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Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Monthly Voting Meeting

IHS York Hall
400 Lake Street, Ithaca, NY 14850
Second Tuesdays- 6:00 p.m. (Anticipated motion to immediately enter into executive session. Board
expects to resume public session at 7:00 p.m.)

Our VISION: 6,000+ Thinkers.

Our MISSION is to engage, educate, and empower. We will strive to engage all students in the
importance and relevance of thinking; to educate every learner to communicate, comprehend, and
collaborate for understanding; and to empower all in the ICSD to achieve academic excellence.

Ithaca City School District GOALS:

* Culture of Excellence: To foster an affirming and respectful culture of excellence where all students
maximize their potential and where we as a community of educators take responsibility for the success of
each student.
* Equity: Produce Academic Achievement for ALL students by removing race, class, gender and disability
as predictors of academic success.
* Communication: To enhance district, family and community communication and dialogue.

Attachments and details of resolutions are included in the Agenda on the website; motions and voting
results and notes will be in the Minutes. Video segments are attached to most agenda items after the
minutes are released.
1. Call to Order
Subject : 1.1 Call Public Meeting to Order
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting
Category : 1. Call to Order
Type : Procedural

Public Content
Board President calls public meeting to order.

2. Executive Session (Anticipated)

Subject : 2.1 Enter Executive Session
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting
Category : 2. Executive Session (Anticipated)
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to enter into Executive Session for the purpose
of discussing the following:
the employment history of a particular individual and
pending litigation
Public Content
1. Upon a majority vote of its total membership, taken in an open meeting pursuant to a motion
identifying the general area or areas of the subject or subjects to be considered, a public body may
conduct an executive session for the below enumerated purposes only, provided, however, that no
action by formal vote shall be taken to appropriate public moneys:

a. matters which will imperil the public safety if disclosed;

b. any matter which may disclose the identity of a law enforcement agent or informer;
c. information relating to current or future investigation or prosecution of a criminal offense
which would imperil effective law enforcement if disclosed;
d. discussions regarding proposed, pending or current litigation;
e. collective negotiations pursuant to article fourteen of the civil service law;
f. the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person or corporation, or
matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline,
suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation;
g. the preparation, grading or administration of examinations; and
h. the proposed acquisition, sale or lease of real property or the proposed acquisition of
securities, or sale or exchange of securities held by such public body, but only when publicity
would substantially affect the value thereof.

2. Attendance at an executive session shall be permitted to any member of the public body and any
other persons authorized by the public body.

Motion & Voting

Motion to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing the following:
the employment history of a particular individual and pending litigation

Motion by Jill Tripp, second by Adam Krantweiss.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Adam Krantweiss, Moira Lang,
Jill Tripp
Not Present at Vote: Eldred V Harris, Karen Yearwood
Subject : 2.2 Exit Executive Session
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting
Category : 2. Executive Session (Anticipated)
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to return to Public Session.

3. Return to Public Session

Subject : 3.1 Pledge of Allegiance
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting
Category : 3. Return to Public Session
Type : Procedural
Subject : 3.2 Approval or Modification of Tentative
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 3. Return to Public Session
Type : Procedural

4. Receiving and Hearing of Delegations

Subject : 4.1 Public Comment Period
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 4. Receiving and Hearing of
Type : Information

Public Content
Max 30 minutes. Comments limited to three minutes per person. Sign in at front desk.

Subject : 4.2 Board Response

Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 4. Receiving and Hearing of
Type : Discussion
Subject : 4.3 Student Reps
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 4. Receiving and Hearing of
Type : Report

Public Content
Ithaca High School: Mukund Gaur, Claire Park, Lucine Barseghyan, Caedmon Sethupathy

LACS: Stella Sapp-Dietrich, Leo Scott, Oden Entwood

Subject : 4.4 Board Response

Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 4. Receiving and Hearing of
Type : Discussion

5. Consent Agenda
Subject : 5.1 Approval of Consent Agenda
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting
Category : 5. Consent Agenda
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items
listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of Accounts,
Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous
Meeting as presented

Public Content
Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing
several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the
consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation.
Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in
advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent
agenda at the request of any board member.

