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2 GOD : to know Him more, to be in contact with After Jesus there will be no more word, we do

Him, to praise Him. For this reason, throughout not have to wait for another revelation from God.
GOD CREATED MAN history men have worshiped, temples, prayed, All those new religions or sects that say that God
- God created everything: the universe, the sun, and sacrificed to God. has told their leaders how things should be, are
the planets, the earth and everything in it. - This is why it is said that man is by nature wrong and try to deceive us.
God made: the water, the plants, the animals, RELIGIOUS, that he seeks God, because he
the air... and he made everything BEAUTIFUL. He knows that only in God will he find truth and
created all this to give it to someone: Man. happiness.
- A great saint called Saint Augustine said: "You
- MAN is the most important of all that God has have made me for yourself and my heart will be
created. restless until it rests in You."
Because? Because he made it in his IMAGE AND
LIKENESS , that is, similar to God himself. GOD REVEALS HIMSELF TO
- He gave man gifts that no other being in creation
has: he gave him intelligence to think, he gave
him a will to do things and he gave him a SOUL - God throughout history revealed himself to man.
so that he could enjoy Him for all eternity, that is , What does this mean? It means that he chose
forever, when his body is gone. certain special men called PROPHETS to know
- Have you thought about how much God loves us him, listen to him and know his will, to tell it to
to have made us like this? other men.
- The catechism teaches us that:
" God used chosen men, who used all their
talents to write down everything and only what - Why did God reveal things to men? Because he
God wanted." loves us.
- Why did God reveal things to men?
To tell us what we have to do to save
ourselves, to get to heaven.


- God wanted everything he had revealed to be
preserved and transmitted to all generations of
men. Men worried about writing what God told
them through the prophets and later through
Christ himself.
This is how A SACRED BOOK was formed:
- At first man in PARADISE could be with God, THE BIBLE.
talk to Him, but remember that the first men Adam 5
and Eve sinned and then were expelled from - The Bible is also called HOLY SCRIPTURE and
- God told the Prophets to announce that a “ is the word of God. Yes, it is God himself who is
Paradise and lost that direct relationship with God.
However, God loved us so much that he did Savior” would come to the world. the author of this book .
not abandon us, but later sent his son Jesus - In the Bible, the Church finds its nourishment
4 and its strength. In the Bible, God goes out to
Christ to save us.
- The most perfect, most complete way in which meet his children to talk with them.
3 God revealed himself, that is, made himself
known to men was through his SON JESUS HOW IS THE BIBLE FORMED ?
MAN IS A BEING CHRIST. Jesus told us with his life, with his - The book of the Bible, or the Holy Scripture, is
example and with his words EVERYTHING that
RELIGIOUS God wanted to tell us.
divided into two large parts:
The Old Testament, which is 46 books.
- Man, in different ways, HAS ALWAYS SEEKED - Look at this, which is very important:
The New Testament is 27 books. had books removed and then you cannot receive
the complete message that God wanted to give us
to know Him.
Look in the Bible Index to see if the 7 books
are included: Tobias, Judith I and Judith II,
Maccabees, Wisdom, Sirach and Baruch.
Another simpler way to make sure that the
Bible is complete and that it is a CATHOLIC
BIBLE is to check that the first pages have a
round seal of the Archbishop.


This tells us: what the creation of the world - The Church recommends that all Catholics read
was like, everything that God told the the Bible, the word of God, every day, because
PROPHETS, the history of the people of Israel this reading will be food for our soul, it will help us
(which is the people that God chose and from know what God wants to tell us and what Jesus
where Jesus would later be born). Christ taught us.
The main purpose of all these writings was
to prepare men for the coming of Christ .
This begins when Jesus is born and is formed
as follows: : - You believe that God has created you and loves
- This month, I will do whatever it takes to follow a you... but sometimes you feel far away, you don't
BIBLE for our home, I will put it in a place where know what he wants to tell you. If you want to
a) THE GOSPELS --- There are 4: that of
the whole family can take it and I will make it a listen to God and his word, you can know the
Saint Matthew, Saint Mark, Saint Luke and Saint
John. habit to read a little piece of it every day. I will start word of God, what He wants to tell you, by
The gospels are the most important part of by reading the Gospels. reading the sacred book that is THE BIBLE.
the Bible, the best, the most precious because 1 In this booklet we will talk to you about the
they tell us how Jesus was born, everything he did Bible .
during his life, everything he told us and how he

died and was resurrected.
tell us everything the apostles experienced after
Jesus went to heaven and all the efforts and
persecutions they went through to be able to start
the Church.
c) THE EPISTLES --- They are the letters
written by Saint Paul, Saint Peter (first Pope),
Saint James and Saint John. (34)
d) THE APOCALYPSE --- It is the book that
tells us the prophecies, what will happen until the The Bible
world ends.

- The true Bible has a total of 73 books. Be very

careful when you find or are offered a Bible with
66 books because it is a Protestant Bible that has

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