

and production of a new product.

● It is recommended to consult the population to whom the new product

being designed is directed.


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⮚ Atanacio, M., & Malnati, A. (2020). Retrieved on July 12, 2020, from

⮚ Belda, P., & Caballero, G. (2020). Retrieved on July 17, 2020, from

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⮚ Viviano, T. (2020). Family violence in older adults in Peru. Retrieved on

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⮚ Tirado, E., & Mamani, F. (2020). The situation of the elderly population in

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⮚ World Health Organization, (2014). Health issues. Mental health. Retrieved

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⮚ Jose C. (2020). “QUALITY OF LIFE AND HEALTH”. Retrieved on August

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