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Eldred V Harris.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Karen Yearwood
Abstain: Jill Tripp

6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts

Subject : 6.1 Official Statement/ Treasurer's Report -
February 2024
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Official Statement/Treasurer's
Report for February 2024 as part of the Consent Agenda.

Public Content
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the Ithaca City School District hereby accepts the attached
Treasurer's Reports, for the month of January 2024, based on information provided to the Board of Education
and placed on file.
Treasurer's Notes:
As of February 29, 2024 a total of $105,387,132 is held in ICSD accounts. This includes $25,886,950 in available
Capital Funds and investments totaling $39,533,862. The month of March will bring some significant State Aid
payments as well as the start of CD maturities and short/long term reinvesting.

File Attachments
Treasurers Report 23-24 - Feb 24.pdf (190 KB)

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Eldred V Harris.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Karen Yearwood
Abstain: Jill Tripp
Subject : 6.2 Resolution to Approve Letter of Recommendation for
award of Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing Professional
Services to Mechanical Testing, Inc.
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Resolution to Approve Letter of
Recommendation for award of Testing, Adjusting, and
Balancing Professional Services to Mechanical Testing,
Inc. as part of the Consent Agenda

File Attachments
2024 03 21 - TAB Recommendation Letter - FINAL.pdf (70 KB)

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Eldred V Harris.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Karen Yearwood
Abstain: Jill Tripp
Subject : 6.3 Resolution to Approve Letter of Recommendation for
award of Commissioning Services to Taitem Engineering
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve Resolution to Approve Letter of
Recommendation for award of Commissioning Services to
Taitem Engineering as part of the Consent Agenda

File Attachments
2024 03 21 - Commissioning Recommendation - FINAL.pdf (73 KB)

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Eldred V Harris.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Karen Yearwood
Abstain: Jill Tripp
Subject : 6.4 Appropriation of Special Aid Funds State of New
York Universal Pre-K 7/1/23- 6/30/24 - $1,292,628
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Appropriation of Special Aid Funds
State of New York Universal Pre-K 7/1/23- 6/30/24 -
$1,292,628 as part of the Consent Agenda.

Public Content
WHEREAS, the Board of Education has received approval for a Universal PreKindergarten grant,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the special aid fund project be and hereby is established for a total of $1,292,628
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the $1,292,628 be appropriated as follows:
F-PREK24~-2510-150-39 Admin. $671,877
F-PREK24~-2510-167-39 Pre-K Teacher Aide $429,578
F-PREK24~-2510-400-39 Pre-K Contract Services $160,000
F-PREK24~-2510-450-39 Pre-K Classroom Supplies $3,500
F-PREK24~-2510-800-39 Pre-K Benefits $27,673
Rev. Code: F-PREK24-3289-000 Pre-K Program

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Eldred V Harris.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Karen Yearwood
Abstain: Jill Tripp
Subject : 6.5 Appropriation of Special Aid Funds - State of New
York Title I - 9/1/2023 - 8/31/2024 - $928,099
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Appropriation of Special Aid Funds
- State of New York Title I - 9/1/2023 - 8/31/2024 -
$928,099 as part of the Consent Agenda.

Public Content
WHEREAS,, the Board of Education has received approval for the Title IA Grant,

BE IT RESOLVED,that the special aid fund be and hereby is established for a total of $928,099
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the $928,099 be appropriated as follows:
F-T124~~~-2110-150-39 Instructional Salaries $902,430
F-T124~~~-2110-450-00 Supplies $25,669
NOTE:This federal program provides supplemental financial assistance to school districts/schools with a high
percentage of children from low-income families, to provide all children a significant opportunity to receive a
fair, equitable, high-quality education and to close educational achievement gaps.
Rev. Code: F-T124-4126-000

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Eldred V Harris.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Karen Yearwood
Abstain: Jill Tripp
Subject : 6.6 Appropriation of Special Aid Funds- State of New
York - Title IIA - 9/1/2023 - 8/31/2024 - $144,919
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Appropriation of Special Aid Funds-
State of New York - Title IIA - 9/1/2023 - 8/31/2024 -
$144,919 as part of the Consent Agenda.

Public Content
WHEREAS,, the Board of Education has received approval for the Title IIA Grant,

BE IT RESOLVED,that the Special Aid Fund be and hereby is established for a total of $144,919
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the $144,919 be appropriated as follows:
F-T2A24~~-2110-120-00 Instructional Salaries $144,919
NOTE: Title 2 A is a federal grant that flows through New York state.Title II fundscan be used to provide
supplemental activities that strengthen the quality and effectiveness of teachers, principals, and other school
leaders. The purpose ofTitle IIis to: Provide low-income and minority students greater access to effective
teachers, principals, and other school leaders. Funds are also allocated to private schools with qualifying
students within the Ithaca City School District.
Rev. Code: F-T2A24-4289-000

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Eldred V Harris.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Karen Yearwood
Abstain: Jill Tripp
Subject : 6.7 Appropriation of Special Aid Funds- State of New
York - Title IIIA, ELL - 9/1/2023 - 8/31/2024 - $34,149
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Appropriation of Special Aid Funds-
State of New York - Title IIIA, ELL - 9/1/2023 - 8/31/2024 -
$34,149 as part of the Consent Agenda.

Public Content
WHEREAS, the Board of Education has received approval for the Title IIIA ELL Education Grant,

BE IT RESOLVED,that the special aid fund be and hereby is established for a total of $34,149
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the $34,149 be appropriated as follows:
F-T3LEP24~~-2110-150-39 Instructional Salaries $26,178
F-T3LEP24~~-2110-160-39 Non Instructional Salaries $3,671
F-T3LEP24~~-2110-400-39 Contractual Services $4,300
NOTE:This federal program provides supplemental financial assistance to school districts/schools to help
ensure that English learners, including immigrant children and youth, attain English proficiency and develop
high levels of academic achievement and assist teachers (including preschool teachers), administrators, and
other school leaders in developing and enhancing their capacity to provide effective instructional programs.
Rev. Code: F-T3IMM24-4126-000

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Eldred V Harris.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Karen Yearwood
Abstain: Jill Tripp
Subject : 6.8 Appropriation of Special Aid Funds - State of New
York Title IIIA Immigrant Education - 9/1/2023 - 8/31
/2024 - $25,884
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Appropriation of Special Aid Funds -
State of New York Title IIIA Immigrant Education - 9/1
/2023 - 8/31/2024 - $25,884 as part of the Consent

Public Content
WHEREAS, the Board of Education has received approval for the Title IIIA Immigrant Education Grant,

BE IT RESOLVED,that the special aid fund be and hereby is established for a total of $25,884
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the $25,884 be appropriated as follows:
F-T3IMM24~~-2110-150-39 Instructional Salaries $25,634
F-T3IMM24~~-2110-400-39 Contractual Services $250
NOTE:This federal program provides supplemental financial assistance to school districts/schoolsto help
ensure that English learners, including immigrant children and youth, attain English proficiency and develop
high levels of academic achievement and assist teachers (including preschool teachers), administrators, and
other school leaders in developing and enhancing their capacity to provide effective instructional programs.
Rev. Code: F-T3LEP24-4126-000

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Eldred V Harris.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Karen Yearwood
Abstain: Jill Tripp
Subject : 6.9 Appropriation of Special Aid Funds - State of New
York - Title IV - 9/1/2023 - 8/31/2024 - $75,331
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Appropriation of Special Aid Funds
- State of New York - Title IV - 9/1/2023 - 8/31/2024 -
$75,331 as part of the Consent Agenda.

Public Content
WHEREAS,, the Board of Education has received approval for the Title IV Grant,

BE IT RESOLVED,that the special aid fund be and hereby is established for a total of $75,331
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the $75,331 be appropriated as follows:
F-T424~~~-2110-120-01 Reading Teachers $75,331
NOTE: Title IV is a Federal grant that flows through New York State.Title IVPart A of the Federal Elementary
and Secondary Education Act provides districts with funds to build capacity and ensure that all students have
access to a high quality educational experience, support well-rounded educational opportunities and support
safe and healthy students.
Rev. Code: F-T424-4289-000

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Eldred V Harris.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Karen Yearwood
Abstain: Jill Tripp
Subject : 6.10 Appropriation of Special Aid Funds - State of New
York Title I School Improvement - 9/1/23- 8/31/24 -
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Appropriation of Special Aid Funds -
State of New York Title I School Improvement - 9/1/23- 8
/31/24 - $300,000 as part of the Consent Agenda.

Public Content
WHEREAS, the Board of Education has received approval for the Title IA Improvement Grant,

BE IT RESOLVED,that the special aid fund be and hereby is established for a total of $300,000
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the $300,000be appropriated as follows:
F-TSIGB24-2110-150-00 Instructional Salaries $266,680
F-TSIGB24-2110-160-00 Non Instructional Salaries $6,000
F-TSIGB24-2110-400-00 Contract Services $9,000
F-TSIGB24-2110-450-00 Supplies $16,271
F-TSIGB24-2110-800-00 Employee Benefits $2,049
NOTE:This federal program provides supplemental financial assistance to school districts/schools with a high
percentage of children from low-income families, to use the funds to provide adequate resources in order to
substantially raise the achievement of students in their lowest-performing schools
Rev. Code: F-TSIGB24-4126-000

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Eldred V Harris.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Karen Yearwood
Abstain: Jill Tripp
Subject : 6.11 Appropriation of Special Aid Funds - State of New
York - IDEA Section 611 - 7/1/2023 - 6/30/2024 -
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Appropriation of Special Aid Funds -
State of New York - IDEA Section 611 - 7/1/2023 - 6/30
/2024 - $1,457,839 as part of the Consent Agenda.

Public Content
WHEREAS, the Board of Education has received approval for the IDEA Section 611 grant,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the special aid fund project be and hereby is established for a total of
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the $1,457,839 be appropriated as follows:
F-I61124~-2250-150-01 Special Education Teachers $1,397,843
F-I61124~-2250-433-33 Federal Flow Through $16,872
F-I61124~-2250-800-33 Employee Benefits $43,124
Rev. Code: I61124-4256-000
Note: TheIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 611 grant is awarded annually
to support special education for children and youth with disabilities.

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Eldred V Harris.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Karen Yearwood
Abstain: Jill Tripp
Subject : 6.12 Appropriation of Special Aid Funds State of New
York IDEA Section 619 7/1/23 -6/30/24 - $80,048
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Appropriation of Special Aid Funds
State of New York IDEA Section 619 7/1/23 -6/30/24 -
$80,048 as part of the Consent Agenda

Public Content
WHEREAS, the Board of Education has received approval for the IDEA Section 619 grant,
BE IT RESOLVED, that the special aid fund project be and hereby is established for a total of $80,048,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the $80,048 be appropriated as follows:
F-I61924~-2250-150-00 Special Education Teachers $71,106
F-I61924~-2250-433-33 Federal Flow through $6,816
F-I61924~-2250-800-00 Employee Benefits $2,126
Rev. Code: I61924-4256-000
Note: TheIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 619 grant is awarded annually to support
preschool children ages three through five.

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Eldred V Harris.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Karen Yearwood
Abstain: Jill Tripp
Subject : 6.13 Appropriation of Special Aid Funds - State of New
York - 21st Century Community Learning Centers - 7/1/23
- 6/30/24 - $416,971
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 6. Consent Agenda - Consideration of Accounts
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Appropriation of Special Aid Funds -
State of New York - 21st Century Community Learning
Centers - 7/1/23 - 6/30/24 - $416,971 as part of the
Consent Agenda.
Public Content
WHEREAS, the Board of Education has received approval for the 21st Century Community Learning Centers,

BE IT RESOLVED,that the special aid fund be and hereby is established for a total of $416,971
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the $416,974 be appropriated as follows:
F-PICC24~~-2110-150-00 Instructional Salaries $249,580
F-PICC24~~-2110-160-00 Non Instructional Salaries $26,250
F-PICC24~~-2110-400-00 Contractual Services $80,750
F-PICC24~~-2110-450-00 Materials and Supplies $41,250
F-PICC24~~-2110-476-00 Travel $11,404
F-PICC24~~-2110-800-00 Employee Benefits $7,737
NOTE:This program supports the creation of community learning centers that provide academic enrichment
opportunities during non-school hours for children, particularly students who attend high-poverty and low-
performing schools. The program helps students meet state and local academic standards in core academic
subjects, such as reading and math; offers students a broad array of enrichment activities that can
complement their regular academic programs; and offers literacy and other educational services to the
families of participating children.
Rev. Code: F-PICC24-4126-000

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Eldred V Harris.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Karen Yearwood
Abstain: Jill Tripp

7. Consent Agenda - Personnel Report

Subject : 7.1 Administrative, Instructional, Managerial/Confidential,
Service, Educational Support, and Substitute Lists as
Recommended by Superintendent
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 7. Consent Agenda - Personnel Report
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to Approve As Part of Consent

Public Content
RESOLVED, that the reading of the administrative, instructional, managerial/confidential, service,
educational support, and substitute lists be waived and appointments, changes and revisions in
assignments, and resolutions, listed in the corresponding staff sections of the Personnel Report,
dated April 16, 2024, be approved as recommended by the Superintendent of Schools.
File Attachments
04 16 2024 Personnel Report - FINAL(1).pdf (97 KB)

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Eldred V Harris.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Karen Yearwood
Abstain: Jill Tripp

8. Consent Agenda - Students

Subject : 8.1 Recommendation for Student Placements from
Committee/Subcommittee on Special Education
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 8. Consent Agenda - Students
Type : Action (Consent)
Recommended Action : Motion to be approved as part of consent

Public Content
Resolved, that the reading of the lists of students placements be waived and the recommendations of
Committee/Subcommittees on Special Education listed in the Special Education Student Placement and
Review Reports be implemented.

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Eldred V Harris.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Karen Yearwood
Abstain: Jill Tripp

9. Consent Agenda - Minutes of Previous Meeting

Subject : 9.1 Approval of Minutes of March 26, 2024 Monthly
Discussion and Voting Meeting
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 9. Consent Agenda - Minutes of Previous Meeting
Type : Action (Consent), Minutes
Recommended Action : Motion to Approve Minutes of March 26, 2024 Monthly
Voting Meeting as part of the Consent Agenda
Minutes : View Minutes for Mar 26, 2024 - Monthly Discussion and
Voting Meeting

Public Content
RESOLVED, that the Board of Education approves the minutes of March 26, 2024, Board of Education
Monthly Discussion and Voting Meeting.

Motion & Voting

Motion to move for approval all consent agenda items listed in Consent Agenda, Consideration of
Accounts, Personnel Report, Students, and Minutes of Previous Meeting as presented

Motion by Moira Lang, second by Eldred V Harris.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Karen Yearwood
Abstain: Jill Tripp

10. Superintendent Report/Announcements

Subject : 10.1 Dr. Brown
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 10. Superintendent Report
Type : Report

11. School District Business

Subject : 11.1 2024-2025 Academic Calendar
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting
Category : 11. School District Business
Type : Action, Discussion
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar
as presented

File Attachments
2024-2025 Draft Academic Calendar (BOE Mtg 4.15.24).pdf (82 KB)

Motion & Voting

Motion to approve the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar as presented
Motion by Karen Yearwood, second by Jill Tripp.
Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Subject : 11.2 Budget Discussion
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting
Category : 11. School District Business
Type : Discussion

File Attachments
Scenario Request April 16th 2024 - FOR BOE.pdf (55 KB)
Subject : 11.3 Resolution to Adopt the 2024-2025 Ithaca City
School District Budget
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 11. School District Business
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the final budget for the Ithaca City
School District for the fiscal year of 2024-2025 in the
amount of $168,935,371

Public Content
RESOLVED, that the final budget for the Ithaca City School District for the fiscal year of 2024-2025 be hereby
adopted by the Board of Education in the amount of $168,935,371
Subject : 11.4 Resolution to Adopt the Property Tax
Report Card
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 11. School District Business
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to Adopt the the Property Tax Report Card to
accompany the annual School District budget for the
2024-2025 fiscal year

Public Content
WHEREAS the Board of Education of the City School District of the City of Ithaca, New York, Tompkins
County, desires to adopt the Property Tax Report Card to accompany the annual school district budget
for the fiscal year 2024-2025; and

WHEREAS, the property tax report card required by Sections 1608(7), 1716 (7) and 2601-a(3) of the
Education Law is as follows:
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Education of the City School District of the City of Ithaca, New
York, agrees to adopt the Property Tax Report Card to accompany the annual school district budget for
the fiscal year 2024-2025.

File Attachments
2024-25-ptrc-form adopted April 16 2024 - Simple PTRC.pdf (59 KB)

Motion & Voting

Motion to Adopt the the Property Tax Report Card to accompany the annual School District budget for
the 2024-2025 fiscal year

Motion by Katie Apker, second by Adam Krantweiss.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Subject : 11.5 Resolution Appointing Election
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 11. School District Business
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the appointment of Election officials
for the May 21, 2024 Budget Vote and Election

Public Content
WHEREAS, in accordance with Section 2604 of the New York Education Law, the Board of Education of the
Ithaca City School District (the District) has divided the District into twelve election districts; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Education is required to appoint for each such election district three qualified voters
who reside therein to act as inspectors of election at the annual budget vote and school board election of the
Ithaca City School District (the District), in accordance with Section 2607 of the New York Education Law; and

WHEREAS, Section 2607 of the New York Education Law empowers the Board of Education to appoint
additional inspectors of election when special circumstances exist requiring the services of such additional
inspectors; and

WHEREAS, the Board of Education has determined that each election district so designated requires in
excess of three inspectors in order to facilitate an orderly election, now therefore be it:

RESOLVED, that the following individuals, who are qualified voters of the district, shall be appointed as
Election Inspectors in the twelve Election Districts designated by the Board of Education for the Annual
Budget Vote and School Board Election on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 as follows:


Election Inspector Mary Hutchens

Election Inspector Connie Bodner

Poll Site Manager Jeff Dahlander

Poll Site Manager Christopher Klyne

2. BEVERLY J. MARTIN SCHOOL 309 W. Buffalo St., Ithaca, New York

Election Inspector TBD

Election Inspector Ann Warde

Election Inspector Roberta Moudry

Poll Site Manager Matt Janowsky

Poll Site Manager Vanessa Taylor

3. BELLE SHERMAN ANNEX 75 Cornell St., Ithaca, New York

Election Inspector Bruce Stark

Election Inspector Richard Bernstein

Election Inspector Michael Timonin

Election Inspector Neil Rotach

Poll Site Manager Diane Florini

Poll Site Manager Olivia Vincent

4. FALL CREEK SCHOOL 202 King St., Ithaca, New York

Election Inspector Sarah DuBois

Election Inspector TBD

Poll Site Manager Elaine LaRocque

Poll Site Manager Mary Arlin

5. SOUTH HILL SCHOOL 520 Hudson St., Ithaca, New York

Election Inspector Patricia Speno

Election Inspector Claire Nickell

Election Inspector Pamela Jenkins-Smiley

Election Inspector Etienne Merle

Poll Site Manager Jennifer Terpening

Poll Site Manager Jacquelyn Bailor

6. FRANZISKA RACKER CENTERS 3226 Wilkins Rd., Ithaca, New York

Election Inspector Patricia Mendelsohn

Election Inspector Aileen Ellis

Poll Site Manager Virginia McAuley

Poll Site Manager TBD

7. ENFIELD SCHOOL 20 Enfield Main Rd., Ithaca, New York

Election Inspector Kristin Lovelace-Ross

Election Inspector TBD

Poll Site Manager Eileen Bach

Poll Site Manager TBD

8. DANBY FIRE STATION 1780 Danby Rd., Ithaca, New York

Election Inspector TBD

Election Inspector TBD

Poll Site Manager Ted Crane

Poll Site Manager Patricia Nash

9. CAYUGA HEIGHTS SCHOOL 110 East Upland Rd., Ithaca, New York

Election Inspector Lucia Cardenas-Aceves

Election Inspector Ava Mendez

Election Inspector Sally Yates

Election Inspector James Hedlund

Poll Site Manager Dwight Mengel

Poll Site Manager Charlotte Griggs

10. CAROLINE SCHOOL 2439 Slaterville Rd., Ithaca, New York

Election Inspector Jennifer Loucks

Election Inspector Fred Conner

Poll Site Manager Martha Wilson

Poll Site Manager Cynthia Nicholson

11. NORTHEAST SCHOOL 425 Winthrop Drive, Ithaca, New York

Election Inspector Sally Harwood

Election Inspector Peter Hoppman

Election Inspector TBD

Poll Site Manager John Jackson

Poll Site Manager Angela Sorensen

12. VARNA COMMUNITY CENTER 943 Dryden Rd., Ithaca, New York

Election Inspector Elizabeth Hastings

Election Inspector Jill Fisher

Poll Site Manager Ben Curtis

Poll Site Manager TBD

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the District reserves the right to appoint additional Election Inspectors
in the event that special circumstances arise requiring the services of such additional inspectors;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that each Election Inspector for said Annual Budget Vote and School
Board Election on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, as herein provided, shall be entitled to compensation at the rate of
$16.51 per hour, the compensation rate set by the Tompkins County Board of Elections at the preceding
general election, as actually and necessarily spent in the duties of his or her office with an additional $40
compensation for attendance at a two hour District-provided training regarding the proper administration of
duties of the appointed position, contingent upon proof of attendance;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the District is hereby authorized and directed to give
written notice of appointment to the persons herein respectively appointed as such Election Inspectors of the
Annual Budget Vote and School Board Election on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

Motion & Voting

Motion to approve the appointment of Election officials for the May 21, 2024 Budget Vote and Election

Motion by Erin Croyle, second by Adam Krantweiss.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Subject : 11.6 Resolution Regarding the Election of Members to
the Board of Tompkins Seneca Tioga Board of
Cooperative Educational Services
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 11. School District Business
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to cast ICSD BOE votes for the indicated candidates
included in the following resolution and that the District Clerk
shall complete the ballot by placing an X next to the name of
each candidate for whom a vote has been cast and shall
complete a certification of this resolution
Public Content
Whereas, there is a total of three (3) vacancies on the Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga Board of Cooperative
Educational Services each for a term of three (3) years, commencing on July 1, 2024, and ending on
June 30, 2027, and
Whereas, the Board of Education of each component school district, by resolution, may cast one vote
for each vacancy to be filled, and
Whereas, no more than one person residing in a particular component school district may be elected to
serve on the Board of Cooperative Educational Services at one time, except as provided in Education
Law§1950 (2)(a), and
Whereas,a ballot has been mailed to the Clerk of the Ithaca City School District by the Clerk of the
Board of Cooperative Educational Services not later than 14 days in advance of the meeting on April
24, 2024, now therefore
Be it resolved, that the Ithaca City School District hereby casts its votes for the following candidate(s):
______ 1) Linda Competillo 3 year term 112 Sharpsteen Road ending June 30, 2027
Groton, NY 13073
School District of Residence: Groton C.S.D.
______ 2) Linda Pasto 3 year term 24 Asbury Drive ending June 30, 2027
Ithaca, NY 14850
School District of Residence:Lansing C.S.D.
______ 3) Melissa (Missy) Rynone 3 year term 25 Bull Hill Road ending June 30, 2027
Newfield, NY 14867
School District of Residence:Newfield C.S.D.

Motion & Voting

Motion to cast ICSD BOE votes for the indicated candidates included in the following resolution and that
the District Clerk shall complete the ballot by placing an X next to the name of each candidate for whom
a vote has been cast and shall complete a certification of this resolution

Motion by Erin Croyle, second by Jill Tripp.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood
Subject : 11.7 Resolution Regarding the Tentative Administrative
Budget of the Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga Board of
Cooperative Educational Services
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting Meeting
Category : 11. School District Business
Type : Action
Recommended Action : Motion to approve the Tentative Administrative Budget of
the Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga Board of Cooperative
Educational Services

Public Content
Whereas, the Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga Board of Cooperative Educational Services has provided copies of the
Tentative Administrative, Capital, and Program Budgets for 2024-2025 to members of the Board in advance of
the Annual Meeting, and
Whereas, the Board of Cooperative Educational Services has made available the Tentative Budgets at the
Annual Meeting of members of the boards of education and school trustees of the component school districts
on April 10, 2024, as required by Education Law §1950, now therefore,

Be it resolved, that the Ithaca City SchoolDistrict hereby approves the Tentative Administrative Budget as
presented in the
amount of $_6,148,830.00, and

Be it further resolved, that the administrative budget may be increased during the school year upon the
affirmative vote of all of the component school districts. Such sum shall be added to the administrative budget
and shall be considered part of the final administrative budget approved by the component school districts at
its April meeting and adopted by the Board of Cooperative Educational Services on or before May 15, 2024.

File Attachments
TST Budget Vote.pdf (3,761 KB)

Motion & Voting

Motion to approve the Tentative Administrative Budget of the Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga Board of
Cooperative Educational Services

Motion by Adam Krantweiss, second by Jill Tripp.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries
Yea: Katie Apker, Garrick Blalock, Sean Eversley Bradwell, Erin Croyle, Eldred V Harris, Adam
Krantweiss, Moira Lang, Jill Tripp, Karen Yearwood

12. Other Business

Subject : 12.1 Upcoming Dates of Importance
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting
Category : 12. Other Business
Type : Information

Public Content
Monday, 4/22/24 5:00 p.m. Capital Project Community Conversation - GIAC

Tuesday, 4/23/24 5:00 p.m. BoE Policy Work Session - York Lecture Hall

Tuesday, 4/23/24 6:00 p.m. BoE Human Resources Work Session - York Lecture Hall

Wednesday, 4/24/24 5:30 p.m. BOE Audit Work Session - York Lecture Hall

Subject : 12.2 Other Discussion Items

Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting
Category : 12. Other Business
Type : Discussion
Public Content
Other items to be discussed or shared with the Board.

13. Adjournment
Subject : 13.1 Close Public Meeting
Meeting : Apr 16, 2024 - Monthly Voting
Category : 13. Adjournment
Type : Procedural

Public Content
Board of Education President closes public meeting.

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